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    [Draft version of]

    What Goes Around Comes Around:

    The Early Theatre of Mackenzie Eskimo Evangelization


    Walter Vanast McGill University

    Everything goeth, everything returneth . . .

    For every Here rolleth the ball turning There . . .

    Crooked is the path of eternity.

    F. Nietzsche


    Four things had to happen to let the Inuit of the Mackenzie Delta first hear of Jesus. For a start,

    fear between whites and this tribe, stoked by GWichin Indians, had to end. Next Hudsons Bay

    Company1 profit had to stall, which made it look further north for a new source of hides. Then in London

    the Company had to be so hurt (by a former employee who said it blocked missions) that it wished to be

    seen aiding God wherever it did business. Lastly, the Inuit had to want a post in their own midst. Their

    1859 delegation to that end reached Fort Simpson, a thousand miles distant, at the same time as two

    HBC-assisted clerics. A week of meetings followed and a girl was left behind.

    The Ends of the Earth,

    the HBC, and the Loucheux

    To arctic-coast tribes in pre-contact days history was a circle, as each newborn received the name

    of someone recently deceased and became that very person.1But to whites who met them it led straight

    from Adam to last judgment, when the dead would all rise and (depending on faith in Jesus during life) go

    to heaven or hell. What follows here is how that came to be told to the Inuit of the Mackenzie Delta. 2

    Alexander Mackenzie in 1786 explored the river that now his carries his name, and traders from

    Montreal soon after appeared on its banks. So difficult did conditions turn out to be that the project was

    later bandoned.3 But in 1821 the Montreal men joined the HBC under the latters name and posts were

    manned again. Success seemed guaranteed, as parliament in Britain granted the new entity a monopolylicence to the Indian or North West Territories, which included the Mackenzie.

    The Company already held Ruperts Land, a vast terrain that stretched above the United States

    border from the Rockies to Ungava, and whose charter, obtained in 1670, was valid for two hundred

    1 At times referred to as HBC or Company hereafter.

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    years. So except for white colonies on the eastern side,4British North America was nearly all in its hands.

    Most distant from London was the Mackenzie, yet it repeatedly figured in the public eye.

    Each time its licence was about to end (in the early 1840s and late the next decade) the Company

    sought extension, a goal that could only be achieved if it kept the the people of Britain on side. And that

    became tough as free-trade views gained steam, monopolies drew disdain, and fierce debate went into

    ending laws that shut out competition. Most famous of these were the ones that fixed the price of corn,5

    and made landowners rich at the expense of ordinary people.

    Then, too, many Britons held the North close at heart, and to Christians all remote terrain held

    special bibilical meaning. To them an Old Testament text, He shall have dominion also from sea to sea,

    and from the river until the ends of the earth,6urged preaching at far-off sites. So at strategic times the

    Company sent explorers to the arctic coast, and somewhere on its land helped missions. As in theater-in-

    the-round, its work was hued by what Britons thought, and vice versa.

    Shareholders, too, had to be pleased. So like any business eager to maintain its worth, the HBC

    tried expansion from the Mackenzie westward into the Yukon. When that failed to raise profit it looked

    north to the coast and furs such as fox that still brought a good price. That this field had not been tapped

    before was due to the GWichin, then known to Europeans as Loucheux, Dene Indians living south of the

    treeline adjacent to the Delta.

    It was the Loucheux who bought goods from whites and bartered them to the tribe to their north.

    And like the HBC, they were determined to keep making a profit. To that end they used violence to keep

    Delta bands from meeting whites, and convinced the latter of the treacherous nature of these people. For

    fifty years that policy worked remarkably well.

    The Kukpugmiut

    Except for a strip near the Beaufort Sea, the Delta was for much of the year empty of natives. In

    winter most people lived on the coast, and in warm months, too, few from its northwest edge ever came

    upstream. But those from the other side went each spring to the Deltas southern tip, now known as Point

    Separation. 7 In the nineteenth century it is nearly always they who are subject of fur-trade letters from the


    What we know of them is scant, for what Loucheux told whites about them was only what suited

    their own ends. And though Arctic explorers (and parties looking for lost ones) saw the Delta every

    decade or two, they did so only very briefly while passing through.8 So what traders wrote about the tribe,

    when they wrote anything at all, was second-hand and concerned only the most southerly part of their

    travel.9 Still, works from archeologists and authors who lived with them later (on the assumption the

    material can be applied backwards) give a sense of their lives at this early-contact stage.

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    The Eastern Channel at its downstream end turns quite wide, so one of the names its people

    applied to themselves was Kukpugmiut, or People of the Large Water. For simplicitys sake that term is

    used here for all from that side of the Delta. Their number fell over time, but may at one point have been

    as high as six to eight hundred.

    They were nomads, but in a particular sense. Each family had a permanent driftwood home in one

    or more villages on the coast. Such sites (of which there were half a dozen at any time) had at least one

    hall, orkajigi, wheremen gathered by day to do their work and at night with the women danced to drums.

    Shamans at such times communicated with spirits.

    This happened almost nightly in August, when the Kukpugmiut speared belugas, small white

    whales, in shallow-water settings like Kittigazuit.101112 Shortly after, many left to spend the dark part of

    the year in villages further northeast, and from there made journeys for fish and caribou at the Eskimo

    Lakes.13 Then in spring a large part of the tribe turned south, spending a month to reach Point Separation,

    where trade with the GWichin occurred.1415 At times they got along well, at others there was war;

    meetings always held potential for danger.

    Contact (and lack of it) with Whites

    At the time Europeans first reached their world, the Kukpugmiut looked unkindly on anyone

    entering the Delta. This followed in part from conflict with the GWichin, but religious belief also played

    a role, for a sudden show of persons with strange features meant spirits in human shape were coming

    near. Death followed sight of some, but grimaces and shouts made others part without any ill effect. If

    outsiders responded in an aggressive way, Kukpugmiut arrows could quickly do them in. And that held

    even if opponents had firearms (the range of gun and arrow were about equal).

    Alexander Mackenzie faced no such problem in 1786. As he followed the Central Channel to the

    coast he met not a soul, for it was August and the Kukpugmiut were then further east. But the next white

    man to enter here, a trader who came north in June, met an awful death near Point Separation with most

    of his crew.16

    Despite the loss the Montreal men (then organized into the North West Company) in 1804 built

    Fort Good Hope17on the Mackenzie, only a few days upstream from the disaster. They still hoped, it

    seems, to deal directly with the Kukpugmiut, but gave it up on the first try when in 1809 one of them was

    threatened on reaching the Delta.18 That allowed the Loucheux to continue as intermediaries in trade, a

    role they firmly protected. If Kukpugmiut thought of passing them by, they killed one or more and

    stopped it from coming about. And since each death brought a cycle of revenge, they could always blame

    the other side. 1920.21

    NWC men in those early years were not all taken in, and saw GWichin themselves as22

    aggressive.23 Traders such as Peter Dease knew it was they who caused many a fight, and profited if it

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    dragged on, for then they received bribes to end it.24And even when they lived side-by-side with the

    Kukpugmiut for weeks near Point Separation, they let none go south to trade with whites.

    Such was the case in 1822, when Delta people spoke of making friends with the Good Hope

    trader.252627 When he heard of this and asked the GWichin for help he was rebuffed and found them

    much displeased.28

    The fort would be thrashed, they warned, if these people came by. So no visit took

    place, and the GWichin kept their role in trade.

    Four years later Capt. John Franklin and Dr. John Richardson of the British navy traversed the

    Delta (one on each side, with Richardson on the eastern) to explore the coast. On a prior arctic journey

    they had almost starved and Franklin had gained fame as the man who ate his boots,29but this time he

    was well prepared. Aware of the fate of the trader who had met Kukpugmiut a quarter century before, he

    did much reading about contacts with primitives elsewhere on the globe. Whites often died, he learned,

    because of misinterpretation of native intentions, and too-harsh response to gestures and shouts. So he

    chose a passive approach. (Franklin 99).

    The tactic worked well at the Deltas outer ends, as bands were startled by the sudden appearance

    of strangers. [see Richardsons illustration of the Kukpugmiut in the Eastern Branch ]30 Even when they

    they lost their fear and plunder was tried, no one was hurt.



















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    + PEF1dGhvcj5GcmFua2xpbjwvQXV0aG9yPjxZZWFyPjE5OTg8L1llYXI+PFJlY051bT4yMjY8L1Jl







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    dWJfUGxhY2U+TG9uZG9uPC9QdWJfUGxhY2U+PFB1Ymxpc2hlcj5KLiBNdXJyYXk8L1B1Ymxpc2hl cj48WlpfV29ya2Zvcm1JRD4yPC9aWl9Xb3JrZm9ybUlEPjwvTURMPjwvQ2l0ZT48Q2l0ZT48QXV0





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    + PEF1dGhvcj5GcmFua2xpbjwvQXV0aG9yPjxZZWFyPjE5OTg8L1llYXI+PFJlY051bT4yMjY8L1Jl













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    2hh bXBsYWluIFNvY2lldHk8L1B1Ymxpc2hlcj48WlpfV29ya2Zvcm1JRD4yPC9aWl9Xb3JrZm9ybUlE

    PjwvTURMPjwvQ2l0ZT48L1JlZm1hbj5= (Franklin 99-112, 119-20;Richardson 193-202;Franklin and

    Davis) Still, the assaults gave the world a dreadful sense of these people. Franklins account showed a

    horde of men storming the boats with knives.31

    GWichin, by contrast, got much praise. When Franklin told of their delight at his passing

    through their land,32 the HBC showed no surprise, for they had always been hospitable to strangers. 33

    Kukpugmiut, however, had again schemed to take advantage of the weakest. Given their constant desire

    for war, there were worries for Good Hope.34 Yet despite the danger, pressure for profit was such that the

    HBC almost placed its men closer to the Delta.

    On returning from the coast Franklin had found a stream at the Deltas southwest edge that he

    called the Peel. And since he thought it rich in fur-bearing creatures, the HBC at once planned a fort on its

    bank. But just then the GWichin told of increased danger from this very treacherous and hostile

    people. So the post was not built.35

    By this time stories of the Kukpugmiuts treacherous nature had been told so often that the new

    generation of traders, including John Bell (who had married Deases daughter), became fully convinced.

    And since at Good Hope he had no contact with the Kukpugmiut themselves, there was never occasion to

    change his views. Even what good he heard of these people was seen as yet another form of deception.

    This happened in 1828, when Loucheux despite their dark reports again camped at length with the

    Kukpugmiut.36 That, time, too, it seemed the latter were about to visit Good Hope, but Bell37put no faith

    in such thought and turned out to be right. 38 On meeting a youth alone (so he was told) Kukpugmiut used

    the first opportunity to kill. War flared, hunts diminished, and the post got few furs.39

    The Loucheux chief still made his annual trading trip into the Delta, but likely laid a trap. When

    people he met began a rant he downed three with one shot.40 In revenge three GWichin wives were

    inhumanly butchered,4142 and her people in turn planned to shoot three foes to match the dead.43Yet

    despite the to-and-fro nature of the murders, Bell laid all blame on the Kukpugmiut. It was they who were

    always the aggressor.

    The deadly cycle might have gone on for a while, but the Delta people did not came south the

    next year, and quiet reigned.44

    Also contributing to peace was Good Hopes move more than a hundredmiles south. The Loucheux now had to travel a week longer (and into another Dene tribes land45) to reach

    the post, but there was an advantage. Kukpugmiut were even less likely than before to think of heading

    south to meeting with whites.

    As a result for a while there were no reports of killings. And when they did occur it related to an

    extortion scheme gone bad: a Delta band met a Loucheux for whose death they had long paid fines, so

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    they killed him for good along with his companions. (Simpson 101) When in 1837 Peter Dease (by now

    chief trader in another district) entered the Delta, 46matters had turned chilling. But because of his route

    he met no Kukpugmiut, and had no difficulty with people on the northwest side.

    At HBC behest Dease47had come to map the coast, assisted by Thomas Simpson, nephew of

    HBC governor George Simpson. (get exact ref.) (Dease)48

    During three consecutive summers they

    mapped the northern Alaska shore,49 named terrain in the Central Arctic (later found to be one of the

    worlds largest islands) after newly installed Queen Victoria, 50and almost defined the Northwest Passage.

    As a result HBC prestige was raised, its two governors (one in England, one in North America) were

    knighted, and the admiring atmosphere made for easy renewal of its North West Territory licence.51At

    the local level, the finding in Alaska of the Colville,52thought to be a beaver-rich stream, led to the

    building of forts from the lower Mackenzie towards it. 53

    Bitter Men:

    Alexander Isbister and John McLean

    Deases expedition had another effect that initially seemed minor. While heading home in the fall

    of 1839 he and his assistant stayed for months at Fort Simpson, HBC headquarters on the Mackenzie,

    where the latter likely contributed to the decision of Alexander Isbister, a fur-trade apprentice, to leave his

    employ. Peacock-like in his sense of self, Simpson crowed about gaining highest honors at the University

    of Aberdeen, from which he held an M.A. Afterwards he had been secretary to Governor George

    Simpson, which had not worked out. So he may have fanned the young mans mounting dislike of his



    Once it was known Isbister would not stay past the end of his contract (of which a year remained)

    he received no further training. Instead, the chief trader55 in the 1843 spring took him to Good Hope and

    handed him to Bell as an extra hand to start the new chain of forts towards the Colville in Alaska. [ref]

    Loucheux warnings of the decade before were ignored, and the first was placed on the Peel.

    In July Bell set out to found the post then referred to as simply Peels River, 56 and was met near

    the Delta by kindhearted Loucheux. Dancing in joy they escorted the boats to protect them from

    Kukpugmiut and their uniform hostility to whites.(Isbister 332-45) Only later did he learn the Loucheux

    had just shot eleven Eskimo men and numerous women and children. 57

    After a winter at Peels River with absence of wildlife (part of a natural cycle) and much

    suffering by Loucheux, Isbister started for home by walking to Good Hope. It was good he made the trip

    then, and not a year later, for by then Indians had become so famished they were killing and eating others

    of their tribe. On meeting some women on the very same trail and in the same season, two HBC men lost

    their lives. The miscreants were named, but Governor Simpson refused to have them hurt. Whites would

    do the same, he judged, under such dreadful need.58

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    At the time the men became a meal, Isbister was ensconced at one of the prettiest spots [ref? in

    the Red River Settlement59(now Winnipeg), at the Anglican boarding school he had left three years

    before. 60 Still in charge was his former teacher,61 who held an M.A. from Kings College in Aberdeen,

    hated Indians, and used sadistic rule of the sort inflicted on David Copperfield and other boys in the

    novels of Charles Dickens. But he and Isbister got along very well.

    Taken aback at the intensity of Isbisters views against the HBC, the teacher ascribed it to his

    half-breed status (his mother and grandmother were native) which blocked promotion past low-officer

    rank.62 But he thought of a solution: the fierceness would turn to good if used to spread Gods word. The

    student agreed and started training at once. By summer he was off to Kings College to complete his

    studies and earn ordination.63

    As he left the country Isbister met Augustus Peers, an apprentice clerk just arrived from England

    who was the following spring (1843) assigned to the Mackenzie. There he proved his worth at once: when

    the chief trader shot off his own right hand, he tied the artery and saved his life.64 The accident led to a

    twist in that John McLean, who had worked for the HBC in other districts, most recently in Ungava, was

    sent north to help. Expecting full command when the wounded man went home, he was crushed to learn

    he chief trader who had left a few years before (the one who had sent Isbister to Peels River) was about

    to return and would take charge instead. Instead of managing a district, McLean was to run a single post.65

    The blow may have been caused by McLeans intent to marry Clarissa, daughter and only child

    of Wesleyan missionary James Evans, whom the governor had installed a few years before (just ahead of

    the first expiry of the HBC licence) at Norway House in a district further south. His overbearing conduct

    had caused much friction, as had his stress on Sabbath observance and his insistence on having Indians

    quit the woods and live by his church. Also disruptive were the social missteps of his daughter and wife.

    So Sir George may not have wanted Clarissa as leading lady of the Mackenzie. Several authors have

    noted the ministers close attachment (too close, one suspects)66to the girl. Perhaps the governor feared

    he would insist on being with her.67

    When news of the non-promotion arrived, McLean began a jeremiad against the HBC. He had

    long sought its higher ranks, but now hated its all; conversion to critic could not have been swifter. In

    1845, manuscript in hand, he left the North and settled in Ontario with Clarissa,6869whose leaving caused

    new problems in her parents home. Her father continued having young women live in the house, but his

    physical contact (play) with them now reached a point where several spoke up.70

    Called to Britain, hedied there shortly after mission leaders reviewed the charges. 7172

    There were those, of course, who blamed the HBC. Since the settling of natives lowered intake of

    fur, they accused it of scheming the ministers fall.73 He died of a broken heart, as McLean put it in his

    book. [ref?] Whether he contacted Isbister prior to its 1849 London publication is not clear, but he

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    certainly did so thereafter.(Cooper 245) The works shrill tone closely matched what the former

    apprentice had been saying for years. Despite his teachers hope, his bile had continued to flow.

    The Aborigines Protection Society

    Soon after arriving in Aberdeen, Isbister had lost the urge to serve God. He studied for a while

    (including, he briefly claimed, two years of medicine) but earned no degree. After a few months at the

    University of Edinburgh,74 he dropped out again, and in 1845 began a frenzy of tries for all sorts of

    employ in London and overseas. Several were with the Company, and two involved medical posts for

    which he lacked qualification (see appendix 1).

    Rejected everywhere, he became a schoolteacher, a position for which no degree was required

    and which, as in Dickens tales, was held in low esteem.75 But means to boost respect presented itself just

    then. Disgruntled residents of the Red River Settlement asked him (at least, so he put it) to present their

    complaints about the HBC to parliament in Britain. Jumping at the chance, he now became the

    Companys most rabid public critic. In his view it did worse than make natives slaves, for it blocked them

    from hearing of Christ. Buying fur with trifles, it brought famine, disease, cannibalism, and death. 76

    To raise pressure Isbister joined the Aborigines Protection Society,77a London group with Quaker

    roots that at times coordinated its appeals with those of Wesleyan missions. Years before it had tried to

    help Ojibway in Upper Canada78who had been forced from forests to barren ground. At issue was not the

    move itself, but absence of arable land, for tilling was thought crucial to conversion. Natives who farmed,

    it was also held, were spared the dying off that elsewhere followed whites presence. As proof the APS

    quoted Wesleyan cleric James Evans, then at work near the Great Lakes at many sequential sites (in

    retrospect another item of suspicion).

    Though this had nothing to do with the HBC, Isbister applied similar lines to his former

    employer. The only means to save natives (last of a noble race) on its terrain, was to make them farm

    and teach them of Christ. To prevent further wrong their nomadic ways must stop, and the Companys

    charter must end. [ ] Irony was that at that very time Peers was trying to tell the Kukpugmiut of the

    benefits of trading at Peels River.

    Drawing in the Kukpugmiut:

    Peels River 1847-1853

    During five years with the HBC Peers had become an excellent trader, trusted by whites and

    natives alike (MacFarlane 12-15). To test his mettle he was in 1847 placed in charge at Peels River, by

    then the Mackenzies most strategic site. There, as expected, he superbly handled both local tasks and the

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    sending of goods across the mountains to just-founded Fort Yukon,79 second post in the chain toward the


    Problem was, the better transport worked, the more hides Fort Yukon could buy. And that meant

    less remained for barter among bands who had in prior years brought them to the Peel. Though Peers

    skill showed in every way, his returns (intake of pelts) dropped a lot.80

    The only means left to raise

    profit was to draw in the Kukpugmiut, trade with them directly, and cut out the Loucheux. The need to

    make money sped conversion of the HBC view of the Delta people.

    The change occurred despite an attack on whites in the Eastern Channel that again involved Dr.

    Richardson. His friend and former commander Sir John Franklin had disappeared during a search for the

    Northwest Passage, so in 1848 he had come to look for him on the coast. To assist him the HBC assigned

    John Rae, a seasoned arctic traveler who had long been its surgeon on James Bay.81

    As before, the Kukpugmiut tried to seize what was in the boats, and again, no one was hurt.

    Richardson saw this benignly and published to that effect. Rae took an unhappy view but kept it to

    himself, at least for then. To the Kukpugmiut it was surely a big event: despite aggression on their part,

    whites had stayed calm, and trade had taken place. 82

    The contact occurred just as Peers at the Deltas other end was trying to show good will. When

    his hunter Ghendong83 brought gifts to a group near the mouth of the Peel, they promised to meet him in

    fall.84 But they did not turn up, and given what later occurred, it is hard to know what was really said and

    what role Ghendong played.85

    It was the Kukpugmiuts habit as they came south to have the kayaks travel ahead of the umiaks,

    the large boats that held families and belongings. They hunted along the way and acted as scouts in terms

    of routes to follow, choice of camping site, and early detection of danger. In 1850 near Separation Point

    six men engaged that way happened to come across an HBC boat on its way from Good Hope to Peels


    None of the crew had met Kukpugmiut before, did not speak their language, and were unsure

    what to do. One wanted to have them come along to trade at Peels River; another, Manuel, feared them

    very much. Having just passed Ghendong and others of his tribe, they called them to the scene, and what

    happened then was pitiless killing.86The GWichin offered trade while surrounding their prey, shot the

    unsuspecting victims, and ritually sliced the bodies. Manuel, too, fired a gun.87

    The deaths were like previous ones inflicted to block Delta bands from meeting with whites, butno such attack had previously been witnessed. And since Ghendong headed the assault, it was all the

    more necessary to explain it in terms that made sense to Peers, 88 [ref.?] So given what he knew of their

    beliefs, the GWichin told that a tribesman had died, which could only be due to a spell sent from the

    Delta, and that therefore the murders were the right thing to do.89What the Kukpugmiut saw or thought of

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    the attack we can only surmise, but a meeting on the coast that year showed that whites could be quite


    In August theInvestigator, a large British naval vessel90, sailed east along the coast searching for

    Franklin. On board as translator was Moravian cleric Johannes Miertsching, who had worked among

    Labrador Inuit and always wore their clothes. When he and the captain landed near an Eastern Delta

    band,91natives grimaced and shrieked, but then abruptly turned friendly. A chief tool them in hand to

    show his house and his ailing son. But nothing could be done, nor was there time to tell of Jesus, for the

    tide was going out, so all rushed aboard. 92

    The meeting surely warmed the Kukpugmiuts view of whites. Arriving on a giant, terrifying

    vessel, they had paid a visit, done some barter, and stayed pleasant throughout. Their spokesman,

    moreover, wore clothes like theirs and used words they could grasp. All this was retold in homes and

    kajigis in winter. And it prepared the ground for new attempts to have the Kukpugmiut come to Peels


    When in 1851 a GWichin with gifts was well received at a Delta camp, Peers rushed to the site

    and was most disappointed to find it empty. Worried the emissary might return with hostile men, all had

    fled. Still, the work paid off as next year he was visited by a chief and two other men. First to enter a

    traders post, they were most taken up with everything they saw. 93 Then death again intervened.

    Peers, who had rarely been ill, passed away in the course of several days. [citation?] To whites it

    seemed strange, as did the loss of his will. Given native perception of unexpected demise, some may have

    thought a Gwichin spell had made him die to stop contact with the Delta people. But of that, or

    poisoning, or any other malfeasance there is not a word in the archives.

    In public all regretted the young traders loss. Had he lived, wrote Sir George, he would soon

    have received a more responsible and conspicuous position.94An assistant of whom he had spoken

    well95took over the post and his wife and three young children.[HBCPS] Yet Peers, as we will see, had

    not entirely left the scene.

    Theater in Britain:

    Eskimos as Man-Eating Primitives

    John Rae was not among several whites who after seeing the Delta a book. Had he done so just

    then, it would have hurt his cause and that of the HBC. While on the coast with Richardson he was made

    a chief factor, and after a brief bout in charge of the Mackenzie (1849-1850) was sent on other arctic

    explorations. On the first he named a large strait after the queen, and on the next he heard from Inuit that

    Franklins men had died after eating the flesh of fellow sailors. Rushing to England he expected praise,

    but faced hostile words instead. Since cannibalism was an unspeakable offense,96the news could not be


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    When Franklins widow set out to discredit Rae,97 Charles Dickens proved an ally. In his widely

    read journalHousehold Words hehad always drawn Eskimos in noble light, but now depicted them as

    savage and by analogy to African tribes proved their taste for human meata concept of primitives long

    held by whites. When an image of Eskimos first appeared98 the text explained they were entirely wild

    people and cannibals who lived like cattle.99

    Raes depiction of the the Kukpugmiut as they swarmed his boat entirly fit that picture. Stout,

    and broad-shouldered, with great strength of arm and hand, they were worse than South Sea pirates.

    One could not imagine a more fierce, daring, and truculent-looking set. Had this been published shortly

    after the trip, rather than decades later, Dickens would surely have used it. Even so, he raised doubt about

    Rae and his Franklin account.

    To prove naval men could not have eaten their companions, Dickens wrote a tale in which a

    shipwrecked British group avoid anthropophagy by telling each other tales. (Trodd 201-25) He also

    created a play, The Frozen Deep, in which two officers make a desperate escape from the Arctic. The

    stronger one instead of killing and consuming the other (Frank), gives up his life to deliver him to his

    sweetheart Clara. The plot brought many tears as Dickens played the heros role and gasped his last on


    Production started in 1857, just as hearings began in parliament on the wisdom of extending HBC

    rule. When the queen saw the play she was deeply touched, (Brannan 67-68) and the more that was so the

    more the HBC was hurt. As Rae later put it, the truth did not matterwhat was said about the North was

    mostly balderdash.[(Bunyon et al.)[that citation is incorrect]

    Decades before, Dease and Simpson had smoothed the way for first renewal of the monopoly

    licence. But sending Rae north just before it expired again was having the opposite effect.101 The tables

    had been turned, and it was no longer the Company that set public perception. And the skill with which

    that was now manipulated by well-known persons easily obscured the truth. What astounds is that the

    picture of Eskimos as a kindly, helpful people could be spread in Britain at the very same time and also

    work against the HBC.

    Eskimos as a Noble People

    What Richardson wrote in his 1851 book unknowingly raised anti-HBC feeling, for his fine

    depiction of the Kukpugmiut showed that fur-trade contact with them should have been an easy matter. In

    effect, there was no excuse for it not having happened to date. Stories that accused them of slaughter,

    treachery, and very bad character were untrue, and due to distortions by the GWichin.102103 It was the

    latter who were mean in their ways. It was they who used ambush to attack, whereas the Kukpugmiut

    fought in the open. And though the latter lacked guns, they came south each year to trade. Hardy

    travelers, brave and resolute, they deserved admiration like Norsemen.

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    Given such excellent character, it was all the more chilling to find in a book that came out two

    years later (by a member of a Franklin search party that was on the Mackenzie shortly after it happened) a

    long and lurid second-hand account of the 1850 massacre at Point Separation. Throughout, the words

    evoked horror, especially in terms of the role of Manuel: Alas the day that so foul and bloody an act of

    treachery could be perpetrated! and alas, shame and degradation that a white man could be found worse

    fiend than the untutored savage!104

    The consequence would be extensive and irremediable. Whites were now included in Eskimos

    undying vengeance. Company men at Peels River would be killed by a people so cruelly wronged.

    (Hooper 373) What the public did not know was that that by the time this appeared the Kukpugmiut had

    visited the fort and established good rapport with its trader. None of that, however, mattered to Isbister

    and his friends.

    Isbisters role in the Aborigines Protection Society had by then advanced to being a member of its

    board, whose stance against the HBC he directed.105 In an 1856 appeal to Secretary of Colonial Affairs

    Henry Labouchre,106the Society (i.e. Isbister) used a legal pirouette to show the Company had betrayed

    its charter. But rather than argue from that seventeenth-century parchment, it did so from orders to

    colonies of around the same time. (Aborigines Protection Society)

    These directed that natives receive no provocation, and that no British subject, nor any of their

    servants, do them harm. Should they suffer violence, governors must severely punish the perpetrators.

    The quotes and their assembly could not have been put in a way that more closely applied to the 1850

    Point Separation killings and the participation of Manuel. The orders also insisted salvation reach all

    tribes though never so remote. Italicized in the APS pamphlet, the words proved the HBC had failed to

    live up to obligations and thus must forfeit its hold. (Aborigines Protection Society Appendix I, 19, 23 )

    Isbister ensured the appeals appearance in many newspapers, including leading ones in Upper

    Canada.(Aborigines Protection Society 11), and at the same time fed information that triggered comment

    against the HBC. Some of the stoking came from his uncle William Kennedy, a few years older than

    he.107 For a while a trader in Ungava, Kennedy had become disgruntled with the HBC, left the fur trade

    and moved to Upper Canada. In the north his time and McLeans overlapped, and their houses near

    Guelph were within a short ride of each other. Overbearing in faith (religious cant as Sir George called

    it)(Cooper 242), he was sure of his cause. 108

    To Toronto merchants Kennedy spoke of gold and other riches easily to be had on Company land.Much of his talk concerned the Mackenzie District, where he had never been, and details of which he

    likely got from Isbister and McLean: coal abounded, a vast supply of tar served only to seal traders

    boots, and copper lay above ground. Whales sported at the rivers mouth, but given HBC apathy it would

    likely fall to the people of San Francisco to get them.(Aborigines Protection Society 11-12)

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    As editors responded, Isbister packed their lines into an APS pamphlet, admixed with his

    comment. The material he had planted now seemed all the more true because it had again appeared in

    print. Thus, he quoted The Economist, which quoted John McLeans 1849 book and his enthusiastic

    depiction of converted Indians living on their farms, grouped round their Protestant Pastor [James

    Evans]. (Aborigines Protection Society 6) But instead of becoming Christians in such settings, natives

    were left to degradation. Tens of thousands perished while alcohol and syphilis wrecked their lives.

    What it boiled down to once again was that Indians must be made to stop their nomadic travel. More

    importantly, parliament must end HBC rule, and open its land to immigration.(Aborigines Protection

    Society 3,5)

    What next came into play was a report from theInvestigator. After passing the Delta in 1850 its

    journey had ended in the Central Arctic where it was entombed by ice, and from there its crew two years

    later trekked to rescue on the Atlantic side. Only after further delays did they get back home. So the

    public did not read their reports until nearly a decade after they left Britain.

    Miertschings diary was lost, reconstituted by himself, and not published till a century later. But it

    shows what sentiment he conveyed to others on board. As he saw it, tribes on the coast were ripe for the

    message of Jesus. Delta natives put Christians to shame by their thrift and hard work109; others further east

    shouted in amazement when he told them of God. Why, he cried, has the Lord banished these folk

    here where no missionary can reach them?(Neatby 54,63)

    The 1857 book by ships surgeon Alex Armstrong reflected these thoughts. He lauded Eskimos

    ingenuity, tenacity, and endurance. They were unequalled to any other race on the face of the globe.

    Most striking was their kindness and civility towards whites. (Armstrong 198, 167) That made it all the

    more deplorable to find in the Empire a people so utterly neglected.

    We dont know Armstrongs contacts before or after his artic journey, but his stance exactly

    matched that of Isbister and the APS. That no one had lifted heathen darkness did not surprise, for

    monopoly blocked progress. Parliament should destroy the one consisting of the HBC. Only when its

    grip had gone could Eskimos use the North to their own permanent advancement and happiness.

    (Armstrong 156, 198-9) By such reasoning the Company did as much wrong where it was not as where it

    had long been.

    In a last-minute footnote, Armstrong told how happy he was that Colonial Secretary Labouchre

    had raised the matter in the House of Commons. Its committee was now digesting the sad information asit deliberated what to do with the HBC. (Armstrong 198)110

    The 1857 Parliamentary Hearings

    Isbister was among several star witnesses at the 1857 hearings on the HBC licence who had spent

    time in the Mackenzie. He answered more questions than anyone else, and was the only witness allowed

    two full day sessions, separated by months. His style had changed from that of an attack-dogthe tone

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    was quite calm, the wording moderate, the reasoning confident, even though he had not been in the

    Northwest for fourteen years.

    There was tactical retreat as he claimed that a decade earlier he had had nothing to do with the

    wording or content of the Red River petition, and that his role had been entirely restricted to presenting it

    to parliament. And evasion showed when he was asked if opening the Companys lands to colonists

    would harm natives. To the frustration of a parliamentarian who supported the Company, he refused to

    say yes or no. Since a great deal depended on the issue, his interrogator wondered why this most vocal of

    HBC critics could suddenly not be clear.

    That Isbister took this new, more measured approach had to do with several factors. For one, his

    campaign against the HBC had born fruit and he knew that most committee members were allies. In fact

    he met with some after hours to prepare them for sessions. So he himself could now speak in a more

    subdued tone. Moreover, these hearings were themselves a means to raise the respect he had long wanted,

    and would further boost his career.

    There was also a matter of impending academic recognitionan honorary M.A. from the faculty

    of arts at the University of Edinburgh. Somehow he had arranged to have it bestowed, and in the

    meantime had to be on best behavior, showing himself worthy of the laurel. One might speculate that the

    sponsor was a former professor at Aberdeen with whom he had a private relationship, or one of the

    committee members who wished to thank him for his role in preparations for the hearings.

    Also a candidate is Lady Jane Franklin, who might have wanted to thank him for his work against

    the HBC, including his testimony before the committee. Perhaps, too, she wished to show in this way her

    gratitude to his uncle William Kennedy, who had left his business in Upper Canada in 1853 and, despite

    knowing nothing of sailing, led an arctic searching expedition for her husband. Whoever or whatever was

    behind it (Edinburgh university senate records reveal neither) the recognition was to be formalized

    exactly a year after the start of the parliamentary hearings.

    The one time Isbister resorted to abusive language was in discussing the churches. That they had

    not complained about HBC tactics towards missions was because its giving preachers at each post an

    emolument for teaching school. The money was a sop designed to halt critique of its dreadful treatment

    of natives and its adverse approach to missions.

    The Rev. Corbett, and Anglican cleric at odds with most of his Red River colleagues (he was

    funded by the high wing of his church, rather than the evangelical one to which the others belonged)backed the charges up, along with numerous others designed to show the HBC blocked the spread of the

    gospel. But when the Anglican bishop of the Northwest was asked about the sop, he instantly denied it,

    pointing out that, had the HBC not done so, the church itself would have paid its men for teaching.111

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    Sir George Simpson testified in a single session that took up parts of two consecutive days. And

    since Isbister attended, it gave him time in the evening to speak to allies on the committee and help them

    focus questions. Three issues came up time and again.

    First, there was the occurrence of cannibalism among native tribes. No one at the hearings, other

    than HBC staff, recognized that the Far North could support only a very small human population and that

    the smallest vagary could bring about disaster. In Isbister and the committees view there was no such

    thing as what Machiavelli called necessit things that happen no matter what humans do, and which

    they cannot change. So they laid all hunger and misery at the Companys feet.

    Here Sir George made a major error in denying that cannibalism ever occurred. Since the

    committee had copies of letters giving the exact time and place, including one from John Bell at Peels

    River by Loucheux outside his own gates, the governor looked deceptive. In defence he might have

    brought up the incident in 1842 on the trail between Peels River and Good Hope, showing that his own

    men lost their lives over a natural calamity (the disappearance of wildlife) that recurred every six or seven

    years. In keeping it aside he may have been influenced by his perception that no matter what the

    Company did or how its men behaved, outsiders would see it in a negative light. It may also be that his

    memory was failing.

    Similarly, Isbister had the committee primed to get at the 1850 killing of Kukpugmiut at Point

    Separation and the participation of Manuel in that affair. Here Simpson was either exquisitely foxy or

    again short of recall, for he managed to turn the attention of his interrogators (who could not grasp fine

    distinctions of sites and tribes) to an incident two decades earlier near Great Bear Lake where HBC men,

    laborers at the lowest level, had killed Indians to gain access to their wives. One of the perpetrators had

    been sent to Montreal for trial.

    When it came to shabby treatment of retired company servants, Simpson failed to mention that

    the Company often provided longterm help to native widows of company men and to laborers injured on

    the job. Only after HBC staff reminded him of this did he tell the committee the second day. But rear

    action of that sort did little to dispel the sense that he either did not know important facts about HBC rule,

    or was hiding them from view.

    This sense of deception on the Companys part was heightened by the appearance of Rae, who

    because of his story of Franklins men had become a widely known figure. In the public mind it was he,

    more than anyone else, who represented the HBC. At the very time he was appearing before thecommittee Dickenss play theFrozen Deep wasdestroying his claim and showing he could not be trusted.

    So it did not help when Rae at the hearings attempted to explain how the Companys barter looked unfair

    when viewed from a single angle, but that overall it served natives best and kept the balance of animal life


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    By paying too little for better furs, Rae explained, and too much for those least wanted, the

    Company ensured that certain creatures did not become extinct, and thereby remained a source of income

    to natives. And if they paid what seemed an extravagant amount for a items such as a needle, there was

    ample compensation through their being able to buy other items at rates that (given the cost of bringing

    them a vast distance from Britain) were remarkably cheap.

    The argument might have held water except that Rae used his experience in the Mackenzie to

    back it up. While in charge of that district in 1849-1850, Governor Simpson had become concerned about

    the ugly publicity generated by Isbister in London, where the former apprentice was giving wide

    circulation to the list of exchange in use when he was employed at Peels River. By telling of outrageous

    prices charged for trifles, he was proving Company abuse of native people. In response, Simpson ordered

    Rae to have the prices changed.

    Rae told the committee of these instructions, but then volunteered he had ignored them, feeling

    that matters were fine as they were (he had, in effect, refused to bow to outside critics). To make matters

    worse, when asked to explain the made beaver system of trade he botched it completely and at last

    admitted he had never really understood it himself. So instead of defending the Company, Rae inflicted a

    major wound. As effectively as Dickens, and while very honestly meaning to do the opposite, he created

    doubt about the integrity of himself and his employer.

    Apart from cannibalism and the high price of trifles, a subject that preoccupied the committee

    was the agricultural potential of the Mackenzie. This followed from Isbisters relentless drive to tie his

    own mission of revenge to Christian views about farming and conversionand to colonists desire for

    Company land. If it was true the Mackenzie could support farms, then there would be two good reasons to

    end Company rule.

    First, it would show that Indians could have been brought in from the woods to till land and learn

    of Jesus. Second, there would be no loss to the economy if HBC men were no longer present, for white

    colonists could remove the trees, produce crops, and foster great amounts of livestock. And if this held for

    the Mackenzie, all terrain south of it (which would be even warmer) could also be devoted that purpose.

    The potential for immigration was immense. Feeding that thought were prior comments by Isbister and

    McLean about the HBC farm at Fort Simpson, and the potatoes, barley, and milk it provided.

    That the concept of Mackenzie River farming was mostly myth no one at the hearings seemed to

    grasp. So, time and again, from this angle and that, committee members probed to make it seem such aproject was a reasonable thought. When Rae was asked about gardening at James Bay, where he had long

    worked , he replied that nothing had come of it, as fields were prepared and natives handed potatoes, but

    that after an initial planting they never came back. [see mission picture of potato fields at Moose Factory].

    The person most suited to puncturing Far North agricultural dreams was General John Lefroy, an

    expert on nature, who had in the spring of 1844 when still a junior army officer spent several months at

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    Fort Simpson (while Peers and McLean were there). He pointed out that it sat on island created by

    alluvial soil, carried there by the river, and happened to sit in a spot where warm winds from the

    mountains sometimes reached the shore . But everywhere else, frost pervaded the ground, and crops

    would be next to nil.

    Unfortunately for the HBC, Lefroy happened to mention just as he ended his testimony that while

    traveling on a Company boat downstream from Fort Simpson on the Mackenzie he had had to share space

    with a cow (almost every post then had one or two, and sometimes a bull as well). That made it seem

    husbandry of all sorts of creatures might easily be achieved in that distant location. It added another blow

    to HBC prospects, and gave further credence to what Isbister and McLean had been saying all along.

    Missionaries on the Mackenzie

    At the very time that HBC prestige was being chipped away in London, Anglican Rev. James

    [xxx] Hunter in 1857 asked the Church Missionary Society for leave from his Red River Settlement

    parish. He yearned to go north to convert the Eskimos of the Delta. 112

    Thirteen years earlier, he had come from Britain to Cumberland House on the Saskatchewan

    (near the upper end of Lake Winnipeg) an important post since it was there brigades turned north toward

    the Mackenzie. 113When his wife died shortly after, leaving him an infant son, he soon married again

    this time to Jean, daughter of Donald Ross at Norway House, the most influential chief factor in that part

    of the world, and a confidant of Governor George Simpson. The young woman, who had at one point

    briefly been betrothed to McLean, spoke fluent Cree and provided much help in the young missionarys

    work.114 In 1849, he was promoted to archdeacon.

    Five years later Hunter moved to the Red River Settlement, with its high societal stress. The Rev.

    xxxx Corbett, Anglican clergyman in an adjacent church, held rabid anti-Company views and stoked

    them among the English-speaking population. Still, there was hope for improving Hunters life. The

    bishop115 was aging, and he may have thought to gain the prelates post. One way to raise his chance was

    to scout remote terrain.

    Hunter also had religious motives. Oblates of Mary Immaculate, the shock-troops of their faith,

    had bypassed Anglican sites and nearly reached the Mackenzie. 116He planned to drive right through

    their ranks to Fort Simpson and Peels River. Papal darkness would still hold the center, but rays of

    the Protestant truth would rule the far side. The trip meant absence from home and wife (a fourth child

    had just arrived), but he looked forward with pleasure to planting the cross on the coast. 117 [also HBC

    personnel sheet]

    That prospects were good was shown by Peter, an Eskimo servant who with his master, an

    Anglican cleric, had just arrived from Ungava. Remarkable in honesty and truthfulness . . . faithful,

    unsophisticated and diligent, he showed the hopeful nature of his people. It affirmed Raes words

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    (apparently prior to his 1848 trip to the Delta) that they were the countrys fairest tribe and the easiest

    to bring under Christian instruction.118But nothing came of plans to learn Peters tongue and take him on

    the journey, for he drooped and passed awayit was said because of the climate.119

    The death did lessen Hunters drive, for in addition to Inuit he hoped to convert the Mackenzies

    Dene tribes. As he told the CMS, they well disposed toward the gospel and must at once be brought

    into the Protestant fold. Delay meant yielding them to Rome, for if priests gained hearts it could not be

    reversed. Hence his rush to get possession of Fort Simpson. Success was likely, for Bernard Rogan

    Ross, in charge of the district, had asked him in.120 They knew each other well from the years both had

    spent at posts on the Saskatchewan River. More than that, they were brothers-in-law, for Bernard had

    taken one of Chief Trader Donald Rosss younger daughters as partner. [ ]

    Hunter left for the blessed work on an HBC brigade in June 1858. 121 As he passed certain posts,

    he wistfully thought of the two young Oblates who had opened missions there and had already been

    promoted to bishop.122 At Fort Resolution he met Father Henri Grollier, a man of sharp words and

    fanatical views who was making his mark. In winter he had married Charles Gaudet, a young trader from

    Catholic Montreal, and his mixed-blood wife. (Payment 1-14) As it pained him to see the enemy

    advance, he chose to leave the local work and travel at Hunters side. 123[ref.]

    The minister feared Grollier would gain souls, for Oblates had the support of French-speaking

    half-casts (descendants of fur-trade servants born in Quebec) and native wives, all adherent to Rome.124

    Meanwhile his opponent felt certain God wanted it that way: it was his happy role to take possession of

    the Mackenzie, which the machinations of fanatical Orangism, (i.e. Chief Trader Bernard Ross, raised

    in Northern Ireland) would otherwise have handed to Hunter. [citation?] That Ross hated Rome was clear,

    for when Indians at Fort Simpson flocked to the priest, he sent him back south at once.

    That winter at another Mackenzie District post125 Hunters work was marred by a half-breed

    woman (baptized a Catholic years earlier in the South) who told everyone the difference between priest

    and minister. Indians now understood Hunter was lhomme dune femme, a man linked to a woman,

    while Oblates belonged to God. For making that point Grollier thought she deserved limitless

    recognition. [ref.?] But her tone in 1858-9 may have been especially sharp, for her daughter was the wife

    of Gaudet, who had just renounced his Catholic faith and adopted that of Hunter.126

    Peer pressure likely caused the move, for the Oblate advance had raised officers ire, especially

    that of Bernard Ross.127

    Now that a priest had arrived on the Mackenzie, Gaudet may have feared thatbeing a Papist would stall his career. His switch that winter was Hunters only success, for natives

    (except for a few who did so briefly) would not come his way. Grollier gleefully wrote that in July he left

    in shame to rejoin his dear other half. [ref.?]

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    Hunters view of the people on the coast had by now greatly changed. Rather than peaceful and

    eager to learn, they were a very treacherous and blood thirsting race.128 A Loucheuxs recent murder of

    his Eskimo wife had made them vow revenge, so given the risk he had not gone past Good Hope.

    The threat was overblown, for that very year an HBC clerk129 visited the Kukpugmiut on the

    coast. Well received, he found them anxious for a settled intercourse with whites. Still, given the hatred

    between them and Loucheux, Chief Trader Bernard Ross felt they must not come to Peels River. And he

    dared found no post in the Delta without a competent translator.

    If some Loucheux were capable of communicating with the Kukpugmiut, as other parts of this

    story seemingly show, they seem to have lost that skill when it suited them. Having lost the battle in terms

    of keeping whites away from the coast, one might well conclude they were using language to keep up a

    barrier. Whether is true or not, Ross was frustrated by the inability to explain his fur-trade plans and

    needs to the people on the coast. Why, he impatiently asked Sir George, was it not possible to get a

    translator from Ungava or Hudsons Bay, where the HBC had long dealt with these people? 130

    The need was strong because he had sent another clerk, Roderick MacFarlane, to the tribe at the

    mouth of the Anderson, east of the Mackenzie. If a post were built there, it would serve not only nearby

    bands but people from the Delta. The latter through frequent contact would soon turn docile and a

    second fort, just for them, could then be built. The site had already been picked131132

    From the Kukpugmiuts point of view, the HBC plan changed their plight. If a fort on the

    Anderson came about, they would share whites attention with other tribes. Travel there would be mainly

    overland, and besides would not fit their spring migration through the Delta. Fortunately (as they may

    have seen it) MacFarlanes two forays to the coast did not go as well as he had hoped.133 The presence of

    Dene in his party caused problems. [reference?]

    To avoid such issues, MacFarlane asked for a boy to take south for training as an interpreter.

    Though he failed, Ross hoped a similar request by Gaudet (who had taken over at Peels River) would

    bring success. His stay with the Kukpugmiut in 1858 boosted HBC fortunes, as he enjoyed their

    hospitality and got many pelts.134 But it seems his suggestion a youth go and live among whites needed

    time for discussion.

    Families on the coast, with few exceptions, consisted of four people: an adult couple, a boy, and a

    girl (a formula that changed in tandem with the number of wives the man might have). Other offspring

    were left to die or given up for adoption. By the time a boy reached ten he was capable of helping withhunts. The same held for girls assisting their mother. To give one up at that stage meant great loss in

    terms of day-to-day life and security for the future. Besides, bonds of love were tight.

    On the other hand, contrary to the perception many southerners still hold have of that world,

    some children were miserably unhappy. For those who past the infant stage had been orphaned or given

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    away, the relationship with parents was that of master and slave. Though worked the hardest, they were

    last to be fed, and wore decrepit clothes. [reference from Nuligak]

    During the winter the following may have happened. The Kukpugmiut decided to let two children

    go. But in return, they wanted a post in the Delta. On hearing their wish in spring, Gaudet advised it

    would carry more weight if posed directly to Ross. Then he arranged for emissaries (Tiktik and his group)

    to go with him a few months later to Fort Simpson.

    Gaudet did not know it, but the scheme fit perfectly with new pressure from Sir George, who

    wanted a fort near the coast built at once. You will apply yourself with energy he ordered Ross, to the

    early accomplishment of that object. The Company could send no interpreter from the East, as none

    were in its employ, so the only remedy was to offer sufficient inducement to the Esquimaux to allow one

    or two or more children to be raised among staff. For both this and the fort there was no limit to cost.135

    Ross got the letter in July 1859 on arriving with the districts furs at Portage La Loche. Debarking

    at that point was Hunter who was returning south (where his daughter Maria would die before he got

    home) and coming aboard was his replacement, William Kirkby. The new mans role was to stay in the

    North and start a mission and school at Fort Simpson.136

    The governors missive also told that the HBC licence to the Far Northwest had not been

    renewed. So its role in helping Anglicans was no longer as governing body, but as private individuals.

    That applied as well to Father Grollier, who would join the brigade as it made its way north and stay at

    Fort Simpson until the boats from the Lower Mackenzie went home. He was on his way to start a mission

    at Good Hope.

    Implicit in all this was HBC concern for its hold on Ruperts Land, the giant area from Ungava to

    the Rocky Mountains for which its charter would be up for review just a few years on. After the nasty

    things said about the Mackenzie District at the 1857 parliamentary hearings and made public in preceding

    years (much of it through Isbisters machinations), it was here that the Company had to show its

    willingness to trade with the people of the Arctic Coast. As well, it had to been seen supporting churches

    in the endeavor to teach them of Jesus. And that held true even though the Mackenzie was not a part of

    Ruperts Land.

    Sir George, as a result, ordered the Mackenzies chief trader to avoid all conflict with clerics and

    help them to the full extent local conditions permitted. [ ] He had already rapped Ross for shipping

    Grollier south the prior year, [ref.] after his bishop had lodged a complaint.[reference?] The immediateeffect was that whites gathered at Fort Simpson might shun Father Grollier while he was at the post, but

    he was free to roam around.

    Perfect Kneeling

    At each Mackenzie District post, the clerks summer departure was timed to reach Fort Simpson

    just as the chief trader returned there with goods from the South. That way crews (whose number came

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    close to a hundred) only briefed strained supplies. Gaudet arrived August 15, less than twenty four hours

    after the Portage brigade. With him was James Flett and family from a site subsidiary to Peels River.137

    But what made for excitement was the presence on board of Tiktik and his companions: a man and wife

    and their boy, and nine-year-old Attingarek, who had come without her parents.138

    The crowd was thrilled by their height, intelligence, good nature, exotic dress and remarkably

    fine looks. The children would pass among a number of Europeans without notice. Kirkby was beside

    himself with joy. Here, he wrote in his journal, is a new tribe to the Redeemer. May his glorious

    Kingdom be speedily established among them.139

    The promise seemed especially strong because these people spent part of the year in permanent

    dwellings. Given were they lived, they could not, of course, be made to farm, thesine qua non of

    approaches to conversion in the South. But there was no need to collect them in communal settings since

    they already did so themselves. Their large villages on the coast were all so many facilities to the

    progress of the Gospel. Already, Ross had promised accommodation at the fort to be built nearby.

    Grollier, too, had asked to go, but was not allowed.140

    To Tiktik and his fellow Kukpugmiut the link between mission and trade must have seemed very

    close. In the mess room the day after their arrival Ross told them he would place a post wherever they

    wished. But he needed an interpreter and asked that the boy and girl be left with Kirkby for training.

    When the men agreed, Kirkby lept with joy. He could not believe his good fortune. Within days of

    reaching his posting he had the privilege of training two young Eskimos in the ways of the Lord. They

    were means for carrying the glorious tidings of salvation to the whole of their numerous countrymen.

    As the session ended, the chief trader was about to make gifts when Gaudet asked for a change in

    procedure. To establish an attraction between cleric and future converts, he suggested Kirkby hand out

    the goods. And that was how it was done.141

    Next morning, a Sunday, the Eskimos came to worship in the same packed room and behaved

    with the greatest decorum. They stood, sat, and kneeled as if they had been used to it for years. Never

    before had Kirkby so strongly felt the gracious assistance of his God.142

    On Monday in Kirkbys room in the officers quarters the visitors left nothing untouched. A clock

    and umbrella intrigued them most, but they were not content just to look. Wanting goods to take home,

    they made signs for knives, scissors, and needles. Kirkby took them to the store and purchased it all. Then

    Gaudet brought a translator (a Loucheux who had come on the journey from Peels River) so that Huntercould speak at length of Jesus and salvation.143

    By Tuesday all except the woman appeared in European clothes. The men and the boy proudly

    wore suits, the girl a dress and bonnet, which Ross had had the tailor make. But Kirkby was aghast, for

    the priest had hung a crucifix from their necks. The figure, he had told them, was the child of the sun

    and if worn without fail (like the amulets on their own clothing) would save them from harm. Gaudet

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    threw the crosses to the ground while raising a hand as if in horror and disgust, afterwards explaining

    this was the best way of preventing Delta people from accepting such items again.144

    It was not until a week after the Kukpugmiuts arrival, as they boarded Gaudets boat for home,

    that the boy realized he was to stay at Fort Simpson. He wailed so strongly and clung to his mother so

    tightly that (to Kirkbys immense distress) she relented and took him along. Attingarek, without parents to

    appeal to, was the only one left behind.

    At Peels River, where a large number of Kukpugmiut met the boat, the delegates told of their

    excellent treatment. So good was the news, many offered to go the next year. But when matters related to

    Attingarek came up, conflict arose. Chief Trader Ross had sent a present to the girls father, and as he

    stepped forward to claim it another man wanted it also. It turned out she had belonged to two families in

    sequence. At some point one had given her up to the other, and there she was raised. It was the second

    father who argued the gift should go to him, for he was taking the greater loss. As a fight was about to

    erupt, Gaudet proposed the gift be shared, to which the men agreed.145


    HBC postmaster James Flett (who remained at Fort Simpson that winter) and his Loucheux wife

    next received Kirkbys attention, as he sanctioned their marriage and baptized their brood. None of it

    impressed Attingarek, the poor little Eskimo girl, who looked dull and withdrawn. Many tried to keep

    her busy, but without success.146 The only one to comfort her was a pure Loucheux boy, an orphan

    Gaudet had brought from Peels River who knew enough of her tongue to converse. Though called

    William Flett, he had no tie to families with that name.

    Mrs. Flett spoke some Eskimo, and it was in her home that Attingarek stayed.


    Each day withWilliam and four others she went to Kirkbys school. As they gained skill in saying letters and body parts,

    she pulled out of her depression. Smart as the rest, she was perfectly happy and anxious to learn.148

    Over time she became fluent in English.

    In 1861 one of Attingareks fathers, also a chief, came to Peels River and told Gaudet he wanted

    to see her the next year. 149 But to make the trip to Fort Simpson by Company boat he needed consent

    from Bernard Ross, who in spring refused it, preferring he come the next year.150 And by then something

    had happened to the chiefs relationship with Gaudet, who counseled against his going.151152 So reunion

    of the two never took place.

    Attingarek further lost connection to home when her name was changed. It may at first have

    happened in an informal way, but was documented when Augustus Peers, though long dead, arrived at the

    fort. During postings at Fort Norman and Peels River, he had often expressed a strong dislike, in the

    event of his death, that his bones should rest at either spot. So in early 1863 Gaudet dug his well-

    preserved body from the permafrost at Peels River and took him to Good Hope. From there Roderick

    MacFarlane, clerk at that post, brought him the rest of the way.(MacFarlane 12-15) All along strange

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    howling was heard at night, and at Fort Simpson, as Ross and MacFarlane spoke in the dark from

    adjacent beds before falling asleep, they had a sudden, overwhelming sense that Peers was present and

    trying to speak with them.

    The trade Peers had started with the people of the Delta was about to take a leap, for MacFarlane

    was during that visit instructed to build a fort near the coast. But it was on the Anderson River, and not in

    the Delta as the Kukpugmiut had hoped. The Reverend Kirkby, who seems not to have grasped just how

    far that would be, quickly baptized Attingarek and the boy William Flett, so MacFarlane could report the

    news to their friends. [xxxx]

    Baptism in that era involved assigning a new first name, often one from the bible. Rarely,

    however, did ministers choose one of special liking to the Roman Church. So it may seem strange that

    Kirkby called the girl Maria, after Jesus mother, to whom Rome gave what Protestants thought was

    idolatrous adulationand that all the more so since the pope a few years before had proclaimed her

    immaculate conception (i.e. that unlike other humans she was born without sin). In Rome strong push for

    the doctrine had come from the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, the very order whose priests in the North

    were the Anglicans fierce opponents.

    Yet the minister probably had no choice, as many Scottish women were called Mary, including

    the sister of Chief Factor Bernard Ross, as well as his deceased mother-in-law (long the wife of a Chief

    Factor at Norway House), who held the same relationship to Archdeacon Hunter. Perhaps also in play

    was the 1857 death of the latters daughter Maria. In any case, Attingarek was now Maria Ross.

    Despite the hope raised by Tiktiks visit to Fort Simpson, Kirkby made no effort to contact the

    Kukpugmiut and instruct them further. Three years later, on his way to the Yukon, and quite by accident,

    he came across a group at Point Separation. The men carried knives, spears, and arrows, but used none as

    they grabbed his boat and stole some goods. In an account published by the Smithsonian Institution, he

    featured their good looks, which he thought reflected an intellect higher than that of Indians, a claim he

    bolstered by referring to Attingarek. Left with him not long before, she now spoke and read English with

    considerable accuracy.(Kirkby 416-20) Despite that fine result, however, she brought him no help in


    Girls on the coast became sexually active at a young age and often experienced trial marriage

    before setting up a permanent home. And in the fur-trade world (Isbisters father is an example) men took

    very young brides. As Franklin noted on his Mackenzie journey four decades earlier, The girls at theforts . . . are given in marriage very young: they are frequently wives at 12 years of age, and mothers at

    14.153So it is no surprise that Attingarek at age thirteen became partner to William Brass, a postmaster

    who spent time at Fort Simpson.

    In telling the Church Mission Society of the marriage (which seems to have occurred la faon

    du pays during his absence) Kirkby failed to hide dismay in noting her new station: As far as earthly

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    things go she has a comfortable home for her future life. He made no mention of the hereafter, but hoped

    she might still help his work. At present Brass was at a post well south of the treeline,154 but Kirkby hoped

    that if plans came through to place him at Peels River (where he had been before), Attingarek could tell

    her poor countrymen something of Jesus.155 None of that came about.

    The next year Brass included private matters in a business report to Fort Simpson, but since that

    broke the usual code, he was thoroughly chewed out.[citation?] None of it was transcribed in the

    correspondence book and no personal letters by him have to date been found. How long Attingarek stayed

    his wife, whether she bore children, or what age she attained, no one seems to know.156


    Despite their Fort Simpson visit, the Kukpugmiut did not get a fort in their midst. Nor did they

    find much use for the one on the Anderson River. Chief Trader Ross in 1861 confidently wrote Sir

    George (not knowing he was dead) that it would bring an important and lucrative trade. 157 When

    instead for two years it led only to costs, a decision was made to move it to the Delta. 158 A site was

    chosen, wood was cut, and frames for buildings prepared. Then that plan, too, was stopped.

    Given reprieve, Fort Anderson made further loss and by 1865 stood empty. Inuit later burnt it

    down for nails. Promise of a new establishment among the Kukpugmiut was made from time to time,

    especially when Russian trade via coastal tribes hurt profit at Peels River, but that, too, came to naught.


    When in 1889, as William Kennedy had warned, Americans began to whale the Beaufort Sea, the

    HBC once more planned a post in the Delta. It was in such a place Stringer thought he would stay on first

    coming north. But it was whalers themselves who at Herschel Island put up a trading post, and after theirdeparture for better whaling further east, Stringer from 1896 to 1901 ran it for them. He lived in one of

    their buildings and established his mission there. As in 1859, trade and evangelization could not have

    been more closely bound.

    What Tiktik thought in later years of his stay at an HBC post and his talk with white shamans we

    will never know. It is likely he came many times to Peels River in spring, but the only time it was noted

    was in 1873 when he arrived among the earliest at the post.159But there may have been years when

    quarrels at home stopped his travels, as he played a central role in a cycle of killing between his own and

    another family.160

    Also causing decline in Kukpugmiut numbers was epidemic illness, which swept through

    Loucheux and Inuit bands alike. When Tiktiks wife died in November 1885, she was brought to Peels

    River, and lay frozen in the warehouse beside the bodies of three GWichin.161It seems likely that in

    spring she was buried in the same grounds where Peers had for a decade lain. Were she dug up today her

    features would be starkly intact (as in the case of some of Franklins men, disinterred a century and a half

    after death).[ ]

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    Of Tiktik no word can be found past his wifes demise. He was no longer there when in 1892

    Anglican missionary Isaac Stringer arrived from his familys farm in Ontario (on the very terrain that in

    the 1830s had raised Aboriginal Protection Society ire because of the removal of Indians). The young

    clerics ally was soon Takochikina, whose people had been Tiktiks opponents in the feud.


    Very close to the time of the death of his wife, either sometime before or after, Tiktik had a new

    daughter. It may be the child was her, or that like a number of Kukpugmiut men, he had several wives,

    and that after the loss of the older one, the younger one remained. It may also be that he took a new

    woman into his household at this time. Perhaps the name the little got Sukayak (the fast one) reflected the

    speed with which she arrived, though it is more likely it came from someone who died. It may even have

    been Tiktiks deceased wife.

    Married when very young, Sukayak she lost her husband to a stray bullet, fired from inside a tent

    by a whaling captain in 1896. Soon after, she became the wife of Ivitkuna, a Kukpugmiuk who each year

    made a journey to Herschel Island. Conversely, they were among the people who welcomed Isaac

    Stringer when he visited them in winter far in the Eastern Deltaas at Koowachuck and Tapkok, well out

    on the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula.

    In the spring of ending in 1901 the couple worked briefly for the Anglican mission, where Isaac

    took a photograph of them that has to date not been found. He did chores such as bringing in wood from

    the Yukon coast; she sewed beautiful caribou coats (trimmed with beaver and wolf, and finely crafted

    strips of white skin from intra-uterine deer) for Isaac and Sadie and their two children. It was in these

    garments that in the fall they had themselves photographed in a studio in San Francisco. They also worethem years later to tour Britain and meet the king and queen.

    Ivitkuna and Sugkajoq left for the Eastern Delta in April 1901 and Stringer met them there when

    he visited as bishop eight years later. Contrary to the claim of anthropologists such as Diamond Jenness

    that their culture had been wiped out, they were among the many Kukpugmiut (about 120 of 200) who

    survived back-to-back 1901-1902 viral epidemics. They were camped with others at Nalugogiak and it

    was there, in Ivitkunas tent, that a a hearty service was held. Stringers successor Charles Whittaker

    baptized them the next summer at Kittigazuit.

    What made it into books about Kukpugmiut in the early twentieth century comes in part from

    Tiktiks daughter and her husband. Nuligak writes about the couple at that time (he and his uncle with

    Ivitkuna went fishing), and when Stefansson met them at Kangianuk in 1906 he measured their heads.

    On his second expedition his companion Anderson visited them at Baillie Island, where they lived in a

    snowhouse, which he thought a structure only rarely used by these people. He took pictures of them there,

    and more near Kittigazuit later that year.

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    In April 1912 Stefansson found them at Igloryaraluit (which whites sometimes spelled

    Iglogzyooit) surviving on ptarmigan alone. But matters improved and late the next year they made a

    Christmas offering of a red fox to the Anglican Church. Their ties to that institution remained strong, and

    when in 1921 their son was married by Christian rite, a man named Jerry Tiktik (of whom more below)

    was a witness.

    The last we hear of them, and therefore of the original Tiktiks line, is in 1924, when they were

    interviewed by Knud Rasmussen, who mentions them in hisNotes. But their descendants are surely alive

    and with a little work could easily be found today.

    Between 1898 and1900 Stringer mentions a younger Tiktik five times.162 Ethnologist V.

    Stefansson reported how this man and his wife Julia (then forty-one years old) in 1907 gave a baby to a

    chief. As it was unwell, the latter spoke to it in shamanic language with exclamations, declarations,

    and questions, to which an adult audience at times replied. A separate snowhouse was then built so the

    child would have quiet.163

    Three years later the couple was among many baptized and married by Anglican rite at

    Kittigazuit,164 and a few summers thereafter they were among a group that were photographed [see

    picture] as they volunteered to take the gospel to the mouth of the Coppermine, though weather stopped

    them from getting there. Another child arrived the next year and was named after the apostle Mark.

    Tiktik had by then learned to write and in the 1914-15 winter exchanged worried letters with

    other Inuit about a shaman who still practiced his skills.165It would be nice for this story if it could be

    shown that this protector of the Christian faith had at his birth (1872 by notoriously vague church

    estimate) been given the name of the one who half a century earlier had seen Fort Simpson, and thereby

    become that person. But given what we know at present, that is stretching a point. 166

    After visiting Fort Simpson in 1859, the first Tiktik of this story promised to send his own boy

    the next summer, but there is no record of that having happened. The HBC did not succeed for years to

    have a youngster come south from the coast, and the first documented case involved the Catholic Church.

    In xxxx Oblate Father Emile Petitot, who showed throughout his Mackenzie career an inability to control