Thepremiernotforprofitorganizaonforthoseinvolvedwithall ......Barry Rivelis was appointed Chief...

"The premier notforprofit organiza3on for those involved with all aspects of managing health informa3on within BC since 1985”

Transcript of Thepremiernotforprofitorganizaonforthoseinvolvedwithall ......Barry Rivelis was appointed Chief...

Page 1: Thepremiernotforprofitorganizaonforthoseinvolvedwithall ......Barry Rivelis was appointed Chief Information Officer at PHSA on June 15, 2009. In the fall of 2009, Barry also In the

"The  premier  not-­‐for-­‐profit  organiza3on  for  those  involved  with  all  aspects  of  managing  health  informa3on  within  BC  since  1985”  

Page 2: Thepremiernotforprofitorganizaonforthoseinvolvedwithall ......Barry Rivelis was appointed Chief Information Officer at PHSA on June 15, 2009. In the fall of 2009, Barry also In the

BCHIMPS and COACH Present: {LJNJƛƴƎ CƻNJdzƳ ƻƴ Emerging Technologies  

March 2, 2012 UBC Golf Course, Vancouver, BC 


Thank you to our Conference Supporters 


Page 3: Thepremiernotforprofitorganizaonforthoseinvolvedwithall ......Barry Rivelis was appointed Chief Information Officer at PHSA on June 15, 2009. In the fall of 2009, Barry also In the


7:30am – 8:30am ~   Registration and Breakfast  8:30am – 8:45am ~   Welcome  8:45am – 9:45am ~   Negotiating the World of Emerging Technologies in a Legacy Environment        Barry Rivelis, CIO, Provincial Health Services Authority 9:45am ‐ 10:45am ~   Innovation and Interoperability at the Bedside – Full Circle       Mary‐Lyn Fyfe, CMIO, Vancouver Island Health Authority    Program Description: VIHA has recently embarked on a journey pursuing medical device integration with their Cerner based EHR.   Dr. Fyfe will discuss their implementations and the associated challenges and successes.  In addition, she will discuss future plans for continued interoperability to support quality and clinical workflow.  Program Objectives/Benefits: Understand current state and future vision of medical device integration within VIHA.  Become familiar with the challenges and solutions required for successful implementaiton.  

 10:45am – 11:00am ~   Networking Break  11:00am – 12:00pm ~   The Power and the Possibilities of the Patient/Doctor Relationship & the        Communication Revolution         Dr. Wendy Graham, President and CEO, Mihealth Global Systems Inc.  Program Description: Dr. Wendy Graham will discuss the emerging trends in healthcare technology, what physicians should be aware of, and the need for Personal Health Records. mihealth, a new personal health record, will be introduced along with the benefits it can provide to the patient‐provider relationship.  Program objectives/benefits: 

• Learn about the emerging trends in Healthcare Technology • Learn about the different types of  health Information technology available to engage patients (patient portals, social media 

and PHRs)  • Consumer Views on PHRS  • Review evidence regarding the use of health information technology and its impact on patient outcomes • Discuss strengths and limitations for the use of health information technology in clinical practice  • How to gauge whether patient health records will impact clinical practice  • Types of PHRs available to Canadian patients ‐ including Mihealth    • Benefits for physicians (clinics) and patients  

 12:00pm – 1:00pm ~  Wireless Home Care Services and Social Media 

      Scott Herrmann, Director of Mobile Solutions, Procura   Program Description: The wireless revolution has triggered a multi trillion dollar industry and the mobile device has become a central part of life. Forward looking companies in the health and life sciences communities are embracing mobile technology as a way to extend the value of their services they provide. Home health care also has embraced this technology for its ability to increase compliance, productivity and accountability of field staff. Whether it’s RN’s or Aides or social workers by eliminating paper and self‐reporting manual processes with mobile technology, Home Care agencies can gain benefits that not only improve patient outcomes, but also provide a better way to deliver and proactively manage their services.  Program Objectives/Benefits Recognize where the value of mobile technology lies in home and community care + Identify the ways  to enable an ROI to make the mobile service a reality +  Understand the challenges in deploying and managing a mobile workforce in your agency.  


1:00pm – 2:00pm ~   Lunch 

Page 4: Thepremiernotforprofitorganizaonforthoseinvolvedwithall ......Barry Rivelis was appointed Chief Information Officer at PHSA on June 15, 2009. In the fall of 2009, Barry also In the

2:00pm – 3:00pm ~  Emerging Technologies and Healthcare IT in Canada 

      Ron Parker, Group Director, Emerging Technologies Group, Canada Health Infoway  Program Description:  This session will outline some of the emergent technologies and use trends being tracked by Canada Health Infoway as relevant for healthcare.  Program Objectives: Participants will hear about key technologies that Infoway is following and assessing for their utility and potential scope of effect on eHealth and Healthcare IT.  Topics will include high level assessment of Cloud Computing, Mobile computing (or mHealth), Social Computing / Consumer Enablement, and Analytics with observations on how these trends are converging and are strongly interrelated.   Program Benefits: Participants will have an opportunity to question, and offer opinions and their own insights that will shape Infoway’s opinion and approach to these subjects, hopefully assist audience members  in further developing their own personal insights into how to shape medium to long term strategies that might consider these topics. 

 3:00pm – 4:00pm ~   The Future of Evidence       Jeffrey Betts, Business Development, IBM Healthcare and Life Sciences  Program description: Evidence:  Everyone agrees it should guide how physicians treat patients and organize care.  We know that rigorously determining 'what works' and then systematically applying those lessons improves outcomes, quality and cost.  As patients, we assume and expect that health professionals will be using the most current, proven knowledge as they treat us.  But close to 1 million articles a year are now published in medical journals, putting the synthesis and condensation of relevant new insights beyond human cognitive capacity.  EMRs, EHRs and PHRs are continuously gathering petabytes of facts about symptoms, diagnoses, treatments and outcomes, but most of this data remains in silos, under‐analyzed and under‐utilized.    The good news is the healthcare industry is moving towards an evidence‐centric ecosystem, enabled by technologies like Natural Language Processing (NLP), similarity analytics and predictive modelling.  These tools will help healthcare professionals generate large‐scale comparative effectiveness evidence, in real time, specific to each and every patient.  Program objectives/ benefits: Describe some of the coming changes to how we create and consume medical evidence, with examples from research collaborations between IBM Research and healthcare clients around the world. 

 4:00pm – 4:15pm ~ Closing Comments 


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Meet the Speakers  

Barry Rivelis, Chief Information Officer, Provincial Health Services Authority Barry Rivelis was appointed Chief Information Officer at PHSA on June 15, 2009. In the fall of 2009, Barry also assumed leadership of the IMIS organizations of Vancouver Coastal Health and Providence Health Care. Prior to joining PHSA, Barry held the position of Vice President, Healthcare at TELUS Corporation, where he was responsible for leading TELUS’s national healthcare strategy. Barry brings an extensive background in information technology and management through experience gained in a variety of settings, including senior level positions with Cap Gemini Ernst & Young (CGEY) in Vancouver and Ernst & Young Consulting in Toronto. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from York University and an MBA from the Schulich School of Business. 


Dr. Mary‐Lyn Fyfe, Chief Medical Information Officer, Vancouver Island Health Authority   Dr. Mary‐Lyn Fyfe is a practicing physician and the Chief Medical Information Officer for the Vancouver Island Health Authority in British Columbia, Canada. Mary‐Lyn is a University of British Columbia medical graduate who subsequently undertook Internal Medicine education in both Canada and the United States, where she worked for Kaiser Permanente for 12 years. It was there that Mary Lyn experienced the clinical efficiencies and quality outcomes associated with the electronic health record.  

 Upon return to Canada in the fall of 2003, Mary‐Lyn pursued her career in Clinical Informatics with the Health Authority. Since 2005, Mary‐Lyn and Catherine Claiter‐Larsen, the Vice President and Chief Information Officer, have been co‐leading the Electronic Health Record journey across the continuum of care. Together, their vision and transformational leadership at VIHA has contributed to substantive clinical informatics and telehealth successes. Mary Lyn has presented at numerous conferences and continues to provide leadership in clinical informatics education for University of Victoria’s Health Information Science. 

 Dr. Wendy Graham, President and CEO of Mihealth Global Systems Inc. She was the Founder and 1st President of the Association of Family Health Teams of Ontario (AFHTO), and is the past Medical Director and Lead Physician with North Bay’s Blue Sky Family Health Team. She has been in full‐time comprehensive family practice for over 20 years.  Recently, she was described as an “influential physician” in primary care reform and collaborative care models for Canada. She addressed models of reform at the World Congress on Health Care in 2008 in Washington DC. Prior to this she was one of several invitees with the International Alliance of Patient’s Organizations to address multiple NGOs at the United Nations session in March 2007 on Health Care Reform on patient‐centered care.   She is a past member of the CEO round table for LHIN (Local Health Integration Network) 13, of their e‐Health Provincial Working Group, and she contributed to the Aging at Home Strategy Committee as a member addressing programs to reduce Emergency Room wait times. LHIN 13 covers the largest geographic region in Ontario  

Scott Herrmann: Director, Mobile Solutions Responsible for working closely with our customers to deliver Procura’s Mobile Solutions Suite Scott brings a strong background in mobile solutions and extensive experience in the home health care mobile solutions market to the role. As a pioneer in the mobility world, Scott has an in‐depth understanding of what customers need from a mobile solution. 

 Ron G. Parker, Group Director – Emerging Technology Group, Canada Health Infoway Inc. (Infoway) Ron works in a team that is identifying, assessing, and elaborating on the implications of emergent ICTs for the healthcare sector.  He is also responsible for the maintenance and extension of the Blueprint for EHR Solutions, a SOA enterprise architecture for eHealth in Canada.  The EHRS Blueprint describes how the EHR can serve as a platform for collaboration and innovation in health service delivery, and demonstrates how ICTs are foundational to 

a sustainable health care system. 

 Jeffrey Betts, Business Development, IBM Healthcare and Life Sciences Jeff currently leads IBM’s Chronic Disease Management and Personalized Healthcare activities in Canada.  He has over 25 years of management and project leadership experience, with fourteen of those years with IBM. Before joining IBM, Jeff held various IT management positions in the BC provincial government, focused on creating, operating and expanding electronic services for citizens.  Since joining IBM, he’s held positions with local, national and global responsibility, and has worked in Canada, the US, Australia, Europe and the Caribbean. 

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Event Summary

BCHIMPS & COACH Spring 2012 Forum on Emerging Technologies

Friday, 2 March 2012, University Golf Club, Vancouver, BC

On March 2nd, 2012 at the UBC Golf Course in Vancouver, BCHIMPS and COACH hosted another great

Spring Education session, entitled Innovation through Emerging Technologies. Despite the rain more

than 100 delegates came out to listen to six fabulous speakers from both public and private sector

organizations leveraging technology to improve health services in Canada. The morning focused on the

challenges and successes of eHealth innovations in health regions, hospitals, home care, and patient-

physician communications. The afternoon provided a vision of innovations to come, reminding us why we

are so excited by our industry.

After a gracious opening by BCHIMPS President John Waldron, and COACH President Don

Newsham, Barry Rivelis, Chief Information Officer (CIO) for the Provincial Health Services

Authority (PHSA) discussed the strategies and tactics PHSA uses to embrace emerging technologies.

Barry outlined PHSA's five strategic imperatives (Thought Leadership, Health Outcomes, Operational

Excellence, Collaboration and Knowledge, and Team Development) and current projects underway to

both realize and create value within this framework. His top 10 list of "Thoughts to Foster Emerging

Technologies" provided insight into moving forward an agenda for innovation without risking the stability

and success of everyday operations. Dr. Mary Lyn Fyfe, Chief Medical Information Officer (CMIO) for

the Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA) followed on, describing a VIHA's successful innovation in

patient centered care, the award winning Royal Jubilee Patient Care Centre Project. The audience was

moved not only by Dr. Fyfe's passion and commitment to patient care, but also by demonstrated evidence

of productivity gains, error reduction, and improved quality of care through device integration at the

bedside, paperless nursing documentation and wireless communications across the patient care team.

Moving on to the subject of patient-driven care, Dr. Wendy Graham, Ontario physician

andFounder of MiHealth, an ASP-model, subscription based, collaborative patient chart enabling patient-

initiated interaction with their physician. Dr. Graham convincingly explained how patient 'activation' has a

direct impact on improving health outcomes, including decreased medical errors, increased care

coordination, improved results of medical interventions, and above all, improved confidence in the health

care system. With strategic partners providing easy to access patient education and personal health

strategies, like BestLifeRewarded, Body Guardian and Health Choices First, it was easy to see how

patient driven care with appropriate tools and supports, will be a significant health care game-changer in

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in Canada. Closing the morning Scott Hermann of Procura explained how his organization is already

leveraging consumer based mobile platforms to manage home health care service delivery, and provided

his top 10 ten list of game changing wireless innovations in health service delivery.

After a hot lunch delegates were treated to a discussion with Ron Parker, Canada Health

Infoway's Director of Emerging Technologies . Ron is also renowned for his vision in developing

the Canadian EHRS Blueprint, the architectural framework outlining Canada's vision of the interoperable,

pan-national Electronic Health Record (EHR). Ron described the four future trends CHI is tracking today,

cloud computing, mobile computing, consumer enablement, and analytics. Like Apple's iTunes platform,

Ron conceived of a platform that may host a range of interoperable applications and devices supporting

personalized care, continuity of care, evidence based medicine, and systems efficiencies. He shared a

vision of innovations beyond the EHR; an interoperable, cloud-based platform offering a range of tools yet

to be defined, as well as challenges surrounding the convergence of these trends, such as user digital

user identity management. With these big ideas in mind, Ron highlighted the risks and mitigation

strategies that eHealth decisions makers will have to contend with we move towards a BYOD (bring your

own device) world.

Finally, ending the day on a high note, Jeff Betts of IBM brought Watson to life for BCHIMPS and

COACH delegates. Watson is a computer system that can understand the semantics of natural language

and deliver a single, probabilistic, evidence-based answer to human questions. Watson not only

recognizes, interprets and structures inferential language, it can synthesize and condense petabytes of

data to find answers, analyze evidence, then create and test its own hypotheses. Watson presents

possible answers with confidence indicators. Not only has Watson proven its abilities to the world by

outperforming humans in the TV game show Jeopardy, but it has demonstrated the potential for this

technology to add significant value in health care, producing information from huge quantities of under-

utilized health care data. With close to 1 million articles published each year in medical journals, and the

ongoing collection of data about symptoms, treatments and outcomes in EMRs, EHRs and PHRs, Watson

provides the analytical capacity that no single human can, to semantically synthesize structured and

unstructured data to provide evidence-based decision support for important human questions.

On this Friday afternoon, flying high in the cloud of tomorrow, BCHIMPS and COACH delegates floated

home, excited again about the future for Health Informatics.