The Yoga Connection Media Kit

media kit Coming in June!


Advertising Media Kit

Transcript of The Yoga Connection Media Kit


Coming in June!

connectionyogaUniting Health, Awareness and Conscious Living


w w w . t h e - y o g a - c o n n e c t i o n . c o m

connectionyogathe • 1637 Dogwood Court • Fort Collins, CO 80525 • 970.214.6921 •

connectionyogaUniting Health, Awareness and Conscious Living


introductionWe Have a new look and a website on the way! The Yoga Connection magazine is a locally distributed, complimentary publication dedicated to providing our audience with thoughtful insight and energetic commentary on yoga, wellness, and holistic living. Our seasonal chronicle, and online publication, pertains to individual and collective well-being, and provides a continually growing platform for local business’ to reach a wide range of potential customers through diverse advertising and marketing opportunities. Our goal is to provide a forum to share information related to yoga and spirituality. Copies may be found at bookstores, natural food stores, holistic health centers, libraries, park buildings, colleges, and learning

TYC offers featured content consisting of thought provoking articles and information always aimed at elevating the reader’s imagination, expanding consciousness, and improving quality of life. Some of the topics include: general and alternative health, spirituality, and local events pertaining to yoga and personal and collective wellness. One of TYC’s unique features is providing our audience with current class schedules for the local yoga studios in Northern and Central Colorado. We also provide a Health and Well-Being Directory for easy access to holistic practitioners in the area. Another attribute of TYC is showcasing local business’ and members of our community who provide us with the goods, services, and inspiration to be the healthiest, most well-balanced people we can be, leading to excited and faithful readers who find themselves anxiously awaiting the next issue of The Yoga Connection.

As a resource for information and general guidance, we aim our efforts at connecting communities with the people and business’ that are represented in our publications. As more and more people look toward a future of increasing health consciousness, you can rest assured that there are plenty of readers turning to The Yoga Connection Magazine!

w w w . t h e - y o g a - c o n n e c t i o n . c o m

connectionyogathe • 1637 Dogwood Court • Fort Collins, CO 80525 • 970.214.6921 •

connectionyogaUniting Health, Awareness and Conscious Living


departments and features

• Local Yoga Class Schedules – Support for local yoga studios and their instructors is one of our main features in the magazine. Actually, it’s one of the main reasons why we started this publication! Here, we publish your local yoga studio class schedules and featured interviews (which we call “Inner-Views”) with local instructors. •Health & Well-Being Directories – With the health trend moving more towards homeopathic treatments for common health problems, we feel we would be doing a dis-service to our communities by not publishing this directory. Here, our readers can find the information to connect them with the Healers in their community.

• Workshops/Events Calendar – Readers are brought into the loop of local community activities, from yoga workshops and self-improvement seminars to local nature walks. We want to help connect our readers with the people who contribute to their community in so many ways …. Bringing light to the events in which they can share their inspiration and wisdom with us all.

content departments & featured articles

• Health & Fitness - Each issue will provide readers with articles and information regarding general health and trends that will be both physically and spiritually uplifting.

• Nutrition & Diet – This forum is used to discuss the various ways to improve overall health by bringing our audience nutritional information, as well as recipes for cooking and eating health-consciously. We also explore the sister science of yoga, Ayurveda, in each issue, with information about how to eat and live according to your dosha (constitution).

• At-Home Practice – Here we provide tutorials for practicing yoga postures (asanas) in the comfort of your own home. We present different traditions, styles, and applications to help you explore your own body and delve deeper into your home practice.

Each issue of The Yoga Connection provides our readers with a fresh and contemporary perspective on a host of topics relevant to our objective – providing people with the insight and information necessary to tread the path of personal empowerment and well-being.

In order for our readers to stay “tuned in” and “current” in an ever-increasing world of complexity, we at TYC have a content department that allows us to provide stimulating subject matter, yet also allows us to be dynamic in our presentation. By being more reflective of the diverse interests of our surrounding communities with the information provided on our pages, TYC effectively sets itself apart from competing publications of a similar nature. Although the magazine is ultimately about personal and spiritual growth, devoted readers find a great deal of wide ranging topics intended to inspire community involvement.

• Spirituality & Conscious Living – Each issue of TYC looks at the various schools of thought surrounding the very immense subject of spirituality, and sheds light on the diverse paths that we all travel.

• Environmental Consciousness – In the interest of being good stewards on our Mother Earth, this space in our publication is dedicated to providing some environmentally friendly ways of improving the indoor and outdoor spaces that we frequent, while stepping as softly on our planet as we can while we do it.

• Wisdom – Explore the multitude of voices in our community sharing their philosophy and insight to help us evolve and unravel the mysteries of the universe.

local support features

w w w . t h e - y o g a - c o n n e c t i o n . c o m

connectionyogathe • 1637 Dogwood Court • Fort Collins, CO 80525 • 970.214.6921 •

connectionyogaUniting Health, Awareness and Conscious Living


The movement toward health consciousness, well- being, and spirituality has roots as old as civilization itself, and spanning in all directions. In modern times, few can say that they haven’t noticed a trend of people moving toward this kind of personal fullfilment. As we collectively progress, there is an inherent feeling amongst individuals to take more of an active responsibility for their own well-being, the well-being of our community, and of our planet. Those of us who embrace these attributes are increasing in numbers daily. The people who make up this trend are becoming the majority, suggesting that participation is more than a fad, and is more likely an overall shift in consciousness that will become the foundation of awareness that we will build our future from.

The new age movement has evolved, the title of “New Agers” has become out dated (The “Age” has arrived) and no longer applies, it also carries a bit of a stigmatization. A more contemporary title used by demographic and marketing organizations is LOHAS’, or Lifestyle Of Health And Sustainability participants. The individuals who comprise this market segment are spiritually and philosophically diverse. LOHAS’ are apt to embody more than one of the differing spiritual and philosophical disciplines in their pursuit of living with a balanced mind, body, and spirit. The individuals who make up the LOHAS demographic, aside

from their personal development interests, are also consumers of natural and organic products. They are also motivated by communal responsibility, i.e., clean and renewable energy, green building, recycling, and using sustainable products and services whenever possible. Many will pay more for products and services that are made to minimize harm or impact the environment or society.

The average LOHAS is relatively affluent and well educated, with 50% obtaining a college level education or higher. According to a 2006 report issued by Cohen, Maurie J. (International Journal Of Consumer Studies), the LOHAS market segment was estimated at USD$300 billion, or 30% of the overall United States consumer market, with the average income per household of $75,000 or more. A study by the Natural Marketing Institute published in 2000, showed that 68 million Americans were included within the LOHAS demographics profile and growing.

The demographics profile by age group breaks down as such; 25 yrs. to 34 yrs. = 25.2%, 35 yrs. to 44 yrs. = 47.9%, 45 yrs. and older = 26.9%

While 70% of the overall demographic profiled is comprised of women, men are increasing in their presence in the market segment, with more and more taking interest by the year.

As the movement towards Heath and Well Being steadily gains in inertia, there will be no shortage of readers taking interest in The Yoga Connection as a tool to connect with themselves, each other, and our supporters.

readership demographics

w w w . t h e - y o g a - c o n n e c t i o n . c o m

connectionyogathe • 1637 Dogwood Court • Fort Collins, CO 80525 • 970.214.6921 •

connectionyogaUniting Health, Awareness and Conscious Living


online magazine

coming June 2012! is very excited to announce that we are launching our new online magazine soon. The print publication has been enjoying increasing success and TYC feels that it is now time to broaden our audience horizon. will be alive and connecting in June of 2012.

The online magazine will be more than just a place to view the current print issue; instead it will be a visually appealing, interactive web environment that will have steadily evolving content. Visitors to the site will be presented with an intuitive environment that allows them to access a diverse array of articles and resources related to the subjects of yoga, mysticism, spirituality, alternative healing, eastern philosophy and current events/news that matters.

Our goal is to create an environment where visitors, whether they are teachers or students, writers or readers, can connect with each other in meaningful and mutually,beneficial ways that will have them returning to visit the site regularly. The visitor will be made to feel welcome and comfortable as the site presents itself to them as a local experience (more on this later).

Some of the sites features are still being developed and are very hush-hush, while others are not. Some of the highlights include; tablet and smart phone responsiveness, a current issue reviewer, archives of past issues, local writer’s feature articles, local writers category articles, international writer’s feature articles, user provided current events & news, related local events, related international events, local class schedules, national class schedules, local business directories, national business directories, free exchange of ideas chat room, teacher and studio resources, and much more!


the yoga connection goes

There’s next level stuff happening!



e resources

w w w . t h e - y o g a - c o n n e c t i o n . c o m

connectionyogathe • 1637 Dogwood Court • Fort Collins, CO 80525 • 970.214.6921 •

connectionyogaUniting Health, Awareness and Conscious Living


online advertising display formats

Medium Rectangle(300x250)

• Clean, high visibility banners

• Highly targeted audience

• Rich media format available

• Responsive, mobile design

• Links to your website

• Improved SEO & SEM

• Flexible ad campaign duration

• Geo targeted

• Limited banner rotations

• Exclusivity available

• Special homepage locations

• Appears on every article page

• Available by article category

• Articles sponsorship

• Analytics and campaign reports



what you get!

Small Rectangle(300x125)

Footer Rectangle(600x125)

*not available on homepage



coming soo


w w w . t h e - y o g a - c o n n e c t i o n . c o m

connectionyogathe • 1637 Dogwood Court • Fort Collins, CO 80525 • 970.214.6921 •

connectionyogaUniting Health, Awareness and Conscious Living


online advertising prices

ad spaces are limited, so act fast!

Online directory listing: features of your listing include; link to your website, word summary/ profile, schedule lists for workshops or events, Facebook like link, Twitter handle and a google map (if applicable).

Directory Listing Price per month

Standard $15.00

call or email [email protected] to discuss advertising with TYC online

Event listing: event listings will appear on their own page, call for options

Event Listing Price per month

Standard text $15.00

E-Blast: Directory Listing Price per blast

Standard $60.00

Home page pricing:Ad Format Type *Intro Price per month

$75.00Medium Rectangle

$80.00Leader Board

$60.00Small Rectangle*3 Month Special Introductory Pricing



Price per month

Article page pricing:Ad Format Type

$120.00Medium Rectangle$140.00Leader Board

$80.00Small Rectangle

$120.00Article Sponsorship

*Intro Price per month Price per month



$60.00*3 Month Special Introductory Pricing

introductory promotional pricing! join us for our new website launch!

w w w . t h e - y o g a - c o n n e c t i o n . c o m

connectionyogathe • 1637 Dogwood Court • Fort Collins, CO 80525 • 970.214.6921 •

connectionyogaUniting Health, Awareness and Conscious Living


previous issues & distribution

The Yoga Connection is your local platform for reaching our affluent audience with your advertisement message. Each issue provides advertisers with a direct connection to the individuals who make up the consumer base of our community. With over 200+ distribution centers, and as many as 25,000 readers (and growing fast), you will be able to reach your target audience with ease. In addition to the opportunity to reach customers through the pages of TYC, we will soon be offering digital advertisment on our website within our online magazine. We launch in June 2012!

Kate Stephens and Gary Pritchard1637 Dogwood Court

Fort Collins, CO 80525

Call for a free marketing consultation today!

Winter 2010 Volume I, Issue I

Spring 2010 Volume I, Issue II

Summer 2010 Volume I, Issue III

Fall 2010 Volume I, Issue IV

Winter 2011 Volume II, Issue I

Spring 2011 Volume II, Issue II

Fall 2011 Volume II, Issue IV

Summer 2011 Volume II, Issue III


Winter 2012

Volume 3, Issue # 1Published by Local Yoga Junkies

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of Fasting

Lessons from the Mat

Take Back the LIght

offf as noffffff FFastttiiiiiinoffffffff FFFFastttiiiiiiinThe Fullness

Preventing Injury in Yoga

The Search for Suchness



At Home Practice

Your Mat as a Sanctuary


Spring 2012

Volume 3, Issue # 2Published by Local Yoga Junkies

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ph: (970) 214-6921fax: (970) 484-3800

e-mail: [email protected]

Winter 2012 Volume III, Issue I

Spring 2012Volume III, Issue II

w w w . t h e - y o g a - c o n n e c t i o n . c o m

connectionyogathe • 1637 Dogwood Court • Fort Collins, CO 80525 • 970.214.6921 •

connectionyogaUniting Health, Awareness and Conscious Living


Call for a free marketing consultation today!

is the premier way for you to promote your

business and make connections in your community - SUSTAINABLY.

Our readership is growing fast ! It is now approaching 25,000 and

grows further with every edition. We think it’s exciting, but we also

realize that growth has an impact. We are committed to growing the

yoga connection responsibly, and that is why TYC is an environmentally

conscious and eco-friendly publishing company. We operate with the

highest level of compassion for the planet and its resources. That is

why we are participants in the sustainable forestry initiative and why

each edition is printed with soy ink on recycled paper. Every issue is

100% recycleable.

At TYC, our commitment to sustainability prevents us from over printing

our readership. We do not print more copies than are read. We are

more interested in using our collective resources considerately than

we are in increasing ad revenues or pricing. We monitor our display

locations closely and adjust our copy distribution accordingly. 99% of

our magazines make it to readers. They do not sit around collecting dust

until the next distribution. So, you can be assured that your advertising

dollars are being spent wisely with the highest ethical regards for our


evironmentally responsible publishers



Recycled Paper


w w w . t h e - y o g a - c o n n e c t i o n . c o m

connectionyogathe • 1637 Dogwood Court • Fort Collins, CO 80525 • 970.214.6921 •

connectionyogaUniting Health, Awareness and Conscious Living


The Yoga Connection Magazine is a quarterly publication.Distribution throughout Northern Colorado, including Fort Collins, Loveland, Berthoud, Windsor, and Greeley

• December 5th (for the Winter Issue)

• March 5th (for the Spring Issue)

• June 5th (for the Summer Issue)

• September 5th (for the Fall Issue)

• Full Page Cover – Inside or Out (8-1/4 x 10-1/2)

• Full page (7-1/2 x 9-3/4)

• 1/2 page (3-3/4 x 9-3/4, or 7-1/2 x 4-7/8)

• 1/4 page (3-3/4 x 4-7/8, or 7-1/2 x 2-7/16)

• 1/8 page (3-3/4 x 2-7/16)

Ad Description 4x 2x 1x DesignBack Cover 400 440 485 185Inside Covers 350 385 425 185Full Page 300 330 365 150½ Page 250 275 300 75¼ Page 150 165 180 501/8 page 100 110 120 50Yoga Studio/Business Listing 40 45 50 n/aWorkshop Listing 35 40 45 n/aClass Schedule 100 110 120 n/a

• Buy ¼ page ad, you get a free listing and 50% off class schedule

• Buy ½ page ad or bigger, you get a free listing and your class schedule included.

• Short Term Promotion!: Buy 1/2 page or larger ad and get 15% discount on web ad package, or buy 1/4 page ad and get 10% discount on web ad package for three months!

Rates Listed are per publication (quarterly), and for full colors ads.

Design rates are one time charges for the specified size and type of ad.

All ads must be submitted digitally with the following attributes:

• High resolution jpg or pdf (300 dpi) saved as CMYK

• All fonts embedded

• Do no include hyperlinks



contact Kate or Gary; [email protected] or [email protected]

print publication ad specs and prices

Advertising Rates:

Dimensions (width x height in inches):



w w w . t h e - y o g a - c o n n e c t i o n . c o m

connectionyogathe • 1637 Dogwood Court • Fort Collins, CO 80525 • 970.214.6921 •

connectionyogaUniting Health, Awareness and Conscious Living


1/2 Page Horizontal7-1/2” x 4-7/8”*

1/2 Page Vertical3-3/4” x 9-7/8”*

1/8 Page Horizontal3-3/4” x 2-7/16”*

1/4 Page Horizontal7-1/2” x 2-7/16”*

Full Page Cover - Inside or Out 8-1/4” x 10-1/2” Full Page within Magazine7-1/2” x 9-3/4”

* Page sizes shown at half scale

print publication ad sizes




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1/4 Page Vertical3-3/4” x 4-7/8”*

need help designing an ad?TYC can help design your ad. Call for a free Kate Stephens at 970. 214. 6921

Plus! Directory Listings!

contact Kate or Gary; [email protected] or [email protected]

w w w . t h e - y o g a - c o n n e c t i o n . c o m

connectionyogathe • 1637 Dogwood Court • Fort Collins, CO 80525 • 970.214.6921 •

connectionyogaUniting Health, Awareness and Conscious Living


Please print and fill out his form.

Advertiser InfoAdvertiser: _________________________________________________________Contact Name: _________________________________________________________Address: _________________________________________________________City/State/Zip: _________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________________________Fax: _________________________________________________________Email: _________________________________________________________

Advertiser’s name: __________________________________________________________

Advertiser’s Website: __________________________________________________________

Fill in information for each issue you in which you wish to reserve space.

Issue Ad Size Dimensions Ad Location Rate NetWinter 2012Spring 2012Summer 2012Fall 2012

AGREED: No oral contracts. A signed original of this contract must be on file with TYC before any insertion orders are accepted. Signed contracts may not be cancelled after the ad close date.

Executed this date: __________________________________________

Advertiser: __________________________________________

Printed Name: __________________________________________

Signature: __________________________________________

Send all Advertising Materials and Insertion Orders to:

Kate Stephens or Gary Pritchard [email protected] or [email protected]

Advertising and Sales Coordinators1637 Dogwood Court

Fort Collins, CO 80525phone (970) 214-6921 • fax (970) 484-3800

advertising contract