Third Eye 20/20

Third Eye 20/20 By: Tom Scilipoti

Transcript of Third Eye 20/20

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Third Eye 20/20


Tom Scilipoti

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Sept 2012

I can be a highly acidic chemical who chooses not to react

When "too cool" er men flip the hedi track,

By burying his Deadhead in the Golden Sand

And dismantling his buddy band,

But instead,

Gets out the Led,

Flashes his samurai sword but keeps his prevailing Cooler head--

Sees what ain't

And with emerald waves of patience like he were its patron Saint,

Begins to shred


Begins anew so he can merrily wed--

A New Found Glory,

With a uniquely Christmas story.

Never afraid of the Dark,

But with a long, Evergreen Island sound so


Celestial, yet Earth-tone ground and

So merrily round

It'll make the Southern California Angels,


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Pitbulls with masters who can no longer see their shadows,


And the few and proud men who know their All-American mission,


On a quest for see with telepathic vision.

Mildly scared of the Word Transcendent Light

But holistically fit with a GI Joe Kung-Fun grip on the Holiest Grail,

And a blistering aquamarine pace that would skunk a sea snail,

En route to the Emerald City without known limits' Gates.

Ringing in the wondrous years with fellowship of all-time greats

I will indeed surf, swim, balance anew and ride,

The increasingly high-stakes and Tidal waves of

A seven story Fate--

I will touch down on the Eastern shore,

Erect a fortress

And serve my boys a hardy, gravy centric plate

Alongside their unequivocally first choice in a mate that'll

Make their collective souls levitate.

But never ever will we ever do this before,

We give our Sunday Best Blessings and

Hum Ballin' odes to our Seacret City of Unspeakable joys--

Where my brave, tested but ultimately triumphant boys

Can rise with the Beautifully Mysterious, Cresent Moon-lit tide,

And shine with a luster that's supernovic, so alive--

in and outside but usually Oceanside

When it seals its one and only lottery pick,

In the NBA draft,

Of boner-fied Sirens that you and ultimately you convinced--

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The cruel winter sea wasn't so sick,

King Neptune was indeed a jealous, polygamous prick,

And the Palace Master Bedroom will leave you in

If and only if you act:

Complete, honestly and quick

When I say that a magical life on the shore

Is not the classic lore

Drunken Sailors have tried to hook you with,

Several times before

But what we all should see as

The cosmic inevitability

Of marrying for--

Not fame, nor fortune, nor critical acclaim,

But because you were always so soaking wet,

Every time his ship came.

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Content to Dream

April 2008

Last night

I wanted to stay

Forever asleep

In the temple of my dreams:

Where our souls were one

And we ran as one--

Over the Misty Mountains

And far, far away…

Down in the lake of morning love--

Where we broke bread with God

And dreamed as one,

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About lives that would be twice as sweet

If we stayed as one.

Flesh tan by the golden sun,

Souls stripped naked,

Peace like a turtle dove!

Swimming through illuminated waters

With one and only one,

Sacred Pact

To Act

Solely out of unwavering love

For the Union,

The Creator,

And the Creations to come…


But then this morning, I woke--

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Only then could we see

That if in this divine mystery,

The two of us were meant to be,

Or merely the one-way wish,

Of a lonely Super Senior:

Content to dream

Afraid to get his fat ass up,

And crush three miles at Bream.

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May 2010

For Forty Years I Fished

For just one fish--

The first fish to bite my line,

The one and only fish in the sea to me.

But she would wiggle lose

Tap fresh bait

Tease my line,

Then dive down deep,

Until a hulking new fisherman,

Took her for keeps,


The Kapernick of time.

He could swallow her whole.

He might throw her back to sea,

But slippery Fish,

I will not wait in vain for thee.

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May 2008

I knew a bulimic girl

She gave me the keys to her fridge

I stocked it with soul food,

When she needed soothing…

Chicken, Biscuits, Gravy

But she still kept losing weight.

So I made her an Italian Sausage Plate--

Filled with gravy, bread and butter

She took it down like she was starving in a gutter.

But when she stepped on the scale,

And looked in the mirror—

All she could see was a whale!

And so, her flush face turned pale

And she barely gave a pout

Before she kneeled at the toilet

Stuck her finger down her throat,

And spit me out.

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July 2011

Never Ever Have I Ever

Known a more glorious creature,

Than thee,

Mary C,

Beyond words beauty,

Pink Palace Majesty,

AO Pi Royalty.

Tears that could baptize an imagination.

Soul that could heal a nation.

Ethic full of supreme motivation,

To be an optimal human being.

Beloved in the Eye all-seeing.

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Never Ever Have I Ever,

Cared way too much about a girl.

Until I found a sacred pearl,

Buried in the 39th street sand,

Grooving to the Dave Matthews Band.

A supernova of unwavering light.

Warm, kind, undeniably bright.

Speaking in a Good Samaritan tongue.

To rescue a drunk Mexican,

From a house of animals, unsung.

Never Ever Have I Ever,

Been more grateful,

Of an angel heaven did send,

Then when you said,

“Tom, I’ll always be your best friend.”

Seven years later…

Summa Cum Laude Bio major,

P.A with mad flavor,

Soft, silky sound to savor.

Still my all-time favorite neighbor.

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Never Ever Have I Ever,

Known a more genuine treasure,

Than the pleasure,

Of being your dear friend,

Mary C,


You do not complete me.

I’m a full circle,

But my cosmic affinity,

For thee,

Is bigger than Steve Urkel,

On an early ninety’s Friday Night,

With the moon so right,

And eighty million glued tight,

To the TV screen.

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August 2009

“What’s it like to be you?”

The gossip girl inquired

Me and B Lep ripping bingers,

This bitch not getting tired.

“What do you mean?”

“What’s it like to have people think you’re a psycho?”

“What’s it like to have people

Dub me insane

Cuz I let love and laughter,



It’s actually pretty cool.

UnLIKE a skuzzer like you,

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I was paid to go to a great school

Where I soaked in Lao-Tzu.”


“The Asian master

Who taught me to see

Through the lens of pure wisdom?”

“Psycho Talk”

“Spare me,

And I know it to be a fact

That when I act

On my sacred pact

To simply be me

I have full immunity

From the poisons slung at me.

“Ok, you’re scaring me.”

Is it really insanity to you?

Staying true to your core

And honoring your soul

While everyone else,

Snorkels mountains of blow?

Is it really insane to abstain

While millions

Feel the sharp pain

Of Sex

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Transmitted Disease

Pregnancy scares

Raw dogging strangers with sleaze?

“Says the bipolar virgin”

Is it batshit crazy,

To wanna awaken the lazy?

To be a son, brother, friend, husband and father

That is truly amazing?

Is it mentally ill

To be a beacon of holy morning light,

After a long, long Alaskan winter night?

Is it cuckoo to live in peace

And meditate with the East?


Well if you think that makes me a psycho,

Then you should stare into a lake

And wave to one.

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March 2008

If a curious character inquired

“What religion are ya?”

Avoiding a cliché worn and tired,

I would answer like this:

As a kid, my religion was submission,

To a gray, bearded Lord,

Chained by the dogmas of powerful pedophiles,

Inner light trapped,

From being all it could be.

Until my confirmation day,

When Jesus drew near,

Proclaiming “perfect love casts out fear!”

Setting me free,

To spit custom poetry,

And blaze,

A new trail,

Free of fear,

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Full of the perfect love,

My mother and father passed down to me.

Creative Christianity:

Is the religion that works for me,

Because it’s set me free

To practice the Golden Rule,

And be a wise fool,

Without having to worry about some tool,

Threatening the fires of hell,

If you don’t submit to his rotten spell,

That leaves no room for your humanity,

“Salvation through Christ and his virgin bride only?"

Nah I’ll try a fresh Christianity.

Loving my neighbor without condition,

Starting a new family tradition--

To be supernovas of unwavering light,

Warm, creative, undeniably bright.

Inspired in everything,

With God,

We co-create,

If it’s not committed out of hate,

It’s an article of faith.

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April 2013

Old Friend,

Mary C

My love for thee,

Stretches infinity.

Feels more dear to me,

Than the Holiest Trinity:

God, Christ, The Holy Ghost

And I treasure thy

Benevolent Word


So will you please

Forgive my sin

Of bringing u too far in?

Too ocean trench deep

Into the serotonin-spun shadow--

That inevitability creeps,

When my mind reaps

More flow than it can sow?

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Can u annabegin

To understand,

I am

The Platonic form of grand,

And once in a three year span

I find my way into the Bin?

After the inferno

Rages so far beyond my control

That i become a monster,

I wish I didn't know

All too well

With a wrath--

So profound,

Out of Bounds

That i wake and shake

From nightmares

Ground simply upon

its harrowing sound.

Oh say can u see clearly,

That the Light within me

Loves you dearly?

Fills your treasure chest yearly?

And the phantom

That trespasses against you,

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Is a symptom

Of a sickness

That swallows my generosity

Shatters my good will

And Shreds the 50s gentlemen

You've always welcomed in?

I still keep flashes of you,

Emerald Green and Ocean Blue

U saw,

Way back when

Mama Bear

Put her healing hands

On your crown

And filled u with awe.

Did u think of me?

Or maybe just maybe

Me and you

When the Kundalini

Revealed herself

In greenish blue?

And why did the Fortune

Go home with u?

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Was it because happiness

WAS indeed right next to thee,

Mary C?

And last time

You weren’t “Ready to Make Nice”

And wondered “How to Save a Life?”

Was i not the muse?

The premium fuel u instinctively used?

To deliver the Michelangelic art

So profound

artistically sound

That it could go round for round

With F Scott and Ezra Pound?

But even still,

I honor thy gentle will

And I've finally swallowed the pill

To respect your one and only wish,:

That i take u off

My 'to do' list.

Maybe if we shared

Just one Disney kiss

I could've been your prince

But i am very much a realist.

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Oh say, I can see

The hour glass

Has crashed

And Cinderella has gone

Under the umbrella


Of a different

Charming fella.

So i accept my

Bittershweet, symphonic fate.

And babe, I will not wait

Till kingdom come

For u to give me some.

I’ve got Girls with British accents

To scout,

Hot Asians to take out.

Luminous lyrics to give

And an adulthood to finally live.

Oh no I dont

seek sympathetic tears

Nor a get out of jail free card,

I dont need your perrennial cheers,

I just pray you can understand

That the serotonin-driven life

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Is extra hard

And when i torch oak trees

Send angels down in flames

It’s only because my fever's at 400 degrees,

And the demons are playing

Dangerous games

With my kinetic mind

And my third eye has gone blind,

And I'm chemically reactive

Completely unattractive

Funny bone gone numb

With a mind pumping out

Delusions--Dumb, cray and equally unkind.

So pretty please

Mary C,

Breathe in my words

Heal what i did sever

Reset the cuckoo clocks


Give me no more time to treasure

Write me off,

Always and forever,

And keep me in your Tom box.