These Two Simple Things Helped Oprah Become A Billionaire

These Two Simple Things That Helped Oprah Become A Billionaire

Transcript of These Two Simple Things Helped Oprah Become A Billionaire

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These Two Simple Things That Helped Oprah Become A Billionaire

Page 2: These Two Simple Things Helped Oprah Become A Billionaire

The two images that you saw definitely contrast two lifestyles.

• The image on the left to me represents abuse, anger, poverty, and intense financial struggle.

• The image on the right to me represents abundance, joy, giving, freedom, and immense financial freedom. For all of the fans of the movie The Color Purple, this contrast makes all the sense in the world to you.

•And even-though Oprah's character from the movie is fictional, it portrays a harsh reality for many people around the world. Even Oprah's real life story has a lot of similarities to the character that she portrayed.

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Billionaire With A B

So stick with me and I will reveal the two things that helped Oprah become a BILLIONAIRE (that's with a B), despite having very humble beginnings.

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Have You Been A Prisoner? Have You Ever Been A Victim?So many of us have become a victim of our circumstances, and at the same time prisoners to our parents example.

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I know I will have to explain this point a little further.

Victim: is someone who had no control over their surroundings or the events that happened to them, and shaped them. Most commonly the family we are born into, or life altering incidents that were completely beyond their control.

Prisoner: is someone who is inside of a system not created by themselves, and does not see an immediate way out. Our parents or guardians are THE very first examples that we observe and model ourselves after.

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So if you grew up wealthy, and have never known struggle, burnout, or financial stress in your life. My point will be completely foreign to you.

But if you had parents that worked shift or salary jobs. If you had parents that came from the era that believed the following. "Go to school, get good grades, get a good job, and save for retirement", then YOU my friend are exactly who I am writing to.

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So What Are The Two Things Already??!!!

Oprah Winfrey completely transformed her financial life using two simple methods. Two simple methods that took her from a news room, to one of the wealthiest people on planet earth. And those two things are............................................................................................................................................................................................ GO TO NEXT SLIDE ALREADY!!!

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Ownership And Syndication

Oprah has gone on record about the advice that Phil Donahue gave her. Yes the guy in the picture to the right.

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• Phil Donahue told her that the real way to make money is through SYNDICATION.

• For those of you that aren't T.V. nerds like myself here's a definition.

• Syndication: is when content is allowed to air on other stations or networks other than it's original one for a price.

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But wait Rodney you skipped OWNERSHIP

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That's where you are wrong. When a program is syndicated the owner of the content reaps the financial benefits of each showing and airing of the program. Now can you guess who was the owner of the content when The Oprah Winfrey Show became syndicated? DING DING DING!!!!!!! That lady from The Color Purple.

Oprah took content that people found valuable. Then took ownership of it realizing it's value and potential. Then she syndicated it around the world. (AHA!)

And by using those two simple things she is now the Oprah that gives away cars. She opens schools around the world, and she continues to use ownership and syndication to continue her success.

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Aren't you glad you stuck with me?

You may be saying to yourself "I'm not Oprah, and I have never been in the Color Purple". Don't fret though because there is hope. There is a way that you can't take your own story (content), take ownership of it (because your experiences are highly valuable), and syndicate it all over the world.

And guess what!!!! You can use these simple strategies to escape the prison of your upbringing. You can come to the realization that even though you may have been a victim of circumstance, but now you can create your own circumstances.

If you are ready to break out of the confines of your own upbringing, and break free from the prison of your parents example. Go to

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God BlessRodney Kellum

A.K.A. The Fatherpreneur