THE WASHINGTON HEHA D WEDNESDAY NOVEMBEE 20 1907 9 I r I I I HO OR KING HORSE Society Again in Force at Square Show REGGIE VANDERBILT WINNER- S orc n Xotalile Victory rrlth His Kntrle in the Hnckpey Pony Clan Taliat Prime Minister Get Blue Ribbon for Pony Stallions Hnrri man In Winner of the Aldic Cup Madison Square Garden Now York 19 Society discovered the horse show again today and the attendance was of the spectacular bustling pushing degree were persons of title to add lustre the boxes and to gladden the eyes of promonade throng At the most hour of the promenade tho lights gleamed on many women wearing hats off their faces who scanned the wo men wearing dresses off their necks but only to see which of the quality folks were In their parties The railblrds quick to get next and there were choruses of Go It Louis and Jay as the polo pony riders dashed by hundreds whom they had never seen no one minded There was a shifting about of leaders somewhat both the Vanderbllts being momenUxrily In otllpac C w Watson long trying added the blue for pony fours to his trophies and the Baltimore exhibitor had also a great victory with JLord Baltimore and My Maryland IT In the brougham class W H Moore was front and won with Berkeley Bantam the pony of fame and first ani second with the now hackney steppers Pride OPrides and King of Kings boh as black as coal but as light in action feathers Reginald had a notable win with the justover ponies Clyde Vale Champion Clyde Vale Cham pion II to harness I over Torchlight and Cocksparrow driven by Mrs Gerken who is the most versatile woman whip In the country J In the LfnckncT ClaN A group of haoTcney horse breeders lined the rails in tlwt morning for th judg- ment In the classes The entries were scant yet flve appeared in the class for big mares years or over with foals at foot ori that have foaled this year Orange Blwssom a roomy matron by ConnaughtOriuige Girl II won for Harry Donnon 01 Lancaster In a similar class for the small sort Fred Pabst won with the brown Caynton Phyllis and his Imported flllles also won In the classes for twoyearolds and yearlings The wlainer In the threeyear old fllllea was Kl kburn Lady as with Caynton Phyllis al daughter of Polonlus but a chestnut in Qt lor This one Is owned by E M of West Virginia Later on the hacftney were seen in harness the Aldle Challenge Cup I A class for pony stallions other than Shetlands and get were judged early tonight Dill am Prime Minister now owned by Pab t won the blue and Torchlight owned 1 y Mrs Gerken took second Ponies other Shetlands twelvc hands high opened crowded afternoon session brought Into ri- valry again Judge Mboros Beverly Ban tam winner for years class and Mrs Gerkens VDoncaster Model twice second to the Bantam Mrs Ger ken exhibited In capital style and a lad Cyril Carr handled Beverly Bantam The was a rep pillion Beverly flrst and the Model second Ilnrrlnmn n VVInucr Two of the live to compete for the Al die Cup fOt hackneys o halfbred hack neyr were of the heavy carriage horse They wore King George driven by J Campbell Thompson and J W Harrhnans Flashlight The other rompetltors were the hackneys Sporting Duchess winner of the cup last year and owned by II D of Phil adelphia and Harry Screta and Babs owned in Lancaster Pa King George and Flashlight had the call for style however and the cup went to Har- riman In the class of roadster pairs A B Maclay with Roseworthy and Marguerite Margrave won TJic evening test for polo ponies was for manners and handiness as well as conformation the turning around stand ards causing plenty of Louis E Stoddard of the Now Haven Polo Club had two in Crook and Spotted Wolf Squadron A had several representatives Joseph and Lcavltt Hunt and R C Laurence M L and A C Schwartz had two in1 Little Joe en tered by George C Fahey of Squadron A and ridden by Leavitt J Hunt got the blue GOV WILLSON TALKS Tell What He Expect In Kentucky i Row Governorelect Wlllson of Kentucky arrived in Washington yesterday from Indianapolis to be the guest for a few days of Justice Harlan of the Supreme Court The time has come said Gov Wilt son last night when the Southern States will no longer be branded with a party Iron so the public know In advance that certain will go Democratic The results in the recent Kentucky cam- paign are but forerunners of the time when the Southern people like the Northern people will vote according to their convictions irrespective of party Concerning the prohibition question Mr Wlllson said v I was elected on a platform which stands for uniform local option laws in nil the counties In the State Ambnunador nt Theater Among those who attended the opening performance of the Secret Orchard at the Belasco Theater last night were the British Ambassador and party Baroness yon Sternbflrg and party the French Am- bassador the Japanese Ambassador and wife Mr and Mrs W H Fuller Mr nnd Mrs It Golden Donaldson Mr E S Marlow Miss Larkin Mrs Ham and daughter Mrs Clay and Mr and Mrs Walter R Hensey of New York Will Improve the Pike The board of county commissioners of Montgomery County Md yesterday de- cided to improve tho Rockvllle pike bet ter known as the Tennalleytown road from tha District of Columbia line to Somerset Heights This will be of Inter- est to residents of the District many of whom use this road as a driveway and for automobiling Telegrapher Elect Officers Parker R Anderson has been elected stKretarytroasurer of tho local Commer- cial Telegraphers 4 n n to succeed W W Beattie William BranHald was elect ed presidenjt of the local to succeed A S Groves who resigned i Nov There to the crowd d ero hit froth beforebut aft r s Vander tit an I hal er Pit J half breeds 4 that r tha 1 three Burp asing Donn ns excitement I States IT I Malison p Welf b iackney fur b Og1ebdy for soIongand aId Bantam e tpe3 llolloway b 1 > > < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ° ¬ AT THE THEATERS Bclaxco Theater The Secret Orcbard At 215 and IrIS For notice see Iglew The Columbia Coming Thro tho Rye At sis A tuneful and pleaslnc musIcM conndy with Frank Laler as the star awl a big chirm The National The htralght Road At 211 anil SO5 A plaT k Clyde Pitch presented by BUricfaft Walsh Somber and unpleulnz- ChnireM VauderHlo At 215 and 815 William Ca rUeigJi te a deter sketch Beetle Wynn and six thir acts The Academy Buster Brown At 2K and 815 A deter comevlj with ciostc that is arousing Sign of At 215 and 815 A dctcctlrt drama well played by the Katfary- nrurnell Stock Jompanr The Iiyceum Burlesque At S15 and IrIS The Gayety IJortesqHe At 215 and 815 The Belnsco The Secret Orchard Mr Channlng Pollocks play The Orchard made from the novel of tho same name by Agnes and Egerton Castle drew a capacity audience to the Belasco Theater last night It was an audience typically representative of Washington society people were out In force and the diplomatic corps was well represented This Is worth mentioning be- cause of the way the play was received Thero was every evidence of hearty approval each act received several cur- tain calls und the strong climax of tho third act the crucial scene of the play was applauded HO vigorously that the curtain was raised again and again until all the members of the excellent com- pany had to come on the stage and bow their thanks The play If it hnd been written by Bernard Shaw and published would have been included in his volume of Un- pleasant Plays not because It is un- pleasant In presentation but because of the theme with which it deals It docs not need a Bernard Shaw however with his strained ideas of moral obligation to point out that while this drama of life deals with a problem that only mature minds should grapple with is in its es- sence distinctly moral and although it reaches ethics slightly In advance of what tho present prim ago Is willing to acknowledge the question the play asks If the man can be forgiven why not tho woman is one that has been in- creasingly demanding an answer In ro c nt years Mr Pollock has prefixed to each act of Iik play a text and those are illuminating The firstnet text Is this Stolen waters arc tweet and bread te secret fe pleasant But be knew tfc Mi UMt the are there and that her cueiU a depots or belt which Is taken from Proverbs In this first act it Is made clear that the Duchess of Cluny formerly a Virginia girl noted at Cluny for her benevolence Among other acts of kindness she has greed to adopt as her daughter the daughter of Cora May who before her death was the most notorious woman in Paris Her old friend Favereau minister fine arts remonstrates with her Cora May was a bed woman the child may be likewise evil But Helen does not see it that way eon May nerer was a bad won She did what DO bad woman erer did or could dose Slie GMt up her child to be tared she says The Duke of Cluny greatly be- loved by his wife has been away on a AppetiteNone The Woeful Reflections of a With ered Dyspeptic- No substitute for good nature has yet been found Smiles take root in the stomach Without good digestion there never can be very much sunshine for the very simple reason that the stomach and the brain are twins and what affects one invariably affects the other The adagtt that the best road to a persons heart is via the stomach still hold good Gorged grub and pappy pie always gloom and sleepless nights They also breed dyspepsia quick dys pcpcia and dyspepsia shows itself In a rite the Se- cret 1 dead in the Ii o biTe breed Majeitlc eats f ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ In This You variety of ways belching burning sen- sation an empty feeling In the stomach bloating after eating brash aversion to food fermentation or downright Indiges- tion There are few diseases which create such misery long dravn out misery as dyspepsia It pursues you before meals after meals and between meals you take It to bed with you it is wltk you at the theater and at your desh What is the only way to get rid of it You dont have to stop eating you dont have to diet Just take something that will do the work of the stomach and let the stomach take a rest Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets are the most wonderful little tablets on earth for this very In plain arithmetic 1 of Stuarts Dys- pepsia Tablets equals 1 good strong stom- ach for 1 for 1 good hearty meal One Ingredient dt Starts Dyspepsia Tablets will digest perfectly 3000 grains Of food In just the same way that a strong robust healthy stomach would do it Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets enrich and Increase the gastric juice in your stom ach and that Is mostly what you need more and bettor gastric juice And it gives the stomach a rest a good long rest In tho meantime it cures the dys- pepsia and all other stomach troubles Just a few of Stuarts Dyspepsia Tab lets will prove to you what these little cherubs of health and happiness can do Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets are for sale at all druggists at SOc a box Send us your name and address today and wo will at once send you by man a sample package free P A Stuart Co 150 Stuart Mdg Marshall Inch v ddrS6 time i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ trip Favercau reproaches him The duke promises never to offend again but then ho confesses that while ho was away lie met a girl and when tho adopt- ed daughter Joy comes it turns out to bo the same girl When the duko recog nizes her as his wife Is welcoming her he rushes into tho chateau For the second act the text is And the beaten that Is orer thy lad stall be pf brass and the earth that is under thy feet shan be of iron The dukes punishment has already be- gun What is he to do Favereau Is for having him confess all to his wife The duke has not courage for this Then Favereau is for brazening it out So when the girl comes to the duke in the library he denies ever having met her be fore But she knows and cannot be put There is an American cousin of the duke a young naval officer He is much taken with Joy and tries to comfort The duke is nearly distraught poor unconscious of the tragedy that Is im pending Joy Is disgusted and ashamed and tho climax of the act finds liar tear- ing a pearl necklace which the duke has given her from her neck The thirdact text Is tls And thy life sltall hang in doubt before thee sad thou shall fear night and ikjr This is typical of the dukes terror over what he has done More and more the young American has come to lovo Joy He proposes to her sho tolls him mar- riage Is Impossible He begs for an ex- planation and sho refers him to the duke Before the assembled company she asks the duke if she can marry his cousin Advised by Favereau the duke gives his consent In a rage she bursts out and tells the truth about herself she de- nounces herself and is about to denounce the duke when Helen says And who is tho man Joy looks at him for a minute realizes what the truth will mean and then in a spirit of selfnbnegatMM cries The man Is dead The lat act has for Its text Hatred stirreth up strife bat tore cmereth alt sin The scone Is the morning room at the chateau Every one seems to have guoea d the truth but Helen The duke has thought of suicide but Joy saves him from that There Is nothing left for him but honesty He confesses all to Helen It nearly breaks her heart She leaves him alone but the imagination of the audience is Instant to see that love will forgive To Joy cast off comes the American and knowing all atlll asks Joy to be his wife and tho curtain falls on love for giving and conquering all The story te Intensely Interesting the is strongly constructed and well worked out and it Is presented by a company of players so excellent that every part receives its true value The dialogue is brilliant throughout and epigrammatic Take these sentences for instance off her drama i helen- s I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ We to be ptwMted for ow pMBbfaed by them Joy She Is named Joy the znast eraa se0Bt and the most eaprictoos of all ow eaottoas Into the gwimr- TeaKenre elton oaly a Ujhwawtter MIM for tear of cooKKincBcm Slots pod rod emit art wfecd la s aH wkr should the cril atone wrrtf Why should I set em a ttttk tar eftyeUM f lifer Is that Hapr4ewUet A cvp t t A la soandso bowMr a f rhujjiiex JLL soafldsos sopperwfcat de titer m t toT rieasure trtthent a nxxrw tbe merwt aMrfe at the ferhfcMM mitt that pww in the reseat ontant which aeM Tonr mea ef th woHd ut ear w ridbas at the hack of the open gMdn of his life It goes without saying that the play is admirably produced Mr Frank C Bangs as the Canon ha only a little part but be looks and plays It to per fection Adelaide Prince s Helen the Duchess of Quay eras wry ex- cept In the difficult seen of tins Iftet act a scene of emotions quiet and forceful that might wll tes capabilities actress It cant be said that she quite expressed the awful grief and shock that she was trying to portray Miss Olive May as a matronly newwidow wa charming as she always is a bright sunny contrast to the somberer motnenu of the play and in tills function she was greatly helped by Mr Newton Undo in the small part of the Marquis or Lormea He can always extract what fun there is going out of his parts Mr Vincent Serrano as the duke was forceful earnest and sincere and n hi the lighter moments was at his best He too in the difficult in the last act seem ed constrained and tied down unable fully to express himself But all in all it was a One performance Mr Walter Hale played the hard part of the Ameri- can cousin with force and dignity and carried off the love scene with Joy with fine manliness and fervor Excellent work was done too by Edward R Maw son a Favereau But the center of interest in this play Is Joy which is played by Josephine Victor From beginning to end this te that calls for selfrepression reserve the portrayal fit unusual emotions and that Miss Victor fulnlled alt these de mands well is undeniable It was a line performance t The play made a distinctly good im- pression last night It is interesting as- a play Interesting as a problem full of life and color R play to think about and to enjoy with the heart and the mind HBCTOK FULLER ARMY AND NAVY Army Order Ort HARRY a lunxus OM C Amawy o o from Gnaoral Hospital Watafegtoa Ihumki to proper Matten- Strrt Mai JOHN A DITTO Mkfcr on Const Artillery C rps to Fort MevHrie- Onhttiwc Serct JACOB SCHNLKR i t Monroe Pest Quartcremler Sercwat JOHN LYONS en retired list Cat WILLIAM A BURNSIDE P from Coh Btms Banacts to his Tvpfcaent prier to its departure for Ilrfliwtow Priests HHItMVN B SMITH COMPART A Rfch- teenth Infantry Port Leav oworth traMfomd to Thirteenth Infantry stationed at that Pri atc WESLEY M BOWMAN Cof ny D Hfghteenth Infantry now at Pert HarraacM transferred in SerentjMlxtli Ontpaiqr Coaet- Artfllery Corps stationed at that poet Navy Orders Rear Admiral J M MILLER r L Opt E J retired to command sta tIes Guan additional doty in O- ttommawler A F FECHTELHR- spoctkn and fsrvry Woihhteton that F D BURNS to Bwwklya that F McCOMMON detached Itrooklpi U- BW d Hun I4e t H WOODS k UehMl KHll to Afabaaw Lieut T U JOHNSON detACted MiMMwi Dig Moinei Lkut F B FREYER detached fits Mwnes to MiKouri Meat G C SWKKT to llMCMI of Kx iuiMM- tKiiftsn C S VANDERIJKCK t Kagta Warrant C C NIJLSON 4etMa d navy yard N r York to ranther Warrant Machini F J McAUSTKR to 1hila ddphw duty rmm tiQit Idaho with sine t k leg rderrd to duty OH liowd that TOM wins- il ymastcr Clerk J A REBBNTISOII a for duty or Panther Marine Corp Kfcut Lieut WILLIAM 1 RBDLBS detaevoi First Pmrihteual Ucfiimont Usttort titntw M rIser i Cuba to marine barracks ja fl N Va Second LSettt WILLIAM T HOADLRY Mienvt- to aiH enr for emmiaation for pnnoatioB- CM T N WOOD t marine barrackm mty y i4 Portsmouth N H on hoard Capt C HILL dctadwd First Provlrtoml Reg Uwtted Stats Marines Cirtm rtfMrt In JOn to general eommaN ki t First ttoHt It B CRKKCY granted de c tkn leave of absents MGJEMBNTS OF VESSEI SThe Mfowing n T- cmtnti at TM hate been reported to the ArrireUNoTcmber IS Nebraska at SaD SailcoNOT mlwr RacIst from WaAhlsgton fw ir Kaa heed NoTencr2B Rainbow iMros t4J and Chattanooga from Vladivostok for NacawOiL Panther commissioned nary raid New York No ember 18 Wurden i4nctxl IB rawrre nary yad Norfolk NoTcmlier 18 mutes commiaaimvd in full tint M ijned to second toniedo Motfua mry yard Norfolk Nournbcr IS- JLarjccMt Moraiiifir Circulation at we are A malt its hays to fellow I edO the daM good the or- an scene S aRt Jet COMm DOlt SIt to hoard e hi COlli lad n56t comlBitMOrlld elk data mint fc Bit reaR uC Nn2SfAUon Ian baTe Mea sot ha Issbaed every Miss a- part aced Is semi to navy brigadier ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > > DAILY COURT RECORD Tuesday ovcmber 10 1007 DISTRICT COURTS Court of Appenli Present lion S th Shtiard chief justice Hen diaries H associate Justice tad lieu Harry M ClalAnjh chief justice of the Supremo Court of the District of Columbia Order doaicnaUnz the Mon Harry M C4ahMish chief justice of the Supreme Court the Diktrirt of Columbia to in the rehearing and decision of cue No 11 special calendar October term 07 No 1891 PAolocd TS United Stain roarcnawitt- wmtaenccd b T C Taylor for appellant aofltiaued- by Stuart for appellee ootMhided by W J Lambert for appellant Attorneys T C Taylor Lambert Ic McI MQ and R H YeatmanD W B k r and Stuart McNamara Adjourned from today until further notice Equity Court No 1 CUIBP JUSTICE CLABAUGH Na 33O Delaney va Wag receirer aa- thorlied to tell certain lot Attornejw GatleyA G Meal H H Classic lrrt s Vmua C J G E HanKies K U Dart aiid Thoup lAAvj Assignments for today No Ml Elmoro TS Ktowe AUontirt D W ODcnoshuoB L Glee No S Davis TS Darts Attorneys JX llaodrt- J W Daridjo- No L Marts al TS Ruble AUornos Jeha son Bollengrr Equity Court No 2 JtbTICE GOULD No 2S02 MeGvilune ct al is Butko et aL pro realms and ordered Attorneys X A comb and C A Kriewln- Nou 7301 Fester TS Foster svbmttted tornejn Lambert McLean L J CesUjtn acu F K Pratt No 2HS9 et al TS ImtoUe Daky Co receirer authorized t at piddle auction seattle IOBM and property AUoroey Haniea Jebasoa Na S4T2 Fir BUB iMwanw Comtuay T- daceU MibstituUon of trustee Attorney IrrtnjT- ilHiunson No snOG IB re Jordan Director nfereaca to awHtor Attorney Mtdttac Uatley- Im rt lunaey Chatks Edmuads SHditora ngxxt ratified and confcnwd In re lunacy Jams Brett order appeerta fim aad tBd aecoaat sad coewrftte dtiriMtCTad- Im re teaacy Ueary Jebnseo aMtor rwort t hinaey EHKCBO Peters auditors r pert of user 18 KK confirmed aad ftftnm to the auditor Store and Range C T Aawk Fede- ration of lAbor on teariag Attonteja DatHnK ton SHlHTam B ok Da ea ortRkktoo Sid No i Motion Backs Store and Ra so Com- pany n Araerkan Federatioo of TAbor AltotMfH- DrNnctoB Swttlru IJwi DaTos vrVRalstoKt- ikkfetis SpdWns- N S3 Kuodc TS HuichiM et aL Attorney OttUngs Cbaaibcrliii Bni8d sibws No S Gray TS Gray ct al Attoraeys Dw aa No SI Bryant TS PhuMDer aL Attorneys RhJoutBaldflratoij No 91 Galloway TS Hall ct Aitorwys Bwn Barfetd leLes4 r Piles Itobb of sit o1c mara laM son Bonaparte Thomas C E tailfJMl C W Oft itt Lbs t MIl mUSt Bucks aDd Ire t4aJ o DouoluDtraes Woeda1L or a- LT Dodge dose SpUin- tAtsmeua t ¬ ¬ > Circuit Court JVo 1 JUSTICE WRIGHT No m York sd tfassdecSaa Raatty- CbMfiaar r Lawdar TtnUet for akiatfO SULHL J S B T3as thV K MaUasns ami F C heady t N 9MX Bsxtera Trast sad OanUax Oosafdsor- TS 1Uis- pMatiff or ittaratT N 9KM TS JonaMo uwfcsaM Not 4sjn Itotaawe Iftecuie Psjssar Ooaminy vs- IntanwtsaMl Sc Dsststcjwtiaf Osnfwan aa MaL No 9K latcnHtUacial Tract Cvaapaay TS Sohifl Attorney W C CtaphwwX H War No SaT SUM TS OK Attannya Mete Na VS Rarhfl m C Trestles cur Attorneys Jf W V UrjR K aad G T D- Na m Jaonton n IiotOKe ItalUaMre W WitegtoB Ctmftmf AttoriMfs B H- McKiSMMy Maaiisry No 171 Lewie Si COL ra lllriw AttonMH H W WlMatferJatM OSb No Bi Rlasnan TS UViMa aB RaaVay EtMtrse CoMtMav Aworeeys J C DcvtcC A Daaghii O P Basses No VOL Ryan DhmM f OMaaaWa AUaY Amtotv Binder and C V DarrK U- VttBnMjs Tamer k Kaafasi Jasaii H- L No MS KavlaMSi Co T Matsttr at aL At MTSMSV J I P ys L Tofartacr No Mr TIMMM Ta Chaooaas Co AitoracfS- A A Upacosab W B AatbroM Circuit Conrt Xo 2- JUSTICB ANDKRSON- Xo 4 Slcwmri T Ilartew esrtifed to Obcaitt No 1 for trial Attorneys F S Itrica sad K A FoniR DaaaUtoa John Rhtavt Kal- ston SUdom asS B W Parker N Xm Dthi MMsasacasriaf Onirtay w- Uteed vtth to Ot thfad laiiaiil yam on or bow M a n of MIa AUtrsw Pent MetaarJ A Bwkart- NA 30084 Brown T Bahtmera and Onto raad Company owfer to pay BOMS af aim ht racHtry a Mcarity for easts Attorney Blair HumiHon Colbert MniissHa- Na iGO SaUiTan w Capitol Trestles Csaapiny- o trial Attaraeyn J W Echo R X Pny son MIl G T Ilwslo- pliilianiial for today No 1ft BUekman TS DiMrfct Oiliaiilt et- at Attomeyi PrieB H HNMKU T I Myri sad K U Bftjky No 71 JaqneUe usoKrix TS Capita TncttanC- OHftpaoy AUofweys R 1 Evans P H Basset and W W 1 T Dunlop No Bhttoe adeskrirtralrir TS Lhr t AttonwjFi J MfctherW C UaMarsan GtUtacs Chamberlain and McKteney FUmwry No at Joist et al TS Title Guaranty and Tnut Oempany AU roeys w C GK usa Chamberlain No tK Smith TS Oapital Tmctmn OomfMRT At twswys G L TikfofdIt It 1esiy Son K IB Cross edasiwfctrautx TS BaHimorv and Onto RaHioad Oamfiany AUorwrs Arthur Peter Hamikon Oolhert Ycrkos sad HaaHUnw N 2i PIUs TS Edmonsoa Attorneys R F- Dowafam G A Beny V ConcfenGit tag CHonheriain Criminal Court Xo 1 JUSTICE STAFFORD Usritod Stales m M Beadier rawsskr on triaL Defendants attorneys Wells Bases and O W Powers C S Hnmiy JnaUee of the Trees her 16 to N v aber 30 WOT Criminal Court To 2 JUSTICE BARNARD Johnson TS Royal Life Insurance Comnnnr TCT dirt for plaintiff rOC SIS Attorns J M Vase P It RhatkMeNeiH T MeNeiU United SIte TS John E Jehasan TieUtton section 3BU R S U S nolle pros tailed States TS Laureate rape Tecdk- tnt gainy- AafcMeais far tedsy Appeals No SI Chase SaBbora w MMunL Attemcya H W WhwUeyE L Cbs Unitad States TV DAniel J Callahan Uwtoi States TS Charles Simonds Uaittd States TS Thomas Goiter Probate Court JUSTIOB GOULD In if Wandan Trttdrrnic appainting bond SUIt Attorneys Rafeton Siddon Estate oT Anna Smith MalleU wilt deliS Jtmn- K get codteil dated Jnne 23 UM and oodidl dated June L KOS flW Estate f Rcbeeea It Glbmt order adraittinB will to prebsle ami reeord and kttets ef admtoistra tin c t hand AUarHtrs Madras Galley In re Harriet 1 Stcrfmtee et aL anler appaint- h c jpmrdiHN bond 1 N Attonuar K N lisps well In re Charles G K Hnrrfes tt at order MoiMinx snaNfiMt bood 300 Attvmcy P H Marshall Bstoto of CaraHat Leah wilt dated February at- KM flh d nuts of C Louise Dahkw datad Jawarjr- S Nkd Estate nf John Christian Letterer coramlttoe thuriasd to locus a certain mm- Krtate of Moses ItcmMn petition far sale e IsMinrsc Attorneys T w er GnsMc- K tato of Jeerc BerRHos polities fee letters of- adnriHSstntien d k H c t a AUoncys Betsy Minor Karat of Josephine BersJteK pttttlaiufar leMma af nhntoUtratioM Attonxys Berry MlnnrI- Cataie f Jew VtCMr will tIded SaytemMr 30 Equity Suit N 97171 PfeamcMs Inancanea Campanjr ta AdsJc Chgett snintlssjto trustee AUniatf I VWfcnn- No K JaU B Dai t sc T Xeh aeeonnt ttlKJt AUcraty E H Thence Na a II JaesaoH Uwtee T Uagnina tod sad Auwapaib Bhctrie ruBwt Ccnntuuy cUmnges JliKB Attorney H B Staler X 96I jr MitobeH tottmnr w Norfaik and Washington RtmmbuBt Company damflges JTi Attars C I Shame No DOG Kate I OConnor TS Harry 0 Anorncjs W F MatUccly Son tuneR order re A J D SsDleasU T 0I6da sag u MT Jr k hallway r j pe LaeIIIiIJ 01- W1f r ort KiIIIMJ to 11M JeaN BaJa serials Lee tea el Letter It R Pm Sate ti i aL- L J I MIl tIt ass art as reiW of Police Cwrt lean i > a will 1 A Baltimore c I 1 mOn J I New g is dqsmdt fee ere It C Saute tteaeys a Wolis- Aettaaeseata las as I lr Bet set sat a asS a OIL Theetse V- Na let Staelosd aaMee Ci deetanir recesS awadsd set laM sat L and Bal aud a Aside it iadet Seet I Johnson order guar- dian Slit lee Lawautis William- S dolt tote > No fiT3 Eikol E MUM n Cam A rapterin Alton C H Slw W H IVrtt and J W Better DEEDS OF TRUST SsTcntttwth Mreot Mertbweot betweea T arid U streetsHawry C Hnidtes et or to WHIfaa H a Brows lets tt 11 and part lot 12 square W5M- P street aerthwtai between SoTBatecath awl Blghtetstik tot0t nMant H C B wn to Henry X Harding put 7 IN Paicta MQ1 ScatPercy II RnastH t ux to John G Marshall and Lathe Pasrson lot 17 StSO- OHchoetzen ParkGotrc W Athton et HX to ChariM A let S Week 1 Js Alley botMan B and C said Thirteenth sail SItar teaQth streets Mrth A t Wataoa P Newton te Canriyn H w SMt sn let st ani M3- 4Grsmnwrs Addition te TaJcoma ParkVWiam K HO to Clara I BAl Iota 2 3 and 4 block SJM Alter between D and E streete and New ceases aad South Capitol street seuthea t- FSank P Reessdv et us to Charles H Mccfflat- tnibtec ooeJwoth interest te lot 26 savant mm- No es Ninth street BKtheutSMsleton L Cooper et nx to Patriot C CWkw lot Jn aiware 9 5KL Ghweh Mast narUHvpt betw B Fwrteeath Md L MiHard west halt of feUSB stwara aaaA- rtfcnr place northwest Utwew stweto Philip Walker ancillary noeivcr to B tfuam B Knell lot n s ware 835 SUnS W B Sprfr Company to PhtHp Walker aadNary ncaiTer hK- IL stHiare Cat Sin Nos and 2M Parlor Btwtt northaut lnriaiHM P Rneth to fluid J Dunlpw lets US and 1W- BfooklandEbeswzer SonthaU et KZ to Asbart V- dkd Alice a BwHsrfdw JA S and kt 5- DeWA AddMitn to V eh natonJoseph PHI et nx V J G ph PM loU tt to 2 shunts 34 Wt No 536 Bhth sliest sonthcactrOUharia Hcr maim to the WasWncton Meetaofc lana Bank lat 38 sfmara IN kM- W Twaiftk street sontheastMa L UoOlns to- Gaorpe W Bunos part oricinal lot ML MflhW- MSa AlibIs U lea to Ueorse W Basses past oric Ml tot squaw MM Water street southwest hIsses M sad X M XfCina Moor et mfr DartS to Seen BeN Iota 71 72 a tqwurc J M- KH TavMta street Bor wwtDrtcr L Sewrtrt to Jceaie Stewart lots N sad U S MM 3 nt- S r nOi street southeast heowmr G sad II atresto- ChaHm H Paraw to Marrk- mra m W N sttwt nartbwmt betistea Kanrteonth and FU C Cahfl p tt aricsml lot t sqnaM m Mil Q street nortfiwmtPhfiip P Lararr txeottor to Joseph W tot asjnara SSja- tInsfekfeiouabfth WalbraiK sad Attn C W Brlsnta ts WiOatd D BId put tot 33- niodfc M Ianrtotnta sont nontheaH bet rcn K and U- stowfePcrcy W Pkftford to A- tet a ssjnwe Uf 1 DEEDS OF TRUST W ndamsi Hslnhhr Bs am4 C OaanWn at nx to Knsa K VMto t enw Jwna JI VT- MMN I yean 4 per rest MesinNSMianV hK- P Alas t tk II Jawnnx in- WMfem A 11 and Cknrtas F Waflnfi to- P r stsaianmmtty tot m Pt9K Mill Brat Jnim I MnohnU at MX to Percy Martha C 3 M t ettst lot 17 Hattie C anatoa sad Uoarsjs C Gertnmal to Iff to ME Patrick C Giflcn to Knmssid staM and John J P an to saeo Snml HnfldtK Assnrhirmm 09 let 31- SOBMT MCarrh L UBanl to TnamM C AraaVtf and r A Harrssan to Mom lldihhii K Jor- dan SUM 3 yraw I per ecat qinwttdy west naK of m flSBstUMnsa B Kacfl to Heavy H 817- mams Gamna X BusmnriA to wnwe X- tropolia UniidhK AmtMmtten Xo a SUM lot L- Sqnar 713Dawid J Ehmnmn to WiBmm Y QaidwaB and WHUam S MeCnrthy to amnrnay law IK and 111 Max ttNt 1 jmr per PsMmr- yn t tx South Ohimman CsnVmsty Kotbo to W H SanadcM to secure Wihmx W Trw 9DX 2 years 6 santasmnnDy lot Ml SMSM mriiairy dsnvtt et nx to Chnrim K Crausn nnd CbMta H C MeCnrtenty to MSMH- m V iM rria Thnpnar to Ben smsn F Lcfc ton and i Damn to MOSM Chartes II Pnrl r Un 3 fcnta par oast lat S- Janata 31Mary C OsMK to Tsknnms U Oak and ticona K Mamnnnn to Dint SM 2 per a- part orhrtml ipt 1 ems Usmhtth Waiarhtgn sad Alice a W nrinmv JUG X X sag 4 y ua S per cant xntJsnaniMy port lot 36 Work M Hosmaad tnaorlI SK7 S Mriaterhoff at r C OjWflt 3 ytnra 5 j5 mat lot 7J block Saanre M Bsamel W rtrtcfbfd at V to the ewe Carl GL Cmwtofd n test semJnanmUr let 9 Same to seats male debt lot 91 paN aWAnarmsa M Stem to James K BOer MW and Thesnaa H PhAfacd to Man Testy W Ptekford JM 1 to St montha C par ecat tot 73 bhxk 41- Sowura sSJnttn H Chadnrtek to National Satins tad TraM Oempany to sense tile Amerieaa S Compaar W 1 jets S er- ay M- IL VaUr and It Prastoa Sbeaiey to Charim K Mmeh BJ3 S C ser cent sesniaaanaDy lot 1BL PRESIDENTS THANKSGIVING Will Spcml pny with Pnmlly nt Montpeller Vn President and Mrs Roosevelt said their family will ejo to MontpeHer n e of President James M dts n to spend Thanksgiving Day Montpelier Is in Orange County Va not a great distance from the President country place Pine Knot where he usu- ally spends Thanksgiving Mr Roosevelt an1 his party wIn return to Washington Thanksgiving evening 6 lit 11 1 Woo U It JenSen et ax to Carrie naMe II pert Nook sa Itt w Zf tetth R Drie et u Matj Ill IBM X Wa wtrilKIk J X on If Ie Ivy I pa Fowler ad A Rtdt s II aM IS pa isle l- ots NaN o II Steasedi I per 0IIIt scaul H- aM 1 IAaII x s r rlwlIJ W T E IDI8a I7 K SUM years I per cad ItJ let I JwItI B D K 1IL Y P to JtICboa I ltaw K Slh to- Helin iess or I tI 1Mu and Tuna to 1M 3 yeats S PfC- I Trs1 S- iaM L it taL W S A O N Beetle sam Term FKtaeMk ill a 10 SW 1 MZsetaIIROId to 10 IN Silt iP rs Wlllh 1 Ftt tlS poaet I reel KasetIl sad men sense 10 sMIs to eseamMae asset Ittheiileea l1 8 au- I t pss qwe Flip I sal ll pens qete flJsauet BiN Is sIs 3et 1 s It I ett limed Letea sad per rest Is 3 su Lea I Ii4auasIb se pause I seeM UgieWI1IaTd ttlea Caue Ws hiss and Iseiwul Wins is me sad Quiry Units Bess Waskisgias sasss WaSkisOtele coetpa I oiudty eted rest I4TIhSI1 Susilk WiNes i yet the > > < ¬ = > HOME MIXTURE Especially Valued by All Old People Who Suffer CORRECTS WEAK BLADDER- Fine Prcitcrlptlon for Ilhenmntlam nnd Kidney Trouble Mix It nt Home Dont Coat Much and Ileves Nearly Every Person Who Priest the Ingredients at Any Good Pharmacy and Mix Them YoarxeJf A large New York health pubMesUion tells its readers of a number ef simple and prescripttette that can a made at home following however for the cure of rheumatism anil kidney and bladder troubles receives the gresuest praise vlr Extract one half ounce Kargaa one ounce Compound Syrup Sarsanaritta three ounces These simple harjuriee In grodiants can be obtained at any good proscription pharmacy at Itttle cost mixed by shaking well in a bottle The doss for a talts is a teapoonful after each meal and at bedtime drink lag a fall UnnMerfHi of water after each dose It is farther stated that tills pre- scription is a positive remedy for kidney trouble and lame bade weak bladder and urinary if8etttiefi espscsmlly of the elderly people and one of the beet things to be usad ill raoaaaattc mtetiear re- lieving swellings But wales yOu go to the troobte to ask the druggist lisa Daad separately aad then buy one ounce Kargoa Compound in an original unopened package piaiqbr printed Guaranteed No 116 imder National Drug Law and mix the Kargon with the other not see this effective prescrtpttea at all hftjM even sod your money wasted Under no ctrcwnataaces accept tbe prescription aJreaaly prepared nor accept any excuse for offering It to that way Purchase separately the Kar goa Compound N US GMvatttee as ex Itrained above and mix these three in gredieni at boo yejiraetf or dont use at all A weukaew local dcn sist seams that this mixtwre acts sttreeOr wpok the eNn- hsttive tissues of tIM kidneys dnaasos these opeogentce or power to sift and strain the petsonoos waste matter and uric add from the blood which hi the cause of rhumiiaUeia Cut this out and hand to some suf- ferer which would certainly be an act of humanity MacCRACKEN EFFECTS SHOWN Police Inspect Alleged Stolen Articles The squad room at police headquarters reseaabtosl a rummage sale fat faIl swteg- y eaterday- of ttkgg g which were seizes at tile time of the arrest of Mrs Ruth Mnc Cracken were opened and their contents put on- dtoptey The pettee are still working more oC the identity KIlt aperntions et the famflr BIRTH RECORD TTspaiai K aasl Oartnate K Was b W ssat Janst L W- kieaf A sad Wattle M Kna a v- JsdM A asnt Btsate K Heater b- lmn limy MnasV hey and Jeans Leaner ski CUnton D aad Beach Jones dill Qui r and E Heinrhfc ilL W aad Catherine has Aaraa aad Sana Onlansai key Frank sad LiNt Peer nay J and J pea bar WUhasa P sad Banaa M btaeM sid sad SaMe EcUosT bet a nd JUttte V Katntt bj- J M B sad Aam T Os aan flirt Cadtoa L sad catherine G Creases slit Miasa D and Lovise CaaatMH b v- Uarrcy sad Gcossa Catawcss bar DEATH RECORD Easanai Hoaatcsi Mil WeB st we K sas- Ma y J r tmnm JW t3tk sC aw jaaev w O SaafonL 8S O at w X macs Jcam P Joe BaT Chosen tt nst jeto- Jaaa W Iattta 2ta It aL sir 5- 0Snamd O WarM MS3 K SC 90 Joeefil H HaeUnsra Hotri Suattatd X jwazs Revert 1 kIt at aw C jrwwa- VHHsni l ase MU K at nw SI yeses Catherine Hi Andrew Glass UnT PaJnaoafe sC K paw VHheanina BnaaM da st se 63 years COLOKBD- Nunaie B ockwaod UK st ace m yeat- aKr td Crtenlcaf M- KTjitr Cmtchand Ml P st coart B jwua Mouse B5 M st sw 3S yesja Jam dsybora 9M ntk ft aw K year ne- t ItGet TIN Plaid DaM tftP und the aches pains and reduetItg for anti SrstLparlUa ngredients at year bad tel It may H worse than per natal yet sail thou morning when the pIeeecJ and bet two bters aM sot eq th- eca and egoria are eIDb learn ta SuaIa MaJ sad Jeets I Bathed B May ud IC W WaII E and Mria Pease bsr DuN Bertha George JGM lie I ta Bell S1S tda IC JaIt a pass Ida C It a J a safe and- re end born yen bet auslesa glues Closely nine du a PIdet1m bsp t sad Ketabs aad b- Itobert 1 Agass Nader Seen Mary NedEix ties JOSIITaMLasLLLeIgM Adz Mon has load Anti hi iilliset 10 lobas host M 1iaas 40 set I W 551 as 10 ha ¬ ¬ > CIGARETTES Their delightful quality made them unequaled value keeps them the largest selling Turkish cigarettes in the world 4 for 10 Sfsr Why Pay More m S ANARGYROS Manufacturer xSy KevrYork I populartheir v Oc I 7rqf gg f q W7- th f- s Gc Ooo c7 I On dob > > ° EXCURSIONS NORFOLK Cf WASHINGTON STEAMBOAT CO Jamestown ExpositionPoto- mac River Chesapeake Bay Hampton BY KICH7 AND DAY Night Steamers Dally and Sunday at 630 p m Day Steamer Every other day on odd dates at 8 a m Modern Steel Steamers Handsomely equipped CTTfcswts cad totorawtioa at city TIcket Uakxatto BW Mth and U BUT ar at Wharf foot of 7th tt w NORFOLK 6 WASHINGTON STEAMBOAT CO Bes Service TO CALIFORNIA ARIZONA NEW MEXICO AND TEXAS Hfcnda SUneccd Lisa most nvxkra bl pcc Cars Personally Ccsxiaetsd Witbont Chance B CfM tUtw and st ass r rMtrrs to Casaa l iHyasnts sad AroanJ World A J 5U Press K VV IK Vta St K W For ML Vernon Alexandria and Arlington Washington Alexandria Mt Ry Sta i2thPaav TRAIKS POll WKEK DAYS Mt 11 A 5L H SOON 1 AND t P M TRAINS FOR ALEXANDRIA ASD ARUXO TON BBKY 3 MINUTES CARS TO KENSINGTON Can from 15U st od N Y retry IS rnin Pus heck Creek Bridge and Park xaaJa eatnac Zoo sad Couetn Club to Omir Chae Lake Coo sect with KtBttectoa ease Kooad tdp tickets Sc at ITasMil L FOR MOUNT VERNONH- OME AND TOMB OF WASHINGTON DAILY SUNDAY ZXCKPTB1 STEAM IK CHAKLEH XACAUttsTBR Lasses 7th st wastrt a as sad I M AnIs WisUnstao 1 Md PL M Kara scuM trip JI Ferry Service to Alexandria Stessner Ladawaana T HOCK sad A BALK C a a ta t PL au daily and Soaday KARE EACH WAY ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS Hotel City Pscsaas as sIts late Sun the consforts of C O MARQCBTTK D WlgTX- 3iar RESORTS PINEHURST North Carolina The Leading Health sad Ktcrtatioa Resort oT heath HOLLY INN Opens Nov 20 1907 THREE GOLF COURSES SHOOTING TENNIS Full information of ANDREW L CREAMER Msr PinAarst X C SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES t rear oT success la Wufctasics The Berlitz School of Languages fceceat awards St LoW J9M GrxM Priie Eipcsltian BOS Grand Prize Fmefc Gtrsua Spanish lulus tasliJi St Te teachers Irlal ieason free 723 Fourteenth SL M W Bratxfars ritil Scrviee r iH5f Next tiTi Srrrkr Examination Jsnrurr 1100 NEW YORK ATE NV Sirf tf MILTON SCHOOL 717 14th St NW THffiSjwS- TENOGR1PHY TYPEWRITING ARITHIETI AXLe EMJUSH THOROUGHLTC TAUGHT BY EXPERIE X EI ISSTRtCTORS Miss Lippmcott and Miss Bakers Preparatory School and Kindergarten SpsdU atttntfan given te boudlcs depxrCBest toe frota eijbt to filters yeses till CALIFORNIA AVE COR OF COSH At tints i to Coach calls for the chIldren Cnxlish and French School Girls SEPARATE RESIDENCES BOARDING AND DAY PCPILS MISS ALICE A BRISTOL Principal t Place Emerson Institute 3z S n 914 14th Street N VV Established 1S52 Prtpantwr School Prterj Department Special HOXTON RANDOLPH PrtodpoL Shorthand and Typewrltlnc can 1 learned at oar school In 39 to 99 days Positions guaranteed PlUuiu Grsiia Greg Darns tiyllibic systems Isdiridnml IssiracUoa BTENO GRAPHIC ACADEMY 31MB Colorado Bafidis- sACTIAGj Vocal and InXtumeaUl Muic lent Cwitor Makeup Stags and Ball room Dancing c An optodita school with a- cpfcrdste nrtkod NATIONAL CONSEKVATOBT OF MUSIC AND ACTING It E Capitol sc Phone Lincoln Met telSU PROFESSIONAL CARDS 11 II FREEMAN TEACHER OF SINGING AND CHURCH ORGAN Studio Mrs McDnflle TEACHER OF SINGING F ST XW VIRGIL CI AVIER PIANO SCHOOL GEORGIA A MILLBR Director 138 F SC N W UacaJa V- SJnnpcr McFall VOCAL INHTKOCriON STUDIO 8n MTK ST DR JOHN P CAULFiELDP- IANO AND THEORY 209 15TH ST MV JUT OF iLL UNDERWEAR FOR MKN VOrN ANt CHILDRES TYSSOWSKI BROS 726 15th Street N W Dr Jatgtri Aetzqr DeJsd Liaea 2Zohr I I ota I J t Pa OX DAILy W 515 tests to IWDdI 5 outs 5c TraymoreAtl- antic Os the Year I tin I tt Qj mriUtry TJlt- rifin t B I a i D II 5 guts home BRISTOL for DOU fiat n n saIl o1ce It Jehas CIMm 1IdL aM H 6b- odwS3k 9 OIwes Dean W JAEGERS WOOL TIlt t t Roads oanM the ire POITUN Ave ass p AdetMMea and at TkIet11bOOt Beets aucWB ipcMtion ten gramhy BOOkknIae s a ke S Phi SANiTARY < >

Transcript of · THE WASHINGTON...



I rI I



Society Again in Force atSquare Show


S orc n Xotalile Victory rrlth HisKntrle in the Hnckpey Pony ClanTaliat Prime Minister Get BlueRibbon for Pony Stallions Hnrriman In Winner of the Aldic Cup

Madison Square Garden Now York19 Society discovered the horse

show again today and the attendancewas of the spectacular bustling pushingdegree were persons of title toadd lustre the boxes and to gladdenthe eyes of promonade throng At themost hour of the promenade tholights gleamed on many women wearinghats off their faces who scanned the women wearing dresses off their necks butonly to see which of the quality folkswere In their parties

The railblrds quick to get nextand there were choruses of Go ItLouis and Jay as the polopony riders dashed by hundredswhom they had never seenno one minded There was a shiftingabout of leaders somewhat both theVanderbllts being momenUxrily In otllpacC w Watson long trying addedthe blue for pony fours to his trophiesand the Baltimore exhibitor had also agreat victory with JLord Baltimore andMy Maryland IT In the brougham classW H Moore was front andwon with Berkeley Bantam the pony offame and first ani second with the nowhackney steppers Pride OPrides andKing of Kings boh as black as coal butas light in action feathers

Reginald had a notable winwith the justover ponies ClydeVale Champion Clyde Vale Champion II to harness I over Torchlight andCocksparrow driven by Mrs Gerkenwho is the most versatile woman whip Inthe country J

In the LfnckncT ClaNA group of haoTcney horse breeders lined

the rails in tlwt morning for th judg-ment In the classes The entrieswere scant yet flve appeared in the classfor big mares years or over withfoals at foot ori that have foaled thisyear Orange Blwssom a roomy matronby ConnaughtOriuige Girl II won forHarry Donnon 01 Lancaster In asimilar class for the small sort FredPabst won with the brown CayntonPhyllis and his Imported flllles also wonIn the classes for twoyearolds andyearlings The wlainer In the threeyearold fllllea was Kl kburn Lady as withCaynton Phyllis al daughter of Polonlusbut a chestnut in Qt lor This one Is ownedby E M of West VirginiaLater on the hacftney wereseen in harness the Aldle ChallengeCup I

A class for pony stallions other thanShetlands and get were judgedearly tonight Dill am Prime Ministernow owned by Pab t won the blue andTorchlight owned 1 y Mrs Gerken tooksecond

Ponies other Shetlands twelvchands high opened crowdedafternoon session brought Into ri-valry again Judge Mboros Beverly Bantam winner for years classand Mrs Gerkens VDoncaster Modeltwice second to the Bantam Mrs Gerken exhibited In capitalstyle and a lad Cyril Carr handledBeverly Bantam The was a reppillion Beverly flrst and theModel second

Ilnrrlnmn n VVInucrTwo of the live to compete for the Al

die Cup fOt hackneys o halfbred hackneyr were of the heavycarriage horse They wore King Georgedriven by J Campbell Thompson andJ W Harrhnans Flashlight The otherrompetltors were the hackneys SportingDuchess winner of the cup last yearand owned by II D of Philadelphia and Harry Screta andBabs owned in Lancaster Pa KingGeorge and Flashlight had the call forstyle however and the cup went to Har-riman In the class of roadster pairsA B Maclay with Roseworthy andMarguerite Margrave won

TJic evening test for polo ponies wasfor manners and handiness as well asconformation the turning around standards causing plenty of

Louis E Stoddard of the Now HavenPolo Club had two in Crook andSpotted Wolf Squadron A had severalrepresentatives Joseph and LcavlttHunt and R C Laurence M L and AC Schwartz had two in1 Little Joe entered by George C Fahey of SquadronA and ridden by Leavitt J Hunt gotthe blue


Tell What He Expect In Kentucky i

RowGovernorelect Wlllson of Kentucky

arrived in Washington yesterday fromIndianapolis to be the guest for a fewdays of Justice Harlan of the SupremeCourt

The time has come said Gov Wiltson last night when the Southern Stateswill no longer be branded with a partyIron so the public know In advancethat certain will go DemocraticThe results in the recent Kentucky cam-paign are but forerunners of the timewhen the Southern people like theNorthern people will vote according totheir convictions irrespective of party

Concerning the prohibition question MrWlllson said v

I was elected on a platform whichstands for uniform local option laws innil the counties In the State

Ambnunador nt TheaterAmong those who attended the opening

performance of the Secret Orchard atthe Belasco Theater last night were theBritish Ambassador and party Baronessyon Sternbflrg and party the French Am-

bassador the Japanese Ambassador andwife Mr and Mrs W H Fuller Mrnnd Mrs It Golden Donaldson Mr E SMarlow Miss Larkin Mrs Ham anddaughter Mrs Clay and Mr and MrsWalter R Hensey of New York

Will Improve the PikeThe board of county commissioners of

Montgomery County Md yesterday de-

cided to improve tho Rockvllle pike better known as the Tennalleytown roadfrom tha District of Columbia line toSomerset Heights This will be of Inter-est to residents of the District many ofwhom use this road as a driveway andfor automobiling

Telegrapher Elect OfficersParker R Anderson has been elected

stKretarytroasurer of tho local Commer-cial Telegraphers 4 n n to succeed WW Beattie William BranHald was elected presidenjt of the local to succeed AS Groves who resigned




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AT THE THEATERSBclaxco Theater

The Secret Orcbard At 215 and IrISFor notice see Iglew

The ColumbiaComing Thro tho Rye At sisA tuneful and pleaslnc musIcM conndy with

Frank Laler as the star awl a big chirm

The NationalThe htralght Road At 211 anil SO5A plaT k Clyde Pitch presented by BUricfaft

Walsh Somber and unpleulnz-

ChnireMVauderHlo At 215 and 815

William Ca rUeigJi te a deter sketch BeetleWynn and six thir acts

The AcademyBuster Brown At 2K and 815A deter comevlj with ciostc that is arousing

Sign of At 215 and 815A dctcctlrt drama well played by the Katfary-

nrurnell Stock Jompanr

The IiyceumBurlesque At S15 and IrIS

The GayetyIJortesqHe At 215 and 815

The Belnsco The Secret OrchardMr Channlng Pollocks play The

Orchard made from the novel oftho same name by Agnes and EgertonCastle drew a capacity audience to theBelasco Theater last night It was anaudience typically representative ofWashington society people were out Inforce and the diplomatic corps was wellrepresented This Is worth mentioning be-

cause of the way the play was receivedThero was every evidence of heartyapproval each act received several cur-tain calls und the strong climax of thothird act the crucial scene of the playwas applauded HO vigorously that thecurtain was raised again and again untilall the members of the excellent com-pany had to come on the stage and bowtheir thanks

The play If it hnd been written byBernard Shaw and published would havebeen included in his volume of Un-

pleasant Plays not because It is un-

pleasant In presentation but because ofthe theme with which it deals It docsnot need a Bernard Shaw however withhis strained ideas of moral obligation topoint out that while this drama of lifedeals with a problem that only matureminds should grapple with is in its es-sence distinctly moral and although itreaches ethics slightly In advance ofwhat tho present prim ago Is willing toacknowledge the question the play asks

If the man can be forgiven why nottho woman is one that has been in-

creasingly demanding an answer In roc nt years

Mr Pollock has prefixed to each act ofIik play a text and those are illuminatingThe firstnet text Is this

Stolen waters arc tweet and bread tesecret fe pleasant But be knew tfc Mi UMt the

are there and that her cueiU adepots or belt

which Is taken from Proverbs In thisfirst act it Is made clear that the Duchessof Cluny formerly a Virginia girlnoted at Cluny for her benevolenceAmong other acts of kindness she hasgreed to adopt as her daughter thedaughter of Cora May who before herdeath was the most notorious woman inParis Her old friend Favereau minister

fine arts remonstrates with herCora May was a bed woman the childmay be likewise evil But Helen does notsee it that way

eon May nerer was a bad won She didwhat DO bad woman erer did or could doseSlie GMt up her child to be taredshe says The Duke of Cluny greatly be-loved by his wife has been away on a

AppetiteNoneThe Woeful Reflections of a With

ered Dyspeptic-No substitute for good nature has yet

been found Smiles take root in thestomach Without good digestion therenever can be very much sunshine forthe very simple reason that the stomachand the brain are twins and what affectsone invariably affects the other Theadagtt that the best road to a personsheart is via the stomach still holdgood

Gorged grub and pappy pie alwaysgloom and sleepless nights

They also breed dyspepsia quick dyspcpcia and dyspepsia shows itself In a





dead in the


















In This Youvariety of ways belching burning sen-sation an empty feeling In the stomachbloating after eating brash aversion tofood fermentation or downright Indiges-tion

There are few diseases which createsuch misery long dravn out miseryas dyspepsia It pursues you beforemeals after meals and between mealsyou take It to bed with you it is wltkyou at the theater and at your desh

What is the only way to get rid of itYou dont have to stop eating you

dont have to diet Just take somethingthat will do the work of the stomachand let the stomach take a rest

Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets are themost wonderful little tablets on earthfor this very

In plain arithmetic 1 of Stuarts Dys-pepsia Tablets equals 1 good strong stom-ach for 1 for 1 good hearty mealOne Ingredient dt Starts DyspepsiaTablets will digest perfectly 3000 grainsOf food In just the same way that astrong robust healthy stomach woulddo it

Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets enrich andIncrease the gastric juice in your stomach and that Is mostly what you needmore and bettor gastric juice And itgives the stomach a rest a good longrest In tho meantime it cures the dys-pepsia and all other stomach troubles

Just a few of Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets will prove to you what these littlecherubs of health and happiness can do

Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets are for saleat all druggists at SOc a box

Send us your name and address todayand wo will at once send you by man asample package free P AStuart Co 150 Stuart Mdg MarshallInch v











trip Favercau reproaches him Theduke promises never to offend again butthen ho confesses that while ho wasaway lie met a girl and when tho adopt-ed daughter Joy comes it turns out tobo the same girl When the duko recognizes her as his wife Is welcoming herhe rushes into tho chateau

For the second act the text isAnd the beaten that Is orer thy lad stall be

pf brass and the earth that is under thy feetshan be of iron

The dukes punishment has already be-gun What is he to do Favereau Is forhaving him confess all to his wife Theduke has not courage for this ThenFavereau is for brazening it out Sowhen the girl comes to the duke in thelibrary he denies ever having met her before But she knows and cannot be put

There is an American cousin of theduke a young naval officer He is muchtaken with Joy and tries to comfortThe duke is nearly distraught poor

unconscious of the tragedy that Is impending Joy Is disgusted and ashamedand tho climax of the act finds liar tear-ing a pearl necklace which the duke hasgiven her from her neck

The thirdact text Is tlsAnd thy life sltall hang in doubt before thee sad

thou shall fear night and ikjrThis is typical of the dukes terror over

what he has done More and more theyoung American has come to lovo JoyHe proposes to her sho tolls him mar-riage Is Impossible He begs for an ex-planation and sho refers him to the dukeBefore the assembled company she asksthe duke if she can marry his cousinAdvised by Favereau the duke gives hisconsent In a rage she bursts out andtells the truth about herself she de-nounces herself and is about to denouncethe duke when Helen says

And who is tho manJoy looks at him for a minute realizes

what the truth will mean and then in aspirit of selfnbnegatMM cries

The man Is deadThe lat act has for Its textHatred stirreth up strife bat tore cmereth alt

sinThe scone Is the morning room at the

chateau Every one seems to have guoea dthe truth but Helen The duke hasthought of suicide but Joy saves himfrom that There Is nothing left forhim but honesty He confesses all toHelen It nearly breaks her heart Sheleaves him alone but the imagination ofthe audience is Instant to see that lovewill forgive

To Joy cast off comes the Americanand knowing all atlll asks Joy to be hiswife and tho curtain falls on love forgiving and conquering all The story teIntensely Interesting the isstrongly constructed and well workedout and it Is presented by a companyof players so excellent that every partreceives its true value The dialogue isbrilliant throughout and epigrammaticTake these sentences for instance

















We to be ptwMted for owpMBbfaed by them

Joy She Is named Joy the znast eraa se0Bt andthe most eaprictoos of all ow eaottoas

Into the gwimr-TeaKenre elton oaly a Ujhwawtter MIM for

tear of cooKKincBcmSlots pod rod emit art wfecd la s aH wkr

should the cril atone wrrtfWhy should I set em a ttttk tar

eftyeUM f lifer Is that Hapr4ewUet A cvp tt A la soandso bowMr a f rhujjiiexJLL soafldsos sopperwfcat de titer m t toTrieasure trtthent a nxxrw tbe merwt aMrfe atthe ferhfcMM mitt that pww in the reseat ontantwhich aeM Tonr mea ef th woHd ut earw ridbas at the hack of the open gMdn ofhis life

It goes without saying that the playis admirably produced Mr Frank CBangs as the Canon ha only a littlepart but be looks and plays It to perfection Adelaide Prince s Helenthe Duchess of Quay eras wry ex-cept In the difficult seen of tins Iftet acta scene of emotions quiet and forcefulthat might wll tes capabilities

actress It cant be said that shequite expressed the awful grief andshock that she was trying to portrayMiss Olive May as a matronly newwidowwa charming as she always is a brightsunny contrast to the somberer motnenuof the play and in tills function she wasgreatly helped by Mr Newton Undo inthe small part of the Marquis or LormeaHe can always extract what fun there isgoing out of his parts

Mr Vincent Serrano as the duke wasforceful earnest and sincere and n hi thelighter moments was at his best He tooin the difficult in the last act seemed constrained and tied down unablefully to express himself But all in allit was a One performance Mr WalterHale played the hard part of the Ameri-can cousin with force and dignity andcarried off the love scene with Joy withfine manliness and fervor Excellentwork was done too by Edward R Mawson a Favereau

But the center of interest in this playIs Joy which is played by JosephineVictor From beginning to end this te

that calls for selfrepression reservethe portrayal fit unusual emotions andthat Miss Victor fulnlled alt these demands well is undeniable It was a lineperformance

tThe play made a distinctly good im-pression last night It is interesting as-a play Interesting as a problem full oflife and color R play to think about andto enjoy with the heart and the mind



Army OrderOrt HARRY a lunxus OM C Amawy o o

from Gnaoral Hospital Watafegtoa Ihumkito proper Matten-

Strrt Mai JOHN A DITTO Mkfcr on ConstArtillery C rps to Fort MevHrie-

Onhttiwc Serct JACOB SCHNLKR i tMonroe

Pest Quartcremler Sercwat JOHN LYONSen retired list

Cat WILLIAM A BURNSIDE Pfrom Coh Btms Banacts to his Tvpfcaent

prier to its departure for IlrfliwtowPriests HHItMVN B SMITH COMPART A Rfch-

teenth Infantry Port Leav oworth traMfomdto Thirteenth Infantry stationed at that

Pri atc WESLEY M BOWMAN Cof ny DHfghteenth Infantry now at Pert HarraacMtransferred in SerentjMlxtli Ontpaiqr Coaet-Artfllery Corps stationed at that poet

Navy OrdersRear Admiral J M MILLER r LOpt E J retired to command sta

tIes Guan additional doty in O-

ttommawler A F FECHTELHR-spoctkn and fsrvry Woihhteton

that F D BURNS to Bwwklya

that F McCOMMON detached Itrooklpi U-BW d Hun

I4e t H WOODS k UehMl KHll to AfabaawLieut T U JOHNSON detACted MiMMwi Dig

MoineiLkut F B FREYER detached fits Mwnes to

MiKouriMeat G C SWKKT to llMCMI of Kx iuiMM-tKiiftsn C S VANDERIJKCK t KagtaWarrant C C NIJLSON 4etMa d navy

yard N r York to rantherWarrant Machini F J McAUSTKR to 1hila

ddphw duty rmm tiQit Idaho with sine t kleg rderrd to duty OH liowd that TOM wins-

il ymastcr Clerk J A REBBNTISOII afor duty or Panther

Marine CorpKfcut Lieut WILLIAM 1 RBDLBS detaevoi

First Pmrihteual Ucfiimont Usttort titntw MrIser i Cuba to marine barracks ja flN Va

Second LSettt WILLIAM T HOADLRY Mienvt-to aiH enr for emmiaation for pnnoatioB-

CM T N WOOD t marine barrackm mty y i4Portsmouth N H on hoard

Capt C HILL dctadwd First Provlrtoml RegUwtted Stats Marines Cirtm rtfMrt In

JOn to general eommaN ki tFirst ttoHt It B CRKKCY granted de c tknleave of absents

MGJEMBNTS OF VESSEI SThe Mfowing n T-cmtnti at TM hate been reported to the

ArrireUNoTcmber IS Nebraska at SaDSailcoNOT mlwr RacIst from WaAhlsgton fwir Kaa heed NoTencr2B Rainbow iMros

t4J and Chattanooga from Vladivostok forNacawOiL

Panther commissioned nary raid New York Noember 18 Wurden i4nctxl IB rawrre nary yadNorfolk NoTcmlier 18 mutes commiaaimvd infull tint M ijned to second toniedo Motfua mryyard Norfolk Nournbcr IS-

JLarjccMt Moraiiifir Circulation

at we are

A malt its hays to fellow


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fc BitreaR uC Nn2SfAUon


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DAILY COURT RECORDTuesday ovcmber 10 1007


Court of AppenliPresent lion S th Shtiard chief justice Hen

diaries H associate Justice tad lieu HarryM ClalAnjh chief justice of the Supremo Court ofthe District of Columbia

Order doaicnaUnz the Mon Harry M C4ahMishchief justice of the Supreme Court the Diktrirtof Columbia to in the rehearing and decision ofcue No 11 special calendar October term 07

No 1891 PAolocd TS United Stain roarcnawitt-wmtaenccd b T C Taylor for appellant aofltiaued-by Stuart for appellee ootMhided by WJ Lambert for appellant Attorneys T C TaylorLambert Ic McI MQ and R H YeatmanD WB k r and Stuart McNamara

Adjourned from today until further notice


Na 33O Delaney va Wag receirer aa-

thorlied to tell certain lot AttornejwGatleyA G Meal H H Classic lrrt s Vmua

C J G E HanKies K UDart aiid Thoup

lAAvjAssignments for todayNo Ml Elmoro TS Ktowe AUontirt D W

ODcnoshuoB L GleeNo S Davis TS Darts Attorneys J X llaodrt-J W Daridjo-No L Marts al TS Ruble AUornos Jeha

son BollengrrEquity Court No 2

JtbTICE GOULDNo 2S02 MeGvilune ct al is Butko et aL

pro realms and ordered Attorneys X Acomb and C A Kriewln-

Nou 7301 Fester TS Foster svbmtttedtornejn Lambert McLean L J CesUjtn acuF K Pratt

No 2HS9 et al TS ImtoUe Daky Coreceirer authorized t at piddle auction seattleIOBM and property AUoroey Haniea Jebasoa

Na S4T2 Fir BUB iMwanw Comtuay T-

daceU MibstituUon of trustee Attorney IrrtnjT-

ilHiunsonNo snOG IB re Jordan Director nfereaca to

awHtor Attorney Mtdttac Uatley-Im rt lunaey Chatks Edmuads SHditora ngxxt

ratified and confcnwdIn re lunacy Jams Brett order appeerta fim

aad tBd aecoaat sad coewrftte dtiriMtCTad-Im re teaacy Ueary Jebnseo aMtor rwort

t hinaey EHKCBO Peters auditors r pert ofuser 18 KK confirmed aad ftftnm to theauditor

Store and Range C T Aawk Fede-ration of lAbor on teariag Attonteja DatHnKton SHlHTam B ok Da ea ortRkktoo Sid

No i Motion Backs Store and Ra so Com-pany n Araerkan Federatioo of TAbor AltotMfH-DrNnctoB Swttlru IJwi DaTos vrVRalstoKt-ikkfetis SpdWns-

N S3 Kuodc TS HuichiM et aL AttorneyOttUngs Cbaaibcrliii Bni8d sibws

No S Gray TS Gray ct al Attoraeys Dw aa

No SI Bryant TS PhuMDer aL AttorneysRhJoutBaldflratoij

No 91 Galloway TS Hall ct AitorwysBwn Barfetd leLes4 r Piles



o1c mara


son BonaparteThomas C E tailfJMl C WOft






aDdIre t4aJ


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No m York sd tfassdecSaa Raatty-CbMfiaar r Lawdar TtnUet for akiatfO SULHL

J S B T3as thV K MaUasns amiF C heady t

N 9MX Bsxtera Trast sad OanUax Oosafdsor-TS 1Uis-pMatiff or ittaratT

N 9KM TS JonaMo uwfcsaMNot 4sjn Itotaawe Iftecuie Psjssar Ooaminy vs-

IntanwtsaMl Sc Dsststcjwtiaf Osnfwan aa MaL

No 9K latcnHtUacial Tract Cvaapaay TS SohiflAttorney W C CtaphwwX H War

No SaT SUM TS OK Attannya MeteNa VS Rarhfl m C Trestles cur

Attorneys Jf W V UrjR Kaad G T D-

Na m Jaonton n IiotOKe ItalUaMreW WitegtoB Ctmftmf AttoriMfs B H-

McKiSMMy MaaiisryNo 171 Lewie Si COL ra lllriw AttonMH H

W WlMatferJatM OSbNo Bi Rlasnan TS UViMa aB RaaVay

EtMtrse CoMtMav Aworeeys J C DcvtcC ADaaghii O P Basses

No VOL Ryan DhmM f OMaaaWa AUaYAmtotv Binder and C V DarrK U-

VttBnMjs Tamer k Kaafasi Jasaii H-L

No MS KavlaMSi Co T Matsttr at aL AtMTSMSV J I P ys L Tofartacr

No Mr TIMMM Ta Chaooaas Co AitoracfS-A A Upacosab W B AatbroM

Circuit Conrt Xo 2-

JUSTICB ANDKRSON-Xo 4 Slcwmri T Ilartew esrtifed to Obcaitt

No 1 for trial Attorneys F S Itrica sadK A FoniR DaaaUtoa John Rhtavt Kal-ston SUdom asS B W Parker

N Xm Dthi MMsasacasriaf Onirtay w-

Uteed vtth to Ot thfad laiiaiil yam on orbow M a n of MIa AUtrsw PentMetaarJ A Bwkart-

NA 30084 Brown T Bahtmera and Ontoraad Company owfer to pay BOMS af aimht racHtry a Mcarity for easts Attorney Blair

HumiHon Colbert MniissHa-Na iGO SaUiTan w Capitol Trestles Csaapiny-

o trial Attaraeyn J W Echo R X Pnyson MIl G T Ilwslo-

pliilianiial for todayNo 1ft BUekman TS DiMrfct Oiliaiilt et-

at Attomeyi PrieB H HNMKU TI Myri sad K U Bftjky

No 71 JaqneUe usoKrix TS Capita TncttanC-OHftpaoy AUofweys R 1 Evans P H Bassetand W W 1T Dunlop

No Bhttoe adeskrirtralrir TS Lhr tAttonwjFi J MfctherW C UaMarsan GtUtacs

Chamberlain and McKteney FUmwryNo at Joist et al TS Title Guaranty and

Tnut Oempany AU roeys w C GKusa Chamberlain

No tK Smith TS Oapital Tmctmn OomfMRT Attwswys G L TikfofdIt It 1esiy Son

K IB Cross edasiwfctrautx TS BaHimorv andOnto RaHioad Oamfiany AUorwrs Arthur PeterHamikon Oolhert Ycrkos sad HaaHUnw

N 2i PIUs TS Edmonsoa Attorneys R F-Dowafam G A Beny V ConcfenGittag CHonheriain

Criminal Court Xo 1

JUSTICE STAFFORDUsritod Stales m M Beadier rawsskr on

triaL Defendants attorneys Wells Basesand O W Powers

C S Hnmiy JnaUee of the Trees

her 16 to N v aber 30 WOT

Criminal Court To 2JUSTICE BARNARD

Johnson TS Royal Life Insurance Comnnnr TCT

dirt for plaintiff rOC SIS Attorns J M VaseP It RhatkMeNeiH T MeNeiU

United SIte TS John E Jehasan TieUttonsection 3BU R S U S nolle pros

tailed States TS Laureate rape Tecdk-tnt gainy-

AafcMeais far tedsy AppealsNo SI Chase SaBbora w MMunL Attemcya

H W WhwUeyE L CbsUnitad States TV DAniel J CallahanUwtoi States TS Charles SimondsUaittd States TS Thomas Goiter


In if Wandan Trttdrrnic appaintingbond SUIt Attorneys Rafeton Siddon

Estate oT Anna Smith MalleU wilt deliS Jtmn-K get codteil dated Jnne 23 UM and oodidldated June L KOS flW

Estate f Rcbeeea It Glbmt order adraittinBwill to prebsle ami reeord and kttets ef admtoistratin c t hand AUarHtrs MadrasGalley

In re Harriet 1 Stcrfmtee et aL anler appaint-h c jpmrdiHN bond 1 N Attonuar K N lispswell

In re Charles G K Hnrrfes tt at orderMoiMinx snaNfiMt bood 300 Attvmcy P HMarshall

Bstoto of CaraHat Leah wilt dated February at-KM flh dnuts of C Louise Dahkw datad Jawarjr-

S NkdEstate nf John Christian Letterer coramlttoe

thuriasd to locus a certain mm-Krtate of Moses ItcmMn petition far sale e

IsMinrsc Attorneys T w er GnsMc-K tato of Jeerc BerRHos polities fee letters of-

adnriHSstntien d k H c t a AUoncys BetsyMinor

Karat of Josephine BersJteK pttttlaiufar leMmaaf nhntoUtratioM Attonxys Berry MlnnrI-

Cataie f Jew VtCMr will tIded SaytemMr 30

Equity SuitN 97171 PfeamcMs Inancanea Campanjr ta AdsJc

Chgett snintlssjto trustee AUniatf I VWfcnn-

No K JaU B Dai t s c TXeh aeeonnt ttlKJt AUcraty E H

ThenceNa a II JaesaoH Uwtee T Uagnina

tod sad Auwapaib Bhctrie ruBwtCcnntuuy cUmnges JliKB Attorney H B Staler

X 96I jr MitobeH tottmnr w Norfaikand Washington RtmmbuBt Company damflges JTiAttars C I Shame

No DOG Kate I OConnor TS Harry0 Anorncjs W F MatUccly Son


order reA J D SsDleasU T 0I6da sag u




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No fiT3 Eikol E MUM n Cam Arapterin Alton C H Slw W H IVrttand J W Better


SsTcntttwth Mreot Mertbweot betweea T arid UstreetsHawry C Hnidtes et or to WHIfaaH a Brows lets tt 11 and part lot 12 squareW5M-

P street aerthwtai between SoTBatecath awlBlghtetstik tot0t nMant H C B wn toHenry X Harding put 7 IN

Paicta MQ1 ScatPercy II RnastH t ux to JohnG Marshall and Lathe Pasrson lot 17StSO-

OHchoetzen ParkGotrc W Athton et HX toChariM A let S Week 1 Js

Alley botMan B and C said Thirteenth sail SItarteaQth streets Mrth A t Wataoa P Newton teCanriyn H w SMt sn let st ani M3-

4Grsmnwrs Addition te TaJcoma ParkVWiam KHO to Clara I BAl Iota 2 3 and 4 blockSJM

Alter between D and E streete and Newceases aad South Capitol street seuthea t-

FSank P Reessdv et us to Charles H Mccfflat-tnibtec ooeJwoth interest te lot 26 savantmm-

No es Ninth street BKtheutSMsleton L Cooperet nx to Patriot C CWkw lot Jn aiware 9 5KL

Ghweh Mast narUHvpt betw B Fwrteeath Md

L MiHard west halt of feUSB stwaraaaaA-

rtfcnr place northwest Utwew stwetoPhilip Walker ancillary noeivcr to B tfuamB Knell lot n s ware 835 SUnS W B SprfrCompany to PhtHp Walker aadNary ncaiTer hK-IL stHiare Cat Sin

Nos and 2M Parlor Btwtt northaut lnriaiHMP Rneth to fluid J Dunlpw lets US and 1W-

BfooklandEbeswzer SonthaU et KZ to Asbart V-

dkd Alice a BwHsrfdw JA S and kt 5-

DeWA AddMitn to V eh natonJoseph PHI etnx V J G ph PM loU tt to 2 shunts 34 Wt

No 536 Bhth sliest sonthcactrOUharia Hcrmaim to the WasWncton Meetaofc lanaBank lat 38 sfmara IN kM-

W Twaiftk street sontheastMa L UoOlns to-Gaorpe W Bunos part oricinal lot ML MflhW-MSa AlibIs U lea to Ueorse W Bassespast oric Ml tot squaw MM

Water street southwest hIsses M sad XM XfCina Moor et mfr DartS to Seen BeNIota 71 72 a tqwurc J M-

KH TavMta street Bor wwtDrtcr L Sewrtrtto Jceaie Stewart lots N sad U S MM 3 nt-

S r nOi street southeast heowmr G sad II atresto-ChaHm H Paraw to Marrk-

mra m WN sttwt nartbwmt betistea Kanrteonth and FU

C Cahfl p tt aricsml lot t sqnaM mMil Q street nortfiwmtPhfiip P Lararr txeottor

to Joseph W tot asjnara SSja-tInsfekfeiouabfth WalbraiK sad Attn C W

Brlsnta ts WiOatd D BId put tot 33-

niodfc MIanrtotnta sont nontheaH bet rcn K and U-

stowfePcrcy W Pkftford to A-

tet a ssjnwe Uf 1


W ndamsi Hslnhhr Bs am4 C OaanWn at nx toKnsa K VMto t enw Jwna JI VT-

MMN I yean 4 per rest MesinNSMianV hK-

P Alas t tk II Jawnnx in-WMfem A 11 and Cknrtas F Waflnfi to-

P r stsaianmmtty tot mPt9K Mill Brat Jnim I MnohnU at MX to Percy

Martha C 3 M tettst lot 17

Hattie C

anatoa sad Uoarsjs C Gertnmal to

Iff to MEPatrick C Giflcn to Knmssid

staM and John J P an to saeoSnml HnfldtK Assnrhirmm 09 let 31-

SOBMT MCarrh L UBanl to TnamM C AraaVtfand r A Harrssan to Mom lldihhii K Jor-dan SUM 3 yraw I per ecat qinwttdy westnaK of m

flSBstUMnsa B Kacfl to Heavy H 817-mams Gamna X BusmnriA to wnwe X-

tropolia UniidhK AmtMmtten Xo a SUM lot L-

Sqnar 713Dawid J Ehmnmn to WiBmm YQaidwaB and WHUam S MeCnrthy to

amnrnay law IK and 111

Max ttNt 1 jmr per


yn t txSouth Ohimman CsnVmsty

Kotbo to WH SanadcM to secure Wihmx W Trw 9DX2 years 6 santasmnnDy lot Ml

SMSM mriiairy dsnvtt et nx to Chnrim KCrausn nnd CbMta H C MeCnrtenty to MSMH-

m V iM rria Thnpnar to Ben smsn F Lcfcton and i Damn to MOSM Chartes IIPnrl r Un 3 fcnta par oastlat S-

Janata 31Mary C OsMK to Tsknnms U Oakand ticona K Mamnnnn toDint SM 2 per a-

part orhrtml ipt 1

ems Usmhtth Waiarhtgn sad Alice a Wnrinmv JUG X X sag 4 y ua S per cantxntJsnaniMy port lot 36 Work M

Hosmaad tnaorlI SK7 S Mriaterhoff at r

C OjWflt 3 ytnra 5 j5 matlot 7J block

Saanre M Bsamel W rtrtcfbfd at V to the

ewe Carl GL Cmwtofd ntest semJnanmUr let 9 Same to seats maledebt lot 91

paN aWAnarmsa M Stem to James K BOerMW and Thesnaa H PhAfacd to Man TestyW Ptekford JM 1 to St montha C par ecattot 73 bhxk 41-

Sowura sSJnttn H Chadnrtek to National Satinstad TraM Oempany to sense tile Amerieaa SCompaar W 1 jets S er-

ay M-

IL VaUr and It Prastoa Sbeaiey toCharim K Mmeh BJ3 S C ser centsesniaaanaDy lot 1BL


Will Spcml pny with Pnmlly ntMontpeller Vn

President and Mrs Roosevelt said theirfamily will ejo to MontpeHer n e ofPresident James M dts n to spendThanksgiving Day

Montpelier Is in Orange County Vanot a great distance from the Presidentcountry place Pine Knot where he usu-ally spends Thanksgiving

Mr Roosevelt an1 his party wIn returnto Washington Thanksgiving evening


lit 11



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Especially Valued by All OldPeople Who Suffer


Fine Prcitcrlptlon for Ilhenmntlamnnd Kidney Trouble Mix It ntHome Dont Coat Much andIleves Nearly Every Person WhoPriest the Ingredients at

Any Good Pharmacy and Mix ThemYoarxeJf

A large New York health pubMesUiontells its readers of a number ef simpleand prescripttette that can a madeat home following however forthe cure of rheumatism anil kidney andbladder troubles receives the gresuestpraise vlr Extract onehalf ounce Kargaa one ounceCompound Syrup Sarsanaritta threeounces These simple harjuriee Ingrodiants can be obtained at any goodproscription pharmacy at Itttle cost

mixed by shaking well in a bottleThe doss for a talts is a teapoonful

after each meal and at bedtime drinklag a fall UnnMerfHi of water after eachdose It is farther stated that tills pre-scription is a positive remedy for kidneytrouble and lame bade weak bladderand urinary if8etttiefi espscsmlly of theelderly people and one of the beet thingsto be usad ill raoaaaattc mtetiear re-lievingswellings

But wales yOu go to the troobte toask the druggist lisa Daad

separately aad then buy oneounce Kargoa Compound in an originalunopened package piaiqbr printed

Guaranteed No 116 imder National DrugLaw and mix the Kargon with the other

not see this effective prescrtpttea atallhftjM even sod your moneywasted Under no ctrcwnataaces accepttbe prescription aJreaaly prepared noraccept any excuse for offering It tothat way Purchase separately the Kargoa Compound N US GMvatttee as exItrained above and mix these three ingredieni at boo yejiraetf or dont useat all

A weukaew local dcn sist seams thatthis mixtwre acts sttreeOr wpok the eNn-hsttive tissues of tIM kidneys dnaasosthese opeogentce orpower to sift and strain the petsonooswaste matter and uric add from theblood which hi the cause of rhumiiaUeia

Cut this out and hand to some suf-

ferer which would certainly be an act ofhumanity


Police Inspect AllegedStolen Articles

The squad room at police headquartersreseaabtosl a rummage sale fat faIl swteg-yeaterday-of ttkgg g which were seizes at tiletime of the arrest of Mrs Ruth MncCrackenwere opened and their contents put on-

dtopteyThe pettee are still working

more oC the identity KIlt aperntions et thefamflr


TTspaiai K aasl Oartnate K Was bW ssat Janst L W-

kieaf A sad Wattle M Kna a v-

JsdM A asnt Btsate K Heater b-

lmn limy MnasV hey

and Jeans Leaner skiCUnton D aad Beach Jones dillQui r and E Heinrhfc ilL

W aad Catherine hasAaraa aad Sana Onlansai key

Frank sad LiNt Peer nayJ and J pea bar

WUhasa P sad Banaa M btaeM sidsad SaMe EcUosT beta nd JUttte V Katntt bj-

J M B sad Aam T Os aan flirtCadtoa L sad catherine G Creases slit

Miasa D and Lovise CaaatMH b v-Uarrcy sad Gcossa Catawcss bar


Easanai Hoaatcsi Mil WeB st we K sas-Ma y J r tmnm JW t3tk sC aw jaaev

wO SaafonL 8S O at w X macs

Jcam P Joe BaT Chosen tt nst jeto-Jaaa W Iattta 2ta It aL sir 5-0Snamd O WarM MS3 K SC 90

Joeefil H HaeUnsra Hotri Suattatd X jwazsRevert 1 kIt at aw C jrwwa-VHHsni l ase MU K at nw SI yeses

Catherine HiAndrew Glass UnT PaJnaoafe sC K pawVHheanina BnaaM da st se 63 years

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mac RiverChesapeake BayHampton


Night SteamersDally and Sunday at 630 p m

Day SteamerEvery other day on odd dates

at 8 a m

Modern Steel SteamersHandsomely equipped

CTTfcswts cad totorawtioa at city TIcketUakxatto BW Mth and U BUT ar

at Wharf foot of 7th tt w



Hfcnda SUneccd Lisa most nvxkrabl pcc Cars Personally Ccsxiaetsd Witbont

Chance B CfM tUtw and st ass r rMtrrsto Casaa l iHyasnts sad AroanJ

World A J 5U PressK VV IK Vta St K W

For ML Vernon Alexandria andArlington Washington Alexandria




CARS TO KENSINGTONCan from 15U st od N Y retry IS rnin

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Pscsaas as sIts late Sun the consforts ofC O MARQCBTTK D WlgTX-



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The Leading Health sad Ktcrtatioa Resort oT


HOLLY INNOpens Nov 20 1907


Full information of



t rear oT success la Wufctasics

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Fmefc Gtrsua Spanish lulus tasliJiS t Te teachers Irlal ieason free723 Fourteenth SL M W

Bratxfars ritil Scrviee riH5f NexttiTi Srrrkr Examination Jsnrurr

1100 NEW YORK ATE NV Sirf tf

MILTON SCHOOL717 14th St NW THffiSjwS-


Miss Lippmcott and Miss BakersPreparatory School and Kindergarten

SpsdU atttntfan given te boudlcs depxrCBest toefrota eijbt to filters yeses


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Emerson Institute 3z S n

914 14th Street N VV

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learned at oar school In 39 to 99 days Positionsguaranteed PlUuiu Grsiia Greg Darnstiyllibic systems Isdiridnml IssiracUoa BTENOGRAPHIC ACADEMY 31MB Colorado Bafidis-

sACTIAGj Vocal and InXtumeaUl Muic lentCwitor Makeup Stags and Ball

room Dancing c An optodita school with a-cpfcrdste nrtkod NATIONAL CONSEKVATOBTOF MUSIC AND ACTING It E Capitol scPhone Lincoln Met telSU






138 F SC N W UacaJa V-





TYSSOWSKI BROS726 15th Street N W

Dr Jatgtri Aetzqr DeJsd Liaea 2Zohr




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