The World’s First Corvette Club · 2017-03-05 · The World’s First Corvette Club ... There is...

August 2012 The President’s Corner - Rich Taylor The World’s First Corvette Club July was a little slow for participation in club sponsored and other group events. However, we will more than make up for that in August with club participation planned in three events. The first is a CAR Show and Wine Tasting at Linganore Vineyards on Saturday, August 11 th . We will meet in the Food Lion park- ing lot off of I-70 exit #62 and drive in together at 9:30 A.M. You can contact Jean Wade or myself for details or go to this link: . On Saturday, August 18 th CCA will be sponsoring our Annual Pool Party at Joe and Angie Vaeth‘s house in Damascus. The club will be providing barbeque beef and there will be hot dogs on the grill. All you need to do is to bring a dish to share and your own beverages. An e-blast has already been sent out to all members with the full details and directions. The following Friday through Sunday, August 24 th 26 th , is Corvettes at Carlisle. CCA will be sharing a tent on the Fun Field with the Found Corvette Caravan Club, the same as we did last year. We need a minimum of 25 cars to register for the Fun Show in order to keep our space each year, so if you are inter- ested, please register for the event online at: . We are making plans to meet each morning for breakfast on the way into Carlisle and will send an e-blast to notify members of the meeting place and time. As you can see, there are plenty of Corvette related activities this month, so come on out and enjoy the ride. Please remember that I’d like to find out what your interests are and what Corvette activities excite you. I’d also like to know how to increase your participation in club activities and communications whether physical or virtual. So log onto the CCA Facebook page at sk=group_187926317895421 , or contact me directly and let me know what’s on your mind.

Transcript of The World’s First Corvette Club · 2017-03-05 · The World’s First Corvette Club ... There is...

August 2012

The President’s Corner - Rich Taylor

The World’s First Corvette Club

July was a little slow for participation in club sponsored and other group events. However, we will more

than make up for that in August with club participation planned in three events. The first is a CAR Show

and Wine Tasting at Linganore Vineyards on Saturday, August 11th. We will meet in the Food Lion park-

ing lot off of I-70 exit #62 and drive in together at 9:30 A.M. You can contact Jean Wade or myself for

details or go to this link:

On Saturday, August 18th CCA will be sponsoring our Annual Pool Party at Joe and Angie Vaeth‘s house

in Damascus. The club will be providing barbeque beef and there will be hot dogs on the grill. All you

need to do is to bring a dish to share and your own beverages. An e-blast has already been sent out to all

members with the full details and directions.

The following Friday through Sunday, August 24th – 26th, is Corvettes at Carlisle. CCA will be sharing a

tent on the Fun Field with the Found Corvette Caravan Club, the same as we did last year. We need a

minimum of 25 cars to register for the Fun Show in order to keep our space each year, so if you are inter-

ested, please register for the event online at:

We are making plans to meet each morning for breakfast on the way into Carlisle and will send an e-blast

to notify members of the meeting place and time.

As you can see, there are plenty of Corvette related activities this month, so come on out and enjoy the


Please remember that I’d like to find out what your interests are and what Corvette activities excite you.

I’d also like to know how to increase your participation in club activities and communications whether

physical or virtual. So log onto the CCA Facebook page at

sk=group_187926317895421, or contact me directly and let me know what’s on your mind.

The Corvette Courier August 2012 Page 2

Keep the wheels turning and

don’t forget to shift gears.

Rich Taylor

CCA President

[email protected]


The Corvette Courier August 2012 Page 3

Membership Director—Jean Wade

CCA Membership Update


Welcome Our New long distance Members

Karl Upchurch Newark Del. 01 Blk. Coupe Web site

Alfred & Glenda Taylor Missouri City Tx. 06 Sil. Coupe Web site

President for 2012 - Rich Taylor [email protected] 240-460-9797

Vice President for 2012 - Jim Parisi [email protected] 410-292-8722

NCCC Questions direct to our Gov. Ron Hamrah 202-882-8157 [email protected]

Please note: We may not be able to order the CCA plates unless we have an order of 25. It has been

awhile since we’ve placed an order and the company we order from wants to drop us for lack of

sales. Contact CCA License Plates Richard Roe for information 410-960-1368 or [email protected]

Embroidery Club shirts. Rich Roe is putting together a catalog that can be viewed through e-mail. He

will let you know when it is available. You can still order-screened shirts through our web site.

My shirt man contact in Damascus had a serious stroke and now moving to the South. He had done our

embroidery hats and shirts.

Events coming up for Aug.

Aug. 11th 10am Car Show Wine event. See flyer in Newsletter.

Aug. 18th noon Backyard bash at Joe and Angie home in Damascus. Bring a dish to share,

your own drinks, and a chair. RSVP Jean Wade. 301-253-6074

Aug. 24th-26th Corvettes at Carlisle. Meeting for breakfast. Wear your CCA shirts.

All detailed information will be in your newsletter and from the CCA e-mail.

If you are not getting the CCA e-mails please contact Jean Wade, membership

We have lots to do to keep you busy in August. We just need you there to make it happen.

Have an idea for an event? Contact Jean Wade.

Keep that smile on your face, your foot down on the pedal, and give me a curve

Blast the radio. Wow, what a life. So much fun driving a Corvette

Jean Wade - 2000 Red coupe Membership, director 301-253-6074 [email protected]

The Corvette Courier August 2012 Page 4

Corvette rAMBLINGS

The Editor’s Corner– Jon Thorn

This will be a rushed article for me this month. I’m just back from attending the Mosport race and Evelyn

and I followed that by heading from the Port Hope area over to Montreal, Quebec City, and then Sydney

Nova Scotia with four day stays at each location along with a couple of extra nights to keep driving under

11 hours at a stretch. It turns out the Z06 now has a little over 3400 additional miles on it. The car per-

formed flawlessly but it now sits in my garage desperately needing a top to bottom cleaning.

Mosport was fantastic. I think Evelyn and I need to continue attending the race to bring Corvette Racing

good luck. At least that is my claim and I am sticking to it. Last year we had a close surprise finish at

Mosport and this year was no different with Porsche being disqualified following the race resulting in a

second place finish for us. We ran into many familiar faces at the corral and had a thoroughly enjoyable

time. I really would like to have had the time to do a full article on the trip for this edition of the Courier

but it will have to wait. I’ll include some photos from the trip later in this issue but that will have to do

for now because I just don’t have the time. At some point I am going to have to do a personal audit to see

where all of my time goes. It is not really turning out to be my vision of retirement but I sure am having


Several of the folks at the Mosport corral attended the Mid Ohio race. That one also had an exciting fin-

ish. It was a little strange knowing that we were in Quebec during the Mid Ohio race and were only a lit-

tle beyond the half way point of the driving. They were returning from their second race before we even

reached Nova Scotia.

There is a lot more good ALMS racing coming up with Road America, Baltimore, VIR, and Petit yet to

go. If you have not been following the team this year you really should get on board. I’ll provide a re-

view of the standings later in this issue to bring you up to date.

Save the Wave!

Jon Thorn

CCA Courier Editor

The Corvette Courier August 2012 Page 5

Competition Chair— Gary Maul

Corvette Competition

Competition Report

We completed our third successful autocross event at Lincoln Technical Institute on Sunday, 15 Jul.

We had 18 competitors for participating in the autocross. This is a little less than our normal events

but everyone had a great time on the course. I have included a course map below on the next page.

On Saturday prior to the event we conducted an autocross primer class for those who are new to auto-

cross. We had seven students in this class and CCA president, Rich Taylor, did an outstanding job

of leading the instruction in the classroom and out on the course. I would also like to thank Rich for

managing the event since I was not able to be there and all of the CCA volunteers who made the

event possible. Our next autocross primer is on 6 Oct followed by a double autocross on 7 Oct. This

is the last autocross we will hold for the year so mark it on your calendar.

I would like to thank Vince Patterson for sharing his experience as a first time participant in the Na-

tional Corvette Museum HPDE in his article, Musings on VIR – June 25/26, 2012. Vince’s article is

located after the autocross course map.

The Corvette Courier August 2012 Page 6

The Corvette Courier August 2012 Page 7

Musings on VIR – June 25/ 26, 2012

By Vince Patterson

Blossoming into the teenage years, Mother would give me THE LOOK and remark, “Vincent,

you’re getting too big for your britches, Mister!” And she wasn’t talking about girth. I reflect on this

now, having survived my third HPDE in the ’09 Callaway Corvette. Our CCA brothers are right when

they say there’s no track quite like Virginia International Raceway. How could I know VIR would

cure me of that post-pubescent malady?

Early Sunday morning about a dozen Corvettes (couple in trailers) met and lined up in the

Gaithersburg METRO lot. The proud caravan headed south to 95; west of Richmond we turned right

as traffic finally thinned out, steering towards Danville, Va. We made “necessary” stops, then arrived

at the Nat’l Corvette Museum-sponsored hotel site, early afternoon. After waiting in line, we teched

in, got our driver-class stickers and white decal numbers.

Next morning we were up and at the track classroom bldg. by 0745. Being a Green (novice

class) on the schedule, bunch of us had classroom training with Chuck, a fantastic instructor, really

passionate about his driving and helping us to “learn the line” and handle ourselves safely. HATS

OFF to Chuck!

Earlier in the week I received an email from Andy Clark, who would be my in-car instructor;

Andy was terrific. He brought his red C-5 (in trailer) all the way from the Watkins Glen, NY, area so

he could “get some track time.” [Turns out this is how the instructors are paid: the perk. of free track

time when they’re not riding tandem with a Green. Andy was an equally fine instructor, like with the

previous two (Watkins Glen, FATT 2011). These guys have spent innumerable resources and time

getting to where they are. I believe they should receive bankable compensation for their HPDE exper-

tise. At CHIN, Watkins Glen, May, Greens are charged an additional $100.00 “for the instructor”

which he does NOT receive!]

Monday at 10am we were in the staging area, ready for clearance onto our first VIR track ex-

perience. Don’t you love First Times? I do. There’s fewer of them as life goes on, so these First

Timers are a real joy. Holding the C-6 steering wheel at the recommended “9 & 3 o’clock” one soon

started to learn the line, staying mostly in 4th gear and taking corners without going hand-over-hand.

The course is so brilliantly laid out and the Callaway is so magnificently engineered, the car almost

tracks itself. This was the epiphany gained at Watkins Glen, “if I get outta’ the way, the car drives

itself – like a great musical instrument!”

The course is technical, yes, and you immediately KNOW when you take a corner properly or

not . . . By the end of our three on-track sessions Monday, I had a solid understanding of The Line.

Listening and responding to Andy (thru ear-piece and mike) came less often as the day progressed, a

positive sign of growth. We all sweated off pounds that day so our CCA lunchtime crowd was super-

welcome relief from mid-Virginia’s dog days. The happily-munching camaraderie among CCA guys

& ladies and Corner Cravers was scintillating and informative; guess what the subject was? Anything

but THE LINE would be incorrect.

The Corvette Courier August 2012 Page 8

Tuesday began much the same but Greens were anticipating four runs, one more than Monday.

All were offered the option to “make a $30.00 donation to NCM” in return for a ride in our own car,

driven by a Pro Racer. Opting for this (knowing what the Callaway could really do), I was slated to

go the three laps with veteran driver Lou Gigliotti. I wore an additional wrist band (orange) for clear-

ance onto the track of Red/ Black speed demons. To say it was “the ride of a lifetime” will likely be

accurate. On the second lap, Lou climbed the Back Straight, supercharger screaming jet-like, feeling

airborne as we crested the blind hill at a buck-sixty. No, I didn’t glance at the flagman, left, just felt

like we had sprouted wings!

Parking in the paddock, I thanked Lou after the Big Ride, putting hood up as engine and brakes

gasped for air. Suddenly, some guy runs across the paddock shouting, “there’s a heart attack over

here!” Naturally, everyone in earshot tried to figure out the situation. An ambulance shortly arrived

and “both medical teams accompanied the victim to the hospital.” Then came the PA announcement

we dreaded, “this event is terminated.” It wasn’t yet mid-afternoon and Greens had two sessions yet to

drive. In class, Chuck had reminded us, ”this afternoon is your chance to put it all together.” So it

looked like forlorn got new meaning, seeing the CCA crew at the camp and feeling dumped, discarded

and deserted. In a follow-up email, we heard the victim suffered only heatstroke, nothing worse.

Seemed to me at the time – and still does – the NCM mgrs. made a preemptive call; if they had waited

an hour ‘til a med team returned, many of us could have “put it all together.”

Driving back to Rockville, via Charlottesville (and U.Va), I realized the VIR Cure had shrunk

me down to size - suddenly there was plenty of room in those egoist britches; Mom would be pleased.

A load had been lifted. I was lighter. I was joyful, profoundly grateful for the experience of being

part of the synergy of great car, great track, great guys. I recommend it to you heartily!

Upcoming Events

Many of our members will be participating in HPDEs on various road courses. You are placed into

groups, depending on your level of experience and driving skill, and instructors are provided to ride

along with you. This is a great way to learn how to get the most out of your car in a safe and con-

trolled environment. These events combine classroom time with track time to teach both the theory

and physical control aspects of high speed driving. We will also be participating in a few Friday at

The Track (FATT) events at Summit Point Raceway throughout the year.

After a few hiccups, the Baltimore Grand Prix is on for 31 Aug thru 2 Sep 2012. We have several

members who are planning on attending this event. To reserve your tickets and get more information

please visit this site -

Schedules for our planned events are shown below.

ALMS Races (*)

Baltimore Grand Prix – August 31 – September 2

Virginia International Raceway – September 14 – 17

*Several CCA members are planning to attend both races. Watch for emails that will provide

the details.

The Corvette Courier August 2012 Page 9

CCA Autocross Schedule

Oct 6 - Autocross Primer School at Lincoln Tech in Columbia, MD

Oct 7 - Double NCCC Sanctioned Autocross, Lincoln Tech, Columbia, MD

2012 HPDE Schedule

Dates Track Sponsor Sign-up Open-

ing Date


Req'd? Cost

8/18-8/19 Summit Point NASA TBD Yes TBD

8/27-8/28 VIR Trackdaze Open Now Yes $385

9/3-9/4 Watkins Glen Chin

8 weeks prior

to date Yes TBD

10/12-10/14 VIR NASA TBD Yes TBD

10/28-10/29 VIR Chin

8 Weeks Prior

to date Yes TBD

11/3-11/4 Summit Point NASA TBD Yes TBD

11/12-11/13 VIR Trackdaze Open Now Yes $385

Yellow highlight indicates member(s) plan to participate

Sponsor/Event Links:

Chin –




TrackDaze -

There are still a bunch of events planned for this year, which provide opportunities for you to enjoy

your car in a go fast mode. If you have an interest in driving your car in a competitive event, please

feel free to contact me to discuss. I look forward to seeing a huge smile on your face at a track event.

Gary Maul CCA Competition Director [email protected] 443-517-3710

The Corvette Courier August 2012 Page 10

Points of Contact Listing NCCC Questions direct to our Governor Ron Hamrah 202-607-3399, [email protected]

NCCC Governor’s Report By Ron Hamrah, NCCC Governor for CCA

Going on the NCM trip this year ? Check out Tail of the Dragon

dragon.html and the Cherohala Skyway -


NCCC has an initial cross-country directory of Corvette Club members from affiliated NCCC clubs

who have volunteered their Point-of-Contact (POC) information in the event a fellow NCCC member

needs support while driving cross-country or a distance from their home territory.

Please contact me for additional information or if you will be driving far from our area and would like

the reference list.

NCCC Governor — Ron Hamrah

NCCC Report

The Corvette Courier August 2012 Page 11

Check out the following informative websites:

East Region NCCC website at

Corvette Forum at

Special Discounts for NCCC Members -

National Corvette Museum -

Insurance Link -


All NCCC members are invited to join the East Region Vette-work, the heart and soul of Corvette en-

thusiasm. If you have CORVETTE ITEMS FOR

SALE, go to "Listings."

What are you doing August 2014 ?

If you missed the 2009 National Caravan to Bowling Green, KY, you missed seeing 8,000 Corvettes

from across the US and Canada as well as Corvette enthusiasts (without their Corvettes) from Hol-

land, Germany and (23 of them from) Australia !!! Don’t miss the next caravan. Check it out at


If you are a military veteran and use Verizon for your cell phone service, you can get a 15% discount

on your service. All you need to do is take a copy of your DD-214 to a Verizon store and tell them

you would like to have the Vets Discount. Tell them the discount code is 117818. You should get a

15% discount off your monthly bill. You can even fax them your DD-214 for the discount.

East Region Club Sponsored Events August’s calender has plenty of competion events for your consideration. See


Here are some upcoming events sponsored by other clubs in the East Region. Please let me know if

you are interested in setting up a CCA cruise to participate in any of these events.

G-Burg Vettes Date : Saturday, 11 August 2012 From : 8:00am Category : Concours Location : Lakeforest Mall, 701 Russel Ave, Gaithersburg, MD Event Description : SEVEN Concours – Fun Shows Sanction # ER-190-537, ER-190-538, ER-190-539, ER-190-540, ER-190-541, ER-190-542, ER-190-543 Email : [email protected] More info : /ER-190-537.pdf

G-Burg Vettes Date : Sunday, 12 August 2012

The Corvette Courier August 2012 Page 12

From : 7:30am Category : Rallye Location : Criswell Chevrolet, 503 Quince Orchard Road, Gaithersburg, MD Event Description : SEVEN Rallyes Sanction # ER-190-12, ER-190-13, ER-190-14, ER-190-15, ER-190-16, ER-190-17, ER-190-18 Email : [email protected] More info : /ER-190-12.pdf

Tri-County Vettes Date : Sunday, 12 August 2012 From : 8:00am Category : Autocross Location : Tannersville, PA Event Description : TRIPLE Autocross Sanction # ER-323-575, ER-323-576, ER-323-577 Email : [email protected] More info : /ER-323-575.pdf

Lancaster County Corvette Club Date : Sunday, 19 August 2012 From : 8:00am Category : Autocross Location : Weaver Market, Rts 272 & 897, Adamstown, PA 19501 Event Description : DOUBLE Autocross Sanction # ER-266-544, ER-266-545 Email : [email protected] More info :

Pocono Mountain Corvette Club Date : Sunday, 19 August 2012 From : 9:00am Category : Concours Location : Sussex County Community College, 1 College Hill Road, Newton, NJ 07860 Event Description : Funkana & TRIPLE People’s Choice Sanction # ER-390-033, ER-390-034, ER-390-035, ER-390-036, ER-390-037, ER-390-038, ER-390-039 Email : [email protected] More info :

York County Corvette Club Date : Saturday, 25 August 2012 From : 8:00am Category : Concours Location : Carlisle Fairgrounds, 1000 Bryn Mawr Road, Carlisle, PA Event Description : Judged Concours Sanction # ER-108-065 Email : [email protected] More info :

The Corvette Courier August 2012 Page 13

NCM Ambassador - Terry Popkin

National Corvette Museum Report

Terry Popkin, NCM Ambassador, [email protected], 301-949-2464

The Corvette Courier August 2012 Page 14

The Corvette Courier August 2012 Page 15

Join JC Hayward and fellow guest for a memorable event with

Cocktails, Dinner, Dancing, and Silent and Live Auctions.

Saturday, September 29, 2012 6pm—Midnight

The Bolger Center in Potomac

Tickets on Sale Now

Hospice Caring, Inc

518 Frederick Avenue

Gaithersburg, MD 20877


The Corvette Courier August 2012 Page 16


July 26, 1959 - August 5, 2012

Sales Consultant

Sport Chevrolet

You may have known Gary or bought your Corvette or another Chevrolet from him, or maybe just spoke with him at the dealership. He was always cheerful and gregarious,

despite his failing health in recent years.

Gary suffered for 6 years from primary lateral sclerosis, a rare debilitating neuromuscu-

lar disease, which had robbed him of the ability to speak or use his arms and legs. But with just his eyes, Gary could run a computer program which allowed him to communi-

cate with his medical aide and work part time at Sport Chevrolet, where he worked for

nearly 30 years.

Gary bid us farewell on August 5. His funeral on August 9 was packed with family,

friends, co-workers, neighbors and customers. He will be missed.

The Corvette Courier August 2012 Page 17

The missing Briggs Cunningham Chevrolet

Corvette that competed at the 1960 Le Mans

24 Hours endurance race has been located in

Florida. The #1 Corvette will be on display for

the first time in over 50 years at the Corvettes

at Carlisle 2012 event, scheduled for August

24-26 in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. The car will

first be unveiled to a limited audience Thurs-

day night, August 23rd at 7 p.m. just off

grounds and will then be on stage all weekend

long where enthusiasts and event attendees can

revel in this piece of automotive history.

Discovered in the St. Petersburg area of Florida, the #1 Cunningham Corvette was the last of the three

Cunningham cars to be located. How the car was found, however, is a unique story. Though the

search was on for many years, the trail always turned cold. Finally, in June of 2012 the heat was on as

the car owner actually researched its VIN number online, which led him to the BriggsCunning- website. At that point, site representative Larry Berman called and then emailed Lance

Miller, a friend of his and owner of the 1960 #3 Cunningham Corvette, to inform him of the lead.

From there, conversations took place with the owner of the #1 car and many of the details from that

call fit aspects that had been researched prior. Through multiple phone calls, many questions and even

a site visit by the car’s current owner, buyer and seller became friendly and within a month, the sale

was complete.

Since Sunday July 22, 2012 when the initial payment request, the car has traveled from Florida to the

Northeast where it will reside for the foreseeable future. Not only will it be on display at Carlisle in

“as found” condition, it will also go through a restoration process that may take upwards of two years.

Throughout restoration, it’s expected that the car will annually return to Carlisle so that enthusiasts

can track its progress. Further, Miller hopes that he can work with Loren Lundberg, owner of #4 Ca-

moradi Corvette and Bruce Meyer, owner of the #2 Corvette (See #2 Le Mans Corvette Profile) as

well as the new owner of the #1 racer for a reunion of the three Cunningham cars. If that feat were to

be accomplished, it would be the first time since approximately 1960 that all four racing Corvettes

were together in the same place at the same time.

For more information, visit Corvettes at Carlisle.

Historic Corvette Located

Editors note: The following is a release by Lance Miller and Corvettes at Carlisle. There is a lot of

history behind the 1960 Le Mans race as it was an almost covert effort to get Corvette into racing. A

horrible accident at Le Mans in 1955 in which a factory Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR went into the crowd

on the pit straight killing the driver and 83 spectators and injuring 120 caused Mercedes-Benz to

withdrew from factory sponsored racing until the 1980s. General Motors also had a self imposed ban

on factory support of racing following the 1955 Le Mans incident. While GM would not officially

support the 1960 race, Zora Duntov participated as an individual by helping the Cunningham Team.

Following the successful race GM did produce a video history of the event and had our own Dr. Dick

Thompson provide the narration. The video is available on YouTube at:

The Corvette Courier August 2012 Page 18

2012 Corvette Racing ALMS standings By Jon Thorn

If you have not been following ALMS racing this year you are missing some real excitement. It is not

quite like the glory days of GT1 racing when Corvette won eight manufacturers championships (2001-

2008), eight team championships (2001-2008), and seven drivers championships (2002-2008). On the

other hand, they have real competition now that they are in the GTE Pro class. At the end of the GT1

days the two Corvettes were dominant and pretty much had to race each other. That is no longer the

case. Porsche, BMW, and Ferrari are currently serious competition in ALMS and with Viper coming

on board things will only get more interesting.

There are ten ALMS races this year and we have completed six of them so far. In addition the Cor-

vette Racing Team participates in the 24-hours of Le Mans which is not an ALMS race but it is the

pinnacle of endurance sports car racing. While there have been some notable mistakes this year (both

in the pits and behind the wheel) and the team has had its share of bad racing luck, Corvette Racing is

actually doing very well at this point in the season. I did not begin following ALMS racing until near

the end of the GT1 era and I must say that I find the GTE Pro class much more interesting than the old

GT1 rules.

There are four categories of stats that apply to GTE Pro class racing (also called GT). There is a Driv-

ers championship. There is a Team championship. There is a Manufactures championship. And there

is the Michelin Green X Challenge which promotes “green racing” by rewarding the cleanest, fastest,

and most efficient car.

In the Drivers championship we currently have Oliver Gavin and Tommy Milner in first place. Jan

Magnussen and Antonio Garcia are two positions behind them with Joey Hand and Dirk Muller with

BMW in the middle. The BMW RLL team (owned by Bobby Rahal, David Letterman, & Mike Lani-

gan) have been on fire this year and Joey Hand set a new lap record at Sebring.

In the Team championship we are in first place ahead of BMW, Ferrari, and Porsche in that order.

In the Manufacturer championship we are in first place ahead of BMW, Porsche, and Ferrari in that


In the Michelin Green X Challenge we are in first place ahead of Ferrari, BMW and Porsche in that


We still have four races to go this year and the competition is intense. But at this point in the series

Corvette Racing is doing exceptionally well. Two of the races (Baltimore and VIR) will be right in

our backyard. If you would like to learn more about ALMS racing I suggest checking out the Corvette

Racing website and the ALMS website

index.php. This would be a great time to become an ALMS fan and support Corvette Racing as they

take on the very best in endurance sports car racing.

The Corvette Courier August 2012 Page 19

Scenes from Mosport 2012

We were one of the first to arrive at the Port Hope event motel.

Volunteer leader Janet Polasek getting the corral set up. She is a

real gem!

The Corvette Courier August 2012 Page 20

Scenes from Mosport 2012

The new infield tunnel between turns 9 & 10. This is a huge

improvement at the track.

My car on Friday at the corral before most of the people arrived.

The Corvette Courier August 2012 Page 21

Scenes from Mosport 2012

#4 car in the paddock on Friday.

Johnny O’ talking with the Muscle Milk folks.

The Corvette Courier August 2012 Page 22

Scenes from Mosport 2012

Some of the “usual suspects” - Harlan Charles & Kirk Bennion

It would not be Mosport without Ron Fellows

The Corvette Courier August 2012 Page 23

Scenes from Mosport 2012

#4 car at the end of qualification from our vantage point in the corral.

Portable bleachers for the Corvette corral between turns 8 & 9.

The Corvette Courier August 2012 Page 24

Scenes from Mosport 2012

Corral on race day.

#3 approaching turn 8 during the race.

The Corvette Courier August 2012 Page 25

Looking Back - Corvette Courier August 1989

The Corvette Courier August 2012 Page 26

Our contact at Sport Chevrolet for a new or used car is Lee Shirley, 240-560-5363 or email him at

[email protected]. Be sure to let Lee know that you are a CCA member.

The Corvette Club of America is

proud to be exclusively associated

with Sport Chevrolet.

… Be a Sport fan too!!

3101 Automobile Blvd

Silver Spring, Md 20904

The Corvette Courier is published monthly by the Corvette Club of America, Inc.

P.O. Box 3355, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20885

The Corvette Club of America, Inc was founded by John Ralph and Charles Eyre who organized the

first club meeting on July 17, 1956 at a Chevrolet dealership in Arlington, Virginia. At that time the

club charter was formulated and a tentative club name, ‘Capital Corvette Club’ was taken under con-

sideration. At a subsequent meeting in September 1956, however, the club name was changed to the

Corvette Club of America since it was the intent of the members to make the club a national organiza-


In the months that followed, the Corvette Club

of America took the first steps toward forming a

national organization by laying the ground work

for the National Council of Corvette Clubs, a

group which now includes 270 clubs with more

than 17,500 members. The Corvette Club of

America is a proud member of the East Region

of the NCCC. As one of the founding clubs of

the National Council of Corvette Clubs the CCA

is honored to have been assigned club number 1

in the organization.

Through the years the CCA has seen many fine

members come and go; however, one thing re-

mains unchanged. The membership is composed

of individuals both male and female, young and

old, that share a common interest - The Corvette!

President Rich Taylor (240)460-9797

Vice President Jim Parisi (410)292-8722

Secretary Roxana Hegarty (301)515-5842

Treasurer Nita Armstrong (443)852-1922

NCCC Governor Ron Hamrah (202)882-8157 Membership Director Jean Wade (301)253-6074

Competition Director Gary Maul (443)517-3710

Parliamentarian Jon Thorn (301)963-4864

Member-at-Large Don Haller (443)964-8832

Non Board Member Positions

NCM Ambassador Terry Popkin (301)949-2464

Mkt & Promotions Jim Streight (301)785-9024

Webmaster Rick Roe (410)960-1368

Courier Editor Jon Thorn (301)963-4864

The Corvette Courier August 2012 Page 27

Business & Membership Meeting Location:

J.J. Muldoon’s 16143 Shady Grove Rd. Gaithersburg, Md. 20877 301-258-8866 Second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM Next meeting:

August 14th

Shop Night Location:

Sport Chevrolet 3101 Automobile Blvd. Silver Spring, Maryland 20904 Fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM** (** Shop Night is the THIRD Tuesday in November and December due to Holidays) Next Shop Night:

August 28th

CCA Monthly Meeting Locations

The Corvette Courier August 2012 Page 28

Tony Avedisian, Owner 7500 Rickenbacker Drive

Gaithersburg, MD 20879


This modern storage facility offers the best environmental controls to store and

preserve your vehicle under optimal conditions.


Michael Milan 301-946-1116

Contact CCA Tag Leader Richard Roe


[email protected]


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