Theoretical Perspectives on Human Behavior

Module #2 Florida Atlantic University School of Social Work Theoretical Perspectives on Human Behavior Dr. Whiteman


Theoretical Perspectives on Human Behavior

Transcript of Theoretical Perspectives on Human Behavior

Page 1: Theoretical Perspectives on Human Behavior

Module #2

Florida Atlantic UniversitySchool of Social Work

Theoretical Perspectives on Human Behavior

Dr. Whiteman

Page 2: Theoretical Perspectives on Human Behavior

• Quiz• Knowledge Ingredients for Helping

Professionals• Theories in general• Big Ideas and Applications• Theories compared


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Knowledge Ingredients Necessary “TO DO” Social Work

• Specifics of the case or situation– Quality of relationship between social worker

and client

How can you improve quality of relationship?

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Knowledge Ingredients Necessary “TO DO” Social Work

• Thinking processes, emotions, and social location of self

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Knowledge Ingredients Necessary “TO DO” Social Work

• Social work values and ethics.– Service– Social Justice– Dignity and Worth of the Person – Importance of Human Relationships– Integrity – Competence

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Knowledge Ingredients Necessary “TO DO” Social Work

• Scientific knowledge of theory and research –

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Scientific Knowledge: Theory and Research from the THEORY side

THEORY– Provides a framework for understanding

person/environment transactions – Guides interventions– Focuses our attention on particular aspects of the

person-environment-time configuration – Is based on assumptions, or beliefs held to be true

without testing or proof, about the nature of human social life

– Is composed of concepts which are put together to form propositions and statements of relationship

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Scientific Knowledge: Theory and Research from the THEORY side

THEORY DEFINED– A logically related set of concepts and propositions, organized into a deductive system, that explains some aspects of our world.

– Concepts are the building blocks of theory (i.e., acculturation, loss, self-reliance).

– Example: Risk & Resiliency theory

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Scientific Knowledge: Theory and Research from the RESEARCH side

RESEARCH:• Is a problem-solving process

• Is a systematic method of seeking answers to questions

• Is empirical -- something that we experience through our senses, as opposed to something that we experience purely in our minds

• Is a way of observing events with the intent to look for patterns in those events

• Is a way to test the assumptions of theories

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Scientific Knowledge: Theory and Research from the RESEARCH side

Criteria for Evaluating Research• Corroboration• Multidimensionality • Definition of terms • Limitation of sample• Influence of setting• Influence of the researcher• Social distance• Specification of inferences• Suitability of measures

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Module #2

Florida Atlantic UniversitySchool of Social Work


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• Are useful for thinking about changing configurations of persons and environments

• Are not mutually exclusive but overlapping and intersecting

• Differ by focus and perspective• Evolve as world views expand and change to

accommodate diversity and inequality • Are used to guide practice interventions

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• Break into groups– Summarize the assigned theoretical

perspective– Explain group’s interpretation of the

perspectives usefulness when applied to McKinley Family

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Big Ideas of the Systems Perspective

• Systems are made up of interrelated members (parts) that constitute an ordered whole.

• Each part of the system impacts all other parts and the system as a whole.

• All systems are subsystems of other larger systems.• Systems maintain boundaries that give them their

identities.• The dynamic interactions within, between, and

among systems produce both stability and change, sometimes even rapid, dramatic change.

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Big Ideas of the Conflict Perspective

• Groups and individuals try to advance their own interests over the interests of others.

• Power is unequally divided, and some social groups dominate others.

• Social order is based on the manipulation and control of non-dominant groups by dominant groups.

• Lack of open conflict is a sign of exploitation.• Members of non-dominant groups become alienated from

society.• Social change is driven by conflict, with periods of change

interrupting long periods of stability.

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Big Ideas of the Rational Choice Perspective

• People are rational and goal-directed.• Social exchange based on self-interest as actors try

maximize rewards / minimize costs.• Values, standards, expectations, and alternatives

influence the assessment of rewards and costs.• Reciprocity of exchange is essential to social life.• Power comes from unequal resources in an


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Big Ideas of the Social Constructionist Perspective

• Human consciousness, and the sense of self, is shaped by continual social interaction.

• Social reality is created when people, in social interaction, develop a common understanding of their world.

• People perform for their social audiences, but they are also free, active, and creative.

• Social interaction is grounded in language customs, as well as cultural and historical contexts.

• People can modify meanings in the process of interaction.• Society consists of social processes, not social structures.

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Big Ideas of the Psychodynamic Perspective

• Emotions have a central place in human behavior.• Unconscious, as well as conscious, mental activity serves as the

motivating force in human behavior.• Early childhood experiences are central in the patterning of an

individual’s emotions and, therefore, central to problems of living throughout life.

• Individuals may become overwhelmed by internal and/or external demands.

• Individuals frequently use ego defense mechanisms to avoid becoming overwhelmed by internal and/or external demands.

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Big Ideas of the Developmental Perspective

• Human development occurs in clearly defined age-graded stages.

• Each stage of life is qualitatively different from all other stages.

• Each stage builds on earlier stages.• Human development is a complex interaction of

biological, psychological, and social factors.• Moving from one stage to the next involves new

tasks and changes in statuses and roles.

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Big Ideas of the Social Behavioral Perspective

• Human behavior is learned when individuals interact with the environment.

• Similar learning processes taking place in different environments produce differences in human behavior.

• All human problems can be formulated as undesirable behavior.• All behavior can be defined and changed.• Human behavior is learned by association of environmental

stimuli, by reinforcement, by imitation, and by personal expectations and meanings.

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Big Ideas of the Humanistic Perspective

• Each person is unique and valuable.• Each person is responsible for the choices

he or she makes within the limits of freedom.

• People always have the capacity to change themselves, even to make radical change.

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Big Ideas of the Humanistic Perspective (cont.)

• Human behavior can be understood only from the vantage point of the phenomenal self—from the internal frame of reference of the individual.

• People make psychologically destructive demands on each other, and attempts to meet those demands produce anxiety.

• Human behavior is driven by a desire for growth, personal meaning, and competence, and by a need to experience a bond with others.

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Theories Comparatively

• What criteria should social workers use to evaluate theories? – Coherence and conceptual clarity– Testability and empirical support– Comprehensiveness– Diversity and power– Usefulness for practice

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What two important things did we discuss today?

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• Chart amount of sleep, exercise, and eating habits for five days.

• Bring the chart to class next Thursday to discuss their findings in small groups. – Document physical health, psychological

health, and exterior environmental conditions.

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• Interview, by phone, in person, or through e-mail, a medical social worker at a local or state medical facility to find out the following: – How the social worker uses information about

the different biological systems to work effectively with their client population.

– How other medical professionals view the role of social work in that particular medical facility.

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• What perspective/theory best explains HBSE?

• Why?• Given what you have read, what two

interventions  would be most successful working with your group/population of interest?