Thhh Manuel English

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Transcript of Thhh Manuel English

  • 7/28/2019 Thhh Manuel English


    The Hitchhiker's Hack

    Summary:I. Private server functionsII. Live server functionsIII. Player IV. Teleport list detailsV. Other

    Use the "Options" button to translate the program in English.

    I. [Functions (Private)]These functions must be used on Private servers only

    (Never use it on live server !)

    Overall speed: Affect all speeds (running, swimming, flying...)Speed: Running and swimming speed(default = 7)(100% = 14)

    in percents: Display your speed in % (for example, if you put the speed to14, it will display 100%. That mean Speed 14 = 100% epic mount)Fly Mod: Allow you to fly(default = 7)(280% = 26.6)(310% = 28.7)Freeze Z:Allow you to walk at the same heigh without fallingNoClip 1: Your character can go through EVERYTHING (even ground). It'shigly advisable to use this function with Freeze Z or Fly mod.Walk-on-water:Allow you to walk on waterWalk-under-water:Allow you to walk under waterUse mount in interior: Allow you to mount even in interiorWallclimb: You can climb every mountainsNoCooldown: Remove the global cooldown on Spells (Instant cast and

    Spell without cooldown only)Walljump: Allow you to hang you on mountains (kind of wallclimb)Multi-jump: Allow you to jump in the airSuper-jump: Allow you to jump higher(Put the value you want in the Inputbox bellow)Faction: Allow you to change of faction (You can attack player of your factionif they are PVP enabled on no-fixed server)Unstuck !: Display a window in the foreground who allow you to unstuck youcharacter if you are stuck by a spell (ex: Entangling roots)Stop falling: Display a window in the foreground who allow you to stop yourcharacter falling.TP Target (back): Teleport you in the back of your target (like rogues)TP Target (Undermap): Teleport you behind your target and under the map.So you can attack them with spells or with ranged weapons (Be careful whenyou're undermap, you can fall easily ! You should use the Freeze Z function)Disable M2 collisions: Allow you to go through "objects" (trees, etc.)Disable WMO collisions: Allow you to go though buildingsNoclip: Disable M2 + WMO collisions

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    Tracking: Allow you to track units on your minimap (like hunters) and to display ressources.

    XYZ:Activate XYZ: Allow you to teleport you character with the Numpad.XYZ Speed: Teleport speed.


    7: Up9: Down8: Forward5: Backward6: Rigth4: Left

    Teleportation:Map: Map ID of the map you are on.X,Y,Z: Your coordinates.*: Copy current coordinates into the left columns(Destination coordinates)Teleport: Teleport you to the XYZ coordinatesGo to corpse: Teleport you to your corpse.List: Display the Teleport list.Click to TP: Allow you to teleport your character where you click using the Right click + Shift or Ctrl or Alt (choose it in the Shortcutwindow). You have to activate the ''Click to move'' option to make it work ! (Ingame: Escape -> Interface -> Mouse -> "Click to move").

    Shortcuts:They can be assigned by the Shotcut button (you have to check the Shortcut's checkbox to make them active). Only use ONEunique shortcut per function.

    Most used MapID:0 = Eastern Kingdom (also named Azeroth in teleport list)1 = Kalimdor571 = Northrend530 = Outland, Quel Danas, Bloodelf spawn and Draene spawn

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    II. [Functions (Live serv.)]These functions can be use on Live or Private servers.

    Wallclimb: You can climb every mountainsWalljump: Allow you to hang you on mountains (kind of wallclimb)Walk-on-water:Allow you to walk on waterWalk-under-water:Allow you to walk under water

    Super-jump: Allow you to jump higher(Put the value you want in the Inputbox bellow)Faction: Allow you to change of faction. You won't be able to attack themembre of your faction, but you'll be able to see the level/PvPstats/talents/... of members of the opposite faction.Disable M2 collisions: Allow you to go through "objects" (trees, etc.)Disable WMO collisions: Allow you to go though buildingsNoclip: Disable M2 + WMO collisions

    Tracking: Allow you to track units on your minimap (like hunters) and todisplay ressources.


    Manual: One keypress move your character of a step.Automatic: One keypress move your character continuously (To stop

    moving, press the 1 key of the Numpad)/!\

    (Numpad)7: Up9: Down8: North5: South6: East4: West1: Stop moving (If you're in Automatic mod)

    /!\Please, disactivate XYZ when you want to type something. If youpress a Numpad key while you're typing, your character will be teleportwithout turning, so you'll be disconnect if you move.

    No-Clip Action: Teleport you a bit forward by pressing the shortcut key(Default: F3).(DONT USE IT CONTINUOUSLY ! Only on VERY short distance (to gothrough a wall/door for example)))

    Shortcuts:They can be assigned by the Shotcut button (you have to check the Shortcut's checkbox to make them active). Only use ONEunique shortcut per function.

  • 7/28/2019 Thhh Manuel English


    III. [Player](Client-side only)

    (Work on Live server)

    Alcohol: Make you drunk !Titre: Display a title before your pseudo. You need to Disactivate/Activateyour name in options to see it (Clientside only)

    Emote on target: Play selected emote on your target (if no target isselected, emote is play on you)Reveal the map: Reveal all the map (Don't give any achievement and haveto be reactivate after any loading)

    Scale:Scale +: Make you character bigger (with collisions)Scale -: Make you character smaller (with collisions)Scale: Character's scale (without collisions)Height: Heigth of your character (collision only)Width: Width of your character (collision only)Reset: Reset your original scale

    Player:Dead: Show your character dead (Clientside only)Invisible: Make your character disapear (Clientside only)

    Camera:Spectate mod: Allow you to move your camera only (You can change thespeed with the inputbox (Default speed: 40))No Clip: Allow you to go through everything with your camera in Spectatemod.Follow target: Allow you to put your camera on your target to follow her.Use arrows to turn around the selected target.TP Camera (Private serv.): Teleport you to your camera (Private servers

    only !)

    Time:Hours: Set the hour of the game.Minutes: Set the minutes of the game.Speed: Set the time speed.

  • 7/28/2019 Thhh Manuel English


    IV. [Teleport List]Here is the Teleport list who can be display by the "List" button (Functions Privates)

    (Don't use it on Live server !)

    To add a destination: Put the name you want (must be unique in the list !) and click on ''Add TP''. Your destination will be add at theend of the l ist, in the category "Destinations ajoutes manuellement".To delete a destination: Put it number (Left column) and click on "Delete TP".WEH list: If you check this option, you reverse the destination's axis (X and Y) because in WowEmuHacker's teleport list, X and Y axisare reversed. If you want to use a WowEmuHacker's list, you'll have to check if this teleport list respects the conditions bellow:

    The teleport list must be composed like that:

    You have to keep the same file's name and extension (.ini).But as I said, you don't need to use this if you use the teleport list who's included with the program.

    To teleport, you just have to click on a destination and then, click on ''Teleport''.

    [Name of the destination]

    Type:=Whatever you want (This line is only here to make the program compatible with WEH lists)MapID:=ID of the mapXpos:=X coordinateYpos:=Y coordinateZpos:=Z coordinateComment:=Comment.. ^

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    V. [Other]

    On top: Put the window in the foreground.Transparence: Make the window transparent.Reset: Reset all the program's options."WoW List": If you launch several WoW, you'll be able to choose wich WoW you want to cheat on by selecting his PID (writed in thetop right hand column (on screenshots, 3 WoW are launched))Settings: Allow you to change some settings:


    use default interface

    keep functions activated after closing program

    activate some functions at launch

    You must start the program when you're character is in game.For Vista/Seven users, you'll may have to start the program with admins rights.

    Extract the files before launching the program !

    Downloads links (French forum, need registering):

    Downloads links (English forum):

    Program created byBob_74