This Technical Appendix provides the CV’s of the main ... A8.9 Surveyors CVs.pdf · Technical...

Freasdail Wind Farm RES Technical Appendix A8.9 Surveyors CV’s TECHNICAL APPENDIX A8.9 SURVEYORS CV’S This Technical Appendix provides the CV’s of the main surveyors for the ornithological surveys for the development.

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Page 1: This Technical Appendix provides the CV’s of the main ... A8.9 Surveyors CVs.pdf · Technical Appendix A8.9 – Surveyors CV’s ... Very experienced ornithologist/mammal worker

Freasdail Wind Farm


Technical Appendix A8.9 – Surveyors CV’s


This Technical Appendix provides the CV’s of the main surveyors for the ornithological surveys

for the development.

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Name: ANDREW CARROLL Address: 15 Marshall Grove Hamilton, South Lanarkshire or

Mullochard Farm House, Carr Road, Dulnain Bridge, Speyside Telephone: 01698 425010 or 07748 377 558 [email protected]

EDUCATION Falck Nutec – Offshore PST course August 2009. Auchincruive Agricultural College BSc in Countryside Management (graduated 2007) Elmwood Agricultural College, 1990 – 1992 (Block Release) SVQ in Estate Management – some of the modules covered were: Conservation Level I Rural Land Use Estate Maintenance Level II Wildlife Law Overview Very experienced ornithologist/mammal worker with over 25 years experience. I have worked on many major renewable projects (on and offshore), new bridge crossings and housing developments. Developed a close working relationship with 20 experienced surveyors and manage teams on the ground to deliver fieldwork on time and on budget on behalf of consultancies.



April 2006 – Present


Conducting Vantage Point, BBS, MBS survey work in compliance with SNH guidelines

Carrying out black grouse survey including lek location

Goose counts and mapping flight distribution and feeding

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Conducting owl surveys including woodland owls and short eared nest location

Monitoring breeding divers, assessing suitability of breeding locations

Monitoring breeding hen harrier including flight lines and nest location

Breeding raptor work including red kite, peregrine, goshawk and merlin

Wildfowl counts, both inland and foreshore

Advising on sub adult eagle activity

High tide wader roost counts

Working on capercaillie, location of leks and evidence of presence.

Advising on LBAP priority species action plans

Carrying out water vole location survey

Assisting with bat surveys, transects and point counts

Assisting with badger surveys and otter location surveys

Working alone or as part of a small team to ensure survey work carried out to specific deadlines and

meeting all health and safety requirements

Managing time effectively to ensure monthly targets and deadlines are adhered to


Carried out transects observing behaviour of seabirds and observing flight lines

Conducting point counts in relation to seabirds

Carried out sea mammal surveys from boats

Assisted in the development of methodologies for marine surveys

Jointly coordinated offshore surveys on behalf of consultancy



February 2007 – November 2007

Set-up and managed membership development schemes with Cal Mac and North Link Ferries

Liaison with reserve staff to promote the best methods of people engagement

Managing the marketing budget for Scottish recruitment effort

Visiting reserves and evaluating marketing materials. Advising on wildlife spectacles.

Meeting people face to face and encouraging them to support the RSPB

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Investigating the use of external agencies to help promote the RSPB’s work

Assisting in the recruitment of relevant staff

Overseeing and advising on new projects aimed at people engagement


April 2004-October 2004

Conducting Vantage Point survey work in compliance with SNH guidelines

Undertaking Moorland Bird Survey, carried out to the recognised national standard

Adhering to all Health and safety procedures and carrying out risk assessments for sites

Developing relationships with the landowners of the sites to ensure safe and regular access,

particularly during the shooting season

Inputting all collected data into the required computer programmes

Attending team meetings to update on progress of survey work

Assisting in the production of a development plan for the BTO in Scotland

Attended large countryside events to promote the BTO’s work in Scotland


Part of the team responsible for the reopening and regeneration of Scotland’s Lowland Canals.

June 1998 – January 2004


Two nature reserves – Blacktoft Sands (Yorkshire) and Lochwinnoch (Renfrewshire)

April 1996 – June 1998


April 1995 – October 1995

Implemented and carried out a full survey of the birds on the Forth & Clyde Canal.


October 1994 – April 1995


October 1993 - October 1994


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Angus McNab

7 Avontoun Park


West Lothian

EH49 6QG

Mobile: 07521236154

Telephone: 01506842312

Personal Statement

A lifelong birdwatcher with at least 15 years experience I have always had a passion for nature. With

a Scottish list of over 305 a great amount of time has been spent birdwatching. In addition to this I

have always enjoyed watching and identifying butterflies and more recently dragonflies and



BSc in Environmental Science, University of Stirling, 2010.

Areas of interest: Conservation, Environmental Issues, Statistical Techniques, Environmental Policy

and Management, Advanced Analytical Techniques, Practical Science Skills.

Previous work and experience

Heritage Environmental Ltd. 5 months from March to July 2010.

This included:

• osprey foraging surveys

• waterbird surveys

• black grouse surveys and lek counts

• raptor vantage point surveys

• moorland bird surveying

• breeding bird surveys.

A range of habitats were covered in this time; predominately moorland and pine and spruce forests,

with the occasional farmland and deciduous woodland bird survey.

Heritage Environmental Ltd. 2006-2008 in Summer Breaks from university. Totalling around 7

months experience in:

• Breeding bird surveys

• Vantage Point surveys for raptors, wildfowl and waders

• Black grouse leck counts and surveys

I surveyed a range of sites in Highland, Argyll, Borders, Strathclyde and Perthshire during this time

covering a range of habitats. Experience was gained in moorland and conifer habitats as well as

shorebird surveys, deciduous woodland and farmland in both lowland and upland environments.

• Grayling butterfly Relocation Project

Capture and relocation of Graylings from a brownfield site on the West coast, including individuals

for breeding programme.

In addition to bird survey work have done number of both reptile and bat surveys for Heritage

Environmental Ltd.

WeBS counts (voluntary) for a number of years

• River Avon Pools

• Linlithgow Loch

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Calum David Scott Curriculum Vitae (March 2010)

Place & Date of Birth: Edinburgh, Lothian, 25th

June 1964

Nationality: Scottish Marital Status: Single

Home Address: 1 Wester Broom Avenue, Edinburgh, Lothian. EH12 7QU

Telephone: (home) 0131 538 6199 (mobile) 077548 53737

E-mail: [email protected]

Current/Previous Survey Work & Experience

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Surveyor

March 2010 to date presently working through Andy Carroll/ACE Surveyors ACE Surveyors, Mullochard Farmhouse, Dulnain Bridge, Inverness-shire, PH26 3LZ

May 2004 Surveyed at proposed windfarm sites in upland areas of Highland & Borders.

- April 2005 Employed by BTO Scotland, 3A-125 Cottrell Building, University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA.

One large site situated NW of Fort William (Loch Arkaig, Highland).

Upland wader and raptor breeding surveys – recorded all wader and raptor sightings from transects and two and three hour vantage point observations.

One site in upland moorland in Lammermuir Hills (Fallago - Lothian/Borders) Recorded all raptors and medium to larger-sized birds. Standard three-hour observation periods.

Other Bird Survey Work I have participated in a number of other bird surveys since the 1980s, either organised on a national scale by the BTO,

or locally:

In the 1980s I conducted surveys at Aberlady LNR, East Lothian on the breeding numbers of Redshank and Eider Duck

present on the reserve.

During the 1990s I contributed to the monthly WeBS counts conducted on various stretches along the Lothian side of the Firth of Forth from Blackness to Dunglass.

I carried out work in c2000 for the BTO’s Gull count which was carried out at their roost site during dusk.

I have conducted work for the 2007-11 BTO Bird Atlas, both in TTV’s and Roving records, including contributing data

in the form of roving records towards several other squares not allocated to me.

Other Relevant Experience & Skills I have been a keen birdwatcher since 1977 when I became a member of my schools local YOC group (Young Ornithologists’ Club); I am currently a member of the RSPB and SOC. I have written bird watching articles for Birding Scotland magazine from

November 2001 onwards. I have also contributed species sections towards the Lothian Bird Report since 2001, as well as species

accounts for the latest Birds of Scotland (Forrester et al. SOC. 2007). I have travelled widely in pursuit of birds, both locally in Lothian (numbering thousands of hours in the field) as well as the rest of

Britain. I have also travelled throughout the world to bird several countries including Armenia, China, Finland, India (2), Israel (2) and Morocco (2), and more recently a month spent in Ecuador in November 2010. I therefore have extensive field experience of most birds seen on the British list and have seen around 2500 species of birds in the

world, including 400+ in Britain alone. I have several rare bird finds to my name including species considered by committees such as BBRC, SBRC and LBRC.

I have a full, clean UK driving licence.

Current Employment: March 2010 to date EIA surveyor – with Andy Carroll/ACE Surveyors ACE Surveyors, 15 Marshall Grove, Hamilton, Lanarkshire, ML3 8NJ.

Previous (non-survey) Employment:

Nov 1985-Mar 2011 George Hardie & Son (joiners) 9 Colinton Road, Edinburgh

Qualifications & Education:

Craigroyston High School, Edinburgh. 1976 – May 1980

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CSE grades Biology (A), English (B), Geography (B), Mathematics (C).


Andy Carroll Ace Surveyors, Mullochard Farmhouse, Dulnain Bridge, Inverness-shire, PH26 3LZ.

Office: 01479 841846 mobile: 07748 377558 E-mail: [email protected]

David Hardie (Director) George Hardie & Son Ltd (joiners), 9 Colinton Road, Edinburgh. Tel: 0131 447 5327

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CONSERVATION EXPERIENCEDEPUTE PROJECT LEAD. TEAM SHEARWATER. JUNE 2007 - PRESENTWorking on the Isles of Rum and Canna as part of a contracted team for Scottish Natural Heri-tage, I am part of an ongoing monitoring programme of the endemic Manx Shearwater and preda-tory Brown rat. The work involves collection of biometric data from birds in identified study bur-rows and ringing for future identification and the monitoring of rat predation in the colony.

On the Isle of Handa, I have an ongoing commitment to the monitoring of Arctic and Great Skua breeding success, supporting a student researcher from Anglia Ruskin University in association with the Scottish Wildlife Trust. Overall responsibility involved the collection of biometric data, samples and observing individual behavior of birds as well as recording nest sites.

Additionally, I have been involved in multiple species counts (both fixed point and roving) on the above islands. I am very familiar with Scottish seabirds, raptors and their habitats.

The post required that tasks were complete within tight schedules, dictated by weather, working at altitude as well as multiple factors regarding the outdoor working environment. Report writing, health and safety monitoring and interfacing with the general public are key aspects. Both pro-jects have proven to be an excellent team coordinating experience, often working with groups of volunteers.

FIELD SURVEYOR. BTO SCOTLAND. AUGUST 2007 - PRESENTI am heavily involved in the collection of field data for the British Trust for Ornithology through par-ticipation in multiple field observations including 2007-11 Bird Atlas, Bird Track, Breeding Bird and Wetland Bird surveys. I currently have responsibility for counts at a number of tetrads throughout Scotland, many of these located at remote locations.

I also hold a ‘C’ permit for ringing and specialise in seabirds. I have held this for three years and have greatly improved my bird identification skills through handling individuals and becoming fa-miliar with the nuances of different species. I have ringed several thousand birds across the Scottish wide species list.

VOLUNTEER RANGER. HISTORIC SCOTLAND. MARCH 2008 - MAY 2009As a member of the volunteer ranger service at Holyrood Park, I partook in multiple biodiversity surveys. These ranged from Phase I habitat surveying, pond dipping, bat monitoring and regular roving bird counts. I was also heavily involved in the successful planning and delivery of the Park’s 2009 Bioblitz event where hundreds of members of the public teamed up with phenology experts and carried out a full biodiversity survey of the site.

RELEVANT EDUCATIONOATRIDGE COLLEGE. SEPTEMBER 2006 - SEPTEMBER 2009HND (with distinction) Countryside ManagementLANTRA Vermin Control License - Mice, Moles, Rabbits & Rats

BTO SCOTLAND. JULY 2009Bird Survey Techniques & Identification Course


20/4 Dryden StreetEdinburgh, EH7 4PN

0131 466 94940759 554 [email protected]

Mr Christopher E. Laurie

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SKILLSI believe that I can make a valuable input to any team, group or organisation through my te-nacity and keenness to excel. I am able to meet targets and provide added value to any em-ployment opportunity I may be offered.

Whilst studying at Oatridge College, I was both Student of the Year and President of the Stu-dent Association whilst working in support of the college in a residential role. It was quickly recognised that my ICT and collation skills were very effective and I was given responsibility for event management and liaison with external bodies. Staff training and rota completion of-ten fell to myself. I would summarise my key strengths as:

- Having good planning and organisational skills. - Being highly motivated in seeking successful outcomes and solutions.- Able to successfully gather, analyse, evaluate and deliver data accurately.- Being able Work flexibly and with initiative in the field.- Able to work effectively as a team member and exchange skills within the team.- Highly proficient in the use of ICT.

PREVIOUS JOB HISTORYREED RECRUITMENT - TEMPORARY CUSTOMER SERVICES MANAGER. NOVEMBER 2008 - AUGUST 2009Working within a large insurance company based in the City Centre, I was part of a busy cus-tomer services team responsible for the administration of client accounts. I was quickly rec-ognised as being able to adapt when under pressure and moved to a more challenging area of the business, gaining experience in policy, procedure and actuarial work. This role was a lim-ited temporary contract out with the breeding season.

OATRIDGE COLLEGE - RESIDENTIAL OFFICER. OCTOBER 2007 - MAY 2008To support my self during my studies, I worked as part of a small team responsible for the wel-fare of students living on campus as well as the security of college buildings/residential ac-commodation. First line of contact for individuals ‘living in’ as well as forward planning for ex-ternal bookings/lets which meant liaising directly with the general public. Other tasks included banking and cashier duties. Training given on protection of vulnerable adults and the Micro-soft Office suite. Left to focus on Rum project work at the end of my studies.

NHS LOTHIAN - PSYCHIATRIC NURSE. OCTOBER 1997 - SEPTEMBER 2007Primary duties of this post entailed the provision of care and support to patients with varying physical and mental health needs as part of a multi-disciplinary team. However, I often worked alone or in small groups due to contracted night hours. Training given on various as-pects of medical and psychological support mechanisms as well as IT and record keeping skills. I left to pursue a career in conservation.

THE SCOTTISH OFFICE - ADMIN OFFICER. JUNE 1995 - SEPTEMBER 1997Working in busy policy brokering area in support of Ministerial requirements. The job entailed conference and event management, dealing with government correspondence, maintaining national computer records and other general clerical duties. Training received in IT and peo-ple management. Was able to successfully run and support a busy office with demanding deadlines and constantly shifting workloads.


Mr Andrew Ramsay Proprietor

Caledonian Ornitho-logical Services

TainIV19 1NE

0186 289 23610771 786 1608

Dr Stuart RiversField Recorder

8 (2F2)10 Waverly Place

EdinburghEH8 8EU

0131 661 26610779 611 6844

Mr Niall EvansTeam Leader

Oatridge CollegeEcclesmachanWest LothianEH52 6NH

0150 686 48000781 304 8235


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John S Nadin 40 Dempster Place

Dunfermline Fife

KY12 9YN

Tele: 0138373124 – mobile: 07545047308

Email: [email protected] Career May 2007 – present: Self Employed Wildlife Surveyor Carrying out detailed flight activity surveys, recording target species, height, direction on detailed OS maps, detailed work study sheets and also ad hoc sighting sheets for additional species seen on the way in or out of a specific survey area. All completed survey forms & maps had to be sent in at the end of each month (or sometimes earlier) to meet end customer deadlines. Brown & Shepherd and Woodland edge BBS in many different locations throughout Scotland, mapping specific breeding birds on detailed site maps, and including Black grouse surveys. I have also carried out Owl surveys (listening & looking specifically for Tawny, Barn, Short-Eared & Long-Eared). Hen Harrier nest watch and foraging surveys, to find out the exact feeding patterns of the Hen Harriers, what prey items they were bringing in and the frequency of the food passes at the various nest sites and exactly where they were feeding, with all information being recorded on detailed maps and specific recording forms. I have also been involved in bird migration studies (especially Skua and other seabirds species crossing the Forth bridges & possibly overland to the west) and WEBS based shore bird counts in the inner Forth area, covering both sides of the river. Other recently completed surveys include Estuary zone wader/wildfowl counts. I have also completed Boat based surveys recording Seabirds and Sea mammals in transect surveys and also point surveys where feeding/dive duration & other behaviours are recorded. I have completed PST and have up–to–date professional insurance. Other surveys recently completed include Raptor watches specifically looking for displaying Goshawk and Red Kite, and also Capercaillie. 1974 – April 2007 Solectron/Philips – Test Engineering. I was a senior Test Engineer working on many different types of complex electronic equipment, including telecommunications Base Stations, Workstations and various PC related and mobile phone products. When working for Philips (before Solectron bought over the facility) I worked on different Television panels and also some Military products working to British standards (BS5750). Other Important Ornithological experience:

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I have been a very keen bird watcher for over 25 years, during which time I have been involved with many different surveys including WEBS (over 25 years), beached bird surveys, BBS (for the Fife Atlas). I have also submitted detailed Swan & Goose counts/sightings to various recorders (mainly in Fife). I have watched Geese & Wildfowl for several years in the Loch Leven area and am very familiar with the local haunts of the wintering Goose flocks in the area (especially pinkfeet & greylags). I have bird watched extensively abroad (inc USA, China & Australia) and throughout the British Isles and Ireland and I would count myself as very experienced in the observation of all British species. I have submitted records to the Fife recorder for over 20 years and also Perth & Kinross in more recent years, and have submitted several rarity reports to both the BBRC and SBRC. I am currently one of the authors of the Fife Bird Report, and a member of the Fife Local Rarities committee and am a member of the RSPB, WWT and the Fife Bird Club. Additional Information I am married with one daughter and have a clean driving licence. Interests Music (extensive CD collection & avid concert goer), Wildlife Watching and Photography (inc birds, Butterflies, Dragonflies, Bumble bees, Whales & Dolphins), Cinema, Reading and of course my family. References available on request

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CV Nick Veale – Updated September 2011 Page 1 of 5

CV Data Personal Information Name: Nick Veale


Year of Birth: 1979 Nationality British & Irish Position: Senior Ecologist Specialisations: Ornithology (vantage point survey & bird

strike assessment), botany, habitats, invasive weed control, and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).Ecological Clerk of Works

Education and Professional Status Qualification Course of Study or

Professional grade Awarding body Year

awarded MIEEM Full Member Institute of Ecology and

Environmental Management (IEEM)


MSc Environmental Business Administration

University of Ulster, Coleraine 2002

BSc Environmental Science University of Ulster, Coleraine 2000 Continued Professional Development Qualification Course of Study or

Professional grade Awarding body Year


Internal Accreditation

Arboriculture and Bats: How to Use a Fibrescope, Bat Detector training & Survey methodologies

Mouchel 2010

Lecture Birds of Conservation Concern in Ireland: Impact & Update

NIBA 2009

Lecture - Habitat Creation and Restoration

IEEM Irish Section 2006

Internal Accreditation

Wind farm bird collision, bird survey techniques and band collision risk modelling

RPS Ecology 2005

Internal Accreditation

Odonata identification and species management

RPS Ecology 2005


Working on construction sites

Construction Industry Training Board (NI)


Health and Safety Passport

Working in quarry sites

Quarry Products Association and the (HSE)


Internal Accreditation

Giant hogweed and japanese knotweed management.

RPS Ecology 2004

Internal Accreditation

Risk assessment regarding consultancy fieldwork and Ecological Clerk of Works.

RPS HSE 2004

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CV Nick Veale – Updated September 2011 Page 2 of 5

Synopsis Nick is a dedicated ecologist with over 11 years consultancy experience and full member of IEEM that represents Ace Surveyors as a Senior Ecologist in Scotland & Ireland. Nick has worked for several environmental / ecological consultancies including Mouchel, RPS Group Ireland and Spouncer Associates, and is specialist in project management, environmental clerk of works, invasive weed survey & management, ornithology (BBS, CBC, WeBS, vantage point survey & bird strike assessment), botany, habitats, and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Nick has accreditations that enable him to assess bird collision, undertake bird surveys, produce band collision models, identify and manage odonata species, work on construction and quarry sites, co-ordinate the management of invasive plants, and produce detailed risk assessments for fieldwork. From 2008- 2010 Nick lead field surveys for the A5WTC, which at over 90km is the largest ever road scheme in Northern Ireland, survey elements include breeding birds, wintering farmland birds, Foyle wildfowl, wetland birds (WeBS), badger, and smooth newts. Nick was also responsible for the ecological clerk of works for the pre-construction ground investigation surveys. From 2004-2008 Nick was a project ecologist responsible for surveys at ten wind farm development sites throughout Scotland & Ireland. Many of these schemes incorporated year round vantage point surveys, diurnal raptor surveys, and bird-strike assessments. Nick was the project ecologist on the ESB’s 110Kv reinforcement project in Donegal. Nick was also a project ecologist on a number of major road schemes in Ireland, which included the N14 Lifford-Manorcunningham road scheme, A4 Ballygawley-Dungannon dualling road scheme, and the A1/N1 Newry to Dundalk Link Road. Nick’s broad background / dedication to ecology is demonstrated in his personal interests and memberships (of up to 20 years). This includes being a member of the Northern Ireland Birdwatchers Association (N.I.B.A.), the British Trust for Ornithology (B.T.O.), the RSPB, the Copeland Bird Observatory, the Bat Roost Visitor, (Ulster Museum, NI Bat Group), and the Butterfly Conservation N.I..

Employment 2009-2011 Mouchel Ltd (Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland)

Senior Ecologist 2005-2008 RPS Planning and Environment (Belfast)

Ecologist 2002-2005 Spouncer Associates Environmental Management

Assistant Ecologist

Commissioned Reports (Saunders, P., and Veale, N.). Mouchel Ltd. 2010. A5 Western Transport Corridor (WTC). Breeding Bird Survey. An EcIA report for Roads Service (NI). (Nesbit, C., and Veale, N.) Mouchel Ltd. 2010. A5 Western Transport Corridor (WTC). Wintering Farmland Bird Survey. An EcIA report for Roads Service (NI). (Veale, N., and Saunders, P.) Mouchel Ltd. 2010. A5 Western Transport Corridor (WTC). Foyle Wildfowl Survey (whooper swan Cygnus cygnus). An EcIA report for Roads Service (NI). (Saunders, P., and Veale, N.) Mouchel Ltd. 2010. A5 Western Transport Corridor (WTC). Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS). An EcIA report for Roads Service (NI). (Wickens, L., and Veale, N.). Mouchel Ltd. 2010. A5 Western Transport Corridor (WTC). Otter & Badger Survey. An EcIA report for Roads Service (NI).

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CV Nick Veale – Updated September 2011 Page 3 of 5

Project Experience / Managerial Roles Client: Essex County Council 2010 Project: Roscommon Way Extension & Sadlers Farm Junction Role: Senior Ecologist (Terrestrial Ecologist & Clerk of Works) Responsible for delivering terrestrial surveys required for the proposed road schemes. Clerk of Works supervision on all reptile and amphibian trapping and translocation. Client: Dumfries and Galloway Council 2010 Project: Whitesands Flood Alleviation Scheme (FAS) Role: Senior Ecologist Responsible for delivering all terrestrial surveys required for the proposed Whitesands FAS to the north of Dumfries (River Nith). Surveys completed successfully included Phase 1 (extended), otter and water vole, breeding birds, newts (including GCN), RHS, fisheries habitat (FHS), aquatic flora (vascular plants, and bryophytes), benthic invertebrate fauna (family and species level), and fish fauna surveys. Client: Roads Service (NI) 2010 Project: A5 Western Transport Corridor Road Scheme Role: Project Ecologist (Terrestrial Ecologist & Clerk of Works) The A5WTC, which is the largest ever road scheme in Northern Ireland, survey elements include breeding birds, wintering farmland birds, Foyle wildfowl, wetland birds (WeBS), badger, and smooth newts. Client: Northern Ireland Road Service 2004-2007 Project: A4 Ballygawley-Dungannon Dualling Road Scheme Role: Project Ecologist (Ornithologist and Terrestrial Ecologist) Responsible for delivering Stage 3 DMRB avian and terrestrial ecology surveys, data management, and preparing EIA / appropriate assessment (AA) reports. Surveys included protected mammal surveys and breeding bird surveys. Ecological clerk of works. Client: Northern Ireland Road Service & Donegal County

Council 2006-2007

Project: N14 Lifford-Manorcunningham Road Scheme Role: Project Ecologist (Ornithologist and Terrestrial Ecologist) Responsible for delivering Stage 3 DMRB avian and terrestrial ecology surveys, data management, and preparing EIA and AA reports. Surveys included protected mammal surveys and breeding bird surveys. Client: Northern Ireland Road Service & National Roads

Authority 2004

Project: A1/N1 Newry to Dundalk Link Road Role: Assistant Project Ecologist Data collection and specialist survey for input into EIA report. Surveys included protected mammal ,breeding bird surveys and ecological clerk of works. Client: TCI Renewables 2005-2007 Project: Dunmore Townland, Limavady, Co Londonderry, Northern Ireland (8

wind turbines (24MW) and a permanent anemometer mast) Role: Project Ecologist (Ornithologist and Terrestrial Ecologist) Responsible for undertaking an ecological assessment to support a windfarm planning application submission. Site specific work included liaising with the client / statutory organisations, phase 1 habitat (extended) surveys, vantage point bird surveys (over 2 years), and bird strike assessment. Additional protected species surveys included diurnal raptors, otter, badger and bat surveys, data analysis, mitigation, and reporting.

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CV Nick Veale – Updated September 2011 Page 4 of 5

Client: TCI Renewables 2005-2007 Project: Pigeon Top Townland, Omagh, Co Tyrone, Northern Ireland (9 wind

turbines (20.7MW) substation buildings and 2 permanent anemometer mast)

Role: Project Ecologist (Ornithologist and Terrestrial Ecologist) Responsible for undertaking an ecological assessment to support a windfarm planning application submission. Site specific work included liaising with the client / statutory organisations phase 1 habitat (extended), vantage point bird surveys (over 2 years) and bird strike assessment. Additional protected species surveys included diurnal raptors, otter, badger and bat surveys, and as part of this project work included data analysis, mitigation, and reporting. Client: TCI Renewables 2006-2007 Project: Lisnamuck, Co Londonderry, Northern Ireland (3 wind turbines 3MW) 1

permanent anemometer masts) Role: Project Ecologist (Ornithologist and Terrestrial Ecologist) Responsible for undertaking an ecological assessment to support a windfarm planning application. Site specific work included liaising with the client/statutory organisations phase 1 habitat (extended), vantage point bird surveys (over 1 year) and bird strike assessment. Additional protected species surveys included diurnal raptors, otter, badger and bat surveys, data analysis, mitigation, and reporting. Client: TCI Renewables 2004-2005 Project: Balloo Wood, Bangor, Co. Down, Northern Ireland Single wind turbine

1MW) Role: Project Ecologist (Ornithologist and Terrestrial Ecologist) Responsible for undertaking an ecological assessment to support a windfarm planning application. Site specific work included liaising with the client/statutory organisations phase 1 habitat (extended), vantage point bird surveys (over 1 year) and bird strike assessment. Additional protected species surveys included diurnal raptors, badger and bat surveys, data analysis, mitigation, and reporting. Client: TCI Renewables 2004-2005 Project: Craigs Quarry, Glenwhirry, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland Single wind

turbine 1MW) Role: Project Ornithologist Responsible for undertaking an ecological assessment to support a windfarm planning application. Site specific work included liaising with the client/statutory organisations, vantage point bird surveys (over 1 year) and bird strike assessment . Client: TCI Renewables 2004-2005 Project: Lisglass, Ballyclare, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland Single wind turbine

(3MW) Role: Project Ornithologist Responsible for undertaking an ecological assessment to support a windfarm planning application. Site specific work included liaising with the client/statutory organisations, vantage point bird surveys (over 1 year) and bird strike assessment . Client: TCI Renewables 2004-2005 Project: Ballyreagh, Tempo, Co. Fermanagh, Northern Ireland Single wind

turbine (1.3MW) Role: Project Ornithologist

Client: TCI Renewables 2005-2007 Project: Brockaghboy Townland, Garvagh, Co Londonderry (20 wind turbines

(60MW) 2 permanent anemometer masts) Role: Project Ornithologist Site specific work included, vantage point bird survey (over 2 years) and bird strike assessment report. Additional protected species surveys included diurnal raptors (Hen Harrier & Merlin).

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CV Nick Veale – Updated September 2011 Page 5 of 5

Responsible for undertaking an ecological assessment to support a windfarm planning application. Site specific work included liaising with the client/statutory organisations, vantage point bird surveys (over 1 year) and bird strike assessment . Client: Crumlin Road Gaol Redevelopment 2005-2006 Project:

Survey & Management of the sites invasive weeds

Role: Project Ecologist (Terrestrial Ecologist & Clerk of Works) Responsible for survey and design of a Japanese Knotweed management plan. This management plan was implemented under my supervision as appointed ecological clerk of works. Client: Hollywood Exchange Belfast (Sainsburrys & Ikea) 2005-2006 Project:

Survey & Management of the sites invasive weeds (Japanese Knotweed & Giant Hogweed)

Role: Project Ecologist (Terrestrial Ecologist & Clerk of Works) Responsible for survey and design of an invasive weed management plan. Client: TCI Renewables 2005-2006 Project: Glenbuck Calderwood Farm, Dunloy, Northern Ireland (6 wind turbines

18MW) Role: Project Ecologist (Ornithologist and Terrestrial Ecologist) Responsible for undertaking an ecological assessment to support a windfarm planning application. Site specific work included liaising with the client/statutory organisations, vantage point bird surveys (over 1 year) and bird strike assessment .Additional protected species surveys included badger and otter surveys, data analysis, mitigation, and reporting. Client: ESB (Electricity Supply Board Ireland) 2005-2007 Project: EIA Binbane - Letterkenny 110kV Overhead Line Role: Assistant Ecologist (Ornithologist) Bird survey and report, protected species collision assessment and report (Golden Eagle & Anser Species). Client: ESB (Electricity Supply Board Ireland) 2005-2007 Project: EIA Ardnagappary - Tievebrack 110kv Overhead Line Role: Assistant Ecologist (Ornithologist) Bird survey and report, protected species collision assessment and report (Golden Eagle & Anser Species).

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STUART LESLIE RIVERS Curriculum Vitae (March 2011)

Place & Date of Birth: Reigate, Surrey, 11th

September 1962

Nationality: British Marital Status: Single

Home Address: Flat 8 (2F2), 10 Waverley Park, Edinburgh, Lothian. EH8 8EU

Telephone: (Home) 0131 661 2661 (mobile) 0779 6116844

E-mail: [email protected]

Current/Previous Survey Work & Experience

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Surveyor

March 2010 to date Mostly working through Andy Carroll/ACE Surveyors (also RPS; Natural Power; Entec) ACE Surveyors, 15 Marshall Grove, Hamilton, ML3 8NJ

Variety of land-based sites covered in Scotland and range of methodologies used:

Vantage Point counts in upland & lowland areas of Scotland Upland breeding wader surveys (Brown and Shepherd) BBS walkover surveys (BTO) in upland and lowland areas

CBC walkover surveys (BTO/Marchant et al., 1990) in lowland areas Black Grouse surveys Owl and Other Nightbirds surveys

Marine and inshore surveys for proposed windfarm and wave-energy developments Transect counts, snapshot-counts (ESAS-trained) and timed activity watches

Marine Mammal Observer (MMO) certificate holder

Nov 2004 Surveyed at proposed windfarm site in lowland farmland near Lochgelly in Fife.

- March 2006 Employed by West Coast Energy Ltd., Tower Mains Studios, 18G Liberton Brae, Edinburgh EH16 6AE

Recorded all raptors, swans, geese and medium to larger-sized birds.

May 2004 Surveyed at proposed windfarm sites in upland areas of Highland & Lothian.

- April 2005 Employed by BTO Scotland, 3A-125 Cottrell Building, University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA.

Two large sites of mountain plateaux NW of Fort William (Drum Fada and Loch Arkaig, Highland). Upland wader and raptor breeding surveys

One site in upland moorland in Lammermuir Hills (Fallago - Lothian/Borders) Recorded all raptors and medium to larger-sized birds.

Other Bird Survey Work I have participated in a number of other bird surveys since the 1980s, mostly those organised on a national scale by the


During 1980s I contributed to the WeBS counts conducted on various stretches of the River Tay from Dundee to Errol.

Over the 1994-95 winter period I took part in the pilot counts for the Non-Estuarine Waterfowl Survey on a stretch of the Fife coastline from Cambo to Fife Ness, and I covered the same section for the full NEWS counts during the winter of

1997/98 and 2006/07, and for the ‘Ringed’ Plovers survey in 2007.

I have taken part in the Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) since 1997, with a square NT2396 near Cluny in Fife. I also covered

this same square for the duration of the Winter Farmland Bird Survey, and have sent in data for the associated Mammal

Survey/Winter Mammal Monitoring counts since 1997 (for NT2396), and in 2004 I also carried out the ‘Swallow

Feeding Survey’ in this tetrad.

I have four 2km squares (in Fife & Kinross) for TTVs in the current 2007-11 Bird Atlas, and contributed data from several

squares to the previous Breeding and Winter Birds Atlases and for The Fife Bird Atlas.

Amphibian, Reptile & Mammal Surveys I have participated in amphibian and reptile surveys for NARRS (with associated Great Crested Newt licence) through Lothian

Amphibian & Reptile Group (LARG) and mammal surveys for The Mammal Society.

Phase-1 Habitat Surveys I have carried out several Phase-1 and NVC (Rodwell/JNCC) habitat surveys, most recently for habitat management plans in

Holyrood Park, Edinburgh.

Relevant Qualifications

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Personal Survival Techniques (STCW 95) Certificate - for work on vessels in coastal and inland waters (Falck Nutec (Dyce) for Maritime and Coastguard Agency).

Oil & Gas UK Offshore Work Medical Certificate (Bryden Medical, Glasgow - passed 02/07/2010). Marine Mammal Observer Certificate (trainer: Dr. Carolyn Barton, February 2011) ESAS (European Seabirds at Sea) Survey Cerificate (March 2011 – trainer: Genevieve Leaper)

Other Relevant Experience & Skills I have prepared a number of written reports and scientific peer-reviewed papers during my time as a student and in my post-doctoral employment. I am familiar with computers (both Mac and PC) and am conversant with Windows and Office software applications including GIS mapping and data recording programmes etc. I have attended/passed “Introduction to Proofreading”

and “Introduction to Copy-Editing” training courses run by the Society of Freelance Editors & Proofreaders (London, 2001). I have attended a number of field workshops and courses run by the Botanical Society of the British Isles (BSBI), allowing me to

develop good (‘improving beginner’) ID skills for British wildflowers. I am familiar with the use of Vice-county flora recording cards and plant ID using keys (e.g. Francis Rose) and standard field guides. I have also developed a good ability for identification

of grasses, sedges, rushes and Scottish lichens, through attendance at field workshops (BSBI & Lothian/Borders Biological Records Centre, Vogrie CP), and in my role as Conservation Ranger in Holyrood Park, Edinburgh.

I am a keen birdwatcher, and was a founder member of the Fife Bird Club (1985), and its Chairman from July 1991 to July 2003 and again from October 2006 to July 2010. In addition to my involvement with the FBC, I am a member of the RSPB, BTO, SOC, and several other birdwatching/conservation organisations.

I was co-editor of Birding Scotland magazine from November 2001 (now incorporated into Scottish Birds) and am now on the editorial board of Scottish Birds, the journal of the SOC, and I am currently compiler/editor of the Isle of May Bird Observatory annual reports.

I have contributed sections to several books on birds/birdwatching including over 30 of the species accounts for the latest Birds of

Scotland (Forrester et al. SOC. 2007), over 20 of the species accounts for The Fife Bird Atlas (Elkins et al. FOAG. 2003), a

chapter for Frontiers of Birding (Garner and friends. BirdGuides. 2008), and wrote parts of the Isle of May chapter for The Bird

Observatories of Britain and Ireland (Archer et al., A & C Black, 2010).

I have a full, clean UK driving licence.

I have attended/passed courses on Risk Assessment Evaluation, IOSH – Safety at Work, and COSHH Evaluation.

Current Employment: March 2010 to date EIA surveyor – mostly working with Andy Carroll/ACE Surveyors ACE Surveyors, 15 Marshall Grove, Hamilton, ML3 8NJ

Previous (non-survey) Employment:

Oct 2007 Park/Countryside Ranger, Historic Scotland Ranger Service, Holyrood Park Education Centre,

- Feb 2010 1 Queen’s Drive, Holyrood Park, Edinburgh, EH8 8HG. Line manager: Martin Gray

Sept 2006 College Lecturer (part-time) for the Countryside Management HNC/HND course at Oatridge College

- June 2007 Estates & Environment, Team Leader - Niall Evans, Oatridge College, Ecclesmachan, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6HN

April 2002 Post-doctoral Research Assistant with Professor M.J. Shipston**/ Dr. F.A. Antoni††

- June 2004 ** Membrane Biology Group, School of Biological & Clinical Laboratory Sciences, Hugh Robson Building, University of Edinburgh, George Square, Edinburgh. EH8 9XD

†† Department of Neuroscience, University of Edinburgh, 1 George Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9JZ

Oct 1995 Post-doctoral RA with Professors S.K. Chapman*/ G.A. Reid†

- July 2001 * Department of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh.

† Institute of Cell & Molecular Biology, Darwin Building, University of Edinburgh.

Oct 1993 Post-doctoral RA with Dr. D. J. Jamieson

- Sept 1995 Biomedical Research Centre, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee.

Nov 1990 Post-doctoral RA with Professor D.H. Boxer

- Sept 1993 Department of Biochemistry, University of Dundee.

Qualifications & Education:

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HND Oatridge College Sept 2004 - June 2006 Pass with Distinction

‘Countryside Management’ Winner of class medal at graduation in 2006

Ph.D University of Dundee. Oct 1985 – Nov 1990 Research Project - “A Physical and Genetic Analysis of

the chlA locus of Escherichia coli” Supervisor: Professor David H. Boxer,

Department of Biochemistry (now Life Sciences)

B.Sc. (Honours) University of Dundee Oct 1981 - June 1985 Biochemistry (2:1)

Caterham School, Surrey. Sept 1974 - June 1981 3 ‘A’-levels: Biology (A), Chemistry (C), Physics (E) 10 ‘O’-levels: (A-grade): Biology, Chemistry, English Language,

Geography, Latin, Mathematics. (B-grade): Additional Mathematics & Theoretical Mechanics, English Literature, French, Physics.


Andy Carroll Ace Surveyors, 15 Marshall Grove, Hamilton, ML3 8NJ.

Office: 01698 425010 mobile: 07748 377558 E-mail: [email protected]

Dr. Chris Wernham BTO Scotland, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Cottrell Building, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA. Tel: 01786 466560 E-mail: [email protected]

Martin Gray Royal Parks Visitor Services Manager, Holyrood Park Education Centre, 1 Queen’s Drive, Holyrood Park, Edinburgh, EH8 8HG.

Office: 0131 652 8150 E-mail: [email protected]

Niall Evans Team Leader – Environment, Oatridge College, Ecclesmachan, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6NH Tel: 01506 864800 (Work) E-mail: [email protected]

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81 Craigneuk Street


North Lanarkshire


Phone 01698 294354

Mobile 07926291668.

[email protected]

Stephen Kane

Personal D.O.B 1st of July 1975.

Information Marital Status Single.

Employment October- March 2010. Barons Haugh RSPB Reserve.

RSPB Volunteer.

Training other volunteers in Webs (wildfowl and wetlands) birds surveys and bird

song and bird identification, gather Biological data for the reserve and maintaining

weekly wildfowl population data base.

March -July 2009 Scottish Wildlife Trust, New Lanark.

Peregrine Protection Officer.

Maintaining the running of S.W.T's Peregrine protection programme, membership

recruitment and general Countryside ranger duties.

March- July 2008 Scottish Wildlife Trust, New Lanark.

Peregrine Protection Officer.

The daily running of the Peregrine Falcon public viewing facility, promotion of

species protection and conservation objectives to general public and visitors to the

site. Maintaining good working relationship with the S.W.T 's volunteers and leading

guided walks.

Summer 2008.

Raptor and schedule One bird monitoring.

Monitoring Hen harrier, Peregrine and other Raptor species in southern uplands, and

liaison with the local Raptor study group to gather population data and raptor


Wildlife and bird consultant, TMCC, Various locations.

Various birds surveys, including CBC (common bird census),BBS (breeding bird

Surveys), Barn owl surveys and site evaluations and appraisals. Habitat and

Biodiversity restoration mitigation.

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2001-2005 Scottish Wildlife Trust, New Lanark.

Peregrine Protection Officer. Promotion and protection of nesting Schedule One bird species on national nature

reserve as a seasonal contract for the S.W.T.

1990- 2001 Various bird and biodiversity surveys, Lanarkshire.

Lesser white throat, willow tit surveys in Lanarkshire, monitoring and gathering red

data book information on declining bird species in Lanarkshire. Population

monitoring and nest site location. Plotting movements through the winter months.

1997-2002 Barons Haugh RSPB Nature Reserve, Motherwell.

Volunteer RSPB Warden. Leading dawn chorus& autumn/winter guided walks. Monitoring of breeding and

wintering bird population on a weekly basis, collection of ecological and biological

data, common bird census, breeding bird surveys and habitat management, also

liaising with R.S.P.B staff and helping at promotional and educational events.

2009 Scottish Wildlife Trust, New Lanark.

Emergency First Aid training.

2004. BCCTV/ Lantra, Oatridge Collage, West Lothian.

Lantra Brush Cutter & Trimmer Certificate.

Training in the use and maintenance of Brush cutter and Strimmer machinery.

1998-1999 Scottish Wildlife Trust Survey Team. Motherwell.

Training in Phase One Survey Methods. Training in Phase One habitat & National Vegetation Classification survey methods.

Farmland bird, wildfowl & breeding bird surveys. Environmental impact assessments

and conservation and wildlife legislation. Wild flower identification.

Leisure activities I'm an active and enthusiastic ornithologist, with in-depth

knowledge avian & wildlife conservation and ecology. I am also member of the

Scottish Wildlife Trust, RSPB and the Scottish Ornithologist Club. I am a regular

contributor to the Clyde Bird report.

References Available on request,