Therefore go....

Therefore Go… Testimonies from February 2012


Testimonies from February 2012

Transcript of Therefore go....

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Therefore Go…

Testimonies from February 2012

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Answers to the prayers of many…. Hi there!

God hears our prayers! I know it might seem like stating the obvious, but over

this last month I have seen extravagant demonstrations of God’s heart as He has responded to

the prayers of those desperate to hear His voice.

Thank you for praying for Peter Young’s ministry trip to Peru. I cannot even begin to explain all

that God did in the four days that Peter was with us. People broke down as they heard God’s

heart towards them and there is a new faith and expectation for a fresh move of God in our


On the Thursday Peter came with me to Santa Monica prison to minister to the ladies. I wasn’t

quite sure how to organise it, but I felt I should ask him to prophesy over all the girls publically. It

was a risk, but one that I felt I had to take. Most of these women have never had any contact

with the supernatural power and love of God, yet as Peter spoke God’s word over them—words

of hope, redemption, future and love—I could see them being touched in a profound way. One

young girl who was visiting the group for the first time committed her life to the Lord and another,

who said to me later that she was on the point of giving up in her faith, told me that she had

asked God for a sign that He was real and that this was the answer to her prayers.

Over the last few weeks we have also seen a number of amazing answers to prayer, girls have

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Answers to the prayers of many…. seen restoration in relationships with family members and others

are now awaiting the possibility of new reductions in their

sentences. Please pray that as the girls go to court in the next few

weeks, God will give them supernatural favour with the judges

and lawyers.

Peter’s time spent with our church was also very special. He

spent time with the leadership and worship teams and everyone

was greatly encouraged by the words that were shared with

them. Many received answers to questions that had been in their hearts and there is a new

commitment to go deeper into the things of God

On the Saturday morning Peter held a workshop for those members of our church that desired to

be able to flow in the gift of prophecy. In the past there has been so much abuse of this gift in

the church, that many were initially quite wary of what would happen. However, God has really

gifted Peter to be able to communicate the heart of this gift in a very balanced and healthy

way. It was so wonderful to see people stepping out in faith and giving others a word for the first


It really feels like it was a week of breakthrough for many. We really are expectant to see what

God has for our church in this next season!

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In the Community….

I continue to enjoy my work with the kids in the

community libraries of Villa Maria. We have been

running holiday craft programs for the kids, teaching

them the art of “arpilleria” (a Peruvian art technique

that uses fabric scraps to make images). I also held a

drama workshop for some of the smaller kids (which

was far more challenging than I expected!).

As much as I am enjoying my work there, I must also

admit at the same time my heart is becoming

increasingly burdened for these little ones.

Over the last few months I have started to see

aggressive behaviour coming from some of the kids in

the Simon Bolivar library. At other times they display

certain attitudes and actions that are completely

unbefitting kids their age.

Many of these children come from very broken

homes. Their parents spend much of their time away

working or drunk and some are even in prison. As a

result the kids spend a lot of their time playing in the

streets and are exposed to all kinds of influences.

I am so aware that I am there for only 2 hours a week

and have such limited time with them to make a


I really am praying that God will give me wisdom in

how to share Him with these little ones. I so desire to

see them living joy-filled, God-honouring lives that

shout His glory to their communities.

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In the Community…. Thankfully all is going really well in our little library in 19A. Although this is a far poorer community

than Simon Bolivar, the children who attend here show a real desire to read and learn.

This last Friday we had “pirates” as our theme for the day. We made pirate eye patches, listened

to a story and played some pirate games. The kids seemed to have great fun.

Two weeks ago, Charo Rios, the wife of the gentleman who runs the library, approached me and

asked if I could come and visit her to discuss some “ladies’ matters”. I went a few days later and

was amazed when she started asking me some marriage advice (despite the fact that she has

been married 20 years and has a family that I really admire). Her family does not know Christ yet,

but it was such an awesome opportunity to be able to share some solid Biblical principles for

marriage. She is becoming a good friend and I am really trusting that through me, God can

make His love and goodness known to this family.

Please pray that, despite the short time I have with them each week, God can use me to make

Him real to these children and to be a support and encouragement to them.

Please also pray for the salvation of the Rios family. They are an incredible example in their

community, but how much more so when they can be an example for Christ.

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Thank you…. Thank you so much for standing with us in faith and prayer for the work that God is doing here in

Peru. Jaime and I are so thankful for all that you sow into our lives and ministry.

Thank you for every encouraging email, every prayer, every gift. May God honour your

faithfulness and fill you with joy knowing that lives are being impacted on this side of the world

because of you!

Much love, Jaime and Kim

Some prayer requests…. Please keep Jaime in your prayers…

As part of his new position in World Vision, he is responsible for

organising the Vision Fest concert on Friday 23 March. The

aim of this concert is to unite Christian youth from across Lima

with the purpose of mobilising them for works of social

transformation in their churches and communities.

We are trusting that 2500 young people will attend the event

and that from this group will arise to pioneer outreach works

in their churches.

This is a huge event. Please pray that God will give Jaime the capacity and wisdom to organise

the event with excellence. Please also pray that the young people of Lima will respond to this

call to make a difference in their communities.

Jaime and I would love to hear from you: please write to us at [email protected] or you could

call on +51 990 50 1552. My skype name is kimmysol.