The Vision for Southern Africa’s Small holder Farmers

The Vision for Southern Africa’s Small holder Farmers Presented at the Bingu International Conference Centre

Transcript of The Vision for Southern Africa’s Small holder Farmers

The Vision for Southern Africa’s Small holder Farmers

Presented at the

Bingu International Conference Centre

Presentation Outline

1. Contextual Back ground-Who is the smallholder farmer2. Why the Vision3. What is the Vision4. How to Achieve the Vision5. Conclusion

Male Able Head of Household Female Able Head of Household Elderly Head of Household Child Headed Household All of the Above but coping with Physical Disability All of the Above but coping with Impacts of Gender

Disparities and worsened by HIV and AIDS and more so considering HIV and AIDS as a Gender Issue

All of the Above but coping with Impacts of floods and droughts leading to famine

Who is this Small-holder Farmer?

The Small holder Farmer Vision

Exit famine

Quickly transit household food, nutrition and income insecurity

Into commercial farming with improved markets and landscapes for climate smart agriculture

sustainable socio-economic empowerment and growth

Is it the Same Vision for?Male Headed Able Households

Exit famine

Quickly transit household food, nutrition and income insecurity

Into commercial farming with improved markets and landscapes for climate smart agriculture

sustainable socio-economic empowerment and growth

Is it the Same Vision for?Female Headed Able Households

Exit famine

Quickly transit household food, nutrition and income insecurity

Into commercial farming with improved markets and landscapes for climate smart agriculture

sustainable socio-economic empowerment and growth

Is it the Same Vision for?Elderly Headed Able Households?

Exit famine

Quickly transit household food, nutrition and income insecurity

Into commercial farming with improved markets and landscapes for climate smart agriculture

sustainable socio-economic empowerment and growth

Is it the Same Vision for?Child Headed Able Household?

Exit famine

Quickly transit household food, nutrition and income insecurity

Into commercial farming with improved markets and landscapes for climate smart agriculture

sustainable socio-economic empowerment and growth

Is it the Same Vision for?HIV and AIDS and more so considering HIV and AIDS as a Gender

Exit famine

Quickly transit household food, nutrition and income insecurity

Into commercial farming with improved markets and landscapes for climate smart agriculture

sustainable socio-economic empowerment and growth

Is it the Same Vision for?

Physically Disabled

Exit famine

Quickly transit household food, nutrition and income insecurity

Into commercial farming with improved markets and landscapes for climate smart agriculture

sustainable socio-economic empowerment and growth

A Vision for Southern African Smallholder Farmers

Exit famine

Quickly transit household food, nutrition and income insecurity

Into commercial farming with improved markets and landscapes for climate smart agriculture

sustainable socio-economic empowerment and growthAn All Inclusive Vision for All

Gender Groups!!!

Why the Vision: Refocus

Food and nutrition insecurity

(Poor land mgt practices….)

Food and nutrition insecurity

(Poor land mgt practices….)

Poor standard and condition of livingPoor standard and condition of living

Low exposure to proven


Low exposure to proven


Income insecurityIncome insecurity

Poor market information and infrastructure

Poor market information and infrastructure

How to Achieve the Vision:

Emphasis on Participatory Packaging of Complementing Scientifically

Proven Interventions

The Village as Entry and Organizing Base

Use the Village as Entry and Organizing Base for Demand-Driven Interventions including agroforestry and improved land-scapes as base activities: “The Future Belong to the Organized” (NASFAM Logo)

Participatory Packaging of Integrated Interventions (PITIEC Package Deals)

Innovative Participatory Progressive and Holistic Packaging of omplementing Interventions into Integrated Technologies with Information Education and Communication(PITIEC) package deals for Total Village Transformation

Scaling Up and Out of Village PITIEC Package Deals

Scale Up and Out of “Innovative PITIEC Package Deals” and Village –based Best Practices Enhanced by Private Public Partnerships

Intensify Promotion of the “Four F Trees” Campaign Trees for Fertility Tress for Fruits Trees for Fodder Trees for Fuel

Market Demand Driven Production

Market Demand Driven Production and Production to Scale: Enhanced by the Green belting Effect

Support Systems for the Package Deal to see more MVTTS spread like wild fire

Support Systems for Sustainable and Progressive PITIEC Package Deals


Beat famine in Southern Africa with concerted efforts to:Focus on the vision for the small holder farmers in their gender the categories for:Clear understanding of their various situations and demands that have implications on programming for accelerating impact through landscape and livelihoods regeneration

Thank you for your attention