The Woolly Postman The Golden Fleece Little Bow …...The Woolly Postman The Golden Fleece Little...


Transcript of The Woolly Postman The Golden Fleece Little Bow …...The Woolly Postman The Golden Fleece Little...

Page 1: The Woolly Postman The Golden Fleece Little Bow …...The Woolly Postman The Golden Fleece Little Bow Peep Winnie the Ewe Lenny loves snuggling down for story time January YouÕve
Page 2: The Woolly Postman The Golden Fleece Little Bow …...The Woolly Postman The Golden Fleece Little Bow Peep Winnie the Ewe Lenny loves snuggling down for story time January YouÕve

Having a balanced gut flora is important for everyone, but it is especially important from birth to give little ones the best possible start in life. The trillions of microorganisms in the gut (including many types of bacteria) play an essential role in supporting strong immune and digestive systems, as well as many other aspects of health.

For example, did you know that approximately 70% of immune cells are located within the gut? So it’s hardly surprising that a strong protective gut flora is needed to help protect infants against colds, tummy bugs and other common infections. Imbalances in gut bacteria have also been linked to an increased risk of childhood allergic conditions such as eczema, asthma and hay fever, thought to result from a malfunction of the immune system.

Children’s tums can often be sensitive, especially during stressful times such as starting school. Maintaining regular healthy bowel movements and a strong protective gut lining reduces symptoms such as bloating, flatulence and cramping and helps ensure infants are absorbing all the nutrients they need to function and grow properly.

A number of things can disrupt the balance of microorganisms in your little one’s gut. For example, even short-term antibiotic therapy has been found to disturb levels of Bifidobacterium (the most predominant gut bacteria in infants). Supporting a healthy balance of bacteria in the gut during early years, through outdoor play, healthy eating habits and plenty of sleep is therefore important. That’s why we’ve shared with you our favourite hints and tips to help support your child’s immune system naturally. And for that extra boost why not consider a live bacteria supplement.

Live bacteria supplements, such as Bio-Kult Infantis have been shown to positively influence gut flora balance and the developing immune system in infants, showing promising results in the prevention of childhood digestive issues and allergies. They also appear to increase resistance to common coughs and colds and reduce the need for antibiotic use.

Page 3: The Woolly Postman The Golden Fleece Little Bow …...The Woolly Postman The Golden Fleece Little Bow Peep Winnie the Ewe Lenny loves snuggling down for story time January YouÕve

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Lenny loves snuggling down for story time


You’ve wrapped up dinner, nailed bath time and the PJs are on. Let the bedtime battle commence, along with the tears, tempers and tantrums. Strike a familiar evening chord? You’re not alone. Many parents feel like they’re drowning in bedtime dramas.

When it comes to decision making and the ability to learn new information, studies have proven the benefits of sleep. Restricting the use of screens, such as TV and phones, an hour before bedtime could also allow the sleep hormone, melatonin, to be released and may help with your little one’s energy levels during the day.

So, to try and rev them down a notch before bed, ditch the technology and put a bit of calm into their after-dark routine by snuggling down for story time. Whether they love books about adventure, magic or just the downright silly, they’ll soon be yawning and drifting off into the land of nod.

Sunday 21st January

Me and my teddy love ßtory time before bed

Page 4: The Woolly Postman The Golden Fleece Little Bow …...The Woolly Postman The Golden Fleece Little Bow Peep Winnie the Ewe Lenny loves snuggling down for story time January YouÕve


Tuesday 13th February

My blueberry pancakeß taßted flipping lovely


Lenny gets creative in the kitchen

Nothing says February like Pancake Day. Little ones love the yearly ritual of getting hands-on cracking eggs, whisking batter and choosing their favourite toppings. Studies show involving your child in the kitchen can help to up their fruit and veg intake, so this year, let them whip up their own healthy pancake masterpieces. Toppings packed with nutrients like zinc, vitamin C, vitamin E and selenium are well-known for supporting the immune system, especially during the chilly winter months.

As long as you don’t mind a bit of mess, even tiny tots can get involved on pancake day. Put out a selection of healthy treats and let them get topping. Making fruit and veg shapes and faces in rainbow colours is no-end of fun and a great way to get them to eat the good stuff.Blueberries and bananas are brilliant for sweet versions, while cherry toms and mushrooms are savoury winners. And as well as getting the thumbs up on the fun front, it’s a great way to get them to try new things, too. Ready, steady, flip!

Page 5: The Woolly Postman The Golden Fleece Little Bow …...The Woolly Postman The Golden Fleece Little Bow Peep Winnie the Ewe Lenny loves snuggling down for story time January YouÕve


Lenny gets green in the garden

Spring is in the air (or you can at least see it on the horizon) March is the month to get green-fingered, so you can reap the rewards come summer. Getting the kids to help out in the fresh air does wonders for their immune system. Contact with soil at an early age exposes them to different bacteria and microbes. This interaction in the gut primes their immune system and makes them less susceptible to asthma and food intolerances later on.

So pull on your wellies and get planting. Kids love getting messy in the mud and creating their very own veg patch from seed. Crunchy carrots, rosy-red tomatoes and crispy salad leaves are great starters for mini gardeners. You’ll be growing vitamins at your kitchen door and have a steady supply of delicious veg all summer. Then you can have even more fun finding recipes for your home-grown goodies together.

Wednesday 28th March

My home-grown

carrotß are

going to be

ßuper taßty Yum

Page 6: The Woolly Postman The Golden Fleece Little Bow …...The Woolly Postman The Golden Fleece Little Bow Peep Winnie the Ewe Lenny loves snuggling down for story time January YouÕve

Monday 9th April

It'ß not a puppy, but

I love my pet goldfißh


Lenny gets his very first pet

Did you know, growing up around animals exposes your little ones to a more diverse range of bacteria? This could help support the immune system and make them less susceptible to allergic conditions like eczema. So if the kids are pestering you for a pet, think about giving them the thumbs up.

Whatever kind of family pet you go for, you’re in it for the long-haul, so it’s a big decision. But you can start small with a goldfish or guinea pig - great if you’re working and can’t commit to walkies. Although bear in mind it’s our furry friends that are thought to provide the immune system benefits.

There are other plus points to having a pet, too. They could help to give your mood a boost, reduce anxiety and lower blood pressure for one. And then there’s the fact it’s a great opportunity to teach your little ones the importance and responsibility of caring for their new found friend. Now all you have to do is pick a name… Bubbleß

Page 7: The Woolly Postman The Golden Fleece Little Bow …...The Woolly Postman The Golden Fleece Little Bow Peep Winnie the Ewe Lenny loves snuggling down for story time January YouÕve


Lenny springs into the great outdoors

The nights are getting lighter. The air is losing its chill. The blossoms are in full bloom. Nothing puts a spring into your step like May. So take advantage of the warmer weather and feed your kids’ appetite for fresh air and fun.

Vitamin D (AKA ‘the sunshine vitamin’) is really important for your little ones’ health and development. It helps maintain the calcium and potassium levels in the blood, which they need to build strong bones and teeth. Plus, it contributes to the heart and nervous system and helps maintain blood sugar levels.

The great news is, the great outdoors is the best place to soak it up naturally. After the long winter months, their Vitamin D levels are likely to be low, so make the most of the sunshine season. Whether they love kicking a ball, making dens or pretending to be pirates, mucking about in the great outdoors is what childhood is all about.

Friday 18th May

I love making mud pieß in my garden

Page 8: The Woolly Postman The Golden Fleece Little Bow …...The Woolly Postman The Golden Fleece Little Bow Peep Winnie the Ewe Lenny loves snuggling down for story time January YouÕve

MakeYour OwnKebabs


Lenny has a brilliant birthday barbecue

Nothing says summer quite like a barbecue. Everyone loves eating outside in the sunshine, so make the most of the great British summertime and get out in the garden.

Kids love helping, so set them to work prepping real fruit ice lollies, fruit skewers and traffic-light kebabs with red, yellow and green peppers. It’s a great way to teach them the different health properties of fruit and veg.

Go easy on the sugar-filled marshmallows! Sugar feeds bad bacteria in our body, causing them to multiply. And when it comes to little ones, this can trigger tantrums and sugar crashes. Not what you want to spoil the al fresco fun. So forgo the refined sugar and put a healthy spin on your barbecue.

Then top off your barbecue with sack races, treasure hunts and water balloon piñata. On your marks, get set…

Saturday 23rd June

Birthday barbecueß are the beßt!

Page 9: The Woolly Postman The Golden Fleece Little Bow …...The Woolly Postman The Golden Fleece Little Bow Peep Winnie the Ewe Lenny loves snuggling down for story time January YouÕve

Tuesday 17th July

I have loadß

of fun playing

in the park


Lenny gets fit

as a fiddle

Summer’s in full swing, so make the most of the fair weather and get family active. Exercising not only supports a strong immune system and helps eliminate toxins from the body, it could also boost mood enhancing hormones.

It’s never too early to start an active lifestyle and there are no end of ways to workout with your little ones. Crank up the music and start your day with a boogie. Hit the park with a frisbee. Or dust off the bikes and get pedalling.

Remember to keep your H2O levels topped up, especially if you’re out and about in the sun. Water’s essential to keep our brains in tip-top gear. If your kids aren’t keen on water, try adding natural good stuff like mint, limes or strawberries. Berries are packed with antioxidants like vitamins C and E, so it’s win-win. Tag, you’re it!

I went really high!

Page 10: The Woolly Postman The Golden Fleece Little Bow …...The Woolly Postman The Golden Fleece Little Bow Peep Winnie the Ewe Lenny loves snuggling down for story time January YouÕve

Friday 3rd August

Thiß iß going to be the beßt ßummer ever!


Lenny gets set for the summer hols

Whether your little ones like to be beside the seaside or go where the wild things are, summer holidays are all about adventure. Studies suggest the sea air is good for a sound sleep as it’s charged with healthy negative ions that accelerate the ability to absorb oxygen. While research shows that kids who spend time in the country could grow up to have stronger immune systems thanks to building a wider diversity of gut flora.

Spend a day in the sand dunes and salty air, building sandcastles, splashing in the waves and flying a kite.

Or go rural in the rolling countryside where you can make dens, spot wildlife and hunt for treasure. Wherever the summer holidays take you, they’re great ways to get your kids out into the fresh air and what’s more, these natural play grounds don’t cost a penny.

Page 11: The Woolly Postman The Golden Fleece Little Bow …...The Woolly Postman The Golden Fleece Little Bow Peep Winnie the Ewe Lenny loves snuggling down for story time January YouÕve



Lenny’s first day of the school year

A shiny new pencil case. A pristine uniform. Brand new books. It can only mean one thing. Back to school time! Whether your little one is about to start school for the very first time or they’re going back into a new class, it can be both exciting and nerve wracking.

Children can be sensitive to their emotions and if they’re worried about school, it can mean upset tummies and tears. Settle their first-day-back nerves by talking to them about the school routine and answering all their questions. Kids yoga and mindfulness can also help to keep them calm.

Classrooms can be a haven for viruses to flourish, so give their immune system a boost with plenty of shuteye and plenty of after-school fresh air. Conker hunting, anyone? Studies suggest that supplementation with a live bacteria supplement could help reduce the frequency and severity of colds, so pop some Bio-Kult Infantis into their drinks flask too.

Tuesday 4th September

My ne∑ teacher iß the beßt

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Saturday 20th October

My bug hotel haß lo


of vißitorß


Lenny goes creepy-crawly hunting

Crunchy red leaves. Tummy-warming meals. Dark chilly nights. Autumn is well and truly on the turn come October. But that doesn’t mean you need to hibernate indoors. Get your little ones out into the fresh air and let them dig about in the garden.

These days, we tend to keep kids cloaked in cotton wool. But letting them play in the mud exposes them to all sorts of bacteria, which is just what they need to help keep their tummies in shipshape condition and could protect them from developing allergies.

Your little ones will love building a bug hotel, and they’re a cinch to make. Think rocks and card tubes for the bottom layer, twigs and leaves for the second, and a feeding station for birds on top. Then they can scavenge for ladybirds and the like to colonise their handmade habitat. Happy bug hunting! Ladybird

Page 13: The Woolly Postman The Golden Fleece Little Bow …...The Woolly Postman The Golden Fleece Little Bow Peep Winnie the Ewe Lenny loves snuggling down for story time January YouÕve

Monday 5th November

My bonfire burgerß were the beßt!


Lenny helps dad with the bonfire night burgersBonfire night is a great British tradition and kids love nothing more than swirly sparklers and racing rockets. Whether you’re putting on a glittering show from your garden, or heading to a professional display, it’s a great excuse to fire up the BBQ for one last outing before the big freeze.

Make your Guy Fawkes Nights go with a healthy bang this year. Try homemade beef, halloumi or bean burgers served with sauerkraut. This finely shredded cabbage is a super-tasty burger topping. Plus, it’s a fermented food containing beneficial live bacteria that’s great for tummies.

Did you know fermentation was a traditional way of preserving food, back before we had fridges to keep things chilled? In the 1770s, Captain James Cook took 60 barrels of sauerkraut around the world to help defeat the scourge of the seas, scurvy, which was caused by a lack of vitamin C.





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After reading all of our tips for the year we’re sure you’re full of tips on how to boost little ones’ immunity. Why not jot them down here. You can also share them with us on our facebook page /Biokultprobiotics

Welcoming a baby into the world is an exciting time for any new parent, but it can be full of unwelcome stresses, too. Bio-Kult Infantis has been designed to make sure your little bundle of joy stays in tip-top health, thanks to its unique multi-strain formula. Plus, it’s great for toddlers and young children. But don’t just take our word for it. Our reviews speak for themselves.

Bio-Kult Infantis has been helping mums and dads with their little one’s issues like tummy troubles, eczema and colic. Recently, in a randomised, controlled trial published in the Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, the seven bacterial strains in Infantis were shown to significantly improve symptoms in infants suffering with colic.

Bio-Kult Infantis only contains ingredients which are usually found in a healthy infant’s tummy. It’s really versatile, too, making it super easy to use. You can either mix it with your baby’s formula feed or place it straight onto the nipple. Why not add it to your little ones water bottle if they’re a little older?

Infantis is only the baby of the range and is a great introduction to the rest of the Bio-Kult family, so you can support your child’s health from birth and beyond.

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