The West Bengal Zilla Parishads Act, 1963 Keyword(s ... ZILA PARISHAD ACT 1963 p.pdf · The West...

DISCLAIMER: This document is being furnished to you for your information by PRS Legislative Research (PRS). The contents of this document have been obtained from sources PRS believes to be reliable. These contents have not been independently verified, and PRS makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In some cases the Principal Act and/or Amendment Act may not be available. Principal Acts may or may not include subsequent amendments. For authoritative text, please contact the relevant state department concerned or refer to the latest government publication or the gazette notification. Any person using this material should take their own professional and legal advice before acting on any information contained in this document. PRS or any persons connected with it do not accept any liability arising from the use of this document. PRS or any persons connected with it shall not be in any way responsible for any loss, damage, or distress to any person on account of any action taken or not taken on the basis of this document. The West Bengal Zilla Parishads Act, 1963 Act 35 of 1963 Keyword(s): Adhyaksha, Anchal, Anchal Panchayat, Anchalik Parishad, Associate Member, Backward Community, Block Development Officer, Commissioner, District Board, District Panchayat Officer, Gram Panchayat, Pradhan, Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Union Board, Zilla Parishad

Transcript of The West Bengal Zilla Parishads Act, 1963 Keyword(s ... ZILA PARISHAD ACT 1963 p.pdf · The West...

Page 1: The West Bengal Zilla Parishads Act, 1963 Keyword(s ... ZILA PARISHAD ACT 1963 p.pdf · The West Ber~gal Zilla Parishads Acr, 1963. [West Ben. Act Secrion. . . .. 67. Power of Ancltaiik

DISCLAIMER: This document is being furnished to you for your information by PRS Legislative Research (PRS). The contents of this document have been obtained from sources PRS believes to be reliable. These contents have not been independently verified, and PRS makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In some cases the Principal Act and/or Amendment Act may not be available. Principal Acts may or may not include subsequent amendments. For authoritative text, please contact the relevant state department concerned or refer to the latest government publication or the gazette notification. Any person using this material should take their own professional and legal advice before acting on any information contained in this document. PRS or any persons connected with it do not accept any liability arising from the use of this document. PRS or any persons connected with it shall not be in any way responsible for any loss, damage, or distress to any person on account of any action taken or not taken on the basis of this document.

The West Bengal Zilla Parishads Act, 1963

Act 35 of 1963

Keyword(s): Adhyaksha, Anchal, Anchal Panchayat, Anchalik Parishad, Associate Member, Backward Community, Block Development Officer, Commissioner, District Board, District Panchayat Officer, Gram Panchayat, Pradhan, Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Union Board, Zilla Parishad

Page 2: The West Bengal Zilla Parishads Act, 1963 Keyword(s ... ZILA PARISHAD ACT 1963 p.pdf · The West Ber~gal Zilla Parishads Acr, 1963. [West Ben. Act Secrion. . . .. 67. Power of Ancltaiik

West Bengal Act XXXV of 1963







I . Shorr rille, exlcnt and commencement. 2. Dcfini~ions.


Zilla Parishad,

Establishments and Constitution of Z i l h Parislrad.

3. Esrablishmcnl of Zilla Parislrad. 4. Composition of Zillu Parisllud 5. Prohibilion of simulbneous mcrnbcrship. 6. Tenure of officc. 7. Chinnan and Vice-chairman.

7A. Honoraria, allowances, leave, etc., of Chairman and Vicc-Chairman. 8. Powers, functions and dutics of Chairman and Vice-Chairman. 9. Removal of the Chairman and Ihe Vice-Chairman.

10. Filling or vacancies caused by action taken undcr section 9. 1 1. Disqualifica~ions of ~nembers of ZiIia Parishad. 12. Rcmoval of a member of the Zilla parishad. 1 3. Resignation OF Chairman, Vice-Chairman or a member.

CHAPTER m. T m a e l i o n of Business.

14. Oath or affirmation by members. 15. Mee~ings. 1 6. (0111irrrd.


Powers, Functions and Duties of Zilla Porislrad.

17. Power to acquire. hold and dispose of property. .

18. Power of Zilla Parishad 19. Zilla Parisllad to havc powers of Magismale in disuicl lo which thc Vaccinalion Act extends. 20. Sratc Government may place olher property under Zilla Parirlrud. 21. Zilla Parisliod may takc ovcr works.

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The Wesr Berlgal Zilla Parisltads Acr, 1963.

Section. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22. Power of Zilla Pnrisl~ad 10 divert, discontinue or close road. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. .

23. Powcr of Zillu Purislrrrd lo vansfer roads to thc State Government or Ancllnlik Parisl~nrl.

24. Vesting of Zilln Parishad with cerlain powers.

25. Joint execu~ion of sclienles by two or morc Zilln Parishads.

26. Powcr of Zillo Pnrisl~ad to grant licence for fair or rlrela. , .

27. Power of supervision by Zilla Porislrad over h e Anclrulik Purislrarls, ctc.

27A. Exemption of Chairman and mcmbers of Zilla Paristiad from mending regislralion office. , , .


Esia blishment of the Zifia Parislrad.

28. Sta l l of the Zilla Parislrad

29. Placing thc services of State Governmenl Officers at [he disposal of Zilla Parishad.

30. Cunrrol a~id punishment of the staff of the Zilla Pnrisltorl.

3 I. Appeal.

32. Exercise of powers, elc., by [he officers and cmployccs.


Standing Committees of Ihc Zilla Parishad.

33. Sranding Cornmirlecs.

34. Cons~itulion of Sranding Committees.

35. Term of officc OF members of Standing Cornmillccs.

36. Term of ofice of Chairman.

37. Powcrs of S~anding Commirlees.

38. Dislricl School Board to runclion as Primary Education Commil~ee.


Property, Financc and Taxation.

39. Works consuucrcd by Zillu Parisl~uil LO vcsl i n it.

40. Zillu Porishnd Fund.

4 1 - Proceeds of road cess ro bc credited m the Zi//n Pnrirlrnd Fund

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The JVesr Ber~grrl Zilla Parishads Acr, 1963.

XXXV or 1963.1


42. Levy of tolls, fecs and [arcs.

43. Scalrs of tolls, c ~ c . , lo bc provided by bye-laws. 44. Expcnditurr from ~ h c Zillcl Parislrad Fund. ..

45. Zilla Purisi~uA may nisc loans and crcale a sinking fund. 46. Budgcl. 47. Supplemenrary budgel. 48. Accounrs. 49. Audit.


A nchalik Parisl1ad


Constitution of he Ancltalik Pa&I~ad

50. Constilulion of blocks. 5 1. Eslablishment of Aeclralik Parisl~ad. 52. Composition oTA~rcl~alik Purisllad. 53. Prohibition of simullaneous membership. 53. Tenure of olficc. 55. Prcsidcnt and Vice-President.

55A. Honoraria, allowances, leave, etc., of b e President and Vicc-Presidcnl. 56. Powers, lunclions and dulies of President and Vice-P~sident. 57. Removal of the President and the Vlce-Presidcnl. 5s. Filling of vacancies causcd by acdon taken under secrion 57. 59. Disqualifications of members of A~rckaiik Parislrod. 60. Removal of a member of the Anchalik Parishod. 61. Resignalion of President, Vice-President or a member.


Transaction of Business.

62. Mcclings. 63. (Otrrit~ed.)

C W R X.

Powers, Duties and Functions of Attciralik Pariskad.

64. Powcr LO acquire, hold and disposc of property. 65. Powcr o f Ancl~rlik P~risltorl.

Page 5: The West Bengal Zilla Parishads Act, 1963 Keyword(s ... ZILA PARISHAD ACT 1963 p.pdf · The West Ber~gal Zilla Parishads Acr, 1963. [West Ben. Act Secrion. . . .. 67. Power of Ancltaiik

The West Ber~gal Zilla Parishads Acr, 1963.

[West Ben. Act

Secrion. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . - . - - . - . ,. , - . , . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

.. . . . 67. Power of Ancltaiik Parislrad lo mnsrcr roads or propenics to rhe State Government or ' - - - - . - - - - . . . , . . . .

the Zilla Parislrad 68 . A~lcholik Parisllad may take over works. 69. Powcr of A~lclralik Parislid lo divert, discountinue or close road. 70. Vesling of Anclralik Porisliad wih certain powers.

, - -

71. Power of supervision by Allchalik Parislrad over lhe A~rclrai Patrcl~ayats, etc. . . .

, - 72. Powcr to prohibit ccnain offensive and dangerous uadcs wilhoul licence and to levy fee. - .-

. , ,, . . ,

73. Power of Atrclrolik Porislrad lo granr licence for kor or market. .. . , , , . . . .., . . . . . , ,

. - . . . . .

. . . .


Establishment of the Ancltalik Parishad.

74. StaFf of the Atrclralik Parisllad. 75. Placing thc scrviccs of Statc Government officers at the disposal of At~cl~aIik Parishad. 76. Control and punishment of the staff of h e A~rcllolik Parisltnd. 77. Appeal. 78. Exercise of powers, etc., by [he oficers and employees.


Standing Committees of the AncbaIik Parisi~ad.

79. Slanding Comrniltecs of the Allclralik Parishad.

80. Constitution of Sranding Cornmiltccs. 81. Term of office of members of Slanding Cornrnillecs. 82. Tcrm of ofiicc or Chairman. 83. Powers of Sranding Comrnittces.


Propedy, Finance and Taxation.

84. Works consu-uctcd by Anchalik Parislrad lo vest in i t . 85. Atlcllalik Purislrad Fund. 86. Levy of lolls, rates and fees. 87. Scales of lolls, etc., lo be provided by bye-Iaws.

88. Expenditure from the Alfchalik Parisllad Fund. 89. At~clrolik Parisirad may raisc loans. 90. Budgel. 9 1. Supplementary budgel.

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Tlre West Ber~gal Ella Parishads Act, 1963.





93. Validation.

94. Backward communily. 95. blembers. officers and employees to be public servanb. 96. Indemni~y.

97. No suit to be brought against members of the Zilla Parishad or Ancfialik Parishad or rhcir officcrs unul afier nolice.

98. Power to make compensalion out of Zilla Parishad or A~lchalik Parisl~ad Fund.

99. RcTtrcncc of dispules ro Anclralik Parishad. 100. Rcfcrcnce of dispulcs lo Zilla Parishad.

10 1 . Reference of dispu~cs to Slate Government. 102. Dispures as 10 election. 103. Power of Statc Govcrnmen~ officers to attend rneelings. 104. Inspection by [he Commissioner.

105. DcIcgation.

106. Transfer of insrimlion and works.

107. Power of S~atc Govcrnmenl Lo rescind resolu!ions of n Zilla Parishad or an A~rchalik Porislwd or any Sranding Cornmillee.

108. Powcr of S~ale Govcrnmcnt lo supersede Z i l b Parishad or Anclfalik Parishad.

' 109. Consequences of supersession. 109A. Appoin tmen~ of an Administralor whcre Zilla Parisl~ad or Aaclialik Parislrad unable to

iunaion Tor defecl of constilution, etc.

110. Period of limitation for s u i ~ by Zilla Parishad or Anctralik Parishad.

1 I 1. Repeal and vesting.

'1 12. Rules.

1 13. Regulations and bye-laws.

1 14. Proseculion. t 15. Recovcry of m c m .

1 16. Dircclions by Srare Govcmmcnt.

1 17. Provision for rcmoving difficulty.

1 18. Amendmcnr of !he Ccss Acr, I880 and the Bengal (Rural) Prjrnaq Educaliotl Act, 1930.

FIRST SCHEDULE. - ,.-IT----. -

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West Bengal Act XXXV of 1963l


.. WestBen.AcrXXVIIof1365.

. . W e s ~ Ben. Acl XI1 OF 1967.

. . West Ben. Acl XIII of 1969. Order No. 1504-L, da~ed ~ h c 31s~ July, 1970. I

An Act to provide for fire re-modellit~g of Local Govertvnnrr ivirlr n view ro nssociafitrg 111e loco1 otithoriries 1vi1l1 developmetri acriviries atld brit~gitig about derr~ocrofic dccet~ t ra l i s~~ io r~ widpeople 'spurticipafio)i. i n ' p l a a i i ) ~ ~ atid dcvelop~aent.

WHERFAS i t is expcdjenl ro provide for the rc-modelling of Local Government with a view to associaling rhe local authorities w i ~ h development acr iviues and bringing about dcmocradc dccenualisarion and people's parlicipalion in planning and developmenl;

11 is hereby cnactcd in the Founeenlh Year of the Republic of India by h e Legislarure of West Bengal, as follows:- -




1. (1) This Act may be'called ihe West Bcngal Zilla Parislrads Shofllirle.

Act, 1963. extent and cornrnence- . . . . . - .

Wcsr Ecn. (2) It extends 10 the whole of West Bengal, cxcept the arcas to which , . . . . . . . , - .

. . - . . Act X M l l I . . . . . . ,

. . . . . . .

. . or 195 the provisions of the Calcutta Municipal Act, 1951, h e Bengal Municipal Rcn, Acr XV Act, 1932, [he Chandcrnagore Municipal Act, 1955 and the Canlonmen rs or 1932. Act, 1924, apply. . . . . . West Brn.

. , , . .

. . XVriLor (3) I L shall come into210rce in such areas and on such dales as !he , . .

1955. 1 , S~nte Government may, by notifica~ion, appoint and diiferenr darcs

may bc appointed for different mas or fordiffcrcnt provisions of fhis Act. -

'For h c Statement olObjccts and Reawns of the Bill and h Finwcial Mcrnomdum accompanying it. w e the Colc~rfta Cuicric, Erfraordirmq: or rhc 131h Deccrnbcr. 1962. Pan IVA. p ~ g c 3862; LC rcpon oithr loin1 Cornmitlre of hc Wesr Bengd Lcgiskurc was pubiishcd in the Colcu~fu Gazer~c, Ertraordinay, ofthe 17th July, 1963. Pan WA, pagcs 2M9-2104: for pmwdings of the-Wcrj~ Bcngnl Legislative Assembly, s e t thc procccdin~orrhcmcctings orthat Assembly held on Lhc7th January. 241h. 25th. 16th.29th. 3Olh and the 31st July and thc 1st and 2nd Augun. 1963; and lor pmudings oithc Wcsr Bengal Legislarivc Council, xee ihe proceedings of the meetings ofhat Council held on [hc 9th Jmuw md the Sth, 9th. 20h, ??ad md 23d dugust, 1963.

- iThc 25th Mmh, 1964 was appain~cd rn the daic on which all thc provisions ofthc Act cvnc in10 rorcc in Ihc uvhole of West Bengd. Vidt Mtificalion No. 940PancMlB-4/63. dntcd1hc21stMmh, 1964.publishedin thc Colcvrta G ~ ~ e l r e . Errmordit~ury.daldthe 23rd X qn-rk lCIT.4 Do4 1 n,n. 707

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Tire Wesr BerlgaI Zilla Pdshads ACI, 1963.

[West Ben. Act

(Pan I.-Chapter I.-Prelinri~tary.Secriot~ 2.)

~ c . f i r i i \ i ~ n \ . 2. ( 1 ) In this Acl, unless [here is anything repugnanl in [he subjecr or contex1,-

(a) 'ldlryaksl~a" means an Adlryablra of a Crarrl Parrcliayat consutured under !he West Bengal Patichayat Acl, 1957; WCS' Ben.

Acr 1 of (b) "hclrul" mcans h e area included wirhin [he territorial limits L957,

oi an A~iclral Pallcl~njat as notified under seclion 25 of the West BengalmPa~~clrayut Acl, 1957:

(c) "Artchal Pa~rcl~ayar"rneans an Altclral Pancha~atconsljrutcd undcr Ihc Wcsl Bcngal Pu~lcfra~wr Acl, 1957;

(d) " ~ ~ r c / ~ u l i k ~ a r i s l ~ a s ' meansan A~lclralik ParisI~ad eslablished under section 5 1 ;

(c) "associatc mcmbcr" rncans an as so cia!^ mcmber refcrrcd lo i n sections 4 and 52;

(0 "backward community" means acommunity spcciccd by thc Stale Governmenr by a nodfrcalion undcr scction 94;

Ig) "block" rncans an arcn rc~crrcd to in section 50;

(h) "Block Dcvelopmenl Officer" means the Officer appojnled as such by h e State Government;

( i ) "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of a Division;

6) "Dislrict Board" mcms a Djnrict Board csrabIjshcd undcr Ben. ACI 111

the Bengal Local Self-Governmenr Act of 1885; or 1885.

(k) "District Panchayat Officer" means h e oficer appoinred as . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . such under the Wes~ Bengal P u n c h a ~ u ~ Acr. 1957; . . . . . .... . . , . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , - . . - ,

(1) "District School Board" means. a Disr rict School Board established under the Bengal (Rural) Primary Education Ben. Act . . . . . - - - - . - . . VII of 1930. ' ' - Act, 1930; , . . . . . . .

. , . - . - , - . . . . .

(m) "Grotrr Pa)fcl~uya~" rncans a Grunr Patrcl~oyar const ilutcd under the West Bengal Panclroyar Act, 1957;

(n) "menlber" means a member of a ZiIla Parishad or an A~iclralik Porislrod no! being an associate member;


(0) "no~ification" means a notification published in thc Oflcial Gazette;

(p) "Pradl~fln" means a Prodl~an of an At~clral Panchayat:

(q) "prescribed" means prescribed by rules made under his Act;

(r) "prescribed authari~y" means an aulhoriry appoinrcd by thc Srate Govcrnmcn~, by notificarion, for dl or any 01 the

F . . 0

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The Wesr Berrgol Zilla Parishads Act, 1963.

XXXV of 1963.1

(Purl It.-Zilla Parishad-Cl~up~er [I.-Esrablislrn~er~t arid cot~sritrrriori of Zil la Parishad-Sectio~l 3.)

Is) "Sub-divisional Magisbale:' includes any othct orfiliccr appoin~cd by rhc Sta~eGovernrnent todischargc the functions of ~ h c Sub-divisional Magistate undcr lhis Act;

(1) "Union Board" means a Union Board cslablished under he Bengal Village Self-Government Act, 19 19;

(u) "year" me,ms he year beginning on (he lint day of April; ( v ) "Zilla Parisl~ac?' means a Zillo Parishor/ cstablislied under

sec~ion 3.

(2) I h c cxprcssion signifying 'residing in ~ h c block' or 'having a place of rcsidcncc in or within \he block or dislrict' mean dwclling in h e block or disuic~ For a period OF at least six monrhs in Ihc aggregate during the twelve months immediately prcccding h e date of appoinlmenl or co-opuon under lhis Act. or having adwcIling-placein !he block ordisrrict in any other c u e .



Esiablishment and constitution of Z i l h Pariskad.

3. (1) The Slale Government shall, by no~ificarion, 'es~ablish ID^ f i u b k h - . . , . , menr 01 Zillrr ,- .

each dislricl, with effect from such date as may be specified in the poris,,ad. . . . .

notifica~ion, a Zilla Parishad bearing h e name of Ihe dis~ict . . . . .

(2) A ZiIia Parishad shall bc a body corporate having perpetual . , . , . , . , . . . ,

succession and a common scal and may by its cDrporate name sue and be sued.

For rhe disvicl oi Murshidabad see Nolilica~ion No. 1244/PancMlZ- 14/61, dared the 1.7.64; for rhc disuicl or Birbhum src Notilicmion No. 7 lWmchl lZ14IM, dacd the

. IS.I?.W: Tor rhe disvicr o f M a l h ~ e c Norificmion No. 705WPmcMIZ14164. daled Ihe 8.12.M: Tor rhc disu-it~ of Midnapore see Norificaion No.68491PancMIZ141E4, dmcd thc 1. I?.M: Tor lht. Jislricl oIDxjccling ree Nolilicalion No. 6233/Pmch11214/64, d a t d thc 19.1 1.64: for rhc disrrict ol24Pugmris xee Nouficaljon No. 620hlP~chllZ14164, datcd Lhc 5.1 I .M: I~rrhcdi~rr ic~oIBurdwmsee Norifiurion No.601(KPmchllZ14/64, darcd h c 12.10.64; fur the disiricr of How& Wcs[ Dinajpur, HmghIy. Bunkum Nadia. Jalpaiguri and Cmh-Bchu. Ice Nodiicauon No. 5716/PmctJlZ-14/64. daled ~ h c 3.10.64. for thc

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(West Ben. Act

(Purr I1.-Zilla Parishad.-Cfraprer II.-Establisl~nrenr and cotrsritvriotr of Zilla Parishad.lSecriot1 4.)

Cornpsi- 4. Subjec~ to the provisions of sections I I and 12, the following tion of Zillr~ , r i , , pcrsons shall bc membcrs and associate mcmbers or [he Zilla Parishad,

namely:- ( 1 ) Members-

(a) Presidenk of Ancl~alik Parisl~ads of [he blocks wilhin the district-ex-oflcio:

Provided that if any President of an A~lchalik Parislrad communicales to the Chairman OF the Z i l h Parishad, in writing, his unwilIingness to act as a member of h e ZiIIa Parisbad, hc shall, '$th clfcct from thc datc of such communication, ceuc lo bc a mcmbcr of Ihc Zilla Parisfrad, and [he vacancy so caused shall be filled by election from among the members of lhat At~clialik Parishad in such manner and wilhin such time as may be prescribed:

Provided funher ha t if there be no Ancf~ulik P~rishad in any block he Stale Government may appoint a person residing in [he block as a member, -

(b) LAO Adlryaksfras, one from each of ~ w o such conslituencies comprised in a sub-division of the dislrict a may be specified by notification, elected by he Adf1)lakshas i n each consti~uency from among themselves at such time and in such manner as may be prescribed:

Provided h a t if a dislricl has only onc sub-division, four Adllyakshos, one from each of four such consdtuencies comprised in the diskicl as may be specified by notification, shall be elected by h e Adf~yuhl~us in each constituency from among themselves at such time and in such manner as may be prescribed:

Provided furhcr h a [ i C within the time fixed for the clcclion, thc Adfryahhas in a consdtuency rail lo elect the mcmbcr, anorher clcction shall be held on such date as may be appointed by [he Srare ~okernmcnr by notificauon to fill h e vacancy and in case the Adfryahl~as in h c conslilucncy still fail to elect [he member at such second election, the State Government may appoint a member from among the AdlrjaLs/ias in Lhal constituency and any person so appoinled shall bc decmcd to bc a duly cleclcd mcmbcr,

(c) members of- (i) the House of h e People or he Legislative Asscmbly

OF the Slate, elec~ed thereto from a constituency comprising h e dismict or any pan thereof, not being

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Tile Wesr Bellgal Zilla Parishads Acr, 1963.

[West Bcn. Act

(Part II.-Zi l l n Parishad.-Clraprer II.-Esrablish~~~etlt and co~lstihrtia~l of Zilla Parishad.--Sectiotr 7.)

(3) A mcmbcr clccted under sub-clause (b) or clausc (1) of scction 4 shall, subjcct lo the provisions of seclion 5, hold office for a pcriod of [our ycars or for so long hc continues lo be Ihc Adl~y~kslla, whichevcr is earlier.

(4) A Chairman or a Mayor appoinled undcr sub-clause (d) of clause ( 1 ) of sec~ion 4 shall hold ofice For a ~ r i o d of four years or for so long as he continucs to bc such Chairman or Mayor. whichevcr i s carlier.

(5) Subjcct to the provisions of sub-sechon (2), a mcmber appointed under the second proviso to sub-clausc (a) of clause (1) of scction 4, and a member appointed under sub.clausc (0 of clause ( 1 ) of that section shall hold oflicc for a period of four years:

Provided that such a member shall continue 10 hold orficc on rhe expiry of UIC said rerrn until anothcr member is appoin~cd by !he State Govcrnmen t i n his place.

(6) If any Presidenr or an A~~clial ik Parislrod or i f any person rereerrcd to in sub-clauses (d) and (I) of clause ( I ) of sccrion 4 be disqualified to bc a member, thc Statc Government may f i l l he vacancy in such mnnner and For such pcriod as may be prcscribcd.

Chairn~nn 7. (1) Therc shall be a Chairman and a Vice-chairman for a Zilla and Vicc. ChJinl,..n, Parishad elecred by the members thereol lorn among he mcmbcrs

referred lo in sub-clauses (a), (b). (c) and ( f ) of clause ( 1 ) of sccrion 4.

(2) The Chairman and the Vice-Chairman shall, subject to ~ h c provisiohs of section 9 and 10 his condnuing as a member, hold office for n pcriod oC four years: -,

Providcd [hat a Chairman or Vicc-Chairman shall continuc in office aficr cxpiry of the said period until a ncw Chairman or vice-chairman is clccted and assumcs orlicc.

(3) (a) When the office of ~ h c Chairman falls vacant by rcason of dcarh, resignation or removal or is athenvise vacant, or'

(b) when the Chairman is, by rcason of leave, illness or o h e r causc, temporarily unable lo cxcrcjse the powers, pcrform the functions and discharge the duties of his officc.

thc Vice-Chairman shall excrcisc thc powers, perform the fbnclions and discharge the dulics of !hc Chairman ,until a new Chairman is elected and assumcs olficc or unlit h e Chairman rcsumcs his duries, as [he case may bc.

(4) (a) Whcn hz office of the Vice-chairman falls vacanl by reason n F r l~qrh r rc inn- i inn nr r ~ r n n q r l l nr i c nihrrlviw vnr9nl nr

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Tlre Wesr Bellgal Zilla Parishads Acr, 1963.

(Purr [I.-Zi lla Paris hod.--Cl~aprer 11.-Esiablisli merrr a~rd co/l~~itrrtio~l of Zilla Parishad.-Seclk~rs 7A. 8.)

(b) whcn rhe Vicc-Chairman is, by reason of leavc, illness or olher causc, temporarily unable to exercisc lhc powers, perform thc funclions and discharge the dulies of his office,

rhc Chairn>nn shall cxcrcise the powers, pcrfonn [he funcljons and discharge the duties of h e Vicc-Chairman until a new Vice-chairman is elec~cd and ossumcs off~cc or until rhc Vice-Chairman resumcs his du!ies, as ~ h c case may be.

(5) Whcn the ol6ces of the Chairman and the Vicc-Chairman me both vacanr, the Stale Governmen1 may appoint a ~ h a i r m i n and a Vice- Chairman from anlong thc members lo act as such until a Chairman and a Vice-chairman are clcc~ed and assume olficc.

' ( 6 ) If a President of an A~~cfral ik Parisf~od or an Adl~yahiia is clccted ~ h c Chairman or the Vice-Chairman of aZiIIa Parirllrad, he shall cease to be the Prcsidenl or ~ h c Atrcllalik Pari.ylrad or the Adl~jaksl~a, as rhc case may bc, but shall, noiwithsranding anything in sextion 4 or in sub-section (1) of [his scclion, continue ID bc a member or lhe Zillo Pnrisl~ad for the full lerm of his office as such Chairman nr Vicc- Chairman rhereoi under sub-sccdon (2) of secuon 7 or sub-section (2) of section 10, as Ihc case may hc.

'7A. Thc Chairman and [he Vicc-Chairmm of a Zilla Parisliad Honor;lria, allowmccs,

shall bc paid out oC.lhe Zillu ParisfradF~nd such honoraria and allowances I L I V ~ , elC,,

and shall br: entirled lo lcnvc of absence for such period or periods and :6fFC~m . . .. .

on such rcnns and conditions as may be prescribed. Chairnun. ... . . . .

-'8. ( 1 ) The Chairman shall- ' Powtrs, . . . runc~ions

(a) have rull access 10 all records of rhc ZiIIa Purishnd; and durics , . of Chairman

(b) have gencrnl responsibility for the financial and excculivc mdVicc- Chairman.

admjnis~ration of r he Zilla Parisfrarl;

(c) exercise adminisiralive supervision and conirol ovcr [he work of the Exccurive Officcr and the Sccrelary for sccuring implcrnentation of resolulions or decisions of the Zilla Prrrislrad or or any Cornminee thercol;

'Sub-sccrion (6 ) s u z subs!irurcd fur the original sub-sec~ion by s. 3(1) or Lhe WCSI Bmgd Purrclrayfir and %iIh Prri i~l~r~l ls (Ammdlncnl) Acl, 1965 (Wcsl Ben. Acl XXVll of 1965).

'Srclion 7A r v a inscned by s. 3(7), illid. 1 r - 7 a : ~ m 0 a. -- p b b k ~ ? : # - ~ ~ m d rn- n"min-1 c-lin* hbb c I i 7 ) ;hi,/

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The West Ber~gal Zilla Parishads Acr, 1963.

[West Ben. Act

(Prdrt 11.-Zilln Parishad,-Cl~aprer 1I.-Establishme~r~ a11d cotrsrirrrrio~r of Zilla Parishad.-Secriotr 9.)

(d) for thc transaction of busincss connccted wilh this Act or for the purposc or making any order aurhoriscd thereby, cxcrcise such powers, pcrfonn such functions and dischargc such duties as may be cxercised, performed ar discharged by the Zilla Parisliad under this Acl or thc rules made tllereundcr:

Provided that h e Chairman shall no! exercisc such powers, perform such functions or djschargc such duties as may be rcquired by the rules madc under this Act to be exercised, performed or discharged by the Zilla Parislrod at a meeting;

(c) exercise such other powcrs, perform such orhcr functions and discharge such olher duties as the Zilla Parislrad may, hy general or special resolution, direct or as the Stale Government may, by rules made in this behalf, prescribe.

(2) Thc Vice-Chairman shall- (a) exercise such of the powers, perforni such of the functions

and discharge such of the durics of the Chairman as the Chairman may, from time lo lime, subject to rules made in this behalf by the S~atc Government, delegalc to him by order in writing;

(b) during the abscnce of he Ch~irman, exercisc all the powers, - perform all the funclions and discharge all he duues of thc


Kcxnoval or 9. ( 1 ) I f the State Govcrnmcnl is of opinion lhal the Chairman or the Chvnrlan [hc Vice-chairman of a Zilla Parisl~nrl- and the Vicc-

(a) is incapabIc or exercising his powers, performing his Chninnnn. funcrions or discharging his duties, or

(b) wjlrully negIecrs or refuscs to carry out the directions of rhe State Govcrnrnent given undcr rhc provisions of [his Act, or

(c) ilbuscs his powers, or

(d) is liable to bc removed on any of the grounds menlioned in sccrion 12,

[he Slaw Government may, after giving thc Chairman or rhc Vice- Chairman, as the case may be, an opporlunity of being heard, by order, remove him from office and hc shall lhcreupon cease lo bc a member or (he Zilla Parisllnd and also ccase ID be a member of, or to hold any ,rr.,, :, ,,.. ,F .I.- ~ . ~ , l : * . . :, .... I 1.- -1.1. 4 -.

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Tlre Wesr Bellgal Zilla Parishads Acr, 1963.

XXXV of 1963.1

(Pal? 11.-Zilla Parishad.-Clropter 11.-Establislrtwerrr atd constirrrtio~z of Zilfa Parishad.-Secrions JO, 1 1 . )

'(2) IT a t~lotion of no-confidcncc against h e Chairman or rhc Vice- Chnirrnan is carried by thc volcs of more lhan one-hall of the to~al number of mcmbcrs of the Zilln Parishod holding office for the timc being, the Slale Government shall rcmovc [he Chairman or [hc Vicc- Chairman, as the case may bc, rrpm office.

10. (1) When lhe Chairman or the Vicc-Chainnan is removcd undcr fillinsof

seclion 9, the vacancy so caused shall bc filled by election in such :::$:; nlanncr as may be prescribed. action taken

(2) A Chairman or a Vice-Chairman elec~ed under sub-scction ( 1 ) ~ L ~ ~ ~ ~ n 9,

shall hold olficc Ibr rhe remainder of thc [crm of his predecessor in office.

(3) A Chairman or a Vicc-Chairman removcd from office under su b- scction (I) o l scction 9 on any of the grounds cnurncrn~ed in clauses (a), (b) and ( c ) ol that sub-seclion and clauses (a) and (c) or sub-section (4) of scc~ion 12 sl~at l not be eligiblc Tor clection or appoinlmcnt as a ~nemhcr ol; or for election or appointment to any ofice in, any of tllc bodies consrilurcd under tlus Act for a period of four years rronl the dnrc of such rcrnoval.

JVcsr Rcn. Acl 1 o f 1957.

11. A person shall no1 be qualified 10 be a member of a ZilIo DisqualiTica- I [ions or Pa risll act, if- rnembcs of

(a) he i s undcr twenty-five of agc; or ZitIrr Pnrislm~d.

(b) hc is an officer or crnployee of the Zilla Pariskud, an I i .

A~rclralik Porisl~arf within lhe districl or any siandine Commiltec thcrcof; or

, . , .. .. .

(c) he has been dismissed from the servicc or he Cenlral or a , - , .... .

S~atc Govcrnrnenr or a local outhorily for misconduct; or

(d) hc has been adjudged by n competent court to be of unsound . . . . .

mind; or . . . . .

(e) hc is an undischarged insolvcnt: or (f) hc bcing a discharged insolvcnt has not obtaincd rrom [he

courr a certificate that his insolvency was causcd by misfortune m i ~ h o u ~ any misconduct un his par[: or

(g) he is in arrears for more than a ycm in respect of any lax, rate or lee payable under this Act or Ihe West Bengal P ~ ~ ~ c l ~ a j a t ACI, 1957; or

(h) he has becn convicled and sen~cnccd ro undcrgo irnprisonnlen~ by a courl for an ofice involving moral lurpitude punishable with imprisonment far a period of

'Sub-scc~ion (2) w z 'subsii~utcd lor ~ h c ori+d subseclion by s. 1 of the IVcsl Bcngal 7:!l . n ..:.#. . I. , t... I...,-#\ h n K 7 ,\!In., ""- A p t VT! P,< lClC7i

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The West Bcr~gul Zilla Parishads Acr, 1963.

lWest Ben. Act

morc than six mon~hs, and live years have no1 clapsed from thc datc of [he expiration of he sentencc unless [he Smre Governmenr nn suFiicicnr cause having bccn shown shall have removed ~ h c disqualificarion by an order made in this behalr.

12. ( 1 ) Nn mcmber or associate mcmber of the Z i h Parislrud shall, . . dircc~ly or indirccrly by himself, pariner, cmploycr or employee, havo

-. , . . . . . . - -

any shuc or in~erest in any conrract other [ban a share or inlerest in any . .. . . . . . . , . , . . ... . . . , . .

company as defiricd in he Companies Act. 1956, or in any Co.opcradvc I or 1956.

Society rcgislcrcd under the Bengal Ca-apcrarive Socielics ACI, 1940, Fli which is a parry to any such conrracl, with, by or on behalf of, the Zillu 1940.

Paris11 on.

(2) IF any member or associalc member acquircs any such share or interesr he shall cease to be a mcmbcr of the Zillo Parislrnd w i ~ h cffect from such dale as rhc Srnre Governmcn~ may specify.

(3) I f a mcmber acts as a larvycr againsr tbe.Zilla Parisl~od in any legal proccedings LO wtlich the Zilla Pulisirad is a party hc shall cease lo be a mcmbcr of he Zilla Pnrirlfrrrl with effect From such dare as rhe Sralc Governmcn~ may speci fy.

(4) The Starc Govcrn~nen~ may, aficr giving an oppodunity lo a membcr or an associate mcmbcr LO show causc e g i n s ~ lhe acLion proposed In bc taken againsr him, by aqorder in writing, remove him from orlice-

(a) on thc grounds of misconduct in he discharge of his duties; or

(b) i f hc rcruscs to ac! or becorncs incapable of wring as such member; or

(c) if al!er he bccomcs a member hc is convicred by a coun of an offence involving moral ~urpirudc punishable wirh iniprisonmcnt for a period of morc lhan six months; or

(d) if he is abscnl from six consccutive merings of ~ h c ZiUu Parislrod wjrhout sufficicn! cause; or

(e) if he is in nrrcxs from more than one year in respect of any . . . .

mx, rate or fcc payable under this Acr or h e West Bcngal Wen Ben. . . . . . . . . . ,.- .

... . . .. - ACI 1 or . . . . . Pclrrchuyc~r Act, L957; or 1957.

(r) if 11e was disqualilied lo be a member of the Zilla Prrrisf~od ar thc ~ m c when he hccnmc n mc~nber; or

(g) if 11e incurs any of the disqualiiicarions men [toned in clouscs (c), (d), (c) and (f) of scclion 11 after becoming a rncmber n F I ~ P 7illn Pnl-i~lrr~d.

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The Wesr Berzgal Zilla Parishads Act, 1963.

XXXV of 1963.1

{Purr II.-Zilla Parishad.-Cltnptcr I/.-Esrablislrt~ret~r n td con~rilrltion of Zilla Parishad.lSecriorz 13.-Cllopter lU.-

Transactior~ of B~uit~ess.-Sectio,u 14, 15.)

13. The Chairman or the Vicc-Chairman or a mcmbcr referred to Kesignaaon or in clause (1) o f sccrion 4 nlay rcsign his olhcc by notifying in wiling

his intention to do so 10 ~ h c prcscribed autl~ority and shall vacarc his Vice- Chnirman or office on such rcsignarinn being acceprcd '[by the said authority] and ,,,,c,l,h,

he vacancy so caused shall bc filled in such manner as may be prcscribed.


Transaction of Dusiness.

14. ( I ) A mernbcr of a Zilln Purislrad othcr rhan a member referrcd Oa~h or artirm~ticln to in sub-caluscs (c) and (d) of clause (1 ) of section 4 shall before taking by ,ncmbem.

his scat, n~akc and subscribe in !he prcscnce of the orher mcrnbcrs or such of them ns would bc sufficient to form a quorum at a rneeling, asszrnblcd Tor a n~ecring of which notice has bccn given, an o a ~ h or affimarion of his allegiance lo rhc Constirudon of India in thc form set o u ~ for thc purpose in Ihc First Schedule.

(2) A member who fails to make and subscribe, without sufficient cause, within three months from the date on which his term of office commenccs, the oath or nrLmarion rcfcrred to in sub-section (1) stlall cease to hold his office and his scal shall bc dcerned ro have becomc vacant and the vacancy so causcd shall bc Iillcd in such manner as may bc prcscribed.

15. (1) A Zilla Parishad shall hold n mceting at Icasl once in cvery Mrcrings

thrcc rnon~hsl ar irs office on such date and at such [imc as h e Chairman may fix a f~cr giving at least ten clear days' noticc [o the membcrs and thc associate mcmbers of thc Zilla Prrrislrad:

Providcd Lha~ rhc Chairman may, in case of cmcrgency, call a special niccting after giving at least ~hrce clear days' notice to thc inembers and lhc associate rhcmbers or [hc ZilIa Parislrud:

Provided further that, whcn so requcslcd by a rcquisilion in writing by not less lhan one-~hird of h e mcmbem of thc Zilla Pnrislrud, the Chairman shall, withi13 scvcn days of the receipt by him of such requisition, give lcn clcar days' notice of a meeiing of the Zilln Parislwd to be held wihin l i k e n days of the date of such norice failing which rhe signarorics to thc rcquisiuon may, ahcrsending inumarion lo the prescribed authority, call such meeling aftcr giving nt least ten clcar days' nouce to thc Chainrlan, othcr mcmbers and ~ h c asociarc mcmbers of thc Zilla Pari5hrtd

'Thc words wirhin [he squm bnckcrs were inscncd by s. 3(4) of rhc Wcsr Bengal Pnrrcbrijdrt md Zillr~ Puri~l~nds (Amcndrncnr) ACI. 1965 ( W w Ben. Acl XXVll or 1965),

:The wqrds within rhe s q u m bnckels wetz subsrirurcd Tor rhc rvonls "a month" by . -. ., .

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Tfre Wesr Bellgal Zilla Parishads ACI, 1963.

[West Ben. Act

(Part 11.-Zi Ila Parishad.-Cl~aprer III.-Tra~rsactior~ oJ tl~rsitress. -Secriot~ 16.-Cliaprer 1V.-Po~verr,

Fr~nctio~rx atfd Drrties of Zilla Parishad.--Secrio~r 17. )

(2) The Chairn~an or, in his absence, the Vice-Chairman shall prcside at a meeting of the Zilln Parisltad, and, in the absence of both the Chairman and the Vice-chairman, [be members present shall elecl one from among thcmsclvcs to hc thc president OF the meeting:

'Provided that whcn a niccling is held 10 consider a morion of non- confidence against the Chairman or d ~ e Vice-chairman. rhc Chairman or, as he case may be, the Vice-Chairnlan shall nor preside a1 such mccting and thc provisions of this sub-seclion shall apply as if the Chairman or, as thc c,wc may bc, h e Vice-Chairman was absenr from such mccting.

(3) Not less than' one-third of the iota1 number of rncmbcrs shalI form a quorum for a rnecting. .

(4) All quesrions coming bcforc a mccting shall be decided by the votes of the rnajori~y of members:

Provided hat an associare member shall havc no right to volc:

Provided lurthcr thal in case of equaliry of voles the person presiding shall have a second or casung vorc.

16. [(Delegalions offir~ictiotzs of Zilla Parishad to its Cltair~tlarr).- Omillcd by s. 3(6) of thc West Bengal Parzclrayar and Zilln Parisl~ads (Amcndmcnl) Act, 1965 (West Ben. Acr XXVII OF 1965).)


Powers, ~unctions'and Duties of Ziilo ~aLis.iskad.

Puwer LO 17. ( 1 ) A Zilla Porislrod shall havc h c power to acquire, hold and 3iquirr. hold and . dispose of properly and to enlcr inro contracts. dispsr: o f '

propeny. (2) A Zillir Porislrad may, with the previous sanction of [he S!ale Governmenl, acquire land under the provisions of any law for the time being in forcc fnr carrying out [he purposes of h i s Act.

'The proviso \as addcd by s. 3 of thc \&SI Bengd Zilln Pnrisbads (Arncndnicn~) Arf 1967 l\V~.<r Rrn A r t XI1 nT 1967)

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T f ~ e \Vest Bellgal Zilla Parishads Acr. 1963.

XXXV of 1963.1

(Porr 11.-Zilla Paris had.-Cl~oprer IV.-Powers, Frrrlcrions nrld Dtrties of Zilla Parishad.-Sectioll 16.)

18. ( I ) Subjcct to any gcncral or special directions of h e Slate Powcrof Governmcnl, a Zilla Parishod shall have power ro- Zllrr

Frrri~lmd. (a) (i) undenakc schemes or adopt mcxurcs, including [he

giving of financial assistance, rclating to thc develop men^ of agriculture, livenock, induaries, co- opcraiivc movcmcnl, rural credit, water-supply, irrigation, public hcalth and sanitation including establishment of dispensaries and hospitals , communications, '[primary, secondary or aduli education] including welfare of studenk, social welfare and orhcr objccls or general public utiliry;

(ii) underlake execution of any schcme, performance of any acl, or managcmcnt of any instilurion or organisation entrusled l o it by thc S I ~ I C Government or any other authoriry;

(iii) managc or maintain any work of public u ~ l i t y or any ins~itulion vcstcd in i~ or under its conirol and managzmenl;

(iv) makc granrs in aid oiany school, public library, public institution or public wclfare organisation within' the district;

(v) conlrjbute such sums as may bc agreed upon towards cost of maintenance orany insu~u~ions. situated ourside the district, which arc bcncficial to, and habitually used by, the inhabitants of the district;

(vi) eslablish scholarshjps or award stipends within the Slate for he funherancc of rcchnical or other spccial forms of education;

(vii) acquire and maintain village lrats and markets;

(b) make grants lo h e A~icI~alik Parislrads;

(c) conlribute, with h c approval of h e Slate Government, such sum or sums as ir may dccidc, towards the cost of water- supply or anii-epidcmic mcasures undertaken by the commissioners of a municipality within the disrrict;

(d) adopr measures for h e relief of distress;

(e) co-ordinatc and in legrate the development plans and schemes prcpared by Ancholik Parishads in the district: and

'Thc words withtn the s q u m bnckels were subslirurcd lor h e words "prirnuy or adull ,,..., 1;331' h., 7 / 7 1 -F ,I.- lrrnrl n . r n n ~ D .... .I . ... .. ..-.I 7:rl.. n .-:-I. ..r- P 4 ...-..-I ...--. 1

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The \Vest Bengal Zilla Parishads Act, 1963.

[Wcst Ben. Act

(Part 11.-Zi lla Paris had.-Cl~apter 1V.-Powers, Frincriot~s . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and Dufies of Zilla Parishad.-Sectiotrs 19, 20.) . . . . . .

. . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . - . . , , .

(0 examine and sancrion thc budget esurnarcs or Arlclralik Par-isliads in rhc dis~rict:

Provided that any general or special directions OF the Srare Govcrnmen~ lo a Zilla Paristiad in matters relaling to Primary Education shall bc issucd by the Educa~ion Deparmcnl.

( 2 ) A Zilla Parishad shall havc thc power to advise [he Slale Govcrnmenl on a11 matiers relating LO the development o f the district including the allocation of development work among Gro~ll Paricha~ats, Atichal Patrchnyafs and Anchalik Parishads.

(3) Notwithsranding anyhing in sub-seclion (I), a Zilla Parisliad shall nor undertake or execule any scheme confined to a block unless thc implcmcnralion of such a scheme is beyond h e competence of the Atlchalik Parislrad conccmcd financially or orherwise. In h e lauer case thc Zilfa PRTIS / IR~ may cxccuut ehc schcmc itself or cntrust ils cxccurion lo the At~chrrlik Pan-slrad and give it-such assislance m may bc rcquircd.

( 4 ) A Zillu Purislrud may undenake or execure any scheme if it cxrcnds lo more rhan one block.

m1t1 P(irixlt(id to

19. In a district to which the Bengal Vaccination Act, 1880, has Bcn.AClV or laso.

have powers been, or may hereafter be, ex~ended, the Zilla Parisfrad shall cxcrcisc or all or any of the powcrs cxcrcisablc by lhc Magismre of the disuicl under Ma~islmlc In d,sltict lo section 25 of rhc said Acr.

Stntr 20. (1) The Slate Govcrnrnent may, from time [o time, with the Guvrrnlnrnt jlrny consent of the Zillu Parislrad, place any mad, bridge. ferry. channel, other building or olher property vcs~cd in ~ h c Stalc Govcrnrncnt and siruatcd

~ ~ ~ ~ $ r , l ~ i ~ h i n thc district undcr lhc conlrol and rnanagcrncnr ofthe Zilla Parishad I4ttl~1l0d subject 10 such conditions i t may specify.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2) The State Government may, notwithstanding anything contained . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . in the Bengal Municipal Act, 1932, direct, after consul~alion with thc Ben. Ac[ XV - -

of 1931. couunissioners of a municipality, h a t the conrrol and maintenance of any road pan of which runs through a municipality and is vcstcd in ~ h c comn~issioners of such municipality shall be t A c n ovcr by the Zilla Parislrad and thar the commissioncrs of such municipalily shall makc such contribution for thc mainlenance or lhe road as may be agrecd upon

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Tlre lVesr Bellgal Zilla Parishads Act, 1963.

XXXV of 1963.1

(Poi-; 11.-Zilla Parishad.-Cl~apter IF-Powers, F~inctio~rs and D~rrics of Zilla Parishad.--Sectiorrs 21-26.)

On such direc~ion being given the conunissioners of [he municipali~y shall cease to control and maintain such portion of the road as lies wihin such municipali~y.

21. A Zilla Pnrisliod may lake ovcr the maintenance and conuol of ZilIu

any road, bridge, tank, gbar, wcll, channel or drain belonging to aprivatc :$~: owner or any other aulhority on such terms as may be agreed upon. over works.

22. A Zilln Pnrishod may divcr~, discon tinuc or close temporarily Power or

any road which i s undcr ils control and managcmcnt or is vested in il, Ez51,trd lo and may, with Ihc approval of h e State Government, close any such road diven.

pcrmancnlly. disconrinue or close road,

23. A Zillrr Parishad may rransfcr to lhc Sratc Govcrnmcnl or to an power of ArrcIlnlik Puristlad any road dr par[ of a road or any other propcny which zill?

Parr~had 10 is under ils conlrol or managcmcnt, or which is vcslcd in it, on such tcrrns m s r c r and conditions as may bc agrccd upon. roads 10 the

s!31~ Govcrnmcnt or Atrclrolik Pnri.rllad.

24. (1) A Zilla Purisllad may be vesled by the Stale Governmenr Vcs~ing of -with such powers under any local or special ACI as the Stale Governmen~ g$Jl,od may think fit. with cenain

(2 ) A Zillu Parishad shall pcrfonn such functions as may be

I or 11171. ~ransfcrrcd lo it by not i f icahi undcr scction 31 of lhc cattle-rrc& Act, 1871.

(3) A Zillu Purislrad shall cxcrcisc such olhcr powcrs, pcrform such olhcr runcrions or discharge such other dulics as h e S m c Govcrnmenl may, by general or special order, direct.

25. The Zilln Parishads of IWO or more adjacenl districts may jointly ~,i,, undertake and cxecute at common cost any development sclteme or execurion of

schcn~cs by projcct or may jointly establish a common ferry on such terms and ,,, ,,,,,,, condi~ions ns may bc agrced upon, and in casc of any difference a to z i l l l ~

Pnrislmrlk rhc inlerprelalion of such [ems and conditions lhc maltcr shall bc rcfcrrcd to thc State Govern~llent whose decision shall be final.

26. A Zillrr Prrrisflod may require the owner or the lessee of a fair Poweror

or 1ae1~1 or an owner or a I C S S C ~ of land in~ending to hold a hair or ateh ::%sl,nrlto

thcrcon ro obtain a licence in [his behalf from the ZiIIa Parisliad on such g m r licence

terms and conditions as may be prescribed and on payment of a fee for F/!rOr

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Escrnprion or Chairn~an nlid membcrs 0 f Zillr1 Pt~t.ishrrd rrn111 - a ~ r y d i n g rcglsinrlon office.

Tlie Wcs! Bargal ZilIa Parishads Acr, 1963.

[Wqt Ben. Act

(Par[ 11.-Zilh Parishad.-Chaprer IV.-Po~~lers, Frrrtc~iorrs arrd Drr~ies o l Zi l la Parishad.-St.ctiotu 2 7. 27A.-Cl~apter V --Establisf~~~leer of

rlre Zilla Parishad.-Secriotr 28.)

27. A Zilfa PPcmsl~ad shall cxcrcisc general powers or supervision over A~ichalik parish ad^, Aticltd Patr~.l~flyars and Grani Ponchqais in the district and ir shall be [he duly of thcsc ahhorities to givc effecl lo any directions or Lhc Zitla Parislrad on mattcrs 01 policy or planning for development.

'27A. Na~withstanding anythingcontained in rhe Indian Registra~an 16 of 1908. . . . . . . , . . . . Acr, 1905 or any rules madc rhcreunder, the registering officer shall, on . , ,

thc rcquisilion of [he Chairman made in writing and under [he common seal of [lie ZilIu Parislrud, regisier a document executed by thc Chairman or a membcr of a Ella Parishud on behalf of thc Zillu Porishod wilhout requiring Ihc presence of the Chairman or the membcr concerned ar thc regisrration olficc.


ISslablBhment of the Ziiia Paesfrad.

28. ( 1 ) Thcrc shall be an Executive Officer for a Zillo Parishad appoinred by h c 'Swe Government on such terms and condirions as may be prescribed:

Provided thar any pcrson so appoinrcd shall be recallcd by [he Slale Government iFa rcsoluhn to [hat effccr is passed by Ihc Zillo Parishad, a1 n rneedng spccia1Iy convened for h c purpose. by a majority of not

less than two-thirds of the total number of membcrs holding office tor

the rime being.

(2) Thcrc shall be a Secretary of che ZiIla Parirl~ad ro be appoinred by the Zilla Ptrrislrad :

Provided I hat ~ h c District Panchayal Officer shall be the ex-of/icio Sccrc~ary for a period of lour years from &e dare of thc eslablishrncnt of the Zilla Parislm~~il under sub-secuon (1) of scction 3 and for such further period as [he Zilla Forishod may. by a resolution pmcd to h a t

cmc'ccr and with the approval of the Slarc ~ o v k n m e n t , dclerrnine. (3) A Zilla Purisltad may appoinl such othcr officers and employees

as may be rcquired by it and may fix the salaries to be phid to he persons so appointed:

Provided [ha[ no posr carrying a monthly salary of mpccs h e

hundred and one or more shall be crcared or abolished b y !he ZilIa Porisl~ad without the approval of the Siatc Government.

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nre \Vest Beiigal Zil la Parishads Act, 1963.

XXXV of 1963.1

(Purr 11.-Zilla Pai s11ad.-Cl~prer V.-Estublisfrrtret~~ of rlre Zi lln Parishad--Sections 29-32.)

29. Thc Slale Governmcnl may placc nt the disposal of [he ZilIa Plxingrhe scrviccs or Parislrorl rile serviccs of such officers or other employees serving undcr Srale

il as il may think fir: Govcmmcnr Officcrs al

Provided that any such officer or crnployee shall be recalled by he rhc disposd S~atc Government if a resolution lo lhar effect is passed by thc Zilla Ofzflu

Parisl~od. Parislrad, a[ a meeting specially convened for lhc purpose, by a majority of not less than two-rhirds OF he total numbcr of mcmbers holding office Tor he lime bcing:

Providcd Curlher [hat the, Slate Govemmcnl shall have disciplinary control avcr such oFLccrs and ernployccs.

30. ( 1 ) The Exccurive Ofriccr shall exercisc gcneral conlrol ovcr all Co~lmi md punish~ucni officers and olhcr c~nployecs or h c Zilla Pari~l1ud. oiihe s ldf

(2) Thc Exccuuve OfCiccr may award any punishment orher ~han ;:$hFiF dismissal, removal or reducrion in rank to an officer or employee holding a post carrying a monrhly salary of !css rhan rupees h c e hundred but shall no! award any punishment lo an officer or employee holding a posr carrying a monthly salary of rupces hree hundrcd or more.

(3) The Executjve Officer may recommend Ihc dismissal, rcmoval or rcducrion in r ~ n k of an oihccr or ernploycc holding a post carrying a monlhly salary of Iess lhan rupues three hundrcd 10 he Finance and Establishment Cornmiltee and such Commitrcc shall fonvwd the case ro the Zilln Parmishad with ils own recommenda[ion. Thc ZiIIa Parishad may. if il is sarisficd wilh such recommendadon of h e Finance and Esrablishmen~ Commictee, dismiss, remove or reduce in rank any such officer or crnployee.

(4) No officer or other ernploycc hoIding a posl carrying a'monlhIy salary of rupees lhrcc hundrcd or more shall bc punished by ~ h c Zilla Pt~risllad except by aresolution oftheZilla Parisl~adpassed at a rnceung.

31. (1) An appeal shall lic ro [he Zilia Parirlrad against an order A p W . of punishment awardcd by the Executive Officer undcr sub-section (2) of scclion 30 within one monrh from h e date of (hat order.

(2) An appeal shall lie lo the Smre Governmenl againsr an order of punishment awarded by [he Zilla Parislrad undcr sub-sections (3) and (4) of section 30 w i h i n one month from the dare of [he order.

32. Subject to the provisions of this Acl and the rulcs f m e d Exerciscof thereunder and to any gencral or special direc~ions given by the Srate ~ ~ ~ ~ e l c * * Govcmment in [hat behalf h e officers and other employees cmployed oriicen and by thc Zilla Parishad and ~ h t officers and olher ernployccs wh&e sct-vices havc bcen placed at the disposal of the Zilla Parislrad shall excrcise such powcrs, perform such functions and discharge such dutics -n *I.- 7 : I I - D - . - r - l JmA --., An,*-i*n

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T11e West Bcngf11 Zilln Parishads Act, 1963.

[Wcst Den. Act

(Prrr~ 11.-Zilla Parishad.-Clrup~er VI.-Stonding Col~rl~rirrees of the Zilla Parishad.-Scctio~zs 33. 3q.j


Standing Committees of the the Zillu Pariskad.

S~nnJin: Cor~l~l~itrcfi.

33. ( I ) A ZiIlo Pc~~~i shnd shall have lhe following Slanding Comrnir~ccs, namcl y :-

(i), Finance and Es[ablishn~ent Comniiuee, (ii) Public Healrh Commirree,

. (iii) Public Works Commirtee, (iv) Agriculture and Jrrigarion Commirtec, (v) 111dus~ry and Co-opcralion Commi~~cc ,

(vi) Public and Social Welhrc Conimi~rcc, (vii) Primary Educn~ion Cornmirtee as provided under seclion

38, and (viii) such orher Coinmi~~ec or Commirlccs as il may conaitutc

subjecl lo the approval, or undcr any gcncrnl or spccial direclinn, of [he Srate Government.

(2) No pcrsun '[except the Chaim~an or [he Vice-Chairman] shall bc a nlc~nbcr of more lhan rwo Sranding Commil~ees.

(3) The provisions oFsecrions 34, 35, 36 and 37 shall not apply 10 rhc Primary Education Conimirlce.

Cnl~stitu~ion 34. ( 1 ) A S~anding Commitlee shall consist of he foIlowing or Sfandilig Cori~r~~iurcs. "lem hers- '

(i) such number of oersons nor exceeding nine as may bc . . prcscribcd lor caEh Zilla Pari.~hnd, lo-bc clccted b; dle members of lhe Zillir Purislrod from among thcmselvcs;

(ii) no1 more than 11vo persons being officers of thc Sraw Gnvcrnmenl or of the Zilln Parisl~ad~appoinled by rhe Stare Govcrnmcnl:

Prnvidcd rhar such oFFiccrs shall no1 be eligible for clcclion as Chairman O F rhe Sranding Cnmnii~ee and shall no1 have any righl to vorc;

(iii) not-more than IWO persons having knowledge of, and cxpcrience in. 1I1e subjects rrssigncd to [he Standing Commirrce nominated by the Zilla Parishad

Truvidcd that no pcrson who is disqualilicd to hc a mcmbcr o l lhc ZiIlrr Prrri~fr(~d undcr scc lion 1 1 shall bc so numinatcd;

'The wnrd5 within 1l1c squm hnckcts rvcrc inscncd by s. 3(8) of thc Wcst I3cngal P~'rut~lr~r!trr and Zillri P~rri.rIrrrds (A~rirnJl~icnt) Acl. 1965 (iVcs1 Bcn. Act XXVI l or 1465).

-For nulrrrcalion rulnrin~ ro appoinrmcnr Tor tach iIil111 I'rtrisbnd rhc Olficrn of thr: Slate Govcmrnrnr and an Orhccr or ihe Zilln I'nrishnd spccificd as mcnibcn of the Standing Commiucrs dc~lorcd. .re< notiltca~ol~ Nn. 1175 Pa1ich/IA-17tM.da1cd [hc 15.6.M. published in ihc Crrlrlrrrrr Grrxrrr or 19U. P.w 1. pagr: 1939.

'Thr: prvvisn was addrd by 5 . 5 orthc West Bcngd Zillu Pnri.rlirrd.r ((Amcndrncnr) Acl. 1r7<-, ~ $ 9 , . . u ,.. 4 .. vvi . ,r -n<->

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Tlre W e ~ ~ t Bcr~gnI Zilla Parishads Act, 1963.

SXSV of 1963.1

' ( iv) ~ h c Chairman and lhe Vicc-Chairman of [he ZilIn Parisl~arl ( ex-njficio).

(2) The ~ne~nbcrs of a Standing Co~ilrnittee sllnll clecl s Chairman therzof l ron~ among tlle~nselvcs:

'Provided [hat the Chairman of [he Zilla Parirlrad shall bc thc ex- officio Chainnan of !he Finance and Establishment Standing Commiuee.

35. ( 1 ) An eleclcd member or a Sranding Comrniitcc shall hold Tcrnlof nffice of office Tor a period of four y e m or for so long ,IS he conrinucs to be a mcmhrs

mernbcr of the Zilll~ Porislrad, whichcver is carlier. Sranding Commiltrts.

(2) An officer appoinled as a member undcr clausc (ii) of sub- secrion ( I ) ofsection 34 shall bold office until another officer is appointed 10 replacc him.

(3) A nominated member shall hold officc for a period of four ycars:

Providcd lhal a nominared membcr sharl conlinue in oflice al~er thc expiry of thc said period until a new mcmber is nominnred in his placc:

'Providcd furlhcr thnl a nominated mcrnbcr may be rcmoved irom office by ~ h c State Govcrnn~en~ ar any time beforc the expiry of the said period on any of ~ h c grounds mentioned in sub-section (4) of section 12 in [he rnanncr provided in that sub-sec~ion.

36. A Chainnnn shall hold office for a period at b u r years or lor 2r!tr so long as he continues lo bc a membcr or h e .Standing Cornmillee, chi,,,,,, whichcver i s carlicr:

Provided r h a ~ the Chairman shall conlinue 10 hold office un~il a new Chairman is elec~cd and assumcs of ice .

37. A Standing Cornmitree sllall cxcrcise such powers, perform such Powcfi of Standing

runcrions and discharge such dulies as may be prescribed or as may be C,,n,nillccs, assigned to i t by the Zillrt Parisf~ad.

~ l c [ v I l 35. ( I ) The Dislrich School Board, consliluled undcr he Bengat Disuicl or 1430. School (Rural) Primary Education Acr, 1930, shall, subject lo [he provisions of ~~d to

sub-sections (31, (3) and (5). hnclion a5 the Primary Educarion Commitlee runcrion of thc Zilillfl Parishad and shall, su bjccr lo any general or special djrccfions of 1\12 Education Department of the Sra~c Government, give effect to any Corn~ni~~ca insrrucrioos of thc Zilln Prrrislrad in so far as such inslrucrions are not inconsisrcnl wirh [he provisions o f rhe afowsaid Acl.

'Clause (iv) r v u addcd by s, 3(9)[a) 01 rhc \hi Bcngd Pnt~clrujut and ZiIIn Pnrislrods (Arntndnltnr) ACI. 1965 (Wcst Bcn. Acl XXVII of 1965).

:The Pmviso WLS subsriiu~zd for 11ic original proviso by s. 3(9)(b). ;bid. >Thr nml.;rn ,,qr rqdAP,l hl . C. ~ C l h . . IIh-, Tlnnv-l 7111 . n ...:-I. . I- < 4 ..- - - -?--. - - * \

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The Wesr Belrgol Zitla Parishads Act, 1963.

[West Bcn. Act

(2) Thc instrucuons which may lx given by lhc Zilla Parishod may includc ins~ructions regarding-

( n ) h e mnsfcr of rnanagcment oFschools undcr thc mmagemcnt of ~ h c Districl School Board LO Arrclmlik Pnrislruds, Aticfral Paricfroyars or Gratlr Patlctrayuts;

(b) thc inspeclion of schools under the rnanagemenl of the Dislricr School Board, and o f olhcr schools the management whereof has k e n wansferred to Ancfralik Porislrads, A ~ ~ c l ~ a l Panclrayafs, or Granr Paaclruyafs, and he submission of repons of such inspection to he Zilla Parisl~ad;

(c) the making of paymcnls by way of con~ibu[ion or olhenvisc 10 Anclialik Porislrads, AII chal Par~cl~n~uts or Grorrr Pat?cha~a~s for mccring lhc cosl o f management of thc schools so transferred or for giving granu-in-aid to primary schools within their jurisdictions.

(3) Nolwilhs~snding anything contained in thc Bcngal (Rural) Ben. Act V I I

Primary Educauon Act, 1930, the Statc ~overnmcnt may appoinr rwo or 1930.

pcrsons intcrcsled in educarion 10 bc membcrs of the Districl School Board.

(4) An appointed member, unless sooncr replaced, shall hold office for a rcrm of four ycars and may, on rhc cxpiry of thc said lerm, be reappointed by the State Govcmment:

Providcd Lha~ an appoinled mernbcr shall continue to hold office aficr tile expiry of h e said Icrm until another membcr is appoinled by the Statc Government in his place.

( 5 ) Thc Dislrict Primary Education Fund shall nor fonn part o f ~ h c Zillu Parishod Fund but shall continuc 10 be a scparate Fund.

(6) Savc as provided in sub-seclions (l), [2), (3) and (4), the provisions OF Ihe Bcngd (Ruml) Primary Educalion Act, 1930 shalI govcrn rhe consritulion, powcrs, functions and dudes of thc Dislricl School Board.


Property, Finmce and Taxation.

Works 39. All roads, buildings ar ohcr works consmcted by a Zillo Parishat1 C Q ~ l r u c l ~ d frornitsFundshallvestinjt . by Zilltl n ..., :. r. .. I

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The West Rerrgal Zilla Parishads Act. 1963.

(Purl 11.-Zilla Pads had.-Clraprer VII.-Propeny, Fi~tnt~ce atzd Taxatio,i.-Sectio~u 80. 41.) , ,

. . . : - , . . . . - . . . . . . . ... . . . . . , .. .

40. (1) For every Zilla Parisliad therc shall be constiluted a fund Zilin - , . . . . . . . . . - - - . , . . . . . . . . . . . . ,

ro bc called he Zilla Pnrislrod Fund and therc shall be placed to rhe credi~ E$Fd I hcrcof-

(a) conlribulions and grants, if any, madc by !hc Ccntral or h e Slate Government incIuding such part of land revenue collecred in the d i s ~ i c t as may be determined by ~ h c Statc


(b) contribulions and grants, if any, made by an Ancllolik Pririslrl-lrl or other lacal aulhoricy;

(c) loans, if nny, granted by the Cenln l or the Slate Govcm- mcnt or raised by the Zilla Parislzad on sccuricy of its asscts;

(d) thc proceeds of mad cess lcvicd in ~ h c dislricl;

(e) all rcceipts on accounl of [oils, rates and fees levied by ~ h c Zilln P u r i s l ~ u ~

(f) all rcccip~s in rcspcct of any schools, hospi!als, dispcnsarics, buildings, instiiutions or works, vesled in, construcled by or placcd undcr thc conuol and management of, the Zillu Pnrislrarl;

(g) all sums reccivcd as gift or conmiburion and all income horn any trusl or endowmen~ made in favour OF thc Zilla


(h) such fines or penalties imposcd and realised under the provisions of this Act or of the bye-laws made thereunder, as may be prescribed;

, ,

(i) all other sums received by or on bchulr of thc Zilla Pnrisl~ad.

(2 ) Thc Zilla Purislrad Fund shall be vesled in Zilla Parishod and [he amount standing 10 the credit of rhe fund shnH be kept in such custody or invested in such manner as thc Stntc Gor*cmmcnt may, from time lo time, direcl.

(3) All orders and cheques for paymcnw from thc Zillu Parislrad Fund shrill be signed by rhe Chairman of [he ZiIIa Parishad or by any oihcr member aurhoriscd by hiin in writing in this behaIf.

Bm. Acl IX 41. No~wi~hstanding anything to thc contrary in lhc Cess Acl, 1880 Proceeds or of 18KO. thc proceeds oi road ccss, if any, lcvicd and rcalised in a disrrict shall ~ , d ~ ~ ! ~ ~

be credited ro [he Zilla Purislrad Fund afrer payment of the expenses t o ~ h c Z I I ~ n * m n i ; n n r A in c r r r i n n I nQ fif thn ~ - l ; r l Arb1 P ~ t i ~ h ~ d

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The West Betrgnl ZilIa Parishads Act 1963.

[West Ben. Act

Levy ot.tolls. 42. ( 1 ) Subjccl ro such maxitnum rarcs as lhc Stale Govcmmcnt Icts and ralcs. may prescribe, a Zilla Purishod may-

(a) levy lolls on persons, vehicles or animals or any class of rhcm a1 any toll-bar es~ablishcd by i! on any road orher rllan a krrtclm road or any bridge vested in i t or under ils [nanagemenl,

(b) lcvy lolls in rcspcct of any lcrry cstablishcd by il or under its managcmcnt,

(c) levy the lbllowing lees and rates, namely:- (i) rccs on !hc rcgistrauon or vehicles or boars;

(ii) a FCC for providing sanitary nrrangemcnls fi r such placcs or worship or pilgrirnagc, lairs and rrrelus wilhin ils jurisdicrion as may be specified by l l~e State Government by notificatinn;

[(iia) a k c for liccncc rc~crrcd ro i n sccrion 26;

(ji i) a waIer rate, where arrange~nenl for [he supply of water for drinking, irrigation or any olher purpose is madc by the Zilia Parislrnd within IF, jurisdiction;

(iv) a ligllung rate, where arrangement Tor lighring of public streets and places is made by [he Zillrr Parislrrrd within ils jurisdiction.

(2) The Zilla Porislrad shall no^ undertake regis~ration of any vehicle nr boat or levy lee therefor and shall not provide sanitary arrangements at placcs of worship or pi Igrirnages, [airs and r~relas within its jurisdicrion or lcvy fcc thercfor iT such vchiclc has alrcady bccn rcgisrered by any othcr authority undcr any law for [he timc k i n g in rorcc or if such provision for sanhary arrangement has already been made by any orhcr local aulhnrity.

S C ~ ~ C S oi 43. (1) Thc scnlcs of rolls, fccs or r a~cs and [he terms and condi~ions lolls, CIC., 1u

prori3cd Tor the imposition thcrcof shall be such as may bc providcd by bye-laws. by hyt-laws. (2) Such bye-laws may provide for exemption from a11 or any of thc

rolls, rces or rales in any class of cases.

Exlxndirun: 44. A Zilh %rishad shall have power lo spend such sums out of rrom I he ZiItdr its Fund as i.1 thinks lit- l'~irihl~<rd Curjr!.

(a) for carrying oul Ihc purposcs of [his Acl;

(b) for providing amenities for its olficers and employees; and (c) for any special purpose approved by [hc Stnlc Government.

'Sub-clausc (iin) w z inscned by s. 7 olrhe 1Vts1 Bmgd Zill(i Pnri~l~ads IAmcndmcni)

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Tlrc lVesr Berrgrrl Zilla Parishads Acr. 1963.

(Prrrl 11.-Zilla Paris had .-Cllupter- VII.-Prclperc. Fit~nrlci~ r111rl T ~ t ~ ~ i o ~ ~ . S e c ~ i o t ~ r 45-49.)

45. A Zillu Par-isAnrl may, subjcct to lhc provisions of any law zilh Pt~rirhtrrl

rclaling tr) thc raising or loans by local authorirics for [he tioil: being in ,,,,y ,:,is, ibrcc, raise from lime Lo rime. wirh thc approval orthc Slarc Govcmmcnl, IDm5

CIC'nIC A lonns for ~ l ~ c purposes of this Acl, and create a sinking fund Ibr thc sinking

iu~id. rcpay nlcnl of sucll lonns.

46. ( 1 ) '[The Executive Officer] shall i n cach ycar, bcforc sucll datc R ~ , J ~ ~ ~ as may hc prcscribcd, placc bcforc rl~e Zilln Pnrishad Ihe bud_gel which sball be prepared by rile Financc and Es~ablishmcn~ Commi~tcc showing [he prohablc receipts and expendi~ure during r l~e following ycar. Thc Zilin Par-isknrl shall adopr the budget with such modifica~ions as il may Lhink Lt.

(2) nit bud~cr so adaplcd sl~all bc submitlcd lo rhc Srnte Governmcn r by such tlnle ns may be prescribed.

(3) The Srnrc Govcrnmcni may, wirhin such ~ i n ~ c as may be prescribed, eilher approve o l lhc budgel or rclurn it LO LIIC Zillrr Porisllud Tor such modifications as il nlny direct. On such ~nodifications bcing

.made. the budgci shall bc rcsubmittcd within such lime a may be prescribed for approval lo rhe Stale Govcrnincnt. I i thc approval of lhc S~are Govcrni~lenl is not receivcd by rhc Zillu Purisli~d hy I hc Inst dare of rhz year, the budge[ shall be dcenlcd LO havc bccn upprovcd hy (hc Srahc Government.

47. Thc Finance and Es~ablishmenl Commiltec may, jT i~ finds i~ Supplrmrn-

ncccssnry to do so, prepare a supplementary or rcvjsed budgct and i f ' q h u d s c l .

such a hudger is prepared thc provisions or scction 46 shall apply rhcrc~o.

48. A Zilla Pnrisl~nd shall keep an account of all reccipls and I\ccoun~s,

expcnditurc in such form as may bc prescribed.

19. ( 1 ) Thc accounls shall be audired as soon as may be artcr Audi~.

~ h c end of each ycnr by such agency and in sucl~ Illanner as may bc prcscri hed.

( 2 ) A Zilln Pr~ri~kad stlall pay our o f ~ l ~ e Zillu Ptrri~~lrad Fund such sum ns may he dclcmmincd by the SlaLe Goven~mznt by way of fees for such audit.

words wirhin ~ h v squ.uc hnckcrs wcrr sub>iirurrd for rhr s~ords "Ths Stcrctnry" hv s. R nl'rhc Wcq Renrnl Zit111 Pnrirlrnrlr (Arncndu~~nr l Act. Is67 {~VCSI Rcn 4cl XI1

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Consrirurio~~ 01 blocks.

The Wesr Bengal Zilla Parishads Act, 1963.

[West Ben. Act

(Parr 1II.-Anchalik Parishad.-Chaprer VII1.-Corrstitutio~i o j rhe Anchalik Parishad.--Sec!iorls 50-52.)


Cons titu lion of Ibe Anclralik Parishad.

50. The S~alc Govcmment shall. by notifica~ion, divide a disuict into blocks each comprising such Atrclrals as may bc specified in the notificalion.

51. ( 1 ) The Slate ~&crnmenl shall, by no~ification, establish for each block, with effect from such date as may be specified in Lhc natifica~ion. an Ancllalik Pcrrislrad bearing thc name of the block.

( 2 ) An At~cltalik Parishad shall be a body eorporale Ilaving perpetual succcssion and a common seal and may by its corporate name suc and be sued.

52. Subject ro Ihc provisions of scc~ions 59 and 60, [he following persons shall bc members and associaie member or rhc Ancllalik Pnrislrad, namely:-

( I ) Mcmbcrs-

(a) Pradlmlu, and Prcsidcnts of the Union Boards wirhin the bloc k-ex-oficio :

Provided that i F any Prud/~ar~ communicarcs lo [he President of the A~~cltalik Parisllad, in wri~ing, his unwillingness to ac l as a member o f the A ~ r c l ~ ~ l i A . Parislrad, he shall wilh effect from rhc dnlc of such cornmunicacian, cease to be a membcr of [he Ancl~alik Parislrud, and the vacancy so causcd shall bc filled by elcclion from among the mcmbcrs of the Aechal Pnrrcl~ayat of which he is the Pradllotr in such manner and wilhin such time as may bc prescribed,

(b) onc Adlryahlla from thc le~torial limits of each A~lclral Panchayat clecled by the Adl~yabI~os of that area from m u n g themselves at such time and in such manner as may be prescribed:

Provided that if wilhin the lime fixed for [he election, the AdI~yahJ~as within the lemitorial limits o l an At~chal Parzchajot rail to elec~ the member, anolhet elccuon shall

- . . -

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T11e West BerlgaI Zilla Parishads Act, 1963.

XXXV of 1963.1

(Purr Ill.-Anchalik Parishad.-Cl~apier VIIL-Cor~sri!tlriot~ of the Anchalik Parishad.-4ectiotl53.)

Govcrnmenl by nolifica~ion lo fill thc vacancy and in case h e Adl~yuhilas or such territorial limiu srill fail to elccl h e mcrnber at such second election, ~ h c S talc Govemmcnt may appoint a mcrnber from among he Adlr~~aCcsI~as of such rcrrilorial li~nirs and ~ h c pcrson so appointed shall bedccmed to be a duly electcd membcr:

Provided ruriher rhat if there be no Atichal Patrcl~oyrrt within [he temlorial limits of a Union Board Ihc State Govcrnmenr may appoin~ a person residing within such rerriroriei l in~irs as n membcr,

(c) niembers of-

(i) ~ h c House 01 thc People or the Legislarive Assembly or thc Stare, clected thcrera from a cons~irucncy comprising rhc block or any pan Ibcreof, not bcing a Minisier,

(ii) the Council of Slates ' * * * *, not bcing a Minister, having a placc of residcncc in thc block,

Id) (i) rwo worncn, and

(ji) Iwo persons belonging 10 a backward communi~y,

having a place of rcsidence in rhe block, appoinlcd by the State Govcrnmenr,

(e) two persons who have knowlcdgc of, or cxperience in, social work or rural dcvclopmcnr, having a place of rcsidence wi~hin the block, co-opted by ~ h c membcrs in such manner xi may be prescribed.

(7) Associate rnember- [he Block Developmenl Ollicer.

53. (I) A nlcmber reftrrcd to in sub-clause (c) of C ~ ~ U S C (I) of Prohibition

secrion 52 shall nu1 bc clecled a mcrnber under h e provisions of sub- :iUlta- clause (b) of clause (I) of that seclion. , , , ~ C O U S

mernbcrship. (2) If a member rckrred to in any or h c subclauses (a), (b) , Id)

and (c) of clause.(l) of section 52 is subscquenlly elccled a rnembcr of lhc House of the Pcople or rhc Legislative Assembly of the Slate or subscquendy becomcs a membcr of h e Council of Slalcs I* * * *. hc shall ceme to bc a membcr of the Arrcl~ulik Purisfrod under the provisjons of any such subclause.

'The words "or rhc Legist~rivc Council of [he Sra~c" were orni~rcd by Order No. ISM-L. dafcd tlic 31.7.70. published in thc Calcirr/o Gnzerre, Exrraordirmp, - - - - -

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The Wesr B e ~ ~ g n l Zilla Parishads Acl, 19153.

[West Bcn. Act

'rcnilrr of o€licc:* 54. ( I ) A ~ l ~ e m b e r elecrcd under lllc proviso lo sub-clause (a) of

clause ( 1 ) OF section 57, 'shall llold oificc [or a period of four ycars or [or so long as he continues to bc a member of rlle Atlchnl A~rrchnjaf or undl a new Pta(ii~llroif of lhc Aticlral Puacllayat is clccred, whichever is cnrlicr.

(2) A mcntber cIccrcd undcr sub-clausc (b) of clnusc ( 1 ) of section 52 shatl. subjcct ro 111c provisions of seclion 53, hold orfi~icc for a pcriod of four years or for so Ion2 as hc conlinucs to be thc Adliyukshrr, wl~ichcvcr is zarlicr. ,

(3) A mcmber appoin~ed undcr [he second proviso ID sub-clause (b) of clnusc (I) of scc~ion 52 shall vacnle oflicc inimedintely on rhc cs~ablisllmcnt oF an Arrclrrrl Prrrrclmqar far rhe s c a and rl~c clcclion or a PruMorr lherrof.

( 4 ) A member ilppoinled under the first proviso 'to sub-clausc (b) or clause ( 1) or seclion 52 and a mcmber appointed updcr sub-clausc (d) ol'clnuse ( I ) or lh3L section sllall hold oificc for a period nf four ycars:

Provided thal such n mcmbcr shall conlinuc ro hold officc on thc expiry or the said tcrm until anollicr rncmbcr is appointed by the S~ntc

- Govern~ncn~ ill his pl:~ce.

(5) A ~ncmber co-opred undcr sub-clause (e) or cIause (1) o f seclion 52 shall hold olhce lor a period of four ycars.

(6) If any Pradlrart or if any pcrson rcrcrrcd to in sub-clauscs (d) and (c) of cIausc ( I ) of scclion 52 bl: disqualified lo be n member, ihe vcancy sllall bc filled in such rnanncr and for such period as may be prcscribcd.

P~vsidcnl arid Vicr-

55. (1) There shall bc a Presidcnr and a Vicc-Presidcnt for an A~lclrolik Pm.ridcr~~. Par.islind elecrcd by dic members thereof rronl among the mcmbcrs

rcfcrred to in cIausc ( l ) or s c c t i ~ n 52.

( 2 ) Thc Presidcnr and the Vicc-President sh:itl, subject ro ~ h c provisions or sccrion 57 and ro his continuing as a mcmber, hold office For a pcriod or rour years:

Providcd rlial a Prcsident or Vice-Prcsidenr shnlI continue in orficc after cxpiry of the said period u n ~ i l a new Presidcnl or Vice-President is elcctcd and assurncs office.

(3) (a) when rhc office or the Prcsident falls vacant by reason or dearh, rcsignatian or removal or is otherwise vacant, or

(b) when thc Presidcnr is. by reason of Icave, illness or other cause, Icmporarily unable to cxercisc ihe powers, perfor111 rhc functions and discharge ihe dulics of his office,

the Vict-Prcsidtnt sliall cxericsc ~ h c powers, perfom thc functions and disdlargc Ihe durics of rhc Presidcnr unlil a ncw President is elecicd and - - . . rr . . . . I , F, .. . . . -

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T11e West BertgaI Zilla Parishads Act, 1963.

XXXV ol1963.1

(4) (a) When the oificc or thc Vicc-President Wls vacanr by reason of dcath, resignalion or removnl or is othcnvisc vacant, or

(b) when ~ h c Vice-Presidcn~ is by reason of leave. illncss or o h e r cause, temporaily unablc lo cxercise ~ h c powers, pcrrorm [he func~ions and discharge thc duties o l his o m c .

the Prcsiden~ shall exercisc [he powcrs, pcrform thc iuncrions and discharge (hc durics of the Vicc-President until a new Vicc-President is elccrcd and assumcs office or until the Vicc-President rcsumes his duries, as thc case may bc.

(5 ) Wl~cn thc offices orlhe Presidenr and he Vice-President arc bolh vncanl, the Sinre Governmcnr may apopoinl a Presidcn~ and a Vicc- Presidcnl from among the ~nenlhcrs to acl as such until a Presidcn~ and a Vicc-Prcsident arc clccred and assume ofticc.

'(6) If a Pradlraa or an Adl~~uksfto is clccrcd as [he Prcsidcnl or [he Vicc-Presiden~ oran A/lcl~a!iA- Parislrud, hc shall cease ro bc rhc Pradlrnn or [he Adfiyukshrr, as the cnsc may be, hul shall, norwi~hs~anding anyrhing iu section 52 or in sub-scclion (I) of h i s seclion, continue to be a ri~embcr of the Attchnlik Pnrisliad for the full tcrm of his officc as such Presidcnr or Vice-Prcsidenr [hercof under sub-scction (2) of sccrion 55 or sub-seciion (2) of seciion 58, as Ihc casc may, be.

%A. The Presiden~ and [he Vicc-President or an Anckalik Purishad shall bc paid out of llic Alrcllalik Parishod Fund such honoraria and allowances and shall be enrirled ro leave or nhsence lor such period or pcriods and on such terms and conditions as rnay b e prcscribed.

(a) have full acccss 10 all rccords of [he Atrcl~alik Parishud

(b) have general responsibility Tar the financial and execurivc , ad~ninistrarion of the Anchnlilk l'arishorl:

(c) exercise administrative supervision and conrrol over thc work o f rhu Chief Excculive OlFiccr for securing implemcnralion of rcsolu~ions or decisions of the Anclfnlik Pnri~harl or of any Comrni~ee rhcrcok

'Sub-ssclion (6) was substituted Tor rhc original suh-section by s. 3110) OF ~ h c \Vesr Bcngal l'~rrrr.lrrr~of md Zilln P(~t . i~I~nds (An~ndn~cnl) Act. 1965 (LVcscst Bcn. ACI XXVll or I?GSl.

-Srclion 55A was insentd by .i. 3(1 I), ih i . ... . - - ' . 7 F . n - ..., : - L.. . 111.I> :{ . :A

Honomrin, allowances.

. - . - . Iravr, crc.,

of the Prcsidcn~ and Vice- Pres~dcnr.

!'01v<rs. functions and dulies of Prcs~dcnr and Vicc- Prt:sidsnl.

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Tlre Wesr Berrgal Zilla Parishads Act, 1963.

[West Ben. Act

(Pnrt III.-Anchali Parishad.-Clrapter VIII.-Consriiwriot~ of the Anchalik Parishad.-Sectio~~ 57.)

(d) Ibr thc tmnsncrion of busincss connecled wirh this ACL or ' for thc purposc of mahng any order aulhorised thereby,

excrcisc such porvcrs, pcrform such functions and discharge such duiics ns may be excercised, perfomled or discharged by thc Al~clralik Parislrarl under this Act or the rules made ~hcrcundcr:

Provided thnr rhe Prcsidcnr shdl not cxcrcisc such powcrs, pcrform such functions or discharge such durics as may be required by the rules made undcr this Act to bc cxcrciscd, performed or discharged by thc A~lcl~alik Purislrad a1 a mceting;

(e) exercise such o~l ler powers, perform such othcr functions and discharge such othcr dutic?; as the Atrclralik Purislrad may, by general or special resolution, dirccr or as thc Slate govern men^ may. by rulcs madc in this bchalf, prcscri bc.

(2) Thc Vicc-Prcsidcnt shall-

(a) cxccrcise sucli of the powers, perform such of the functions and discharge such of the dulies of ~ h c President as the Prcsident may, from timc 10 timc, subjecl to rulcs made in [his behalf by [he State Government, delegate to him by order in wri~ing;

(b) during the absence of the President, excrcisc all the powcrs, perfomi all thc functions and discharge a11 the duucs of he Prcsideni.

Rcliioval of 57. ( 1 ) II [hc State Govcmmen~ is of opinion that the President or the Prrsidrnt 311d I ~ C the Vice-President of an Atlchalik Parislrad- Vim- P~sicicnt. (a) is incapabIe of exercising his powers, performing his

functions or discharging his dutics. or

(b) wilfully neglecrs or refuses lo carry out h e directions of [he State Govcrnmcnt givcn undcr thc provisions of h i s ACI, or

(c) abuses his powers, or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , - - . , . . . . . . . . . . (d) is liable to bc removed on any of the grounds rnen~ioned , . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . , . .

in section 60, h c Sratc Govcmmcn~ may, aher giving the Resident or the Vice-Presidenl, as Lhc casc may be, an opponunj~y of king heard, by order, remove him from office and hc shall lhcrcupon ccase 10 be a rnember of the A~rclralik Pnrishad and also ccase lo be a member of, or to hold any office in, i q n x r nf rhn hnrlinr rnnrr;il l lnrl ~~nr l - r thir A r t

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me West Bellgal Zilla Parishads Act, 1963.

XXXV of 1963.1

'(2) I F a motion of no-conhdcnce against the Presidcnl or the Vice- Prcsidcnl is carricd by the voles of morc than one-half of Ihc Lola1

numbcr 01 members of [he A~~clralik Paridimd holding olfice for the lime bcing, [he Stnlc Govcmment shall rcmovc h e President or the Vicc-Presiden~, as hc case may bc. rrom oflice.

58. ( I ) Whcn the President or h e Vice-President is removed under sec~ion 57, the vacancy so caused shall bc filled by elec[ion in such nlanncr as may be prcscribed.

(2) A Presidcnl or a Vice-president clccled under sub-scction ( I ) shall hold oificc Tor ~ h c remainder of thc term of his prcdcccssor in office.

(3) A Prcsideni or a Vicc-Prcsidenl removed Irom office under

sub-section ( I ) of section 57 on any of h e grounds cnurnera~ed in clauses (a), (b) and (c) of that sub-section and clauses (a) and (c) of sub- seclion (4) of seclion 60 shall not be eligiblc [or eieciion or appoinlmeni as a mcmber of, or lor clcction or oppoin~menl to any office in , any of thc bodies consri~utcd under this Acl lor a pcriod of Four y c ~ s from h e dare of such rcmoval.

59. A person shall no1 be qualified to bc a member of an Anclrolik ~ariilrod, ir-

(a) hc is under ~wenty-Fivc ycars of age;. or

(b) hc i s an oficer or'cmployre of the Zilla Panshad, an AncIialik Parishad within the districl or any Slanding Commit[cc thcrcof; or

(c) he has bccn dismissed from h e service of thc Cenual or a S t a ~ c Govcrnment or a lmal aulhority ior misconduct; or

(d) he has bccn adjudged by a compclcnt coun lo be of unsound mind; or

(e) he is an undischarged insolvcnt; or

(f) hc bcing a discharged insolvcnt has not obraincd from the court a certificalc l h a ~ his insolvency was caused by misionune withoul any misconduct Dn his part; or

filling of vacmcics causcd by d o n l&cn undrr section 57.

Disqualifica- tions or rne~llbcrr; or At~chrrlik Purisltad.

(6) he is in arrears for more than a ycar in respect of any tax, rate or fee payablc under [his Acl or [he West Bengal

\Vest Brn. ~atlci1ayar Act, 1957; or ACI I oC 1957.

"hh-~ecrinn 121 war oddcd bv 5. 9 of thc Wesf Rcneal Blln f'nris1rull.r (hmcndrnentl

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The Wesr Be~rgnlZilla Parishads Act. 1963.

[West Ben. Act

(Put7 I1I.-Anchali k Parishad.-Cllnpfer VII1.-Corrstirrrrior~ of rfrc Anchalik Pnrishad.-Secrio~l 60.)

( h ) hc has been convicird and senrenced ro undergo imprison- ~ncnt by a court for an offence involving moral lurpitude punishable wi ih irnprisonmenr for a pcriod of more ~ h a n six monrhs. and five years have nor clapscd from the dale of rhc cxpiralion of 111c senlcncc unless thc State Govcmmcnt on sufficicnr cause having been shown shall have removed ll~c disqualification by an ordcr made in this behalf.

. . . - I<cll lo~al of 60. ( 1 ) No mcmbcr or associate member of rhc Ancf~alik Purislrad a ~ttcrnbcr o f - , .. ..

,I,,CI,l,Jik sl~all, dirccrly or indirectly by himself, partner, employer or employ cc, , . . .

. - . .

. have any share or inlcrcst in any conlracl orher than n share or interes~ ,. . .

in any comp,any as dcfincd in \lie Cornpanics Acl, 1956, or in a Co- I of 1956- Ben. ACI opera~ivc Socicly rcgislered under Ihc Bcngal Co-operalive Souittics X X ~ of 1940,

Acr. 1940. which is a party to any such conrract, wilh, by or on behalf of thc Alrclrr~lik Porisl~od.

(2) If any member or associate member acquires any such share or inrercst hc stlall cease to be a membcr or thc A~lchalik Parishud \with cfrccl lrom such dale as the Stalc Gavcrnrnent may spccify.

(3) If a rncn~bcr acts as a lawyer against rhc AnclraliX. Parishad in any legal proceedings ro which the A~zclrolik Parisl~rrrl is a party he shall ceasc LO bc a member of the A~lchulik P o r i ~ l ~ a d wilh eFfecl from such dart as the Slate Government may spcciiy.

(4) The Slate Government may, alrcr giving an opporluniry lo a m c o t b r r or an associalc mcmbcr to show cause agains~ the action proposed lo be lakcn against him. by an order in writing, remove him from officc-

(a) on the grounds of misconduct in [he discharge of his duiics; or

(b) if hc rcfuscs to acl or becomes incapablc of acting as such member; or

(c) if nlrer ho bccomcs a member he is convicted by a court of an olTtnce involving moral ~urpiludc punishabIe will1 imprisonmcnr for a period of more lhan six rnon~hs; or

(d) i I bc is absenl rrom six consecuri\-e mcclings of h e Atlchalik POI-islrad wjlhout sufficient cause; or ., . . . . . -

- . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . (e) if he is in mcars for more rhan one year in rcspccr of any . . . . . .. . - - . - . - . . . .

. . . . . . ,

- .

tan, rare or fee payable undcr this Act ar the West Bengal 'VesI Ben. . . . Acl I of Pclt~clrijur Act, 1957; or 1957.

(T) if hc was disqualilicd to be a member of thc Anclmlik Prrrislrnd at the rime when he bccarnc a mebmer; or

(g) i lhc incurs any of Lhc disqualifications mentioned in clauses (c), (d), (c) and (f) of section 59 drer becoming a member

, , , ... .. . . .

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The HVesl Ber~gal Zilla Parishads Acl. 1963.

(Par! Ill.-Anchalik Parishad.-Cllcrprcr V1II.-Cut~s~iritiiot~ of the Anchalik Parishad.-Secrio~r 61.-Clrapter- IX.-Trarrsucriori

ofbrrrsit~ess.-Seerion 62.)

61. Thc Presidcnt or [he Vice-President or a mcn~ber referred to in Hcsisnatioll o i Prc5idc111. cluusc ( I ) of scction 52 may rcsign his officc by nolify ing in writing his vice.

inreulion to do so lo the prescribed authority and shall vacatc his orlice prcsidrnl or a ~licllthcr.

on such rcsignation being accepred '[by the said authority] and ~ h c vacancy so caused shall be fillcd in such manner as may hc prcscribed.


Transaction of Dusiness.

62. (1) An Atrcholik Porislrad shall hold a meeting a1 least once '[in hlcc[incs.

every three months] at irs office on sucll date and at such rime as the President ]nay fix aRer giving at leas[ ten clear days' noticc to the members and [he associale member of [he A~lclralik Parishorl:

Providcd that lhe President may, in case of emergency, call a special ~neerjng afler giving a[ least three clear days' nolice lo the nle~nbers and the associate member of [he Atlchalik Parislzad:

Providcd funhcr that, when so rcqucstcd by a requisilion in writing by no1 lcss than onc-third of thc mcmbcrs of thc Aticl~nlik Puti.s!~u~l, ~ h c Presidcnt shall, within scvcn days of the rcccipt by him or such requisition, give ten clear days' nadce of a rneering of [he Atlcl~u/ik Pnrislrnci to be held within fifteen days of the date of such notice failing which the signatories to he requisition may, aftcr sending inrimation lo thc prcscribed authority, call such mecling aflcr giving at lcast tcn clear days' notice to the President, othcr members and the associate member of the Anclralik Parislrad.

(7) The Presidenr or, in his absence, thevice-President shall preside at a n~eeling of [he Atrcl~nlik Par-islrad, and, in [he absence of bod1 the President and the Vice-Presiden t, the men1 bers presenl shall e l e c ~ one from among themselves I(] be thc president of rhc mecting:

'Providcd that whcn a mccdng is held to considcr n motion or nu- confidence against die President or the ,Vice-President, the President or, as thc case may be, the Vice-Presidenl shall not preside at such meeling and thc provisions of [his sub-secrion shall apply a? i F ~ h c Preaidcnt or, as [lie case may bc, thc Vicc-Prcsidcnr ww abscnt [ram such mccring.

(31 Not less [han one-tl~irds of 111e total number of members shall lorrn il quorum for a meering.

'The svords within ihc ,qum bnckcrs ~ v c ~ inscncd hy s . 3( 13) dr 111c \ ~ c s l Bcngal Put~cbu.~ur md Z i l h Porislrflri (Arncnd~ucnl) Aci. 1965 (Wcsl Ben. Acl XSVll of 1965).

'Thr: words within the $quxc bnckc~s wcrc sub5tirurd Tur thc H O ~ S '5, nlonih" by 5. 3(14), rbrd

'Tllc proviso was addcd by s. 10 oC the Wcsi Ocngal Zitla Pnrr.rlmJr (A~t~cndnlcr~t) 1 -. 111<7 *1 \ ' - - . ! I 7 - - - V I I - C 111K71

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Tfre Wesf Ber~gal Zilla Parishads Acf, 1963.

[West Bcn. Act

Part 111.-Anchalik Parishad.-Clmpter IX.-Transactio~r 01 BIIS;I~PSS.- Sccfiorl 63.-Cl1apler X.-Powers, Dwries orld Frmcriotrs of

Anchal i k Parishad-4ecrions 64, 65.)

(4) All questions coming before a meeting shall be decided by thc voles of [he majoriky of members:

Provided that ~ h c associaie mernbcr shall have no right to volc: Provided further [ha[ in case of equality of votes the person presiding

shall have a second or casting volc.

63. [ (De legar io~ i of frr~~cf ions of Anchalik Parishad ru rhe Presidr,z~.).-Otrlirred by ss. 3: 15) of fhe Wesr Bellgal Panchayal utrd ZiIla Parishads (Artrendtrlerlt) Act. 1965 (\Vex[ Bell. Acr X X V f l of 1965)l.

C H A r n R X

Powers, Duties and Functions of Anchalik Purislrad.

~ o u - t r 10 a. (I) An A~~cllulik P(1rishadshal1 havc Lhc power lo acquire, hold acquiw. hold mddispow and dispose of properly and lo cnler into contracts. of pmpcny. (2) An Ancftalik Pari~had may, with the previous sancuon of the

Stale Govcrnmcn~, acquire land undcr [he provisions of any law Tor [he Lime being in lbrcc for carrying out h e purposcs of this Act.

IJowt r o AIIL-l~rrlik

65. ( 1 ) An A~~clralik Parislrad shall have porvcr t+

P~rrixlilrlid (a) (i) underlakc schcmes or adopt measures, including the giving of financial usislance reladng to Lhc development of agricullure, livestock, coltage indusuics, co-operarive movcmcnl, mral credit, water-supply, irrigation, public hcal th and sanitation including eslablishment of dispensaries and hospitals, communicauons, primwy or adulr education including rvclfue of uudents, social welfare and orhcr objects of gcncnl pubIic utility;

(ii) undcrlake execution of any scheme, performance of any act, or management of any instiiution or organisntion entrusted to il by d ~ e Statc Governmen[ or any 'olher aulhori ty;

(iii) manage or mainlain any work of public utility or any institulion vcstcd i n i t or undcr its conrrol and managernen t;

(iv) makc grants in aid of any school, public library, public institution or public wclfare organisation wirhinn [he block;

(b) makc grants to the Zilla Puristrad or AncllaI Puirclrayars; ' (c ) conrribulc wilh [he approval of the Slate Govcmrnent such

sum Or sums il may decide, rowards thc cosl of water-supply or anti-epidemic measures undcrrakcn by a municipality ..,:*L:- *hm hI,,~l..

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The West Bc~lgol2illa Parishads Acr, 1963.

XXXV of 1963.1

(Pnrr IlL-Anchalik Parishad.-Clrnprtr X.-Powers, D~rries a)rd Frulcriorrs of Anchnlik Parishad.-Sections 66-69.)

(d) adopl measures for thc rclief of distress; (c) co-ordinate and inlegrate thc dcvclopment plans and schcmcs

prepared by Atrchal Parrchuyafs in rhc blocks, iT and when necessary.

(2) No~wi ths~and ing anything i n sub-seclion ( I ) , an Atrchalik Pu~.islrorl shall not underrake or excculc any scheme confined ro an m a over which a GI-crrrl Porrclrayor has jurisdiclion unless rhe implcmcntation of such a schcme is beyand the competence of the Glnrrr Pu~zchayar conccrned financially or orherwise. In (hc lalter case the Ancllnlik Parishad may cxccute h e schernc itsclf or enrrusl its execution to [he Gmm Pnrlclruyc~r or [lie A1rcl1al Pancl~ayaf and givc ir such assislance as may hc rcquired.

( 3 ) An Atlchulik Pa~~islrad may undcr~ake or execute any schcniz if i r exrcnds lo more lhan one A~rclrul.

' 66. Thc S I ~ I C Governmen1 may, from time In rimc. wilh ihe consent Swc Govcrnmcn~ of ~ h c A~rclralik Pnrislmrl. place any road, bridgc, ferry, cliarlnel, building ,,,), P!,,

or other propcrty vesled in the S l a ~ c govern men^ and.siluatcd wilhin the ohcr !JrnWflY block undcr [hc control and managcmcn~ of an A~lcholik Parishad subject ,,d,,

to such conditions as i t may specify: At~drrrlik Purid~ird.

Providcd rha~ the Slate Gvvcrnrnent may, ahcr considering the vicws of h c A,~cfralik Porisl~ad, wi~l~draw such control and managcmenl to itself subjec~ 10 such conditions as it may specify.

67. An A~lclialik ParisI~url may wansfcr l o the State Covcmmen t or Po~vcr of

lhe Zilla Parishod any road or pm of a road or any other properly which %!!$: is under its conrrot or managcmznt, or which is vested in h, on such r o m s f c r

t cms and conditions ns may be agrccd upon. roads or pmpcnirs ro rhr: S u l v Govcmn~cnl or ~ h c 7iIb P~rrisImd

. An A~icfralik Pnrisllurl ]nay rike ovcr the mainten,mce and conuol Alrchniik Prrrislrfld

of any road, bridgc, rank, glrnt, wcll, channel or drain belonging to a ,,,ylde privn~c oivncr or any oiher aulhoriiy on such [ e m s as may be agrccd o"cr"0k-


69. An A~rclralik Parishod may divert, discontinue or close Powcrof tit!c/tdik lemporarily any road which is under its conwol and managcrnenl or is P,riJ,Iud

vcsrcd in il, and may, with the approval of the Stalc Government, closc 10 diirtrl. discon~inuc

any such road permanen~ly. or close road.

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Power lo prohibil CCIkJ111

oticnsiue :mil dangcmus IL~L!C% wirhou~ licencr: and lU In.). I re .

The Wesr Berrgai Zilla Parishads Act, 1963.

[West Dcn. Act

(PcrtVr Ill.-Anchalik Parishad.-Cl~aprer X.-Powers, D~rties arrd fi-~'lrrrctiorrs of Anchalik Parishad.-Sectio~ls 70-73.)

70. ( 1 ) An A~rcltulik Por.islmd may be vested by the Slate govern men^

with sudi powcrs under any local or special Act as the Slale govern men^

may think fil.

(2) An A~ichulik Prrrisllud shall perfomi such functions as may be ~mnsferred 10 i~ by notification under section 3 1 or thc Cart lc-trcspass 1 or 1871.

Act, 1871.

(3) An A ~ ~ l ~ a l i k Pnrixl~ad shall exercise sucll other powers, perfom1 such othcr runcrions or discharge such other duties as he Srate Govcmmcn~ may, by gcncral or special order, direcr.

71. An Atrciralik Parislrad shall exercise gcncral powcrs of supervision over Anchol Pnt~chajnls and G ~ ~ I I I Porlchayars in thc block a"d i r shall bc thc duty of ~hcsc authorilics to givc crfccl to [he dirccrions of thc Ar~chalik Prrrishrrd on malrers of policy or planning for dcvclopmcnr.

72. (1) No place within a block shall be used without a licence, which shall be renewable annually, grantcd by the A~zcl~olik Porisflad Ibr any lradc or business declared by [he S ~ a t e Government, by notification, ro be offensive or dangerous.

( 2 ) The Atzciralik Parisirad may levy in respect of any licence granred by i t under sub-section ( I ) a fcc subjccr to ~ h c maximum rarc prcscribcd by !he Slate Government undcr sub-scction ( 1 ) or sccrion 86, and may impnsc such condi~ions in rcspccl of such liccncc as may be considered necessary.

(3) Whoever uses without a liccncc any placc Tor thc putposc of any ~ r a d e or business declared undcr sub-scclion (1) 10 bc offensive or dangerous, or Fails ~ucomply wirh any condirion in rcspecl of such Iicence, shall be punished wilh u finc whjch mny cxrcnd to rupces onc hundred, and In a rurlhcr Iinc which rnay extend to rupees twenty-five for each

day convicrion during whicll hc continues ro do so.

(4) TIlc A~tclrrrfik Pnrishad, upon the conviclion of any person For failing 10 comply with any condition or a liccncc grantcd undcr su b-secriun ( 1 ). may suspcnd or canccl such licence.

73. An A~rrlmlik Parishod may require the owner or the lesscc of a har ur markel or an owner or a Lessee of land inrcnding to hotd a har or market hereo on, to obtain a licence in this behalf From the Altcllolik Pnrislrrid on such terms and condilions as may be prcscribcd and on paymcnl of a t'cc for such licencc.

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Thr IVest Bengal Zilla Parishads Acr, f 963.

(Pr1r.1 Ill.-Anchal ik Pdri shad.-Clruprer Xl.-Est(~lblish~rzetj t of rhe Anchnli k Parishad.Scctio~rs 74-76.)


Esiabl ishmeni of ihc A ~rcholik Parishad.

74. (1) Thcrc shall be a Chicl Executive OTficcr fur an Atlclralik PariFl~d and Lhe Block Dcvclopn~en t Oficer shall hc the c.r aficio Chic f Execu~ivc Olilccr:

Provided Lhar such Block Developmcnr OfTicer shall bc rccalled by rhc Srate Government if arcsolution to rhal eFfccl i s passed by thc Arlchnlik Pririshad, at a meeling specially convened for thz purpose, by a majori~y of not less than lwo-thirds of the rota1 num her of n~crnbcrs holding ofice for the time being.

(2) An Atrclrolik Purishnrl may appoint such other officers and employees as may bc required by i r and may fix the salaries 10 bc paid to the persons so appointed:

Providcd [hat no post carrying a monthly salary of rupccs two hundred or morc shall be created or abolished by the A~lcl~oliX- Parisi~ad without [he approval of rhc Commissioner.

75. Thc Srnte Government may place ar he disposal of thc Arrclrolik Parisilad [he serviccs or such officers or orhcr employees serving undcr it as i~ may think f i ~ :

Providcd thnl any such officer or cmploycc shall be recallcd by the Slate Governmen[ if a resolution to that effecl is passcd by the At~chnlik Pr~ri~-lrad, nt a meeting specially convened for h e purpose, by u majorily of no1 less I hnn two-thirds of 111e lotal ~~umbcr of mcmbers holding office Tor the lime being:

Provided furlher that [hc Starc Government shall havc disciplinary conrrol ovcr such oficers and employees.

76. ( I ) The Chief Execu~ivc Oiiiccr shalt exercise gcncral conrml over all officcrs and cn~ployees of [he Ar~clrrrlik Pari.~llad.

(2) The Chief Excculive Officer niay a w d any punishmen1 orhcr than dismissal, removal or rcduc~ion in rank to an afficcr or employee holding a post carrying a monthly salary OF less lhan rupccs two hundred bur shall not award any punishment 10 an officcr or employee holding a post carrying a ~nonlhly salary of rupees two hundrcd or more.

(3) Thc Chief Exccutivc OlTicer may recornmcnd he dismissal, removal or rcduc~ion in rank o i an olficcr or employee holding a post carrying a month1 y salary oTIcss than rupees two hundred lo thc Finance and Es~ublishment Comniiltee and such Commiucc shall forward thc case 10 rhc Atrclralik Pnrishad with ils own recommcndalion. The At~cirulik Par is l~ad may, i E i~ is satisfied with such recomrnenda~ion of rllz Financc and Es!abljshmcnt Comrni~lee, dismiss, rcmovc or reduce :n + A " ! - n-., .... <,C. - K n n - nr n.....l*r.--.

Placin~ rhc scnic& or Srn~c Govemmcnr olllccrs II iht disposal or Arrclrtrlik Parrrliud.

Conml nnd p u n i s h n r olthc s M uf the Anchulik l'flri~lrt~d.

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Extruisc nf pO\\'Crs.ClC..

hy I he o r t i c m and clllplo~~us.

The lVcrr n p ~ l g r l l Zillil Pnrishstds Acr, 1963.

[West Den. Act

(1) No olficer or orher ernployce holding a post carrying a monthly salary of rupccs ~ w o llul~drcrl or more shall be punishcd by the Anclt~l ik Puris/md cxccpt by a resolutior~ of rhc A~~cholik Pt11.islrod passcd at a mccting.

77. (1) An appcal shall lic to (lie A~ichulik Porislr~~ci against an ordcr of punishrncnl awardcd by 1111: Chicf Execuiivc Officer undcr sub- scclion (2) of scction 76 t\tiillinonc lnon~ti from the date of that order.

(2) An appeal shall lie LO ~l lc Commissioner againsl an order of punishmenr nwwdrd hy rhl: A~rcl~alik Pnrishud under sub-scc~ions (3) and (4) of section 76 wirhin onr: rnon~h from tlte darc of h a t ordcr.

78. Subjcct ro ~ h c pro\risions of [his Acl and rhc rules frnmcd thcrcunder and lu any gcncrnl or spccial directions given by rhc Slatc Govcrn~llenr in illat behalr the oHiccrs and othcr employees cmployed by thc A n c l ~ ~ ~ t i k Pnri.~hricl and rhc olficers and olller employees whose scrvjces have been pl;~ced at thc disposni of the A~rclralik Parishad shall exercisc such powcrs, pzrlorm such runctions and discharge such duties as rhc rirrcl~olik Pa1-is11od may dercrmim.


Standing Committees of Lhc ,4rrclralik Parislrad.

79. (1) An A~rclralik Ptrrisl;acl stla11 have rhc following Slanding Commi~rccs. namely:-

(i) Financc and Esl:~blidln~ent Comrniltcc, (ii) Public EJeahh Cotnmi tlcc,

( j i i ) Public Works Conimi~lee, (iv) Agriculture and Irrigation Co~nnii l~cc, (if) Industry and Co-operation Cornmillee,

(vi) Puhlic and Social Wclrare Committee, (vi i) Primary Education Co~nn~illcc, and

(vi i i) such olitcr Committee or Con~mittccs as il may consliruie subject to rhc approvat, or undcr any gcneral or special direc~ions, of ~ h c Slate Govcrnlnenr.

(2) No person I[exccpt (lie Prcsidcnl or rllc Vice-President] shall be a n~cmber or more [I~an two Standing Cammilrccs.

80. ( 1 ) A Standing C o ~ n ~ n i ~ r c c shall consisl o r [he following rnembrrs-

(i) f ivc persons to be elcc ted by the n~embcrs of rhc Atlcholik Parishod from anlnng tl~eiuselvcs;

'Thu: rrords within rhc square I~rackcrs wcrc insrrted by s. - 316) 01 rhr Wcs~ Bcogal -.. .. ... - , " - - >

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(Pun Ill.-Anchal i k Parishad .-C~ICIIIIL'I- XI/ . -4101lrl i1rg Corrrrrrilrees of 111e Anchali k Parishad.-Secriotts 81, 82.)

(j i ) nor murc i11a11 two pcrsons bcing ol'ficers of the State Govcrn~nen~ or of lhc Arrcl~r~lik Pnrislrlrd ';ippoinlcd by thc Srace Gouernmcnr:

Provided thal such officers sllall nor be eligible for clection as Cl~ainniln or the S~nnding Commirree and shall not hnve atiy right LO votc;

( i i i ) nor more than l w o persons hav ing knowledge or, and cxpcriencl: in, ~ h c suh;cc~s assigncd lo n Srading Cornnlillce noinina~cd by IIE Anchalik Pcir.rshnrl:

?Provided thal no pcrsnn who is disqualified to bc a ~ucmber of [he Anctznlik Pnrishud under scction 59 shall bc so nominaled;

>(iv) ihc Presiden~ and Ihc Vice- Prcsidcn~ of ~ h c Ar~cl~rt I ik Pnrislrad ( P . ~ oftcia).

(2) The mcn~bers o r a S~nnding Commitrec shall clcct a Chairman thereof from among tbemsclves:

"Provided rhnr 3 Presidcnr of the Ar!cl~nliX- Pnri.rlmd shall bc the EX. nfficio Chairman or he Finance and Esrablishmen t Standing !

Comniiltec. 1 81. (1) An clccted m~n~hcr of a S~anding Commirrec sliall hold TcrlnoC

office for a period or lbur yciirs or Tor so long 3 s hc cotltil~ues LU be il Olliccof I ~ncmhs of

rne~nhcr oflhc Ancholik POI-i~lrrrd, wt~ichcvrr i s cnrlier. S~wding I (2) An ofticcr appoinred as a nlcnlber under clause (ii) of sub- CommirLwS.

seclion ( 1 ) of sec~ion 80 shall htdd ofTtcc uutil :~nolher oftlccr is appointed 10 replace him.

(3) A nominn~ed mcmher sllall hold nrfice for a period of lour gears:

Pravided thar a nomjnarcd ~nembcr shall con~inul: in office aRer [bc expiry of thc said pcdod unrll a r~cw n ~ c ~ ~ ~ b e r is no~ninatcd in his place:

jProvidcd furrhcr ~har a non~inaled me~nbcr may bc removed horn ofice by [he Stale Govcrnmenl any rime bcrore lhc cxpiry of rhc said period on any of [he grounds mcntioncd in sub-secrion (4) of secrion 60 m lllc manner providcd in 1tra1 sub-5cction.

82. AChairmnu shall hold officc lor a pcriod of Lour ycars or for so TcrnioC long ils he uon~jl,ucs to hc n ~llcmbcr of rhc Srairding Commi~lcc. $:::;, whichever is earlicr:

Provided that rlle Chairman shall coniinuc lo hold officc unril a new Cllairrnan is clccrcd and assumcs office. --

'For noiificatinn relnting lo appointment for each Arrcl~(r?ik Ptirislr<rd thc olticers or ~ h c Srale Govcm~ncnr sp:ified as rncrnhcrs or ~ h v Standing Co~nl~li~rres dcnotcd, rrr noiilication No. 127hlPanchllA-17/64. dnrcJ rlic i 5111 lune. 196.1, puh1ishs.d in lhu C(~lc~rttu Un;trrc o f l9M. Pan I, pnpc IP39.

T h e proviso was added by s. I 1 or the \Vcsl Rtngnl Bllrl Pori~l~urls (Amcndmcnr) Act. 1967 (Wcsl Bcn. A c l XI1 ofl967).

'Clause (IU) tvzs addtd by A. 3(17)(a) ofthe \ i ' cs~ Rtngnl P ~ r r ~ c / r t ~ ~ ~ r r and Xllr P~rrislrndr (Arncndment) Act. 1965 (War tlcn. Act XXVl to1 l'lh3).

'Thc proviso 1 ~ 3 s substituled Cot thc crigilid proviso by 5 3(17)(h), ibid. The nmviso r v a inscrrd by s. 12 olihc \Ycsr Rcr~g:dZill(~ Pr,,-i~j~~~r(A~ncndrnml)Arr.

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Tllc \Vest Bejigul Zilla Parisliads Act, 1963.

[Wcst Ben. Act

(Port Ill. -Anchal i k Parishad.-Cl~ap~er XII.--Sratrldi~ig Cort~rrlirtc.t~ of rhe Anchnlik P;xishnd.-Seurio~r 83.-Clroprer XII1.-

Pmper! , Fitiurrce orrd Tasa~ioa-Secrions 84, 85.)

~'o \$c~s of 83. A Sranding Co~n~nirlee shall excrcisc such powcrs, pcrfoml such S ~ a ~ d i n g Co,lll,,,,,,~ Cunclions and discharge such dulies as may bc prcscribcd or as may be

assi~ned ro i t by [lie Atzchalik Pnri.~had.


Propcrty, Financc and Taxation.

\ V O ~ 84. Al l roads, buildings or other works consuuclcd by an A~rclralik consrruc~rd by L1,,t.,,u,il: PntisIi~~d from irs Fund shall vcst in il.

rlr~rhrrlik P(rri~lrrrrl

115. ( 1 ) For cvcry Atlclrnlik Pnrishnrl there shall be consliturcd a fund Fund. [o bc called 111c A~rclralik Pnrishnd Fund and there shall bc placed 10 thc

credit rherenf-

(a) coniribu~ions nnd grants, jT any, made by the Cenlral or [he Stale Government;

(b) conrribu~ions and grants. i T any, madc by rhc Zillrr Pur-i~~lrud or othcr local nurl~oriry;

(c) loans, if any, granred by the Ccnlral or lhu Slalc G~vcrnrncnl or rniscd by rhc Anclrr~lik Por.islrar1 on sccurily of irs assers;

(d) all rcceiprs on nccounr of rolls, rares and fees levied by jr;

(e) all rcceiprs in rcspecr of any schools. hospitals, dispensarics, buildings, ins~i~urions or works. vesled in , consrrucred by or placed under rlle c~n t ro l and nranagement OF, the Aschnlik Pnl-is11 ad;

If) all sums rccciucd as ,oil[ or conlribu~ion and all income from any !rust or endowment made in favour of ~ h c A)icfrnlik P LI r i x 1 1 ~ 1 ~ ~

(g) such lincs or penalties imposed and realised under the provisions of ihis Act or uirhc hyc-laws mndc ihcrcundcr, as may hc prcscribrd; and

(11) all othcr sums rcczivcd by or on behalf of the Atjclialik I'arislrad.

(2) The A~ichalik Pcrri~hod Fund shall hc vcs~cd in he Al~chalik Pnrisl~rrl ilnd thc halancc sunding 10 lhc crcdii or lhc lund shall bc kcpt in such cusrody as thc Statr Governmen1 may. from lime ro lime, direcr.

(3 ) All orders and chcqucs for pnymcnts from thc Atlchnlik Parishnd Fund shall he signed by [lie Presidzn t o f ihe A~rclralik Parishad or by any

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The West Berrgfll Zilln Parishads Acr. 1963.

X M V of 1963.1

- . , - ,

. . - - . - - . . .

, - 86. ( 1 ) Subjcci to such rnaxin~um rales as thc Starc Governmcnl ~ Y Y O ~ : . - , .. , .

lolls, n lcs rnay prescribe, an A~lchnlik Purisl~ad may- and I ~ t s . (a) lcvy tolls on persons, vehicles or animals or any class of

them a[ any toll-bar cstablishcd by it on any road other ~ h n n a krrrcliu road or any bridgc veslcd i n i~ or under its managemcn t;

(b) levy lolIs in rcspecr O F any ferry cslablisl~ed by i~ or undcr ils nlanagcmenl;

(c) levy ~ h c folllowing fees and raies, namc1y:- (j) fccs on the rcgisualion of vcl~icles;

(ii) a fee for providing sanitary armngemcnw a[ such places of warship or pilgrimage, [airs and ~ ~ l e l r r s within ils jurisdicrion ns may be specified by lllc Sratc Govcrnmcni by notification;

(iii) a Tcc for licence for a hut or n~nrkzi held ivirhin jrs jurisdicrion;

(iv) a fee for licence rcfcrred to in sub-sccrion (2) of section 72;

(v) a warcr rate, whcrt: arrangcmcnr for thc supply or warcr for drinking, irrikation w any other purpose is made by 11lc Atlcllolik Parishad within ils jurisdiction;

(vi) a Ughdng nlc, wlierc .urangmcnl for ligh~ing of public strcets and places is made by thc Ar~clrolik Parislrsrl within its jurisdictinn.

(2) An Ancl~alik Pqrishncl shall nor undertakc registrarion or any vchicle or lcvy fee thcrufor and shall not provide suni~ary arran, oemen ts at placcs of worship or pilgrimages, fairs and 11relas witllin its jurisdiction or tevy fcc rherefc~r if such vchicle has already bccn registered by nny c~rher au~hnrity undcr any law ror he rime being in forcc or if such provision ibr sanitary arrangen~ent has blrcady hecn made by m y orhcr local au~liority.

87. ( 1) Thc scales of lolls, fecs or r a m and 111e terms and condi~ions S C ~ I C S of for the impositic~n thereor shall be such as may be provided by ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ i c ( ' bye-laws. by hyc-lmvs.

.. . . . . (2) Such bye-laws may provide for exemprion from all or any of [he , .. . . . . . . . . . .

~olls, fees or rates in any clnss of cases. . . .

88. An AtlcjluliA. Purislltfd shall have pnwcr lo spcnd such su~tls out Espcndi~urc

of its Fund as i r rllinks lil- r10111 the rlncktilik

(a) for carrying o u ~ lhe purposes of [his Acl; P(rrisIrrri!

( b ) for providing arncniries Tor its officers and crnployecs; and - .-

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rlr~cl,thik P ~ ~ l - i . ~ I l ~ l ~ l Inny r.11~1: loans.

Tfre West Rerigal Zilla Parishads Acr. 1963.

[West Ben. Act

89. An Ancl~ulik Parisl~atl may, subjecl lo lhc provisions of any law rclating lo thc raising of loans by local auctiori~ies, for thc ~ i m c being jn force. rnisc from time ro time, with I hc approval of the Srarc Government, loans for 111c purposes of his Act, and to create n sinking fund fnr the rcpaymcnl of such loans.

90. (1) Thc Chief Executive 0 f c e r shall in cnch ycar, beforc such darc as may bc prcscri bed, place beiorc I hc A)lclrdlik Pfirixf~ad I he budgcr, which sllall bc prcparcd by the Financc and Establish~ncnt Committee. shorving the pmbabIc rccciprs and expcndilurc of the fo l lo~v ing ycar and rhc Alrcl~aliX- Porirkarl shalI adopl the budgct with such modifications as i[ ]nay think 1?1.

(2) The budgct so adopled sliall be submiucd 10 the Zillri Porisflad by such darc as may bc prcscribcd.

(3) Ttlc Ziila Parislrad may, wilhin such t i n~c as may be prescribed, cither approve or lhe budgct or rclurn it ro the Ancl~ulik Par-isl~nd for such modificnlions as i~ may direcl. On such modificalions bcing made ihc budget s l ~ a l l bc rcsuhrnitted wi~bin such lime as may bc prescribed for approval ro he Z i l l ~ Porishrrd. If the approval of [he Zilll~ P(1risltur1 is not receivcd by [he A/lcfralik Pririshud hy the I Z I darc of thc year, the budget shall bc deemed 10 be approvcd by he Zillu Prir-ishad.

91. Tbe F~nancc and Establishment Commiuee may. if il finds il

necessary to d o so, prcpare a supplementary or rcvised budgel and i l such a budget is preparcd rhc provisions of section 90 shall apply.

92. (I) An Ancfrrrlik Prtrisl~ad shall keep such accounrs and submit such swrmcnrs relating lo accounrs ID the Srate Governrncn~ and the Zilla Porishrrd ns may be prescribed.

(2) Accoun~s uf rccciprs and expendirurc of cvery Ancl1rrlik Parishad shall bc maintained in such forms as may be prescribed.

(3) The Chief Excculivc Olficcr shall submil quarlcrl y slalernenls, i n such form ns nlay be prescribed, of inuonle and expcndilurc or h c

A~rcircrlil; Pr~risllud lo the Zillcr Pnrisfrrrrl with his com~nenls.

(4) The nccounls shall bc audited as soon a5 may be alter thc end of eacll ycar I,y such agcncy and in such manner as niay be prcscribcd.

( 5 ) An Ailclrlralik Pariskud shall pay our of thc Anclmlik Porilltrrd Fund such sum as may be de~ern~ined by thc Srarc Government by way or

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The lifest B P N ~ ~ I Zilla Parishads Act, 1963.



MisccH a ncous.

93. NO act or proceeding of aZilla Parixl~ad or an At~cholik Puristlad Valida~ion. or of any S~andinr Commi~tee thcreof shall bc dcemed lo be invalid merely by reason of ~ h c cxistcncc of any vacancy in the Zilla Parishad or Ancllalik Purislrrrrl or i n my Sianding Commiucc t hcrcol; or any dcfecl or irrcgularity i n the cons~itulion of thc Zilla Prrrisl~ad or A~tcfrolik Purislmd or any Slnnding Comrnitlcc lier re of.

94. Thc Stare Governu~en~ may, by norificalion. specify for the Hacktyu!

purposcs of this Acl, the community which is i n its opinion socially, mlll'nUn"Y~

cconornically or educationally backward.

95. All members, associarc mcmbcrs, officers and employees or Memhrs. o f i cc s and [he Zilla Parislrnd or thc A~lc l~al ik Puristrad shall bc dccmcd, when r,nPIOYL~~

acring or purpor~ing ro acl in pursuance of the dischtugc of thcir dulies, r o b public

ar in ~ h c cxcrcjsc of their powers undcr this Acl or under the rules, wrvm"'

rcgulations or bye-laws mndc rhereunder, to bc public scrvnnts AclXLVof wilhin the mcaning of section 21 of the Indian Penal Code. 1860.

96. No suit or orher IegaI proceeding shall lie against thc Zillu Indcnmily.

Pcirislrrrd or thc Atickalik Parishad or against any member or associalc mcmbcr or such Panihad or of any Slanding Cornmiltee r hercor or any officer or employee 01 such Purislrud for anything in good Iairh done or inlcndcd to be done in pursuance of [his Acl or of any rules, rcgulaljons or byc-laws iliade lhrreunder.

97. (1) No suit shall be broughr againsl [lie Zilla Parisl~arl, or Anclrulik Parislrad or any or its member or associarc mcmbzr or any officer or employcc Tor anydling done undcr this Acr or under !he rules, rcguln~ic~ns or hyc-laws made thercundcr, un~i l (he expiration of onc m o n h ncxr aflcr nolice in writing. slating lhc cause of acuon .and the name and pIace of residencc of ~ h c pcrson who intends to bring-the suit, has been delivered or lef~ a1 llie officc of such Parishad and also if h e suil is inlendcd to bc, brought against Any officer or employee of such Parislrad at (he place of residencc of sucll officer or cmployce.

(2) Every such suil shall be commcnced within thrce monhs from thc date or service of the notice under sub-seclion ( 1 ) and no1 aftenvtuds.

Nosuit to bc bmu$r aginsr memkrs of t hc Zillu Pnrirfrud or Arlrlmlik Pnrisl~nd nr ~hciroficcrs unril dtrr nolicr.

(3) No such suil shall lie if any such pcrson to whom noticc i s given shall. hcforc the suit is cammcnccd. tender sufficient amcnds ro rhe

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Tire West Bet~gai Zilla Parishads Act, 1963.

[West Bcn. Act

98. The Zillo Paristiad or the Anchalik Parisf~ad may pay compensalion o u ~ of [he Zilla Parishad Fund or llle A~icl~alik Parishad Fund, as [he case may bc, to any person susrainjng any damagc by reason of he exercisc of any of thc powers confcrrcd by this Act or [he rules, regulations or byc-laws mndc Ihcrcundcr.

99. IT any dispute ariscs between two or more Al~chal Potrcf~ayars or bcrwccn an Ar~clral Pm~clrajnr and any of irs consri tuenr Gra~~l Pa~lchnynt wirhin thc jurisdiction of the same Aecfialik Parisf~ad, it shall bc rcfcrrcd lo ~ h c Atrclialik ~ a d l o d by any party to [he dispure. The decision of the Atlcl~alik Parislzad on such dispute shall be final.

100. If any dispurc ariscs be~ween an A~iclrol Pnt~cl~ayut and an Atlchalik Parisliar1 or betwccn Lwo or morc A~lcl~alik Pat.is11ads wirhin the jurisdiclion O F LIIC same ZiIla Parishad, it shall bc rcfcrrcd ro h c Zilla Parisfrad by any party to [hc dispute. The decision of the Zilla Parisfrod on such dispute shall be final.

101. If any dispute arises between two or more Zilla Pari.~hads or between a Zilla Pari.sJza and an A~lchnlik Parisl~ad wihin its jurisdic- !ion, i~ shall be rercrred tb the Stalc Government by any pany lo lhc dispure. The decision of [he State Government on such dispute shall be Iinal.

102. ( I ) lr any dispu~c miscs as to Ihc validity of an eleclion under [his Act, any person cnrillcd to vo~c at such clcction may, within rhirly days after the date n i the dcclora~ion orthc rcsult of such clccdon, file a pctirion, culling in qucstion such clcction, bcrorc thc Districl Judge of the district within which the clection has bccn held and shall ot rhc s m e lime deposir rupees two hundred in coun ar securily for the costs likcly to be incurred:

Provided thar the Distric~ Judgc may kansfcr such pelilion lo any judicial'oflicer subordinarc l o him and nor bclow thc rank of Subordinale Judge, andrhe Djsbict Judge or such judicial ofliccr (hcrcinartcr rcferred lo as the Judge) may hold such inquiry as he dcems ncccssary.

(2) The procedure ro be followed by the Judge including all marrers relating ro thc filing of such pctition shall be such as may bc prcscribcd.

(3) Thc Judgc shall havc all the powers of a Civil Coufl for the purposes or receiving evidence, adminislermg oath, enforcing the atlendance of witnerses an compelling Ihc discovery and producuon of

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Tfre West B~l lga l Zilla Parishads Acl, 1963.

XXXV of 1963.1

(Part IK-Clroyrer XN-Miscel1at1eorrs.- Secriotu 103-106.)

(4) The decision oi the Judgc shall be [inal and shall not bc called in qucition i n any courr.

103. Any officer of [he Slale Governmenl aurhorised by the Stale Po\cror

Government in [his bchalf, shall be entitled to arrcnd mcctings of thc gECmn,cn, ZilIa Pn~.islrarl or Lhc Atichrrlik Parishad, as the case may bc, and of any OFliarsro

Standing Cornmillee [hereof. for ihe purpose of furnishing facts. z:kg5- infornlation, and rechnical advice but shall not be enlided LO vote ar any such meeling.

104. ( 1 ) The Commissioner or any olher officer no1 below [he rank Inspcrion

of a Deputy Collector, authorised by the Stale Government in this behalf, inay at any time-

(a) call for and inspcct any documcnt which may bc in thc . .

possession of a Zilln Porisftad or an Anclmlik Pnrislrad; (b ) require a Zilln Pari.slrad or an Anclialik t'nrisliad 10 furnish

such informalion as he may rhink necessary; (c) inspccr thc o rjicc or a Zillu Pari.~hrrrl or an Ancl~rrlik Prrrisharl

or any insti~urion rnainloincd by or under llle conrrol or a Zillu Pflrislrrrd or an A~rchalik Pnrisfrarl, and also inspect any records, registers or any other document mainrained by such instilulion.

(2) When an inspeclion is- underlaken under cIause (c) of sub- section ( I ) , a reporl of such inspection shall be submitred to the Stale Government.

105. Thc Statc Govcm'mcnr may, by nolificarion, delegatc subjec~ Lo lklcgmion.

such condiGons as ir may spccify all or any of its powers undcr [his Acl excepl the polvcrs mentioned in sections 9, 12, 57, 60, 107, 108, 112, I 16 and 1 17 ro any person or authority subordinale lo i t .

106. (1) The State Government may transfer any jnslilulion or work Tmsrcr of undcr its management OF control to a Zillo Pnrishad or an A~~clralik $::::;, Porislr~~rl, and a Zilla Parislrnd may transrcr any inslitulion or work undcr i r s management or conlrol to any Anchalik Parishad, Atzclral Paticlruyc~r or Gram Pat~chajat, subjcct to such conditions, limitations and restricrions as may bbc agrccd upon.

(2) When any insti tulion is transfcn-ed under sub-scction ( 1 )- (a) by rheS~ateGovemmcntroaZillo PuriiilradortoanAwcl~nlik

Parishad, or (b) by a Zillrr Parisllad to any - Aliclrolik Parislrad, Atrclrol

Put~clrayar or Grot# Pcl~rchny~lt,

persons employcd by !he S r a ~ e Government, or [he Zilla Porislrad in

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The Wesr Bet~gal Zilla Parishads Act 1963.

!West Ben. Act

(Part IV-Cliapter XIK-Miscellar~eoes.- Secrio~rs 107-1 09.)

deemcd to be employed by ~ h c ZiIIu Parislrad or Atrclialik Paristiad or Ancllal Parlchuyar or Gra111 Putrclrn~or, lo which such institution is transferred, on lcrrns and conditions, not lcss advantageous than whar hey were enti~lcd to immcdiately before such tnnsrcr.

107. ( 1 ) Thc Sla~e Govemmen~ may by ardcr in writing rescind any resolution passed by a Zilla Parislfd or an Anchalik Parishad or any S~anding Commiucc hereof, iilin its opinion such resolution-

(a) has not been Icgdly passed, or (b) i s i n excess or abuse of the powers confcrrcd by or undcr this

Acr or any rules m d c thereunder, or (c) is li kcly to cause, il cxeculed, danger to human life. health,

or sarety or is likcly to lead to a brcach OF thc pcace. '

(2) The State Govcrnrnenl shall, before taking any action under sub- scc~ion ( I ) , givc the Zilla Parishod or [he Alrclr~lik Parislrad, as the casc may be, an opponunity of making any represenlalion againsr h e proposcd order.

108. (1) If, in the opinion ol the Stmc Governmcnt, a Zilla Parislrud or an Atzchalik Pui-islrod-

(a) has shown its incompetence to perform or has persistently made derault i n he pcrformancc of thc dulies or exercise of thc funcdons imposed on it by or under this Acl or by any olhcr law, or

(b) has cxceeded or abused iu pawcrs,

lhc Slate Governmcn~ may by an order to be published in the Oficial Gazerre slating the reasons rhcrefor, supersedc the Zilla Paiisl~ud or [he A~~cha l i f : Parishad, as thc case may bc, for such pcriod, not excecding thc maximum pcriod of rwo yccm, as may bc specified in lhc ordcr:

Providcd thar [he Statc Government shall before raking any action undcr sub-section (1) give the ZiIIa Parislrad or the A)tchulik Parishad, as the casc may be, an opportuni~y of making any rcpresenfarion agains! he proposrd order.

(2) Thc Stale Governmcnr may, by ordcr to be published in the OljTciol Gazette, subjecr to thc maximum of two years mentioned in sub-sec~ion (1). exlend or modify thc pcriod of supersession if i t considers it necessary so lo do.

109. ( I ) When an order of supersession has been passcd under sec~ion 108 thcn with effect From [he dare of !hc order-

(a) all [he members and asswiate members of the ZiIla Parislrad or thc A)~c l~ f l l i k Parisl~ud, as h e case may bc, and all [he mcmhers of the Standine C ~ ~ r n i t t e e thercof shall vacate their

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The West Betlgal Zilla Parishads Act, i963.

XXXV of 1963.1

(b) a l l thc powers, durics and functions which. under thc provisions of this ACL or any rule, byc-law or regulalion made lt~ercunder or any law for [he timc being in forcc. may be exercised, discharged or performed by the Ziiln Parishad or the Ancliolik Parishad or any Standing Cornmirice thereof, shall bc cxercised, discharged or performed by such person, to be cnllcd the Adminismalor, as may bc appointed by thc S I ~ I C Government in h i s behalf:

Provided [ha1 such Administrator may delegale any of his powers, dutics or funclions to any officer w ohcr cmployee of the Zillu Parisllad or the Aj~chalik Purishad, as the casc may be.

( 2 ) Thc Slate Govcrnrnen~ shal l f i x the remuneration of the Adminiskator and may direcl thar such remuneration shall be paid horn h e Zilla Parisl~aci Fund or thc Anclralik Parislrod Fund, as thc cnsc may be.

(3) All property vcstcd in such Ziila Pnrislrod or At~cllolik Parisliad, as thc case may be, shall vest in the Slarc ~overnment during h e period of supcrsession.

(4) The Slatc Government may by order lo be published in !he Oflcial Guzctle re-establish the ZiIIa Pfirisllad or the Atlchalik Parisllad, as thc case may be.

(5) On the expiry of the period OF supcrsession the Adminismtor shall cease to excrcise his Functions.

(6) Norhing conrained in [he forcgoing provisions (IT his sections sl~all affec~ the prorisions of section 38 and the Dislrict School Board shall continuc ro function as rhc Primary Educarion Committee of [hc Zilla Parishad.

' 109A. ( 1 ) Where by reason of any judgmcnr, decree or ordcr ol a competent Courl holding the conski~ution OF a Z i l h Parishad or an A~rchrrlik Purisllud to have kcomc defeclive or for any olher reason a Zitla Purislrad or an Ancholik Parislrad is unable to function undl it is reconstilured in accordance with the provisions of this Act, the Srate Government may, by order, appoint a person LO act as ~ h c Admini slrarar for the Zilla Parishod or the Ancllalik Purislrad, as the casc may be.

Appinlr~lcn! irLM w k r e EIlu Pori~hud or A~rclrulik Pdrislrud unable lo iunclion lor ~ C ~ K I or constilulion. CIC.

'Secrion lO9A was inscncd by s. 2 of the Wcsl Bcngal Zillu Purisbod~ [Amendment) InFn r..- - n. . .7-,,, .r ,n,n,

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R e p 1 and \'c<.Fr1ng.

Tile Wcst Relrgul Zilla Parishads Act, 1963.

[West Ben. Ael

(Part IV-Clinprer Xltl-Miscel1~1rreo~ts.- Scctio~is l l 0 , I l l . )

(2) Whcn an order has been rnadc undcr sub-secBon (1) appoin~ing an Ad~ninislralor in rcspcct of n Zilla Put~bhnd ur nn Ar~cholik Par-isliud. thcn with effect from rllc d a ~ c of the order-

(a) all rnembcrs and associate members of thc Zilln Parishad or the Ancllulik Purishad and members or thc Standing Con~miltees hereof shall vacate their respeclivc offices;

(b) all rhe powers, duties and funcrions which may by or under this Acl or any other law for the time being in forcc, bc c xercised and performed by thc Zilla Parisfrad or thc Ancllalik Parishad or any Standing Commil~ee hereof or by thc C h a i n a n or Vice-Chairman of the Zilla Parislrad or [he Prcsidenr or Vice-President o i thc Arrdrolik Parisirarl shalI be excrciscd and performed by lhc Administrator in such manner and undcr such conditions as [he Statc Governmenl may direct.

(3) The appoinlment of an Administrator undcr sub-scc~ion ( 1 ) i n respcut uf a Zilla Parisirud or an Anchnlik Pnrislrod shall rcrminatc on 111e complction of the reconsritu~ion of thc Zilla Parisl~od or the A~~chul ik Purisltad, as the case may bc.

(4) The Slalc Govcrnmcnt may Fix a rcmuncration for the Adminisrrator appoin~ed undcr sub-scclion (1) and direct l h a ~ such rztnuncrarion shill be paid from thc Zilla Pnrisliad Fund or thc Ancllalik Parishclrl Fund, as he c x e may be.

110. Nvtwirhstanding any hing coniilincd in the Indian Limi~a~ion rx of 1408.

Act, 1908, ihc pcriod of limitation for Ihe institution of any suit by or on . ,

behalf of a Zillrr Prtrishad or an Atrcl~aliA. Purisliud for the possession of . .. any immovable propcrty vcsted in such Parislrud from which it has been dispossessed or of whlch il has ccased lo have possession shall be s i x ~ y y c ~ s rrom the date of dispossession or disconlinuancc. , .

I l l . With cffect from the date spccificd in [he notification issucd under sub-sccrion ( 1 ) of section 3, in [he district rcFcrred lo in the said noli fication-

(a) the Bcngal Local Self-Government Act of 1885 shall srand Bcn. Ac! H I 01 1185. repealed;

(6) all propcrtics, movable or imniovablc, and all asscts of the District Board, shall vcst in thcZillo ParislruJof thc disrricr;

( c ) all rights acquired. all debts and obligadons incurred, all matters and things engaged to bc donc, before the establishrncnt of the Zilla Pnrislrad, by thc Dislrict Board shall be dccmcd lo have been acquired, incurred or engaged In hr dnnp hu r h~ 7i11t1 PrrriclrnJ nT rhe rlictr;rr-

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Tlre IVesl Betrgal Zilla Parishads Acr, 1963.

Bcn. Acr II! of 18115.

(d) all suits or orher legal procccdings instirured or rvhich might but lor thc ~[ablishrncnr of thc ZilIo Parishad have bccn instituted by or against [he Disrjcr Board may bc condnucd or instiluted by or ngainsl ~ h c Zilla Parislrad of ~ h c district and in all such suits or other legal procccdings pcnding immediately before such establishment, the Zillrr Pnrislrad shall stand substituted in place of the District Board;

(e) any schcrnc prcparcd by o; anyrhing donc or any action taken by or in favour of lhc Diskict Board shall be deemed to have been prcpared by or done or bkcn by or in favour orthc Zilla Parislrad of the district;

(I) persons employed by the Djsuict Board and conunuing in ofice iminedialely before the esrablishrncnt of Ihc Zillu Parisliad shall be deemed to be employed by rhc Zillo Parisl~od of [he district on such [ems and condBons, no! bcing Icss advanlagcous than what they were enrirled lo irnrnediatcly before such establishment, as may be determined by ~ h c Zillu Parisllad;

(g) all rulcs, ordcrs, bye-laws and notificaticms made or issued from lime lo time under the provisions OF the Bengal Local SeIi-Govcmmcnt Act of 1885, applicable ID he Dismct Board and conunuing in force imrncdia!cly bcrorc thc cstablishmcn~ of the Zilla Parisf1ndshal1, after such eslablishmcnr, conlinuc in force in so far as they are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act until they are repealed or amended.

112. (1) Thc Sratc Government may, after previous publicalion, make R u l a . rules for carrying our rhc purposes of this Act.

(2) In parlicular and wilhout prejudice to thc generality of the foregoing power, such rules may provide lor all or any of the IblIowing milllcrs, namely:-

(a) any matter for which power to make provision is conrerrcd expressly or by implication on the Stale Governnlent by [his Act;

(b) thc cslablishrnent of the ZilIa Parislzad and the A~lchalik Purishad;

(c) the manncr of giving notice orrcsignadon by the Chairman, Vice-Chairman or a member of [he Zillu Parishad and rhc President, Vice-President or a member of the Anchulik Parisl~ud;

(d) qualificauons, recrui trnent, scales of pay, conditions of service of all or any of the categories of oFficers or other employees nf r h ~ 7;/1n Pnr;rhnd nr Arrrlrnlik Pnr;rlmd-

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Tlre \Vest Beterrgal Zilla Parishads Act. 1963.

[West Ben. Act

(c) Ihc framing of budget oC rhc Zilla Pnrisl~ad and OF rhc Atrclralik Patislrod;

(0 [he kccping of accounls of the Zilla Purishud and of thc A~rchalik Puri.~hr~d:

(g) rhc raising of loans; (h) hc calling and holding of mcelings of rhc Zillu Parisl~nd or

the Attclinlik Pnrishod and [he conduct of business at such ~neetings; and

(i) [he paymcnr of allowances, if any, ro rhc Chairman, Vice- Chairman and mcrnbers of thc Zilla Parishad and l o thc President, Vicc-President and members of the Allchalik Pririshad;

'Cj) any othcr matter which may bc, or is requircd lo be, prescribed.

(3) Ail rules made undcr [his Acr shzlll be published in the Oficial Gozerre and shall, unlcss some latcr date is appoinled by [he S l a ~ e Governmcnl, come into force on thc dare of such publicadon.

( 4 ) All rules madc under ihis Aar shall be laid for nor less than fourteen days before the Stare Legislature as soon as p~ssible afier they are made and shall bcsubjec~ lo such modjfica~ion as !he State Legislature may make during rhc session in which they arc so laid. Any modification of the said rules made by the Srare Legislature shall bc published in thc Oficial Guzerrr: and shall, unless somc laler date is appoinred by [he Slate Government, ctsmc into forcc on h e date OF such publication.

Ru2u1mions 113. ( 1 ) A Zilla Pan'.rIlad or an Anclirrlik Parisl~ad may, with ~ h c and byc-]a$vs, previousapproval of the Stalc Government, make regulalions which may

provide Tor- (a) !he calling and holding or meeungs of the Zilla Parisl~ad or

thc Atrclrrrlik Par;~l~nrl, the proccdurc ro be followcd in [he mcetings and ~ h c condua of business a1 mccrings;

(b) qualificalions of officers and cmployees and Ihe methods of rccruilment, condilions of scrvice and discipline of such oficers and e~nployccs including provisions for Provident Fund, gratuity and advances to the cmployees.

(2) AZilla Parislrarlor an Allclralik Parisl!od may, with the prcvious approval of [he S t a ~ c Governmcnl, make hyc-laws for carrying out the purposes of !his Act olher than lhose mentioned in clauses (a) and jb) of sub-section (I).

(3) Thc Srarc Governnienl may, by no~ification, rescind any regulation or bye-law and [hereupon such regulalion or bye-law shall ceasl: to have effecl.

'Clausc (j) w x inserted by s. 3( 18) or ~hc \VUI Bcngal Pnrrclru~~~t md Zilln Priris1rurl.r (AmrnJ~ncnr)Aci, 1965 (\Vcsi Bcn-Acl XXVIl of 1965).

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Tfre Ilkst Bcrr~al Zi lla Parishads Ar;, 196-7.

XXXV of 1363.1

(4) I n ~naking a bye-law under sub-seclion (2). a Zilln Pnr-islrad or :in Arrclrnlik Purishorl may providc rhnr a breach uT thc same s11:ill bc ,

punishcd with fine which may chrend !o rupccs one hundrcd. and in thc ,,

case of a continuing breach with a furthcr linc rvIiich may cxrcnd m rupccs ren for tvcry day during which [he brc;lcli is cnrltinucd a f~c r \hc

ol'rcndcr Ilas becn convicted of such breach.

114. Prosecurions under Illis ALI lor breach or hyc-laws may hc hosccurion.

insri~utcd by a Zillrr P~rislmmi or an rtttcimiik Pnrisharl or by any person nuthorised by such Parislrad in this be11alF.

115. All an-cars of tolls. and rales leviahlc by a Zillrr Pnrishad or an r r c c ~ V v h , u i Anclralik Prrrisl~rrd under chis Act shall, wirhour prejudice to iuly other m'Nj-

modc of recovery, bc rccoverablc as arrears of land rcvcnue. !

116. In the dischiugc of [heir fuoc~ions the Zi lb Prrl-i.~11ad aud 111c nircctiuns by 5131~ A/zc+lrnlik Pnr-islmd shall bc guided by such ins~ructions or dircc~ions as G,,,,,,,,,,,

may be givcn ro rhzni by ~ h c Stare Govcrnmcnl from tirnc [<I time. ! 117. I F any di[ficully arises in giving Errc=l lo the provisions of this ~ro\.isiun for !

I Act. rhe S h l c Go\rernmeni may lake sue11 s!cps or issue such odcrs, no\ ~~~~,~~ inconsjstent with the provisions of this Acl. as 111ay a p p z ~ u to i~ to be ncccssary or cxpcdient for Ihc purpose of removing sucli difficulty.

i !

118. On the esrnblishmenl of a Zillo Parislzad in any district thc Ari~cndr~wnl

cniic[rnenls specified i n column 3 nf rhe Sccond Schedule shall stand ~~~~~ an~endcd within (hc ~c r r i~onn l limils of the said dis~r ic~ to tllc cxtcnt rnd1h.i

and in thc manner spccikd i n column 4 thereof. Dcng31 (Hur;rlj Prilnxy Educa~ion Act, 1430.


(See section 14.)

Form or oalh or amrmation to bc made by a niembcr of a Zillo Parisliod.

clcc~rd I, A. B., bcing an e.~-oficio n~ernbcr or 11avinp becn a appuinicd

swear in rhc nnme of God member or the .................. Z i l b Po'or-islmd do -

solcmnly aflirm l h a ~ I will bear true faith and allegiance lo the Consrilulion OF India as by law estabiishcd, and that I will faithrully discharge thc dulich upon which

Page 56: The West Bengal Zilla Parishads Act, 1963 Keyword(s ... ZILA PARISHAD ACT 1963 p.pdf · The West Ber~gal Zilla Parishads Acr, 1963. [West Ben. Act Secrion. . . .. 67. Power of Ancltaiik

Tltc \\IE.FI Belr~al Zilla Parishads Act, 1963.

[Wcst Bcn. Act XXXV of 1963.1

(Sccorrd Scfrcd~rle.)

. . . . SECOND SCHEDULE. . . . . . . . . . , ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - , .

. . . . . . . , - . . . . . . . . . . . . .

, - . . - . - . . ,

. . . . . . . Enndmcnts amended.

Ycar. No. Short rirlc. Exrcnr of amcndmcnr.

I 2. 3 4

1880 l X . . The Cess Act, 1880. 1 . I n seclion 4,- (a) thc dcfiniiions of "Districl

Board" and "District Fund" shall bc omir~cd,

(b) after the definition of "Year", the following d c h i ~ i o n s shall be added. namely:-

"'Zilla PurislraJ' mcans a Zilla Parislrnd established under section 3 of the Wesl Bengal Zillo Pnrislrods Act, 1963.

"Zillu Parislrod Fund" lnenns thc fund consrituted under section 40 of the !Vest Bengal Zillo Parishads Acr, 1963.'.

2. For rhc words "Disrrict Board", whcrevcr thcy wcut, [he words "Zil ln Parislrad" shall bc subsrilured.

3. For rhc second paragraph 01 clausc S E C O I I ~ ~ ~ or sccr i~n 109, lhc rollowing pxagrophshall be subsri~ured, namely:-

"And [he balance. after payment orsuch cxpcnscs, shall bt crcditcd to thc Zillu Parishad Fund of h e dislrict.".

1930 VII . , Thc BengaI (Rurnl) 1 . Far thc wards "Dis[ric[ Primary Educa~ion Bonrd",whcrcvcr rhcy occur, ACI, 1930. thc wards "Zil ln Parishad"

shall bc subslitutrd.

2. Section 20 shall be omitted.