Third Eye Chakra A poem by Daisy Lu I am tired of this road

1 Third Eye Chakra A poem by Daisy Lu I am tired of this road nothing but dead ends and tears I am tired of feeling all alone, the burden of having no true understanding weighs heavily on my soul. There must be a different road I can follow one that is paved with kindness a charity I am ready to accept that I cannot continue down this lonely path I am willing to finally let my walls down enough to let others in and I will let my Higher Self be my guide. I will start trusting that I am capable and lovable enough to find my own pack of wolves to run free with.

Transcript of Third Eye Chakra A poem by Daisy Lu I am tired of this road

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Third Eye Chakra A poem by Daisy Lu

I am tired of this road

nothing but dead ends and tears

I am tired of feeling all alone,

the burden of having no true understanding weighs heavily on my soul.

There must be a different road I can follow

one that is paved with kindness a charity

I am ready to accept that I cannot continue down this lonely path

I am willing to finally let my walls down enough to let others in and I will let my Higher Self be my guide.

I will start trusting that I am capable and lovable enough to find my own pack of wolves to run free with.

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Checklist for the Week

Read through the entire chapter about this chakra.

Determine your deficiencies and excesses in this chakra. What needs healing?

Wear the color or keep it prominent.

Work with your Chakra guardian.

Meditate on your original Mandala.

Make a new Mandala after working with the Chakra for a while.

Work with the affirmation.

Work with the stones, foods, herbs, spices, incense,

Go through the correspondences and work with the items that resonate with you.

Work with your Tarot cards or Runes.

Record Ronald’s meditation in your own voice to listen to at least daily.

Chant the Mantra using the Mudras,


Journal your thoughts and emotions.

Keep a dream journal.

Perform the exercises and practices given in each Chakra section.

Check the website.

Check in on the Facebook page.

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Other Suggestions and Thoughts on Working with the Chakras This Week

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CHAKRA SIX SYMBOLS AND CORRESPONDENCES Sanskrit Name: Ajna Meaning: To perceive, to command Location: Center of the head slightly above eye level Element: Light Essential Form: Image Function: Seeing, intuition Psychological Function: Intuition, Invention, Psychic Abilities, Self Realization, Perception, Release, Understanding, Memory, Fearlessness Emotions: Imagination, Intuition Rights: To See Identity: Archetypal identity Orientation to Self: Self-Reflection Demon: Illusion Developmental Stage: Puberty Mantra: SUN - OM SURYAYA NAMAHA MOON - OM CHANDRAYA NAMAHA Vedic Astrological Association: Capricorn (Face of a deer and hind part of a crocodile) and Sagittarius (Centaur with the hind part of a horse and the front of an archer). Vedic God Association: Vishnu (Rama, Krishna) Affirmation: “I connect with the universal life force.” Basic Movement/Exercises: visualization, remote viewing, lucid dreams Archangel: Archangel Uriel: Inner Peace, Harmony, Illumination Essential Oils: wormwood, frankincense, atlas cedarwood, everlast (helichrysum), spruce, pine, rose, rosemary, clary sage, oergano, marjoram, thyme, linden blossom, lavender, tea tree oil, eycalyptus, jasmine, peppermint, hyssop, melissa, chamomile, marjoram, rosemary Herbs/Spices: Lavender, Poppy Seed, Mugwort Flowers: Aquilegia Pubiflora “Columbine” Stones: Amethyst, Sodalite, sugilite, Sapphire, Flourite, Labradorite, Turquoise or Zunzite Foods: Caffeine, tea, chocolate, spices, wine, purple-red foods (purple potatoes, red onions, blackberries, blueberries, purple grapes, etc.) Tarot Major Arcana: High Priestess, Hermit, Moon Rune: Wyrd

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CHAKRA SIX SYMBOLS AND CORRESPONDENCES Glands: Pineal Associated Body Parts: Eyes, Nose, Ears, Sinuses, Cerebellum, Pineal, Forebrain, Autonomic Nervous System Physical Dysfunction: Blindness, Eyestrain, Blurred Vision, Headaches, Migraines, Earaches, Nightmares, Sleep Disorders,Fear, Manic Depression, Anxiety, Schizophrenia, Paranoia, Equilibrium Imbalances Color: Indigo Seed Sound: Om Vowel Sound: (not really a vowel in this case) mmmm Petals: Two Sephira: Binah, Chokmah Planets: Jupiter, Neptune Metal: Silver Foods: Entheogens Corresponding Verb: I see Yoga Path: Yantra yoga Herbs for Incense: Mugwort, star anise, acacia, saffron Minerals: Lapis lazuli, quartz, star sapphire Animals: Owl Lotus Symbols: Two white petals around a circle, within which is a golden triangle pointing downward (trikuna) containing the lingam, and the seed sound om; in the pericarp, the Shakti, Hakini, with six red faces and six arms, seated on a white lotus; above her, a crescent moon, the Bindu dot of manifestation, Shiva in the form of lightning flashes. Hindu Deities: Shakti Hakini, Paramasiva (form of Shiva), Krishna

Other Pantheons: Themis, Hecate, Tara, Isis, Iris, Morpheus, Belenos, Apollo

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How open or closed is your physical vision, your intuitions, and your ability to access hidden realms of seeing and knowing? To be balanced in the sixth chakra is to have your third eye open, but still maintain discernment about what you see. With a deficient sixth chakra there is difficulty with intuition and the subtler realms, perhaps or of cynicism or fear. With an excessive sixth chakra, you may be bombarded with images but have difficulty grounding your intuition and sorting reality from imagination.

Excessive characteristics:





Intrusive memories

Difficulty concentrating

Excessive fantasizing.

Deficient characteristics:

Lack of imagination

Difficulty visualizing


Excessive skepticism

Denial (can’t see what’s going on)

Inability to see alternatives

Balanced Characteristics:

Strong intuition

Penetrating insight

Creative imagination

Good memory

Good dream recall

Ability to visualize

Has a guiding vision for life.

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Open the Third Eye Chakra

Put your hands before the lower part of your breast. The middle fingers are straight and touch at the tops, pointing forward. The other fingers are bended and touch at the upper two phalanges. The thumbs will point towards you and touch at the tops.

Concentrate on the Third Eye chakra slightly above the point between the eyebrows.

Chant the sound OM or AUM.

Another way to open this chakra is an eye mudra to apply during meditative practice. In the beginning it can feel strange and unnatural.

Roll your eyes upwards while keeping your eyes open. Focus on not straining your eyes. Simply move them upwards without allowing your head to follow. They should slightly defocus from your surroundings and zero in on “seeing” the center of your forehead where your third eye is located. This is a more advanced mudra to practice.

Your intuition will improve and increase. Your spiritual gifts will become apparent and you will be able to reach higher levels of awareness. Opening the third eye will open you up to your full potential.

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Mantra Chanting


Sixth Chakra: Moon and Sun– Times to do chants for week of Feb 19 - 27, 2013

Chant each Mantra 108 times each day, preferably at one of the times listed below for the most powerful Chakra activation. These are the times of the day when Sun and Moon, rulers of the sixth chakra is also

rulers of that hour. THURSDAY Chandra (Moon) horai (hour) starts at 11:40 a.m. Chandra (Moon) horai (hour) starts at 6:40 p.m. Soorya (Sun) horai (hour) starts at 8:40 a.m. Soorya (Sun) horai (hour) starts at 3:40 p.m. Soorya (Sun) horai (hour) starts at 10:40 p.m. FRIDAY Chandra (Moon) horai (hour) starts at 7:40 a.m. Chandra (Moon) horai (hour) starts at 3:40 p.m. Chandra (Moon) horai (hour) starts at 10:40 p.m. Soorya (Sun) horai (hour) starts at 12:40 p.m. Soorya (Sun) horai (hour) starts at 7:40 p.m. SATURDAY Chandra (Moon) horai (hour) starts at 12:40 p.m. Chandra (Moon) horai (hour) starts at 7:40 p.m. Soorya (Sun) horai (hour) starts at 9:40 a.m. Soorya (Sun) horai (hour) starts at 4:40 p.m. SUNDAY Chandra (Moon) horai (hour) starts at 9:40 a.m. Chandra (Moon) horai (hour) starts at 4:40 p.m. Soorya (Sun) horai (hour) starts at 6:40 a.m. Soorya (Sun) horai (hour) starts at 1:40 p.m. Soorya (Sun) horai (hour) starts at 8:40 p.m. MONDAY Chandra (Moon) horai (hour) starts at 6:40 a.m. Chandra (Moon) horai (hour) starts at 1:40 p.m. Chandra (Moon) horai (hour) starts at 8:40 p.m. Soorya (Sun) horai (hour) starts at 10:40 a.m. Soorya (Sun) horai (hour) starts at 5:40 p.m.

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TUESDAY Chandra (Moon) horai (hour) starts at 10:40 a.m. Chandra (Moon) horai (hour) starts at 5:40 p.m. Soorya (Sun) horai (hour) starts at 7:40 a.m. Soorya (Sun) horai (hour) starts at 2:40 p.m. Soorya (Sun) horai (hour) starts at 9:40 p.m. WEDNESDAY Chandra (Moon) horai (hour) starts at 7:40 a.m. Chandra (Moon) horai (hour) starts at 2:40 p.m. Chandra (Moon) horai (hour) starts at 9:40 p.m. Soorya (Sun) horai (hour) starts at 11:40 a.m. Soorya (Sun) horai (hour) starts at 6:40 p.m.

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Third Eye Chakra Self Recorded Meditation By Ronald Williams

This meditation should be recorded in your own voice and listened to on a daily basis for the week we are working on this Chakra. In the future, whenever you feel a need to work with the sixth Chakra, spend time listening to it to help balance this


Get comfortable. Breathe in and out slowly and deeply, letting go of all the tensions from the outside world.

Think about the chakra that is being worked on today. Summon the guardian for that chakra. Know that they will keep this journey totally safe for you and guide you, helping you learn what lessons the chakra has for you.

I rest my hands before the lower part of my breast.

The middle fingers are straight and touch at the tops, pointing forward.

The other fingers are bended and touch at the upper two knuckles.

My thumbs point towards me and touch at the tops.

I concentrate on the Third Eye chakra slightly above the point between the eyebrows.

And chant the sound OHM.

As I breath in to chant my breath enters from my nose.

Filling me with oxygen and the will to see my connection to my higher self.

As I exhale my lips vibrate, turning into a warm buzz.

Again I breath deep filling my lungs, my self.

Again I exhale letting go of the air and of my self.

My mind flows from the vibration of my lips

Up past my eyes that see this world

To the one eye that sees how this world fits into the larger one.

Indigo. A deep rich velvety blue.

In I go.

Into the real world.

Where my brain becomes my mind.

Where my mind turns matter into energy and that energy lasts forever.

My spirit guide ---- waits.

It is smiling with the knowledge of deep truth.

This deep warm blue has been called royal for a purpose and that is clear now.

My mind dances on fairy wings as it gets closer to my brow chakra.

I accept this is truth for me.

That I am created as part of the angel’s world

And given a body to see it in.

My third eye takes in not just light or visions

But the energy of the cosmos.

The sight of seers, the healing of healers, the music of creation itself.

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Hallucinations are possible if I dwell here too long.

So I trust my chakra to filter.

To do its work

As my heart does its

And I do mine with the help that my third eye gives me.

As I find my hands again.

And exhale a thank you for all my many blessings

Out my third eye

And return to the smaller world.

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Practices for the Third Eye Chakra

Color Meditation

This is a simple visualization for healing and cleansing the chakras, and for developing the ability of the inner eye to visualize and perceive color.

Begin in a meditation position, preferably seated. Ground and center your energy. When you are sufficiently grounded, imagine a bright disk of white light floating directly above your head, from which you can draw each color.

Let the first color be red, pulling it through your crown chakra (the seventh chakra will be covered in more depth in the next session of this course) down through your entire spinal column, and finally filling up the first chakra with a vibrant-red color. Hold that color in your first chakra for a few moments. Notice how your body feels with this color. Does it like it? Does it feel energized or uncomfortable?

Next, return to the area above the crown chakra and pull orange light out of the white disk. Run it down through your body, noticing what affect this color has on you. Bring it down to your second chakra and fill your belly with a vibrant-orange color.

Return to the crown and find a golden (yellow) light to pull through the body down to the third chakra. Imagine a warm golden glow coming out of your body at the solar plexus, with rays streaming through each part of your body, filling and warming you. As the third chakra has to do with energy distribution throughout the body, these rays are important for spreading the inner fire.

Next, we come to the heart and the color green. Feel this color wash over you, bringing with it a sense of love and affinity for the world around you. See it as a warm emerald glow around your heart.

Next, we reach into the white disk for a bright blue, pulling it down into the throat chakra. Allow it to soothe your throat as well as relax your arms and shoulders. Feel the blue rays extending all around your throat, communicating with all that is around you.

Now we come to the third eye itself, usually seen as a deep indigo blue. Feel the coolness of this color as it bathes your third eye. Allow it to wash any foreign images away, cleansing and soothing your inner screen.

And lastly, the crown chakra glows with a vibrant violet. Feel this violet light streaming into your crown chakra, energizing and balancing each of the chakras.

Check all of the chakras to see if they are retaining their colors. Take a glimpse of your whole body and see if you can imagine it as a continuous rainbow, notice which colors are the strongest or brightest. Notice which colors feel nourishing or energizing. The colors that feel the most welcome probably represent energies that you need most at this time. The colors that feel the least welcome represent areas that you typically avoid or where there may be difficulty—but you need them just the same! Pale or washed-out colors represent weak areas; strong colors, places of strength and solidity. Internally play with the colors until they feel balanced to you. This helps to balance your aura as well

An Exercise to Capture Light

Light is a nutrient that we need as much as vitamins, water, or air. Most of us spend too much time indoors, away from natural light. This simple exercise brings light into the inner temple. Whenever you see a light shining through a cloud, a radiant sunset, or a beautiful color—such as a red, red rose—open your eyes wide and drink it in (without looking directly at the sun in a way that could hurt your eyes!). Drink it in like a deep breath or a glass of water and really open your consciousness to seeing it. Then close your eyes and imagine that light or color on the inside, visualizing what you just saw. Repeat until you can see the image with your eyes closed almost as brightly as with your eyes open.

Working with Your Dreams

Dreams are a powerful visual display of the dynamics of the psyche. They speak in the symbolic language that transcends our rational, deductive logic to bring us deeper meaning. Working with your dreams is a powerful tool for learning about archetypes, images, and symbols.

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Keep a dream journal close to your bed and practice recording your dreams. This may take diligent effort, especially if the dreams occur in the middle of the night when you would rather just go back to sleep. Often people don’t remember their dreams except in fragments, but if you begin writing down even the fragments, your dreams will get the message that you are listening and begin talking to you in larger pieces.

After you have recorded your dreams, see which symbolic themes emerge most frequently. Look at each element in the dream as reflecting some aspect of yourself—even the inanimate objects like cars, houses, or bodies of water. Each is a symbol from within your own psyche. If you dream of water, notice whether it is warm or cold, stagnant or flowing. If you dream of a house notice whether it is spacious or crowded, light or dark. If you dream of a car notice who is driving, where it’s going, and what the terrain is like. These aspects are more important than deciding what a house or car might mean in a general sense. If they are all aspects of your own interior, then their qualities tell you more about what is going on than the objects themselves.

Physical Exercises

Since the third eye is literally in the head, it is not really accessed through physical exercise. Yoga asanas (postures) and pranayama (breathing practices) are actually intended as a preparation for meditation, making the body and mind calm enough to be still, and purifying the nadis (subtle routes of energy flow) so that one can journey to the inner realms of the sixth and seventh chakras.

Yogic Eye Exercise

This is an exercise for strengthening and centering the physical eyes; it is also good for eyestrain, vision improvement, and general fatigue from doing a lot of paperwork or heavy reading.

Begin in a seated meditation position with your spine straight. Close your eyes and bathe them in the darkness. Bring your awareness to the point between your eyes, in the center of your head. Feel the darkness there, and let yourself bask in its quiet calm.

When you feel centered, open your eyes and gaze straight ahead. Without moving your head, slowly turn your gaze upward. Then let your gaze follow a straight line downward, gazing as low as your vision can reach without moving your head. Repeat the movement upward and then downward again, and then return your eyes to center and close them, returning to the darkness.

Open your eyes again and center them. Then repeat the above movements, going instead from corner to corner, first from upper right to lower left two times, then from upper left to lower right, also two times.

Return again to darkness.

Repeat again, moving from far right to far left, returning to darkness after two times. The final time, after centering your eyes, make half circles—first on the top, then on the bottom—and then finish by rolling your eyes “around the clock,” making a complete rotation and stretching your gaze as far as it can go.

Do this both clockwise and counterclockwise.

Close your eyes again. Rub your palms together briskly until you feel your hands become warm. When the heat feels sufficient, place your warmed palms over your eyelids and let your eyes bask in the warmth and darkness. As the heat dissipates, slowly stroke your eyelids, massaging your forehead and face. From here you can either go into a deeper meditation or return to the outside world.

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Final Assessment and Plan for Balancing Your Sixth Chakra

Bringing about healing, balance, and transformation in your chakras takes time. Doing an exercise once may bring about an experience, but doing it repeatedly over time can bring about a permanent shift.

Before leaving this section, take some time to make a plan for how you want to work on your sixth chakra.

My strengths in this chakra are:

My weaknesses are:

My goals are:

The best tools or exercises for this are:

I make a commitment to:

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Mandala Artwork

At some point during the week, preferably in the first day or two, either after doing your guided meditation or doing chanting work or dancing, you will need to draw a mandala representing your emotions you experienced.

A circle has been pre-drawn on the next page of this workbook to get you started. You will also need some colored crayons. The mandala art exercise is a way of anchoring our experiences back into our conscious world.

Mandala is a Sanskrit word that means, “magic circle.” It is a symbol of life and wholeness. Mandalas have appeared throughout history in many cultures and religions and Jung often painted mandalas as an expression of his psyche. As an art form, they work as symbolic expressions of our inner being, and hold a psychic energy and healing power.

This is not about creating a beautiful artwork. Many people immediately say “but I can’t draw!”

It really isn’t about what it looks like, it’s what your mandala represents that is important. Just as your dance or meditation unfolds organically and without force, so too, your mandala art is a spontaneous expression of your symbolic representation of the energy of your chakras. The images may be literal or you may find a color or a shape to represent the feelings you while working with each Chakra. This is playful ritual. Just let it unfold.

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Mandala Artwork for Chakra Six.


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Reflections on Your Mandala Artwork

After you have finished doing the mandala, please review the following questions:

Title – Give your mandala a title. Let this title come through spontaneously. It is best to go with the first

name that comes to you.

Feelings – What are the dominant feelings or emotional energy surfacing from your mandala?

Question – What question is your mandala asking of you? Of what is it trying to help you become more


Throughout this week, take time to meditate on your mandala, reviewing your question and responses.

Evaluate how it might help to give meaning and direction to your life.

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