THIS IS 100 200 300 400 500 Cells are talkin’ Keep on truckin’ transport In the Womb Giants &...


Transcript of THIS IS 100 200 300 400 500 Cells are talkin’ Keep on truckin’ transport In the Womb Giants &...



100 100 100 100 100 100

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300 300 300 300 300 300

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500 500 500 500 500 500

Cells are talkin’

Keep on truckin’

transportIn the Womb

Giants & dwarves

Let’s talk about sex

Human Impact

A.K.A. the fertilized egg

A 100

The “whole” truth & nothing but the truth, this is why your genetic content differs from

mom & dad’s.

A 200

One of the developmental processes that changes a

fertilized egg into an embryo.

A 300

The structure in which fetal development usually occurs.

A 400

“Got a light?” These are 2 factors that can affect fetal


A 500

B 100

Hey Biologists!

This is the term for the various

organisms in a given ecosystem.

This “dangerous” legislation lists animals, plants and more.

B 200

Bummer dude, this a negative affect on humans if we lose

different species.

B 300

This is one way in which biodiversity can be preserved.

B 400

Hey you!

This increase has had the most negative effect on the

ecosystems of the Earth.

B 500

This semi-permeable layer separates a cell from its


C 100

C 200

These cells use chemicals called neurotransmitters

to “jump the gap.”

These chemicals produced by endocrine glands control other

parts of the body.

C 300


C 400


Place A Wager

Like antennae, these molecules allow a cell to receive signals.

C 400

Just ask your Aunt, White Blood cells can tell “friend or

foe” based upon these proteins.

C 500

Oxygen, glucose, and wastes move in this high to low flow.

D 100

This “uphill battle” moves substances such as Ca from low to high areas of concentration.

D 200

This “micro-fold” enables you to absorb your nutrients more

efficiently in the small intestine.

D 300

The change in content of the blood goes from this to this in

the microscopic air sacs known as alveoli.

D 400

The vascular tubes of the tracheophytes & their directions

of flow.

D 500

This reproductive structure is only found in animals with

internal fertilization.

E 100

This is known as the release of the egg from the ovary.

E 200

E 300

In addition to sex hormones, these structures produce the

male gametes and female gametes respectively.

Either of the two surgical procedures that interfere with

the transfer of sperm from the male

to the female.

E 400

Production of these 4 hormones controls the menstrual cycle.

E 500

Hobbit, giant, dwarf, wizard or elf. Either too much or too little

of this hormone.

F 100

Acromegaly (gigantism) & dwarfism are due to a problem

with this “master gland.”

F 200

Production of a hormone is usually stopped once enough of

it is produced.

This dynamic equilibrium is often referred to as this.

F 300

F 400

This Gigantic thyroid is a failure of homeostasis.

This condition is caused by a lack of iodine in the diet.

Abe Lincoln, Andre the Giant & Mini Me all had this part of the brain that is the true master of

the master gland.

F 500

The Final Jeopardy Category is

Natural Selection.

Please record your wager.

Click on screen to begin

“The problem with pests is pesticides.”

Explain why this statement is true today for mosquitoes, rats,

or invasive species.

1.Sensitive pests are killed by the chemical

2. Resistant pests survive & reproduce (are better adapted)

3. Offspring have resistance to the chemical.

4. Resistant pests increase in population.

Thank You for Playing Jeopardy!

Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

The Zygote

A 100

½ of your DNA comes from each parent

A 200

Cleavage, mitosis, differentiation, or gastrulation.

A 300

Uterus or amnion (amniotic sac)

A 400

Biodiversity or community

B 100

B 200

Endangered Species Act

Smoking/drinking during pregnancy, chemicals, pollution,

radiation, poor nutrition, or drugs.

A 500

Unstable ecosystems, loss of cures/medicine, loss of food,

loss of beauty/inspiration

B 300

Restrict hunting, stop development, reintroduce

species, establish parks/nature preserves, protect species

B 400

Human Population

B 500

Cell membrane


plasma membrane

C 100

Nerve cells or neurons

C 200


C 300

Receptor molecules

C 400


C 500


D 100

Active Transport

D 200

Villi (Villus)

D 300

Deoxygenated to Oxygenated

D 400

Xylem & phloem

Xy up high

Phloe down low

D 500


E 100


E 200

E 300

Testes & ovaries

E 400

Vasectomy or tubal ligation



Luteinizing Hormone (LH)

Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)

E 500

Growth Hormone

F 100


F 200

Negative Feedback

F 300


F 400


F 500