Theatre Resume - Quint Mediate 8.5x11


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Transcript of Theatre Resume - Quint Mediate 8.5x11

Page 1: Theatre Resume - Quint Mediate 8.5x11

7/21/2019 Theatre Resume - Quint Mediate 8.5x11 1/2

EducationUniversity of Notre Dame - Notre Dame, IN (seeking degree, expected graduation in 201

"ac#e$or of %rts &a'or )i$m, *e$evision, and *#eatre+% ./.0 &inors Dance and "usiness Economics

%cting ExperienceLittle Shop of Horrors 3eymour U. of Notre Dame d. Nat#an

4a$vorsonThe Winter’s Tale 56cer Notre Dame 3#akes. )estiva$ d. Dre7 )raLove’s Labor’s Lost 8ing )erdinand Notre Dame 3#akes. )estiva$ d. 9est 4y$The Wedding Singer  3ammy U. of Notre Dame d. :ait$in

3c#$e#u;erLegally Blonde: The Musical 8y$e U. of Notre Dame d. <aco; 3c#rimpfCabaret  4ans (8it 8at ;oy! U. of Notre Dame d. Nat#an 4a$vorsPippin =eading $ayer :5 3prings )ine %rts :enter d.

Nat#an 4a$vorson rsenic and !ld Lace &ortimer *:% erforming %rts d. 8aye >on

8esse$"ypsy  =.%. :5 3prings )ine %rts :enter d. 3cott ?:


?e$ated Experience!rdinary #ays Director U. of Notre Dame d. @uint &ediateSi$ Characters% uthor %sst. Director U. of Notre Dame d. atrick >asse$School House &oc' Live( %sst. :#oreograp#er :o$o 3pgs )ine %rts :enter d. =ac


:ostume and 3cene 3#op assistant at U. of Notre Dame 8en :o$e (carpenter! ?ic#ardDonne$$y (costume #ead!

)orma$ *raining%cting A 3iiri 3cott, 3cott <ackson, :arys 8resney>oice A Danie$ 3to7e, De;ora# &ayer, 3usan Da7n :arson, 3tanton DavisDance&ovement A &ic#e$$e 8riner, =aurie =o7ry, "etsy &c:$ena#an, :#ery$ *urski

%7ardsUndergraduate ?esearc# 5pportunity rogram (U?5! at t#e University of Notre Dame-received a B00 grant to fund an independent pro'ect on t#e modern %merican musica$

(201!-received a BC1 grant to study dance at ineapp$e Dance 3tudios in =ondon, U8 (201C!

&usica$ erformance Experience)otre #a*e "lee Club A 201-present *enor 1 recurrent so$oist-0 mem;er a$$-ma$e singing group, variety of sty$es from "ar;er 3#op to +regorian :#an-toured internationa$$y and domestica$$y, singing in over / $anguagesThe )otre #a*e +ndertones A 201-present *enor 1 recurrent so$oist arranged music fo

t#e group-12 mem;er a$$-ma$e a cape$$a group-toured domestica$$y, singing popu$ar music spanning severa$ decades

4eig#t C29eig#t 200 $;s4air 3andy"$ondeEyes "$ue>oice *enor (+

:e$$ 1F--CCCCmai$

Union 3tatus E&:

Page 2: Theatre Resume - Quint Mediate 8.5x11

7/21/2019 Theatre Resume - Quint Mediate 8.5x11 2/2

 3pecia$ 3ki$$s*ap<aHH"a$$et >oca$ sig#t-reading a;i$ity :#ora$ and Instrumenta$

:onducting:onversationa$ Ita$ian Intermediate iano "asic +uitar&usic :omposition%rranging (rocient in &use3core soft7are!

ercussion a;i$ity (&arc#ing "and! snare, ;ass, #and drums