This term our class novel is Harry Potter and the ...

This term our class novel is Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K Rowling. We are looking forward to exploring a new genre, Fantasy, and to begin reading and analysing a new book together as a year group. During the week, we began our Hogwarts themed term by getting sorted into our Hogwarts houses. These houses will be used to tally house points for our house cup, and to compete as a team when we learn our new sport Quidditch. We are also excited to see how Harry Potter can be incorporated into our English and Maths lessons.

Transcript of This term our class novel is Harry Potter and the ...

This term our class novel is Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K Rowling. We are looking forward to exploring a new genre, Fantasy, and to begin reading and analysing a new book together

as a year group. During the week, we began our Hogwarts themed term by getting sorted into our Hogwarts houses. These houses will be used to tally house points for our house cup, and to compete as a team when we learn our new sport Quidditch. We are also excited to see how Harry Potter can

be incorporated into our English and Maths lessons.