The Wizard of Dreams (or The Dream Collector) - Chapters 1-3 (by MRicciardi)

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  • 8/11/2019 The Wizard of Dreams (or The Dream Collector) - Chapters 1-3 (by MRicciardi)


    The Wizard of Dreams {or The Dream Collector} M.A. Ricciardi 1

    THE WIZARD OF DREAMS{or The Dream Collector }

    By Michael Anthony Ricciardi

    Chapter 1 The Calling

    With eyes closed, the dark-haired girl stretched out her arms, tilted her head back, and bathed

    herself in the noontime sun. The warmth on her skin, the smell of salty air, and the sporadic

    screeching of gulls engulfed her joyful mind. Melody loved many things, but most of all she

    loved the seashore. It was always an adventure, and any time of year was fine with her

    (especially nowadays with the weather getting warmer all the time). Practically anything you

    could want to do, you could do at the beach...You could swim or body-surf, of course, or collect

    strange looking rocks or beautiful shellsYou could have a picnic or get a sun tan (always

    remember to bring the sun-block cream!) or play soccer or FrisbeeBut best of all -- if you were

    of a creative mindset (and Melody most certainly was) -- you could make sand creatures .

    Now, some people make sand castles , but not Melody. She thought sand castles were just

    plain ordinary . There are so many wonderful things to make, Melody would often say to

    herself, Why waste time making the same old ordinary things? Melody didnt like wasting

    time. For her, time was the most precious of gifts.

    Why would anyone waste Time? she wondered aloud. Melody noticed people spending an

    awful amount of time doing things that seldom seemed very important.

    Making sand creatures is a very important thing to do. She said aloud.

    Talking to a ghost? Came a voice from behind her.

    Melody spun around, startled. It was her best friend Marcus. His long, dirty-blond hair blew

    in front of his face. The corner of his mouth held a faint flicker of a smile, and his dark eyes

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    narrowed. He looked mysterious, or mischievous, or both perhaps. Marcus was always sneaking

    up and surprising her. He had the strangest way of just appearing, it seemed, out of nowhere --

    and disappearing just as quickly. She liked Marcus. He made everything seem like an adventure.

    And having adventures was almost never a waste of time.

    No, said Melody, smiling and blushing a bit, Not a ghost...just a nobody.

    Oh, said Marcus, teasing her, a nobody

    They both laughed at the same time. What should we make today? asked Marcus.

    Melody looked down at the sand as if it were a blank painters canvas, studying it closely,

    thinking. Well have to use our imaginationsThe two friends knelt down onto the cool, damp sand and began scooping handfuls of sand

    into a large mound. This was their custom. They both knew from experience (they were

    practically experts at making sand sculptures) that something would emerge from the sand,

    almost like magic.

    Melody marveled at the countless millions of grains of sand that, now cooled and still moist

    from the out-going tide, enveloped her hands, fingers, and toes. She remembered the day she

    realized that each tiny grain of sand was once a part of a large rock that came from somewhere

    deep inside the Earth a long time ago. She remembered reading that these big rocks were pushed

    over great distances and left behind by glaciers , which were like gigantic, slow-moving sheets of

    ice and snow. With the passing of time, those rocks were worn down and broken up by ocean

    waves and ground into the tiny pieces that now played between their fingers and toes. Nature

    was a giant rock-polisher, thought Melody, with some amusement.

    Now, as any practiced sand-sculptor knows, you must not begin building too far from the

    water (the sand will be too dry), or too close to it (the sand will be too wet). Melody would

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    always wait for the tide to go out just about midway before she would start building. That way,

    there was more time to spend sculpting, and it would last longer too.

    When the tide did return, the encroaching waves would start eroding their newest creation.

    Although this saddened them, they both knew it was just one of those unstoppable facts of life:

    the tide always returns . But Melody and Marcus had their own special custom to take away the

    sadness of the seas destruction: Before the returning tide could do its damage, they would rush

    in together and stomp their sand creature flat, laughing and shouting all the while. This was

    almost as much fun as making it. Besides, thought Melody, if anything was going to destroy their

    creature, it was going to be themnot the uncaring ocean!Are you getting anything yet? asked Marcus, knowing that it often worked this way. The

    two friends would continue scooping and piling and smoothing the mound until that certain

    moment of perfect revelation.

    Melody scanned the mound with a smile, still working her hands over the sand. Then

    suddenly, the image appeared in her head. A bird! she exclaimed, a magnificent birdunlike

    any other!

    Yes! agreed Marcus, enthusiastically, and it will be our gift offering to the sun and the sky

    on this perfect day!

    The two friends laughed in approval and began their creation with great exuberance and

    purpose. It was always like this. Each time they would make a new sand sculpture, it was as if

    that were all that mattered; as if they had entered a private dream world that would become more

    real and true as their sand-sculpture took shape. In this case, it was a sand creature .

    For the next several minutes they worked silentlytoo absorbed in their task to even think

    about speakingtheir hands dancing in the sand: molding, carving, and smoothingEach friend

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    had begun with a different bird image in mind, but, as time passed, each would grow aware of

    the others image, and so, the two sculptures would blend into one. It was like two musical

    instruments that, at first out of tune with each other, soon learned to play in harmony.

    Can we help? came two voices, in unison, from behind them. Melody and Marcus looked

    up, their private trance momentarily interrupted. It was Josh and Jessica. They were brother and

    sister, one year apart, and just a little over half Melodys age. The two lived just a few houses

    away from Melodys, and she would often earn money by babysitting them. They were always

    together and eager to join in on anything that held the promise of fun or adventure.

    Sure. said Melody, Were making a magnificent birdWheres its tail? inquired Jessica.

    We havent got to that part yet. explained Marcus, that will be the last part we make.

    We will need some pretty rocks and shells. said Melody, You could help us by collecting


    No sooner had she spoken when the young siblings were off and running in search of

    seashore treasures. Marcus began fashioning the tail of their sand bird while Melody began to

    sculpt its wings. By now, the two had carved out the basic shape of their sand bird, and so began

    to give their rough creation more detail, more life.they carved-out feathers, a large, curved

    beak, an eye (only one since their bird was a profile) and feet (with claws)Melody

    remembered the word for such foot claws: talons .

    Were almost finished sighed Melody, almost sadly, but I think the tail feather should be a

    little longer. Marcus scooped a few more handfuls, molded the sand into place, and patted it

    even with the palms of his hands. With that, the two stood up and stepped back to get a better


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    Wow! exclaimed Marcus, Its great!

    Its beautiful, agreed Melody, but its still missing something

    Were back! proclaimed Josh and Jesse, their mission successful. Melody and Marcus

    turned around to see Josh and Jesse, hunched over from the weight of their load, let go of the

    ends of their tee-shirts and release a shower of shells and stones at their feet. The two gave out a

    sigh of proud satisfaction at their accomplishment. Everyone knelt around the pile and dug their

    hands into the sparkling wet heap of purple and white shells and speckled and banded rocks. It

    was like they had just discovered buried pirate booty, and each cockle shell or rounded piece of

    granite was handled and looked upon no differently than if they had been rubies and emeralds.These are perfect! said Melody. Now, our bird will be truly magnificent!

    Lets use only the very best ones said Marcus, decidedly. Josh and Jesse began holding up

    different rocks or shells, each time asking: How about this one? Marcus and Meghan played

    the role of judge -- giving approval or disapproval to each offering.

    Theyre all special, said Melody, but these are the most beautiful. She gathered together

    the selected stones and shells, and, with careful consideration, she and Marcus would playfully

    direct their two, younger companions to the proper placing of each stone or shell. And so they

    began placing them upon their marvelous sand bird, with the young siblings oohing and

    ahhing with each choice and placement. A large, bright rock with reflective specks in it was

    used for its eyetwenty, milky-white pieces of quartz stone to outline its beaklots of purplish-

    green rocks to accent its feathersstrips of green seaweed fringing its neck...razor clam shells

    for its crest...and lots of orangey-pink scallop shells to fill in its belly body feathers.

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    As she was placing the last decorative rock, a shadow passed over her eyes. Melody looked

    up but saw only blue sky and the bright rays of the sun. Looking back down, she pressed the rock

    into place. There!

    The four friends stood up together and gazed at their work of art in silent admiration. It was

    indeed a truly magnificent birdsplendidly adorned with the colorful jewels of the ocean.

    As they stood looking silently down at their creation, once more a large shadow passed across

    the spot where they gazed. Four heads looked up at the same moment. Almost completely black

    against a backdrop of sunlight, a large, solitary bird glided gracefully in a large, widening circle.

    As the bird flew out away from the sun, they could suddenly make out its amazing plumage.Melody quickly realized that this was no ordinary sea bird.

    Melody pointed. Look how long its tail is!

    Look at its wingspan! added Marcus. It must be four feet across!

    Its got a red belly! chimed in Josh.

    And green on its head! noted Jesse.

    I think its some kind of tropical bird, a macaw , I think, said Marcus, whose knowledge of

    animals was really good, But whats it doing here, in New England?

    Maybe someones pet escaped, offered Melody

    Like saluting soldiers, the four friends shielded their eyes from the sun and stood motionless,

    mesmerized by the colorful, winged creature soaring over their heads. Suddenly, the strange bird

    broke from its circular pattern and began flying straight up the north end of the beach.

    Its flying away! cried Josh.

    Lets go after it! exclaimed Jesse.

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    Melody turned around to see what Marcus thought, but he was gone. She looked back up the

    beach to see her disappearing friend running as fast as he could after the mysterious bird.

    You rat! yelled Melody, excitedly. Wait for us!

    Melody bolted after him, with Josh and Jesse, running side by side, not far behind.


    Chapter 2 The Sleeping and Forgetting

    The four friends raced along the beach, occasionally looking up to make sure the marvelous

    bird was still in sight. Though nearly breathless and absorbed in pursuit like her companions,

    Melody had a short-lived thought: the strange bird -- a macaw, if Marcus was right -- never flew

    too far ahead or too fast. It was as if the bird wanted them to follow it. But how could that be?

    Melody forgot the thought almost as quickly as it appeared in her mind. For suddenly, the

    colorfully plumed bird turned away from the beach and flew towards a thick stand of pine trees

    about a hundred yards away and just alongside the salt marsh.

    Its heading towards the pine grove! yelled Marcus, looking back at Melody and the twins,

    but barely slowing down. Melody caught site of the birds brilliant blue tail feathers just as it

    entered the grove and flew out of site behind some pines.

    Melody and the twins arrived in the center of the pine grove just a few seconds behind

    Marcus. But he was just standing there, looking up, with his mouth open.

    Its gone! proclaimed Marcus, mystified.

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    The Wizard of Dreams {or The Dream Collector} M.A. Ricciardi 8

    Still a bit out of breath, the others looked around the grove in silence, certain that such a

    colorful creature would be easy to spot. Its not like it wascamouflaged, like many native

    birds , thought Melody.

    Thats impossible! exclaimed Marcus, We werent that far behind it!

    True enough; it was as if the bird had just vanished into thin air, for it was only out of site for

    a couple of seconds, it seemed. All four of them grew decidedly disappointed that their sudden

    adventure had suddenly evaporated, along with the mysterious bird.

    Wait, said Melody, cupping both her hands to her ears (a trick she learned on a nature field

    trip when she was younger). Do you hear that?I hear music! announced Josh.

    It sounds like Jesse thought for a moment, a flute, yes!

    But where is it coming from? Its like its coming from everywhere. observed Marcus, with

    a puzzled look on his face. Melody recognized that look. It was the look he always had whenever

    considering some mystery or puzzle or difficult brain-teaser problem. This was turning into a

    very strange day , thought Melody.

    Im getting tired, said Jesse, giving out a big yawn. Josh began yawning too. Even Melody,

    so excited just moments ago, was also now feeling terribly sleepy. I guess all that running tired

    us out , she thought. She looked over to see Marcus trying to stifle a yawn, and suddenly found

    herself falling to her knees onto the soft bed of pine needles that lined the entire center of the

    grove. She looked over at the two siblings, but they were already lying down and nearly asleep.

    She could still hear the pretty flute music in her ears.

    Whats happening? asked Melody, yawning more deeply now. A thin mist seemed to be

    filling the grove. The last thing she saw before her eyes closed was the puzzled look on her

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    friends face as he too, fell to his knees and curled up on his side, too sleepy to respond, as the

    strange melody, playing over and over, filled her head.


    At some point later, Marcus began to awaken, then Melody, both feeling very fuzzy-headed

    and a bit disoriented.

    Wow, said Marcus, still groggy, I havent had a nap like that sinceI dont know how

    longMelody slowly nodded her head in agreement, managing to ask: What just happened?

    I dont know exactly said Marcus, All I can remember was following that strange

    birdcoming here into the groveand that music the flutethen waking up just now.

    Yeah, agreed Melody, me toobut how strange that we all seemed to have fallen

    asleepat the same time!

    They both looked over at the two siblings, still sound asleep. Melody tried to shake off the

    fuzzy-headedness and took a deep breath. I think we should wake them up. Marcus moved

    over to the siblings and gently shook them on the shoulder. Slowly, the Josh and Jesse began

    stirring from their slumber.

    Mmmhh mumbled Josh, then yawning.

    Heywhere am Iwhathappened? asked Jesse, her eyes barely open

    What do you remember? asked Melody, her curiosity rising.

    Umchasing the said Jesse, uncertainly.

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    And nothing elsenot even any dream you had? asked Marcus, whose curiosity, like

    Melodys, was growing by the minute.

    Nope. said Jesse, rubbing her eyes.

    Me neither! proclaimed Jesse.

    Now, that is strange, said Melody, baffled, Neither do I

    WellI guess were four for four, offered Marcus, No dreams here either.

    Well, we were only asleep a short while, suggested Melody, so, I guess its no big deal...

    But something inside her made her doubt what she had just said.

    For several moments, all four friends were silent, still a bit too dazed to think much moreabout it all. Melody looked over at Marcus who still had that perplexed look on his face, but now

    even more so. Josh and Jesse, ages seven and eight would most likely forget all about this

    strange occurrence, soon enough. But Melody wouldnt and neither would her friend. They both

    loved a mystery, and here, it seemed, was a genuine, and growing , one.

    Maybe we should head back to the beach, said Melody.

    Yeah! exclaimed the twins, in unison, Lets find our sand creature!

    The four headed out of the pine grove and started the long walk back down the beach. It was

    then that Melody noticed how much lower the sun was in the sky. She looked at her plastic,

    multi-colored watch, but it appeared to be stopped, or broken maybe. She yelled after her friend

    who had walked ahead of her.

    Hey, Marcus!

    Marcus looked back, and then slowed down his pace to let her catch up.

    What is it? he asked, seeing the puzzled look on her face.

    How long do you think we were sleeping? she asked.

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    The Wizard of Dreams {or The Dream Collector} M.A. Ricciardi 11

    I was just wondering the same thing! Marcus exclaimed, It seemed like only a short time,

    but it feels much later now. He looked at the sun, now well past its zenith, as if reading

    Melodys mind.

    Yes, exactly, agreed Melody, Look at the sunit must be past four oclock!

    I see it, but thats impossible! Marcus exclaimed again, It was only about one oclock

    when we finished making our sand creaturethe tide was mostly still out, I know that much!

    Yes, agreed Melody, but now the tide is starting to come back inwe were asleep for

    three hours! They both slowed their pace and fell silent for a few moments, amazed at their

    sudden realization. They let the two siblings walk a ways ahead of them. Then, as they focusedon the returning tide, a thought came to each of them at nearly the same moment: The sand

    creature! They took off running down the beach with Josh and Jesse now yelling after them and

    trying to keep up.

    The four adventurers arrived back at the site of their sand sculpture just in time to find the

    first waves of the returning tide beginning to erode the edges of their marvelous creation.

    Melody, at first distressed at the approaching waves, took out her pocket camera, aimed its lens,

    and took a picture. Lets save the shells! cried Jesse. The twins quickly plucked up the colorful

    shells and stones and piled them in the centers of their beach towels, carried them several yards

    above the high tide mark, and deposited them, satisfied. They ran back to the sand creature in


    For a few moments, they all stood round, silently gazing down at their now unadorned but

    still marvelous bird of sand.

    Then, without saying a word, they all rushed in at once and began jumping onto the mounds

    of sand--stomping their creature flat! This part of the game was almost as much fun as making

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    the creature in the first place. Besides, thought Meghan, it was they who had brought forth the

    creature, and it was their right alone to send it back from where it had come. After a few

    seconds of exuberant sand-stomping, the waves rushed in and flooded over the remaining few

    lumps of sand -- the only signs of what had once been their marvelous sand bird...and, as a few

    more minutes passed, every trace of the creature had vanished.

    We should head back home, said Melody, looking at their young companions, Their

    parents are going to start wondering where they are.

    Youre right, agreed Marcus, Im getting hungry anyways.

    They walked back up the long boardwalk carrying their towels and shoes. Their recentcreature-stomping had only temporarily distracted Melody from her more absorbing thoughts.

    She would walk the two siblings back to their house and then head home for dinner. Before

    heading off in different directions, she exchanged a look with her friend, and he nodded silently

    to her. They would talk later about their days strange adventure.


    Chapter 3 A Mystery is Pondered & A Plan is Hatched

    Sometime later, after an unusually quiet dinner with her parents, Melody lay on her bed, her

    opened journal lying upside down on her stomach, thinking over the days events. Something

    was still bothering her. It was something Marcus had wondered just after everyone woke up: if

    we remembered any dreams we had had. No one could remember their dreams! Why this fact

    should bother Melody so much was simple: she was well practiced in recalling her dreams upon

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    waking, whether it was after her nights sleep, or just a short nap. Sometimes she would even

    write down what happened in these dreams in her journal. And she felt certain that she had

    indeed started dreaming as she drifted off into that strange, long nap. Yet, true enough, when she

    awoke, she could not recall a single detail. And neither could anyone elseFour children with

    active imaginations, all fall asleep, then wake upseveral hours laterand not one could

    remember a single thing from any possible dream.

    Now, it was true that sometimes Melody would forget her dream completely...and sometimes,

    she would remember it only much later, when some random event happened that triggered the

    memory. That experience was like having lived the event twice, as if she knew exactly howthings would happen before they did so...but completely forgetting a dream was unusual. Even

    then, there was usually some small remnant, however fuzzy, that lingered for a few minutes after

    waking... but not this time .

    And there were the other events that preceded this forgetting of dreams: the appearance of the

    strange, beautiful bird, the flute music that seemed to come from nowhere, or everywhere, and

    then everyone falling asleep, almost at the same time.

    Now, any one of these four events (the fourth being the forgetting of dreams) could be taken

    to be a bit unusual, but not so much that it would make you wonder for too long. Maybe even if

    two of these events had happened on the same day.but not all four of them, on the same day.

    And further, thought Melody, they all seemed connected somehow...on a deeper levelof

    understanding. But that understanding whatever it could be -- wasnt coming through to her;

    the facts as she knew them didnt add up to anything real. In her journal, Melody had written: 1

    +1 + 1 + 1 = ????

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    B-b-b-r-r-i-n-n-g! The phone on her nightstand table jolted her from her absorbing thoughts.

    Melody knew immediately who it was. She had already picked up the phone before her mother

    could call upstairs for her to pick up.

    Hi, came Marcuss voice.

    Hey said Melody.

    Hey is for horses replied Marcus, in his usual teasing way.

    I dont care about horses! Melody retorted, which wasnt true, she loved them, but she was

    too excited to hide it. Arent you at all curious about what happened today?

    Yes, of course I am, said Marcus, the tone is his voice now more serious, Ive beenthinking about it since we left the beach! My dad thinks somethings wrong.

    Melody laughed slightly: Yeah, mine too, me too

    Melody, her patience with small talk gone, hurriedly began telling Marcus all her thoughts on

    the days events, listing off the four strange occurrences, and how she felt strongly that they all

    had to be connected, somehow.

    Yes, I agree, said Marcus, they are all connected, were just missing the key, the one part

    of the puzzle that lets you see the whole picture.

    Like what? asked Melody.

    Well, like some kind of. magic is going onmaybe

    Magic? Yes! Some kind of magic! agreed Melody, her curiosity fully aroused. But what

    kind...what for ?

    Im not totally sure, began Marcus, but, remember what we were doing just before the bird

    -- the macaw -- appeared?

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    Yes, we had just finished the sand creature, the magnificent birdOhh! exclaimed Melody,

    with a sudden realization.

    Exactly, Marcus, affirming her unspoken thoughts, We were making a magnificent bird,

    and then a real magnificent bird appeared we made the bird appear -- we called it!

    Normally, such an idea would have seemed a bit crazy, but now, in talking it over with her

    friend, it suddenly seemed so clearly true , though part of her still couldnt believe it. But then she

    realized that, of course, she had experienced many dreams in which she had some magic power

    (although in those dreams, the magic power would usually get all messed up, or just go away

    completely, without warning). This power now seemed to be a real one. But was this her power,or Marcuss, or both of theirs? It seemed that it was partly from somewhere else, or, from

    someone else.

    Ok, Melody began, cautiously, lets say we did call the bird, without knowing it...then

    what about the flute, and falling asleep?

    That, said Marcus, was the other magic.

    You mean, like being put under a magic spell?

    Well, maybe like being put into a trance ...I read about it in a book on magicians. Its called

    hypnosis .

    Ok, yes, Ive heard the word we got hypnotized into a tranceby the music,

    said Melody, thinking the idea through. But who or what would want tohypnotize us?

    I dont know, said Marcus, But the answer to that question is the key to what really

    happened when we all went to sleep.

    Yes, agreed Melody, thats it!

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    We could be wrong about all of this, you know, it could just be a coincidence. said Marcus,

    trying to be more scientific about all this.

    But Melody felt deeply that they were not wrong. This was a real mystery, and they were on

    to something.

    Ok then, began Melody, cautiously, If this is true, and theres more to this than

    coincidence, then how do we prove it?

    Well, hear me out... began Marcus, Lets suppose that we did call the bird somehow, and

    that we were hypnotized, and that whatever was going on, happened when we fell,

    all we need to do to figure this out is call the bird again and... not fall asleep! Yes! exclaimed Melody, But, what if the bird doesnt come again?

    Then it was all just a strange coincidence, or, a freak event, came Marcuss curt reply.

    Right, but if it does come, and it leads us to the grove again, or somewhere, and we hear the

    music againhow do we not fall asleep?

    Ahh said Marcus, in a mischievously tone of voice, We wont fall asleep if we dont

    hear anything

    Melody smiled to herself and her heart began beating a bit faster. The thought of tricking

    whoever or whatever was behind all this made her excited. Too excited, in fact, to fall asleep,

    after saying See you tomorrow to her friend, and hanging up the phone. She didnt feel like

    watching TV or playing computer games either -- all that seemed so dull , and ordinary, all of a

    sudden. And she didnt feel like writing in her journal either. She just lay there, wide awake, her

    feet twitching side to side, wondering what adventures tomorrow would bring. When at last she

    felt herself slipping into sleep, Melody conjured up an image of the beautiful, tropical bird, only

    bigger, with her sitting on its back as it soared above the treesand higher.

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    The next morning Melody awoke quickly, jumped out of bed, and dressed as usual for the

    beach (a one piece, green and blue bathing suit under cut-off shorts, and sandals). She galloped

    down the stairs and began making a quick breakfast. She started making some PB & J

    sandwiches (one for her, one for Marcus), grabbed a few cookies and a couple of apples, filled

    her water bottle, and tossed everything into her backpack.

    Before leaving the house, Melody hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should take thecell phone with her that her parents had bought for her just for emergencies as her mom and

    dad said she was too young still to have her own cell phone. She decided against it, but didnt

    know why, exactly.

    Are you going to the beach again, Melody? came her mothers voice.

    Yes, mom, replied Melody, Same as always. Melody tried to speak casually, to hide her


    Well, OK...: said her mother, but dont go out above you head, and be home before six

    oclockyour dad and I are going out for dinner. Ill leave something for you to eat. Melody

    was an excellent swimmer, and normally, she would have protested her mothers order. But,

    today was different.

    OK, no problem, was all she said. Melody skipped out the side door, hopping down the

    steps in one jump, and headed off to the beach with a warm breeze at her back.


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    Melody took off her sandals and began walking quickly down the long board walk which was

    already getting awfully hot from the late morning sun. She walked up the beach a ways, away

    from the few early beach-goers that had already laid down beach towels and pitched umbrellas.

    The beaches around here would be covered with people by noon time. When she arrived at her

    favorite spot -- at a point on the curved beachhead closest to the sand dunes -- she discovered

    that Marcus was already there, sitting on the sand right next to the pile of stones and shells from

    the day before, and staring out at the ocean.

    You beat me! exclaimed Melody, smiling. She noticed that her friend seemed to be thinkingabout something. Whats wrong?

    Oh, well, I was just thinking, began her friend, What if we dont do it right, I mean, I

    forget exactly how our sand bird looked when we finished it. What if it has to be just right?

    Melody realized that she too -- just one day later -- had only a somewhat fuzzy recollection of

    the sand creature. Was this also part of the forgetting, she wondered? But then, with a sudden

    smile, she remembered her camera which she always kept in her back pack.

    Dont worry, said Melody assuring him, Remember? I took a picture! She dug around in

    her pack until she found the small digital camera she had been given on her last birthday.

    Normally, after any day of picture taking (and she loved to take pictures), Melody would plug

    the camera to her computer, and then erase the old pictures (the camera had a limited memory).

    But she hadnt done so last night. She had been too preoccupied with the mystery of the bird and

    the sleeping to remember her usual photo-taking routine.

    I still have the picture from yesterday, said Melody, pushing the memory button, Here it

    is! Not a bad picture, thought Melody, although she wished she had taken some more. But, she

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    was happy enough that she had thought to take this one, with all that had happened before that

    moment in time.

    Awesome! exclaimed Marcus, The tide is going out now -- lets get started!

    And so the two friends got to work. Melody had decided not to call Josh and Jesses parents

    to let them know that they would be at the beach today. She would often baby sit the two

    children here at the beach...but not today . This was an experiment (or, was it more of a trick , or

    both?). They both agreed that it would be best to be cautious and keep their younger beach

    companions out of it.

    At first, several times, Melody and Marcus had to stop and take another look at the digitalpicture, to refresh their memories. But soon enough, they had managed to reconstruct enough of

    the sand bird that they didnt need to look at the picture too much more -- except for the proper

    placement of the stones and shells. Adding this final touch to their sand creature would have

    been a major chore -- they would have had to spend extra time recollecting new ones -- except

    that Josh and Jesse and dumped most of the stones and shells in a pile above the high tide mark

    (which was their habit), for safe keeping.

    After about an hour of working in almost total silence, the two finished their reborn sand bird.

    They stood up to survey their results, comparing the cameras image, but finally -- with a few

    small adjustments of stone or shell -- feeling confident that they had achieved a faithful

    recreation of their sand creature.

    Now what? asked Melody, half knowing the answer.

    Now we wait ... came Marcuss expected response.

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    And so they did. They waited for five ten longer. Nothing was

    happening. They looked at each other, catching the same, slight, disappointed look in each

    others face.

    I dont think its working... began Melody, her patience not being her greatest trait.

    Wait...just a little bit longer.... said Marcus, testing his own.

    Above the sound of the ocean and the random screeching of the usual herring gulls, a sharp

    squawk could be heard. At first, it was subtle, easily missed. But then it came again...and again.

    The two looked up, turning around and around to locate the source of the squawking. Its come

    back! It worked! Melody and Marcus were suddenly elated and cheering, hugging each other asthey jumped up and down with excitement. The magnificent macaw had returned --from which

    direction it came they couldnt tell -- and again, it began to circle over their heads. And once

    again, it broke off from its repetitive, circling flight path and began heading up the beach, away

    from where the other beach goers, and the two friends, were standing.

    Lets go! yelled Marcus, already breaking into a run. This time, Melody was right along-

    side him.


    The two friends chased, or more truthfully, followed , the bird back into the pine grove, as

    before, and just as before, the colorful, tropical bird now seemed to have vanished.

    That bird must be a magician , with the way it disappears! exclaimed Melody.

    Or maybe it belongs to one! said Marcus, thinking out loud. He was about to explain his

    latest theory to his friend, when Melody shushed him with a finger up to her lips. Like the bird

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    that came from nowhere, they could just begin to hear the first few notes of the mysterious flute

    music. Quick! whispered Marcus, pulling the two sets of earplugs from his swim shorts pocket

    and handed a pair to Melody (Marcus had grabbed them from his dads tool shed before leaving

    for the day). They quickly stuffed the soft, spongy plugs into their ears, muffing the world

    around them, and entirely blocking out the entrancing flute music. They had agreed to wait a few

    seconds just like yesterday, then, they would pretend to yawn. This they did almost perfectly,

    like well-practiced actors. Melody half felt like laughing, partly out of being anxious, even a bit

    scared. After counting silently to themselves, they slowly fell to their knees, curled up and closed

    their eyes, as if falling asleep. The trick (and the trap) had begun! Melody felt her heart beatspeed up, thinking: But what, or whom, were they about to trick ...?
