THE WEST A.P. U.S. History Mr. Krueger. Settling the West Horace Greeley, editor of New York Times...

THE WEST A.P. U.S. History Mr. Krueger

Transcript of THE WEST A.P. U.S. History Mr. Krueger. Settling the West Horace Greeley, editor of New York Times...

Settling the West

Horace Greeley, editor of New York Times – “If you head west and make yourself a farm in Uncle Sam’s domain, you will crowd nobody, starve nobody and neither you or your children will beg for something to do.” Post Civil War – destiny to expand reemerges – Crushed

the culture of the Native Americans and ignored the contributions of Mexicans and Chinese

New States created further west Western raw Materials were sent to eastern industries

Western economies depended on the federal government to: Subsidize the railroads Distribute the land Spend millions for the upkeep of soldiers and Native Americans

The less favorable side of settlement was seen in the ghost towns, abandoned farms, and devastated environment left by miners. The west was a place of conquest, exploitation, and a land of cowboys and quick fortunes.


What was the geography of the west like? What did the settlers see/experience?

What brought people to the West? What Native Americans were there? What types of wildlife populated the


Native Americans 1865 – Native Americans inhabited nearly ½ of the U.S. – by

1880 they lived on reservations that were not independent ¼ of a million Native Americans lived in the west – Winnebago,

Cherokee, Menominee, Chippewa – resettled after being forced out SW Region – Pueblo groups – Hopi, Zuni – Adobe dwelling and peaceful

farming Navajo and Apache were nomadic. Navajo herded sheep, Apache had

fierce horsemen Plains Indians – Sioux, Blackfoot, Cheyenne, Pawnee, Apache,

and Comanche Nomads that depended on buffalo and horses – horses arrived with

the Spanish – changed lifestyle – they became warriors and hunters Comanche rode 300 yards and shot 20 arrows before a U.S. soldier

could reload. This led to the advancement in warfare technology Buffalo provided everything – food, shelter, clothing – all was used Conflict occurred with stealing horses or counting coups Language and gender roles differed – sign language was used to


Crushing the Natives Pre Civil War – Land west of Mississippi was called Indian Country –

one big reservation 1834 – Indian Intercourse Act – prohibited whites in the Indian Country 1850’s – Wagons head west One big reservation idea changes – boundaries created for each tribe –

Nomadic tribes challenge the centration policy Warfare begins for the Arapaho and the Cheyenne

1865 – they ask for peace. Chief Black Kettle led 700 followers to Sand Creek. Colorado Militia kills and scalps all of them. Labeled the Chivington Massacre after the commanding Colonel John Chivington

Government Condemns massacre but forces the Cheyenne to leave 1865-1867 – Great Sioux War

Gold miners want to connect mining towns through Sioux Hunting Grounds – Bozeman Trail

Red Cloud (Sioux Chief) was determined to stop them. He lured the Captain, William Fetterman, into battle and massacred 80 troops.

Government debates the Indian Policy – some want to “civilize” them, others just want to punish Natives. Peace Advocates win and convince the Native Americans to move to reservations – the Black Hills and Oklahoma


With 54,000 Native Americans moved to the Black Hills and 86,000 moved to Oklahoma – how would this affect their lifestyle and cultural identity?

Why would the government have agents supervising the reservations?

What was taught in the reservation schools – how does this systematically destroy native culture?

Final Battles on the Plains Reservation Policy changed age old customs and brought poverty and

isolation – leads to warfare for a decade – 1868 Kiowa and Comanche campaigned in Texas until defeated in the Red

River War Northern Plains Indians fight to repel gold miners in the Black Hills.

1875 – Sioux (Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, Rain in the Face) gather to stop the Gold Rush and oppose Colonel George Custer Custer divides his troops at the Little Big Horn and is defeated by

superior forces. Custer’s Last Stand. Government seeks revenge and the Sioux are beaten into

submission. Sitting Bull fled to Canada, but surrenders in 1881. 1890 – the Teton Sioux revived the “Ghost Dance” – ritual to make the

winters disappear and return the buffalo to the prairies Army intervened and killed Sitting Bull at reservation. Native

Americans fled to allies at Wounded Knee Creek – army pursues and slaughters all men, women, elderly, and children they could find. (200 Killed)

The End of Tribal Life

Final step of the Indian Policy 1870-1880’s Some reformers favored assimilation over reservations Education, land policy, and federal law would end tribal

society 1882 – Congress created a Court of Indian Officers – Native

Americans now beholden to regular courts Educators created schools for assimilation

Carlisle Indian School – Pennsylvania Haskell Institute – Kansas

Schools taught English, Farm Work, Machinery repairs Their hair was cut and all tribal symbols banned

Dawes Severalty Act Divided Tribal Land into small plots for distribution to the

tribe Surplus land was sold to white settlers, profits went to



“Kill the Indian, save the man.”

“Every buffalo dead is an Indian gone.”

Terms/Concepts Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show Reservation Life Movement West – new roles, clothing, etc. Homestead Act – 160 acres for $10 and 5 yrs. of work Timber Culture Act Desert Land Act Timber and Stone Act Southwest Culture – farming and clothing

Bonanza West

Consequences Uneven growth Boom-bust economic cycles Wasted resources

Instant cities were created: San Francisco, Salt Lake City, Denver

Mining Bonanza Attracted people who wanted to strike it rich as well as businesses

and corporations to find a good claim. Combstock Lode – $3,876/ton silver = $306 million John W. Mackey hit 54 ft. wide vein – made $25 a minute Deadwood and Tombstone were famous mining towns Men mined and women worked claims, as prostitutes, as cooks, and

as housekeepers Immigrants flocked to mines, especially Chinese out west. Riots

broke out and the Government passed the Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) – suspended immigration of Chinese laborers for 10 years.

Cattle Drives

Cattle ranching dominated the open range American cowboys and Mexican vaqueros

developed branding, round ups, and roping Abilene was a railroad junction city for

cattle purchase 1870 – 300,000 cattle reached Abilene 1871 – 700,000 cattle reached Abilene

Texas steers $4/head, sold for $30-40/head Chisholm Trail – famous cattle trail


1870 – 1900 farmers cultivated more land than ever By 1900 the west had 30% of the nation’s population

Problems Little surface water Wells were expensive – 50-500ft (drillers $2/foot) Little lumber – imported from WI Grasshoppers

New Methods Joe Glidden = Barbed Wire – ended cattle ranching Dry Farming and Furrows with mulch Tough Wheat strains (Russia) James Oliver – chilled iron plow Additional farming machinery – bailing press, grain drill, springs

tooth harrow. Over 900 corporations manufactured farm machinery Books created to help educate farmers on new methods

The National Grange

1860’s – Oliver Kelly founded the National Grange of Patrons (The Grange) Provided social, cultural, and educational activities for its

members Members should not be involved in politics, but often ignored

rules and supported railroad regulations 1875 – 800,000 members

They created coop stores, grain elevators, warehouses, insurance companies

Leads to the farmers alliance Farming boom ends in 1887

Drought was the key The people of the west transformed American Agriculture

California – wine – fruit Texas – beef Wheat fields of the Dakotas, Minnesota, Montana