Theme for 2012: Education for Disaster Risk · PDF fileTheme for 2012: Education for Disaster...

1 SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award Theme for 2012: Education for Disaster Risk Reduction PART I: Details of Your School 1. Name of your school: Caraga Regional Science High School 2. Full address: Purok 10, Barangay San Juan, Surigao City, Surigao del Norte 3. Postcode: 8400 4. Country: Philippines 5. Telephone number (country code+city code+telephone number): +63-086-8268855 6. Fax number (country code+city code+fax number): +63-086-8268855 7. Name of the Head Master/ Principal/ School Director: Matilde J. Manliguis 8. Name of Teacher Coordinator: Jennifer R. Jovita 9. Email address: [email protected] 10. School website (if available): 11. Educational level (Such as Kindergarten 1 to Grade/Year 9): Grade 7 to Fourth Year High School 12. Number of teachers in your school: 23 13. Number of students in your school: 467 14. Please provide the name of teachers and students who were/have been involved in the planning and implementation of this school activity/programme on Education for Disaster Risk Reduction. Teachers: a) Matilde J. Manliguis - Principal IV b) Gemma C. Orozco - Master Teacher 1, Math Teacher, Math Club adviser c) Maria Ruth R. Edradan Secondary School Teacher III, CEAL Adviser, Research Instructor, Rover Scout Adviser d) Jennifer R. Jovita Secondary School Teacher III, Science Teacher e) Elizabeth E. Manliguis Secondary School Teacher I, YES-O Club Adviser f) Lloyd P. Dizon Secondary School Teacher I, YES-O Adviser g) Ronald E. Riveral Secondary School Teacher I, BSP Coordinator h) Eddie P. Anajao Secondary School Teacher I, BSP Coordinator i) Gazelle Grace T. Alag Secondary School Teacher I GSP Coordinator j) Sarah G. Pelaris Secondary School Teacher I , School Clinic In-Charge Students: a) Kent Noreen G. Modanza SSG President b) Nhanina B. Asupan PSYSC President c) Emill Jasmine L. Allado ICT / STEP Club President d) Sean Clark Luinor A. Labastida SSG Secretary

Transcript of Theme for 2012: Education for Disaster Risk · PDF fileTheme for 2012: Education for Disaster...


SSEEAAMMEEOO--JJaappaann EESSDD AAwwaarrdd Theme for 2012: Education for Disaster Risk Reduction

PART I: Details of Your School

1. Name of your school: Caraga Regional Science High School

2. Full address: Purok 10, Barangay San Juan, Surigao City, Surigao del Norte

3. Postcode: 8400

4. Country: Philippines

5. Telephone number (country code+city code+telephone number): +63-086-8268855

6. Fax number (country code+city code+fax number): +63-086-8268855

7. Name of the Head Master/ Principal/ School Director: Matilde J. Manliguis

8. Name of Teacher Coordinator: Jennifer R. Jovita

9. Email address: [email protected]

10. School website (if available): 11. Educational level (Such as Kindergarten 1 to Grade/Year 9): Grade 7 to Fourth Year High

School 12. Number of teachers in your school: 23 13. Number of students in your school: 467 14. Please provide the name of teachers and students who were/have been involved in the

planning and implementation of this school activity/programme on Education for Disaster Risk Reduction. Teachers: a) Matilde J. Manliguis - Principal IV b) Gemma C. Orozco - Master Teacher 1, Math Teacher, Math Club adviser c) Maria Ruth R. Edradan – Secondary School Teacher III, CEAL Adviser, Research

Instructor, Rover Scout Adviser d) Jennifer R. Jovita – Secondary School Teacher III, Science Teacher e) Elizabeth E. Manliguis – Secondary School Teacher I, YES-O Club Adviser f) Lloyd P. Dizon – Secondary School Teacher I, YES-O Adviser g) Ronald E. Riveral – Secondary School Teacher I, BSP Coordinator h) Eddie P. Anajao – Secondary School Teacher I, BSP Coordinator i) Gazelle Grace T. Alag – Secondary School Teacher I GSP Coordinator j) Sarah G. Pelaris – Secondary School Teacher I , School Clinic In-Charge

Students: a) Kent Noreen G. Modanza – SSG President b) Nhanina B. Asupan – PSYSC President c) Emill Jasmine L. Allado – ICT / STEP Club President d) Sean Clark Luinor A. Labastida – SSG Secretary


PART II: Information about the School’s Activity/Programme on Education for Disaster Risk Reduction The information of part II from no.1 to 11 should be no longer than eight pages long (A4 type, Arial font, size 11 point). A half to one page A4 of the project summary should be included. 1. Title of the school’s activity/programme on Education for Disaster Risk Reduction

Project S.A.V.E.D. (School’s Advocates and Volunteers for Emergencies and Disasters)

2. Summary of the activity/programme (a half to one page A4)

The Disaster Risk Reduction Framework of Activities of the Project S.A.V.E.D. of Caraga Regional Science High School is patterned from the Comprehensive Disaster Risk Reduction Framework set by the National Disaster Risk Reduction Management council of the Philippines. The Framework shows a systematic process of using administrative decisions, organization, operational skills and capacities of the school to implement activities, strategies and coping capacities of the school, students and the local people to lessen the impacts of natural and related environment and technological hazards. Furthermore, the framework comprises all forms of activities, including structural and non-structural measures to avoid (prevention) or to limit (mitigation and preparedness) adverse effects of disasters. More specifically, the framework has four (4) main stages : Mitigation and Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Rehabilitation and Recovery. Attachment No. 1. Organizational Chart of Project S.A.V.E.D.

pprree eevveenntt

ppoosstt eevveenntt

Hazard/ Risk Analysis , Research, Solid Waste Management, Tree Planting

Emergency Evacuation Plan, Drills, Training, Resources procurement

disaster / emergency

Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis (DANA)

Provision of Relief Assistance

Search, Rescue and Evacuation

Incident Command System

Emergency Medical Services

no longer direct threat to life/safety and property

mostly back to normal

“Healing”, Repair, Reconstruction & Recovery


• Risk Identification

• Risk Reduction

• Risk Transfer

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3. Background information or reasons why the school initiated this activity/programme

It was in December 2004 that Surigao City experienced a great flood. Students and teachers of Caraga Regional Science High School were so busy then with all the preparations for their Christmas Party. Everybody was excited for the coming Christmas break that an occurrence of flood was not very much welcomed and anticipated by everyone. But then it happened. The water level in the entire Surigao City rose and flooded the coastal barangays of the city. Caraga Regional Science High School is located in one of the coastal barangays of the city, Barangay San Juan. It is a flood prone barangay due to its close proximity to the Kinabutan River, the main river of the city. With that flood in 2004, loss of properties and livelihood is prevalent, not to mention the loss of lives. A dead victim was even found at the back of the school. Flooding is the most common and perennially occurring hazard in the mainland of Surigao City. This usually occurs along the river flood plains and coastal areas of the city affecting no less than all of the city’s five (5) urban barangays, 12 coastal barangays in the suburban and rural districts southeast and northwest of the urban area, and 10 barangays along the Surigao River and one (1) barangay adjacent to the Anao-aon River. The common occurrence of flooding in Surigao is either river flooding or coastal flooding. For river flooding, the main source is the Surigao River and its tributaries,Kinabutan and Tumanday Rivers and several other unnamed creeks and channels. In most cases, river flooding occurs with several factors coming into play. The most common contributors are the volume and magnitude of rainfall, the current morphology of the river, diminished or constricted catchment areas, and obstruction of the river flow. The large amount of rainfall usually is the main trigger that affects the volatile balance of surface water inflow and outflow, together with such corresponding factors like the tide level, condition of the river channels and drainage canals, unregulated alteration of ground line and grade affecting the capacity of natural basins, and the interplay of conditions in the city’s upland ecosystems like the loss of deteriorating condition of forest vegetation. Since then, several typhoons had also hit the city of Surigao. With each typhoon, the school always accrued damages to a certain degree, much more the barangay and the city as a whole. Typhoons and floods are just a few of the disasters/calamities that frequently visited our area. Tsunami alerts, landslides, earthquakes and fire are also common. Just recently, March 16, 2012, an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.9 rocked the city. Minor damages in infrastructure were reported but it caused panic everywhere. For these reasons, the school formulated a framework to lessen, mitigate if not to prevent disasters and to educate and empower the students, faculty and its stakeholders (parents, barangay and the local government units of Surigao City and Surigao del Norte) against disasters and emergencies. Project S.A.V.E.D was first fully implemented in the school year 2007-2008 Attachment No. 2. Hazard Profile of Surigao City Attachment No. 3. Flood Hazard Map of Surigao City Attachment No. 4. Aerial View of Surigao City Attachment No. 5. Overview Maps of Brgy. San Juan and Caraga Regional Science HS

4. Objectives/goals of the activity/programme

The Disaster Risk Reduction Framework of Activities of the Project S.A.V.E.D. of Caraga Regional Science High School is anchored on the following objectives : Long term Objectives : 1. Increase awareness among students and stakeholders of Caraga Regional Science High School about the multiple benefits of ecosystem services for disaster risk reduction and sustainable development. 2. Develop knowledge and skills in integrating ecosystem management, emergency response and disaster risk reduction into the school curriculum.


3. Promote and facilitate inter-agencies and cross-sectoral collaboration to maximize support and resources in the conduct of the different activities of Project S.A.V.E.D. related to ecosystem management, emergency response and disaster risk reduction. Short Term Objectives : 1. To train students and other stakeholders in emergency response and preparedness. 2. To come up with Contingency Plans to facilitate actions during disasters and to expedite response and rehabilitations. 3. To conduct activities for the rehabilitation and proper management of the ecosystem that help mitigate and prevent disasters. 4. To integrate in lesson planning the different types of disasters, its causes and ways to prevent and mitigate them. 5. To encourage the participation of the students and other stakeholders in every activities of Project S.A.V.E.D.

5. Period of time when this activity/programme was/has been implemented

Project S.A.V.E.D. is ten-year plan project. The project period is from year 2007 to 2017.

6. Activities (Short-term actions and strategies of implementation of the short-term actions)

The framework of activities of Project S.A.V.E.D. emphasizes four main stages. In each stage, specific activities and short-term actions were conducted to effectively carry out the goals of the said project. I. MITIGATION AND PREVENTION Environment and disasters interact with one another in multiple ways. Major disasters lead to severe environmental consequences. On the other hand, a well-managed environment can act as a buffer against disasters: healthy or well-functioning ecosystems, such as forests, coral reefs and wetlands, can regulate or mitigate the hazards itself, thus, preventing a disaster from taking place or reducing impacts. 1. Coastal Clean Up - This is done regularly in order to help lessen the garbage that accumulated along the shoreline of Barangay San Juan. Every time there a clean-up, students are amazed at the amount of garbage they have gathered and realize the impact they just did. The activity has been very much appreciated by the barangay officials and even by the locals of Barangay San Juan that they also resolved to maintain the cleanliness of the coastal areas themselves. Coastal cleanups are always part of the main activities of the Science, ICT and Math Month celebrations which falls every September of the school year. 2. Mangrove Tree Planting - The students of Caraga Regional Science High School are aware of the importance of mangroves and the benefits they offer to marine ecosystems. Thus, two (2) mangrove tree planting activities are initiated by the school every year. These activities are well participated by not only the teachers but by the parents as well. In each activity, personnel from the Department of Agriculture ( DA) and Department of the Environment and Natural Resources ( DENR ) provide the technical assistance like the demonstration of the proper way of planting the mangrove propagules. 3. Barangay Clean Up – Another main activity of the celebration of the Science, ICT and Math month is the annual barangay clean up. Students of Caraga Regional Science High School are dispersed in every purok of Barangay San Juan and do the necessary cleaning up. 4. Tree Planting and Growing - In line with the National Greening Program of the President of the Philippines, Pres. Benigno “Noynoy” C. Aquino III, the school planted trees in the selected slopes of Surigao City. Parents, teachers and students joined the activity last September 30, 2011. Experts from the Department of Agriculture (DA) and Department of Environment and Natural Resources ( DENR) served as the resource persons in teaching the participants how to plant trees properly in order to ensure growth and susceptibility against harsh conditions in the slopes. As of today, the school has planted 1,150 trees. Another tree planting activities are set to be done on September 2012.


5. Conduct of Research – The conduct of Science Investigatory Projects is one of the major requirements for every fourth year high school student of Caraga Regional Science High School. In connection to the goals of Project S.A.V.E.D. students are highly encourage to dwell on researches that deals on mitigating the adverse effects of environmental degradation to disasters. Researches such as rehabilitation of mining sites and preventing soil erosion were conducted. The Student Researchers of Caraga Regional Science High School tapped the expertise of the personnel from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Department of Agriculture (DA), Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) and the University of the Philippines Los Baños Campus. Laboratory analysis needed was conducted in accredited laboratories of the selected universities in the country such as the University of the Philippines, De La Salle University and the Mindanao State University. Through the findings of these researches, rehabilitative measures were benchmarked in some of the big mining companies in the city and in the province of Surigao del Norte as a whole. Added incentives are the different awards (International and National levels) that were given to a number of researches conducted. Attachment No. 6. Exemplary Research Projects 6. Segregation of Waste - The Local Government Unit of Surigao City, Philippines, strongly emphasizes the importance of the segregation of waste. In line with the Solid Waste Management program of the government every household must do the necessary segregation themselves. In Caraga Regional Science High School, students and teachers were into segregation as well. The Supreme Student Government/(SSG) officers are the ones who will supervise each class. Trash cans in every class room are being checked every day. The school has its own Material Recovery Facility where the students can deposit recyclable items like plastic bottles and cups. Another area serves as the compost pit for the biodegradables. The garbage truck of the Barangay San Juan comes to school once a week to get the non-reusable garbage. This initiative of the whole school does not only lessen the problem on solid waste but it also somehow helps the barangay for it now requires lesser time and manpower in the collection of waste from the school. Fines are imposed to the class which does not observe proper segregation of wastes. Attachment No. 7. SSG resolution of the imposition of fines for the segregation of waste II. PREPAREDNESS 1. Earthquake and Fire Drills - In times of emergencies, panic is always the enemy. To avoid panicking, the school conducts regular fire and earthquake drills. Students are instructed what to do and where to go when they hear three long buzzer sounds successively. Each class is instructed to go to its designated area. Demonstration on the proper use of Fire Extinguishers is also done which are placed on strategic spots for easy access in times of emergencies. 2. Emergency Evacuation Plan and Escape Routes- To guide the students what to do during emergencies, an Emergency Evacuation Plan was framed. Escape Routes were posted in strategic locations as well as the contact numbers of local agencies that can be contacted in times of emergencies. Attachment No.8. Emergency Evacuation Plan 3. First Aid Trainings - In order for the students to be equipped with the skills and knowledge on first aid, trainings were conducted by the Boy Scouts of the Philippines, Rover Scouts, and the Quick Action and Rescue Team (QART) of Surigao City. In these trainings, students learned the proper way of applying first aid to wounds, fractures, burns and cuts. They also learned how to provide relief to people who are suffering from hyperventilation and other ailments. The proper way of doing resuscitation was also demonstrated. III. RESPONSE

1. Relief goods distribution - In times of calamities, the students and staff of Caraga Regional Science High School are always willing to help out in any way they can. The Girl Scout of the Philippines (GSP), Boy Scout of the Philippines (BSP) and the Supreme Student Government (SSG) initiated the collection of relief goods (food, medicines and clothing) from the students and teachers and facilitate the distribution as well.


2. Evacuation Site - Since Caraga Regional Science High School is located in one of the typhoon prone barangays of Surigao City, it is considered as one of the evacuation centers of the people from Barangay San Juan. The other schools that also serve as evacuations centers is the Surigao City National High School (SCNHS) and the Surigao West Central Elementary School (SUWCES).


1. Symposia – To further disseminate information about climate change and its connection to disasters, symposia were organized. These very informative symposia are well attended and participated by not only the students of Caraga Regional Science High School but with the barangay officials and the locals as well to help resolve and maximize efforts to prevent further degradation of the natural resources. In doing so, adverse effects of damages and calamities will be avoided.

2. Lesson Integration- To effectively carry out the goals and objectives of Project SAVED,

topics on climate change, natural and manmade disasters, emergencies and first aid are integrated in the curriculum. Students are required to produce outputs about these topics. Teachers are also encouraged to be more creative in the preparation and the delivery of the said lessons.

Attachment No. 9. Multipoint Lesson on Disaster Preparedness Attachment No. 10. Sample of Student Output Additional Activities : 1. Joining various contests related to DRR and CCA Aside from the mandated activities of Project SAVED, students of Caraga Regional Science High School joined a couple of contests related to Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change adaptation where they showcased not only their skills/abilities but also the knowledge they have about disasters, disaster risk reduction, and climate change. In these contests, they always garnered awards. a. NDRRMC Extemporaneous Speech Contest - First Place b. DRR-CCA Regional Quiz Bowl - Second Place c. Poster Making Contests 2. Seminars attended by Faculty and Students The Boy Scouts of the Philippines and the Rover Scouts have undergone trainings on emergency response. They themselves are active volunteers of the barangay and the city in any emergencies and disasters. Teachers are also sent to attend seminars and symposia conducted by the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC). Attachment No. 11. Certificates of Attendance to Seminars on Disaster Preparedness

3. Project Proposal ( Arduino projects ) The teachers of Caraga Regional Science High School are also into disaster risk reduction.

A project proposal presented as an output in one of the trainings of teachers is a Water Level Indicator using the Arduino programming language. It was adjudged as the Most Practical Project presented during the 2nd Integrated Training in Digital Applications and Teaching Electronics (IT-DATE 2) last November 28 to December 3, 2011 held at Philippine Science High School, Quezon City, Philippines. Attachment No. 12. Certificate of Recognition Attachment No. 13. Presentation of the Project Proposal

4. Organization of School Clubs To properly implement the objectives and the activities set by Project S.A.V.E.D., the

school organized clubs. Activities on disaster management and emergency response are included in the general plan of action of each club.

A. Supreme Student Council (SSG) - The highest student governing body in school. They are responsible for the strict and proper implementation of the segregation of waste in the entire campus.


B. Philippine Society of Youth Science Clubs ( PSYSC), YES-O, Clean Environment Advocates League (CEAL), and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Club - They are in-charge of the tree and mangrove planting activities. They are the ones who coordinated with the Local government and nongovernment agencies for technical assistance and provision of the needed seedlings. C. Boy Scouts of the Philippines (BSP), Rover Scouts and Girl Scout of the Philippines (GSP) - As part of their training, the Boy Scouts, Rover Scouts and Girl Scouts undergo trainings on emergency response. They act as first aiders in times of emergencies in and out of the campus.

Attachment No. 14. General Plan of Action of PSYSC, SSG, YES-O, CEAL and ICT

7. Resources used for implementing the activity/programme

In implementing the activities of Project S.A.V.E.D., the following resources are found to be very helpful :

Fire extinguishers (These are placed in strategic locations within the school campus.)

Evacuation Plan ( The functions/role that each member played is highly emphasized so as to carry out the activities smoothly and facilitate emergency response effectively.)

Escape Routes, List of Contact Numbers and Posters (These are posted in strategic location to guide the students where to go in times of emergencies.)

First Aid Kits ( Each classroom has First Aid kits that contain the necessities for emergencies.)

School clinic ( with the help of the School Clinic In-Charge) emergencies are addressed, in cases where students need to be brought to a nearby hospital, the School Clinic In-Charge will be the one to do the necessary requests to the Quick Action and Rescue Team of Surigao City)

The cooperation and technical assistance of the Local Government Agencies of Surigao City as well as the financial assistance of the Mining Companies are of great help in carrying out every activity of Project S.A.V.E.D. In addition, the unwavering support of the Parents Teachers Association (PTA) of Caraga Regional Science High School is a resource beyond compare. They are always instrumental in the success of the implementation of the activities of Project S.A.V.E.D.

8. Monitoring and evaluation mechanism and results

The school has established a safety committee that is tasked to lead disaster risk reduction and disaster response planning. As such, a research of the historical events about the different hazards that might affect the school’s constituents was conducted that prompted the committee to establish evacuation plans, communication system for emergencies, assessed and addressed physical risks posed by buildings, student release procedures and educational continuity for the students and staff among others. More so, the school follows the guidelines and regularly conducts post-disaster drills to practice safety skills with all the staff and students. The school clinic provides emergency supplies for students and that, older students (such as the Boy Scouts, Rover Scouts and Girl Scouts) and their advisers have been trained and equipped with first aid skills for life safety who in turn share these to other students of the school and readily respond in emergency cases. In addition, the school has access to reliable external information sources on disasters. Preventive maintenance on school buildings is practiced and that they have been regularly checked by the local fire department for fire safety.


9. List of partners, local government bodies, companies or development agencies who participated in the planning and implementation, including their roles in the activity/programme.

Name of Partners Roles or contributions

a) Parents Teachers Association (PTA) As partners in instituting preparedness of school towards sustainable risk reduction operation and strengthening capacity for disaster risk reduction among school children.

b) Students Supreme Government (SSG) Students’ role is AWARENESS of what to do

during and after disasters. Knowing what to do

when disaster strikes will lessen the death toll

and knowing what to do after disaster, and at

least basic first aid, will enable students help the

authorities in saving lives.

c) LGU, San Juan, Surigao City With the signing of Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), LGUs are expected to incorporate Disaster Risk Reduction principles in local development planning to craft appropriate local legislations reducing risks . They also provide technical assistance and helps in the maintenance, monitoring and protection of planting sites.

d) NGOs

Taganito Mining Corporation (TMC)

Manila Mining Corporation (MMC)

Played a significant role in particular risk reduction initiatives or hazards. Involved in the planning community-based disaster risk reduction and educating the local communities about the potential impact of natural hazards/calamities. Offer viable solutions for managing and reducing risks.

f) DA/DENR/City NRO They are the lead agencies on the National Greening Program of the Government. They provide technical assistance to schools and identify planting sites. They provide seeds/seedlings for tree planting and tree growing activities.

10. Benefits/impacts of the activity/programme to teachers, students and the community

The strategic planning principles and strategic management of project SAVED has brought

about the useful implementation and relevant forms of disaster risk reduction at the school and community levels of Caraga Regional Science High School, Barangay San Juan and some parts of the City of Surigao and the province of Surigao del Norte. Indeed, the application of these principles in the Project has benefited the following in specific ways.

a) Teachers. Through the activities of Project SAVED, the teachers and administrators have

gained more knowledge about risks and skills in risk reduction, developed high capacity in

disaster preparedness and response and created education contingency plans for likely

emergencies and potential impact on education sector.

b) Students. The students have been properly informed of what to do in case of disasters and

other emergencies since these activities honed their skills on disaster preparedness,

response and rehabilitation. Moreover, they have become responsive to school

emergencies and proactive in the rehabilitation and proper management of the ecosystem

that help mitigate and prevent disasters.

c) Community. The community members have participated actively, transparently and without

discrimination in analysis, planning, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of


education responses. They are the school’s active partners and supporters in the

sustainable existence of Project as manifested by their collaborative effort in the signing

and implementation of Memorandum of Agreements with other external stakeholders of the


Attachment 15. Benefits and Impacts of Project S.A.V.E.D.

11. Plan for sustainability and plan for the future

Plan for sustainability: Project SAVED of Caraga Regional Science High School has been existing since 2007 and has been helpful to both internal and external stakeholders alike in preparing all the constituents of all possible disasters. One important factor for this successful implementation is the school’s strong collaboration with community partners through the signing of Memorandum of Agreements with government agencies, local government units, private corporations (such as mining companies) and the Parents-Teachers Association. Moreover, disaster awareness and preparedness, mitigation, and rehabilitation programs have been conducted annually by several school/student organizations. Attachment No. 16. Memorandum of Agreement ( MOA ) Attachment No. 17. Another Memorandum of Agreement Plan for the future: Looking at the positive impacts of Project SAVED for several years, it will continue to conduct activities to minimize the adverse impacts of climate change such as health, ecosystems, and food security among others that will be of most benefit to the children , the elderly and women in as much as they are the most vulnerable groups to natural hazards of all types. This humanitarian concern will, in a way, help the local community, and the country as a whole in achieving the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals for sustainable development.

12. List of attachments such as a copy of learning/ teaching materials, samples of student

worksheet, manual, etc.

Attachment 1) chart.docx Attachment 2) Hazard Profile of Surigao City.docx Attachment 3) Flood Hazard Map of Surigao City.docx Attachment 4) Aerial View of Surigao City.docx Attachment 5) Overview Maps of San Juan and Caraga Regional Science HS.docx Attachment 6) Exemplary Researches.doc Attachment 7) SSG Resolution.docx Attachment 8) Evacuation Plan_Escape Route.docx Attachment 9) Disaster Preparedness.pptx Attachment 10) Student Output.docx Attachment 11) Certificates of Attendance.docx Attachment 12) Certificate of Recognition.docx Attachment 13) project proposal.pptx Attachment 14) GPOA’s.docx Attachment 15) Benefits and Impacts.docx Attachment 16) Memorandum of Agreement.docx Attachment 17) Another_Memorandum.docx


13. Photos related to the activity/programme

It’s coastal clean-up day! The Earth-friendly Carascians gladly participate in the drive for a clean Surigao despite the scorching heat of the sun

The ground support. Hail to our ever-dynamic and supportive local officials who spared time to join in the campaign for a mangrove-growing Surigao!


Together we can change the world. The PTA headed by the General PTA President, Mr. Eusebio B.Lisondra, Jr. of CRSHS joyfully conquered the coasts and marshes

as they plant mangroves in Barangay Day-Asan Surigao CIty

Let’s plant underwater! High waters don’t matter if our safe future is at stake. The Parents, teachers, students and the barangay officials willfully accept the

challenge of reviving our city mangrove plantation


Come on, we all can do it! The young environmentalist of CRSHS poured their energy during the clan-up activity in line with the city’s drive for clean Surigao.

Welcome the Planeteers! Together with the adviser, Mrs. Maria Ruth R. Edradan , the active Carascians pose at the school grounds before they move to the venue of the clean-up


Carascians always find a way and time for the clean-up activities called for by the local agencies of the city of Surigao. Kudos, everyone!

Do you have a green thumb! We do! We are making use of it for our Tree-Planting Activity at Barangay Mapawa, Surigao City.


Let’s make way for the eco-friendly Carascians on their Tree-Planting activity at Barangay Mapawa, Surigao City, say , Cheese!

A good shephered has a good flock. The Carascians get highly motivated to be part of the greening campaign by the enthusiastic participation of the

CRSHS principal, Mrs. Matilde J. Manliguis, way to go everyone!


A research conducted to rehabilitate a mining area in Surigao del Norte.

Every place is worth saving, even the sanitary landfill. The Carascians spend another day of Surigaao del Norte at the


Students of Caraga Regional Science High School strictly implemented the Segregation of Waste. This activity is spearheaded by the Supreme Student Council and assisted by the Boy Scouts of the Philippines, Girl Scouts of the Philippines, CEAL and the YES-O Clubs.

Another research on mining site rehabilitation won the Best Written Report (Gold) and Most Significant Project (Silver) Awards during the 6th SEAMEO Search for Young Scientists held in Penang, Malaysia.


The efforts and initiatives of the officials and the locals of Barangay San Juan, where Caraga Regional Science High School is located, was acknowledged when the barangay won the Best in Solid Waste Management Implementer Award during the 2012 Search for Outstanding Barangay of the Province.

Honorable Barangay Captain Perfecto B. Consigo, together with his barangay councilors, is

proud of the awards they received. They promise to continue the programs they have on solid waste management to help mitigate and prevent disasters such as flash floods.


Mr. Ronald E. Riveral, a Boy Scouts of the Philippines Coordinator of Caraga Regional Science High School, demonstrated the proper use of fire extinguishers. This was done every year as part of the activities of the Fire Prevention Month.

Dock! There’s an earthquake! The students and teachers actively execute the standard operating procedure in times earthquakes during the Earthquake Drill at

CRSHS sponsored by the Bureau of Fire Protection of Surigao City


Evacuation Plans and list of Emergency Numbers are posted in bulletin boards in every classrooms and in the different offices of Caraga Regional Science High School. These are also posted in strategic locations within the campus like the lobby, canteen, and at school entrance.

Emergency! The teachers and students quickly responded to Mary Ivie Arlan, a third year students, who hypo ventilated due to extreme heat Meanwhile the Quick Action Response Team of Surigao City in turn immediately responded and brought her to the nearest hospital.


The Girl Scouts of the Philippines of Caraga Regional Science High School, together with their advisers, distributed relief goods ( used clothing, canned goods, medicines and school supplies) to the typhoon victims of Barangay San Juan, Surigao City.

The Supreme Student Government also initiated the distribution of used clothing to the victims of the typhoon living near the school. This was done at the school covered court.

The spirit of volunteerism among the students of Caraga Regional Science High School is evident as they distribute relief goods to other barangays of Surigao City. They also conducted a Feeding Program to the least fortunate victims of the typhoon.


It’s time to sit and listen. The CRSHS in cooperation with the City Government of Surigao sponsored a seminar-workshop for the Carascians and local officials of

barangay San Juan about Environmental Awareness.

Let’s be green! The participants excitedly tied the hands-on training for natural farming Technology, during the Enviro-Awareness to Nth Level Seminar sponsored by CSHS

and the city Government of Surigao.