Think Act Summit Revised

What’s Domo? What is Domo going to Accomplish?



Transcript of Think Act Summit Revised

  • Whats Domo?What is Domo going to Accomplish?
  • Internet tells us of what is going onaround the other side of the planet,but it doesn t tell us anything about the people who are standing next to us
  • Opening Peoples Interest to people who are close to us Gained from FacebookWork Education GroupInterest ActivityMovie Music Book
  • Connecting withpeople who sharessimilar interestsand who are closeto us in the realworld. for iPhon
  • We rock SXSWJapanese StartUps goes to Austin,Texas
  • Whats SXSW? Most inuentialMultimedia festival on the Planet
  • 36,000 Inuencers 8,500 Presentations 5,000 Medias 2,000 Live Shows 200 Movies 2007Twitter2009FourSquare
  • Twitter CaseOver one night at SXSW 2007, Twitter gained 100,000 Fans. Cinderella Story of Twitter
  • Foursquare CaseSXSW 2010 was all about Check-in Battle. Location was the Main Content. Battle of Austion between Foursquare and Gowalla
  • Why SXSW? To DeliverGlobal Products tothe Global Market
  • Social Impact How do you engage Worlds rst 3,000 users?Global Level Word of MouthStrategy
  • How we make it rock? Visualize interestsof the people who came to SXSW. MoreoverDeliver Valuable MeetUp Experience with