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From the same author:

The Secret of the Bermuda Triangle, June 2019


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The Secret of the

Bermuda Triangle

Written by

Andy Pan 3

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TABLE OF CONTENT Prologue .................................................................................................5

Chapter 1 ................................................................................................ 7

Chapter 2 ..............................................................................................9

Chapter 3 ............................................................................................ 15

Chapter 4 ............................................................................................. 19

Chapter 5 .......................................................................................... 23

Chapter 6 .......................................................................................... 25

Chapter 7 ........................................................................................... 27

Chapter 8 .......................................................................................... 34


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PROLOGUE A thick white fog was floating above a huge whirlpool, a swirling whirlpool big enough to eat down 50 skyscrap-ers. The whirlpool was a theory from scientists. They have sent hundreds of people there to explore, but no luck. They have caught glimpses to the big whirlpool, and so that is the story.

After they found out about the whirlpool, people started randomly disappearing from the city. The scientists tried to find out what was happening, but so far no luck. The best theory they came up with, the whirlpool was hiding a big secret, and no human has ever survived to tell it.

However, nobody bothered to help the scientists, so they were like ‘Who cares, they're so stupid, we’ll just do the research by ourselves. After years and years and years, scientists have known 0.00000001% of what was happening about the weird incident of people strangely disappearing from the city. But … not far from the city, there was an island in which the ground was filled with the blood of several victims, their bodies lying lifeless… and headless. The heads were cut off, de-stroyed, grounded and… the weird thing was brains were missing from the skulls.

It was such a terrifying view that it could make the most courageous warrior back up and take a deep breath be-fore stepping forward. But compared to normal people, they would scream and would be like “SOS SOS SOS SOS! A terrifying island nearby, SOS SOS SOS.” To scaredy cats, they would be like “Guys, um… This is a terrifying view. We have to dial every rescue team in


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the world to be safe. We will need the police, firemen, army squads and emergency units. If they don’t come, I will commit suicide by jumping into the water and drowning myself."


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CHAPTER 1 The scientists had to study science for 15 years. As far as I know, the smartest one was Bob who had studied for 23 years.

The hunters were not as smart as the scientists, but they were good at hunting.

One day hunters and scientists grouped together and decided to get to the bottom of the mystery of 'Why peo-ple in America disappeared without leaving a single trace.

They formed a group of 150 people, 75 hunters, and 75 scientists. The best hunters and sharpshooters were Ricky and me. We could shoot so accurately that we could hit a dot made by a pencil. The best scientists were Bob and Katy. They had studied for around 20 years.

A long time ago, Simon Fulton was the leader of strong men, fighters and soldiers. He had been training for a legit 20 years!!! But no one knew why many called him ‘Simon the Dummy’ once his back was turned. However, one day, he was beaten which was something impossible for a long time. A recruit, called Oscar, had been in the group for around a month when he defeated Simon to claim the leadership. It was not really fair because Simon had been suffering from illness. But the rest of the team secretly grinned, because Simon was very strict, if not extremely sarcastic.

After I had been promoted from “warrior to leader”, Bob was in a really bad mood because Simon had been one


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of his best friends from the first time he joined the gang to now, which has been a straight legit 19 years! I knew it from the Travels of the mystery hunters. Also, Mys-tery Hunters were our gang name. I knew that Bob de-tested me from the first moment of seeing me, because the first time I saw him, he gave me a please-die-right-now glare, and it was terrifying. Even once, he almost hanged me (old-fashioned way) me on a tree and said,

"Hey man, relax! Everyone had done this before so relax bro."

At the moment I knew I was dead, Albert and Jeffrey asked Bob,

“Hey, dude what are you doing to Oscar?”

“Nothing… Nothing,” he stammered.

So that’s how I escaped. “The-time-where-Bob-is-go-ing-to-kill-you!”

Sorry, but I gotta go to the coffee room now. But as I walked on my way, I didn’t notice something was creeping up behind me very slowly, keeping out of sight…


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CHAPTER 2 One day, while I was hanging out in the hot chocolate room or known as the lounge, Bob suddenly appeared out of thin air. I was so shocked that I almost dropped my coffee-hot chocolate cup.

“Bob, what’s up?” I asked.

“Just a cup of coffee, just a cup of coffee,” he replied coldly.

I think I knew what was happening. After he had a day off from the gang, he came back, but he just… wasn’t the same.

As he poured himself a cup of tea, he walked over to me.

“Hey, Oscar what’s up?” he said while taking a sip.

“Nothing,” I replied.

“Um… Oscar, as a matter of fact, I need to show you something very important.”


I was a bit annoyed by him.

“Just come!” he said.


As I followed him, I noticed that he kept on glancing around as to keep whatever he needed to show me a secret.

As I entered the room, Bob suddenly whispered to me.

“I may have found where the mystery is coming from!”


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“What? Are you joking on me?” I asked him.

“I’m not kidding, dude,” he replied. “I have proof!”

He moved over to show me a supercomputer. I took a glance at the screen.

“Where then? Where is your proof?”

As he finished typing something, he turned over.

“Here is your proof!”

As he opened another website, I saw hundreds of cal-culations. As it seemed, he tried finding out about it as soon as he joined the gang. I scrolled down the pages and finally found the end of it. It was a two-word an-swer about the legendary Bermuda Triangle.

“But still, where is it?” I asked him.

“According to the calculation of the supercomputer, it’s inside or near the Bermuda Triangle, I gy…”

I couldn't say anything else. I was shocked for the month I had been here because for sure Bob knew the password. I didn’t want to say anything. I asked Albert and he typed in the password. We went off in the rattling helicopters.

Once on board, everything was very fishy like,

“The pilot kept muttering something and some helicop-ters didn’t even make any sound and Bob, well, he kept on saying something to himself or someone.”

But the weirdest thing is when Bob said ‘Oscar’ earlier on, to me it felt like he said, ‘Wow what a stupid freak!’ Also, the journey was so bad, there were rain and thun-der, and we lost 5 lives just because a stupid lightning


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bolt hit a helicopter. Jensen Browning, Passim Hussain (or Taco man), Shaun the Sheep, Luke galaxy marcher and Anakin land-runner were the victims.

As we got there, a big fog blinded our eyes. It was as thick as an 800-page book!!!

I was not sure what to do. I screamed something but the wind completely drowned my voice into shreds. I was trying very hard not to barf (vomit), but Albert, who was on my helicopter, was wondering,

“Why did I ever come here?”

He couldn’t take the pressure and tried hard not to vomit, but finally, he vomited. After that, I think we crashed. Since my vision went blurry.

When I woke up, my head was really painful. It felt like it was on fire. I looked around and saw a few dead bodies with their heads carved a hole like a crater. I looked around again and I saw Albert waking up. Then I noticed Bruce who wasn’t moving at all. I moved over to him. I felt he wasn’t breathing. I paid attention to his heart … it had stopped. Bruce, the butcher, had died.

I waited until all the members recovered from the crash, which most of them did.

“Oscar, since we don’t really know this place, can we go exploring?” Ricky said.

“OK,” I replied.

I led the way. We saw many dead bodies. I figured out that some maybe some members hadn’t noticed.

“Guys, there are a lot of dead bodies around here,” I commented.


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It was at that moment that some people turned their heads towards where I was looking.

“But there is something weird about these things, their heads are carved out and the brain looks like stolen,” I added.

“But who would do that?” asked Albert and Jeffrey at once like they were twins.

“Well, we’ll figure out soon, I guess,” I replied.

The gang nodded their heads. However, I kept my eyes on Bob because he had merely nodded, not like the oth-ers as they had nodded very violently.

After exploring, we had found absolutely nothing apart from a waterfall. Normal, right? Not at all, it had some kind of terrible presence luring near it.

“I have a theory that all this mystery is in that…” Albert said.

However, he didn’t finish his sentence.

“Why did you stop?” I asked.

“Nothing, Nothing. But still, I have a theory that all this is in the black waterfall.”

“What are we waiting for? Let's GO!” I said. “But, first we have to safely check if the black water is dangerous or not,” I added. “Second, we need some rubbish to test with the black water. Does anyone have rubbish to test?” I asked.

“I do!”

I turned to the voice. It was Katy Berry.


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“I have some plastic to test,” she said.

I nodded. However, as she tossed it into the black water, it melted.

I shook my head. I had a good idea. I walked to one of the skeletons and picked up one of its bones. As I tossed it, it didn’t melt like Katy Berry’s plastic. Instead, it floated on the black water.

Many were surprised.

“Is this the solution?” asked one of them.

I smirked.

“What do you think guys?”

It didn’t take long for the group to make a big bone car thing, carving, moulding and modifying each part to make a floatable transportation device. As soon as it was ready, we walked through the black waterfall.

We followed a small river and arrived at the shore. We got off, checking the place. Not too far away, there was a cottage hidden behind some rocks and trees. We ap-proached it carefully. As I opened the almost broken down door, the gang followed me in pursuit. After a few minutes trying to find a good clue, Albert noticed some-thing.

“Oscar, there, a trapdoor!”

I took a look at the trapdoor. I patted him on the back.

“Great finding Albert.”

I turned to the rest of the crew.

“I shall go in, wait for me!”


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I jumped down the deep hole. But then, Albert and Jeffrey followed me, Bob and the others went into as well. As I fell, I could almost swear to the Greek Gods that I could feel my teammates having the same feeling as me, the feeling that we were plunging to death.


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CHAPTER 3 What seemed like one hour, the bottom of the hole finally came to a stop. I realized that we were in a cave with a lot of dead bodies. I looked at the hole and saw Albert and Jeffery tumbling down. I ducked to avoid them. They touched the rocks hard.

“Has the others followed me?” I asked.

“Yeah, pretty much,” Albert replied.

The whole gang tumbled down from the hole, piling on each other.

“Guys, we have to explore this place even though it’s kinda creepy!” I half shouted.

“Alright Oscar,” they replied with a bored tone.

“Let's GO!” I shouted. “It’s an order!”

As we walked, I noticed a lot of cobwebs with spiders on them and other creepy stuff, smelly stuff like snakes and dead fish that were rotten. Once a rattlesnake bit one of my teammates, her name was Sadiyah Rankin, and she terribly hated snakes. She almost died but Ricky ran forward, did a really cool move and killed the snake. The cool move was like kicking it up, slashed at it, and kicked it again and so it died. It was so so cool!!! Eve-ryone was “Oh my Zeus!” and “What in Hades?!”

After that, I went to inspect every one. Were they here or … dead?

I had a scroll that had everyone’s name on it, there were a few drops of blood on it which was disgusting but I didn’t really mind.


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“Stop guys,” I ordered. “We need to check if anyone is missing … or dead…”

Everyone trembled. I read a long list of boring names while everyone was doing something else like gaming and playing with little stuff. When I read out their names, they were like “Oh my god, do I have to?” They replied with a bored, “Yes”. Once I got to the end of the list, it was Bob Zhang. And yeah, Bob’s last name was Zhang which means Master of Bows. I mean like it’s cool, but it doesn’t fit him, because he sucks using the bow and ar-row.

Anyways, after I said,

“Bob Zhang!”

All I got was a DUN DUN DUN!

Nothing. Wow. Amazing. Thrilling. Superb. Bis busting.

I sent a rescue team of five people. Eve Hawes, Abdul Franco, Luke Skymarcher, Anakin Groundwalker, and Sufyan Ochoa. After a few epic hours of playing Fortnite with Ricky, and yep, you guessed it, the rescue team came back with Bob. He was in a bad shape with his face bleeding badly. As soon as he saw me, he ran and strangled me, shouting in my face,

“Help! Help! Please help me!!!”

“Dude, Ryan Lynn the son of Apollo, get this guy off me!” I screamed.

Ryan ran and gently pushed Bob off me.

“I’ll fix this,” he said.


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He dragged Bob into his tent, helping his eye which was swollen and his head that had gashes of blood.

I noticed a note on the floor, it probably fell out of Bob’s pockets.

‘Bob, you gotta help me. We have to destroy the core of Earth! Signed the…’

Great just what we needed right now because the sig-nature was in another language.

I ran to get Bob so I could get an explanation of what this note even meant. I peeked into the tent where Ryan was helping Bob. In addition, Bob was covering his swollen eye. Ryan was rummaging through his pack of first-aid.

“Does it hurt?” asked Ryan.

Duh, that was a rhetorical question.

“Nope,” Bob replied.

I was like, OMG.

Bob turned his head and saw me with the note, he pan-icked and fell off the chair. I quickly went away, not wanting Ryan to know that I had peeked.

After Bob had finished healing. I quickly ran to him. I had tons of questions I wanted to ask.

Bob must have thought I was coming to ask about the note. He quickly turned around a corner. I chased him and finally caught him. He was panting.

I dragged him over to a stone bench, which I had no idea where it came from, and sat down.


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I was going to ask him something, but before I had time to say something, he started to make an excuse.

“I have no idea where that letter came from, alright?”

“What the Hades? Um… I wasn’t gonna even ask you about that Bob.”

“Oh, fine then,” he said.

“I want to ask you about what happened?” I asked.

“OK,” he replied.

“So, I went off in a random direction not knowing you went the other way. And after a few seconds, I realized you were gone.”

He paused, and judging from his expression, he was thinking about what had happened.

“Anyway, I was like ‘The Heck,’ where is the gang?”

“The…” Bob said to himself, “I’m lost…”

Anyway, I didn’t know that the whole gang, apart from Ryan who was sleeping and snoring, was listening to the whole conversation. Plus, most of the group gasped, some with their mouths agape. I’ll tell you why Bob was a big scaredy cat.

Before the time he came back from his day off, every-one was gasping and having their mouth agape.

I half shouted and half commanded.

“Hustle everyone, HUSTLE. Go back and let’s explore deeper into this cave!!!”

But did I know, there was something following me?


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CHAPTER 4 After we left the other place where Bob told that story of ‘Where-he-got-lost-in-the-spooky-cave-story’, the deeper we went into the cave, the more dangerous it was. Very often our teammates might get lost or step on a tripwire hook and activate a trap. A big boulder covered with spikes would roll, which almost always happened, in and … kill some of us. Luckily, we mostly dived bombed out of the way. But if we stopped for a millisecond, we would be… dead. The worst trap I guessed was the axe because there was basically no WAY to escape it.

Anyway, I was really worried because there was a trap that was even more dangerous than the axe, and it legit killed 5 people in a frickin’ row!

So let me tell you the story. First of all, Jeffrey and Al-bert were playing a random game of tag. When Jeffrey was right about to catch Albert, he tripped on a wire and quickly backed up.

Second of all, this is unfortunate news to Albert but good ones to Jeffrey but quickly turned into bad news. The unfortunate news was that Albert got tagged by Jeffrey, but the good news to Jeffrey was that he won by tagging Albert.

As I said, the good news became bad news. So the good news only lasted for a second for Jeffrey, the 5 people who got killed were Hubert Price, or Hubert the Pricey man, Ebony Booker, or the man who was crazy about books, Uzair Harris, or the Hairy Harris, Lucas Bucker, or the Butcher, and Boris Alvarez, or ALVAREZ THE


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BORIS. A few people sobbed, a few others even wanted to die with them. I comforted all.

“It’s OK, really. Since the people that died will definitely go to Elysium.”

A few of them stopped sobbing.

“Let’s go!” I commanded in sadness.

Our number decreased badly. We walked for a while and opened to a little cavern, and you know what?

My rage was burning like crazy at Albert and Jeffrey.

After walking and running for a while, I saw a small cor-ner. I seized my chance to grab Jeffrey and Albert on their shirts to talk to them privately. They gave me an expression that was clear-WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO US?

After I knew that it was clear of anyone else, I shouted at them in anger.


“It’s not our fault,” squeaked Jeffrey

I slowly turned my head to him. I thought they knew bet-ter than anyone not to say anything when I was mad. At that moment, I saw Bob, I mean I thought he was there. And this wad at that moment my anger melted.

“Look behind you!” I quickly said to Albert and Jeffrey.


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They looked behind them and asked me “Was that Bob?”

“I think so,” I answered.

“Let’s get out of this corner,” suggested Albert.

“Sure!” I replied

When I came out, I saw that someone had fallen into an-other trap.

Then, I was really, really, really on the hook.

“Someone else wants to lead instead of me?” I ques-tioned the gang.

“Can I pee?” asked Bob.

“WHA… Sure, you don’t need to ask permission for that,” I replied.

I walked around the cavern for a while, tripped over a little rock and stabbed my left leg onto a sharp rock. It was extremely painful. I limped over to another little camp Ryan had set up.

“Wanna help?” I asked.

“OK,” he replied.

I got it fixed up in like 20 minutes? Dunno.

After that, I went out and bumped into Bob, who had, by the way, finished peeing.

“I will lead instead of you!!!” he shouted into my face.

Most of the people were bummed and gasped since Bob was a REAL big SCAREDY CAT.

I guessed that the gang was like,


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“Wow, a follower of the dead Simon the dummy is lead-ing? Amazing!”

One thing not to forget, his last name was Zhang, which supposedly meant ‘Master of Bows’. In fact, he can’t even shoot an arrow!!!

Or maybe,

“Cool. He’s gonna be bossy and sarcastic at us. AWE-SOME, he sucks. He’s gonna kill us all!!!”


“He is a good guy. He sucks at the bow but good in sci-ence. His last name supposedly meant ‘Master of Bows’ and he can’t even shoot a bow. WHOO HOO. Yeah! Amazing. COOL. STUPID BOB AND SIMON THEY ARE VERY STUPID.”

He led me in behind but did I know that the shadow of darkness, what I liked to call it, was trailing in from be-hind?


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CHAPTER 5 After a few hours of exploration, we found literally NOTHING!!! To me, Bob was an F+ leader. He was so bossy and even stricter than Simon, even though Simon was the bossiest person in the world. I couldn’t even think of anyone bossier than him, until today!!!

Finally, we found a rusty broken down and almost de-stroyed sign saying, ‘This way to the construction site.’

That was pretty weird to me. I mean, why would a con-struction site be in a creepy cave full of weird things??? I’m sure a lot of people would agree with me as this looked too weird.

“We are going to follow the sign,” commanded Bob.

“No way,” replied Albert and Jeffrey.

Bob gave them a glare, meaning probably ‘SHUT UP’.

“Let’s go!!!” he commanded.

We started by marching towards the direction of the sign with Bob scolding Albert and Jeffrey in the front next to me. Bob’s voice was so strict that the nearest bugs even wanted to back off!!! I might be making that up or that was an illusion. We finally got to the construction site and it was DUN DUN DUN!!! Deserted!!! Cool, fasci-nating, disgusting.

Bob literally took us to a place which was deserted again. He knows he’s an F- leader now to me because in 7 legit hours we found NOTHING, LEGIT NOTHING!!!

“Let’s explore!!!” he commanded.


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One of our scientists stepped forward to examine a ran-dom green puddle that I didn’t care about. The guy acci-dentally stepped into it and cussed, and stepped away from it. He turned to me and said “Move away I might vomit, Oscar”

I quickly moved away as he -GROSS-OUT ALERT- vomited out a GROSS-OUT-ALERT green puddle of weird stuff. KIND OF FUNNY ALERT! Then he stepped into a green puddle again. After he stepped on it, he looked and saw that it had been absorbed away and was gone!!! I took a glance at his foot and it was green instead of a peach colour! He GROSS-OUT ALERT vom-ited out a lot of green puddles of weird stuff mentioned before. We lifted him onto a portable bed borrowed from Ryan and left him there to rot… Just kidding, we actually just left him there to rest.

After marching a few minutes, I heard a snare sound for a sec. I thought it was a viper which was no threat to us since we have Ricky kung-fu-kick-the-snakes-man. It is a new nickname after he killed the snake that tried to threaten Sadiyah Rankin or Sadiyah.

I took a glance at our rear and saw a snake monster!!!

I quickly reached into my pocket, took out a pen and tapped the point. It became a sword and the words on the side gleamed, Anaklusmos. That’s Greek for Riptide. I quickly tapped Ricky’s shoulder and gave him one look. He understood. He took out his sword and ran to the snake monster jaws open and snapping it, but did I know that the shadow of darkness was hiding in the shadows watching his every move…


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CHAPTER 6 I ran straight to the snake monster and jumped and brought my sword stabbing down, you know my next thought? It was AHHHHHHHH!!! And the Fates were probably like “LOL, NOOB!” And you know why my last thought was 'IT WAS AHHHHHHHH!' Because the snake monster was like, “Nope you got the wrong number, bye!” And he dodged it. I was about to become a snake dinner, but luckily Ricky was there, so he stabbed the snake monster at the back and it instantly turned to dust. I stood up and breathed a breath of relief.

I went to Ricky and patted him on the back, without him I would be dead and not even a single percent in honour.

“Rick,” that was his other nickname, “you are really brave, and since I am a leader, I promote you from the centurion to the semi-leader!”

That was pretty much what happened to me, except I was promoted from new to the leader. Applause 10 times.

“Without your courage, I would have never survived, Ricky,” I said.

A good reason was his courage made me fearless just for a minute, at least that was enough time for me to take my leadership from Bob. Ricky beamed with light. Don’t take that seriously kids, it’s just an illusion. I don’t want you being like Hyperion beaming with light. So kids do not take this seriously! Bob thought he was a stupid guy. Again kids, don’t take that seriously either. I don’t want you to be


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like OMG, someone else is beaming, I should think I’m stupid. So my advice is not just don’t think that.

When I started leading again, I immediately said,

“Guys, we’re leaving the construction site and moving deeper into this cave!!!”

While we were walking, I could swear I heard Bob curs-ing me.

After we gave up the construction site, we found some random dumb stuff like rusty signs, stupid cobwebs AND even dumber snakes which freaked Sadiyah out so much again. There were more signs saying ‘This way to the construction site’ and also there was a lot of random rust on ‘em.


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CHAPTER 7 As we walked nervously, peeking after every block, they were more amazed by the strange way the inhabit-ants made their living space. Lots of litter, ruins and scattered remains of what once was surely edifying structures were blocking several times their way.

“What’s this smell?” asked Ricky.

“No idea,” I mumbled, looking at the filth. “Surely one of these monsters is dying somewhere.”

“Or some humans are trapped and rotting like rats,” said Bob, smirking.

They hesitated to keep going.

“We need to find out… Any volunteers?” I asked, looking at my mates.

No one raised their hand.

We voted by whoever had the most votes would check the danger out. We took out some iPad and voted. Somehow, I didn’t get the most votes but Bob literally didn’t get any!!! I got like 30 votes and dun dun!!! One of our teammates Shawn got exactly 31 votes beating me by one vote.

Shawn stepped forward. “I will go,” he said firmly, raising his rifle.

“Let’s go then, together,” I added

Shawn put his hand on my shoulder.


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“I go alone. If there is a risk or danger, I can handle it… maybe. Better to lose one man rather than two, mainly if he’s the leader.”

I locked my eyes in Shawn’s. The volunteer nodded. I left a breath, nodding at my turn. Shawn stepped forward into the sewer prudently, aiming his rifle and running in-side.

The team was waiting, expecting the worst. After a long time, I made some steps towards the sewer.

“Shawn, Shawn!! Please, where are you for God’s sake!” I shouted.

Rather than hearing a voice, only the silence filled the air.

I turned to the group.

“Guys… I think we have to avoid this place…” I grumbled.

The group shook their heads. Ricky started weeping.

"Shawn… " he murmured.

Shawn was Ricky’s best friend. Among all others, he was very courageous and fearless.

“Guys, let’s move on!” I ordered.

They quickly turned away and went around another dark corner. They lit a flaming torch to see what may go on. We didn’t want to have any bad surprise on their path. One death was already more than enough.

Once they passed around the corner, then a new smell came to their nostrils. It was really smelly.

“What in the world is this smell?” I asked curiously.


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“Probably human bones rotten like rats again,” Bob an-swered.

I gave him a stare which probably meant ‘Are-you-sure?’ Bob shrugged.

On their way, they found a spot. The only way to go up was a ladder so rusty that is was dangerous.

“Let’s go again guys, who want to go and check that stuff?”

No one raised their hand. They all knew too much they had to vote. But before I even proposed, Tony Turner volunteered to go. He checked again if the area was safe enough.

I went in front of him.

“Are you sure?”

"I am sure," Tony answered with a proud voice.

I looked at Tony again.

“Are you 100% sure? You know, this looks danger5ous,” I said with a stern voice.

“I am totally sure,” he replied.

“Then go,” murmured Bob, giving him the permission.

Tony nodded and ran to the dusty ladder, climbing to his fate.

It didn’t take long, they heard a chainsaw screeching sound and… SUPER GROSS-OUT ALERT — keep on reading if you dare — his body parts fell out and a lot of people in the gang vomited.


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A deep scream followed, and this was at that moment they knew he died.

It was a terrible and too disgusting moment to talk about it. The dead body fell from the ladder and dissolved in black dust. It looked like his body had never existed.

All of the members merely shook their heads, trying hard not to cry.

But Jeffrey Hull was weeping like crazy. His other friend, Albert Decker, was trying to cheer him up, but un-successfully.

“Let’s move on guys, better not to stay here!” I ordered.

They turned around a corner to avoid that place. In fact, losing a teammate was diminishing their number.

They walked for a few hours.

“Let’s stop here. We need to rest,” I suggested.

They sat down on the floor, exhausted. They took out a snack like a peanut butter sandwich. Yeah, this kind of stuff. Once they were full, they felt lazy.

“Can we sleep? We are very tired,” asked Jeffrey.

For sure, they thought I was going to refuse. But at their surprise, I nodded.

“Yes, all right,” I added.

To accept so easily, they knew I was in a bad mood. I stumbled upon a little brick. It felt loose, so I stamped on it. But all of a sudden, the brick fell down, discovering a secret hole of darkness.

“Hey Bob, saw that?”


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Bob took a look, but in no time, all the others approached, amazed.

“I guess you want a volunteer to take a look down there?” asked Jeffrey.

“That’s right! You want to go?”

Jeffrey shook his head. I glanced at the others in the gang. No one voted to go in and see if it was good or not, despite Tony and Shawn had died.

“All right, I’ll go then,” I said.

After a short time, what seemed like 5 seconds, they heard Oscar’s voice.

“It’s OK to come down, guys!”

One after the other, they went into the hole and joined the leader. They found an incredible sight. As Jeffrey was the second one to join Oscar, he was amazed.

“It’s monster chaos here!” he murmured.

Once the other members went down, they secretly sneaked around not being noticed by the monsters. At one point, one monster exactly turned around to look at something, but they hid at the last moment. The monster ended up checking, not noticing them.

After spending a few hours exploring the place se-cretly, they found out the monsters had to take human brains to power up their cannon, a monster cannon to destroy the earth! The gang was shocked and aston-ished.

“That is crazy!” Ricky exclaimed.


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“We have to stop them!” I concluded. Remember in chap-ter 5, this random guy stepped in what looked like an acid puddle, so take care.”

“Why?” asked Ricky.

“If you step into it, that thing can change you into a mon-ster, a random monster!”

”What the hell, man!!!” replied Ricky.

Ricky shivered. He looked at the others. They nodded, closing their eyes.

“Better not to think about what may happen then,” added Jeffrey.

It was at that moment a monster saw him.

“Hey!” the monster shouted.

They were in big trouble. All the monsters ran and charged. I pulled out my sword Riptide/Anklamous.

“Retreat! I’ll try to hold ‘em off!” I shouted.

Bob lunged at Oscar and became a monster. I was shocked. I kicked him right into the crowd of monsters. But to my surprise, the monsters gave Bob a crown. I fi-nally understood that Bob was a spy. A monster spy! I was shaking with rage.

“Bob I trusted you even after all the weird comments and actions you did, but you let me down!” I shouted at him.

“You are a fat nerd!” replied Bob, shouted back at me.


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My face was feeling very hot and without thinking I lunged and hit my sword in a great arc. A lot of mon-sters turned into black dust. But there were too many, and in a flash, they were all attacking. It became a huge calamity war.


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CHAPTER 8 I slashed lunged and did every sword move I could think of. It was around one life for 100 monsters but it wasn’t worth it, because there was like a million monsters there!!!

Now it was down to around seven hundred thousand monsters.

Ricky, Albert and I were the strongest fighters. Well, I killed around 150,000 monsters.

Ricky killed around 100,000 monsters, and Albert killed around 50,000 monsters.

Even though we had killed a lot of monsters, they were still losing the battle.

As I slashed at a snake monster, it instantly turned into dust. I saw a bomb and I got the idea to throw it to the monster cannon. I ran for the bomb as fast as I could, hoping they wouldn’t notice, which I knew was impossi-ble. I ran right to the bomb slicing a lot of monsters who got in the way. I snatched up the bomb lightning speed and ran to the cannon. When I was about to throw the bomb, Monster high king Bob ordered a bunch of mon-sters to block me from throwing the bomb.

I saw Ricky out in the open.

“Ricky, catch it!!!” I called.

As Ricky caught the bomb, the monsters went to block him.

At the last moment, when the monsters were going to catch the bomb, Ricky threw it back to me and I threw it


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into the monster cannon. Also, they could hear Bob screaming,

"What the heck?’

Some weird words were said in the monster language.


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A big explosion happened and ash, smoke, gas covered our eyes. My sight was blurred so badly that I thought I fainted right on the spot. In fact, we all fainted and the last one, Ricky, collapsed right after all of us lost con-sciousness.

When I woke up from my faint, I looked around my sur-roundings and saw that all the monsters, literally 650,000 monsters were surrendering. Even someone who was so so dumb would know the monsters had 100,000,000% chances of winning, and they surren-dered!!! I’m guessing their brain size was what people call a “pea-sized brain”. All monsters were gathered up in a huge crowd. I was amazed.

I went into the monster crowd trying to find Bob, and avoiding monster claws. After what seemed like a billion years, I couldn’t find Bob the monster among them. It was weird and I guess he probably was in the centre of the crowd, that would be normal, because he’s the leader. That would be normal because his claws were sharper than most monsters. I couldn’t find any monster looking the same as him. So my next guess was he sur-vived, the only one of his kinds. However, my best guess was he escaped, or he had the power of camou-flage. I evaluated 60% he escaped and 40% he did not, with minus 30% if you say he had camouflaged powers or else, he could be like, “Let’s camouflage and punch some puny humans!!!”


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Even if he HAD camouflaged powers but didn’t use them in the fight, he would probably use them now to escape this situation.

And after my thinking, they all went to a new jail con-structed by some sons of Hephaestus and had super-maximum security levels. Even the best jail prisoners couldn’t escape prison. But maybe, just maybe, someone could. That might never ever happen in a million years. Unfortunately, Bob was the only one who succeeded.

Also, he had sworn upon the river Styx to destroy the human race, including the planet Earth. He silently mut-tered,

“I had on the river Styx to complete my plan of destroy-ing planet Earth and the human race, and now I will swear on the river Styx again to achieve my plan.”

The shadow of darkness revealed to be Bob the mon-ster, spying on Oscar for eternity.

The End.


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