The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.). (Oregon City ... fileButter. Eggs, and all kinds of good...

0 o 1 j o o G o o o o o o .1 o (f)ciUcckln Enterprise. AUCTION AND COMMISSION NATIONAL attending Court John Myers?.. 3 per cent, on S7.S76 25, taxes" collected.. T. J. McCarver, for at- tendance in Court.; .. Willis, Broughtofi tt Co., for care of horse for llarper.insane person. A. G. Walling. 16r re- - C- - w. pope & co.; DEALERS 12? StOYES, TlX PRATE. SHEET TROX.BRA-ZIEIt- S' COPPER. LEAD PIPE, IROS PIPE AND FITTINGS, RUBBER HOSE. FORCE AXD LIFT PUMPS. ZIXC, COPPER, BRASS AXD IRON WIRE. ,Also a ge'ricrai assoifment' of House Fur- nishing Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Ironware. ftOOFING" AXD JOBBING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE TO JOnN MYERS. II. C. MYERS. J. MXElis" & BRO., Under the' couRt house, oreon city, oregon, retail dealers in DRY OOl GROCERIES, ROOTS SHOES, HARDWARE, We also constantly keep on hand SALEM CASSI MERES, FLANNEIS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which we wlll seit at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. O t7We will also pay the highest price for Butter. Eggs, and all kinds of good country produce. We will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash or its equivalent in good merchantable produce. fS Give us a call and satufy yourselves. Thomas Charman ! Successor to CHARMAN BRO., DEATH OF MY BROTHER HAS THE me again to change the name of the firm of CHARMAN & BRO. to that of THOMAS CHARMAN having purchased of the estate all the interest held by my broth- er in the stock of goodj owned by Chafman & Brother, takiug effect January 3d, 1S6D. TiieRusiiicss Will be Carried on as Usual AND A FULL STOCK Will be kept Up by me, and will consist, in part, of the following branches of trade : Dry Goods and Clothing, Hals, Caps, Jjoois and Shoes, Fancy Notions. Perfumery And Patent Medicines. Paints, Oils, Colors, Dye Stuffs and Varnish, Queensicare, Crockery tt- - lamps Sash. Doors, and Window Blinds, Hardware, Tools and Cutlery, Rope, and Nails Of Every Description. I ask Especial Attention to my FINE TEAS, COFFEE AND SUGAR. GROCERIES OF EVERY VARIETY. Farming Implements OF ALL KINDS. aiTAllention will be paitldo any business left with me on Commission. Notice. My Business with all who favor me with their patronage, will be done on a oi.n basis bdt Legal Tender Will be re ceived at the market quotations. I desire to say to all whd favor me with their patronage that I shall use my best ability to please thein, and all orders shall meet with prompt attention. My facilities for doing business are as good as ony house in Oregon, and I pledge myself to sell as Cheap as any House In good standing in the State. I will not be undersold by any one Please give me a call and examine for your- selves. Thanking you for past favors, I remain, Respectfully votirs, THOMAS CHARMAN. J. R. IRALST TS STILL AT HTS OLD STAND, CORNER OF MAIN and SIXTH STREETS, OREGON CITY, OREGON, "VTTHERE HE WOULD INVITE IttB V V f riends, and the public in general, to call and examine his stock, consisting ot a general assortment of Dry (ools, Hoots iiiul SSaocs, Ifsii imcl Caps, Hardware. Crockery 9 Groceries, &c. ZF" Having from many years experience learned that THE SECRET OF SUCCESS LIES IN SMALL PROFITS! IS DETERMINED TO OFFER SECII INDUCEMENTS AS WIEL Silence the Cry of Portland Pikes! Oregon City, August 2Sth, 1SG9. JJEW WAGON AND Carriage Manufactory ! The undersigned, having increased the di- mensions of his premises, at tho old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City t . Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old pat- rons, and as many new ones as may be pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and the very best of mechanics, to build anew, recon- struct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete any sol t of a vehicle from a com- mon cart to a concord coach. Try me. Blacksmithing, Horse or Ox shoeing, and general jobbing neatlv, qnieklv and cheap- ly done. DAVID SMITH. Opposite Excelsior Market o LIFE INSURANCE COMP'Y S , OF THE J. United States ceAmerica. IVASHIXOTOf?, D. C. Q Branch Office at PUI lndeiplif it. Where the business of the Company is transacted, and to which all general correspondence should be addressed. o D1UECTOIIS t Philadelphia. Clarence Il.Clark, Jay Cooke, r. natch ford Marr, J. Hir.cKIey Clark, Geo. fc T ler, W. G. MoorheaAV Washington, Henry D. Cooke, E.A.Rollins Win. hi. Chandler, John I). Defrees. New York, Edw. Dodge, II. C. Fahnestock OFFICERS l q CLARENCE II. CLARK, President. JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance A fad Executive Committee. HENRY D. COOKE, Vice EMERSON W.PEET, Secretary and Actuary E. S. TURNER, Assr-stan- t Secretary FRANCIS G. SMITll,M.D., Medical Director. J. EWING MEARS, M. D., Assistant. WM. E. CHANDLER, Washington, 1). C, O and Geo. lIAMDING, Philadelphia, Attorneys. 0 The Most Successful Life Insurance Company of "ThAVorld! Having issued in the first TEN months of its existence, 3,395 Policies, INSURING 15,142,800 Dollars! C This Company iffords to .its Policy Holders PERFECT SECURITY! o By its Cash paid up Capital of One Million Dollars, and guarantees to the Insured, Low Rates of Premium ! LARGE DIVIDENDS IN ADVANCE, OR, A REVERSIONARY DIVIDEND OF 100 PEXt CENT. BY ITS Return Premium Plan D 5- Weiis, Fargo & Co. o tJEXEUAL AGENTS FOR THE TACIFIC COAST. W4 E4 HALE. . MANAGER. A. I. EIIS, M.GI., Agent for cregojv. OFFICE IN CREE'S BUILDt&G, (Up stairs, bet. Front and First sts.) Entrance on spare street, PORTLAND, Oregon. S. D. POPE, LOCAL AGENT, OREGON CITY. o GENERAL AGENTS I JAY COOKE & CO. No. 216 Broadway, N.Y. General Agents for New York and North ern New Jersey. J. U Orvis and D. C. Whitman Managers. E. W. CLARK & CO." Bankers, Ko. 35 Sooth Third street, FhiladelphiaGeneral Agents for Pennsylvania and Southern New Jer- sey; C. S. Russell, Manager. JAY COOKE &C0. Washington, General Southern Agents. E. S. Turner, Manager. J. A. ELLIS & CO. Chicago, General Agents for Illinois Wisconsin, Iowa and Minn. JOHN W. ELLIS & CO. No, 122 Walnut St., Cincinnati, Genef-a- l Agents for Ohio and Central ntiil Southern Tndlnna. 0 S; A. KEAN & CO. Detroit, General Agents for Michigan and Northern Indiana, D. W. Kean, Manage T. Bi EDGAR, St. Louis, General Agtmt for Missouri and Kansas. C. Orvis, Manager. ROLLINS &, CHANDLER, Boston. General Agents for New England and Eastern Provinces of Canad. J. P. Tucker Man- ager. JOHNSTON BROTHERS & CO. Baltimore, General Agents for Maryland, W. A. Wi-son- g, Manager. WM. DOUGLAS, JR., Montreal, -- General Ggent for the Dominion 01 caoana. j A. B, HiL'laiilsoii9 AUCTION R ! Comer of Front and Oak streets, Portland AUCTION! SALES Of Real Estate, Groceries, General Merchan-dis- e and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday ! A. B. Iiic'iiAfcDsorr, Auctioneer. AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Bar and Bundle Iron ; English Square and Octagon Cast steel : Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saw ; Screws, Fry-pan- s, sheet iron, It. O. Irtfn ; a lso : A larg'e itSSdrtment of Groceries and Liqttofs A. 13. Kichahdsox, Auctioneer LADD & TI LT O N, Established . . . . 1859. Deposits received and Accounts iept sub- ject to Check or Dralt. iN'TfitlEST, al'owed on TIME Deposits of TRUST FUNDS, lu sums of OXE DOLLAR and UPWARDS, froiii Date of Deposit. Money Loaned on Approved Security. Bonds. Stocks and other valuables received on deposit for safe keeping. CORRECT OSS MADE, and TROCEEDd promptly remitted. Investments in real estate and other prop- erty made for parties. Asjpnts for the transaction of all kinds of .FINANCIAL and TRUST BUSINESS. SIGHT AXD TELEGRAPHIC EXCHANGE On San Francisco and the Atlantic States, FOR SALE. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES BOUGHT and sold. 30.if Savings ! Savings ! F1BST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. Savings Department ! This Bank has established, in connection with its general Banking busiuess, a savings department, and will allow intetest on coin deposits, made in accordance with the coudi-tjon- s adopted by this Hank. 0 In establishing a Savings Department, th:s Banking Associ tion has in view the benefit-t- o accrue to a class of persons having small suns to loan, by providing a safe place of deposit, ample security, and tair rate of in terest, as wi 11 as to ajrgiegate and bring into use idle capital. For the safety of deposits in this B. ink, are pledged its entile capital and resources, and also the personal liability of its Diiectors and Stockholders, as provid ed by Section VI of the National Currency Act, approved June ,i. 18(14, a greuter secu rity than that given by ordinary having Banks, runted copies 01 the condition? up on which deposits are received, may be had upon application to the Board. HEX ii Y t ill LIMi. , , President JAMES STEEL Cashier directors: Hexist Failing, IIkxey W. Cohbett, L. H. Walefiklo, JaMes Steel, W. J. VaxSchuvver. n(Uf Direct Importation FROM NEW YORK. CXDERSIGXED ARE AGEXT3 for T anu iu constant receipt of FUIAs SUPPLIES OF McMcrrav's OYSTERS Fresh and spiced ; " " Fresh Peaches and Tomatoes; Kemp, Day & Co.'s CASE GOODS, of all kinds ; Gross & Co.'s CHEMICAL Olirc Soap " " CANDLES, warranted supc rior to an' in mai ket ; Wixslow's, Marine Packixu Co's and Saco GREEX CORN; Kixgsford OSWEGO STARCH, of every Variety ; Waterblky CLOCKS of every style ; CEMENT and TLASTER 5 Calcined and Land ; For sale LOW TO THE TRADE, by M'CRAKEX, MERRILL & CO., n9.2m 16 North FrontSlreet, Portland, CLARKE, flENDEESON & COOK, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in tsipie siitcl Fancy DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, cCv., C', d'C. Cor. East and Washington sts., 10.3m) Portland, Oregon. G OOD NEWS To the FARMERS, BUTCHERS and TANNERS. D. EV1ETZGER & Co. Portland, Oregon, corner Front and Salmon Streets, opposite the old Court House, are buying all the TAILS AND MANES OF HORSES, THE TAILS OF COWS, AXD ALL THE HAIR OF HOGS, And are paying a LIBERAL Tiice. (IO.St 18 00 221 29 6 00 00 binding 1 copy code. . 00 Johnson & MeCown, for legal services in matter ofllafvey estate 5 OW Edward ForifPS,fo-'- r mak- ing jury list and Quali- fying jurors .; o 4 00 J. II. Whitmore.board of Capt. Lambert, i .... 12 00 State of Oregon ts. Jack Dolaiid : J. A. Smith, J. lfees. - 5 15 J. V. Ryan, constable. 3 V5 Cal. Barclay, witness. . . 170 In the matter of the ihq'iiPst held on the body of an unknown person, found atMil-wauki- e, the following fees were allowed : V . I5a r c 1 a y ,c o ro n e r 's fees. $12 45 Cram. Willis A Brongh-tou.h- oi se and buggy for coroner 50 John Packer . juror 20 VY S. Tjurence, juror.. 20 S. Cram juror, 20 John Packer, marking coffin and burving body 00 Tub O. S. N. Co. We call the partieu- - lar attention of fartners and stock raisers of the Willamette Valley to the advertise nient of this accommodating Company, found in to-day- 's paper. ACROSTIC. P ain Killer is worth what it weighs, in gold, A 11 around the world are its praises told ; 1 t will Cholera cure scourge of southern climes, N o victim dies, who takes it be times. K eep Pain Killer a true f.icnd by your side, I t will cure Cough or Cold, or Colic beside; L ook to apply it for Bruise or for Sprain, L et it once be tried " twill be used ayain ; E very word I ant telling you, Reader, is tn?e, R emcmbcr that Pain Killer is gW for you. Every Mouth. The Pain Killer is sold by all Druggists and dea!ei in Family Medicines. REDINGTON & CO., and IIOSTETTER t SMITH, S;in Francisco, Cal., General Whole sale Agents. 13:1m IX THE H.AISY SEA?O.V. o When the earth isrstratua?ed with moisture, and the air is surcharged with unwholesome exhalations, the vital forces of the body are less active than in clear weather, and the spirits correspondingly depressed. It is unaePsuch circumstances that the? invigo-ra- t ng, vivifying and cheering properties of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS are made especially manifest. Half a wine-g'lasslul- l, taken three times A day, will so tone unA strengthen the digestive organs and the nervous stem, that neither the miasma arising from the wet soil, nor the gloom of a sunless sky, will produce the usual ell'ect upon the health and spirits. Persons who are pecu'.iaily sensitive to ex- ternal change-- , wi 1 find this agreeable tonic the best means of steeling the system against viciss tud.-- s of temperature, and all variations in the state of tl e atmosphere. What the poet, Cowper, said of tea, applies with ten fold force to this inestimable ner vine stomachic. It cheers, but not inrhri-atei.- " This, however, is only gne of its merit-!- . It literally revolutionizes the con- dition of the feeble, debilitated and despon- dingimparting healthful activity to the secretive organ's, regulating the bowels, and living a new and permanent impulse to the etlete and torpid" animal machinery. Th mind, sym path zing with the refreshed and invigorated body, recovers its elasticity, and life takes a blighter a pect under the eflects of this harmless vegetable cxhilarant. Saddlekv. J. H. Schram, of this City, is now manufacturing the be.--t Saddlery and Harness in the State. He will have at least 50 sts of all grades, from fine to com- mon, finished and ready for sale next month, and more than that number of Saddles. He is hound to make a trade with anj' man who wisiies to ony ot turn, lie uses both Oregon anu California leather in his establishment. and lus work bears a most excellent reputation abroad. We hope that citizens of our own county will think of this, when they want any articles in 111s one. . SPECIAL NOTICES. jniilt nomnlt Lodge Xo. 1, A V and A. M. Holds its regular eommuni t2x cations on the First a?id Third Sat itrdiii in each month, at 7 o'clock. from the 20th of September to the 2th of March, and 7A o'clock from the 2oth of March to the 20th of September. Brethren in good standing are invited to attend. By order of W. M. Oregon Lodge IVo. 3, I. O. or O. If. vgfffe- Meets every Thursday even- - efS ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's -- 5fiw e nat.if Main s eet. Membero of the Order are invited to attend By order. . Cr. Kclecca Degree L.olge So. 2, I. O. O. F. Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDA Y EVEXLXGS, ot each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree aie invited to attend. By order of X. G. -- m . . 1 ,le ij8.ige Xo. 1.31. O, C. T ueeis eu-- n Saturday evening, at the rooms o.r.. toaiei . 01 .Main and J" nth streets, at 7 1-- 2 utiji.iv. iiiuir members ari in,-,- J attend. 0 - By0ordvr of y O A ILLI.VM DAV1DSOX, Ofilrc, Xo. G4: Front Street, Adjoining the Telegraph Office, Portland Oregon. SPECIAL COLLECTOR of CLAIMS, Accounts, Notes, Bonds, Drafts, and Merean- - tile Claims of every description, throughout j Oregon and the Territories, WILL REMADE I A SPECIALTY, and promptlv collected, as i well as with a due regard to economy in all business matters entrusted to his care and the proceeds paid over punctually. lotf EE VL ESTATE DEALER, o L AW PARTNERSHIP. JAS. K. KELLY. ltesitlenee, Columbia st Residence corner of. bet. 2d and 3d sts. Columbia and 7th. sts.' Jas. K. Kelly and J. II. fteed, nnder the firm name of KELLY & BEEDj ill practice law in the Courts of Oregon. uince on tirst strcetnear Aldef. over the new 1 ost uflii-- f rAnni U anA lAuMf LAPSING STOUT. Attorney and Counselor a iLaw, Offtee-Und- er trie United Stti nir;t Court Roonn Front street. pACE & THAYER, ATTORNEYS AT l.AW. OFFICE In Cree's Building, torner of Front and Stark streets, Portland . 82:t f If. MifCitELl.. 3. Jr.- - DOLPH. A. SMITH Mitchell, Dolph &mith, Attorneys and Counsellors at Laii Solicitors in Chancery, and ProC--q tors in Admiralty . ""Office o-- er the old Post Office, Front street, Portland, Oregon. 3. r. Caple?. j. c. moreland. CArLES & MORELAND, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Cor. FROST and WASHINGTON Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. Logan, Shattuck & Killin, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, No. 100 Front Street, Up Stairs, P0 RTLAN D 0 REG 0 N, A. C. GIBBS. C. W. PARRISH, . 1 r f J sr jouiTy j. uouc ana wt. oj ueeas. GIBBS & PABRISIt, Attorneys and CovMselors at Law, Portland, Oregon. OFFICE On Alder street, in Carter's br: "U block. g; T7UGEXE A. CIIOXIX. 1 j u A TTOHNEY A T LA W, llooms 7 and 8 Carter's &?lock, 4fi. PORTLAND. OREGON. O- - (5 ) M. McKEXXEY, AJTORNEY AT LAW, 9 OREGON CITY. OREGON WALTER BROS. 3) New CAISPILIIVOS VELVilfS , itTJSSELS, THEE if - PLY, OIL - CLOTHS, WINDOW-SHADE- S, o - oPAPilil- - HANGINGS, LcACEoCTJRTAINS, &c, &e. 0 We Would Call the attention of par P lies fitting ip houses, or being ih ? , need of anything in our line To our Stock, which is O ONE OF THE COMPLETES? On lhc Facilic Coast I -- o- Ow Goods hyifig (Specially selected at the Factories in England and the Eastern States, we can sell C3 AT THE LOWEST SaiilVancisco Prices. O WALTER BROS., 3 No. 89 Front street, between Alder S5.) and Washington, Portland Oregon . O ' o Dr. J, H. HATCH, iMte Mock 4- - Hatch, E NT 1ST. The patronage of those desirine first Class Operations, is respectfully solicited. tatistaeon in all cases guaranteea. N. B. Nitrous Osyde administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. . Office In Weigant's new building, west idc of First street, betwees Alder aud Mor rison streets, Portland, Oregon. JJENTAL NOTICE. HOME AGAIN. During my tour of two years in the Eastern States I bsve spared neither time nor money to make myself per fectly familiar) with and master of tax pro fession. Those desiring the best work that thanature of the case will admit of can find me at my ofhee, 107 Front street, two door above MeVJormiek'a Book Store, Portland, Oregon. O DR. J. G. GLENN Jacob Stitzel. , James IJptok. STITZEL & UPTON, Real Estate Brokers and General Agents, Corner of Front and O Washington streets. PORTLAND, OREGON? TW Will attend to the sale and purchase of Real Estate in all parts of the Ciiy and State. " Special attention given to the safe of East Portland property. Address P. O. Box 452, Portland. Oregon. STITZEL A UPTON, 1 9 tf j Real Estate Brokers. pa STEWART, No. 109 FRONT street, T0RTLAND, OREGON". Watchmaker0 rJ And Jeweler. ArTd Dealer in CLOCKS, WATCHES, AND JEWELERS GOODS. Agent for Wilcox & Gibbs' Letter "G'OSewing Machines, which are now being sold singly afcost, or whole- sale less than cost. Other goods at greatly reduced rates. O (40. t O o T0ttV AXD COUNTY. (jackania County, at the February Term, 1S70. Orcli'Ted: that Yvhcu the bridge across EHi" Creek shall be completed to the sat-ifiicii- 'n of the Court, the sura of $30 00 e aj, pre priated by this Court to aid in paviii? the costs of building the same. License was granted W. W. Quinn to s,! spirituous liquors in Cancmah, in less quantities than a quart. License was granted to John C. Hamil-"tO'- A to at' 11 spirituous liquors in Caneinah, ia lof.s Quantities than a quart.Q The ;fsessraent of S. W. Lacy was re- duced ',000. Oruer?J, that the line of road district No. 10 U so changed that Deep Creek loVtii the western boundary of said district. Thot having been a mistake of $7G 32 in favor of John Zumvvalt, Supervisor of Road Dictrict Xo. 29. in an order hereto fore issued to him, by mutual agreement the error was corrected. Ordered, that the stun of S300 00 be ap propriated towards building a bridge across ear Creek, at. or near, Abel Mat- - toon s place, and that the same bepaid ! out of the taxe3 collected for the year 1 70. Ordered, that the Clerk of this Court ex ecute to the estate of Daniel Harvey a quit claim deed for certain lots named in this order, in final settlement between this county and said estate, in regard to own- ership of lots. Oidored, that thqgasse.-,smen- t of John QZnmwalt beeduced SpJOO. In the matter of the application of D. II. Good for reimbursement for alleged loss on County orders, it is adjudged and ordered by the Court that the said D. II. Good has received all money to which he is entitled. The report of the viewersrof the road leading from Harding's I'recinct to Mil- waukee, b'gg irreguhj,r. the Court al- lowed the viewers to amend their report, and return it into this Court at the next regular term thereof. To this ruling of thCoi, W. C. Johnson. Att'y for A. 1 "uiiilh, who i?. cQiming damages by reason of the Ideation of said road, excepted. (Jrderedhut the proposed rod here tofore viewed, leading from Glad Tidings aju stoflice to Wilhoit's Soda Springs, be established ard opened. J. Y, White. Supervisor of Road Dis- trict No. 32, having failed to report at this term of Court, according to the re-- 1 quiremens of law, it is ordered that a Citation issue t the said J. V. White to appear and report at the next term of this Court. lathe matter of the prlition of Jessee V. Ik one for the construction of a bridge across a diivh near the ferry, the consider- ation thereof was postponed to the next term of this Court. Ordered, that a new Road District No. 55. be, and hereby is. created in the vi- cinity of Cuttings' Mill. (The precinct lines were defined, for U ch see advertisement in 's paper) The of Supervisors, the amounts . allowed to each for extra labor and ma- terial, ami ihe persons appointed Super-vi- s irs Tor the ensuing year were as fol- - lows : SiijxTVir'or Xo. Amt Supervisor District AU.nvo.l J 11. Lambert 1 $10 0 E. Ros. W. PhhHps 2 IS oo David Mull, D. TI. Deiirdortt' a 5 ;o Jumper Clin", S. Grove 4 no charge S. Grove, 5 M. Oatfleid CB Burnell, ; E. D. .Jones no charge Ja. Root, DfVid Leutz S 1" 00 I 'avid Lenlz, - John 9 no charge J s Burnett, E. Wiltfoi.g P 9 oo APFercjus'in ,.I.T. Iliuisuker 11 no cha ge 4 1. Straight liation 12 no charge M. Hatton M. r, Wiiu 13 4 oo JlIM'Cubbin .J. 11. McCord It 13 oo A. Warner, .1. Won mutt 15 4 00 J. Wortman. LDCLatotnettc ID r.o charge ChasWalker A Riehtor 17 12 oo Joel Dickson Eli Crewel! 1 lo oo W.I). King, Ciirreus U) 4 eO (Jeo (Jithens S. W. Lacey 20 21 o0 L. A. Lacey, R StriAklin 21 4 oo Isaac Stiil, v. X. Trio lor TI li oo J,,s. Bingo, : S. W. Shannon no charge Sara'tMillcr, .Ins. Tompkius -- 4 " JcsselJullock Otto Knise 25 " C. W.Brvant. . M. K Pen in 2(5 14 M. K. Perrin 11. K. Haves 27 4 '.0 Robert Ford, W. Gorhy, 2 no charge W. Corby, " Joint Zumwalt L'! !0 00 Jfo app't. 0 30 O 31 Xo report 3'2 AiurGearirnn F' yanderahg) HZ no charge FVanderahe ? ("I'd f4 Allan Kirk. ; Peter Xnver 35 4 00 E.S.Jones. i I. Larkins S'5 4 00 X.Trullimjer 5 .I.K. Dekey 37 no charge R. R. Ennis, II irrton Wright 3.S " David Moms .. 11. J. Sawu-Il- :!!) 10 (0 Ira Moody r4 o4i 0 r " V '"'11-1- - i 00 j k 1 tiviooie C. Bovnton 40 no charge (jWKnoblet W. Elliot 4 4 2 00 J.D.tiarrjtt. J K Perdieu 45 4 00 J F Perd .eu, F. M' shbr rer fi 00 Reappoint' d .l.l'.Revnolds 47 12 00 A. B. Dilla, R. V. Drake 4S 8 oO ( W Covey, E. S'.ui vin 4'J no charge J. Groshong, K. Thompson 50 J. Skirvin. i 'nas Roark 51 10 00 Chas Roark, E M P.rackctt rrv2 S 00 M. Miller. A. K. Slopley 5o no charge A.R.Shipley, 54 X"cw District 55 J. M. Bedford. In addition to the foregoing, the follow- ing bills were audited and ordered paid, to wit : , Tho. Charnnn, tools for C : county S 2 i J. K. Wail.board of Car- oline Walker 12 50 J. .Moreland, services as coroner. 6 GO CanemaliLuniberingCo., lumber for bridge. .. 1 CS Cram. Willis & Pl ough- - ion.norse lor r 1 65 W Lewis, repairing tool?" 3 C2 J. II. Ralston, shoes for Capt. Lambert 2 00 Jas. M. Frazer, fees as clerk 131 15 Jas. M. Frazer, for sta- tionery 15 00 John Myers, serving no- tice on Surveyor ami road viewers 10 20 John Myers, Sheriff, for o o o o ORDER, AND AT LOW PRICES. o tltsd fit POPES STOVE STORE you will find HARDWARE AXD BASKETS, WOODEX WARE AXD TINWARE, LA STERNS, LAMPS AND OIL, LUCKMii ASD MCIIT LAMPS.. ALSO PRRAMRULATORS. All of the above articles are for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. CrH'i POfi3 & CO. lLiyJ Oregon. Cit Oregon. WI. SINGER, Has Established i' 1 11 11 A Factory FOR THE 21 A X UFA C TOE Y OF SASH, BLINDS AND CCORS, AND MOULDINGS Or' ALL SIZES. Z3- - He wi 1 also do TURNING, of every description to order, With Neatness and Dispatch ! o ALL WORK WARRANTED. Shop on the River, b;ick of Ackei man's fu.lyj Store, Oregon City, Oregon. Over 20, OOO Persons Testify to the Wonderful cures ot Dr. J. W. MUKUAY'S Balsam fcr tho Liver and Blood. NATURE'S OWN REMEDY. v; One of the Cdchrati'd Physicians of Portland, Kdijs he is cured of U,e I.xmg and I.tver eem-phtin- t, and that he vires his life to Dr. Mur rains Luna and Liver Balsam. Raid irhdl he says : PoitTLAxn, May 21, I have tried Dr. J. W. Murray s Lung and Liver Balsam. I used it in my fam ily with the best of success. 1 was sick for some months, and used every remedy. I called several physicians, but thev did me no good. J exhausted every remedy known to j the med:cal profession, and received no ben efit. This Lung and Liver Bal.-a- m cured me, and I do not he.-ila-te to recommend it to the public and my friends, as a good and safe rem dv Those who know me. a1? manv do in this Stat., know that I would not recom- mend them to use a thing that has no merit, because I am opposed to quack remedies, r r w m.'XA-v- r i iv ti;A For sale at BELL & PARKER S, and at a.l Drug Stores on the Pacific Coast. i"tf yy illamp:tte xuksp:ky, Pfftsnh of 1SG9 70. G. W. WALLING k. Co. would call the attention of the public to their large and well assorted stoek of line fru'.t trees and shrubberv, consisting of choice varieties of CHERRIES, PLUMS, PEAKS. APRICOTS, BEACHES, NUTS, ' RASPIiERlilES, Ac, &c. 5" Persons desirous of purchasing trees should call and examine our stock, which is the largest ard best in the State. Orders (with the cash) sent to the Nursery will be prompely filled and forwa ded. j&jt Extra care taken in packing Trets.& Address all orders to G. W. WALLING & Co., 4otf Oswego, Clackamas County Oregon joiix r. BACQX, Importer and Dealer in flS QTR 9 STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, &C, &c., Orrgon City, Oregon. At Chlrman 4' Warner's old stand, lately oc- cupied by Si Atkerman, Main street." 10 tf Ja SNEATII, WHOLESALE GROCER, 32 Front Street, Portland". GOODS BY THE PACKAGE, FOR CASH, -- AT SAN FRAACISCO PRICES, and Freight. j"ir"Orders Piomptly filled in Sua Francis- co, if desired. (.40. tf g HADES SALOOX. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MAIN STREET, Oregon City. O Best Bit J A ARD TAll LEX in, ORlXlON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in-- - vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them. THE B A Ii I S S UP PEl ED With all the. choicest qualities of Liquor's and Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Bourbon already famous Whiskies and Tunch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE TONJS AL1U! Pi Families supplied. OREGON CITY BREWERY ! HENRY II UMBEL,, Having purchased the above Brewery wish es to inform the pnuiic that be is now prepar- ed to manufacture a No. 1 quality of EAGER BEER, As good as can be obtained anywhere in the Stale. Orders solicited and promptly filled. JEW COLUMBIAN HOTEL. Cor. FRONT and MORRISON Sts.. PORTLAND, OREGON. jSur The most Comfortable Hotel in the City. Board and Lodging, from one to two dollars per day, according to rooms occupied. Free Coach to and from the house. 40tf EDWARD CARNEY, Proprietor. o o Q a 0 0 O o 8 J T COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA,

Transcript of The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.). (Oregon City ... fileButter. Eggs, and all kinds of good...

Page 1: The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.). (Oregon City ... fileButter. Eggs, and all kinds of good country produce. We will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash or its equivalent


o 1 j


G o

oo oo o



(f)ciUcckln Enterprise. AUCTION AND COMMISSION NATIONALattending Court

John Myers?.. 3 per cent,on S7.S76 25, taxes"collected..

T. J. McCarver, for at-

tendance in Court.; . .

Willis, Broughtofi tt Co.,for care of horse forllarper.insane person.

A. G. Walling. 16r re- -

C- - w. pope & co.;DEALERS 12?





,Also a ge'ricrai assoifment' of House Fur-nishing Goods.


Tin, Copper, and SheetIronware.



J. MXElis" & BRO.,Under the' couRt house,oreon city, oregon,

retail dealers in



We also constantly keep on hand



Which we wlll seit at the Factory Prices,and will take wool in exchange.


t7We will also pay the highest price forButter. Eggs, and all kinds of good countryproduce. We will sell as low as any housein Oregon, for Cash or its equivalent in goodmerchantable produce.

fS Give us a call and satufy yourselves.

Thomas Charman !

Successor to CHARMAN BRO.,

DEATH OF MY BROTHER HASTHE me again to change the nameof the firm of CHARMAN & BRO. to that ofTHOMAS CHARMAN having purchased ofthe estate all the interest held by my broth-er in the stock of goodj owned by Chafman& Brother, takiug effect January 3d, 1S6D.

TiieRusiiicssWill be Carried on as Usual

AND A FULL STOCKWill be kept Up by me, and will consist, in

part, of the following branches of trade :

Dry Goods and Clothing,Hals, Caps, Jjoois and Shoes,

Fancy Notions. PerfumeryAnd Patent Medicines.

Paints, Oils, Colors,Dye Stuffs and Varnish,

Queensicare, Crockery tt-- lampsSash. Doors, and Window Blinds,

Hardware, Tools and Cutlery,Rope, and Nails

Of Every Description.

I ask Especial Attention to my



Farming ImplementsOF ALL KINDS.

aiTAllention will be paitldo any businessleft with me on Commission.

Notice. My Business with all who favorme with their patronage, will be done on a

oi.n basis bdt Legal Tender Will be received at the market quotations.

I desire to say to all whd favor mewith their patronage that I shall use my bestability to please thein, and all orders shallmeet with prompt attention. My facilitiesfor doing business are as good as ony housein Oregon, and I pledge myself to sell asCheap as any House In good standing in theState. I will not be undersold by any onePlease give me a call and examine for your-selves. Thanking you for past favors,

I remain, Respectfully votirs,THOMAS CHARMAN.



"VTTHERE HE WOULD INVITE IttBV V f riends, and the public in general, to

call and examine his stock, consisting ot ageneral assortment of

Dry (ools,

Hoots iiiul SSaocs,

Ifsii imcl Caps,Hardware.Crockery 9

Groceries, &c.

ZF" Having from many years experiencelearned that



Silence the Cry of Portland Pikes!Oregon City, August 2Sth, 1SG9.


Carriage Manufactory !

The undersigned, having increased the di-

mensions of his premises, at tho old stand

Corner of Main and Third streets,

Oregon City t . Oregon.

Takes this method to inform his old pat-rons, and as many new ones as may bepleased to call, that he is now prepared, withample room, good materials, and the verybest of mechanics, to build anew, recon-struct, make, paint, iron and turn out allcomplete any sol t of a vehicle from a com-mon cart to a concord coach. Try me.

Blacksmithing, Horse or Ox shoeing, andgeneral jobbing neatlv, qnieklv and cheap-ly done. DAVID SMITH.

Opposite Excelsior Market




United States ceAmerica.IVASHIXOTOf?, D. C.


Branch Office at PUI lndeiplif it.Where the business of the Company is

transacted, and to which all generalcorrespondence should be addressed.


Philadelphia. Clarence Il.Clark, Jay Cooke,r. natch ford Marr, J. Hir.cKIey Clark, Geo.fc T ler, W. G. MoorheaAV

Washington, Henry D. Cooke, E.A.RollinsWin. hi. Chandler, John I). Defrees.

New York, Edw. Dodge, II. C. Fahnestock


JAY COOKE, Chairman FinanceA fad Executive Committee.

HENRY D. COOKE, ViceEMERSON W.PEET, Secretary and Actuary

E. S. TURNER, Assr-stan- t SecretaryFRANCIS G. SMITll,M.D., Medical Director.

J. EWING MEARS, M. D., Assistant.WM. E. CHANDLER, Washington, 1). C, Oand Geo. lIAMDING, Philadelphia,



The Most Successful Life

Insurance Company of"ThAVorld!

Having issued in the first TEN months of

its existence,

3,395 Policies,INSURING

15,142,800 Dollars!


This Company iffords to .its Policy Holders


By its Cash paid up Capital of One Million

Dollars, and guarantees to the Insured,

Low Rates of Premium !




Return Premium Plan D


Weiis, Fargo & Co.o




A. I. EIIS, M.GI.,Agent for cregojv.

OFFICE IN CREE'S BUILDt&G,(Up stairs, bet. Front and First sts.)

Entrance on spare street,PORTLAND, Oregon.





JAY COOKE & CO. No. 216 Broadway, N.Y.General Agents for New York and Northern New Jersey. J. U Orvis and D. C.Whitman Managers.

E. W. CLARK & CO." Bankers, Ko. 35 SoothThird street, FhiladelphiaGeneral Agentsfor Pennsylvania and Southern New Jer-sey; C. S. Russell, Manager.

JAY COOKE &C0. Washington, GeneralSouthern Agents. E. S. Turner, Manager.

J. A. ELLIS & CO. Chicago, General Agentsfor Illinois Wisconsin, Iowa and Minn.

JOHN W. ELLIS & CO. No, 122 Walnut St.,Cincinnati, Genef-a- l Agents for Ohio andCentral ntiil Southern Tndlnna.

0S; A. KEAN & CO. Detroit, General Agents

for Michigan and Northern Indiana, D.W. Kean, Manage

T. Bi EDGAR, St. Louis, General Agtmt forMissouri and Kansas. C. Orvis, Manager.

ROLLINS &, CHANDLER, Boston. GeneralAgents for New England and EasternProvinces of Canad. J. P. Tucker Man-ager.

JOHNSTON BROTHERS & CO. Baltimore,General Agents for Maryland, W. A. Wi-son- g,


WM. DOUGLAS, JR., Montreal, -- General

Ggent for the Dominion 01 caoana. j

A. B, HiL'laiilsoii9AUCTION R !

Comer of Front and Oak streets, Portland

AUCTION! SALESOf Real Estate, Groceries, General Merchan-dis- e

and Horses,Every Wednesday and Saturday !

A. B. Iiic'iiAfcDsorr, Auctioneer.

AT PRIVATE SALE.English refined Bar and Bundle Iron ;English Square and Octagon Cast steel :Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saw ;Screws, Fry-pan- s, sheet iron, It. O. Irtfn ;

a lso :

A larg'e itSSdrtment of Groceries and LiqttofsA. 13. Kichahdsox, Auctioneer


Established . . . . 1859.

Deposits received and Accounts iept sub-ject to Check or Dralt.

iN'TfitlEST, al'owed on TIME Deposits ofTRUST FUNDS, lu sums of OXE DOLLARand UPWARDS, froiii Date of Deposit.

Money Loaned on Approved Security.

Bonds. Stocks and other valuables receivedon deposit for safe keeping.

CORRECT OSS MADE, and TROCEEDdpromptly remitted.

Investments in real estate and other prop-erty made for parties.

Asjpnts for the transaction of all kinds of.FINANCIAL and TRUST BUSINESS.

SIGHT AXD TELEGRAPHIC EXCHANGEOn San Francisco and the Atlantic States,FOR SALE.


Savings ! Savings !



Savings Department !

This Bank has established, in connectionwith its general Banking busiuess, a savingsdepartment, and will allow intetest on coindeposits, made in accordance with the coudi-tjon- s

adopted by this Hank.0 In establishing a Savings Department, th:sBanking Associ tion has in view the benefit-t- o

accrue to a class of persons having smallsuns to loan, by providing a safe place ofdeposit, ample security, and tair rate of interest, as wi 11 as to ajrgiegate and bring intouse idle capital. For the safety of depositsin this B. ink, are pledged its entile capitaland resources, and also the personal liabilityof its Diiectors and Stockholders, as provided by Section VI of the National CurrencyAct, approved June ,i. 18(14, a greuter security than that given by ordinary havingBanks, runted copies 01 the condition? upon which deposits are received, may be hadupon application to the Board.

HEX ii Y t ill LIMi. , , PresidentJAMES STEEL Cashier

directors:Hexist Failing, IIkxey W. Cohbett,L. H. Walefiklo, JaMes Steel,

W. J. VaxSchuvver. n(Uf

Direct ImportationFROM NEW YORK.

CXDERSIGXED ARE AGEXT3 forT anu iu constant receipt of


McMcrrav's OYSTERS Fresh and spiced ;

" " Fresh Peaches and Tomatoes;

Kemp, Day & Co.'s CASE GOODS, of allkinds ;

Gross & Co.'s CHEMICAL Olirc Soap" " CANDLES, warranted supc

rior to an' in mai ket ;

Wixslow's, Marine Packixu Co's and Saco


Kixgsford OSWEGO STARCH, of everyVariety ;

Waterblky CLOCKS of every style ;


Calcined and Land ;


n9.2m 16 North FrontSlreet, Portland,


Wholesale and Retail Dealers in

tsipie siitcl FancyDRY GOODS,



Cor. East and Washington sts.,10.3m) Portland, Oregon.




D. EV1ETZGER & Co.Portland, Oregon, corner Front and Salmon

Streets, opposite the old Court House,are buying all the




And are paying a LIBERAL Tiice. (IO.St

18 00

221 29

6 00


binding 1 copy code. . 00Johnson & MeCown, for

legal services in matterofllafvey estate 5 OW

Edward ForifPS,fo-'-r mak-ing jury list and Quali-fying jurors . ; o 4 00

J. II. Whitmore.board ofCapt. Lambert, i .... 12 00

State of Oregon ts. Jack Dolaiid :

J. A. Smith, J. lfees. - 5 15J. V. Ryan, constable. 3 V5

Cal. Barclay, witness. . . 170In the matter of the ihq'iiPst held on the

body of an unknown person, found atMil-wauki- e,

the following fees were allowed :

V . I5a rc 1 a y ,c o ro n e r 's fees. $12 45Cram. Willis A Brongh-tou.h- oi

se and buggy forcoroner 50

John Packer . juror 20VY S. Tjurence, juror.. 20S. Cram juror, 20John Packer, marking

coffin and burvingbody 00

Tub O. S. N. Co. We call the partieu- -lar attention of fartners and stock raisersof the Willamette Valley to the advertisenient of this accommodating Company,found in to-day- 's paper.


P ain Killer is worth what it weighs, ingold,

A 11 around the world are its praises told ;

1 t will Cholera cure scourge of southernclimes,

N o victim dies, who takes it be times.

K eep Pain Killer a true f.icnd by yourside,

I t will cure Cough or Cold, or Colic beside;L ook to apply it for Bruise or for Sprain,L et it once be tried " twill be used ayain ;E very word I ant telling you, Reader, is

tn?e,R emcmbcr that Pain Killer is gW for you.

Every Mouth.

The Pain Killer is sold by all Druggistsand dea!ei in Family Medicines.

REDINGTON & CO., and IIOSTETTER tSMITH, S;in Francisco, Cal., General Wholesale Agents. 13:1m


When the earth isrstratua?ed with moisture,and the air is surcharged with unwholesomeexhalations, the vital forces of the body areless active than in clear weather, and thespirits correspondingly depressed. It isunaePsuch circumstances that the? invigo-ra- t

ng, vivifying and cheering properties ofHOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS aremade especially manifest. Half a wine-g'lasslul- l,

taken three times A day, will sotone unA strengthen the digestive organsand the nervous stem, that neither themiasma arising from the wet soil, nor thegloom of a sunless sky, will produce theusual ell'ect upon the health and spirits.Persons who are pecu'.iaily sensitive to ex-

ternal change-- , wi 1 find this agreeable tonicthe best means of steeling the systemagainst viciss tud.-- s of temperature, and allvariations in the state of tl e atmosphere.What the poet, Cowper, said of tea, applieswith ten fold force to this inestimable nervine stomachic. It cheers, but not inrhri-atei.- "

This, however, is only gne of itsmerit-!- . It literally revolutionizes the con-

dition of the feeble, debilitated and despon-dingimparting healthful activity to thesecretive organ's, regulating the bowels, andliving a new and permanent impulse to theetlete and torpid" animal machinery. Thmind, sym path zing with the refreshed andinvigorated body, recovers its elasticity, andlife takes a blighter a pect under the eflectsof this harmless vegetable cxhilarant.

Saddlekv. J. H. Schram, of thisCity, is now manufacturing the be.--t Saddleryand Harness in the State. He will have atleast 50 sts of all grades, from fine to com-mon, finished and ready for sale next month,and more than that number of Saddles. Heis hound to make a trade with anj' man whowisiies to ony ot turn, lie uses both Oregonanu California leather in his establishment.and lus work bears a most excellent reputationabroad. We hope that citizens of our owncounty will think of this, when they want anyarticles in 111s one.


jniilt nomnlt Lodge Xo. 1, A V andA. M. Holds its regular eommuni

t2x cations on the First a?id Third Satitrdiii in each month, at 7 o'clock.

from the 20th of September to the 2th ofMarch, and 7A o'clock from the 2oth of Marchto the 20th of September. Brethren in goodstanding are invited to attend.

By order of W. M.

Oregon Lodge IVo. 3, I. O. or O. If.vgfffe- Meets every Thursday even- -

efS ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's-- 5fiw enat.if Main s eet.

Membero of the Order are invited to attendBy order. . Cr.

Kclecca Degree L.olge So. 2, I. O. O. F.Meet on the Second and Fourth

TUESDA Y EVEXLXGS,ot each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd FellowsHall. Members of the Degree aie invited toattend. By order of X. G.

-- m .. 1,le ij8.ige Xo. 1.31. O, C. Tueeis eu--n Saturday evening, at the roomso.r.. toaiei. 01 .Main and J" nth streets, at 7 1-- 2utiji.iv. iiiuir members ari in,-,- Jattend. 0 -By0ordvr of y

O A ILLI.VM DAV1DSOX,Ofilrc, Xo. G4: Front Street,

Adjoining the Telegraph Office, Portland Oregon.

SPECIAL COLLECTOR of CLAIMS,Accounts, Notes, Bonds, Drafts, and Merean- -

tile Claims of every description, throughoutj Oregon and the Territories, WILL REMADEI A SPECIALTY, and promptlv collected, asi well as with a due regard to economy in allbusiness matters entrusted to his care andthe proceeds paid over punctually. lotf




ltesitlenee, Columbia st Residence corner 2d and 3d sts. Columbia and 7th. sts.'Jas. K. Kelly and J. II. fteed, nnder the

firm name ofKELLY & BEEDj

ill practice law in the Courts of Oregon.uince on tirst strcetnear Aldef. over thenew 1 ost uflii-- f rAnni U anA lAuMf

LAPSING STOUT.Attorney and Counselor a iLaw,Offtee-Und- er trie United Stti nir;tCourt Roonn Front street.


OFFICE In Cree's Building, torner ofFront and Stark streets, Portland . 82:t f

If. MifCitELl.. 3. Jr.-- DOLPH. A. SMITH

Mitchell, Dolph &mith,Attorneys and Counsellors at Laii

Solicitors in Chancery, and ProC--q

tors in Admiralty .""Office o-- er the old Post Office, Front

street, Portland, Oregon.

3. r. Caple?. j. c. moreland.CArLES & MORELAND,



Logan, Shattuck & Killin,ATTORNEYS AT LAW,

No. 100 Front Street, Up Stairs,P0RTLAN D 0 REG 0 N,

A. C. GIBBS. C. W. PARRISH,.1 r f J srjouiTy j. uouc ana wt. oj ueeas.

GIBBS & PABRISIt,Attorneys and CovMselors at Law,

Portland, Oregon.OFFICE On Alder street, in Carter's

br: "U block. g;


A TTOHNEY A T LA W,llooms 7 and 8 Carter's &?lock,








o -oPAPilil- - HANGINGS,


We Would Call the attention of parP lies fitting ip houses, or being ih ? ,

need of anything in our lineTo our Stock, which is


On lhc Facilic Coast I-- o-

Ow Goods hyifig (Specially selected atthe Factories in England and the

Eastern States, we can sellC3


SaiilVancisco Prices.


No. 89 Front street, between AlderS5.) and Washington, Portland Oregon .

O '

o Dr. J, H. HATCH,iMte Mock 4- - Hatch,

E N T 1ST.The patronage of those desirine first Class

Operations, is respectfully solicited.tatistaeon in all cases guaranteea.N. B. Nitrous Osyde administered for the

Painless Extraction of Teeth. .Office In Weigant's new building, west

idc of First street, betwees Alder aud Morrison streets, Portland, Oregon.


During my tour of two yearsin the Eastern States I bsvespared neither time normoney to make myself per

fectly familiar) with and master of tax profession. Those desiring the best work thatthanature of the case will admit of can findme at my ofhee, 107 Front street, two doorabove MeVJormiek'a Book Store, Portland,Oregon.


Jacob Stitzel. , James IJptok.

STITZEL & UPTON,Real Estate Brokers and General

Agents, Corner of Front andO Washington streets.


TW Will attend to the sale and purchaseof Real Estate in all parts of the Ciiy andState. " Special attention given to the safe ofEast Portland property.

Address P. O. Box 452, Portland. Oregon.STITZEL A UPTON,

1 9 tf j Real Estate Brokers.

pa STEWART,No. 109 FRONT street,


Watchmaker0rJ And Jeweler.

ArTd Dealer in CLOCKS, WATCHES, ANDJEWELERS GOODS. Agent for Wilcox &Gibbs' Letter "G'OSewing Machines, whichare now being sold singly afcost, or whole-sale less than cost. Other goods at greatlyreduced rates. O (40. t




(jackania County, at theFebruary Term, 1S70.

Orcli'Ted: that Yvhcu the bridge across

EHi" Creek shall be completed to the sat-ifiicii- 'n

of the Court, the sura of $30 00

e aj, pre priated by this Court to aid in

paviii? the costs of building the same.License was granted W. W. Quinn to

s,! spirituous liquors in Cancmah, in lessquantities than a quart.

License was granted to John C. Hamil-"tO'- A

to at' 11 spirituous liquors in Caneinah,ia lof.s Quantities than a quart.Q

The ;fsessraent of S. W. Lacy was re-

duced ',000.

Oruer?J, that the line of road districtNo. 10 U so changed that Deep CreekloVtii the western boundary of said district.

Thot having been a mistake of $7G 32

in favor of John Zumvvalt, Supervisor ofRoad Dictrict Xo. 29. in an order heretofore issued to him, by mutual agreementthe error was corrected.

Ordered, that the stun of S300 00 be appropriated towards building a bridgeacross ear Creek, at. or near, Abel Mat- -

toon s place, and that the same bepaid !

out of the taxe3 collected for the year1 70.

Ordered, that the Clerk of this Court execute to the estate of Daniel Harvey aquit claim deed for certain lots named in

this order, in final settlement between thiscounty and said estate, in regard to own-

ership of lots.Oidored, that thqgasse.-,smen- t of John

QZnmwalt beeduced SpJOO.

In the matter of the application of D.

II. Good for reimbursement for allegedloss on County orders, it is adjudged andordered by the Court that the said D. II.Good has received all money to which heis entitled.

The report of the viewersrof the roadleading from Harding's I'recinct to Mil-

waukee, b'gg irreguhj,r. the Court al-

lowed the viewers to amend their report,and return it into this Court at the nextregular term thereof. To this ruling ofthCoi, W. C. Johnson. Att'y for A. 1

"uiiilh, who i?. cQiming damages by reasonof the Ideation of said road, excepted.

(Jrderedhut the proposed rod heretofore viewed, leading from Glad Tidingsaju stoflice to Wilhoit's Soda Springs, beestablished ard opened.

J. Y, White. Supervisor of Road Dis-

trict No. 32, having failed to report atthis term of Court, according to the re-- 1

quiremens of law, it is ordered that a

Citation issue t the said J. V. White to

appear and report at the next term ofthis Court.

lathe matter of the prlition of JesseeV. Ik one for the construction of a bridgeacross a diivh near the ferry, the consider-ation thereof was postponed to the nextterm of this Court.

Ordered, that a new Road District No.55. be, and hereby is. created in the vi-

cinity of Cuttings' Mill.

(The precinct lines were defined, forU ch see advertisement in 's paper)The of Supervisors, the amounts

. allowed to each for extra labor and ma-

terial, ami ihe persons appointed Super-vi- s

irs Tor the ensuing year were as fol- -

lows :

SiijxTVir'or Xo. Amt SupervisorDistrict AU.nvo.l

J 11. Lambert 1 $10 0 E. Ros.W. PhhHps 2 IS oo David Mull,D. TI. Deiirdortt' a 5 ;o Jumper Clin",S. Grove 4 no charge S. Grove,

5M. Oatfleid C B Burnell,

; E. D. .Jones no charge Ja. Root,DfVid Leutz S 1" 00 I 'avid Lenlz,

- John 9 no charge J s Burnett,E. Wiltfoi.g P 9 oo APFercjus'in

,.I.T. Iliuisuker 11 no cha ge 4 1. Straightliation 12 no charge M. Hatton

M. r, Wiiu 13 4 oo JlIM'Cubbin.J. 11. McCord It 13 oo A. Warner,.1. Won mutt 15 4 00 J. Wortman.LDCLatotnettc ID r.o charge ChasWalkerA Riehtor 17 12 oo Joel DicksonEli Crewel! 1 lo oo W.I). King,

Ciirreus U) 4 eO (Jeo (JithensS. W. Lacey 20 21 o0 L. A. Lacey,R StriAklin 21 4 oo Isaac Stiil,v. X. Trio lor TI li oo J,,s. Bingo,

: S. W. Shannon no charge Sara'tMillcr,.Ins. Tompkius -- 4 " JcsselJullockOtto Knise 25 " C. W.Brvant.

. M. K Pen in 2(5 14 M. K. Perrin11. K. Haves 27 4 '.0 Robert Ford,W. Gorhy, 2 no charge W. Corby,

" Joint Zumwalt L'! !0 00 Jfo app't.0 30 O

31Xo report 3'2 AiurGearirnn

F' yanderahg) HZ no charge FVanderahe? ("I'd f4 Allan Kirk.; Peter Xnver 35 4 00 E.S.Jones.i I. Larkins S'5 4 00 X.Trullimjer5 .I.K. Dekey 37 no charge R. R. Ennis,

II irrton Wright 3.S " David Moms.. 11. J. Sawu-Il- :!!) 10 (0 Ira Moody

r4 o4i 0r " V '"'11-1- - i 00 j k 1 tiviooie

C. Bovnton 40 no charge (jWKnobletW. Elliot 4 4 2 00 J.D.tiarrjtt.J K Perdieu 45 4 00 J F Perd .eu,F. M' shbr rer fi 00 Reappoint' d.l.l'.Revnolds 47 12 00 A. B. Dilla,R. V. Drake 4S 8 oO ( W Covey,E. S'.ui vin 4'J no charge J. Groshong,K. Thompson 50 J. Skirvin.i 'nas Roark 51 10 00 Chas Roark,E M P.rackctt rrv2 S 00 M. Miller.A. K. Slopley 5o no charge A.R.Shipley,

54X"cw District 55 J. M. Bedford.

In addition to the foregoing, the follow-ing bills were audited and ordered paid,to wit :

, Tho. Charnnn, tools for C

: county S 2i J. K. Wail.board of Car-

oline Walker 12 50J. .Moreland, services as

coroner. 6 GO

CanemaliLuniberingCo.,lumber for bridge. . . 1 CS

Cram. Willis & Pl ough- -

ion.norse lor r 1 65W Lewis, repairingtool?" 3 C2

J. II. Ralston, shoes forCapt. Lambert 2 00

Jas. M. Frazer, fees asclerk 131 15

Jas. M. Frazer, for sta-tionery 15 00John Myers, serving no-tice on Surveyor amiroad viewers 10 20John Myers, Sheriff, for

o o




otltsd fit POPES STOVE STORE you

will find




All of the above articles are for sale atPRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES.

CrH'i POfi3 & CO.lLiyJ Oregon. Cit Oregon.

WI. SINGER,Has Established

i' 1 1 1 11 A FactoryFOR THE 21 A X UFA C TOE Y OF


AND MOULDINGS Or' ALL SIZES.Z3-- He wi 1 also do TURNING, of every

description to order,

With Neatness and Dispatch !


Shop on the River, b;ick of Ackei man'sfu.lyj Store, Oregon City, Oregon.

Over 20, OOO PersonsTestify to the Wonderful cures ot

Dr. J. W. MUKUAY'SBalsam fcr tho Liver and Blood.


One of the Cdchrati'd Physicians of Portland,Kdijs he is cured of U,e I.xmg and I.tver eem-phtin- t,

and that he vires his life to Dr. Murrains Luna and Liver Balsam. Raid irhdlhe says : PoitTLAxn, May 21,

I have tried Dr. J. W. Murray sLung and Liver Balsam. I used it in my family with the best of success. 1 was sick forsome months, and used every remedy. Icalled several physicians, but thev did me nogood. J exhausted every remedy known to j

the med:cal profession, and received no benefit. This Lung and Liver Bal.-a-m cured me,and I do not he.-ila-te to recommend it to thepublic and my friends, as a good and saferem dv Those who know me. a1? manv doin this Stat., know that I would not recom-mend them to use a thing that has no merit,because I am opposed to quack remedies,r r w m.'XA-v- r i iv

ti;A For sale at BELL & PARKER S, andat a.l Drug Stores on the Pacific Coast. i"tf

yy illamp:tte xuksp:ky,Pfftsnh of 1SG9 70.

G. W. WALLING k. Co. would callthe attention of the public to their largeand well assorted stoek of line fru'.t trees andshrubberv, consisting of choice varieties ofCHERRIES, PLUMS, PEAKS.


5" Persons desirous of purchasing treesshould call and examine our stock, which isthe largest ard best in the State.

Orders (with the cash) sent to the Nurserywill be prompely filled and forwa ded.

j&jt Extra care taken in packing Trets.&Address all orders to

G. W. WALLING & Co.,4otf Oswego, Clackamas County Oregon

joiix r. BACQX,

Importer and Dealer in


Orrgon City, Oregon.At Chlrman 4' Warner's old stand, lately oc-

cupied by Si Atkerman, Main street."10 tf


32 Front Street, Portland".


SAN FRAACISCO PRICES, and Freight.j"ir"Orders Piomptly filled in Sua Francis-

co, if desired. (.40. tf

g HADES SALOOX.G. A. HAAS, Proprietor.

MAIN STREET, Oregon City.O

Best BitJAARD TAll LEX in, ORlXlONHave been introduced, and the Proprietor in-- -

vites the attention of the lovers of thispopular amusement to them.

THE B A Ii I S S UP PElEDWith all the. choicest qualities of Liquor's andCigars. Scotch, Irish and Bourbon alreadyfamous Whiskies and Tunch. Also


Pi Families supplied.



HENRY II UMBEL,,Having purchased the above Brewery wish

es to inform the pnuiic that be is now prepar-ed to manufacture a No. 1 quality of

EAGER BEER,As good as can be obtained anywhere in theStale. Orders solicited and promptly filled.



jSur The most Comfortable Hotel in theCity. Board and Lodging, from one to twodollars per day, according to rooms occupied.Free Coach to and from the house.40tf EDWARD CARNEY, Proprietor.






