This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative...

This set of slides. • This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune), planetary magnetic fields. • Units covered: 32, 42, 43, 44
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Transcript of This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative...

Page 1: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.

This set of slides.

• This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune), planetary magnetic fields.

• Units covered: 32, 42, 43, 44

Page 2: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.

Components of the Solar System

• The vast majority of the Solar System’s mass resides in the Sun.

– All the planets, asteroids and comets make up less than 1/700 of the mass of the Solar System!

• The rocky inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) are called the terrestrial planets.

• The gaseous outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) are the Jovian planets.

• An asteroid belt lies between the inner and outer planets.

• The outermost icy planet, Pluto, is in a class called Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNO). It’s a dwarf planet.

Page 3: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.

The Kuiper Belt

• Outside the orbit of Neptune lies the Kuiper Belt.– Located about 40

AU from the Sun.

– Home of TNO’s

– Many objects smaller and larger than Pluto have been found here.

• So is Pluto a planet or not?

Page 4: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.

How to Be a Planet

• Once upon a time, be a wanderer in the night sky.• Since 2006,

– Be massive enough that your own gravity pulls you into a spheroid shape.

– Be the dominant mass in your orbital neighborhood.

• Pluto makes the cut in the first category but not the second.

• Meet the first criterion, you can be a dwarf planet.

Page 5: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.

The Oort Cloud

• The Solar System is surrounded by a cloud of cometary bodies.– Located about 50,000

AU from the Sun.– Gravitational

influences from passing stars occasionally send comets into the Solar System.

Page 6: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.

Rotation and Revolution in the Solar System

• Because of the conservation of angular momentum, all planets revolve around the Sun in the same direction and in more or less the same plane.– Mercury’s orbit is tipped by 7


– Pluto’s is tipped by 17 degrees.

• Most of the planets rotate in the same direction.– Counterclockwise as viewed

from above.

– Venus rotates clockwise as viewed from above.

– Uranus and Pluto’s rotational axes are tipped significantly.

• Any model of solar system formation must explain all of these oddities.

Page 7: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.

Composition of the Solar System Objects

• Spectrum analysis shows us the Sun is 71% hydrogen, 27% helium, 2% everything else.

• Jovian planets have similar composition. Much in ice, frozen methane, ammonia, and water.

• Inner planets are rocky, silicon oxide, aluminum, etc.

• Spectroscopy tells us surface composition. We need other info to determine below the surface structure.

Page 8: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.

Calculating a Planet’s Density

• Calculate the planet’s mass (M) by observing its satellite’s orbital distance (d) and period (P).

• Use Newton’s modified form of

Kepler’s 3rd Law:

• If we know the distance to the planet, we can measure its angular diameter and calculate its linear diameter (or radius, R), and then its volume:

• The planet’s average density, , is then:










Page 9: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.

Average Density tells us a lot

• Inner planets have high average densities (~5 kg/liter)– Small bodies

– Mostly rock and iron

• Outer planets have lower densities (~1 kg/liter) – Larger bodies

– Gasses, ices and other volatiles

Again, any model of solar system formation must explain all

of this!

Page 10: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.

• Mass and size of a planet help determine its environment.– Small planets cool

quickly, leading to dead worlds with little activity.

– Small planets also have trouble holding an atmosphere. (low gravity)

– Larger planets hold on to their heat, and have active interiors and surfaces.

– Mars is right in the middle, not too large, and not too small.

• Once had water and an active surface.

• Now is cold and dead.

The Role of Mass and Radius

Page 11: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.

• The presence or absence of water helps determine the nature of the atmosphere.– Water acts as a sink for carbon

dioxide, removing it from the atmosphere.

– Water helps lock CO2 into rocks as well.

– Too much CO2 can lead to a runaway greenhouse effect (as with Venus).

– Too little CO2 can lead to cooling (as on Mars).

• Biological activity impacts the environment, too.– Animals remove oxygen from the

atmosphere (and get carbon from plants), and release CO2 (and methane.)

– Plants remove CO2 from the atmosphere, and with sunlight and water, converts it into our food, and release oxygen.

– Burning (wood, fossil fuels) releases CO2 into the air.

The Role of Water and Biological Processes

Page 12: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.

• A planet’s distance from the Sun determines how much sunlight it receives.– Venus receives ¼ of the

energy per square meter that Mercury does.

– Planets in eccentric orbits receive varying amounts of sunlight.

– The axial tilt of a planet determines its seasons.

• Sunlight warms a planet, but the atmosphere has an impact, too– Venus’s atmosphere warms the

surface to 750 K, but it would be very warm even without the CO2

– Mercury is closer to the Sun, but still cooler than Venus.

– The Moon is cooler than the Earth, even though they are at the same distance from the Sun.

• Sunlight also determines the makeup of the planets.– Inner planets are rocky. (iron)– Outer planets are gaseous.

The Role of Sunlight

Page 13: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.

• Far from the Sun, temperatures are cold enough that water vapor can condense into ices.

• Beyond this frost line, planets are primarily composed of hydrogen and ices.

• The low temperatures allowed the outer planets to capture hydrogen and helium gas, and to grow to immense sizes.

• The outer planets have no surfaces.– Pressures steadily climb (moving

inward), turning gases into liquids and eventually metals.

The Outer Planets

Page 14: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.

• The outer planets rotate much faster than their terrestrial cousins.– These faster

rotational speeds make the outer planets much wider at the equator.

Equatorial Bulges

Page 15: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.

• Each gas giant has a set of rings.– Some are easy to see, like


– Others are harder, like Neptune’s.

• The gas giants have many more moons, as well.– The number of moons

discovered goes up all the time.

Other Differences

Page 16: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.

Jupiter and Saturn

• Jupiter

– 5 AU from the Sun

– 11x Earth’s diameter

– 300x Earth’s mass

• Saturn

– 9.5 AU from the Sun

– 9.5x Earth’s diameter

– 100x Earth’s Mass

Page 17: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.

• Parallel bands of clouds– Dark belts

– Light zones

• 90% H2, 10% He, traces of methane, ammonia and water.

• Outer atmosphere has a temperature of 160K.

• Rotates once every 9.9 hours.

• Visibly flattened.

The Appearance of Jupiter

Page 18: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.

• Parallel bands of clouds.– Similar to Jupiter’s, but not

as distinct.

• 96% H2, 4% He, traces of hydrogen-rich compounds.

• Outer atmosphere has a temperature of 130K.

• Rotates once every 10.7 hours.

• Even flatter than Jupiter.

The Appearance of Saturn

Page 19: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.

The Interiors of the Gas Giants

Page 20: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.

Coriolis Effect

• Coriolis Effect is due to the different rotational speeds at different latitudes. A spinning sphere rotates at higher speed at the equator than north or south.

• Coriolis Forces DO cause weather patterns (for example) to move in the directions they do – hurricanes and tornadoes turn counterclockwise in the Northern hemisphere, clockwise in Southern.

• Coriolis Forces are too small and insignificant to the water in your toilet bowl.

Page 21: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.


• Rapid rotation gives rise to strong Coriolis forces, and very high winds.– Measured max

wind speeds of 500 km/hr at Jupiter, and faster at Saturn.

• Bands of clouds move in opposite directions, creating very large wind shears.

Page 22: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.

The Great Red Spot

• On Jupiter, these wind shears give rise to enormous vortices, or storms, seen as white, brown or red ovals in its clouds.

• The Great Red Spot on Jupiter is one such vortex.– Rises 50 km above

surrounding clouds

– Wind speeds of 500 km/hr. • The Great Red Spot is a storm that has lasted for at least 300 years.– Galileo saw it, and it hasn’t changed much.

Page 23: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.

Storms on Saturn

• Saturn, though it appears calmer, has storms as well– Higher wind

speeds than Jupiter

– Storms are deeper in its atmosphere

Page 24: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.

Magnetic Fields

• The liquid metallic hydrogen in Jupiter and Saturn can carry electrical currents, similar to the liquid core of the Earth.

• These currents generate very large magnetic fields.– Jupiter’s is 20,000 times as

strong as Earth’s, and if it were visible, would appear larger than the full Moon in our sky.

– Saturn’s field is 500 times as strong as Earth’.

• Both Jupiter and Saturn experience auroras.

Page 25: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.

• In 1781 a new planet was discovered by W. Herschel– Originally thought to

be a comet.– Herschel named it

Georgium Sidus (George’s Star) after King George III.

– Name changed to Uranus to stay consistent with the mythological names of the other planets.

The Discovery of Uranus

Page 26: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.

• Uranus was not following its calculated orbit.– Another planet must

be effecting its orbit.– Scientists calculated

where the unseen planet should be.

– Astronomers looked at this location, and found Neptune.

– Galileo saw Neptune but didn’t realize what it was.

A New Method of Discovery

Page 27: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.

• The atmospheres of both Uranus and Neptune are rich in hydrogen and helium.– Both have larger amounts of

methane, giving them their blue color.

– Methane crystals scatter blue light, and methane gas absorbs red light.

• Both planets are very cold– Uranus: 80K– Neptune: 75K

• Densities:– Uranus: 1.3 kg/liter– Neptune: 1.6 kg/liter

• Their interiors are probably ordinary water mixed with methane and ammonia, surrounding a core of rock and iron-rich material.

The Atmospheres of Uranus and Neptune

Page 28: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.

Interior of Uranus

Page 29: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.


• High winds lead to storms on Neptune.

• Neptune has a Great Dark Spot, which disappeared recently.

Page 30: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.

Uranus’s Axial Tilt

• Uranus is tipped almost 90 degrees to the ecliptic plane.

• Possible that a collision early in its history tipped the axis, and broke out material that formed its moons.

• This inclination means that for half of Uranus’ orbit, one hemisphere is in uninterrupted daylight, while the other hemisphere is in darkness.

Page 31: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.

• Both Uranus and Neptune have strong magnetic fields.– Uranus: 47xEarth

– Neptune: 25xEarth

– Possibly generated by currents in the liquid water in their interiors.

– Not centered on the center of the planet and tipped in odd directions.

Odd Magnetic Fields

Page 32: This set of slides. This material covers an overview of our solar system, some comparative planetology, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.

Earth’s Magnetic Field

• Earth’s magnetic north pole and the “north pole” (i.e., north end of axis) are not in the same location.

• Earth’s magnetic north (and south) pole aren’t fixed but change over time.

• The poles have “flipped” throughout history.• We may be “due” for a flip again.• Results not likely to be catastrophic but could be

interesting if so…