The Vine - #7 - The Cleansing

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The one item in the vineyard where the husbandman spends the most time is in the cleaning, or pruning. If the vine is to bear good fruit, the pruning (also called cleaning or purging) must always be done with care and diligence. Let's dive right into everything that must be done & watch out for the bad spores!

Transcript of The Vine - #7 - The Cleansing

The Vine - #7 - The CleansingJohn 15:3ye are clean through the word

The one item in the vineyard where the husbandman spends the most time is in the cleaning, or pruning. If the ground is properly prepared prior to the planting of the vineyard, as our earthly husbandman demonstrated, then it will need very little attention. However, if the vine is to bear good fruit, the pruning (also called cleaning or purging) must always be done with care and diligence.

That's why it was so appropriate for Jesus to bring this principle up right at the beginning of the parable. John 15:2 ...and every branch that bears fruit, he purges it, that it may bring forth more fruit. Let's watch this short video about the late winter/early spring cleaning. (Pruning to avoid Eutypa Spores, 8:37)

Click the link *1.

What did we learn?

First off, we are fortunate that the True Husbandman knows exactly what we need in our lives in order to grow in a way that it will benefit all those who will taste the fruit. He also knows what we don't need; the things in our lives that would hinder the growth and maturation of the fruits.

Michael J. Neal, our earthly husbandman, shows that leaving just two buds per spur, or two 'eyes' per branch, is the best way to start out each season. All the rest of the branch is removed.

This reminds me of the principle taught about how 'SELF' can get in the way of our spiritual growth, which can result in stunted growth, or even in the death of the branch. Self interests can absorb our time to the extent that we 'just don't have time' for a real, vibrant, growing relationship with God.

The husbandman considers every factor that affects the fruit before the actual cleansing begins. The soil, irrigation practices, fertility practices & plant health are all items that factor into the decision on how the pruning will be done. This makes me think of the many differences of the countries in which Christians live, and how that must affect the things that God does for His branches based upon their environment.

Proper pruning techs include the proper spacing between spurs to allow for adequate growth and maturation, attempting to avoid the overlapping of fruit. When fruit overlaps then additional work is required to correct the problem. Give me some space, is an expression we often hear, and although it is usually expressed in a negative situation, every individual needs a certain amount of 'their own personal space'.

The goal is to eliminate crowding, to provide plenty of space for the branches to grow and space enough so that the fruit doesn't overlap and detract from the growth of some other fruit. The True husbandman knows what needs to be eliminated from our lives in order to prevent crowding, which distracts or interferes with the maturing of the fruit.

Every vine is different and unique like snowflakes, but the good husbandman knows exactly which branch should be kept and which should be eliminated. We all want to be a branch that is kept so that we can bare more fruit during the coming season. That is why we want to grow strong in our relationship with Jesus. Did you notice that; It is the weaker branches & the ones that are growing off in the wrong directions that get eliminated!

Pruning too early causes potential for problems since it is drier & the wounds take longer to heal over. It gives more time for the 'evil spores' to enter the wound & lodge there. We can count on God's perfect timing!

Eutypa spores kill the vine from the branch backwards. They are air driven & can land on the 'wound' created from pruning the canes (branches). This is why cleaning the vines is being done more during the early Spring now than in the mid Winter.

The sap 'bleeding' from the wound helps to keep any spores from actually landing & staying on the open wound. These insidious spores can take up to 5 years to actually begin to destroy the vine. Pride is insidious, just like the Eutypa Spores.

The sap (Holy Spirit) bleeding from the wounds reminds me that God's Spirit working in our lives will safe guard us from 'the evil spores' that try to enter our lives and kill our life saving relationship with Jesus, the True Vine.

Pride in what we perceive to be our own accomplishments (our own good deeds or righteousness) tempts us to live on our own accolades. Pride can creep into your life slowly, almost imperceptibly, and if unrecognized or unchecked, it can kill your relationship with Jesus, the True Vine.

If we would always give God the credit for doing all the work that produces the fruit, as we should, then pride would never be a problem. That's why I love this natural principle, that at least 90% of the old branch must be removed every year for the new sprouts to shoot forth to produce new fruit, each and every new year.

A quote from Andrew Murray ~ There are two remarkable things about the vine. There is not a plant of which the fruit has so much spirit in it... And there is not a plant which so soon runs into wild wood that hinders its fruit, and therefore needs the most merciless pruning.

End of Season (Winter) Pruning from SF Gate dot com. [*3.]

1. Grapes grow 6 to 20 feet of new cane every year.

2. About 90% of the wood should be pruned off each winter so the vine is not supporting excessive leafy growth and old wood, because Fruit is produced only on 1-year-old canes (branches).

3. One-year-old canes should be cut back or removed so there are just 40 to 80 buds per plant. This can be 20 buds on two to four canes or five to 10 buds on eight to 10 canes, depending on your training method. Fewer buds mean larger grapes.

Here we see that SF Gate is confirming what Michael J. Neal has presented while giving us the reason why most of the old growth is removed. It is that fruit ONLY grows on the new growth! This shows us that we need to constantly be growing fresh new growth daily in order to continue to bare more fruit every year.

When we allow God to work in our lives, He will always remove just what we don't need; just what would get in the way of our development of those things that will produce even more fruit. We can also count on Him to Protect The Wounds that we may receive during the cleansing.

Here is how & why Michael protects the wounds. Click link [2] to watch this very short (1:25) video.[2.]

I'll close this out with one more quote from Andrew Murray: Blessed cleansing, God's own cleansing! How we may rejoice in the assurance that we shall bring forth more fruit. I have paraphrased a few more thoughts below.

Paraphrased: We use our natural gifts of wisdom, eloquence, influence, or zeal in working for God, and yet as these gifts are developed, we are in an ever growing danger of depending upon the gift instead of on the 'gift giver'. This is why, after each 'season of work', God has to bring us to the end of ourselves.

Allowing God to remove all of us out of the equation, leaving just enough to receive the power of the life-giving sap of the Holy Spirit, reduces man to a level that God can use once again. All of the Holy Spirit's efforts can once again be applied, in concentrated measure, to the fruit baring branch.

[*1.] (8:37) Pruning to avoid Eutypa Spores[*2.] (1:25) Michael J. Neal explains why he uses VitiSeal after pruning grapevines[*3.] Article: Does Trimming Grape Vines Produce Bigger Grapes?