T HIRD S UNDAY OF E ASTER S UNDAY , A PRIL 30, 2017 First Presbyterian Church 508 West Davis Street Burlington, North Carolina 27215



First Presbyterian Church

508 West Davis Street

Burlington, North Carolina 27215

GATHERING AROUND THE WORD WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. And also with you. Let us prepare our hearts to worship God. MUSIC FOR PREPARATION Allegro commodo from Duet for Flute and Clarinet Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)

Linda Cykert, flute Mark Payne, clarinet

CALL TO WORSHIP Followers of Jesus, by his cross we are redeemed from the futility of sin. Alleluia! By his rising we are free from the fear of death. Alleluia! By his love we are made new in the living and enduring Word of God. Alleluia! Thanks be to God! *PROCESSIONAL HYMN – NO. 254 That Easter Day with Joy Was Bright PUER NOBIS NASCITUR *CALL TO CONFESSION

*CORPORATE PRAYER OF CONFESSION Eternal God, in whom we live and move and have our being, whose face is hidden from us by our sins, and whose mercy we forget in the blindness of our hearts: Cleanse us from all our offenses, and deliver us from proud thoughts and vain desires, that with reverent and humble hearts we may draw near to you, confessing our faults, confiding in your grace, and finding in you our refuge and strength; through Jesus Christ your Son. *SILENT PRAYER OF CONFESSION

The congregation is invited to reflect

silently during the Music for Preparation

as a time of prayer and meditation.

Please join in reading aloud those parts of

the service printed in bold.

When this symbol (*) precedes an element of the service, please rise in body or spirit.

We lay before God our own sins, the

sins and brokenness of our

fellow worshipers, the church

universal, and the world.

*CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE Lord, Have Mercy Upon Us (Kyrie Eleison) John Weaver (b.1937)



*PASSING THE PEACE, LOVE, AND JOY OF CHRIST TO OTHERS The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. And also with you.

L ISTENING FOR THE WORD A TIME WITH CHILDREN (11:00) PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION PSALTER READING: Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19 Large Print Pew Bible, page 694 Pew Bible, pages 564-566 The Word of the Lord Thanks be to God.

ANTHEM (11:00) On Emmaus’ Journey John Ferguson (b 1941)

Chancel Choir

Who are you who walk in sorrow down Emmaus’ barren road, Hearts distraught and hope defeated, bent beneath grief’s crushing load? Nameless mourners, we will join you, we who also mourn our dead. We have stood by graves unyielding, eaten death’s bare, bitter bread.

The astoundingly good news of our reconciliation to God through Jesus Christ frees our tongues to sing mighty praise to God.

We exchange reconciling words and gestures among the people of God.

We listen for what God is saying to God’s people through scripture, song, and sermon.

Who is this who joins our journey, walking with us stride by stride? Unknown Stranger, can you fathom depths of grief for one who died? Then the wonder! When we told you how our dreams to dust have turned, Then you opened wide the Scriptures till our hearts within us burned! Who are you? Our hearts are opened in the breaking of the bread. Christ the victim, now the victor, living, risen from the dead! Great Companion on our journey, still surprise us with your grace! Make each day a new Emmaus; on our hearts your image trace! Who are we who travel with you on our way through life to death? Women, men, the young, the aging, wakened by the Spirit’s breath! At the font you claim and name us, born of water and the Word. At the table still you feed us, host us as our Risen Lord! “Alleluia! Alleluia!” is the Easter hymn we sing! Take our life, our joy, our worship as the gift of love we bring. You have formed us all one people called from every land and race. Make your church your servant Body, sent to share your healing grace! -Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr. (2001) GOSPEL READING: Luke 24:13-35 Large Print Pew Bible, pages 109-110 Pew Bible, page 90 The Gospel of the Lord Praise to you, O Christ. SERMON: “Oblivious” Dr. Ron Shive


*AFFIRMATION OF FAITH - from The Confession of 1967 We believe that in Jesus of Nazareth, true humanity was realized once for all. Jesus, a Palestinian Jew, lived among his own people and shared human needs, temptations, joys, and sorrows. He expressed the love of God in word and deed and became a brother to all kinds of sinful people. In giving himself for them, he took upon himself the judgment under which all people stand convicted. We believe that God raised him from the dead, vindicating him as Messiah and Lord. The victim of sin became victor, and won the victory over sin and death for all. MOMENT FOR MISSION: Community of the Celtic Cross Wade Harrison

Our response to hearing God’s Word includes

singing and saying what we believe.

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. OFFERING OF TITHES AND GIFTS MUSIC AT THE OFFERTORY

Arietta for Flute and Clarinet Paul Koepke (1918-2000) Linda Cykert, flute

Mark Payne, clarinet *CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow LASST UNS ERFREUEN


God blesses and sends us in mission to the world.


A WARM AND CORDIAL WELCOME is extended to all who worship with us this Sunday. We hope in this service you will encounter the living Christ and experience the warmth of our caring family of faith. Please take a moment to sign our friendship register when it is passed to you. If you are visiting with us and in search of a church home, we invite you to become a part of our church family here at First Presbyterian Church. Please let us know of your interest by way of the friendship register, or by speaking to one of our ministers. LARGE PRINT HYMNS: Copies of today’s hymns are available in the Narthex. HEARING ASSISTANCE: If you need hearing assistance, units with headphones are available in the narthex from the ushers. LIVE VIDEO STREAMING: The Sunday morning worship service can be seen live from anywhere you have an internet connection. Click on the “Live Streaming” box at the bottom of the website home page ( BULLETIN COVER: The Road to Emmaus, Lyndel Littleton. WELCOME-TO-WORSHIP ACTIVITY TOTE BAGS containing worship bulletins, pencils, crayons, children’s Bibles, and other activities for preschoolers and elementary children are available on the “tree” in the narthex located at the main Davis Street entrance. Blue bags are for children 2nd grade and younger. Red bags are for children 3rd grade and older. The worship bulletins found in the blue and red tote bags have been specially prepared for each age group. Please return the tote bags to the “tree” following worship. NURSERY CARE PROVIDED: Each Sunday nursery services are available from 8:30 a.m. until noon for children from birth through Pre-K age. Children are welcomed into one of three age appropriately created classrooms: (Rooms 301 and 302) Children Kindergarten age and older are invited to worship. Each classroom has adult volunteers and a highly qualified FPC staff member with extensive child care experience, background checks and Child and Infant CPR training. Pagers are given to all guardians for immediate access during worship or Sunday School as needed. Please ask an usher for more information. THE PASCHAL CANDLE is lighted in worship throughout the season of Easter (the fifty days between Easter Day and the Day of Pentecost) and is intended to represent the splendor and glory of Jesus’ resurrection and the light of Jesus the Messiah coming into the world. It was first lighted in the opening moments of worship of the Great Vigil of Easter on the Saturday evening preceding Easter Day. The candle’s wick represents the humanity of Jesus, and the halo of the flame represents his divinity. The candle is decorated with the cross and a lamb, both symbols of Jesus Christ. The two medallions in which the Alpha and Omega (the beginning and ending letters of the Greek alphabet) are encircled are intended to represent the two full millennia (the first 20 centuries) thus far of Jesus’ reign on earth. After the Day of Pentecost, two other occasions call for the lighting of the Paschal candle: when our worship includes the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism (signifying the Spirit and fire that John the Baptist promised to all who are baptized in the name of Jesus Christ) and during funeral or memorial services of worship (as a reminder of the hope of the resurrection into which Christians are baptized). WORSHIP SERVICE CDS AVAILABLE EACH WEEK: Each Sunday, the Scripture readings, anthem, and sermon will be recorded on CD. A limited number of copies will be available immediately after the 11:00 a.m. worship service in the narthex. Additional copies may be requested by calling the church office. This same recording will be posted on the website.

OFFERING RITUAL: In the pew racks you will find “Offering Ritual” cards. The giving of our offerings and ourselves is vital part of worship in which we express our gratitude for God’s blessings. The passing of the offering plate is a visible demonstration of our commitment to devote our time and treasures to Christ’s ministry. If you give monthly, quarterly, annually; or through stocks, credit cards, or e-giving, you may still participate in the offering ritual by placing this card in the offering plate. If you are interested in giving electronically through our secure e-giving process, you will find instructions on the back side of this card. FOOD COLLECTION: The First Pres youth are collecting items for the food closet! Every other week we will collect a particular item that is needed. All donations will go to fighting hunger and helping those in poverty in our local communities and around the world! The next collection will occur following both services on May 14th. The item we will be collecting this time is toilet paper. Please prayerfully consider donating to the food closet! 2017 FLOWER DONATIONS: Floral donations to enhance worship services are offered to donors on a first come, first serve basis. If you would like to reserve a Sunday, please call the church office at 336-228-1703. Upcoming dates available include May 7, 28 and July 2, 30. ADULT LEARNING: Join Dr. Mickey Efird in the John Knox Room each Sunday through May 28 to learn more about Ephesians and Hebrews. These two books one an epistle and one a theological treatise, reflect the growth of the church and its mission. They also address the problem of persecution directed toward the church and how the struggling new religion can deal positively with that struggle. BOOK COLLECTION FOR ANDREWS ELEMENTARY CHILDREN: The Mission Mania Team (4th & 5th graders) is collecting gently used and new books as one of their Vacation Bible School mission projects. The books you donate will be given to children at Andrews Elementary School. Please bring books for Pre-K through 6th grade reading levels, and drop them off in the Welcome Center, Narthex, or in the box outside of Charlotte Allbright's office between May 1 and June 18. If you would like suggestions on books to donate, contact Charlotte at 336-228-1703 x 223 or [email protected] . A TRIO OF ORGANISTS will be featured in a special promenade recital on Sunday, June 4. The organists of Holy Comforter Episcopal Church (Charles Hogan), Front Street United Methodist Church (Matt Brittain), and First Presbyterian Church (Patrick Murphy) will play in each church. The promenade begins at 3:00pm at Holy Comforter Episcopal Church, followed at 4:00pm at Front Street Methodist Church, and conclude at 5:00pm at First Presbyterian Church. A reception in the Mary Helen Long Garden of FPC will follow the final recital. MEN OF THE CHURCH GRASSHOPPERS’ GAME: Mark your calendars now for Sunday, May 7. We have reserved the Party Deck for the Greensboro Grasshoppers’ baseball game. The game begins at 4:00 p.m. and our third-base, open-air suite offers an incredible view. We will have an all-you-can-eat picnic buffet from 3:30-5:00 p.m. of hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken, baked beans, cole slaw, cookies, tea and lemonade. The total cost including your ticket and meal is $32. Call the church office (336-228-1703) or email ([email protected]) to reserve your place. WOMEN'S CONNECTION AT MONTREAT: Women’s Connection Conference “The Fullness of Life” at Montreat Conference Center August 11-13, 2017. This year’s conference, featuring Rachel Held Evans, will encourage participants to find grace and renewal through reflection, rest, and community. Conference activities will include worship, fellowship, recreation, rest, and workshops. There will also be a time set aside to study and discuss Rachel’s book together as a conference community. All Women’s Connection participants will receive a copy of Rachel Held Evans’s book, Searching for Sunday, as part of their registration for the full conference. Now is the time to register to get the room you want! Charlotte Allbright is going and would LOVE for many women to join her. Register at and let Charlotte know you are going so we can

THIS WEEK AT FPC April 30 — May 4

Sunday, April 30 8:30 a.m. Worship Service — Williams’ Chapel 9:15 a.m. Welcome Center Opens 9:45 a.m. Sunday School for All Ages 10:00 a.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal 10:45 a.m. Session meets for prayer — Board Room 11:00 a.m. Worship Service — Sanctuary 5:00 p.m. Middle School Youth Group — Room 403 6:00 p.m. Youth Supper — Calvin Hall 6:30 p.m. Senior High Youth Group — Room 406 6:30 p.m. Confirmation Class — Room 407 Monday, May 1 10:00 a.m. Presbyterian Women’s Coordinating Council Meets—Room 122 Tuesday, May 2 6:45 a.m. Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study — Witherspoon Room 8:00 a.m. High School Dough Devotions — Biscuitville (S. Church St.) 9:00 a.m. Staff Meeting Noon 508 Poetry Class — John Knox Room 5:30 p.m. Carillon Choir Rehearsal 6:00 p.m. Presbyterian Women’s Annual Salad Supper — John Knox Room 7:00 p.m. BSA Troop #17 Meets — Garrison Joyner Activities Building Wednesday, May 3 7:00 a.m. High School Dough Devotions — Skid’s in Elon 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Morning Bible Study — Witherspoon Room 6:45 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal Thursday, May 4 6:45 a.m. Thursday Morning Women’s Bible Study — Witherspoon Room 10:00 a.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry Meets — Resource Center Minister on Call: April 28-30 Ron Shive (336)263-1884 May 5-7 Taylor Barner (412)613-0835

Ronald L. Shive, D. Min., Pastor Lindsay Conrad, M. Div., Associate Pastor for Young Adults, Missions, and Congregational Care

Taylor Barner, M. Div., Associate Pastor for Student Ministries Norman Whitney, M. Div., Parish Associate for Pastoral Care

J. Patrick Murphy, M. Mus., Organist-Choirmaster Charlotte Allbright, C.C.E., Church Educator

Hal Vincent, Liturgist, 11:00 a.m.