Theta Nu-April Newsletter




Transcript of Theta Nu-April Newsletter

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Theta Nu Zetas held a St.

Patty’s Day bake sale,

raising $142, for Breast

Cancer Education and

Awareness. At the end,

Zetas donated the lefto-

ver baked goods to The

Family Sunshine Center

for victims of domestic


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Theta Nu Zetas held their first annual garage

sale for Breast Cancer Education and Aware-

ness and raised a total of $866! Thank you to

everyone who came out and donated items

to make this possible!

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Congratulations to the following Zetas who have been

accepted into AUM’s school of nursing program!


Lysdale Abbey

Varner Meagan


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In what ways has Zeta impacted your life?

“To say Zeta has had an im-

pact on my life is an understate-

ment. Zeta has helped me achieve

goals that I have always wanted

and made me dream bigger. Our

philanthropy will forever light a

spark in me, to be a part of such a

great organization and too help a

cause that is so important will al-

ways be significant. With all of

that said the thing I believe that

has impacted my life the most is

my little. She is perfect. Getting

my little made me want to do

more in Zeta and in life.”

Senior Member Spotlight

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“Zeta has impacted my life for

the better in too many ways to

count but the two most im-

portant ways that it has impacted

me is that I now have more confi-

dence than ever. And I actually

have real friends! Zeta has also

showed me that I am smart and I

am capable of more than I ever

though before.”

“I never saw myself as the sorority girl type,

but Zeta changed all of that for me. I joined

to make friends, and it was one of the best

decisions I have made! Sisterhood is some-

thing so much different than any other type

of friendship and I couldn't be more blessed

to be able to be a part of something this spe-

cial. Aside from everything, it is such a re-

warding feeling to be able to work so hard

with my sisters to raise money for our philan-

thropy! Zeta has changed my college experi-

ence and has given me something I never

would have experienced otherwise. “