The Woman In Black Analysis




Transcript of The Woman In Black Analysis

Page 1: The Woman In Black Analysis

Page 2: The Woman In Black Analysis

Text- 0:00 to 0:02 secondsThe first scenes are of titles they are promoting the companies involved so that the audience can look for these companies if they have enjoyed the text (media) and want to have a something to look for when researching into similar media. There is smoky or misty behind the text that moves across the screen this is keeping to the mood and genre.

Page 3: The Woman In Black Analysis

Camera- 0:05 to 0:06 secondsThis establishing shot is showing the setting for the film and where the horror is going to happen. This shot is also showing that the character is possibly not form the area and will be vulnerable to the surroundings as he won’t have a clear understanding of them.

SoundThere is some diegetic sound for the train in this scene for verisimilitude.

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Camera-0:07 to 0:09 secondsThis close up is and effective shot it is showing that the character is tired or fed up thus vulnerable. The mirrored face is also eerie.

SoundThere is non-diegetic, contrapuntal music in it is a hearpe playing and it is peaceful instrument but it being played with dark scenes and enigmatic scenery. The music may be contrapuntal but It works well because it makes the scenes creepy which is good in the genre of horror.

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Camera-0:10 to 0:11 secondsThis establishing shot shows the building that the character will be staying in. The audience will pick up on the aesthetics and will judge the building on the conventional, stereo-typical, perception of buildings like this one. Which will be it’s old and therefore will have history which would point towards the house being haunted. The trees surrounding the house would give dark areas, blind spots in the day and at night thus making the setting enigmatic. The audience will pick all of this up and may feel uneasy and weary about the main characters safety.

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Camera- 0:11 secondsThis over the shoulder shot shows that the main character is talking to an enigmatic character on the train, the main character looks worried. This shows to the audience that the main character is already having doubts and this will give the audience doubts about the safety of the protagonist characters.

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Camera- 0:12 secondsThis over the shoulder shot shows that the character looks a little bit smug that he has scared the main character. This will make the audience question about what this enigmatic character knows about the building or setting.

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Camera-0:14 to 0:17 secondsThese establishing shots are showing how far out the building is and journey it takes to get to it. It is in an area where if you needed help nobody would be around to help this will be picked up by the audience and the characters will know how vulnerable the main character is. There also has to be a reason that it is the only property for miles and this will get the audience thinking about that.

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Camera-0:18 to 0:20 secondsThe close up of the cross emphasises the cross, the audience will wonder why. Then the close up on the main characters face shows worry. Finally the wide angle shot breaks the 180 degree rule and will freak the audience out it also makes sure that the cross is in the scene again to emphasis it This is weird because the audience haven't been told about the cross and will be wondering why it is being emphasised.

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Camera-0:21 secondsThis wide angle mid shot shows that main character seeing the building for the first time. We have already seen the house but this scene makes sure we know that the main character is arriving. Also the gates of the house have either been rusted off the hinges thus adding history and age making the building more enigmatic. Or they have been forced of the hinges meaning something powerful is present. Either way the audience may pick up on this and it will make them feel worried for the main character.

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Camera-0:24 to 0:25 secondsThis high angle, long shot is the first time that the audience and the main character have seen the inside of the building. The angle of the shot gives the feeling of something watching the main character entering the house. Also it gives of the sense of the main character being vulnerable and as if he is being looked down on. The audience will sense this as they are also looking down at the main character and they can feel the sense of power as they do. This will mean they will worry about the safety of this character. This shot is showing the audience the age of the building and the history in one shot. The interior in dusty and the furniture etc. Is antique old and untouched. This all gives of an enigmatic feeling because the building has therefore had plenty of time to receive history and the arenaceous interior means that it hasn’t been touched or lived in for a while and the audience will then wonder why it hasn’t been lived in and what has kept people from buying this beautiful building.

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Camera-0:30 secondsThis mid shot shows the shadows and the chiaroscuro lighting gives the audience a sense into how something could jump out on the character and the eerie shot is the first scene where the audience will feel scared about what could surprise them.

SoundThe non-diegetic sound is a low pitch sound building up to a higher one to cause tension as the character walks though the dark enigmatic house.

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Camera-0:33 to 0:36 secondsThe first scene is a mid shot of the main character spinning a zoetrope which is a device for giving an illusion of motion, consisting of a slitted drum that, when whirled, shows a succession of images placed opposite the slits within the drum as one moving image. These originated in 1865-70 and where popular at this time in history. So this small prop shows the age of the building. The next two scenes which are the close up’s show that the main character is intrigued by the device and is going to look into it.

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Camera-0:37 to 0:40 secondsThe first shot of the zoetrope is a close up and it shows that the images create the illusion of someone taking their head off this is creepy and the audience will be freaked out and this is good. Horrors can be creepy and get away with it because creepy is scary. This is scary enough on it’s own but then in the next part of the scene a face appears in the zoetrope as if someone is on the other side and this scares the main character and will scare the audience as well. You can tell the main character is scared because he jumps back and this is shown by the mid shot. Then a Point Of View shot shows the main character looking at the device. This shot also gets the audience involved in the enigmatic feeling this object is giving the character.

SoundWhen the face appears there is a sharp non-diegetic crashing/screeching sound to scare the audience.

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Camera-0:40 secondsThis shot cuts in between the flickers of the zoetrope and its showing to the audience that the main character is freaked out. This give the audience hope that maybe he will get out of the house and not go back because he doesn’t like it.

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Camera-0:42 secondsThis two shot is showing that maybe the main character has gone to seek information or help about the house. The alcohol prop shows that the female character is worried for the main character because conventionally if someone is in worry they will receive alcohol from their host out of concern. Also the proxemics of the characters shows that the female character is worried and cares for the male character therefore the audience should be worried for the main character as the female character is scared.

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Camera-0:44 secondsThis Close up shows the main character is thinking hard about something maybe whether he should stay at the house. But more importantly there is a woman dressed in black. She is out of focus and this gives a good effect because the audience can’t see her face which makes her enigmatic. In the scene she turns around in a creepy manner. The audience know that the film is called ‘The Woman In Black’ this will play upon the characteristics of this enigmatic character. The audience will worry about the woman in black and wonder what she is doing there. Which is good because they will keep watching the trailer out of ponder.

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Camera-0:45 secondsThis is a mid shot and in this scene the main character turns around as if he has heard something and has been frightened and the audience will wonder why. Also the spider webs and the environment of the room gives the audience more of a insight into the sorts of places around the house and how creepy they are. This all shows the age and adds disturbance to the building.

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Camera-0:46 secondsThis wide angle shot, is of a crow and crows are an indexical sign of death and the audience will pick up on this additionally it is weird that the crow is in the house it adds enigma to the building.

SoundThe diegetic sound of the crow screeching is amplified so that it scares the audience.

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Camera-0:47 to 0:48 secondsThe first shot is a mid shot of the three characters. The shot shows a woman screaming and crying this is showing that something nightmarish is going on for this character. It strikes fear into the audience as all the character in the shot are upset or terrified. The wide angle shot of the smoke and fire shows that something terrible going on and that there is now chance of death this will worry the audience. The two shot shows that the characters are worried this will mean that something horrendous has been confirmed.

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Text- 0:53 secondsThis piece of text is effective mainly because of the transition it fades out but as if it is corroding it resembles the genre and mood.

SoundThere is a sharp non-diegetic sound when the text comes up I think it could be to emphasis the text but to also keep the mood and not let the text take the tension away.

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Camera-0:53 secondsThis close up shot shows a little girls foot crushing a dolls head. This is showing that maybe the girl isn't in the right mind.

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Camera-0:53 to 0:55 secondsThe first shot which is a mid shot of the three girls, shows blank expressions on their faces this shows that they maybe aren’t themselves, the audience will worry about the girls. The close up of one of the girls hands shows that they are opening the window. The third wide angled shot shows the three girls and the shape of the roof signifies that they are on the top floor. This will worry the audience because it looks as if the girls are about to jump. But before we find out the scene cuts this is effective because then the audience want to go and watch the film to find out whether they did or not.

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Camera-0:56 secondsIn this over the shoulder shot the audience will be able to see that the locals are blaming the main character for the horrendous goings on. Obviously they know something about the house and are blaming the main character for it.

SoundThe villager is saying that the main character should have left. This backs up the expression on his face.

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Camera-0:57 secondsThis mid shot shows the three girls that were about to jump from the window and they are out in the rain with a woman figure this is creepy and the girls are acting different to what normal little girls. They seem fearless and this is creepy because it is the total opposite to what the audience will expect from them.

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Camera-0:58 secondsIn these wide angle shots the audience can see that the enigmatic figure is emerging from the mud this is creepy. It has appeared near the cross, the audience is seeing the cross again and this time it is entwined with something scary the audience will know that the cross isn't for good but something evil is in its presence.

SoundThere is diegetic lightning sounds to give the scene verisimilitude.

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Camera-0:59 secondsIn this low angled mid shot you can see the character is scared he is trying to lock himself away from the horrors. The low angle will show that he is taking charge of the situation and that he is a strong willed character. The audience may pick up on this and it will give them hope.

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Camera-1:00 secondsThis high angle long shot is here to show the foot prints of the enigmatic character that has appeared from the mud. It shows that it has entered the house even though the door was shut this is creepy one because the character is now in the house and two because it has entered uninvited.

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Camera-1:02 to 1:06 secondsThe first shot is a mid shot of the main character and a young boy their proxemics suggest that they are father and son. This is nice but it will worry the audience about the young boys safety. The seconds shot the mid shot of the main character ripping the wallpaper shows that there is something behind it. The last shot shows what is written behind the wallpaper, it says “You Could Have Saved Him” seen as his son was in the scene before this one the audience will think that his son has been taken. The writing is written in a red substance that resembles blood this will scare the audience as they are now thinking that the main characters son may be taken.

SoundThe females voice backs up that the young boy is his son.

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Camera-1:08 to 1:09 secondsThe close up of the match and candle shows that the character is lighting something for light. Then as he does an over the shoulder shot appears, it lights up a boys face its screaming and covered in mud this could be his son. If so then creepy things are happening to the children around the house.

SoundThere is a scream as the boys face pops up it scares the audience and is effective.

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Camera-1:10 secondsIn these mid shots the main character is running from something this would mean something has scared him so much that he has had to run and the audience will pick upon the suspense and become tense. This is good for as horror genre because the audience is seeking the tension and scare.

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Text-1:12 to 1:14 secondsThe text in this is using star persona to promote the film it doesn’t take anything from the trailer because it lasts about 2 seconds fades into the next scene of Daniel Radcliffe.

SoundThe music becomes upbeat and causes tension. The drums kick in and the scenes become faster and quicker.

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Camera-1:11 to 1:14 secondsIn these close ups the audience can see that the main character is now distraught this signifies that the young boy covered in mud was his son, and if it wasn’t the audience would question why he is so upset.

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Camera-1:14 to 1:15 secondsThese photos show that there is some history and from the looks of them not good history because in the photo with the three people the elders eyes are scratched out and the woman peering out of the window is creepy. These photos are part of the explaining of what may be going on but the audience don’t receive any more and they will want to watch the film to find out more. Therefore the trailer will have been a success as the audience want to watch the film.

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Camera-1:19 secondsThis hand is creepy and it disappears suddenly it adds creepiness and makes sure the horror mood is kept throughout the trailer.

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Text-1:20 to 1:24 secondsThese pieces of text cut in 3 scenes from each other this means the audience is anticipating the next word and they will pay more attention to the single words and they will remember the text and think about it more than they would have if it was all on one page.

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Camera-1:20 secondsThis high angle long shot shows tat the main character has now taken this personally and is going into graves. So the audience will know that it is probable that his son was taken and this causes drama and a another reason for the audience to watch the film.

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Camera-1:23 secondsThese scenes show that there is a fire in the house this gives off two possibilities either the antagonist has set the house alight to kill the protagonist main character or the main character has set the house alight to harm the protagonist. It will get the viewers wondering what happened and they will want to watch the film and this will be great because the trailer will have therefore worked.

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Camera-1:24 to 1:25 secondsThe long shot shows that the character is now in an area with a restricted view of the surroundings. The audience knows that this means something creepy or frightening could creep up on him and this will have them sitting on the edge of their seats. Then the mid shot shows the look con his face and he looks terrified the audience cant see what he can see so this will scare them more. I never show the audience exactly what he is being scared by and this is really effective because it entices the audience to come watch the film and find out.

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Camera-1:26 secondsThe long shot of the chair rocking on it’s own is creepy and like I have said before creepy is good for the genre of horror. The audience have been worked up all the way through the trailer from the creepy moments and this is one of the best.

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Camera-1:27 secondsThis mid shot is here because it captures the characters stance and also his facial expressions these combined can be effective because it gives the audience an insight into what the character is feeling. You can see from the characters face that he is scared and worried, then add the stance he is on guard and ready for attack. The props play a vital role as well. The candle reassures the fact that it is a dark chiaroscuro setting and the axe shows that he is ready and armed and will strike if need be.

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Text-1:28 to 1:31 secondsThe text gives the audience something to think about and search for if they have enjoyed the trailer, they background is once again misty or foggy and it keeps to the mood and genre. I have noticed that all the text is in white and it always works because they backgrounds and transitions are all dark colours and it contrasts well chiaroscuro lighting works well in the horror genre.

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Camera-1:32 to 1:34 secondsThis scene of the over the shoulder as the main character reaches out to the hand print is at the end of the trailer to strike fear into people and to make sure they remember it.

SoundThe sound quietens down so that when the woman screams it more of a scare for the audience.

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Text1:35 to 1:38 secondsThe date gives the audience to look forward to and it gives the film a chance to become known. Using a date for the release will cause a marketing buzz, there is also a link for the internet at the bottom of the page so the viewers have website to research on.