The Weekly Corinthian (Corinth, Miss.), 1915-07-15, [p ]€¦ · |9| HB %ßäi f OA « mh SELMER,...

HB |9| %ßäi f OA « mh SELMER, TÜE8DAY, Tuesday's Daily. _ , ^ _ The B. M. C. will send a dele- ThereV something wrong—or cation of Corinthians to Selrae«, perhaps the parties are waiting Trim., on Tuesday, July 20, to for Leap Tear, or Cupid has vif- attend a Good -Roads Rally for tually fallen down on his job, for the purpose of talking over the since the 1st of January, 1915, matter and planning for the con- there has not been over seventy- st ruction of the Paducah-to-Mem- five marriage license sold in the WMs 'and Pacl'son,t jJDyershurg office of Circuit Clerk Lee Gray, highways. The first license sold in the The League of the West Ten- present year was sold on the 5th Business Mens Club of I of January, and with a total of 75 there has not been an average of ten each month, which is a TM 4a« i k ><4; * Jl r, - ? Selmer, Tenn, hi '-•tSS:»:3 ' V- ' * ' J. T. Boyd, of Baldwyn, is in the city today. Mrs. S. 0. r" ß< i '«<■ 3ij- >, a visit with I in W.T m ~ ? * transacting business in Corinth to 1 Ernest Smith is home from à' visit with friends in Sheffield, to<^a5r* Boh McPeters is on a business trip to Jackson, Tenh. Mack Morris left last night on a business trip to Chicago. W. L. Johnsey, of Jackson, Tenn., visited here last night. S. J. Barnett, of Booneville, was among the visitors here last night. Mrs. C. V. Taylor is visiting relatives and friends in Okolona. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Shores have returned from a visit at Coden, Ala. - ffentle- lee specified, subject to the Democratic primary in Au- For Cotton Weigher B. T. PLAXt0 D. E. BRICE wJ I 1 § i men Ala. _ } S Mr. and Mrs. H. Whitten, of W. B. Kent of McNairy, Tenn., ?untown» wera visiting in Cor- visited friends in Corinth Sun-]1**1 today- day. gust i Robt. Oliver of Wenasoga, was j the guest of his aunt, Mrs. W. M. Mrs. Ophelia Carter spent few days in Ramer, - Tenn., last *>rmceFriday, week. a fa nessee Jackson, Tenn., has designated July 29 as Good Roads Build- Day, and representatives from all along these proposed routes, will be in attendance at this meeting, provided all will For Supervisor Second District * H. A. BEENE R. 0. HARRIS (For Re-election) J. B. ROMINE J. J. McNEELY Mrs. J. J. Bell spent the week- end in Rienzi this week with rel- over very short crop compared to pre- vious years in this line. Miss K. Smith of Shannon, is the guest of little Miss Holland Iatlves and fnends- Smith. mg t Mrs. M. E. Hurley of Chewalla. Tenn., was among the visitors in the city yesterday. TEACHERS INSTITUTE IN * SESSION AT SELMER ; Mrs. Anuie R. Bynum of Boone- ville, is visit hi g relatives and friends here. co-operate. There is now a splendid high- way from Union City to Selmer, Tenn., except through McNairy county, and if a highway were to constructed across McNairy county parallelling the M. & 0. 1, then would he complet- 1 a connecting link between the Chicago-to-the-gulf highway at! Fulton, Ky., and at Corinth, plae- j the faculty includes Mr. Grant- flic route from ham, Horry Hodges, W. B. Simp- son, Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Cox. The state department also has a representative who will assist in this work. The annual McNairy County Teachers Institute commenced yesterday in the high school building at Selmer to continue until the state examinations which will be held on July 15-16. Officers of the institute will have charge, Supt. A. H. Grantham, of Bethel Springs, conductor, and Fourth District BEN B. BASS Mrs. W. M. Robinson returned this morning from a visit in Mem- phis. Edgar Young Memphis to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Young. Miss Jewell Dillon has return- ed from a two weeksstay with friends in Selmer, Tenn. - J. R. Jernigan, of Iuka, candi- date for circuit clerk, was among the visitors in Corinth today. Master Manson Ledbetter left today to visit bis grandfather and family in Chewalla, Tenn. Mrs. Benton J. Carter of Che- walla, Tenn., spent yesterday af- ternoon in Corinth, shopping. Fred Young left yesterday af- ternoon to visit his sister, Mrs. S. I). Anderson, in Jackson, Tenn. Miss Helen Elizabeth Collier has returned from a visit with Miss Virginia Battle in Verona. B/piyan Austin of Chewallh, Tenn., was the guest of his sister, Mrs. W. E. Meadows, J. E. Rankin, of Tupelo, candi- date for district attorney, among the visitors in Corinth to- day. W. K. Abernathy of Selmer, Tenn., was in the city yesterday afternoon on business. Prof. E. Strickland of Kossuth, was among the out-of-town visit- ors here today. V. H. Phillips of Baldwyn, among the visitors Saturday night. Fifth District J. B. DIXON J. B. COLEMAN (Re-election) ' J. H. COLLINS. J. W. BUTLER f is here from visit his parents, Miss Hattie Jones is spending a few days with relatives in Po- cahontas, Tenn. Miss Martha Hardin, of Saltil- 1°, is a guest in the home of Mr. Justice of Peace-Fourth District 1 and Mrs. A. B. Voyles. be was in Corinth raiiroa« 0( J. M. Hamm of Gravel Hill, Term., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lain. E. P. JOBE. JOHN COOK in g every town on Chicago to the Gull. The road leading from Corinth to the Tennessee line is in splen- did condition, so travlers Itate, but the local club will send a del- egation to help as much as pos- sible in this matter in getting Mc- Nairy county to up-build Iter por- tion of the road. Mrs. Carroll Smith of Chewal- Mrs. Wilson Moore and child- la' Tenn" sPen*yesterday after- mi left Saturday to spend a few 1100,1 ln Corinth, shopping. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Owen, of Hendeison, Tenn., were among the visitors in Corinth today. i REMAINS TO BE INTERRED IN HOLLY CEMETERY | days in Falcon, Tenn. A message has been received | by relatives here stating that the | body of Ben C. McCullar, who i , ,, x . _ died yesterday at his home at I abama, was the guest of friends Marshall. Texas, would leave that ? here yesteday, en route to Falcon Tenn. Mrs. Caroline Lee has returned from a visit with Mrs. R. M. Bruce, at Burnsville. Mrs. Sterling Fowlkes of Ra- mer, Tenn., spent Saturday with relatives and friends here. Miss Eula and Zula Kirk are spending a few weeks on a vaca- tion at their home at Cypress, Tenn. Turn the Tide. If we want the right kind of lasting prosperity in this coun- try we must get a lot of people away from the centers of popula- tion and onto the farms, where opportunity awaits them, business of rushing off to the great cities and depopulating the , farms is doing more to retard Our picnic was Quite a success, | prosperity than all other causes crowd and quite a num* j combined. Any man of common her ol tin* old teachers were pres- j sense and a reasonable degree of \\ c always welcome ourj energy can make a mighty fine Giving on the farm and be reason- ably independent while so doing, j while fully one-half of the popu- lation today is underfed because they are stagnating in cities where there are ten applicants for every job. Strikes, lockouts and other labor wars do not I greatly affect the man on the . farm, for crops grow on just the ol Alemphis, Miss tansy same an(| appetites do not de- md Ebb Burnett, of Corinth are visiting at the home of Mr. <• le- Mrs. t rank Epps. js more fully under cultivation Mrs. Luther \\ hitlock ls visit-j anc| wor|te(j t0 better advantage Mr. and Mrs. Whitlock this j on seieI1tific lines. Mes. L. E. Hughes of Vina, Al- v place Wednesday morning, ac- companied by his wife, and will We regret to learn of the ill be brought to Holly cemetery, 4 ness of Dr. J. A. Borroum, who is miles west of Corinth, where in- eonfined to his home on Jackson terment will be held. It is not : known just what time, the body will arrive but if proper railroad connection is made in Memphis it is thought that they will reach here Thursday. B4LL SCHOOL This Monday, July 12. Wc are having some real warm weather this week. street. Prof. B. T .Schumpert of New , ?Irs- °\ W- McCullar returned Albany, is the guest of his wife's, Vs mormn? ^rom Selmer, Tenn., parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tlios. New- 'vlierf slle has been spending a comb. few days. large ont. teachers back with us. yesterday. Miss Mae Smith has returned! from a visit in Alabama. (dad to know Mrs. Chas. Lam- bert h is able to be up again. Mrs. 1>. C. Hughes of Jackson, Tenn., is spending the week .with parents, Wr. A. Richardson of Kossuth, SOME FRUIT RAISERS AT POOR HOUSE FARM, TOO They dont only raise cotton and peas on the county farm, but they raise enough veg- etables and fruit to do them from one season to anotherin other words, the crops at the poor farm is sufficient to establish the reputation that the people who have charge out there live at home and board at the place. morning when tli? genial keeper, Elgin Crum presented this office with a choice lot of peaches, for which we extend thanks. Miss Mary Meeks has return- ed from Meridian, where she has been attending the Northeast Mississippi Normal. 'candidate for treasurer, is among the out-of-town visitors for the week-end. was poor Miss Jennie Callieutt of Blue * 1SS, Eugenia Smith returned Mountain, who has been the guest ! J ^ eulay afternoon from a visit . of relatives and friends here, left ÎV 1 1.„a^vcs and friends in today to visit in Rienzi. Booneville: Rev. W. D. Bass left yesterday afternoon for points in Oklaho- ma, Adhere lie will engage in re- vival work. Mrs. V. F. Doan, who has been a guest of Mrs. E. S. Candler, Jr., the past few days, left today for Iuka. ind Mrs. Will Mi her Scott, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Epps and children, Miss Ollita Cross of Alontpel- ia, arrived in the city yesterday afternoon to be the guest of Mrs. H. M. Stone. Mrs. Fred Eastwood left today to join her husband at Middle- ton, Tenn., where he is engaged in drainage work. Richard Long, a former Cor- inthian, arrived in Corinth last night from Iowa, to spend al days with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brewer of Iuka, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Cotton and family. Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Epps and children of Memphis, have re- turned home, after a visit with relatives and friends here. Lpi's The real greatness of this crease. country will come when the land same This was evidenced this J y Mr Laura Johnsey left this 'morning to spend some time with her adughter, Mrs. David Clark in Shannon. Frank C. Smith is here from Ar-, kansas to visit his family. Mr. i Smith has been ill for the past ! ! few days, and is here to recuper- ate. in » M * w \. Mrs. Ross, of Jackson, Miss., i and Mrs. Lon Cleveland and cliil-1 dren of Water Valley, are visit- ing their parents, Mr. and Mrs. i < m Dalton. OFF FOR FRISCO THIS WEEK IN AN AUTOMOBILE Mrs. A. D. Cameron left this . . The wise man has doubts but Mr and Mrs T T Foust of ! morning to visit in Asheville, the fool is alwavs positive. Lawrenceburg,Tenn., wereamong Wa^„esviUe and other points in the out-of-town visitors, en route North Caroll,la- to Mai tin, Tenn., to spend a few days. The car that has been recon- v structed from start to finish by ihe neighborhood deeply sym- two young men of Corinth, Heber nathizes with .Air. and Mrs. Cal- Haynes and Leroy Worsham, for vin Drum in the loss of their lit- ! the purpose of making a trip to tie 15 months old daughter, who j San Francisco, Cal., so that they died last Friday morning. The : might have a glimpse of the Pan- had been sick with whoop- j ania Exposition, has practically which it took been completed, and the different f .,1 sever- No more chances for a Juno people have married in Aliss Jennie Callieutt of Blue ! !)l'*de? Mountain, is the guest of Airs. ! beon ^110wn ! Omie Rowell in the home of S. ! dld.v- AL Nabors and family. Still. Hon. Hill rie AL Quin, candi- ! date for governor, was a guest Sunday in the home of Air. and R. H. Elmore returned this jthoirfghjt that Europe vVI Airs. AI. B. Abbey on Webster, morning from a three weeksbus- J out of cash and credit before it exhausted its supplies of j There is seme comfort in the run child mg cough after It was an exceeding- j parts of the machine are being child and will be sadly j adjusted and the engine is being missed by its parents. The body J tested out today, was laid to rest in the family! The car has been painted gray grave yard in Tippah county. and everyone who has seen it With* best wishes, ' bas placed a different name to it. It is without a top, and every convenience for tiaveling has been considered, and if there is anything else necessary for mak- The following real estate deals ' Ibis trip it will be thought of have been recorded in the office ! these young men, who have I been so careful from the time they first contemplated such a trip. They want to perfect all plans so that they can get start- ed this week. Airs. J. A. Ledbetter and daughter, little Aliss Lucille, left today to visit relatives and friends at holly Springs. pneumonia. ! iness trip to points in the south- j has I ern portion of the state. ...... !v bright street. i men. f %1 Aliss Zola Williams of Saltillo, arrived in the city Saturday af- j Aliss Geraldine Bell, who has ternoon to visit lier grandfather, been on a several iveeksvisit in Everything tends to prove that W. D. Sharp and family at Kos- Hillsboro, Texas, is expected [)UsllJess is getting better. News j home within the next few days. has been received here that the Aliss Norma Horton of Holly Springs, who has been visiting Mr. and Airs. R. B. Cotton and family, has returned home. Little Aliss Aloselle AIcCullar returned to her home in Boone- ville today, after a visit in the home of Mr. and Airs. W. L. Ellis. Airs. Traverse A. Read and chil- dren left yesterday afternoon to spend a fwr days with relatives and friends in Middleton, Tenn. i Airs. P. P. Baird and children of Alemphis, v^ere in Corinth yes- terday afternoon, en loute for Ft. Smith, Ark., where they will side. D. L. Holland and -daughter, Aliss Grace, of Red Sulphur Spgs, Tenn., are guests in the home of Congressman and Mrs. E. S. Can- dler. Alisses Ad die aiid Beatrice Da- vis, accompanied by their guest, Aliss Eleanor Smith, of Alemphis, have returned from a few daysvisit in Columbus 4 i Happy Hooligan. y y suth. car department of the AL & O- shops at Whistler, Ala., has been re-opened and will be operated on a nine hour scale, working six days in the vreek. This wTill mean an increase in the payroll at Whistler of approximately $20,- 000. Airs. E. O. Klyce and children1 Airs. A. 0. Wooten and child- returned afternoon ren of Selmer, Tenn., spent Fri- from Booneville wrhere they spent day afternoon in Corinth, wThile a few days witb. relatives and en route to Pocahontas, to visit friends. * i with friends. REAL ESTATES TRANS- FERS RECORDED of Chancery Clerk 0. M. Hinton the past fewT days: A. L. Wood to Ellen Rogers, part of N. E. corner Block 13, Bell, Young and McCord survey, consideration $12.50. J. R. Hignite to Mrs. Katie Hignite, W 1-2 of N. 1-4, section 33, T. 2, R. 8, consideration $550. T. A. Dilworth to J. II. Alorris, ten acres, section 35, T. 3,R. 6, consideration $250. W. J. Green to J. T. Rider, lot '13, section 2, T. 4,R. 7, in Rienzi, known as G. II. Savage property, consideration $800. Jno. Holsombaek et ux to F. L. Inghram, W.-1-2 of E. 1-2 block 511, Walkers addition, consider- ation $350. Rev. C. S. Wales, pastor Tate Airs. C. W. McCord, Jr., left to- St. Baptist church, left this morn- day at noon for Waterloo, Ala., ing to spend a week near Boone- in response to a message stating ville, while conducting a revival that her sister, Airs. C. AL AIc- Corkle was very ill. A pessimist is one who believes that all eggs come from cold stor- age. at Alt. Pleasant cnurch. Air. and Airs. Chas. Johnston and three children, of Hominy, Okla., who have been guests in the home of M. F. Fraley and family at Hamburg, Tenn., left last night on their return home via St. Lcuiä, after spending a short time with friends here. Airs. Ferdonia Knight and lit- Edgay J. Duncan, local secreta- tle granddaughter, Louise Lilly, ry of thfe Civil Service Depart- of Memphis who have been the ment, is spending the day in guests of relatives and friends in Booneville, conducting a rural Corinth have returned home. carriers examination. UNCLAIMED LETTERS List of unclaimed letters re- maining in Corinth, Aliss., Post- office for week ending July 10. Campbell, D. L. ; Childers, Aliss Alae; Childers, Troy; Clark, Car- rie Lee (col.) ; Dilworth, Miss Es- tella ; Havse, Airs. Sam; Heard, Aliss Estella ; * Johnson, Airs. Mary ; Kennedy, Airs. W. H.; Poe, Airs. Fannie; Porth, Pink; Salyers, R. D.; Shemler, Henry; Wilkes, Jno. Advertised July 12, 1915. In calling for this mail ask for mail advertised on this date. AIILTON A. CANDLER, P. AL re- Miss Kate B. Drown of Iuka, Aliss Bernice Hester of Chatta- teacher in the State Normal at nooga, Tenn., who has been the Hattieburg, was among the visit- guest of Airs. Tom Sales, left yes- ors in Corinth Saturday night, en terday afternoon to visit in Ale- route home to spend the summer. Nairy, Tenn., before returning ' home. ; English, Aliss Elaris; Numerous friends of Airs. J.W. Felker, residing a few miles west of Corinth, will be gratified to knowr that she is impoving and is getting along very nicely. * Airs. Felker had the misfortune sévef- ■? Aliss Susie Potts left this morn- ing for Memphis, where she goes: MeCullar is enjoying a to join a party en route to San . w vacation, and is spend- Francisco. They will be absent in Selmer, Tenn. ~ He will be joined by his wife to- night, who will be a guest of rei- latives and friends there. Miss Gladys Davenport 0?* A , New Orleans, after a visit with about thfte *eeks> Y^tmg many her father, J. A. Davenport and Points of Merest, family, left yesterday aft on her return home. CORINTH EXTENDS WEL- , , , ^ COME TO NEW CITIZENS *al daYs a«° of breaking a lower Al. L. Orr, general manager of !limb; and has be?n, co?fined to her bed for several days. the AI. L. Orr Candy Co., the firm organized which purchased the tîandy business from M. W. King, has arrived in Corinth from Lex- ington, Tenn., and is making pre- parations to begin business. As- sociated here with Mr. Orr is J. <C. Austin, also of Lexington, who expects his family to join him in the near future. Air. Orr is ne- gotiating now for a building in which* to establish his business. I The Pollock cottage on Madi- son street has been leased and will be occupied by Mr. Austin and family. **fl| I Airs. Mary Meeks of Center Point, Texas, who has "been visit- ing in the home of Mrs. R. E. Wade, left Saturday for an ex- tensive visit in Tennessee, where she has relatives and friends. ernoon Mr. and Airs. W. W. Hinton and daughter, Miss Irene, spent yes- terday in Memphis to consult a specialist in the interest of the latters health, who is suffering from a nervous trouble. •Airs. Ed LeAIay of Columbus, Ga., is to he welcomed among the summer visitors in Corinth, and is expected within the next few days to he the guest of her par- ents, Mr. and Airs. J *.J. Bell. Candidates in front of you, can- tidates behind you, candidates on the right of you, candidates on the left of you, and candidates all around you today qtrietlv finndilntpq' erybody was in a go'od humor. It is dead easy for a girl to be the village bellein the local newspaper report of her wedding. Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVES TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out Malaria.enfiche» theblood,and builds up the sys- tem. A true tonic. For adults and children. 50c Airs. J. T. Yeager of Dallas, Texas, spent yesterday in Cor- inth; en route from Vina, Ala., where she has been the guest of relatives and friends. 54. Tired, Aching Muscles Relieved. Hard work, over-exertion, mean stiff, sore muscles. Sloans 0. F. Hamilton, of Booneville, Liniment lightly applied, a little tax assessor of Prentiss county, quiet,and your soreness disap- wasamong the out-of-town visit- pears like magic. Nothing ever 0rsjiere today, enrouto Ip Alem- helped like your Sloans Lini-iphis for medical examination, ment; I can never thank you«*"" enough,writes one grateful user.. Stops suffering, aches and pains. An excellent counter-irri- tant, better and cleaner Gian mus- s, 25c.,. Get a A Cough Remedy that Relieves. Its prepared from the healing Pine Balsam, Tar and Honeyall mixed in a pleasant, soothing Cough gvrup called Dr. Bell's Pine Tar Honey. Thousands have benefitted by its use—no need of your enduring that annoying cough or risking a dangerous cold. Go to your dealer, ask for a 25e original bottle Dr. Bells Pine Tar Honey, start using at e and get rid of yotir cough The Alcorn County Board of Drainage Commissioners met in regular session today at »the court house to transact matters of busi- ness pertaining to drainage. The board has accepted Chambers Creek Canal, which was the last contract awarded in this county. The hoard will begin about Aug. 1 inspecting the different canals in Alcorn, commencing with Tus- cumbiq. . ~ Vv / * for ; - lia The adjective be! I ■? i » This was m! to man may pr< f to t ml 3KS as'« Th« Coripihian in advance. and cold. WÊÊÊ&' u. SSPs&l .v - ' m V : 1 i IM J Sipa Isa - rvU. EÇî» Use 0W&S m m . ? Jii># ? y - flip! \ mmm - ' V . * . V. N V y. : r. mM

Transcript of The Weekly Corinthian (Corinth, Miss.), 1915-07-15, [p ]€¦ · |9| HB %ßäi f OA « mh SELMER,...

Page 1: The Weekly Corinthian (Corinth, Miss.), 1915-07-15, [p ]€¦ · |9| HB %ßäi f OA « mh SELMER, TÜE8DAY, Tuesday's Daily. _ , ^_ The B. M. C. will send a dele- ThereV something


f OA « mhSELMER, TÜE8DAY,Tuesday's Daily. _ , ^_

The B. M. C. will send a dele- ThereV something wrong—or cation of Corinthians to Selrae«, perhaps the parties are waiting Trim., on Tuesday, July 20, to for Leap Tear, or Cupid has vif- attend a Good -Roads Rally for tually fallen down on his job, for the purpose of talking over the since the 1st of January, 1915, matter and planning for the con- there has not been over seventy- st ruction of the Paducah-to-Mem- five marriage license sold in the WMs 'and Pacl'son,t jJDyershurg office of Circuit Clerk Lee Gray, highways. The first license sold in the

The League of the West Ten- present year was sold on the 5th Business Men’s Club of I of January, and with a total of 75

there has not been an average of ten each month, which is a

TM 4a« i k ><4;* Jlr, -

■ ?

Selmer, Tenn, hi'-’•tSS:»:3 ' V-

' • * 'J. T. Boyd, of Baldwyn, is in the city today.

Mrs. S. 0. r"ß< ■ i'«<■ 3ij- >,a visit withI in W.T m ~ ? *transacting business in Corinth to 1Ernest Smith is home from à'

visit with friends in Sheffield, to<^a5r*Boh McPeters is on a business

trip to Jackson, Tenh.

Mack Morris left last night on a business trip to Chicago.

W. L. Johnsey, of Jackson, Tenn., visited here last night.

S. J. Barnett, of Booneville, was among the visitors here last night.

Mrs. C. V. Taylor is visiting relatives and friends in Okolona.

Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Shores have returned from a visit at Coden, Ala.

- ffentle-lee specified, subject to

the Democratic primary in Au-

For Cotton WeigherB. T. PLAXt‘0


wJ I 1 §

imenAla. _ } S Mr. and Mrs. H. Whitten, of

W. B. Kent of McNairy, Tenn., ?untown» wera visiting in Cor- visited friends in Corinth Sun-]“1**1 today- day.


i✓Robt. Oliver of Wenasoga, was

j the guest of his aunt, Mrs. W. M.Mrs. Ophelia Carter spent „ few days in Ramer, - Tenn., last *>rmce’ Friday, week.

a fanesseeJackson, Tenn., has designated July 29 as “Good Roads Build-

Day, ” and representatives from all along these proposed routes, will be in attendance at this meeting, provided all will

For SupervisorSecond District *H. A. BEENE

R. 0. HARRIS (For Re-election) J. B. ROMINE J. J. McNEELY

Mrs. J. J. Bell spent the week­end in Rienzi this week with rel­

oververy short crop compared to pre­vious years in this line.

Miss K. Smith of Shannon, is the guest of little Miss Holland Iatlves and fnends-



tMrs. M. E. Hurley of Chewalla.

Tenn., was among the visitors in the city yesterday.


;Mrs. Anuie R. Bynum of Boone­

ville, is visit hi g relatives and friends here.

co-operate.There is now a splendid high­

way from Union City to Selmer,Tenn., except through McNairy county, and if a highway were to

constructed across McNairy county parallelling the M. & 0.

1, then would he complet- 1 a connecting link between the

Chicago-to-the-gulf highway at!Fulton, Ky., and at Corinth, plae- j the faculty includes Mr. Grant-

flic route from ham, Horry Hodges, W. B. Simp­son, Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Cox.

The state department also has a representative who will assist in this work.

The annual McNairy County Teacher’s Institute commenced yesterday in the high school building at Selmer to continue until the state examinations which will be held on July 15-16. Officers of the institute will have charge, Supt. A. H. Grantham, of Bethel Springs, conductor, and

Fourth District BEN B. BASS

Mrs. W. M. Robinson returned this morning from a visit in Mem­phis.

Edgar Young Memphis to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Young.

Miss Jewell Dillon has return­ed from a two weeks’ stay with friends in Selmer, Tenn.

- J. R. Jernigan, of Iuka, candi­date for circuit clerk, was among the visitors in Corinth today.

Master Manson Ledbetter left today to visit bis grandfather and family in Chewalla, Tenn.

Mrs. Benton J. Carter of Che­walla, Tenn., spent yesterday af­ternoon in Corinth, shopping.

Fred Young left yesterday af­ternoon to visit his sister, Mrs. S. I). Anderson, in Jackson, Tenn.

Miss Helen Elizabeth Collier has returned from a visit with Miss Virginia Battle in Verona.

B/piyan Austin of Chewallh, Tenn., was the guest of his sister, Mrs. W. E. Meadows,

J. E. Rankin, of Tupelo, candi­date for district attorney, among the visitors in Corinth to­day.

W. K. Abernathy of Selmer, Tenn., was in the city yesterday afternoon on business.

Prof. E. Strickland of Kossuth, was among the out-of-town visit­ors here today.

V. H. Phillips of Baldwyn, among the visitors Saturday night.

Fifth District J. B. DIXON

J. B. COLEMAN (Re-election) ' J. H. COLLINS.


fis here from

visit his parents,Miss Hattie Jones is spending

a few days with relatives in Po­cahontas, Tenn.

Miss Martha Hardin, of Saltil-1°, is a guest in the home of Mr. Justice of Peace-Fourth District 1 and Mrs. A. B. Voyles.


was in Corinthraiiroa«


J. M. Hamm of Gravel Hill, Term., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lain.


in g every town on Chicago to the Gull.

The road leading from Corinth to the Tennessee line is in splen­did condition, so travlers Itate,

but the local club will send a del­egation to help as much as pos­sible in this matter in getting Mc­Nairy county to up-build Iter por­tion of the road.

Mrs. Carroll Smith of Chewal-Mrs. Wilson Moore and child- la' Tenn" sPen*‘ yesterday after-

mi left Saturday to spend a few 1100,1 ln Corinth, shopping.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Owen, of Hendeison, Tenn., were among the visitors in Corinth today.


A message has been received | by relatives here stating that the | body of Ben C. McCullar, who i

, ,, x „ „ . _ died yesterday at his home at Iabama, was the guest of friends Marshall. Texas, would leave that ? here yesteday, en route to Falcon Tenn.

Mrs. Caroline Lee has returned from a visit with Mrs. R. M. Bruce, at Burnsville.

Mrs. Sterling Fowlkes of Ra­mer, Tenn., spent Saturday with relatives and friends here.

Miss Eula and Zula Kirk are spending a few weeks on a vaca­tion at their home at Cypress, Tenn.

Turn the Tide.If we want the right kind of

lasting prosperity in this coun­try we must get a lot of people away from the centers of popula­tion and onto the farms, where opportunity awaits them, business of rushing off to the great cities and depopulating the

, farms is doing more to retard Our picnic was Quite a success, | prosperity than all other causes

crowd and quite a num* j combined. Any man of common her ol tin* old teachers were pres- j sense and a reasonable degree of

\\ c always welcome ourj energy can make a mighty fine

Giving on the farm and be reason­ably independent while so doing,

j while fully one-half of the popu­

lation today is underfed because they are stagnating in cities where there are ten applicants for every job. Strikes, lockouts and other labor wars do not

I greatly affect the man on the . farm, for crops grow on just the

ol Alemphis, Miss tansy same an(| appetites do not de- md Ebb Burnett, of Corinth

are visiting at the home of Mr.<• le- Mrs. t rank Epps. js more fully under cultivation

Mrs. Luther \\ hitlock ls visit-j anc| wor|te(j t0 better advantage Mr. and Mrs. Whitlock this j on seieI1tific lines.

Mes. L. E. Hughes of Vina, Al-

v place Wednesday morning, ac­companied by his wife, and will

We regret to learn of the ill be brought to Holly cemetery, 4 ness of Dr. J. A. Borroum, who is miles west of Corinth, where in- eonfined to his home on Jackson terment will be held. It is not

: known just what time, the body will arrive but if proper railroad connection is made in Memphis it is thought that they will reach here Thursday.


Monday, July 12. Wc are having some real warm

weather this week.street.

Prof. B. T .Schumpert of New , ?Irs- °\ W- McCullar returned Albany, is the guest of his wife's, Vs mormn? ^rom Selmer, Tenn., parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tlios. New- 'vlierf slle has been spending a comb. few days.


ont.teachers back with us. yesterday.

Miss Mae Smith has returned! from a visit in Alabama.

(dad to know Mrs. Chas. Lam­bert h is able to be up again.

Mrs. 1>. C. Hughes of Jackson, Tenn., is spending the week .with



They don’t only raise cotton and peas on the county farm, but they raise enough veg­etables and fruit to do them from one season to another—in other words, the crops at the poor farm is sufficient to establish the reputation that the people who have charge out there “live at home and board at the place.morning when tli? genial keeper, Elgin Crum presented this office with a choice lot of peaches, for which we extend thanks.

Miss Mary Meeks has return­ed from Meridian, where she has been attending the Northeast Mississippi Normal.

'candidate for treasurer, is among the out-of-town visitors for the week-end.


poorMiss Jennie Callieutt of Blue * 1SS, Eugenia Smith returned

Mountain, who has been the guest ! J ^ eulay afternoon from a visit . of relatives and friends here, left ÎV 1 1.„a^vcs and friends in today to visit in Rienzi. Booneville:

Rev. W. D. Bass left yesterday afternoon for points in Oklaho­ma, Adhere lie will engage in re­vival work.

Mrs. V. F. Doan, who has been a guest of Mrs. E. S. Candler, Jr., the past few days, left today for Iuka.

ind Mrs. WillMiherScott,

Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Epps and children, Miss Ollita Cross of Alontpel-

ia, arrived in the city yesterday afternoon to be the guest of Mrs. H. M. Stone.

Mrs. Fred Eastwood left today to join her husband at Middle- ton, Tenn., where he is engaged in drainage work.

Richard Long, a former Cor­inthian, arrived in Corinth last night from Iowa, to spend al days with friends here.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brewer of Iuka, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Cotton and family.

Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Epps and children of Memphis, have re­turned home, after a visit with relatives and friends here.

Lpi's The real greatness of will come when the land same

This was evidenced thisJ y

Mr Laura Johnsey left this 'morning to spend some time with her adughter, Mrs. David Clark in Shannon.

Frank C. Smith is here from Ar-, kansas to visit his family. Mr. i Smith has been ill for the past ! ! few days, and is here to recuper­ate.

in» M *w \.Mrs. Ross, of Jackson, Miss., i

and Mrs. Lon Cleveland and cliil-1 dren of Water Valley, are visit­ing their parents, Mr. and Mrs. i < m Dalton.


Mrs. A. D. Cameron left this . . The wise man has doubts butMr and Mrs T T Foust of ! morning to visit in Asheville, the fool is alwavs positive.

Lawrenceburg,Tenn., wereamong Wa^„esviUe and other points in the out-of-town visitors, en route North Caroll,la-

to Mai tin, Tenn., to spend a few days.

The car that has been recon-v structed from start to finish by

i’he neighborhood deeply sym- two young men of Corinth, Heber nathizes with .Air. and Mrs. Cal- Haynes and Leroy Worsham, for vin Drum in the loss of their lit- ! the purpose of making a trip to tie 15 months old daughter, who j San Francisco, Cal., so that they died last Friday morning. The : might have a glimpse of the Pan-

had been sick with whoop- j ania Exposition, has practically which it took been completed, and the different

f .,1

sever-No more chances for a Juno

people have married in

Aliss Jennie Callieutt of Blue ! !)l'*de? ‘Mountain, is the guest of Airs. ! beon ^110wn *° ! Omie Rowell in the home of S. ! dld.v-

AL Nabors and family.


Hon. Hill rie AL Quin, candi- ! date for governor, was a guestSunday in the home of Air. and R. H. Elmore returned this jthoirfghjt that Europe vVI Airs. AI. B. Abbey on Webster, morning from a three weeks’ bus- J out of cash and credit before it

exhausted its supplies of

j There is seme comfort in the

runchildmg cough after

It was an exceeding- j parts of the machine are being child and will be sadly j adjusted and the engine is being

missed by its parents. The body J tested out today, was laid to rest in the family! The car has been painted gray grave yard in Tippah county. and everyone who has seen it

With* best wishes, ' bas placed a different name to it.It is without a top, and every convenience for tiaveling has been considered, and if there is anything else necessary for mak-

The following real estate deals ' Ibis trip it will be thought ofhave been recorded in the office ! these young men, who have

I been so careful from the time they first contemplated such a trip. They want to perfect all plans so that they can get start­ed this week.

Airs. J. A. Ledbetter and daughter, little Aliss Lucille, left today to visit relatives and friends at holly Springs.

pneumonia.! iness trip to points in the south- j has I ern portion of the state. ......

!v bright street.i men. f %1Aliss Zola Williams of Saltillo,

arrived in the city Saturday af- j Aliss Geraldine Bell, who has ternoon to visit lier grandfather, been on a several iveeks’ visit in Everything tends to prove that W. D. Sharp and family at Kos- Hillsboro, Texas, is expected [)UsllJess is getting better. News

j home within the next few days. has been received here that the

Aliss Norma Horton of Holly Springs, who has been visiting Mr. and Airs. R. B. Cotton and family, has returned home.

Little Aliss Aloselle AIcCullar returned to her home in Boone­ville today, after a visit in the home of Mr. and Airs. W. L. Ellis.

Airs. Traverse A. Read and chil­dren left yesterday afternoon to spend a fwr days with relatives and friends in Middleton, Tenn. i

Airs. P. P. Baird and children of Alemphis, v^ere in Corinth yes­terday afternoon, en loute for Ft. Smith, Ark., where they will side.

D. L. Holland and -daughter, Aliss Grace, of Red Sulphur Spgs, Tenn., are guests in the home of Congressman and Mrs. E. S. Can­dler.

Alisses Ad die aiid Beatrice Da­vis, accompanied by their guest, Aliss Eleanor Smith, of Alemphis, have returned from a few days’ visit in Columbus

4 i Happy Hooligan. y ysuth.

car department of the AL & O- shops at Whistler, Ala., has been re-opened and will be operated on a nine hour scale, working six days in the vreek. This wTill mean an increase in the payroll at Whistler of approximately $20,- 000.

Airs. E. O. Klyce and children1 Airs. A. 0. Wooten and child- returned afternoon ren of Selmer, Tenn., spent Fri- from Booneville wrhere they spent day afternoon in Corinth, wThile a few days w’itb. relatives and en route to Pocahontas, to visit friends. * i with friends.


of Chancery Clerk 0. M. Hinton the past fewT days:

A. L. Wood to Ellen Rogers, part of N. E. corner Block 13, Bell, Young and McCord survey, consideration $12.50.

J. R. Hignite to Mrs. Katie Hignite, W 1-2 of N. 1-4, section 33, T. 2, R. 8, consideration $550.

T. A. Dilworth to J. II. Alorris, ten acres, section 35, T. 3,R. 6, consideration $250.

W. J. Green to J. T. Rider, lot '13, section 2, T. 4,R. 7, in Rienzi, known as G. II. Savage property, consideration $800.

Jno. Holsombaek et ux to F. L. Inghram, W.-1-2 of E. 1-2 block 511, Walker’s addition, consider­ation $350.

Rev. C. S. Wales, pastor Tate Airs. C. W. McCord, Jr., left to- St. Baptist church, left this morn- day at noon for Waterloo, Ala., ing to spend a week near Boone- in response to a message stating ville, while conducting a revival that her sister, Airs. C. AL AIc-

Corkle was very ill.A pessimist is one who believes

that all eggs come from cold stor­age.

at Alt. Pleasant cnurch.Air. and Airs. Chas. Johnston

and three children, of Hominy, Okla., who have been guests in the home of M. F. Fraley and family at Hamburg, Tenn., left last night on their return home via St. Lcuiä, after spending a short time with friends here.

Airs. Ferdonia Knight and lit- Edgay J. Duncan, local secreta- tle granddaughter, Louise Lilly, ry of thfe Civil Service Depart- of Memphis who have been the ment, is spending the day in guests of relatives and friends in Booneville, conducting a rural Corinth have returned home. carrier’s examination.

UNCLAIMED LETTERSList of unclaimed letters re­

maining in Corinth, Aliss., Post- office for week ending July 10.

Campbell, D. L. ; Childers, Aliss Alae; Childers, Troy; Clark, Car­rie Lee (col.) ; Dilworth, Miss Es- tella ;Havse, Airs. Sam; Heard, Aliss Estella ; * Johnson, Airs. Mary ; Kennedy, Airs. W. H.; Poe, Airs. Fannie; Porth, Pink; Salyers, R. D.; Shemler, Henry; Wilkes, Jno.

Advertised July 12, 1915.In calling for this mail ask for

mail advertised on this date.



Miss Kate B. Drown of Iuka, Aliss Bernice Hester of Chatta- teacher in the State Normal at nooga, Tenn., who has been the Hattieburg, was among the visit- guest of Airs. Tom Sales, left yes- ors in Corinth Saturday night, en terday afternoon to visit in Ale- route home to spend the summer. Nairy, Tenn., before returning

' home.


English, Aliss Elaris;Numerous friends of Airs. J.W.

Felker, residing a few miles west of Corinth, will be gratified to knowr that she is impoving and is getting along very nicely. * Airs. Felker had the misfortune sévef-

■?Aliss Susie Potts left this morn-

ing for Memphis, where she goes: MeCullar is enjoying ato join a party en route to San . w vacation, and is spend-Francisco. They will be absent in Selmer, Tenn.~ He will be joined by his wife to­

night, who will be a guest of rei- latives and friends there.

Miss Gladys Davenport 0?* A ,New Orleans, after a visit with about thfte *eeks> Y^tmg many her father, J. A. Davenport and Points of Merest, family, left yesterday aft on her return home.

CORINTH EXTENDS WEL- , , , ^COME TO NEW CITIZENS *al daYs a«° of breaking a lower

Al. L. Orr, general manager of !limb; and has be?n, co?fined toher bed for several days.

the AI. L. Orr Candy Co., the firm organized which purchased the tîandy business from M. W. King, has arrived in Corinth from Lex­ington, Tenn., and is making pre­parations to begin business. As­sociated here with Mr. Orr is J. <C. Austin, also of Lexington, who expects his family to join him in the near future. Air. Orr is ne­gotiating now for a building in which* to establish his business.

I The Pollock cottage on Madi­son street has been leased and will be occupied by Mr. Austin and family. **fl|

IAirs. Mary Meeks of Center Point, Texas, who has "been visit­ing in the home of Mrs. R. E. Wade, left Saturday for an ex­tensive visit in Tennessee, where she has relatives and friends.

ernoonMr. and Airs. W. W. Hinton and

daughter, Miss Irene, spent yes­terday in Memphis to consult a specialist in the interest of the latter’s health, who is suffering from a nervous trouble.

•Airs. Ed LeAIay of Columbus, Ga., is to he welcomed among the summer visitors in Corinth, and is expected within the next few days to he the guest of her par- ents, Mr. and Airs. J *.J. Bell.

Candidates in front of you, can- tidates behind you, candidates on the right of you, candidates on the left of you, and candidates all around you todayqtrietlv finndilntpq'erybody was in a go'od humor.

It is dead easy for a girl to be the village belle—in the local newspaper report of her wedding.

Invigorating to the Pale and SicklyThe Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVE’S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out Malaria.enfiche» theblood,and builds up the sys­tem. A true tonic. For adults and children. 50c

Airs. J. T. Yeager of Dallas, Texas, spent yesterday in Cor­inth; en route from Vina, Ala., where she has been the guest of relatives and friends.

54.Tired, Aching Muscles Relieved.

Hard work, over-exertion,mean stiff, sore muscles. Sloan’s 0. F. Hamilton, of Booneville, Liniment lightly applied, a little tax assessor of Prentiss county, quiet,and your soreness disap- was among the out-of-town visit-pears like magic. “Nothing ever 0rs jiere today, enrouto Ip Alem-helped like your Sloan’s Lini-iphis for medical examination, ment; I can never thank you«*“"" —■—enough,” writes one gratefuluser.. Stops suffering, aches and pains. An excellent counter-irri­tant, better and cleaner Gian mus-

s, 25c.,. Get a

A Cough Remedy that Relieves.It’s prepared from the healing

Pine Balsam, Tar and Honey— all mixed in a pleasant, soothing Cough gvrup called Dr. Bell's Pine Tar Honey. Thousands have benefitted by its use—no need of your enduring that annoying cough or risking a dangerous cold. Go to your dealer, ask for a 25e original bottle Dr. Bell’s Pine Tar Honey, start using at

e and get rid of yotir cough

The Alcorn County Board of Drainage Commissioners met in regular session today at »the court house to transact matters of busi­ness pertaining to drainage. The board has accepted Chambers Creek Canal, which was the last contract awarded in this county. The hoard will begin about Aug. 1 inspecting the different canals in Alcorn, commencing with Tus- cumbiq. . ~ Vv /


for; - liaThe adjective “be!I ■? i» This wasm! to man may pr< :«

ftot ml 3KSas'« Th« Coripihian in advance. and cold.WÊÊÊ&'■ u.

SSPs&l.v - ' m’V: 1 i IMJ

Sipa Isa-rvU.EÇî»Use 0W&S m m . ?Jii>#?y - flip!\mmm -' V. * .

V. NVy. :r.mM