The Yesdoc Trains Endlessly for the Open Water

 Open Water Source  Copyright © 2010 by Open Water Source Endless Training For The Open Water Scott "The Yesdoc" Richards, MD, a member of the exclusive Triple Crown Club, trains in an Endless Pool. The Daily News of Open Water Swimming asked the good doctor  why, how and when: Daily News: Why do you train in the Endless Pool  when you live in San Diego, a beautiful city that is abundant with open water swimmers and ocean shorelines? Scott: I train in an  Endless Pool  due to my personal and professional commitments coupled with the lack of 50 meter pools in the north county of San Diego. I am a single  parent and physician (outpatien t with a 40-hour work week) and couldn't make the time to drive daily to a pool, do a workout with masters, as I had responsi bilities and this would have been exhausting for my lifestyle and take away from my family. I love to go to   La  Jolla Cove on the weekends, but for weekday training, the   Endless Pool  was perfect. I did a test swim in one in about 2003 and was impressed. Subseq uently, I researched the different types and found a contractor who had experience with them and by 2004 I took the "plunge" (pardon the pun), and invested the money and it has been worth it 100 times over. With being a single parent, it gave to me the ability to get up at 4:00 - 4:15 am, stretch and then begin a workout by 5 am, allowed me to be out by 7:00 - 7:30 am with 5 miles done and still get breakfast for the kids and get them to school. The ability to train on-a-moment  s notice is a great feature. And the current is adjustable and allowed me to simulate open water much better than an 80˚F (26.6˚C) degree pool as I keep the temperature in the winter at 62-62˚F (16-17˚C) and in the summer no warmer than the mid 70's˚F (23˚C). I'd also swim in the evening while the kids were do ing homework and could add an extra 4-5K without too much interference for my family. Daily News: Is it tough to train alone? Scott: One has to be personally motivated as I trained with no coach. The   Endless Pool  necessi tates having a very self-motivated person. I can't stress this enough. I just love to swim and with the use of personal workouts that I began to develop, I just really had fun. I also have the 45˚ angle mirror on the front bottom so I would constantly see where I was entering my stroke and my underwater technique.  Daily News: Do you have any special methodologies when training in the Endless Pool?

Transcript of The Yesdoc Trains Endlessly for the Open Water

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