The wey december 2013 proof7 (2)

St Paul’s Church, Addlestone, took 72 boards of plywood, 900 screws, 100 straw bales, four tons of skate ramps and a significant leap of faith when it was transformed into a playground paradise for fans of skateboarding and scooters. In return, over 180 (mostly) young people enjoyed a muscle-burning 26 hours of skating over three days – in a place that most would never set foot (or skate) in. Some as young as eight-years-old dropped in to have fun, fine- tune a fakey or hone their half-pipe skills in a wide range of appealing sessions for all ages over three days. Ramps, supervision and tuition were provided by local company at a special rate for the church. “I got the idea from Malmesbury Abbey in Wiltshire where they have been running this sort of thing for five years,” said the curate Revd Andy Reid. “They quickly noticed a change in the perception the local community had for the church – it became more relevant and something they could connect with. “St Paul’s is 175-years-old this year and has always tried to be a church in the community for the community. The response to the event has been fantastic and it is fair to say that it has been a great success. “It’s been wonderful to see so many young people coming along and then come back again for more. One young lad, who initially came for two sessions, ended up doing seven sessions across the three days - bringing his parents with him. Many others joined four or five sessions. “We’ve seen boys and girls from eight to 22-years-old – that’s if you don’t include me having a bit of a go at 46 and the wonderful Jean Smith, who’s age shall remain simply over 22! We are already being asked when we are going to do it again.” Come back David Copping, whose nine-year-old son Toby skated at St Paul’s, summed up: “The whole event was well organised and inclusive. Everybody was friendly and welcoming. Toby had a brilliant time and would definitely come back.” An upstairs viewing gallery, church café and a skaters’ tuck shop completed the picture and added to the success of the event. Inside: Nigeria Link Visit - page 2 • Christmas News - page 3 • Prayer Walks - pages 8 & 9 The newspaper from the Church of England for everyone in the Diocese of Guildford the Diocese of Guildford December 2013/January 2014 - Issue 71 @CofEGuildford CofEGuildford The Lord giveth... ...and the Lord skateth away! Let us play! St Paul’s was transformed into a skate park and attracted over 180 local daring youngsters “Get on with it….!” The Bishops of Guildford and Dorking were short and succinct in their response to General Synod’s approval this November of fast-tracked proposals to introduce women bishops. Bishop Christopher, speaking at his very last General Synod – where he was also awarded a Lambeth degree (Doctor of Divinity) by Archbishop Justin - simply said: “Get on with it and goodbye!” Bishop Ian who will lead the diocese following Bishop Christopher’s retirement at the end of November until a successor is appointed, said: “I am delighted that Synod has given this legislation such a huge welcome and overwhelming endorsement.” Proposals before Synod include a mandatory disputes resolution procedure for those who do not recognise the authority of women bishops. All proposals will go before full Synod in February 2014, clearing the way for a possible vote on final approval later in 2014. For more information visit:



Transcript of The wey december 2013 proof7 (2)

Page 1: The wey december 2013 proof7 (2)

St Paul’s Church, Addlestone, took 72 boards of plywood, 900 screws, 100 straw bales, four tons of skate ramps and a significant leap of faith when it was transformed into a playground paradise for fans of skateboarding and scooters.

In return, over 180 (mostly) young people enjoyed a muscle-burning 26 hours of skating over three days – in a place that most would never set foot (or skate) in.

Some as young as eight-years-old dropped in to have fun, fine-tune a fakey or hone their half-pipe skills in a wide range of appealing sessions for all ages over three days. Ramps, supervision and tuition were provided by local company at a special rate for the church.

“I got the idea from Malmesbury Abbey in Wiltshire where they have been running this sort of thing for five years,” said the curate Revd Andy Reid. “They quickly noticed a change in the perception the local community had for the church – it became more relevant and something they could connect with.

“St Paul’s is 175-years-old this year and has always tried to be a church in the community for the community. The response to the event has been fantastic and it is fair to say that it has been a great success.

“It’s been wonderful to see so many young people coming along and then come back again for more. One young lad, who initially came for two sessions, ended up doing seven sessions across the three days - bringing his parents with him. Many others joined four or five sessions.

“We’ve seen boys and girls from eight to 22-years-old – that’s if you don’t include me having a bit of a go at 46 and the wonderful Jean Smith, who’s age shall remain simply over 22! We are already being asked when we are going to do it again.”

Come backDavid Copping, whose nine-year-old son Toby skated at St Paul’s,

summed up: “The whole event was well organised and inclusive. Everybody was friendly and welcoming. Toby had a brilliant time and would definitely come back.”

An upstairs viewing gallery, church café and a skaters’ tuck shop completed the picture and added to the success of the event.

Inside: Nigeria Link Visit - page 2 • Christmas News - page 3 • Prayer Walks - pages 8 & 9

The newspaper from the Church of England for everyone in the Diocese of Guildford


Diocese of Guildford

December 2013/January 2014 - Issue 71

The Lord giveth...

...and the Lord skateth away!Let us play! St Paul’s was transformed into a skate park and attracted over 180 local daring youngsters

“Get on with it….!”The Bishops of Guildford and Dorking were short and succinct in their response to General Synod’s approval this November of fast-tracked proposals to introduce women bishops.

Bishop Christopher, speaking at his very last General Synod – where he was also awarded a Lambeth degree (Doctor of Divinity) by Archbishop Justin - simply said: “Get on with it and goodbye!”

Bishop Ian who will lead the diocese following Bishop Christopher’s retirement at the end of November until a successor is appointed, said: “I am delighted that Synod has given this legislation such a huge welcome and overwhelming endorsement.”

Proposals before Synod include a mandatory disputes resolution procedure for those who do not recognise the authority of women bishops. All proposals will go before full Synod in February 2014, clearing the way for a possible vote on final approval later in 2014.

For more information visit:

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Page 2 The Wey December 2013/January 2014


St Mary’s 1 Woodpeckers 0Woodpeckers which have made over 100 holes in the cedar-shingled spire at St Mary’s Church, Headley, may soon have to look elsewhere for grubs – after the church received a Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) grant for oak shingles.

The 150-year old parish church has been awarded initial funding of £12,400 to allow it to develop full repair plans in order for the full grant of up to £89,800 to be confirmed.

It is hoped that work will begin in the spring replacing all the shingles with hard oak treated to resist infestation by the insects sought after by woodpeckers.

P a r i s h i o n e r Margaret Manly said: “During the last quinquennial the inspector actually caught the woodpeckers in the act! Up in the spire you can see daylight through the holes they have made leaving us facing a substantial bill for essential repairs.

“We had been fundraising locally but we are a small village of just 300 houses and were still facing a substantial shortfall, so it is really exciting to have been awarded this grant.

“It’s going to be something of a shock for the woodpeckers when the work is done – they have caused us something of a headache, but it might be their turn next if they start pecking at the oak!”

Head of the HLF South East, Stuart McLeod, said: “There is a place of worship in almost every ward, village and town across the South East of England, providing a very powerful visual connection with our past.

“Not only will this money secure the immediate survival of churches like St Mary’s, it will also empower congregations to adapt and evolve these buildings, so they can be enjoyed more widely throughout the community and in turn enable them be more sustainable for the future.”

Guildford’s Local Ministry Programme (LMP) training course has received a ‘Confidence with Qualifications’ grading following a three-month inspection.

Courses and colleges which train people for ministry in the Church of England are inspected every six years - it is the CofE equivalent of a school OFSTED – and a team of inspectors looked at every aspect of the course, interviewing staff and students.

Guildford is part of the South Central Regional Training Partnership (SCRTP), which means that six dioceses share their resources for training – four of these dioceses’ training programmes

were inspected together for this report. The SCRTP also received an overall outcome of ‘Confidence with Qualifications’.

Reflecting on the report, director of the Discipleship Vocations and Ministry team, the Revd Canon Dr Hazel Whitehead said “I have been involved in a number of such inspections over the years and this has been the most complex yet. The Regional Training Partnership is a great blessing but, of course, it complicates matters!

“However, everybody has risen to the challenge and worked together well. This report should inspire all those who are thinking of training with LMP and congratulations are due to the Revd

Steve Summers and his team who have worked extra hard – while trying to get to grips with a transition to the University of Durham as the forthcoming national

validator for training.”

The full report details of the report are available on the Church of England website.

LMP students on a residential training weekend engage in a lively group discussion

Diocesan ministry training course receives positive inspection report

New chaplaincy at Guildford CollegeSophie Woollen has been appointed as the first chaplain to Guildford College, covering all three of the organisation’s campuses – Guildford College, Farnham College and Merrist Wood College.

She studied law at Exeter University and then spent several years at Guildford YMCA as a youth worker and mentor. She was also involved in working with young people at Eternity Church, Guildford. “Even though I felt God was leading me towards ministry and working with young people, I felt it important to complete my law studies and qualify as a solicitor, so I spent two years completing a training contract at a major City law firm.

“So far I have spent most of my time getting to know staff and visiting freshers’ fairs. As the chaplaincy is a new role, this has meant explaining to people what a chaplain does and correcting misconceptions. With a youth work and mentoring background, I see my job as supporting those of all faiths or no faith at all in any way I can, whether this means organising cultural or faith-related activities, supporting student societies or merely listening. Many expected me to be rather like a stern RE teacher!

“I was drawn to the chaplain’s post as it combined working with young people and exploring elements of faith, and encouraging those I work with to do the same. I strongly believe that faith is vital to every strand of our daily life, and discussion and acceptance of it should be encouraged.”

Sarah appointed to facilitate spiritual growthCurate the Revd Sarah Hutton will take up a two-day a week appointment as the diocese’s Spiritual Growth Facilitator from January.

Sarah, who is a curate in the Shere benefice, will be building up a network of colleagues to provide a range of events, advice and support for clergy and lay people.

New look Lent Call material developed with Christian AidThis year’s new Bishop of Guildford’s Lent Call material – Count Your Blessings 2014 - is being developed in partnership with this year’s ‘international’ beneficiary Christian Aid, in a move away from the traditional materials supplied to parishes in January.

In 2014, an informative 16-page mini-leaflet will detail precisely how parishes’ commitment to Lent can make a real difference to those less fortunate, both in the diocese and abroad. Bite-sized reflections for each day of Lent will help inspire giving and thanks for the blessings in life, prayer and action to help change the lives of others.

The Bishop of Guildford’s Foundation will again benefit from half of all donations to Lent Call to enable the charity to continue helping some of the most disadvantaged communities in our own diocese.

Nigeria link affirmed with Primate visitThe Bishop of Guildford has met with the Primate of all Nigeria, The Most Revd Nicholas Okoh, as the Diocese of Guildford’s link with the Church of Nigeria prepares to turn 50 next year.

Archbishop Nicholas heard reports of the recent visit to Guildford of Archdeacon John Adubasim, of Niger Delta North, and expressed personal thanks to parishes for the Diocesan-wide call to prayer in Guildford during the abduction of Archbishop Ignatius Kattey in September, happily resolved a week later.

The two Bishops affirmed their commitment to mutual learning between Nigeria and Guildford, and to strengthen ties born out of the Anglican Conference in Toronto in 1963.

Major discussion centred on the Church of Nigeria’s opposition to what it considers concessions made in the Church of England to same-sex relationships, and the different cultural contexts of Nigeria and

the UK. The Primate spoke with candour, emphasising that ripples of decisions made by the Church of England were felt strongly in Nigeria, often drawing from other Nigerian denominations and faiths seeking to claim moral high ground.

Bishop Christopher clarified the Church of England’s unchanged position on marriage, and asked for prayer as the General Synod continues its thinking on women bishops and human sexuality. He also pledged prayer, particularly for Christian communities under attack from militant Islamist groups in the north of Nigeria.

The Bishop of Guildford, The Rt Revd Christopher Hill said: “I am very glad to have met with Archbishop Nicholas, and am grateful for his kind hospitality.

“While we do not hide the fact that there are challenges ahead for this relationship, the affirmation given and commitment to mutual prayer is a source of genuine encouragement.”

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December 2013/January 2014 Page 3


“This baby ain’t Joseph’s… it’s God’s!”…could your parish help support the greatest story ever told? - the ecumenical group of creative volunteers helping churches reclaim Christmas - have launched their FREE Christmas 2013 resources for churches, including three new inspired radio adverts aimed at reminding people that Christmas starts with Christ - following research revealing that 51% of people now say that the birth of Jesus is irrelevant to their Christmas.

Together churches can help reverse this trend. The radio adverts are deliberately produced in a style aimed at 18-35-year-olds (61% listen to their local commercial radio station) – a group that many churches struggle to engage with, even at Christmas.

Listen to the three new ads - in the style of a confrontational TV chat show and featuring Mary’s immaculate conception, Herod’s villainous pursuit of the baby Jesus and the Bethlehem innkeeper’s controversial choice of room rental on Christmas Eve - online at

Then decide how you can best get involved. Churches are encouraged to come together to help use and fund the radio adverts locally by contributing to a diocesan-wide appeal co-ordinated by’s radio guru Ali Burnett by telephone 07774 248189 or email [email protected]

Get involvedThe Bishop of Dorking, the Rt Revd Ian Brackley, said: “The

Christmas Starts with Christ campaign – part of which will be the first ever nationwide Christmas Starts Sunday on 1 December which kicks off the campaign and starts Advent - is a rallying call to the Church to save Christmas; to put Christ and the amazing story of his birth back as the focus of the nation’s favourite time of the year.

“Because He is where it all begins. Up and down the country, during the most wonderful time of the year, churches bring light into their communities. But the reason for the season is being forgotten; and the motivation which underpins the Church’s goodwill is largely unknown among the wider public. Our job is to tell the story.”

Did you know?If half of our 163 parishes contributed even £20 each – we could fund an intensive diocesan-wide radio campaign that would reach tens of thousands of radio listeners in the run-up to Christmas, encouraging them to find out more at their local Christian church?

Three easy steps:1. Download the FREE radio ads and other resources at www.

ChristmasStartsWithChrist.com2. Join with others to generate a budget – the more who join the

bigger the budget!

3. Contact Ali Burnett by telephone 07774 248189 or email [email protected]

Christmas starts with our… l Foodbanks

l Homeless support

l Christmas outreach

All being organised by local churches and community groups – with many welcoming volunteers to lend a hand! Find out more on the diocesan website:

#ChristmasmeansSocial media will be used to spread the Word on Christmas

Eve and Christmas Day when congregations and clergy complete the sentence: Christmas means... and tweet it to their followers using the hashtag #Christmasmeans.

This follows on from last year’s successful campaign which reached more than nine million people during a 12 hour period with over 9,000 tweets being sent using the hashtag.

Do join in. Follow us at @CofeGuildford and help us make it to 1,000 followers this Christmas.

Wintershall to wow us all once moreOnce again the Wintershall Nativity play will be wowing all ages. Running from Wednesday 18th December through to Sunday 22 December there will be twice-daily performances at Wintershall, near Bramley on every day except Thursday 19th December when it will be performed at the BBC Broadcast House Piazza and All Souls Church, Langham Place, London W1 at 4.30pm and 7pm.The Wintershall Nativity is an entertaining, ecumenical play for everyone and a gentle reminder of our Christian principles. The story begins with Mary and Joseph’s difficult journey to Bethlehem and the appearance of the Angel Gabriel to the shepherds heralding the good news of the Messiah’s birth. Beautiful music and songs accompany the arrival of the three wise men. Live animals and stunning costumes help to bring the familiar story to life. Each performance lasts approximately 90 minutes.Tickets can be bought online at: or call 01793 418299

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Page 4 The Wey December 2013/January 2014

Community Matters

An incredible journey which began with visits to children’s hospitals and orphanages in Romania 20 years ago was celebrated with a special thanksgiving service and lunch at St Nicolas’ Church, Cranleigh, in November.

Task Force Romania (TfR), which grew out of the church, now has supporters across the UK and has helped establish a hospital, community centre and holiday camp for deprived and disabled children in central Romania.

More than 90 people who attended the lunch heard how the charity was currently supporting four projects in the country but that remarkable partners on the ground were making great strides towards allowing the projects to become self-sufficient.

Member of St Nicolas and TfR trustee Michael Wild said: “Two decades ago TfR and our partners out there had a remarkable vision, but I still think it’s safe to say that what has been achieved has been beyond any expectation.

“Our holiday camp, Casa Harului, for example, began as donated land on a farm with a wooden hut for a toilet, a well and a hosepipe for a shower.

“It now operates from April to October with chalets where children stay and have a week’s respite with one-to-one care, sports and games.

“This summer a group from St Nicolas ACTS (Active Christian Teenagers) went to Casa Harului as camp leaders.

“Meeting and working with children who have nothing certainly benefited them - they grew in faith and it is wonderful for us to have some young blood in the team.

“The service was an opportunity to thank supporters and God for all that has been achieved and to ask for His blessing as we move forwards.

“Projects are now in place enabling these communities to begin to support themselves.”

Close on 600 shoeboxes filled with gifts were collected from across Cranleigh this autumn and will be handed out to poor families in towns and villages in the Hunedoara region in December.

Michael continued: “Together with the nearly 4,000 boxes collected from around the UK these gifts are a tangible expression of the bond between our communities and theirs.

“Children and families in Romania are still living in squalor, in conditions which are unimaginable to us. There is so much that needs to be done and these boxes show that they are not forgotten, that we will keep going for as long as the need is there.”

Five years of lollipops, flip-flops and gentle patience were marked when Guildford Street Angels celebrated their fifth anniversary with a special evening at St Saviour’s Church in October.

Over 100 people gathered to reflect on five years of service by Guildford Street Angels, which is the flagship project of Guildford Town Centre Chaplaincy. They witnessed the commissioning of the latest group of Street Angels - one of whom was quickly drafted in to fill a gap on the team heading out that night.

Initially the Street Angels, mainly volunteers from local churches, went out on just Friday nights. Now, a total of 75 Street Angels cover both Friday and Saturday nights each week, plus occasional midweek nights such as A-Level results day.

Guests at the evening included District Commander for the western division of Surrey Police, Helen Collins; Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Surrey, Lesley Myles and Mayor of Guildford, Diana Lockyer-Nibbs,

all of whom affirmed the work the Angels do.

Helen Collins remarked that Street Angels and the police need each other and it is a tremendous partnership.

Co-ordinator Lin Haynes said: “Street Angels have made a real difference in Guildford and are generally recognised as the friendly faces who will help out when needed – and who carry an endless supply of lollies!

“ V o l u n t e e r s commit to spending one night a month from 10.30pm until 4am trying to ensure people are safe, regardless of whether they are homeless or just young people enjoying a night out.

“They aim to get them home safely,

especially if they become vulnerable, which can happen for a variety of reasons, not just the over-consumption of alcohol. “

The Street Angels are always looking for more volunteers. If you would like to know more, please visit the website, or contact the Street Angels co-ordinator, Lin Haynes on 07717 876853 or at [email protected].

The Street Angels’ fifth birthday celebration

‘Angels’ mark five years of service in Guildford

Boxes from Cranleigh-based charity TfR are heading out to Romania this December as the charity celebrates 20 years of supporting families living in appalling conditions in the country

Curate’s daughter Tabitha Thomas (18) was one of the young people who travelled from Cranleigh to Romania this summer to help lead activities at the respite summer camp supported by TfR

Cranleigh’s mission to Romania

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.

Isa 9:6-7 (ESV)

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December 2013/January 2014 Page 5

Focus on Finance

Surrey’s new community bank, SurreySave Credit Union, welcomed the Bishop of Dorking, the Rt Revd Ian Brackley to its Woking headquarters on World Credit Union Day in October, as he joined the fight back against pay-day lenders and loan sharks.

SurreySave Credit Union is a not-for–profit co-operative, owned and controlled by its members, with the simple goal of providing low cost, high quality ethical financial services to all who live or work in Surrey and Kingston.

Bishop Ian handed over the minimum £6 to join (of which £3 was his annual membership fee) saying: “I wanted to take this opportunity to find out more about SurreySave and credit unions in general.

“I’ve found that it really is a very simple, ethical approach to local saving and borrowing and very easy to get involved with a simple sign-up process. If you want to do your bit to help others or you need a little financial help and advice yourself, I would recommend you find out more.”

The credit union has a simple online application form and crucially you do not have to have saved with them to borrow from them.

SurreySave CEO Michelle Boundy said: “Our experience so far shows that people of all means are struggling in the current financial climate. Even those who have never had problems obtaining credit in the past, are now finding many doors closed to them and end up turning to high-cost lenders.”

For more on the Church of England’s local involvement in credit unions please visit where you can find out more about the Archbishop of Canterbury’s call for churches to support their local credit unions.

Bishop Ian joins ethical credit union

Remembering the Church in your will is a wonderful way to thank God for the blessings you have received – and it can have a huge impact on the mission and ministry in your parish, enabling the Church to invest in exciting new projects.

Any gift, large or small, is welcome. You can specify that your gift be used for a specific purpose such as youth work, music or maintenance of the church fabric, or it can be left unrestricted allowing the parish to allocate your gift to what they regard as the most pressing need.

As it can be difficult to estimate how much will be in your estate, it often makes sense to divide what you leave into shares, rather than fixed sums of money.

Leaving a gift in your will to the Church - or any registered charity - can also be highly tax-efficient as it is free from inheritance tax. By choosing to leave a gift to the work of the Church or a charity, you could effectively reduce any tax your family or other beneficiaries may have to pay.

If you already have a will but would like to add a straightforward gift to your church, you may prefer to use a codicil form, an example of which can be found

at Please note that we strongly advise you to see an independent solicitor when writing or amending your will.

For further information about wills and legacies please contact the Church Legacy and Wills Information Line on 08445 870875 or visit You can also request an introductory guide from Juliet Evans, tel 01483 484923 or email [email protected]

The bells of All Saints’ Church Lightwater were rededicated at its Harvest Festival services on this October after being restored using a substantial legacy from two parishioners.

Originally installed in the 1980s, the electronic mechanism of the six church

bells had suffered from the weather and had not been rung for the previous two years.

Thanks to a legacy left by parishioners Frank and Hazel Stilwell, all that changed. Vicar the Revd Mark Wallace said: “We had a quote for the repairs,

which, along with the scaffolding amounted to almost £9,000 which we didn’t feel could be a fundraising priority.

“I’m delighted that we were able to use a legacy to do the work, rather than appealing to hard-pressed local people.

“Since the bells were repaired, so many people have said how wonderful it is to hear them being rung again.

“As we celebrated Harvest, it was great to share the fruit of Frank and Hazel’s labours and reflect on the difference that being part of God’s people in Lightwater made to them.”

Hazel’s brother, Jeffrey Gardiner, said: “My sister Hazel and her dear husband Frank loved living in Lightwater. Most of all they loved All Saints’ and its congregation.

“It was always full of generous and loving friends and priests. Their family was also always cherished and welcomed at their church, so what could be more fitting than Hazel and Frank’s bequest being used to make a joyful sound as the newly-restored bells ring out their greetings and remind us of two sorely missed benefactors.”

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Page 6 The Wey December 2013/January 2014

01837 851240

We are now living in the � rst new house, called Grace Lodge, and we currently have four fully funded male students living in the house with house parents Je� and Meg, and senior support worker/mental health nurse, Pete. The house is designed to provide excellent accommodation for eight male clients (students), plus two male support workers and house-parents, all living as extended family, and so we hope over the next few months or so to � ll the house with a further four male students and one more male support worker.

We continue to maintain an 83% success rate for students who are addiction free two years a� er successfully completing the programme. We believe the purpose-designed house is not only going to help us maintain this standard, but increase it.

We’ve gone green, too. As well as the bene� ts to our students and sta� , moving into the house has already drastically reduced our accommodation running costs, as we have ground source heating, rainwater harvesting and solar panels on the roof, all of which helps to give us virtual nil-cost heating, hot water and sanitary water.

We can see the positive e� ects on our students and sta� already. The generous support and donations we received earlier this year helped us to start to move students and sta� into this fantastic new building. To fully complete this � rst house to a standard that will enhance people’s recovery, well-being and development, we need to raise

a further £55,000 to � nalise building works including the following:

} A disabled bathroom £3,000 } A conservatory £25,000 } Patio & paths £8,000 } Concrete access road-way £9,000 } Repayment of generous interest free loan by Jan

2014 £10,000

Would you please help us raise the funds to bring this purpose designed house through to a � nish that will make it a superb home for students living in extended family, now and for many years to come? By contributing to this building, you are contributing to the long term future of Gilead’s rehabilitation process, which is proven to be successful in providing hopeless people with freedom from addiction, a new start and direction for a future life that many of them had never thought possible.

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Instruction to your bank: Please deduct £from my account on (dd/mm/yy) / / Then monthly until further notice. Pay this sum to Gilead Foundations Account No: 05651441 Sort Code: 54-21-14Nat West Bank, 40 Fore Street, Okehampton, EX20 1EY

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Tel: 01837 851240 Fax: 01837 851520 Email: [email protected]

Registered in England No: 2608644 Limited by Guarantee Registered Charity No: 1002909

PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING GILEADMonthly commitments of any amount will help us with funding of the students’ fees. A one-off gift or interest free loan will help us finish our first building. If you would like to discuss details I can be contact-ed on 07957 433973

Yours In Christ

Chris Cole (Trustee)

To help us correctly allocate your gift, please record your name and contact details using the form below. Thankyou

I would like all donations I make to Gilead Foundations, Reg Charity Number 1002909, from the date of this declaration until I notify you otherwise to be treated as Gift Aid donations.

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Please return this form to Gilead Foundations, Risdon Farm, Jacobstowe, Okehampton, EX20 3AJ


I � rst heard of Gilead Foundation in 2011, at a time when my life was falling apart due to my alcohol addiction.

I was at home with my mother in South London and just living to drink. Help was o� ered from family, friends and the local Council; but I only paid these o� ers lip service as I just wanted to drink. Home life was falling apart and my mother was su� ering beyond belief. Every time she went out she never knew what state she would � nd me in when she returned.

My brother started looking on the internet for a rehab that might suit me, as my family thought this was the only way forward; he found Gilead Foundations.

In April 2011, in fear and trepidation, I started on the programme, which is very structured but also � exible to allow students to grow. In the � rst weeks I was given experience in all the jobs around the farm and in the community as a whole. I tried nearly every job on o� er but in the end volunteered for maintenance as here I felt my practical skills could be the most use.

The programme is not all about work - there is also the whole therapy side. This is mainly the Genesis programme, group work and one to one support. The info on this course says:

“Genesis Process relapse prevention integrates Biblical principles, proven relapse prevention techniques, cognitive therapy principles, and the latest scienti� c research regarding the impact of neurochemistry on human behaviour to help individuals change not only behaviours, but core belief systems that cause them to relapse”.

I did not � nd the Genesis process easy. It was hard and I felt like giving it up on a number of occasions. But I had plenty of support around me, not only sta� but also my peers who were further through the programme than me. Normally I have a tendency to try and work

through issues by myself, not really wanting to admit I am struggling. But one day, chatting to now good friends, I asked a simple question and admitted that I was struggling – I instantly got so much help that the issue was almost sorted there and then.

During my � rst 20 weeks I realised that our pastor, Ian Samuel, spoke about things that were missing in my life. This concerned me and a� er talking to others I decided to give my life to the Lord. At the end of a Sunday service Ian invited anyone who would like to give their life to the Lord to come to the front for prayer. Up to this point I was a back row church-goer, sitting at the back so no one could involve me. This was one big step - now I had to go forward in front of the whole community.

A� er a while, I was baptised, along with two fellow students, one Sunday morning in what must have been the coldest stream on Dartmoor. This was the start of the next great transformation in my life. Now I have an assurance that I am not alone in my struggle through life.

When I was nearly at the end of the programme I was seeking guidance about the future. My feeling was to stay on as a Trainee Sta� Member for at least another year, and a� er speaking to Ian he agreed that he would have me. So yet again, through prayer and talking to the relevant people, the Lord has led me forward.

I have been accepted as a Trainee Sta� Member and been asked to oversee the completion of the � rst of three purpose-built accommodation blocks. This was a major step forward for me as the trust put in me would be the � rst time I would not have alcohol to fall back on. It’s a bit scary as to where God might lead me in the future. Wherever that is, a� er my time at Gilead my life is in a much better place now than it was a few years ago.

GOOD NEWSYou may have read our last update in this newspaper where we reported that we were poised to start moving into the � rst of three purpose built bungalows. We had six weeks of work to do, and we needed £12,000 to enable us get there – the good news is, with a lot of support, we’ve done it!

My Gilead Experience“Unlocking People... Releasing Potential” - that’s the strapline that sums up much of what Gilead is all about. Trevor is just one of many who have found freedom and a new direction in life through Gilead’s residential rehab programme; this is his story in his own words:

Gilead trustee Phil Cana cuts the ribbon on opening day

Trevor encouraging

a younger student in

the new bungalow.

Advertising Feature

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December 2013/January 2014 Page 7

Big Plans for Small Churches

What is probably one of the smallest places of worship in the diocese has had a substantial make-over, thanks to the generosity of its owner, Dominic Combe of the Cobham Park estate.

St Michael’s Chapel, Downside, was built in 1800 by the estate as a bakehouse for villagers of Downside. In 1858 a pump was erected alongside to provide fresh water for bread-making, but when the village shop began to bake its own bread the bakehouse fell into disuse.

Downside was part of the parish of Hatchford and the villagers had to walk two miles to St Matthew’s Church on the Hatchford Park estate every Sunday morning to worship. After the parish of Hatchford was joined with Ockham in 1954 the old bakehouse was consecrated as St Michael’s Chapel and St Matthew’s, Hatchford fell into disuse and was eventually demolished.

The chapel, which only had 30 seats, has remained

substantially unaltered since the 1950s. It was originally built using a single skin of brickwork and no insulation, which made for a chilly early morning service in winter as the only heating was a couple of fan heaters which struggled to make an impact.

Now St Michael’s has been transformed. It has extra space to accommodate at least 40 people, a large east window looking over countryside, which allows light to flood in, a vestry with facilities for tea and coffee-making, as well as a toilet suitable for the disabled. Perhaps most importantly the chapel is now a fully-insulated building with a central heating system and comfortable, modern seating – much more fitting for the the 21st century.

St Michael’s Chapel was ‘re-dedicated’ in October by the Rt Revd Ian Brackley, Bishop of Dorking before a congregation of more than 80 which overflowed out into the churchyard This was followed by a weekend Festival of Flowers and Music.

Vicar of Ockham with Hatchford and

Downside the Revd Kerry Tucker commented: “We intend to make the chapel a centre for the whole community. We will be looking at different patterns of Sunday services and would like to see the chapel used by the community for other occasions during the week. We are very excited by the opportunities offered by Dominic Combe’s very generous extension and refurbishment of St Michael’s Chapel.”

Far from being a hindrance to growth, a remote rural setting is proving to be a key draw for the tiny church of St Martha-on-the-Hill, Chilworth, Guildford. Perched up on the North Downs, and on the Pilgrims’ Way which runs from Winchester to Canterbury, it is a 15-minute climb from the nearest road.

This church is experiencing something of a renaissance following highly popular one-off music events and services – and it is now building on this success with the launch of a ‘fifth Sunday’ family service.

Music coordinator at St Martha’s Margaret Roberts said: “St Martha’s is starting to grow accustomed to full pews. It has been the backdrop over the course of the year for a whole host of events - marathons, cycling challenges, concerts, weddings, blessings and funerals, family and school outings, weekend picnics and countless individual reflective moments.

“However, history was made in September when a family service was held in a packed church, with a young choir from St Catherine’s School in Bramley contributing magnificently to proceedings.

“The church will now be marking every fifth Sunday with a special 11am service for families out on the hillside. Dogs are welcome, as are walking boots!”

Music at St Martha’s is starting to attract regulars to its concerts which are free and becoming increasingly frequent. The next event will be the third annual Christmas Carol Concert, at 2.30pm on Sunday 22 December.

Margaret continued: “There will be an hour of favourite carols sung by the St Martha’s Singers, a group of loyal and talented singers who enjoy the experience of music-making in this special setting.

“The concert will be followed by a quick seasonal drink before the sun goes down, people making

their descent to the car parks as daylight fades. For those unable to attend the concert, there are other opportunities to enjoy the little gem of a church, floodlit for Christmas. The midnight service on Christmas Eve (11:30pm) is always very popular, and the Sunday following Christmas (29th Dec) will be another special 11am family service where carols for all will be sung.

“Everyone is welcome, and although, due to its rural and remote location, few can call St Martha’s their own parish church, a visit there is always special. You can be sure of a warm welcome.”

St Martha’s was packed for the Harvest Festival with families and their dogs making the most of a Sunday afternoon out on the Downs. Members of the regular congregation offered teas and coffees throughout the day, and ramblers, resting after their hill climb, could enjoy the music from the comfort of the wooden benches along the building’s external south wall, appreciating the far-reaching views said to encompass eight counties

Small church thinks big

Left to right: Rector of the combined benefice of East Horsley and Ockham

with Hatchford and Downside the Revd Elizabeth Bussmann, Bishop Ian

Brackley and the Revd Kerry Tucker

Some of the congregation at the re-dedication service

Tiny chapel gets major make-over

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Page 8: The wey december 2013 proof7 (2)

Page 8 The Wey December 2013/January 2014

Journeys across the diocese and cathedralJourneys across the diocese and cathedral

Accompanied by canoeists and musicians, engulfed by schoolchildren and cups of tea and caught in downpours and undergrowth, Bishop Christopher and his wife Hilary completed an extended diocesan pilgrimage this autumn.

From Fleet to Woking, Banstead to Epsom, Dorking to St Martha’s, Thorpe to Pyrford, Cobham to Great Bookham, Walton-on-Thames to Thames Ditton and Farnham via the Pilgrims’ Way to Waveley Abbey, largely on foot but occasionally by steamboat and car, the Bishop of Guildford said farewell to the diocese ahead of his retirement at the end of November.

The pilgrimage, made through both sunshine and showers took eight days, spread over a month. It covered urban parts of the diocese on the edge of London as well as some of the diocese’s most beautiful countryside on the North Downs or following footbaths along the river Wey or one of the many canals.

Explaining the rationale behind the walk Bishop Christopher, who has served the diocese for nine years, said: “I have loved my time as Bishop of Guildford and have affection for this busy and talented diocese, and for the beautiful countryside we live in.

“I also enjoy walking and so the idea of a farewell prayer pilgrimage arose. The common purpose of our diocese is to seek spiritual maturity, to grow in numbers, and to engage with the communities around us. I prayed for all those things as well as for Bishop Ian and all those who will lead the diocese during the vacancy, and for those

with the onerous responsibility of choosing the new Bishop to succeed me.

“But I also enjoy conversation. I have very much enjoyed meeting the people of the congregations and communities of Surrey and North East Hampshire and this was a chance to meet any people who happened to be free during the day and could walk with me or meet me for a breakfast, lunch or a cup of tea and prayer at the various points of call.”

The walk included many surprises including meeting a group of Year 4 children from Guildford’s Queen Eleanor’s Junior School, music from a string quartet and an operatic performance from the canalside.

Former diocesan communications director, the Revd Mark Rudall who took the pilgrims along the Basingstoke Canal in his steamboat said: “At Ash Wharf Bishop Christopher was escorted by ‘outriders’ in canoes and was welcomed by a fine operatic voice backed by an accordion ringing over the water singing ‘O Sole Mio’ - not a particularly Neapolitan environment but it set the scene for a memorable welcome.

“As we edged towards the landing place, we were accompanied by the cracks of party poppers and a welcoming group from local churches stepped forward to help Bishop Christopher and Hilary out of the steamboat.

“It wasn’t an everyday arrival but reflected perhaps some of the surprise that goes hand in hand with life in ministry!”

Poppy spectacular lights up Guildford Cathedral Guildford Cathedral was a stunning sight when a giant poppy

was projected onto the Cathedral tower as part of this year’s

Poppy Appeal. The Royal British Legion and the Cathedral had

joined forces to arrange a remarkable ‘sound and light show’ to

promote the appeal.

To honour the occasion, some 40 members of the RBL’s Riders – the

Legion’s membership branch for biking enthusiasts – roared onto the

Cathedral forecourt to perform a ‘Rev of Remembrance’.

There to welcome them were the Legion’s Brolly Ladies, sporting poppy-

patterned umbrellas along with young children waving the Union flag. An

Army Cadet Force band provided music and Mike Tuohy, general manager

of Royal British Legion Industries, Leatherhead, and a talented singer,

entertained visitors.

The Dean of Guildford, the Very Revd Dianna Gwilliams, read the

exhortation and Kohima epitaph. As the Legion standards dipped, all the

Cathedral’s floodlights were extinguished for a minute’s silence before the

giant poppy was projected onto the Cathedral’s majestic tower.

Memorable Event

Head of the British Legion’s Community Fundraising for London and the

South East Graham Ferris, said: “As far as we know, this is the first time

that a poppy has been projected onto a cathedral. It was one of the most

memorable events in the Surrey Poppy Appeal, and the Legion is grateful

to the staff of Guildford Cathedral for making this truly memorable occasion


Making Tracks: Bishop Christopher steps out on farewell pilgrimage

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Page 9: The wey december 2013 proof7 (2)

December 2013/January 2014 Page 9

Journeys across the diocese and cathedralJourneys across the diocese and cathedral

Poppy spectacular lights up Guildford Cathedral

Why I’m supporting… “As a guide at Guildford Cathedral I

regularly see the effect our Cathedral has on its visitors. Many are just stopping off during a coach journey; others live locally and are taking the opportunity, perhaps for the first time, to visit a building which is now a

familiar landmark, glimpsed from the A3 or A31.

“The striking thing is that the reaction of these visitors is the same: once over the threshold they respond at once to the peace and serenity of the interior. Some feel inspired to pray or to walk around and explore. They all fall under the spell of the changing light effects.

“So I know from experience that this is a very special building which needs to be looked after so that future generations can continue to share its power to move people.

“I especially enjoy going round to local groups to talk about the Cathedral and to hear their personal responses and reminiscences. The brick campaign of the 1950s and 60s certainly created a personal bond

between many individuals and this iconic building. It belongs to us all and now it needs a new generation to come forward to renew and strengthen those bonds.”

Janet Mathews

‘We are all pilgrims together’At the conclusion of his series of prayer walks Bishop Christopher commented:

“I hugely enjoyed the prayer walks around the diocese, as did Hilary, my wife, who was able to join me for most of them. I am deeply grateful to all those who made arrangements, prayed with me, walked with me and fed me!

“We are all pilgrims together and walking along the Wey is a very profound metaphor for the Christian life. I saw parts of the diocese that I have never had the opportunity to see before – ranging from stunning views over the Surrey Hills and pretty villages to electricity stations where the Wey Navigation joins the Basingstoke Canal, a pathway under the M25 and the main railway line to Waterloo. All views appreciated!

“Perhaps that also says something about the Christian pilgrimage and the nature of the Church. I am delighted to see a selection of the varied photographs taken by many of you as I traversed the diocese.”

+ Bishop Christopher

Making Tracks: Bishop Christopher steps out on farewell pilgrimage


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Page 10: The wey december 2013 proof7 (2)

Page 10 The Wey December 2013/January 2014

Growing in the Wey

Members of Farnborough’s Church of the Good Shepherd in Sandhills shared lunch to celebrate 20 years of their comprehensive Community Project this autumn.

Close to two large North Farnborough estates, the Good Shepherd was originally a ‘plant’ of St Peter’s but 40 and more years on, it flourishes in a very different setting from its mother church.

When in 1993, curate-in-charge the Revd Steve Paynter appointed Sue Riddlestone, a social worker, to become part-time community worker for the church, he could have had no idea that 20 years on the vision would still be very much alive and Sue would also still be in post. Steve moved on in 1998 but he and his wife Jennie returned to Farnborough to share the celebration.

“This is not my project,” said Sue in morning service interviews with Good Shepherd vicar, the Revd Rachel Bennetts, “It’s ours! Most of us in the Church have been involved in some way or another in the different activities of the Community Project. We’re celebrating this together.”

Sue had no idea that there would be a presentation to her as well as to others working with her: “What she was keen to do today,” said one church member, “was to make sure first of all that God who provided the vision was honoured and that everyone was thanked for the parts they play in making everything happen, big or small.”

The Community Project exists to create bridges between the community and the church and has always worked to counteract social isolation and

provide practical support as well as education for those in need, all of it done in the context of members’ experience of the love of Christ.

Indeed, down the years the work has grown impressively. The Good Shepherd Community Project is best known locally for its ‘Rainbow’ parent and toddler group, its incredibly useful ‘Olive Branch’ weekday children’s clothing exchange with its social side for parents, and ‘the Larder’ providing essentials for people suddenly without the necessities of life.

Older people crowd into the popular senior citizens’ lunches.

Two decades have seen the Project very busy and the church doors wide open. It has operated a furniture store for people suddenly in need of basic home comforts; a toddler group for children with special needs and even support for parents of teenagers. There have been courses, alongside Hampshire Adult Learning, covering a

wealth of topics as diverse as brick laying, arts and crafts, maths and English. Courses in parenting have been on offer with counselling, advice and help always available from the Church. Significant locally are the annual Carol Service and Pancake Party and a host of ‘one off’ activities in the community.

2011 saw a new need and a former missionary couple from Ashtead in Surrey deliberately moved to the Good Shepherd to work there, enabling language classes and other contacts with the church’s Nepalese neighbours to flourish.

Financial support has come from the church membership with injections of help down the years from the Church of England’s Church Urban Fund, from other parish churches, notably the Good Shepherd in Pyrford, and from Ashtead, as well as from local government sources

Said the Revd Rachel Bennetts: “The Church of the Good Shepherd’s Community Project has grown enormously in 20 years. It shows that church is not just for Sundays; our modern buildings are open and buzzing throughout the week, providing for members of the community who often have very urgent needs. We come together on Sundays to restore our energy and vision so that this highly effective work can continue.”

Grayswood launches £100K roof appealAll Saints’, Grayswood has launched an appeal for urgent and major roof repairs, which are expected to cost more than £100,000.

“We discovered recently that many of our roof battens, to which the tiles are fixed, are beginning to rot,” said Jackie Holmes, churchwarden. “This means that tiles are beginning to slip and let in even more water. So the situation has become very urgent, we need to raise the money and complete the work by the end of 2014 to prevent winter rain and snow causing irreparable damage to the barrel-vaulted timber ceiling.”

The appeal got off to a good start with a gift day on the church’s

patronal festival on November 3 which raised nearly £20,000. Other fundraising events are planned, including a quiz night on January 11 and a good-as-new clothing sale to be held jointly with Grayswood School on February 8. Commented Jackie: “The initial donations, large and small, demonstrate how much the congregation and community alike care about this lovely church. We still have a mountain to climb to reach £100,000, but we have made an encouraging start.”

For more information or to contribute to the appeal contact David Hutton on 01428 644178 or [email protected]. All Saints Grayswood

Founding father…The Revd Steve Paynter (with Sue Riddlestone) was back in Farnborough for the 20th anniversary of the Church of the Good Shepherd Community project.

Members of the Nepalese-English language class team gathered on the 20th anniversary of Farnborough’s Church of the Good Shepherd Community project.

Good Shepherd’s innovative community project celebrates 20 sucessful years

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December 2013/January 2014 Page 11

Focus on Cathedrals

With 61 Anglican and Catholic cathedrals in England, an Esher church musician has now visited them all - and picked up the autograph to prove it.

Stuart Whatton, director of music for the parish of Esher has returned to his organ loft having completed a non-stop pilgrimage around the 61 cathedrals of England, attending a service at all 42 Anglican ones and praying and lighting a candle at all 19 Catholic ones - in the space of just 22 days. Grateful for ten happy years being educated in the shadow of Canterbury Cathedral, Stuart raised money en route for the Save Canterbury Cathedral Appeal.

“The idea of the pilgrimage was to do something special to mark my 50th birthday”, said Stuart. “In a modern twist on Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, I decided to begin at Southwark and end at Canterbury, but travelling by car rather than on horseback, and instead of journeying directly from Southwark to Canterbury, I went the ‘scenic’ route via all the other cathedrals in England. It was fascinating to compare and contrast the cathedrals in swift succession - not only the buildings but also their settings and the cities they serve. I’d have loved to have done the whole thing by bicycle, but it would have taken far too long.

“I got off to a flying start on day one, managing to fit in five cathedrals - the four central London ones plus Guildford.”

A friend helped him prepare a pilgrimage book with photos of each

cathedral, which he took round in the manner of the Camino de Santiago ‘pilgrim passport’, getting it signed at each place. He amassed a good collection of cathedral deans’ and precentors’ signatures, though sometimes he had to settle for lesser mortals!

As well as incurring parking tickets in Birmingham and Derby and getting a flat tyre in Liverpool, his

experiences ranged from a Mothers’ Union coffee morning at Coventry Cathedral

to a fire drill in between the main Sunday services at St Albans,

and lunchtime communion in Manchester’s temporary ‘pop-up’ cathedral. He encountered cathedral cats at both Southwark and Wells, climbed the central towers at Gloucester and York, and had an amusing experience in Guildford when a hard-of-hearing taxi

driver thought he wanted to go to the casino rather than the


Stuart kept a marking sheet as he went round, and awarded ‘prizes’ for various

aspects, including best precincts (Salisbury), best cloisters (Chester), best crypt (Canterbury),

best exterior (St Paul’s), best interior (Exeter), most spiritual atmosphere (Liverpool Metropolitan) and warmest welcome (Shrewsbury). His ‘best overall experience’ prize went jointly to Hereford and York Minster.

Commented Stefan Collier, rector of Christ Church, Esher: “Stuart

certainly knows how to celebrate his birthday in style. For some, it’s a bottle of wine and meal with friends. For Stuart, it’s a 22-day pilgrimage around all the cathedrals in England. A pilgrimage which has wonderfully celebrated Stuart’s life, brought glory to God, and raised a considerable sum of money for the Canterbury Cathedral Trust. We are blessed to have Stuart as our Director of Music, and can’t wait to hear how he is going to celebrate his next big birthday!”

Stuart’s sponsorship page is still open and can be found at

In the spirit of Chaucer, he has promised to offer a free drink at The George Inn in Borough High Street to anyone who sponsors him - and that offer is still open!

Stuart in his organ loft in Esher after his cathedral pilgrimage

A pilgrim’s progress penned

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Page 12 The Wey December 2013/January 2014

Advertising feature

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December 2013/January 2014 Page 13

Advertising feature

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Now stocking naitivity Advent Calendars, Candles & Christmas Cards (inc Christian Charity Cards),

Advent Books, Children’s Christmas Books, Diaries, Calendars & many other Christmas Items.


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Page 14 The Wey December 2013/January 2014


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THE WEY is com-piled at DiocesanHouse by editorsEmma Nutbrown andDavid Green. If youhave items for inclu-sion, or ideas for stories, please send them to:Diocesan House, Quarry Street Guildford GU1 3XG. Tel: 01483 790347 Fax: 01483 790311E-mail: [email protected]

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For advertising information in THE WEYplease contact at Cornerstone Vision:28 Old Park Rd, Peverell, Plymouth,PL3 4PY DevonTel: 01752 225623 Fax: 01752 673441Email:

Parish Collection date

for Feb issue: from

January 21

Editorial deadline for the Feb edition: January 6

Glenda Charitos

[email protected]

Confirmation book still big seller after 23 yearsBeing Confirmed, a book on confirmation written 23 years ago by one of our clergy is proving its longevity - having been updated, it is still in print and selling well.

Rector of Wisley with Pyrford in Woking, Canon Nick Aiken, wrote Being Confirmed in 1990, and it is still helping young people understand more about the meaning of confirmation.

Nick said: “I am delighted to say that the book has sold nearly 16,000 copies and continues to be a valuable gift and guide to confirmation.

“I did not imagine it would be in print after all these years, but I am glad that people still find it useful. It is used both as a course book and as a personal gift from individuals and parishes to those who have been confirmed.

“I was very honoured when former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams kindly wrote the foreword for the book, saying that it provides a clear guide for your own journey as disciples, and a set of starting points for talking about what you believe with others.”

Being Confirmed (ISBN:0-281-05631-5) is published by SPCK price £6.99. It is available from any bookshop, or can be found on SPCK’s website and on Amazon. Nick with a copy of his book

Centred on Christ - a Bishop’s guide to Lent studyCentred on Christ is a new study guide for Lent by Rt Revd Michael Baughen, former rector of All Souls’, Langham Place and Bishop of Chester, now retired and an assistant Bishop living in the Diocese of Guildford.

Designed for small groups, this study guide uses examples from Paul’s letter to the Philippians as its model, encouraging and challenging us to centre our lives fully on Christ.

l The six sessions contain suggestions for meditation, prayer, worship, discussion, reflection and practical response, making it ideal for group use. The sessions cover:

l Servanthood: Exploring a radical view of status

l Affection: Rooting our lives in Christ’s love as we pray and care for others

l Life: Attracting others to God by our loving attitude and bold witness

lMindset: Learning from Christ’s model of humility

l Knowledge: Meeting Jesus, getting to know Him and staying on track

l Joy: Resting and rejoicing in the peace of a Christ-centred life.

Centred on Christ by Michael Baughen (ISBN: 978-1-78259-017-0) is published by CWR of Farnham, price £4.99 (Reductions available for quantities of 10 or more).

Dear Editors, Thank you for your article Church dialogue

speaks volumes (November issue page 2) on the visit of the Anglican and Oriental Orthodox Churches Commission. Your readers may like to know who the Oriental Orthodox Churches are. They split from the main Orthodox Church in the 5th and 6th centuries over the Monophysite heresy. Apart from the Copts and the Syrian Orthodox Churches which you mentioned, included on the Commission are the Armenian, Ethiopian and Malankara (i.e. Indian) Syrian Orthodox Churches.

His Eminence Metropolitan Cyril Aphrem Karim of the Patriarchate of Antioch – where we were first called Christians – although co-Chairman of the Commission with the outgoing Bishop of Gibraltar, was unable to be present because he had not been granted a visa!

The Anglican members of the Commission included the Very Rev Dr Samy Shehata from the Anglican Church in Egypt, now in Alexandria (where Mark is understood to have been the first bishop). When I asked him if he happened to know the priest from All Saints’ Cathedral in Cairo to whom until his untimely death I used to give a little help in his prison ministry, and in whose flat I was given hospitality, he replied: ‘He was my brother-in-law’. A small world, as they say.

We used to visit prisoners in the Kanater prison and some of those came from Nigeria and have now returned there, so your article Kidnap and Friendship about the ‘Nigerian visitor’ also rang a bell; as did your 2020 Vision article about Guildford Cathedral – I am one of those who ‘bought a brick’ when it was being built.

David Pitts, East Molesey

Charity concert for hospice asks Aspel Michael Aspel OBE will host a Candlelight Christmas concert in aid of Princess Alice Hospice at Holy Trinity Church, Claygate on December 7.

The concert will feature London based choir Pegasus, for their ninth year in the annual concert, accompanied by Tom Ellis on guitar who is returning by popular demand. Wine and mince pies will be provided.

Natallie Walters, community and events manager for the hospice, said: “We are delighted that Michael Aspel is continuing his long standing support of Princess Alice Hospice and is once again hosting this hugely popular event.”

Candlelight Christmas Concert; Holy Trinity Church, Church Lane, Claygate, Esher KT10 0JP; December 7, 7.30pm; Reserved seating £20, un-reserved seating £20; to book, call 01372 461869 or email [email protected].

Really tasty Christmas treats – The latest news is that The Real Advent Calendar is outselling the versions from Maltesers, Cadburys and Lindt. It’s the only Advent Calendar that also contains the real message

of Christmas. But has your church ordered any online

or have you visited your local Tesco stockist yet? Don’t miss out, visit before the chance melts away.

The Real Advent Calendar outselling



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December 2013/January 2014 Page 15

NOVEMBERSTAR BAZAAR 30 November, 10am – 3pm, All Saints Church, 564 Woodham Lane, Woking GU21 5SH Homemade cakes & sweets, refreshments, arts & crafts, toys, jewellery and lots more. Santa’s Grotto and kids’ workshop. Free entry and parking. Further info:

CONCERT 30 November, 7.30pm St Mary’s Church, Thorpe, Surrey TW20 8TQ Hythe Singers Concert. Tickets available on the door or from Susi Thornton 01784 433480 or email: [email protected]

CONCERT 30 November, 7.30pm, St Christopher’s Church, Haslemere, GU27 1DD. Christmas Music sung by The Haslemere Singers, conducted by Clive Osgood. Tickets £8 in advance (01428 644578) or £10 at the door

DECEMBERADVENT QUIET DAY 2 December, 10am – 4pm, St Columba’s House, Maybury Hill, Woking GU22 8AB Led by Revd Haydon Wilcox Cost: £20 to include lunch. Tel 01483 766498 or email [email protected]

MUSIC ON MONDAY 2 December, 12.40pm, Christ Church, Town Square, Woking, GU21 6YG Recital: River City Saxes, saxophone quartet Suggested donation: £3

QUIET DAY 5 December, 10am - 4pm Acorn Christian Healing Foundation, Bordon Led by Revd Elizabeth Knifton, theme ‘Meekness and majesty’. Cost £30 inc refreshments & lunch. To book contact 01420 478121 or email [email protected]

FESTIVE LUNCH 1 9 December, 10am – 4pm, St Columba’s House, Maybury Hill, Woking GU22 8AB 10am: Card-making, 1pm: Festive three-course lunch, 3pm: Cloth for the Cradle Service Led by Revd Gilliane Holland Cost: £26 for lunch and activities, (£16 for lunch alone). Tel 01483 766498 or email [email protected]

MUSIC ON MONDAY 9 December, 12.40pm, Christ Church, Town Square, Woking, GU21 6YG Recital: Plaegan Piano Trio Suggested donation: £3

FESTIVE LUNCH 2 11 December, 10am – 4pm, St Columba’s House, Maybury Hill, Woking GU22 8AB 10am: Table decorations, 1pm: Festive three-course lunch, 3pm: Heart Music Carols led by Revd Gilliane Holland Cost: £26 for lunch and activities, (£16 for lunch alone). Tel 01483 766498 or email [email protected]

ORGAN RECITAL 11 December, 1.10pm, St Mary’s Church, Quarry Street, Guildford Alex Berry, Ely Cathedral Admission free – donations invited

CRIB FESTIVAL 13 December, 10am-8pm and 14 December, 10am-4pm, Christ Church, Shamley Green, GU5 OUD Traditional European Crib Festival - display of nativity scenes from around the world, in different mediums, from different periods created by local groups, schools and individuals. Tea and coffee available throughout the day, wine on Friday evening. In aid of SANDS - Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society

CHRISTMAS MARKET 14 December, Noon – 4.30pm, Thorpe Village Hall, Coldharbour Lane, Thorpe, Surrey, TW20 8TE In continental style, this event brings together everything you need for Christmas – don’t miss it! Further info Susan Lockwood: 01932 560237 or [email protected]

CONCERT 14 December, 6pm, St Michael’s Church, Church Lane East, Aldershot A Christmas concert with the Farnborough Concert Band of the Royal British Legion and the choir of St Michael’s Junior School. Free entry, donations for Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice. Contact Alison Blenkinsop, 01252 337189, [email protected]

MUSIC ON MONDAY 16 December, 12.40pm, Christ Church, Town Square, Woking, GU21 6YG Recital: Katapina Davies, cello and Daniel Swain, piano Suggested donation: £3

FESTIVE LUNCH 3 16 December, 12.45 for 1pm, St Columba’s House, Maybury Hill, Woking GU22 8AB Festive three-course lunch Cost: £16 for lunch. Tel 01483 766498 or email [email protected]

CHRISTMAS CONCERT 18 December, 7.30pm, St Mary’s Church, Thorpe, Surrey, TW20 8TQ Egham band will play a selection of traditional Christmas music. Tickets £5 each from 01784 432992

COMEDY & CAROLS 18 December, 7.45pm, Emmanuel Church, Shepherds Place, Stoughton, Guildford GU2 9SJ An evening of fun and Christmas-themed music, led by Guildford comedian Paul Kerensa (script writer for Miranda) in aid of Christians Against Poverty. Tickets £8 including refreshments from 01483 561603

CAROL CONCERT 22 December, 2.30pm, St Martha-on-the-Hill, Halfpenny Lane, Chilworth, GU4 8PY Christmas Carol Concert in a beautiful setting on St Martha’s Hill, near Guildford

JANUARY 2014QUIET DAY FOR EPIPHANY 6 January, 10am – 4pm, St Columba’s House, Maybury Hill, Woking GU22 8AB Led by Revd Alan Elkins Cost: £25 to include lunch. Tel 01483 766498 or email [email protected]

THEOLOGICAL BOOK CLUB 9 January, 7.45pm – 9.45pm, St Columba’s House, Maybury Hill, Woking GU22 8AB This month’s book is Faith in the Fool by Angela Ashwin and is available on St Columba’s book stall for £10. The book group meets twice a term and is open to newcomers. We enjoy honest, open discussion on books from a wide range of Christian authors. Led by Revd Gillaine Holland & Becca Rowland Donations welcome. Tel 01483 766498 or email [email protected]

DAY OF PRAYER 16 January, 9am – 4pm, St Columba’s House, Maybury Hill, Woking GU22 8AB A day of prayer for action on poverty and homelessness. Led by Revd Gillaine Holland. Starting with Morning Prayer at 9am, Holy Communion at noon and evening prayer at 4.30pm. Led by Revd Gillaine Holland Donations welcome. Tel 01483 766498 or email [email protected]

INTRODUCING THE ENNEAGRAM 18 January, 9 for 9.30am – 4pm, St Columba’s House, Maybury Hill, Woking GU22 8AB For those who have a basic understanding of their Enneagram Personality Type and the dynamics of the Enneagram system, this is an opportunity to delve deeper and explore the sub-types. Led by Rod Boreham, Guildford town centre chaplain. Cost: £38 to include lunch. Tel 01483 766498 or email [email protected]

TALK 22 January, 1.30 – 3pm, Godalming Baptist Church, Queen Street, Godalming, GU7 1BA ‘An Update to Welfare Reforms and the Benefits System’, led by Nick Hetherington from the Citizens Advice Bureau. To book a place please contact Sally Pollard 01483 428646 or [email protected] or Edline Chiota 01483 422105 (Mon and Fri mornings only) or [email protected] by 17 January. No charge but donations to CAB welcome

DEEPER HEALING DAY 23 January, 10am - 4pm Acorn Christian Healing Foundation, Bordon A time to stop, turn aside and find the loving touch of God. Led by members of the Acorn team Cost £30 inc refreshments & lunch. To book contact 01420 478121 or email [email protected]

RETREAT 31 January, 5pm – 2 February, 4pm, St Columba’s House, Maybury Hill, Woking GU22 8AB Tired, worn out? Burned out on religion? This short, individually-guided retreat is ideal for those not familiar with retreats and for more experienced retreatants. Led by Teresa Brooks, Linda Scrivener and Pam Thoroghgood Cost: £190 full board and en suite. Tel 01483 766498 or email [email protected]

FEBRUARYFEAR NOT 1 February, 10am - 4pm Acorn Christian Healing Foundation, Bordon Fear Not – overcoming fear and learning to rest in Christ. Led by Revd Elizabeth Knifton Cost £40 inc refreshments & lunch (£30 if booked before 13 January). To book contact 01420 478121 or email [email protected]

QUIET DAY 3 February, 10am-4pm, St Columba’s House, Maybury Hill, Woking GU22 8AB Led by Revd Andrew Cowie (St Paul’s Woking) Cost: £25 to include lunch. Tel 01483 766498 or email [email protected]

IGNATIAN RETREAT 7-9 February, Acorn Christian Healing Foundation, Bordon A silent retreat led by members of the Ignatian team offering a time to step aside from our everyday routines to be still in God’s presence. Start late Friday afternoon, finish mid-afternoon Sunday Cost £180. To book contact 01420 478121 or email [email protected]


GUILDFORD CATHEDRALFor services, concerts and events at the Cathedral please see the cathedral website or contact the events assistant at 01483 547860 or email [email protected].


St Mary’s Convent offers a variety of facilities and fl exible accommodation for Group Quiet Days and Group Retreats. Also, Conference facilities and private stays.Theological Library may be available on request.

For further details please contact:St Mary’s Convent, Wantage, Oxfordshire, OX12 9DJTel: 01235 763141Email: [email protected]

2014 key dates – The WeyFebruary issue Copy deadline: January 6 At collection points from January 21

March/April issue Copy deadline: February 10 At collection points from February 25

May issue Copy deadline: April 1 At collection points from April 15

June/July issue Copy deadline: May 6 At collection points from May 20

August issue Copy deadline: June 30 At collection points from July 15

September/October issue Copy deadline: August 4 At collection points from August 19

November issue Copy deadline: October 6 At collection points from October 21

December/January issue Copy deadline: November 10 At collection points from November 25

Why not cut me out and put me on the fridge!


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Page 16 The Wey December 2013/January 2014

Fellow Travellers

Val was a Samaritan, a Citizens’ Advice Bureau volunteer for many years, an active member of the National Women’s Register, who organised the annual fundraising ‘Shepherd’s Market’ at her church, had been a member of the PCC, was an active supporter of the parish’s Hope for Uganda project and among many other things also volunteered for the Communities E n g a g e m e n t Team at Diocesan House.

Pyrford rector the Revd Nicholas Aiken said: “Val was the epitome of the saying; ‘if you need something done, ask a busy person.’

“She seemed to be able to fit more into every day than the rest of us can even dream of. She was very strongly motivated by a desire to care for others in times of

need and she was a prime mover in setting up a Food Bank in Woking.

“She was so full of energy and enthusiasm that she had little

difficulty in engaging others to support her activities in

some way – whether it was the members of

her family, those in her Home Group or anyone else who inadvertently caught her eye.

“She loved cooking and entertaining and had a ready wit

and an impish sense of humour.

“Those who saw Val towards the end

saw her love and care for others still shining through,

despite her pain, weakness and general discomfort. She was a lovely

Christian lady who will be very greatly missed by her family and all who knew her.”

Revd Sue Curtis, an ordained local minister at Christ Church, Epsom Common said: “I knew Mark for over thirty years as neighbour, friend and parish priest. He was not only teacher, school chaplain, parish priest, rural dean and archdeacon; he was also a gardener and psychotherapist. He was accomplished on the sports field and as a musician.

“Mark never lost sight of his calling to the ‘cure of souls’ and pastoring individuals, and many people owe their Christian commitment to his guidance and personal care. Mark and Mavis together taught us all what hospitality and open house meant – literally, their home was open to all.

“Mark could hold in creative tension the catholic, charismatic, evangelical and social aspects of the gospel; fostering inclusivity, breadth and depth.

“Our lives are deeper because we knew him. His legacy lives in his remarkably accomplished and loveable children, his grandchildren, in the ministries he influenced, and the lives that brushed against this man of grace, wisdom and compassion.”

Kristina Ingate, a former Guildford diocesan secretary said: “I remember Mark as an enabler of other people’s ministry, always wanting to move things forward, concerned to explore new possibilities for the sake of God’s mission, but also understanding of different viewpoints and respectful of places steeped in history and years of worship. He was warm yet decisive.

“His mischievous sense of humour was appreciated by colleagues (most of the time) and an antidote to some of the more tedious aspects of diocesan life. Many will remember how concerned he was for them pastorally in difficult times, both inside and outside work.

“Despite being so ill, Mark made a huge effort to attend the last Diocesan synod which discussed women bishops. He’d like to have seen it happen I think.”

The Very Revd Alex Wedderspoon, a former

Dean of Guildford, commented: “Mark discovered one day that he was a member of no less than 37 committees. It says much for Mark’s dedication to his ministry that he consented to give up his first love - the pastoral care of his large congregation - to involve himself in the demanding task of keeping the ecclesiastical show on the road as Archdeacon.

“This he did with patience, wisdom and pastoral understanding. He endured a long illness with faith and fortitude; we can only give thanks that he is now released from so sad and so prolonged a diminishment. Our prayers are with Mavis at this difficult time.”

The Bishop of Dorking, the Rt Revd Ian Brackley added: “His survival and his attitude to his own illness over these last few years revealed that this was a man of deep faith and spiritual resonance. He has been an example to us all. May he now be fully aware of that wholeness which faith in the Lord Jesus brings.”

Tributes to Mark WilsonTributes to the Ven Mark Wilson, former Archdeacon of Dorking, who died in October, have been flowing into Diocesan House.

New Year, new start for Acorn Christian Healing FoundationAcorn Christian Healing Foundation in Bordon has announced the appointment of a new director from January.

The charity, which aims to ‘bring the love of Jesus Christ to a broken world through listening, healing and reconciliation’, chose Wes Sutton to be the successor of Russ Parker as the director of Acorn

Wes, who spent 19 years as a Church Pastor before working with the Oasis Trust and latterly as a consultant in church leadership and management, said: “It is such a privilege to be up taking up the role which Russ has so successfully held for the past 18 years.

“It is my joy to be able to take on what he has invested so much of his life in, and journey with the team into the next phase of Acorn’s ministry.

“Jesus Himself is the great listener, reconciler and healer, and today through the church His ministry continues as we share God’s passion for making people whole.”

From January Russ will act as Acorn’s International Ambassador, establishing teams to deliver Acorn’s new ‘Healing Wounded Churches’ programme.

Wes Sutton looks to build on the strong legacy left behind at Acorn

Loving, busy Val rememberedThe Church of the Good Shepherd, Pyrford, and the diocese as a whole, lost a great friend in October with the death of Val Mussett aged 73.


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