The Weekly Sun. (New York, NY) 1865-12-30 [p ]. · PDF fileno ground tor ball. ring that tha...

TTfK WEEKLY SU"V . ! L! kmn... f, so. ixr, Far-- .. Prc! Tjo9WI eBBotinrrmOTIheitr,eC.met, - araradmrat hMbarar.tif...' by t.rMoirda af th. kMN Sea .Idled bttl Mill. In'rt eat, ' r II.. raaecm tat ibe publl- - had etreedy h..n adnawl of tril M. f.p..aai.l to tare ...... 11 eVJftl matte, and aa a forn el declaration thai it I. l . Hum i lot nfaaora than pa"1"" notlra. Tbc rnun- - trrl. w Mjl rVnm ib.t Main MM for MM mm Vin wo buDflrwl yri hu tlMfhn1 tli fctrT. H m.T M (Ma claim r) M tiH wklrh hfnr wu ft mockrr, JUJ MM of ?niTfi MM." MM j MM tf tM yMTt IjMiMM ' tor Oay that lha four million, nf naroaa war. S" MMMr la thalourh, that Mf MM MM MMmMMMmMM MMri Ml IM Mrft ! ' ' -r-mlatlnlh.nouD.-ll.oflban.tln., that lb. ' ManU. dam.ndad lh. ..ton..., nf ,h. parurlar Inatltullori Into Iba N .rlb.m T.rrl- - fcorla. ; Ib.t .by ...raaUnad .o braaa .ip tho Ini'.o A , tr ma north aroull not area la to thalr .l.tnan.Ii. t All thla I. Mil. fraab in Iba man. rr, ta bar. la no MM and LaaTi In. h u of .I.e. tomtorr In lha wnnie l ulled Mel... , O .dVom.,. II Iteantnrul Ahbuai. n... riant He. " ta ha kar TO MmT" P.r.n r..,.rln.b. ,h M pmr.n. of Al.b.n.. .. ... . Urn. .1,1 or. r, J Ml t.h MMM and rrllHar,, TMpMM "i1 ,Mr ; r pnnaaea. r.,r lha MMM Mil holla aron- - trolling bead wr th. ft'.!. If rlrlueoi II. in '.- a. UTJ authority The MTJMt MMW parakaa In Alabama, ant the milliar will I npr.rn.ln Mf tMof tMMltaf .,, horll, that mar arl.r The real afafot ,f Alal a na will now f M tMMM M MM MMM EMMlbft M.t tbal tb. MM MM ,. na, Irbarrcl from f... ....... . HMMlM IMl lb. moral a.. MM anion, am, I., probahl. be.r.n, fr..toreM,hro.,tho,l,,b.r,,,r, fl.rotira. lllbajnvlullrrara.edln all II a letelf raLal M...... MM will he ra,.r...d there m an ind.r. -- on tb.. U. Pridrntrntond. la MUnd hi. ar,,,n , IHM of A....,., to.. IM MMt MMM arannw un.lar Vottaml (InltlMlMt Ar.d ni.lher, II will he m etprete aa eri.len e that ibe PrMdent h.a pl.rerl bim.e.f Uiwa.n the I Ml Hlalaa and tha " . " and that ha Inland, to MM . mm wh OMMM M MMM m M MMk. Th. MM of M MM in nq.1 time. If tha lata rabela ahall regard II 7 la lha proper .pli t and endeero. p. .how br thalr . onr-itcl Ibat thar ap, lha Pre..W. lenlanrr, and tbat lb'7 ara 'llapoaa.1 .. pro.a thalt MMIlwM Ib.rafor, than II MMM MMM bare a banaflrlal rfaul. ftill if, on tha rontrarr, Oar -- 2 " 'h" - mim act. clemanct hy ualnif it aa a medium fnr - """ " crimen, hen II would rn. be pamlcloua riMMMMMMlMaiM ard with which to reach a faroral k nntlualon In mt e.M.rad MMIalj lb. BMpM 1. no, an- oouracluf wb.n wt lo,k .1 lha fr.i:U of thai .i- - immm, jd,M i, that light) m immn MMMMllMlftlnpMl M MMMM MMt NMMMfkWMk b aTlTlna-hin- a alack tain. Tbt MM dlerrgano, Mt M of lha Pre.,- - at, and lha apparani programme of Cdgraaa, bow...,. ta ,, MM !, MlllMlly, TbeOoiieeof IUpr...nlall?aa, uml.r Ibe trader U.po,T..p.lT.rkh.. MMM thai ,h. r.. Bute, .ball remain In a prub.tlou.ry randlMoo for a whll. bafor. baring Cnnilu- - Hosal righto reatored. p. ...... hltutwlf, In lha apaacb MMM oo Mond.T. MMM ib.t th. M aeuM.a baa no authority to rallae. Ihe rah.ll.ou. MttlMMMMr, ud lb.l OMTMlgM noly powar that I. qu.ltflad p. act In that capacity fclllMMt. MMM, MM Mm MM aaatlally dlllarank o, rlM ooB, an opao MMqaraMMraragalM I. m M improbable tbal TM Al.bam. affair nay pmva to V"k - " ftlaadablp which haa haan ao generally iuaaifeete.1 by I.MMI MM. d M Pre.,. Mt coma aratong, will I, ih. ra.ull. ; ;. I raaa.nd the I rr.ldrnl. IM IM.HI Hill Kit, th., nd ,h. Bpra,.B,r.p,,of0.n.rd th. rondlUra of th. latoly MtBM Mtl ,n rjga, luaanu MrrrM t tie Bouib upon Iba ranoaatrucUoo laaua, and thua prok. a p,ura with to. MMM parly In roragTBM. W. aa. do ground for MM an mler pretatlon ofkheaa MMM The ImaM paaatd .nM.M,.0rera',nH7.,ta, ZSZ th. MM Btatoa. The maaaaga which ba Irani mmm.imma.m war MM Inquiry af that ldy, aa I the report xxrxzrsz. tbr raaaaaga a wy graUMng lit. nf MMh MMM I MMMMMMMIi Zi ,7 guarded aad ao aaply quallllad that III. Ma ImtUr intended to ba bint of what lh. Pr.Md.ut would Ilk. CoruU. loda. Moreover, It ulnuallyaaprraw-BottlBgnoralhaatb-aM. nual naaraga of lha Praa.dant at Uta ..pra.B. of lloBarraa. That dnautnaat waa farotabl. to an early MMMM ifM ' MMefMlMM fletoa bnllha Preeldent r. wee .ery rem , oua to ear, In MM .. Mtb hi. opinion, tba, Congrto. an not lh. ciacnHe. waa the proper Jadga of all quae- - iionauf repreeenlalion. Oanaral Oaaar'a rapom lo which much wen hi haa been attached, haa ao l.itiikai eigBiBcaBc Thil ulloar hat lately .pent a waak ta a flying rlall to leranaah, and Ibe MM aaray .aoliatai. oa report lo the MM aa ourroboraUaa MM of what waa 1. in tba netwaga. Tb.rafora, wa aa. no ground tor ball. ring that tha IMMM bra tba PMMMM MMMM of making aa laeua with lha atorll. party nf fMM raaa. A few aitramlaia ? - " MM Hraaaa la tha - Mnala aad Itbtb.. ... u.e llouaa wIlL ctoatbataaa. narade tbalr raaauclara In tale matter, aa they alwaja do w haa opportunity to una but Iba raadtaaea of auch Kepubilraa MMaklara aa DorauTn.a aud Pixoa to eladlcake tba ! MMMMIaMMtfMMMkMl MM Mttbere a. no porathtllly of a Ml m im bmMMb. immm. falaapi . 0"r!W!1- Um w111 MM wn. At "- -l .. w ., r,, ,.m.m ' .i''.! wm ey did lefnre eeir.imln ibe .loneaoti f.j; "0 may .nr.:, e MM I reeking up will MM M Inaur-ratad- . ... red kji.PiM. n. policy M to nialnte n. a. Mf M poeelM..the ep of lh. (onarmtlec meuee bnih North and Ml : and with IMl nbjacl In flaw ha haa oo e..reinn to up lb. eiire-nlet- . In both wtiMM MWofMw ItMHalM Mam 'iMr.i.ia MM It IM pMMMIIIjr conttmntl lha l ' f" t rtlMI M- - MNftlM nMltMUl MM 0 BfflNinMM rt. MM MMIMM M ItMtMM M Ihlt 'ni ly (uJirlo-J- 'r ol ritb tU Krn.lnfcJ MyfeyHM. Tb,.rn,..nT,,h.r. Tn. - tr. la In i ,. r,nl.n 'ranlr... Hon l.v ..... ini. frlra.l nf Irl. In. I.- - . p. , , 7"'' ' " n" 'I T ' '! "V '''''T''7 Jar or dlaror.t, an UtNl ' rtpMM MMflMI gf IMmM Iraland from Iba MM tf M kJMM, l IMl tMlltf IM MMM lratrtll MM- - aMMMJlMMlMM MMtf MllM' . , . "u ''""'Hi'" w. lm n; In UtUnA t. , aonlr were oatr.rlv I.k klna for II ' . . eamlnf of Uiair brelbern M Ihla aide of na Ai.anilr. to .... tnraln of Irl.h liUrtv M MklMMt aVM Mk9 tf Mtnl.llnf i.u. ' 27. ... ' T1S. fUti tpMMlMll ' - tb. kMl MdBld KMMMI U M bofdtr, Lrfr. dv,'T": N .' Tl v" "" Ntn pM l I r.mplea, a.iaet'.a i.n.nfn'l i(lieer at .1 ..rati ear rerod t).r l". me. rlr. UbM UttTBll lliMnllaM M naw,l at ib. a., n..i. ..ftl.a riuao n whlrh hit. tr lM la.l M,,.,I, Mtrad of ,.t JH$ ap ,u ,lr It b burl IM M irMM wM lyrun- - meal l..,t.. 1. i . K.ntau :, J .rr.1- - Ml MM bj trtM mTmiM l.n.l to , h.. k l at U . II Ufbtnl MMM el..,.!' rM MlMfMH ..on.,.,-!,,- , ,..,. r.JMOftn.l, ,;...,,! T ImMM IIMi . .,,.' ' i, L'fc ,ta, w n Lbak ,' " ' ""m"1ri ' autoni " I rupture It. ... Ier. r u all friend, of .,,, ..,.? "V.'" mMMMII tb a Ml II f ' V., m.iat i.acaajntr ly fall ilriir.. 1arrl, ih. onl. . hop, now r ba'. t- - '' ' t . .. 1,11,1,, , r . . .HffiruIlT In a. rort , J ,,n.aal tb- - MM ..". ., U'i - 1 may I. done ta Iht - PV.. t H tbia utifnrl.inate ala.a ..... all i, , at " "Mboi .n.t:i It end. In the an.lrt -'l ft." .an r wh.-i- fck"f"H Ta,,h, III MM M M MMMM TjLA uuxffr la M ardent MM M in. MaTyi "''.' f MM toward H e ureal o.matinimafP '" m mum i,n. H m m bM.. fta upon ararr honae-t.- p In Ireland. ,,'lr - tea,. i. MM lebl Tha I'rnpnaral ,, . OwafM nMM m MmI ' rrraldenl baa rep.ale lly ur.-a- upon :l ' MMM tb. rtMjdMM nf ..I MaR ftlU iraciet for Iba aripport of lha rahalllon - f -- mm mmmi MkMM MMbydMa. MMMM, reaann tn MBaTM that M eenmi. okjaotlon n)i I b. mad. to th. MMM b, any of M naM- -p, MM Tharafora, lb. prnpneed aoiaiidnwniw;.1.a," Conauutuon. which MmM from th. I MBL, prohibiting .he of .uch ol llgallu PMIi allp tTkullMllMMMMMI and might t well M beau MjMMM with. At ib. ..m. I k, "ior .Bret of , ,rh an woiU,lu , .ool. an.l ll w. ul.l aln praciuda the p. .aaibtlk- - Hf MM aMOaftM) Mm MJ MM af tlLVSa,' 4h ra crmu.ctod In M Intoraal of rebellion A MMMMJlaMtfrMMaM arm,. Um. bareaftor ra.ok. ihat t and rtM MM, If aa OoMltuuonal prorlaloa prehj" "MM ba gully of (Mb perfidy for tha aak. M audlng to it. n p..erl.ument, ll may Ua aa wall to M the mailer put entirely alge.t A ""'"" la MTM-JCttlMM- M M . Ilea Taa TkMrnll Patkt : Par a long Una iklrta of Ihttrol,, .7T Mat rommliietl " d.pradalion. which h.r. rrealad a wl NM of MMll 1 alarm tbr--a g.ggTp .M wcl. SfW" ilMHE&aiS ', th. Ihiarto. The few a n.7:rr;rh: fofSSuW iL " only ha. murderer a appraban.lel, but ii i. certain a gang of baudliil. h hare hid ihamael.aa lo tb foraata and onlr .fi ihrlr ti'S? to waealla l A mau named I'har afSyBtol iZtZssi, lh. lieailquarlera of the ganu Haw., taken be MM aTaMM. LttdlttW, MM BbM a MM MM BS&S c.ur. rutrwi .nfl ahrap, and oihar d.llot... Tin wgJM un wMl.k doan In wrlUna In Ve.ln.iu., 4UJ ...... .1 ... ,,, W ,. u MMIA .111, ih. id.. .trallSolK 1;" the bMbf gMMM MM aifraMd ,nm tj.jonlM, thafatbar, who ..,k the i,,,,,, hU uo' M bin, in r. .,, Canada; N.IV. MMM wu. f old ma',, only 'ii g-g- 1., H MMM p.,;,!.,., ,h. , aud I b.a two XJ& i:"lt" IS? """ w.. lour.ylug Innruiailuti p, Uiem alto, .bay hail 111 to .'.uada ; bra. John II ,1 a. formerly llaunai, K. ilarri:,gi,a the w,fa uf u., murderer, who al la l hlu, I h. - r ,h. , ,.,, Ml iSSZ SLt ... bar ra.eoua fur marry ing luch an M aud repulalva n,t.han.i, rep le.1, .lih nmch t ug and .unar.ler able prulaini. , "Iteceuer 1 wa.ail.le fflalt'' lh. la . jouug wom.u ul ..... aipka,, a auVl aer.i,. to MM ao lu. for n.r tlaraatd ' .'.1.1,.,,, i ,.,T the Mwy. raa abna not aaaaZ to c,,.i J her k- k- T.fwunl. toS? iui mSHSf. Prlu wl"1 " 'roni whai wa ran learn wa ahold ,afr mat h.r MM will MMmM raaliaal ihrr will .11 au kMak mi Mkt kM WUb MM r A MW MM M . M NoraMabyaV, aa M tllba MMM M Mtb M.w Yotk Kran.ot .ml ,1,. a,i. UBltot Mlaiee rad. A ruty f from tat. lo la.l muakak wa nrad bp l,a anb upJU ,he colored io,a, rtM waa abat to be reauruau T sbr,, 4 eamjurtM. Tiri!;, Drrrtibrr III. roM;HK!M,,AI, PIUH KHDINOII. f U I Willi WMnf(m, far. II Mr. ll.lmee Ibe Mlmi, ,f nil llMlnl llrilHIMl III mmwJowuMi ftp M MM) pa,, which wMrefrrrad 'o lha ( ommltlea m Ninl A MM nteed ni iba (torMarrof lb. aen.ic la pa. out of IM C.,nilnr-- ni f anA to Mra. Mn; OMptt n.a hmm M M h. .lar.b im. ot I. il.alh. m, llooiilila, ms Iba Cn ml'... on trlin Af- fnl,7U"i;;,',..Vn;idrUM.l; tor Ih laptxMl 4ttlltlt iDdlntiN tin Matliffrn W SiprVS." lund ui tftlvf tj tdo, .!! rtoi tm no In il SmS -- rw,lra,off MMm MM fo, ..b. of n 'j.minin. oard to i.n... oin.r. MM MMM llf MMM MMfM 1 rt- Mt atrtM la M Mt Mt. Mt) M til Mlt M '"-""- "" '"" '"'"" v"- -' "-- " "- -. MlH to M MlllurrCommltl.a. K' Wl.aon nplaliiM lb. ob)-- l of lb. ano.a II. .il l llior. ai. m.ii in lh. rafnlar arm. ( ha I ranAtrat no eraiMrtllralt durtn. lha war; .tik man.-- , who li'xl r.,n,i.i.ndo. roru. al.lnoum wnild ha.a la riluru loiulwr- - dlu.l. initio,,, in the regular anny. It iu ll.a (art n lh. rraolotlon lo .n.l.le ll.e ro.mlr lo like ao.nta. oi the .m abl h man. otr.rar. in th. ireular ant rolnn'aai aa.Tlrr ha.1 obuined In .be lrt Ion. inn. M. I .wanden called i,r Iba !on.ahll for lha ral.iiul.bin. and repaliltif of ihr l"'i llou... "" MM. Mr Wl.,n offered ,be follow.n.. ...h ... -o- fl(Kl r I That tb. fom.oHl.. en romme.. b. rz vixtt ssara Esm rtbajIM to u 1'l.b ewMra, are no. helna rrltirn "'"d.itn n i, inii.t. and. II lb. aame ba pot IB leeordhiiri with I.., .hat le.talatlon, If anr, l.i,.,r.., ., areni nrh iran.actiou. Mr. U..llu . MM I Mil M relation to the MMM M n, ...... and writ, of .rror I. rar. l" '' "" h n.o.ldi a that no peren .ball he L", 1 1 to M.MjMlfPM-j- r MMM 57 " nSft? ?oopoopola "r".'.' '"'.'; !;".'" iV"'."'.il.'ue"r. .'i'tolilacly.MTJfrra tffji TnlMMMlVTa J iiMi.a?tM J5r5 m ....." o,'.' , .mtnd N " " ' - ' " "d i-t- Zl Ct - -- ... Ml Mt tp,.. , . P, t . ',' "inillM WMM MeraMder and fflr,l eiuren M Mra aeVSnTllir ol "if,'. ir l. ,1 7., j ' "' " 01 ""lr ,. It .... V'" . ... Vl'Kr,':-- . Sjffl h . , ' ' ""' ' "'"' ''- - iniu. d iJ y '' '' in. l.i, .r lael" " ". A"' '"" d.. . ' "','. s , n7iotlT 'bUlJulS!!'. il la i 4 ' "' ' r VaT ! l!i''""ut''f'I 'Prern .. it k. a-l ift. i ' " lva na' tea on .'i: 7. Ito'at '"'. i,,.:"" ll'atul nV.,VwrxV.ri4Vii;, In. her I , Kl ka w, "I rl"" ....ii-.- u,, ' ; LU'u, " , inrr, ka !! gjj. , aa!2!l r.aln. ' J SJ, . .!.., r..u " I ... .1 I ol , . n,'" '' la',!flf I , "I ll l , vjlrt "tSfh li' . ""' X,'" . rk."i Aa " W'-- "' t'.-- I ll ' taaa, .&, ' T t mJ?U' 'fL)i''t ,", V "' 1 .''.3. , u. Oh 1 ! Jill Xfil'"4 10 . "" C r.rKl ,,.f- l ' r,r aTr. "I".' V ifTtlntatV .. hZZ a , HnVt MMmT-MMw- H ,Al - "ntl'b alM..ff.ied . rlm ,.n and demand! U "MM que.tlon.- lha. .MM M. MaMti 8SS rMI iSSK1 wZ!' J ."mil Jur'B'1 lh'' ',"i"' of hi. ragSe5gSa.fe s" -- tf - - '''. af Iowa, efferad a renlmlon. which wm ""Z' uuT'L"'1 rn- - Mtl.t to repr..ent.ilon until Mtb MM ahall. hr IH i,rlalain,e. , Iba MMrG "eawtliaM uMntlaa, "' inendn.enta to lha .'ouaiilultoii. rmi,,, SOTb?" ' Uuitl I III (MMM taMiM -- ';"! ha,l berraflrr I laatird n, anr rlrll or "illlto.r nfllierol Ihe llo.ernmrnl tr 1,1, nt hi tab 'V"" ' "" "" 7" ball M p ri?iidir. r" V .'W. iei..,,IVV,'r,.h '!:'iul Th ,, "" """""'' ' " red that ih. 'T'T "" ' M" " hqalM MM ,rof hflalajM iriMMMfM MMMl" inn of th. Plain rirrnilr In ich. h,,u the noiul call and riell raJtuM af iibrr ritirrn. ,i7 tin, l nur i Mt Bad tbal lhay rrpoM by blur athanUa. Mr. lUkarofTned ll,rlollo.ln , '" '"d P"e.plra .1 novrrntnrnl Intta bittthened .ell at.-l- all Knrnpn "" '""ntiona publl,- ,lehl and a a.andlnr aimy, al.'.'h P.aa. .a a pr. dl.inua iticnbaa aa lb. paapM, at oih,n Iholr a,ilH.ianc. Impratn.- Ihrir rnlinie, ""' iMBMrlag th.l. lu.lneaa kai u,. ,.,. nu. Mail arlalo r fir rl.u.eul Of ai.r, holdln. ahTch louod I plaoe la aur ittpa a 0, ..'If in a k. mtBBtr hurllul 10 um p opl, by de- f r,,l "' '""r and piohl lt.,, p.'.u r . ducallou In a lamr aeriinu ol nu, c untrr, b) eln. ut to rrnd ur l""u """ f'Mnirnia b oauama the blood of hun.lrrda ul ibo'ieainla ol palrlnle in ... and by r,i,iil,n ihr i.n.ala to tmpoar ..n ih.raaal.a. a d'bl d ( "rop. an 1., in d, i... S lii,, nilioii.lily an oa Ikia Cotil,el lh.rt.fcra jM.ll MMMali Aa the arnao of Ihla Ham that mire for all r ahould n.vour ciia. ,,e .ad.i,.. l.ciacv aa a pi l.lleaed balaie Ihe la. in Iht. Nallon, 110 ma let 'iei e or In .hat nm, Ml apiw.,. and that In rctorliut the nu ,uu,. ( ''"' '" MawIMB, H .a ih. I.Uih ant t'rir l lul. ol il, ( a fr,e people 10 pint" ad np u ihj a. did BraMM. fmu the ' uemtnieiu principle, and o ..tiae and cu, a the aii.inal. a lilrt to ihr . ,i. prapla ol ma liepu' lie, 1. ,..,.v,i.-u- cian or race Qa BM MMlM gggag Mf . Moallon weed Je.rv to oaar a ie.oiu.lon lbak, If not inceimaatiMe with tha pnhllr MM iba 'j"1'" Hr- a- ftEST mSS .! 11 ........ n. ,,,d k ,, .hat J" r of li trie! - -- iei. criminal, Object n Dial). Ilia rmla.lon oe.r "r Ibe rale Thor.ton. of llllno... iffe-e- . rraolnUo. da-- clarln. lhal qne.lten. rr l.ll. t IM .leetlT. fren MM MM ha referred It the MrareJ PIMM. T ahlad' "r irih. of Indiana, mora iMl IM Will Ml m Xn ,n,"n" ,b nUh th. to rall.4 M.. .n MMPI lo nbla.ti a PtttMUMI from ib. I n . ' Hia.a. WUM tl MM MMM a MUMk (T"fi ihM f h rvpi bf htVf ln In wNOhoi. Mln.l ,b. .I.,..m,,.. and .bo b MMM la tli nf ihr ni'1 Huih. nod twioptM ft rpnh- - IM Mm M ii.wm rptaMi m mimm C'i.RuAVrr'd&Un'A: an .' ph.. 1... prolan ib. la hi. lib. '' "'":""' "''I" '"-t- od to i. ... linn nf;..t ol .1... lira ftom ikflr r..pni, r i,.,.. r..o.t .h...:ld ba ra- - rto?l. ."SfSSS "" "' ' I'lI.'ii .'.V'.'.'.''i'oTi'iVomm,.,.. on mi. inn Mr I of Indiana. Introdnrad tb. folUialn. r"""1"" Jl.i.l.f. 1 hat lb. act of .lulr t I J. pra-rl.- ,n '" taken and . in l.y parnni. J" " P.olulr.i to olfl, . .in I. . ihr i .o..rm,.nt ofih. I uitrdnie' e. 1. :r lh. MlMMlH of ..trh otTlr.a, l. ol'lni lor. . end ettert n, all th. fep rltiir.iu ol Iba puhlir Mirrirr, and aboult In na In.i.ur .il.iiieed wltb. A natlra itui Mi (AT iht IVMMM M Mj t.i,,., . i,i,i, . to I. ,aa., i nark Ift. I he r. .mutton waa oae.e.l. J A MM. It. it. It.... rN Pan.ed h, a r,,wr, ,. ih.t MMMMMIM MMmTmMMM, The rrp .rt -- a. ,,nan, ronro.Tad In -- h,,D.. o, dm ft, .h. mm cm mlllre appolitied lo tok. arl.m on the bill (or lha relief ol Mra. I.lnroln, air . tr ported aba earna t .'....?'?:!."''? M"" ffifiWjlTrtl AmBmm CSMa. ta nlrJM MMMUI JghJ SX iStoJ mHwlnt&uZSi M era, M MNMM Thl. ... dleaere. to, ant the bill IMMItMl MMMHiIImIiMMMI MpMM. tM 1, Wl.n lo.fc rer-n- ed ah I, fom tb. ,,,d rla- - ;: " mollon o, Mr VTIlin. the lloti. lb. " MOM the Hu . mmX iba ''"" . f " '"''" MMflrAWTlra'S lha nareaailr ol lha eonlrax-llono- f the rurtene .lib vl'" ,B MMM la.nmptlon nf aperle mi a. tilt MllatM inieraau of th. co.intrr .fil ,..i,"iL J"1 edilr aa """ V!'"""" M and aa "heieaolulion.aeajraadtobrrrae.ll4-aat-a.f- """ - '. JMJM M .., IMM "uiToMhe'l M an'Vh' dim..' n'VVh' A raitdld ei.mln.lion of lha power and proper Pnnrtple.i.f lion ran be . ITrn.I.e to no le. and .o. pwiui, t. l ..ruin, illii' ih. !r.r,"!.l,'i' 'TP'" V'"' !""' then fajMIMHaM rela.oi ta Tnirtn. and art Lie of In ConiiNi MM Ur p.;.i,,i .mi. ol MM i,o..rn.rnl ll mailer, hut llttla .lib Una . In, la. inn, whether you call them Hlalaa K"u,; ;!,,7:n.7:.:::,:l.;,oldVneT: s . , a 'h' did do, lha. .bar are onl. ' 71, of life one., and p'rmlt tbrrn In lare.l It wlilnn lha I nlnu. la either m7mT UB.m. "ih'T M. iuJ 'VV, "i',""i ' L""1 PWTHMTJS 10 o. 7:.::i;M 'B,,,';u',,.,o'n '"rV: U,T.if,,M?.'A.,to,r. know .awmi. and l.t.iii ..n hrir fouutailon. labrtoa of a .uMeV,!.,nd,Sa,,MT.':a. raliw, .rV'th.t':!': jMtm 'I . W hoar eeporl.l dut. U It to,u. X'. .Sf.XW !SMVl8fMlSNa8 V I.raiea.nt doe. not JSBtll Z JSjLmTSJSA titore 'rlKn'Tfi iS S AIM" ' r "t '"!, ', X-- S? TlapTC j SS,lf.r' " HiMltp in .,,Im,,, ,!,. itniitlra1 att whir waai tenVtt ML iaa irararMra " " N' , rll.tol nn- be edinitiod b. caoMlU MwIiM. lalkhSS i',T. f.'.ruT.o. !' 5 i"'":1 M-- M ''".'. -- r. P...... or ten,.,,, . arm, ,V. '.TJ&rX'li: !' "" I"" thai ran an IT'-SlO- T ' 1 ' "l0"' ,ul ,''"' "nlr de.tro.ed iXVS X VJK& fornioi ,v. ,,., Wha ihe ,n.,i r!" N,'u;Ju.lir,.r)- ,,oiihrl',e.i,i,-,,i- h, n,,. nC V" their ! " fga'"!. TW r ,. ,'h. r.,! t.caj aelto. S'M SSj fssmzss. "J nva. at tbn iloBM a? k!eir.. T."?, Sftll! ol th. ,, , .M, , MM MMJ Ml Mlh nm., lur all le.l wir- - B5S ' " n"" r laeret RiGaeM m th. !"X.?2SS!!i. mI'SmV SmmJ?C and ii..ii,i.i ,i an attitude b . i,emi,i.u n,", p snr.s ..,SuwJrJurroVi?,oa,9,0. 'oiel.n BMlra . I, .in ... tt . &:M&$rJ$b, iaion i,r .ai i 11 l1"" ""'' IBBit rttlaulau, i , .1 mea 01 aapacit ' land, I,, a, total i,,. lt BM dariM In luarraie Crart of lha fnlieti tat T '''' ' ''" hrhlt. iLIha I'".' ' SaSaMbS! S hta .rannwni! be tUiMkaf1( !"''"' ' It .1 i:,,ii. !... .'m, "d l',"" Prra ,,...i 1, ,, f 'eria.t the. be.. b, L" """ im u nr. H, ,i, .,.,., ftjl BM MirMl taagsr thiala ahaara art m. aaaar, ta UWN are ., ptoatu lh ,,. af Iheaa Ma.iunaa ffl , , SSmSltJS I krm ol nu antuaeuivt,! ao pm.i.i lot then, " l.rflMrlal I ,i, I heir ntn n " J ptinrlplra ot fre.-d,- . ,,,i ,, la. p,, ' lio i, .do, turn ,.i ,, ,.. ur H,rv.u. rorillnuer hla irmark. In All MIDI ai ronaidat.ble lennh. aiier ahlrh tba Umiee ad- - MbMI MnlBexl.), lien llillrr .O. um ll.atTk I I TIOV OtMPfM liallTrrrtl lo Iba l.lrrlrd MaUia awaanrarawg MMfaif.Ui DM, 19. T, ., ,, ha. leen IMM br Mr. MM to lor .luhnanu DtnTABTllMrr orMaTB,. rTaaiBUi, Pac 19 lean.) T Ru Iff II nrv ,ln MeVWn, 'oi .i eial (.ne.rnnr ,J lh, Mau. J (,., .. k. Ir en lea: I -- The time ha. arrtr.-- wr.,, 10 the judfmrni T ''d' nt of iba Inllet tuira, tba .ra and mT70'ih';ic': .utk.rltkM rtinwa h. lb. rewpt. thereof, ' i'JVSMhlSiJ mi'. lVr'lSrSwW' ,h. noeernnt .tort b... .... qualified to diarhane the tuiiee . f ' la rull.e nfbea. Tm .ill l.....f.r Hi. par ' 7 .rorwrt. the neor In ,.ur MnaMLTrJaia- -i OULg' ' ! KSm of ihe lUehieTih. liTaiaV di.rr.ilaa. ahleh bar. marked tear at, iSSwiUJSLXfut aV f ha.a Oia banor la ba rrar Kirallanar ah H ' rf.l Mr.f.arfl Ml Ml ai1r..t a f MM r " 'alien to iba alarta lie.araor ef (Jaorala. a.. ' J -f- olio.. "1 h honor Ic umtor ytm fht .nt t mVrVV1"VnT'i,' "nrlTnT v. X if'Otlln iii. Ihr jf mtftol 4 ,254 'IIImW "ImrKtCtarT W - TUB i iiini.i v " frm lk. rtMMWM.M" 7 n ' v" DMMl .ltl : S, W ,h' ,MO"",m, t"1 -- M ..... IM' I lion warad bj. a portion ol lha paopl. ((t K pr..,i lr ron.lllotad aatboi llla of lb. do.. r J ih. iim ftoia. haa barn MMM ; u M . I'nltH ttala. aa In po.taMlon of ...... .1 wblrk the taeurrrrtlan m.ud that. .. I ? eral.l k done, lb. ronrta of the nlfed nUl 1 treo taalnred, poat afflrai as.' E ..... M) Ml Mt IMM MM Ml fMtiTJ Ml MM MMM, A. the reanlt of the n - - iniiinuen wj Ullillllll , II M ill law aw . a ...,p...n of ,h. funrlioa. of ,h. . . - rr.n.Med tn ,h. In,.rr th. ftorto... .. ' P- - W".IJ I 3, "'"'"W1- - ImMM. Arl,.aa and T.nn. T.'.Hrr' L ol lh. InlladHtate. .lib mora MMM . " P'omi'illnd. ihan inner tl.' eiirum. an. nkMraaply lira tn anfl.lp.ted Tha ' to tha Cot .l.tulon, protidina fT l. linn of .laier ferrter within .ha 1. ml , ' iheVt'cerif of MLrMUV"'..' ' alVol'Vh'In'rn." .i1'.1'.." T"."4 StfMtr to'co'el.T M llMi " , CLJLX,'. TPlLtT t e. f ffiJMWZ DarJ 1 h.n. in nr. of .11 u.e rumn, Z SOmS gyJg I 'y .. fiM'X'AnT I J th.l thrlr arll.n. .UI eonlorm to their pi J- - ei . nd that In arknol...l.lni Ihe auprrma I i, t and ih. I... o? iba miod Kiel " I !g.lj will be IMMi to the MM i . men! .ho.o lenlenr. liter ranno. tail 10 app. rrl a and h,e foeieiln. rate will aiou leal re 1 ie w '"J LMuT wrTJrKrd. I. eitended anj ii.lainrd. I'trplitia. ., 1 .era MMM to lie U.e a.t1' .udden rh.tiie it. th. iei.iion. b.i.rrt It ' ") V"1" t a. via under abrk lb. hetHlmaa .1.1 ier T 1 p,o.i.lion to .hlrh be I. )uaily eullllel meaua of hi. lalmr mike hltn.ell ', 'J Utt tMNM mrinlr ol the tomm ' T hi. h hr ha. hut homo, r torn all Hie iiilnin S I rr.trih::::?:,.!.;,!." rn.!. t.r. loclierlah the IwlU l thai ... i mm ai - ' i.;::.!,:,'!,:,:::1:;:',, ,(; . pro.erlj .djutted II MM M luaiiou. VUI 1 ' f.X.MMTO,.,",,h',,"",,,,,l ' I he rrpotl of t arl taehnr. It hrra.lih Iran ' ) 'I " J'l":: STI i "l - l'..n M lha Men. w I. in.ned to ibe .n.7r'r,:;v'oli:T.i;lr"br.uh,M:ir',.,' Saffil' " ,n",,"u''u rSSStTjoi. I -- ' W ' ' ,viou. I' C . r h imil Iv C " ?, tJ..eratHJratB M ... .. .. ..rra. A.?t , T. 1 " .. . iii It, K, g ji air. - I r.p.r to , our note of the Itth a 1 nt"' om M ,1.1... ,urh mlr ffl j MlMtpM MMMM of, eotnln. althln lb M t " MM of lh, . MM la Ml I on of the IMM t Ml '' I'10 bonor I., eiibntll th. lolloaini, with yaut wfi "d l ihai of lha llonot.hla "aetelarr , , ! "r m -- Z- - WZV It ai.lna lately la reballloyj rad to aae . he. IT'' I. lh. on MM fF '"trae of ihe eaunlrr, haw foree. r, T. L Mi r and , 6 t WferW.I. J , .Hbottt rone. In, or ,n..ilp, . h anr of Jl In Kale,.!,. N. I: I MMtaaadayi la fSJ I I' d. ,. a; .,,.( in Har.nnah and lua Ja!,b hr"-;- !'ln '''rt Vu, "u 'h ' MlM .T".7tl, .Trrrl ol I '.' Ef( V..'Vffi?.. MM. ttF- - Ibe . an i 'n'lm, nt. ,,l ihe people l .... I. , fotr.rr WmVffiSiMV by lha blgDae iiibnnii ',Hi. tin . I It. I MMM, I wm pieaaed la laan inn U "" " m" "' ' n"i ""U MMpiad Ihe n. M F '.".'ll '1 "' f .,, LSf? VjMM.'T. "t ft. It. lb. Itei.l and Ib ihe aauaall, Paar lean ot ' 0 W! ? I the prnpl.. in . ,,, i,i,m ,, ,, , t ' nnadlenee ... ei. II a.,. t, ,l,e -- V ESSiSti proprr rurll au ' ' " nrai M. im ''' ih.r 1. id,, ,...,,,,,1. ihe .or.rni I of Uta 1Valh.n1 p..rr.. i, , Ua, to ES-"- .. " JJ2rlk ! P T. ! J'Z T f n... ,1 ,, I ,.,.,,, " ' ."'". Mm ',, ,., t MiMahoitl lha parttMl M lha fan a It. rtaiiiHt ffe .M l.i the torn ,.f , ,llM ,, , Uat fJJl jaBlw M Bahkara, 11 raffteie.i p, i.tami ty I oidet I hr foo. oi th. regalia, ih "" " ' hi it... .1 t, . ft. e i,n ,u ifiaH ,,ni in " 'V Mar I fil 1 1 fa. taaUaae Mr 111 it a a itttBI wlih,,,n ,.,,. U,n main of llu VJ , ' '""M eiaee.,i,... 1.1 . ,, 1? Ji Mil Hr,,-- aadfu.n.i. in. In "" """". M Ion.- .11, an... ,.,, ' IraoM lan.raill nt bum aud 'herrlr 3P t MalT BBUtler of ibem r,, ,.,,,,.,. , ',t 11 pi 11,111. b, a. pi ,,, I . , .ulhi l. nl ra Ml.M Ih. ...eal.ea. It ,. no. are, IhlBIIn. m.a ho iii. ,.o . lulen.e tn.ut eMiof ItuaBa tvni 11.,.. ti ,. M liaa.iBneni; l.ui the ..tiurnnl ... .n Mk ' and Utl IBM Mara, toa, aba ,,,.1,1, .. . ai lb. .de. .1,,,. ,. p;,,,,t M kG maak . I felOBI to hltn .1 leaal ahoul bar. Bu prota. rTT. Imm ibe aMrwd ao.d ei fkan Mer 01 IT. Magbl 0.1 h, aiak wMa, at , Mel mr to iba- lo ol the Ho ill.ern pa la . SI. i .0 aelf .ovn titnenl e lllim Ihr Inn ,, a . ...h-- thai BiM thai .an ii, ' .a p imna Ma.W.lMati u t thai !"".." 'i"""t W Ihr '. I Bl, end " " " lf..jr-- V- . paiBl. it. in. .... I, ,. it Ma. tMtotie,ie , 11 1, . . .uaoi eo ,.e.,rr ,,,,,, Jiiblni i...u a. la an. 'i the t. a 1 , uoaa. and ) yu -- mm.1 ' Burrtui ib.i .tietitma 1 -- mid h.ei aout It BM" rear r 1

Transcript of The Weekly Sun. (New York, NY) 1865-12-30 [p ]. · PDF fileno ground tor ball. ring that tha...

TTfK WEEKLY SU"V. ! L! kmn... f, so. ixr,

Far-- .. Prc!Tjo9WI eBBotinrrmOTIheitr,eC.met,

araradmrat hMbarar.tif...' by t.rMoirda af th.kMN Sea .Idled bttl Mill. In'rt eat, ' r II.. raaecm

tat ibe publl- - had etreedy h..n adnawl of trilM. f.p..aai.l to tare ......

11 eVJftl matte, and aa a forn el declaration it I.

l .Hum i lot nfaaora than pa"1"" notlra. Tbc rnun- -

trrl. w Mjl rVnm ib.t Main MM for MMmm Vin wo buDflrwl yri hu tlMfhn1 tli

fctrT. H m.T M (Ma claimr) M tiH wklrh hfnr wu ft mockrr,

JUJ MM of ?niTfi MM." MM

j MM tf tM yMTt IjMiMM' tor Oay that lha four million, nf naroaa war.

S" MMMr la thalourh, that Mf MM MMMMmMMMmMM MMri Ml IM Mrft !

' ' -r-mlatlnlh.nouD.-ll.oflban.tln., that lb.' ManU. dam.ndad lh. ..ton..., nf ,h.

parurlar Inatltullori Into Iba N .rlb.m T.rrl- -

fcorla. ; Ib.t .by ...raaUnad .o braaa .ip tho Ini'.oA

, tr ma north aroull not area la to thalr .l.tnan.Ii.t All thla I. Mil. fraab in Iba man. rr,ta bar. la no MM and LaaTiIn. h

u of .I.e. tomtorr In lha wnnie l ulled Mel...,O .dVom.,.

II Iteantnrul Ahbuai. n... riant He." ta ha kar

TO MmT" P.r.n r..,.rln.b.,h M pmr.n. of Al.b.n.. .. ... . Urn. .1,1 or.r,J Ml t.h MMM and rrllHar,, TMpMM

"i1 ,Mr ; rpnnaaea. r.,r lha MMM Mil holla aron- -

trolling bead wr th. ft'.!. If rlrlueoi II. in '.-

a. UTJ authority The MTJMt MMWparakaa In Alabama, ant the milliar will I

npr.rn.ln Mf tMof tMMltaf .,, horll, thatmar arl.r The real afafot ,f Alal a na will now

f M tMMM M MM MMM EMMlbft M.ttbal tb. MM MM ,. na, Irbarrcl from

f... ....... . HMMlM IMl lb. morala.. MM anion, am, I., probahl. be.r.n,

fr..toreM,hro.,tho,l,,b.r,,,r, fl.rotira.lllbajnvlullrrara.edln all II a letelf raLal

M...... MM will he ra,.r...d there m an ind.r.-- on tb.. U. Pridrntrntond. la MUnd hi. ar,,,n

, IHM of A....,., to.. IM MMt MMMarannw un.lar Vottaml (InltlMlMt Ar.dni.lher, II will he m etprete aa eri.len e that ibePrMdent h.a pl.rerl bim.e.f Uiwa.n the IMlHlalaa and tha " . " and that ha Inland, toMM . mm wh OMMM M MMM m MMMk. Th. MM of M MM in nq.1time. If tha lata rabela ahall regard II7la lha proper .pli t and endeero. p. .how brthalr.

onr-itcl Ibat thar ap, lha Pre..W.lenlanrr, and tbat lb'7 ara 'llapoaa.1 .. pro.a thaltMMIlwM Ib.rafor, than II MMM MMM barea banaflrlal rfaul. ftill if, on tha rontrarr, Oar

--2 " 'h" - mimact. clemanct hy ualnif it aa a medium fnr- """ "crimen, hen II would rn. be pamlcloua

riMMMMMMlMaiMard with which to reach a faroral k nntlualon Inmt e.M.rad MMIalj lb. BMpM 1. no, an-

oouracluf wb.n wt lo,k .1 lha fr.i:U of thai .i- -

immm, jd,M i, that light) m immnMMMMllMlftlnpMl M MMMM MMtNMMMfkWMk b aTlTlna-hin- a alack tain. TbtMM dlerrgano, Mt M of lha Pre.,- -

at, and lha apparani programme of Cdgraaa,bow...,. ta,, MM !, MlllMlly,TbeOoiieeof IUpr...nlall?aa, uml.r Ibe traderU.po,T..p.lT.rkh.. MMM thai ,h. Bute, .ball remain In a prub.tlou.ryrandlMoo for a whll. bafor. baring Cnnilu- -Hosal righto reatored. p. ...... hltutwlf, In lhaapaacb MMM oo Mond.T. MMM ib.t th. MaeuM.a baa no authority to rallae. Ihe rah.ll.ou.

MttlMMMMr, ud lb.l OMTMlgMnoly powar that I. qu.ltflad p. act In that capacityfclllMMt. MMM, MM Mm MMaaatlally dlllarank o, rlM ooB, an opao la.uaMMqaraMMraragalM I. m Mimprobable tbal TM Al.bam. affair nay pmva to

V"k - "ftlaadablp which haa haan ao generally iuaaifeete.1by I.MMI MM. d M Pre.,.

Mt coma aratong, will I, ih. ra.ull.; ;.

I raaa.nd the I rr.ldrnl.IM IM.HI Hill Kit, th., nd ,h.

Bpra,.B,r.p,,of0.n.rd th.rondlUra of th. latoly MtBM Mtl ,n

rjga, luaanu MrrrM ttie Bouib upon Iba ranoaatrucUoo laaua, and thuaprok. a p,ura with to. MMM parly InroragTBM. W. aa. do ground for MM an mlerpretatlon ofkheaa MMM The ImaM paaatd

.nM.M,.0rera',nH7.,ta, ZSZth. MM Btatoa. The maaaaga which ba Irani

mmm.imma.mwar MM Inquiry af that ldy, aa I the report

xxrxzrsz.tbr raaaaaga a wy graUMng MMh MMM I MMMMMMMIiZi ,7guarded aad ao aaply quallllad that III. MaImtUr intended to ba bint of what lh.Pr.Md.ut would Ilk. CoruU. loda. Moreover, It


nual naaraga of lha Praa.dant at Uta ..pra.B. oflloBarraa. That dnautnaat waa farotabl. to anearly MMMM ifM 'MMefMlMMfletoa bnllha Preeldent

r.wee .ery rem , oua to ear,

In MM ..Mtb hi. opinion, tba, Congrto. an

not lh. ciacnHe. waa the proper Jadga of all quae- -

iionauf repreeenlalion. Oanaral Oaaar'a rapomlo which much wen hi haa been attached, haa aol.itiikai eigBiBcaBc Thil ulloar hatlately .pent a waak ta a flying rlall to leranaah,and Ibe MM aaray .aoliatai. oa reportlo the MM aa ourroboraUaa MM of whatwaa tba netwaga. Tb.rafora, wa ground tor ball. ring that tha IMMM bra tbaPMMMM MMMM of making aa laeua with lha

atorll. party nf fMM raaa. A few aitramlaia? - "MM Hraaaa la tha -Mnala aad Itbtb.. ... u.ellouaa wIlL ctoatbataaa. narade tbalr raaauclara Intale matter, aa they alwaja do w haa opportunityto una but Iba raadtaaea of auch KepubilraaMMaklara aa DorauTn.a aud Pixoa to eladlcake tba!MMMMIaMMtfMMMkMlMM Mttbere a. no porathtllly of a m im bmMMb. immm.

falaapi .

0"r!W!1- Um w111 MM wn. At"- -l .. w ., r,, ,.m.m

' .i''.!wm eydid lefnre eeir.imln ibe .loneaoti f.j; "0may .nr.:, e MM I reeking up will MM

M Inaur-ratad- . ... red kji.PiM. n.policy M to nialnte n. a. Mf M poeelM..the ep

of lh. (onarmtlec meuee bnih North andMl : and with IMl nbjacl In flaw ha haa oo

e..reinn to up lb. eiire-nlet- . In bothwtiMM MWofMw ItMHalM Mam'iMr.i.ia MM It IM pMMMIIIjr conttmntl lhal ' f" t rtlMI M- -

MNftlM nMltMUl MM 0 BfflNinMM rt.MM MMIMM M ItMtMM M Ihlt'ni ly (uJirlo-J- 'r ol ritb tU Krn.lnfcJ



tr. la In i ,. r,nl.n 'ranlr...Hon l.v ..... ini. frlra.l nf Irl. In. I.- -

. p. , ,

7"''' " n"'I T ''! "V '''''T''7

Jar or dlaror.t, an UtNl ' rtpMM MMflMIgf IMmM Iraland from Iba MM tf M

kJMM, l IMl tMlltf IM MMM lratrtll MM- -

aMMMJlMMlMM MMtf MllM'. , .

"u ''""'Hi'" w. lm n; InUtUnA t. , aonlr were oatr.rlv I.k klna for II '.

.eamlnf of Uiair brelbern M Ihla aide ofna Ai.anilr. to .... tnraln of Irl.hliUrtv M MklMMt aVM Mk9 tf Mtnl.llnfi.u.' 27.

...' T1S. fUti

tpMMlMll ' - tb. kMl MdBld

KMMMI U M bofdtr, Lrfr.dv,'T": N

.' Tl v" ""Ntn pM l I r.mplea, a.iaet'.a

i.n.nfn'l i(lieer at .1 ..rati ear rerod t).r l". me.

rlr. UbM UttTBll lliMnllaM M naw,l atib. a., n..i. ..ftl.a riuao n whlrh hit. tr lM la.lM,,.,I, Mtrad of ,.t JH$ ap,u ,lr It b burl IM M irMM wM lyrun- -

meal l..,t.. 1. i . K.ntau :, J .rr.1- -

Ml MM bj trtM mTmiM l.n.l to, h.. k l at U . II Ufbtnl MMM el..,.!' rMMlMfMH ..on.,.,-!,,- , ,..,.

r.JMOftn.l, ,;...,,! TImMM IIMi . .,,.' ' i, L'fc,ta, w n Lbak ,' " ' ""m"1ri 'autoni " Irupture It. ... Ier. r uall friend, of .,,, ..,.? "V.'"mMMMII tb a Ml II f 'V.,m.iat i.acaajntr ly fall ilriir.. 1arrl,

ih. onl.. hop, now r ba'. t- - '' ' t. .. 1,11,1,, , r . ..HffiruIlT In a. rort , J ,,n.aaltb- - MM ..". ., U'i - 1

may I. done ta Iht - PV.. t Htbia utifnrl.inate ala.a ..... all i, , at "

"Mboi.n.t:i It end. In the an.lrt -'l ft.".an r wh.-i- fck"f"HTa,,h,III MM M M MMMM TjLA uuxffrla M ardent MM M in. MaTyi"''.' fMM toward H e ureal o.matinimafP '"m mum i,n. H m m bM..fta upon ararr honae-t.- p In Ireland. ,,'lr- tea,.

i.MM lebl Tha I'rnpnaral ,, .OwafM nMM m MmI '

rrraldenl baa rep.ale lly ur.-a- upon :l '

MMM tb. rtMjdMM nf ..I MaR ftlUiraciet for Iba aripport of lha rahalllon - f-- mm mmmi MkMMMMbydMa. MMMM,reaann tn MBaTM that M eenmi. okjaotlon n)i Ib. mad. to th. MMM b, any of M naM-


MM Tharafora, lb. prnpneed aoiaiidnwniw;.1.a,"Conauutuon. which MmM from th. I MBL,prohibiting .he of .uch ol llgalluPMIi allp tTkullMllMMMMMI and might twell M beau MjMMM with. At ib. ..m. I k,

"ior .Bret of , ,rh an woiU,lu ,

.ool. an.l ll w. ul.l aln praciuda the p. .aaibtlk- -

Hf MM aMOaftM) Mm MJ MM af tlLVSa,'4h ra crmu.ctod In M Intoraal of rebellion A

MMMMJlaMtfrMMaMarm,. Um. bareaftor ra.ok. ihat t and

rtM MM, If aa OoMltuuonal prorlaloa prehj"

"MM ba gully of (Mb perfidy for tha aak. Maudlng to it. n p..erl.ument, ll may Ua aa wall to

M the mailer put entirely alge.t

A ""'"" la MTM-JCttlMM- M M .IleaTaa TkMrnll Patkt : Par a long Una

iklrta of Ihttrol,, .7T Mat rommliietl "d.pradalion. which h.r. rrealad a wlNM of MMll 1 alarm tbr--ag.ggTp .M wcl.SfW"ilMHE&aiS', th.Ihiarto. The fewa

n.7:rr;rh: fofSSuWiL "only ha. murderera appraban.lel, but ii i.certain a gang of baudliil. h hare hid ihamael.aa

lo tb foraata and onlr .fi ihrlrti'S?to waealla l A mau named I'harafSyBtol iZtZssi,

lh. lieailquarlera of the ganu Haw., taken beMM aTaMM. LttdlttW, MM BbM a MM MMBS&S c.ur. rutrwi .nflahrap, and oihar d.llot... Tin wgJM unwMl.k doan In wrlUna In Ve.ln.iu., 4UJ...... .1 ... ,,, W ,. uMMIA .111, ih. id...trallSolK 1;" thebMbfgMMM MM aifraMd ,nm tj.jonlM,thafatbar, who ..,k the i,,,,,,hU uo' M bin, in r. .,,

Canada; N.IV. MMM wu. fold ma',, only 'iig-g-

1., H MMMp.,;,!.,.,,h. , aud I b.a twoXJ& i:"lt" IS? """w.. lour.ylug Innruiailuti p, Uiem

alto, .bay hail 111 to .'.uada ; bra. John II ,1 a.formerly llaunai, K. ilarri:,gi,a the w,fa uf u.,murderer, who al la l hlu, I h. -

r ,h. , ,.,, Ml iSSZ SLt ... barra.eoua fur marry ing luch an M aud repulalvan,t.han.i, rep le.1, .lih nmch t ug and .unar.lerable prulaini. , "Iteceuer 1 wa.ail.le fflalt'' . jouug wom.u ul ..... aipka,, a auVl aer.i,.to MM ao lu. for n.r tlaraatd

'.'.1.1,.,,, i ,.,T

the Mwy. raa abna not aaaaZ to c,,.iJ

herk-k- T.fwunl. toS? iui mSHSf. Prlu


'roni whai wa ran learn wa ahold ,afr mat h.rMM will MMmM raaliaal ihrr will .11 aukMak mi Mkt kM WUb MM


M NoraMabyaV, aa M tllbaMMM M Mtb M.w Yotk Kran.ot .ml ,1,. a,i.UBltot Mlaiee rad. A ruty f from tat. lola.l muakak wa nrad bp l,a anb upJU ,hecolored io,a, rtM waa abat to be reauruauTsbr,, 4 eamjurtM.

Tiri!;, Drrrtibrr III.roM;HK!M,,AI, PIUH KHDINOII.f U I Willi

WMnf(m, far. II Mr. ll.lmee IbeMlmi, ,f nil llMlnl llrilHIMl IIImmwJowuMi ftp M MM)pa,, which wMrefrrrad 'o lha ( ommltlea m

A MM nteed ni iba (torMarroflb. aen.ic la pa. out of IM C.,nilnr-- ni f anA to Mra.

Mn; OMptt n.a hmm M M h. .lar.b im.ot I. il.alh.

m, llooiilila, ms Iba Cn ml'... on trlin Af-

fnl,7U"i;;,',..Vn;idrUM.l; torIh laptxMl 4ttlltlt iDdlntiN tin Matliffrn WSiprVS."lund ui tftlvf t j tdo, .!! rtoi tm no In ilSmS-- rw,lra,off MMm MM fo, ..b. of n 'j.minin. oard to i.n... oin.r.MM MMM llf MMM MMfM 1 rt-

Mt atrtM la M Mt Mt. Mt) M til Mlt M'"-""- "" '"" '"'"" v"- -' "-- "

"- -. MlH toM MlllurrCommltl.a.

K' Wl.aon nplaliiM lb. ob)-- l of lb. II. .il l llior. ai. m.ii in lh. rafnlararm. ( ha I ranAtrat no eraiMrtllraltdurtn. lha war; .tik man.-- , who li'xl r.,n,i.i.ndo.roru. al.lnoum wnild ha.a la riluru loiulwr- -

dlu.l. initio,,, in the regular anny. It iu ll.a(art n lh. rraolotlon lo .n.l.le ll.e ro.mlr lo likeao.nta. oi the .m abl h man. otr.rar. in

th. ireular ant rolnn'aai aa.Tlrr ha.1 obuined In .belrt Ion. inn.

M. I .wanden called i,r Iba !on.ahll for lharal.iiul.bin. and repaliltif of ihr l"'i llou...

" " MM.Mr Wl.,n offered ,be follow.n.. ...h ...

-o- fl(Klr I That tb. fom.oHl.. en romme.. b.rz vixtt ssara Esm

rtbajIM to u 1'l.b ewMra, are no. helna rrltirn"'"d.itn n i, inii.t. and. II lb. aame bapot IB leeordhiiri with I.., .hat le.talatlon, If anr,l.i,.,r.., ., areni nrh iran.actiou.

Mr. U..llu . MM I Mil M relation to theMMM M n, ...... and writ, of .rror I. rar.l" '' "" h n.o.ldi a that no peren .ball heL", 1 1 to M.MjMlfPM-j- r MMM57 " nSft? ?oopoopola"r".'.' '"'.'; !;".'" iV"'."'.il.'ue"r..'i'tolilacly.MTJfrra

tffji TnlMMMlVTaJ iiMi.a?tM J5r5 m....." o,'.', .mtndN" " ' - ' " "d

i-t-Zl Ct - -- ... Ml Mt

tp,.., .P,

t . ',' "inillM WMM MeraMder and

fflr,l eiuren M Mra aeVSnTllir ol "if,'.ir l. ,1 7., j' "' " 01 ""lr,. It .... V'". ... Vl'Kr,':-- . Sjfflh . , ' ' ""' ' "'"' ''- -

iniu. d iJ y '' '' in. l.i, .rlael" " ". A"' '""d.. . '

"','.s , n7iotlT 'bUlJulS!!'.il la

i 4 ' "'' r VaT ! l!i''""ut''f'I ' k. a-l ift.i ' " lva na' tea on

.'i: 7. Ito'at'"'. i,,.:"" ll'atulnV.,VwrxV.ri4Vii;,

In. her I , Kl ka w, "I rl""....ii-.- u,, ' ; LU'u,

", inrr, ka!! gjj.

, aa!2!l r.aln.'J SJ,

. .!.., r..u" I ... .1 I ol

, . n,'" ''

la',!flf I

, "I ll

l ,

vjlrt "tSfhli' .

""' X,'" . rk."i Aa "

W'-- "' t'.--

I ll ' taaa, .&,' T t mJ?U' 'fL)i''t,", V "'

1 .''.3. , u.

Oh 1 !Jill Xfil'"4 10 . "" C r.rKl ,,.f-

l ' r,raTr. "I".'VifTtlntatV

.. hZZ a, HnVt

MMmT-MMw-H ,Al

- "ntl'b alM..ff.ied . rlm ,.n and demand!U "MM que.tlon.- lha. .MM M. MaMti8SS rMI iSSK1 wZ!'J ."mil Jur'B'1 lh'' ',"i"' of hi.ragSe5gSa.fes" -- tf

- -'''. af Iowa, efferad a renlmlon. which wm

""Z' uuT'L"'1rn- -

Mtl.t to repr..ent.ilon until Mtb MM ahall. hr IHi,rlalain,e. , Iba MMrG "eawtliaM uMntlaa,"' inendn.enta to lha .'ouaiilultoii. rmi,,,SOTb?" '

Uuitl I III (MMM taMiM-- ';"! ha,l berraflrr I laatird n, anr rlrll or

"illlto.r nfllierol Ihe llo.ernmrnl tr 1,1, nt hi tab

'V"" ' "" "" 7" ball M p

ri?iidir.r" V .'W. iei..,,IVV,'r,.h '!:'iul Th ,,

"" """""'' ' " red that ih.

'T'T "" ' M" "hqalM MM ,rofhflalajM iriMMMfM MMMl"inn of th. Plain rirrnilr In ich. h,,u the noiul calland riell raJtuM af iibrr ritirrn. ,i7 tin, l nur iMt Bad tbal lhay rrpoM by blur athanUa.

Mr. lUkarofTned ll,rlollo.ln, '" '"d P"e.plra .1novrrntnrnl Intta bittthened .ell at.-l- all Knrnpn

"" '""ntiona publl,- ,lehl and a a.andlnr aimy,al.'.'h P.aa. .a a pr. dl.inua iticnbaa aa lb. paapM,at oih,n Iholr a,ilH.ianc. Impratn.- Ihrir rnlinie,""' iMBMrlag th.l. lu.lneaa kai u,.,.,. nu. Mail arlalo r fir rl.u.eul Of ai.r, holdln.ahTch louod I plaoe la aur ittpa a 0,..'If in a k. mtBBtr hurllul 10 um p opl, by de-

f r,,l "' '""r and piohl lt.,, p.'.u r . ducallou In alamr aeriinu ol nu, c untrr, b) eln. ut to rrnd ur

l""u """ f'Mnirnia b oauama the blood ofhun.lrrda ul ibo'ieainla ol palrlnle in ... and byr,i,iil,n ihr i.n.ala to tmpoar ..n ih.raaal.a. ad'bl d ( "rop. an 1., in d, i... S lii,,nilioii.lily an oa Ikia Cotil,ellh.rt.fcrajM.ll MMMali Aa the arnao of Ihla Ham that mirefor all r ahould n.vour ciia. ,,e .ad.i,..l.ciacv aa a pi l.lleaed balaie Ihe la. in Iht.Nallon, 110 ma let 'iei e or In .hat nm, Mlapiw.,. and that In rctorliut the nu ,uu,. (

''"' '" MawIMB, H .a ih. I.Uih antt'rir l lul. ol il, ( a fr,e people 10pint" ad np u ihj a. did BraMM. fmu the' uemtnieiu principle, and o ..tiae and cu, athe aii.inal. a lilrt to ihr . ,i. prapla olma liepu' lie, 1. ,..,.v,i.-u- cian or race

Qa BM MMlMgggagMf . Moallon weed Je.rv to oaar a ie.oiu.lon lbak,

If not inceimaatiMe with tha pnhllr MM iba

'j"1'" Hr- a-

ftEST mSS.! 11 ........ n. ,,,d k ,, .hat" r of li trie! - -- iei. criminal,

Object n Dial). Ilia rmla.lon oe.r"r Ibe raleThor.ton. of llllno... iffe-e- . rraolnUo. da--

clarln. lhal qne.lten. rr l.ll. t IM .leetlT. frenMM MM ha referred It the MrareJ PIMM. T ahlad'

"r irih. of Indiana, mora iMl IM Will Mlm Xn ,n,"n" ,b nUh

th. to rall.4 M.. .n MMPI lo nbla.ti a PtttMUMIfrom ib. I n . ' Hia.a.

WUM tl MM MMM a MUMk(T"fi ihM f h rvpi bf htVf ln In wNOhoi.

Mln.l ,b. .I.,..m,,.. and .bo b MMM latli nf ihr ni'1 Huih. nod twioptM ft rpnh- -

IM Mm M ii.wm rptaMi m mimm

C'i.RuAVrr'd&Un'A:an .' ph.. 1... prolan ib. la hi. lib.'' "'":""' "''I" '"-t-od toi. ... linn nf;..t ol .1...lira ftom ikflr r..pni, r i,.,.. r..o.t .h...:ld ba ra- -

rto?l. ."SfSSS "" "' 'I'lI.'ii .'.V'.'.'.''i'oTi'iVomm,.,.. on

mi. innMr I of Indiana. Introdnrad tb. folUialn.

r"""1""Jl.i.l.f. 1 hat lb. act of .lulr t I J. pra-rl.-

,n '" taken and . in l.y parnni.J" " P.olulr.i to olfl, . .in I. . ihr i .o..rm,.nt

ofih. I uitrdnie' e. 1. :r lh. MlMMlHof ..trh otTlr.a, l. ol'lni lor. . end ettert n, all th.fep rltiir.iu ol Iba puhlir Mirrirr, and aboult In naIn.i.ur .il.iiieed wltb.

A natlra itui Mi (AT iht IVMMM M Mjt.i,,., . i,i,i, . to I. ,aa., i nark Ift.I he r. .mutton waa oae.e.l.JA MM. It. it. It.... rNPan.ed h, a r,,wr, ,. ih.tMMMMMIM, The rrp .rt -- a. ,,nan, ronro.Tad In

--h,,D.. o, dm ft, .h. mm cmmlllre appolitied lo tok. arl.m on the bill (or lharelief ol Mra. I.lnroln, air . tr ported aba earnat .'....?'?:!."''? M"" ffifiWjlTrtlAmBmm CSMa. ta nlrJM MMMUIJghJSX iStoJ mHwlnt&uZSiM era, M MNMM

Thl. ... dleaere. to, ant the bill MMMHiIImIiMMMI MpMM. tM1, Wl.n lo.fc rer-n-ed ah I, fom tb. ,,,d rla- -;:

" mollon o, Mr VTIlin. the lloti. lb." MOM the Hu . mmX iba''"" .

f " '"''"MMflrAWTlra'Slha nareaailr ol lha eonlrax-llono- f the rurtene .libvl'" ,B MMM la.nmptlon nf aperle mia. tilt MllatM inieraau of th. co.intrr .fil ,..i,"iLJ"1edilr aa

""" V!'"""" M and aa


""" - '. JMJM M .., IMM"uiToMhe'l M an'Vh' dim..' n'VVh'

A raitdld ei.mln.lion of lha power and properPnnrtple.i.f lion ran be . ITrn.I.e to no

le. and .o. pwiui, t. l ..ruin,illii' ih. !r.r,"!.l,'i' 'TP'" V'"' !""' then

fajMIMHaM rela.oi ta Tnirtn. and artLie of In ConiiNi MM Urp.;.i,,i .mi. ol MM i,o..rn.rnl ll mailer, hut llttla.lib Una . In, la. inn, whether you call them Hlalaa

K"u,; ;!,,7:n.7:.:::,:l.;,oldVneT: s. , a 'h' did do, lha. .bar are onl.

' 71, of life one., and p'rmlt tbrrn In

lare.l It wlilnn lha I nlnu. la eitherm7mT UB.m. "ih'T M.

iuJ 'VV, "i',""i' L""1 PWTHMTJS 10

o. 7:.::i;M'B,,,';u',,.,o'n '"rV: U,T.if,,M?.'A.,to,r.

know .awmi. and l.t.iii ..n hrir fouutailon. labrtoa of a.uMeV,!.,nd,Sa,,MT.':a. raliw, .rV'th.t':!':

jMtm 'I . W hoar eeporl.l dut. U It to,u.X'. .Sf.XW !SMVl8fMlSNa8

V I.raiea.nt doe. not

JSBtll Z JSjLmTSJSAtitore 'rlKn'Tfi iS S AIM" ' r

"t '"!, ', X--S? TlapTCj SS,lf.r' " HiMltp in .,,Im,,, ,!,. itniitlra1

att whir waai tenVtt ML iaa irararMra" " N'

, rll.tol nn- be edinitiod b.caoMlU MwIiM. lalkhSS

i',T. f.'.ruT.o. !' 5 i"'":1 M-- M

''".'. -- r. P...... or ten,.,,, .arm,,V. '.TJ&rX'li:!' "" I"" thai ran an

IT'-SlO- T' 1 ' "l0"' ,ul ,''"' "nlr de.tro.ed

iXVS X VJK&fornioi ,v. ,,., Wha ihe ,n.,i r!"N,'u;Ju.lir,.r)- ,,oiihrl',e.i,i,-,,i- h, n,,.nC V" their

! " fga'"!. TW r ,.,'h. r.,!rnm.nrt.caj aelto.S'M SSjfssmzss."J nva. at tbn iloBM a? k!eir..T."?, Sftll!ol th. ,, , .M, ,

MM MMJ Ml Mlh nm., lur all le.l wir- -B5S ' " n"" r laeret RiGaeM m th.!"X.?2SS!!i.

mI'SmV SmmJ?Cand ii..ii,i.i ,i an attitude b . i,emi,i.u n,", psnr.s ..,SuwJrJurroVi?,oa,9,0.'oiel.n BMlra . I, .in ... tt .

&:M&$rJ$b,iaion i,r .ai i 11

l1"" ""'' IBBit rttlaulau, i , .1 mea 01 aapacit'land, I,, a, total i,,. ltBM dariM In luarraie Crart of lha fnlieti tatT '''' ' ''" hrhlt. iLIhaI'".' ' SaSaMbS! S hta .rannwni! be tUiMkaf1(

!"''"' ' It .1 i:,,ii.!... .'m,

"d l',"" Prra ,,...i 1, ,,

f 'eria.t the. be.. b,L" """ im u nr. H, ,i, .,.,.,

ftjl BM MirMl taagsr thiala ahaara artm. aaaar, ta UWN are ., ptoatu lh ,,.af Iheaa Ma.iunaaffl , , SSmSltJS

I krm ol nu antuaeuivt,! ao pm.i.i lot then," l.rflMrlal I ,i, I heir ntn n" J ptinrlplra ot fre.-d,- . ,,,i ,, la. p,,' lio i, .do, turn ,.i ,, ,..

ur H,rv.u. rorillnuer hla irmark. In All MIDIai ronaidat.ble lennh. aiier ahlrh tba Umiee ad- -


MnlBexl.), lien llillrr ll.atTk I I TIOV

OtMPfM liallTrrrtl lo Iba l.lrrlrdMaUia awaanrarawg

MMfaif.Ui DM, 19. T, ., ,, ha. leen

IMM br Mr. MM to lor .luhnanu

DtnTABTllMrr orMaTB,.rTaaiBUi, Pac 19 lean.)

T Ru Iff II nrv ,ln MeVWn, 'oi .i eial(.ne.rnnr ,J lh, Mau. J (,., .. k. Ir enlea: I-- The time ha. arrtr.-- wr.,, 10 the judfmrni T

''d' nt of iba Inllet tuira, tba .ra and

mT70'ih';ic': .utk.rltkM

rtinwa h. lb. rewpt. thereof, '

i'JVSMhlSiJ mi'.lVr'lSrSwW' ,h. noeernnt .tort b... qualified to diarhane the tuiiee . f ' larull.e nfbea. Tm .ill l.....f.r Hi. par '7.rorwrt. the neor In ,.ur

MnaMLTrJaia- -i OULg' '


KSm of ihe lUehieTih. liTaiaVdi.rr.ilaa. ahleh bar. marked tear at,iSSwiUJSLXfut aV f

ha.a Oia banor la ba rrar Kirallanar ah H' rf.lMr.f.arfl Ml Ml ai1r..t a fMM r "

'alien to iba alarta lie.araor ef (Jaorala. a.. ' J-f- olio..

"1 h honor Ic umtor ytm fht .nt t

mVrVV1"VnT'i,' "nrlTnT v. Xif'Otlln iii. Ihr jf mtftol 4

,254 'IIImW "ImrKtCtarT

W -TUB i iiini.i v" frm lk. rtMMWM.M"7n ' v" DMMl .ltl : S,

W ,h' ,MO"",m, t"1--M ..... IM' I

lion warad bj. a portion ol lha paopl. ((t Kpr..,i lr ron.lllotad aatboi llla of lb. do.. r Jih. iim ftoia. haa barn MMM ; u M .I'nltH ttala. aa In po.taMlon of ...... .1wblrk the taeurrrrtlan m.ud that. .. I?eral.l k done, lb. ronrta of the nlfed nUl 1treo taalnred, poat afflrai as.' E..... M) Ml Mt IMM MM Ml fMtiTJMl MM MMM, A. the reanlt of the n --iniiinuen wj Ullillllll , II M ill law aw. a ...,p...n of ,h. funrlioa. of ,h. . . -rr.n.Med tn ,h. In,.rr th. ftorto... .. ' P- -

W".IJ I 3,"'"'"W1- - ImMM. Arl,.aa and T.nn.

T.'.Hrr' Lol lh. InlladHtate. .lib mora MMM ." P'omi'illnd. ihan inner tl.' eiirum. an.nkMraaply lira tn anfl.lp.ted Tha ' to tha Cot .l.tulon, protidina fTl. linn of .laier ferrter within .ha 1. ml ,

' iheVt'cerif of MLrMUV"'..' 'alVol'Vh'In'rn." .i1'.1'.." T"."4

StfMtr to'co'el.T M llMi " ,

CLJLX,'. TPlLtT te. fffiJMWZ DarJ 1 h.n. in nr. of .11 u.e rumn,

Z SOmSgyJg I'y..

fiM'X'AnT I Jth.l thrlr arll.n. .UI eonlorm to their pi J-- ei .

nd that In arknol...l.lni Ihe auprrma I i,t and ih. I... o? iba miod Kiel " I

!g.lj will be IMMi to the MM i .men! .ho.o lenlenr. liter ranno. tail 10 app. rrl aand h,e foeieiln. rate will aiou leal re 1ie w '"JLMuT wrTJrKrd.I. eitended anj ii.lainrd. I'trplitia. ., 1.era MMM to lie U.e a.t1'.udden rh.tiie it. th. iei.iion. b.i.rrt It '") V"1" ta. via under abrk lb. hetHlmaa .1.1 ier T 1p,o.i.lion to .hlrh be I. )uaily eullllelmeaua of hi. lalmr mike hltn.ell ', 'JUtt tMNM mrinlr ol the tomm ' T

hi. h hr ha. hut homo, r torn all Hie iiilnin S I

rr.trih::::?:,.!.;,!." rn.!.t.r. loclierlah the IwlU l thai ... i mm ai - '

i.;::.!,:,'!,:,:::1:;:',, ,(;. pro.erlj .djutted II MM M luaiiou. VUI 1 'f.X.MMTO,.,",,h',,"",,,,,l 'I he rrpotl of t arl taehnr. It hrra.lih Iran

') 'I" J'l":: STI i "l -

l'..n M lha Men. w I. in.ned to ibe.n.7r'r,:;v'oli:T.i;lr"br.uh,M:ir',.,'Saffil' " ,n",,"u''u rSSStTjoi. I --



' ,viou. I' C . r h imil Iv C" ?,

tJ..eratHJratB M... .. .. ..rra. A.?t , T. 1 "

.. . iii It, K, g

jiair. - I r.p.r to , our note of the Itth a

1 nt"' om M ,1.1... ,urh mlr ffl jMlMtpM MMMM of, eotnln. althln lb M t

" MM of lh, .

MM la Ml I on of the IMM t Ml ''

I'10 bonor I., eiibntll th. lolloaini, with yaut wfi"d l ihai of lha llonot.hla "aetelarr

, ,! "r m --Z- - WZV It

ai.lna lately la reballloyj rad to aae . he. IT''I. lh. on MM fF

'"trae of ihe eaunlrr, haw foree. r, T. L

Mi r and ,

6 tWferW.I. J ,.Hbottt rone. In, or ,n..ilp, . h anr of JlIn Kale,.!,. N. I: I MMtaaadayi la fSJ I I'

d.,. a; .,,.( in Har.nnah and lua Ja!,bhr"-;- !'ln '''rt Vu, "u 'h

'MlM .T".7tl, .Trrrl ol I '.' Ef(V..'Vffi?.. MM.ttF--

Ibe . an i'n'lm, nt. ,,l ihe people l .... I. ,

fotr.rrWmVffiSiMVby lha blgDae iiibnnii ',Hi. tin . I It.


MMM, I wm pieaaed la laan inn U

"" " m" "' ' n"i ""U MMpiad Ihe n. M F'.".'ll '1 "' f .,,

LSf? VjMM.'T. "t ft.It. lb. Itei.l and Ib ihe aauaall, Paar lean ot ' 0W! ? I

the prnpl.. in . ,,, i,i,m ,, ,, , t' nnadlenee ... ei. II a.,. t, ,l,e -- V

ESSiStiproprr rurll au' ' " nrai M. im''' ih.r 1. id,, ,...,,,,,1. ihe .or.rni I

of Uta 1Valh.n1 p..rr.. i, , Ua, toES-"- ..

" JJ2rlk ! P T. !J'Z T fn... ,1 ,, I ,.,.,,," ' ."'". Mm ',, ,., t

MiMahoitl lha parttMl M lha fan aIt. rtaiiiHt ffe .Ml.i the torn ,.f , ,llM ,, , Uat

fJJl jaBlw M Bahkara, 11 raffteie.i p, i.tami ty Ioidet I hr foo. oi th. regalia, ih"" " ' hi it... .1 t, .

ft. e i,n ,u ifiaH ,,ni in" 'V MarI fil1 1 fa. taaUaae Mr 111 it a a itttBIwlih,,,n ,.,,. U,n main of llu VJ ,

' '""M eiaee.,i,... 1.1 . ,, 1? JiMil Hr,,-- aadfu.n.i. in. In"" """". M Ion.- .11, an... ,.,, 'IraoM lan.raill nt bum aud 'herrlr 3P tMalT BBUtler of ibem r,, ,.,,,,.,. ,

',t 11 pi 11,111. b, a. pi ,,, I . ,

.ulhi l. nl ra Ml.M Ih. ...eal.ea. It ,. no. are,IhlBIIn. m.a ho iii. ,.o . lulen.e tn.uteMiof ItuaBa tvni 11.,.. ti ,. Mliaa.iBneni; l.ui the ..tiurnnl ... . n Mk 'and Utl IBM Mara, toa, aba ,,,.1,1, .. . ailb. .de. .1,,,. ,. p;,,,,t M kG maak . I

felOBI to hltn .1 leaal ahoul bar. Bu prota. rTT.Imm ibe aMrwd ao.d ei fkan Mer 01 IT.

Magbl 0.1 h, aiak wMa, at , mr to iba- lool the Ho ill.ern pa la . SI. i.0 aelf .ovn titnenl e lllim Ihr Inn ,, a .

...h-- thai BiM thai .an ii, '.a p imna Ma.W.lMati u t thai

!"".." 'i"""t W Ihr '. I Bl, end" " " lf..jr-- V-. paiBl. it. in. .... I, ,. it Ma.tMtotie,ie , 11 1, . . .uaoi eo

,.e.,rr ,,,,,, Jiiblni i...u a. laan. 'i the t. a 1 , uoaa. and )yu --mm.1 'Burrtui ib.i .tietitma 1 -- mid h.ei aout It BM"

