Theindustrialrevolutionnotes 091004231522-phpapp02


Transcript of Theindustrialrevolutionnotes 091004231522-phpapp02

A change in the way work was done. A change from making goods by hand, to using machines.

Field left fallowPeople have to walk over your strips to reach theirs

No proper drainage

Animals can trample crops and

spread disease

Difficult to take

advantage of new farming


Because land in different fields takes time to get to

each field

No hedges or fences

• Charles Townshend – Learned that crop rotation led to longer lasting fertile soil.

• Jethro Tull – Invented a seed drill – a cart with a dropper that would plant seeds more efficiently.

• It began with an Agricultural Revolution in the 1700s. New ways of planting and growing crops were introduced.

Old way of planting seeds

The Seed Drill

Improved Seed Drill

This led to:

1. ______________________________

2. __________ ___________________

3. _____________________________

4. ______________________________

C. Enclosure Movement: Rich landowners bought land of village farmers and enclosed it with fences.

Discovery of more productive farm methods to increase production

Larger profits for wealthy farmers

Small farmers now unemployed – move to the cities to find work

Cities grew - Urbanization

Farmer James

Farmer Dylan and Courtney Farmer Cristen

Farmer TomEntrepreneur


Yeah… I’ll work for

you!Without my farm, where will I work?

How will my family of 8 children survive?

Through the Enclosure Act of Parliament, I am now the owner of all of

this land!

They’re taking our farm… what are we going to


Welcome to the city!This is my factory.

You will earn 2 pounds a week!

Where will we live?

You can live in my tenement building… you can have a room for 10 pounds a week!

But we only make 2 pounds

per week!We’ll just have

to get the children to work!

Food surplus

Increased population

Improved diets

Better health

Lower death rate

Growing cities

II. New energy sources were found that would help work new machines and inventions.

A. Traditionally, __________ and _________ labor were used to do work.

B. _________ and ________ had been used to move wheels that would then move machine parts in mills.

C. Then, _________ was discovered to burn hotter and longer than wood and was used to create steam that would then be compressed in engines in order to move parts of machinery such as rotors or levers.

D. Henry Bessemer discovered that coal could be used to heat mineral ore and remove the iron. Then he discovered that smelting coal and iron made ________. This became known as the _____________________.

human animal

Wind water


steelBessemer process

New inventions

Better metals

Growth of mines to get ore for metal

Development of the Factory System

III. Why was England the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution?

A. England had resources - ________, _______, _______, ________ and _______________.

B. England had a wealthy upper class and bourgeoisie that used their capital to build mines and factories and buy machines and large farms for profit.

C. England’s economy was strong because it had colonies that supplied resources.

D. England’s naval superiority was an advantage because it protected trade routes.

harborsa good climate

workerscoal iron

Cottage Industry Factory SystemBoth

Workers owned tools

Worked from home or rented space Propertyless workers - Proletariat

Supervisor – Floor Manager

Worked at their own pace

Mostly in villages (Rural)

Part of an outwork system, hired by wealthy merchant-


Capitalists owned factory, tools, machines

Used machine power (Watermill, steam)

Worked to pace of the the factory, All workers

under one roofSupervisor – Putters out, Bagmen, foggers

Used Hand power machines

Mostly in cities (Urban)

Part of wage labor system – hired to work

Organized by Capitalists, bought raw

materials, hired

No real skill needed, no training monotonous movements, mass

production Division of labor, workers

did not sell finished product for themselves

Goods were made mostly for oversea trading,not local consumption – plain, simple goods

Women and children

Div of capital and labor, disputes between workers and owners