Thermal Analysis of Photovoltaic Cell

Temperature distribution of photovoltaic module based on nite element simulation  Jicheng Zhou , Qiang Y i, Y unyun Wang, Zhibin Ye [3]

Transcript of Thermal Analysis of Photovoltaic Cell

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Temperaturedistribution photovoltaicmodule baseon nite elesimulation Jicheng Zhou , Qiang Yi, YunyunWang, Zhibin Ye [3]

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•Finite Element odel


#oundary Conditions•$esults



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Introduction•&"erating tem"erature has a signi'cant im"act on electrical e(ciency o% )* modules and the decreaseo"erating tem"erature leads to an increase o% the me(ciency

•!lso the tem"erature distribution in "hoto+oltaic cegi+e rise to thermal stresses in the "anel-

•.e hybrid systems commercially /non as )hoto+ 1hermal or )*21 collectors has been designed

•Either air or ater can be used as medium and actsheat carrier de"ends on the usage


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Construction•! "hoto+oltaic cell4s construction consists o% to"co+er, solar cells and bus bars, ethyl+inylacetateand 1edlar and bac/sheet-

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Finite Element odel•

 1he three0dimension model hichsimulates the thermal trans%er o% in"olycrystalline silicon "hoto+oltaicmodule consists o% '+e layers7 glass,ethyl+inylacetate 5E*!6, "olycrystallinesilicon solar cells, E*! and 1)151edlar2)E12 1edlar6 bac/sheet layer %romto" to bottom res"ecti+ely-


• 1he solar cells are embedded in E*! andha+e a dimension o% 89: mm by 89: mm-

 1he inter+al o% ad;acent cells is 9 mm-

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 1he re<ecti+ity, transmissi+ity and absor"ti+ity o% all materials are csigni'cant to the analysis and ta/en to be unity-

•$e%erring to the solar cell re%erence e(ciency o% 89-:=, the solar cee(ciency at tem"erature o% 9>? @ is no "resumed to be 8:=-

• 1he ambient tem"erature is "ostulated as eAual on all sides o% the m

•Concerning the heat radiation eBchange, the bac/ and %ront o% the )*

are ta/en to +ie the ground and s/y res"ecti+ely- 1he ground and stem"erature is assumed to be eAual to the ambient tem"erature

• 1he con+ecti+e heat trans%er coe(cient at the bac/ sur%ace o% the )*is "resumed to be hal% o% the %ront due to it is not cooling as ell as t

• 1he state conditions are "resumed to be steady-

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#oundary Conditions

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#oundary Conditions

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 1em"erature distribution andmodel +alidation

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Eect o% solar irradiance


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Eect o% ind s"eed


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Eect o% ad;acent cell inter+


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Eect o% ad;acent cell inter+

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! +alidation o% a ne simulation model %or analysis o% ther"er%ormance o% a )* module- It is %ound that the tem"eratdecrease ith increase in inter+al beteen ad;acent cells- %actors li/e the electrical "oer out"ut, costs and electricinsulation "roblem into consideration an o"timum +alue o%can be %ound out-

•Doer ambient tem"erature is hel"%ul %or both the heat disand the im"ro+ing o% solar cell electrical e(ciency, and this ob+ious es"ecially under high solar irradiance and lo s"eed-

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$e%erences[8]Finite Element 1hermal !nalysis o% a olar )hoto+oltaic odule, Deea,b and !ndre !- &- 1aya,b-

[9]1em"erature distribution o% "hoto+oltaic module based on 'nite elemesimulation, Jicheng Zhou , Qiang Yi, Yunyun Wang, Zhibin Ye-

[3]1hermal analysis o% 'lm "hoto+oltaic cell sub;ected to dual laser beamirradiation, Yu0Chen Yuan, Chen0Wu WuG

[H])hoto+oltaic0thermal 5)*216 technology e 1he %uture energy technolog

ohd Yuso% &thman, !dnan Ibrahim, oh Di Jin, ohd a'dK $uslan, @amaruKKaolar Energy $esearch Institute, Lni+ersiti @ebangsaan alaysia, H3MNN #angi,

[:]1hree0dimensional thermal modeling o% a "hoto+oltaic module under +conditions

- Lsama iddiAui, !-F-- !ri% , Deah @elley, te+en Oubos/y