The Village Link April Great Thurlow Little Thurlow Great ... · Market on April 30th to name a...

1 The Village Link Great Thurlow Little Thurlow Great Wratting April 2016 Great Thurlow Hall Spring Garden Open Day Sunday April 3rd, 2 - 5 pm Home-made cakes and teas in the church GREAT WRATTING VILLAGE FETE Save the date!! Saturday 4th June Save the date!! Sunday 12th June Great Thurlow Hall

Transcript of The Village Link April Great Thurlow Little Thurlow Great ... · Market on April 30th to name a...

Page 1: The Village Link April Great Thurlow Little Thurlow Great ... · Market on April 30th to name a few. ... LITTLE THURLOW PARISH COUNCIL REPORT Little Thurlow Parish Council met on


The Village Link

Great Thurlow – Little Thurlow – Great Wratting



Great Thurlow Hall Spring Garden Open Day

Sunday April 3rd, 2 - 5 pm Home-made cakes and teas in the church


Save the date!!

Saturday 4th June

Save the date!! Sunday 12th June

Great Thurlow Hall

Page 2: The Village Link April Great Thurlow Little Thurlow Great ... · Market on April 30th to name a few. ... LITTLE THURLOW PARISH COUNCIL REPORT Little Thurlow Parish Council met on


Editorial co-ordinator Alison Coffey 783478 Senior Reporters Gt. Thurlow Margaret Ince 783117 Lt. Thurlow Iris Eley 783534 Junior Reporter Vacancy Please supply all adverts in either Jpeg or Bitmap format (not PDF)

Advertising Rates (per quarter page) Single advertisement - £10 Six months advertising - £40 Twelve months advertising - £65 Back Page Advertising Rates (per month) Full Page Colour - £50 Half Page Colour - £30 Quarter Page Colour - £20 To be supplied in Jpeg or Bitmap format



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To contact The Village Link Team please email TheVillageLink

View The Village Link Online at

Copy Deadline 15th Of Each Month



Don’t forget to check out the Thurlow website. Keep looking as the site is updated regularly.


Dear all, Welcome to the April issue of the Village Link, hope you all had a great Easter! Plenty to do this month, come and enjoy the daffodils at Great Thurlow Hall on Sunday April 3rd, work off those Easter eggs by helping with the joint Great and Little Thurlow litter pick on 9th / 10th April, indulge in some fabulous local produce at another fantastic Farmers’ Market on April 30th to name a few. Friday 22nd April also sees the first of the Friday Night Social in the Village Hall, a fun family night out, hope to see you all there. A couple of save the dates - Great Wratting Village Fete on June 4th and a celebration of the Queen’s 90th birthday in the Thurlows on June 12th - definite dates for the diary! Hope you are all enjoying Ryan’s Recipes, a lovely soup this month. Please do let us know if you try them and like them, the sticky toffee pud was delicious! Finally, please join me in welcoming Alex and Rebecca Bourne to the Thurlows as the new owners of The Cock public house! We wish them every success and are looking forward to opening night!

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Thurlow Village Hall

FARMERS’ MARKETS 2016 Last Saturday of the month from

10:00 am to 1:00 pm Saturday April 30th 2016 Saturday May 28th 2016 Saturday June 25th 2016 Saturday July 30th 2016

Saturday August 27th 2016 Saturday September 24th 2016

Saturday October 29th 2016 Saturday November 26th 2016

December to be confirmed

The Thurlow Cock has new owners!

As you may be aware The Cock is under new ownership. Alex and Rebecca Bourne have taken over the pub and after some refurbishment hope to have the pub open again by the end of April. The Bournes come from an established publican family and have a lot of experience in the business. We can look forward to a great beer and food offering with the addition of good coffee and cake! There will also be a deli and fresh bread delivered daily.

It is great news for the villages that the pub will soon be open again and we are all looking forward to supporting Alex and Rebecca in their new venture!

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l Little Thurlow Parish Council

LITTLE THURLOW PARISH COUNCIL REPORT Little Thurlow Parish Council met on 15th March 2016 with six members in attendance as well as CC Evans, DC Midwood and two members of the public. The future of Thurlow Pre-School was discussed and a meeting is to be sought with Suffolk County Council to inform them that the Parish Council would like the building to remain as a Pre-School provision. A draft response to the St Edmundsbury Community Governance Review Final Recommendations is to be prepared. It is hoped that two members and the Clerk will attend the St Edmundsbury BC Parish Conference on 11th April. Other items considered and agreed were that the Council would share the cost of replacement bark for the play area with Great Thurlow Parish Council and that a visit to the Energy Waste Plant at Great Blakenham should be arranged in August. Overhanging trees on Pound Green are to be reported to Thurlow Estate and a joint Litter Pick is to be arranged for the weekend of 9th/10th April. Plans are underway in conjunction with Great Thurlow Parish Council for a celebration of The Queen's 90th Birthday which will take place at Great Thurlow Hall by kind permission of Mr George Vestey. This event will be on Sunday 12th June.

Molly Hawkins


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Great Thurlow Parish Council

GREAT THURLOW PARISH COUNCIL REPORT At the March meeting of the Council, it was noted that whilst the parish council offered their continued support to the Community Group to purchase The Cock PH, the council could not borrow the money to lend towards the purchase costs. The posts had been ordered for the vehicle activated signs and would be installed soon. The Highways dept is looking into the council’s request to have the pavement extended going down the Bury Road from the junction. The council will look into the cost of purchasing 30 MPH stickers for wheelies bins.The new finger signpost was complete and would be fitted as the weather improved. There will be a litter pick on the weekend 9/10th April in conjunction with LTPC. The next meeting will be May 11th. This will also be the Annual Parish Meeting. Diana Allin

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Nature Note N


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Nature note: a confusion of seasons The exciting thing about this time of year is that one keeps seeing the ‘first’ of various things for the year: the first butterfly (usually a floppy yellow Brimstone gliding along a hedge), the first chiffchaff (freshly in from Africa and singing its heart out down the Drift), the first frog spawn (in your garden pond – you should have one if you don’t already), the first bumblebees, the first shoots of green on the hawthorn, the first cowslips in the banks, and so on. I still feel a jolt of adrenaline when each of these appears in the village again, a reassurance, as the poet Ted Hughes said, ‘that the world’s still working’. More than just a reassurance, though. It’s a joyful sense that the sullen dark days of winter are going, soon to be replaced by light, warmth and growth. A feeling of abundance and renewal. Who wouldn’t feel the emotional sap rising at such a time? But it’s getting more complicated, like the rest of life. This ‘spring’ we had the first sticky buds on the chestnuts in November last year, and the first aconites out in December; I found a chiffchaff flitting around in February and I can already hear the drone of lawn-mowers as well as bees round the village. Isn’t this good news? It can’t be bad to be spared the bitterness of a really old-fashioned winter and to enjoy the pleasures of spring a month or two earlier, can it? But suppose we are losing the familiar distinctions between the seasons altogether? These are deeply ingrained in our history and culture, and give us our bearings in the natural world. I’m not sure I’d want a bland, uniform climate in which the cycles of growth and rebirth had been flattened out or erased, even if it was a bit more comfortable. We’ve got used to this kind of thing in our eating habits, of course. You can now eat fresh (well, fairly fresh) raspberries, asparagus and spinach all the year round, when once we were attuned to having them only in season. And you can buy exotic fruits like avocados at any supermarket or corner store. I don’t suppose I had ever even eaten an avocado until I was 30, and if you had asked me as a boy what the word ‘Avocado’ meant I might have guessed at some sort of Church prayer or Mexican board game. These changes in consumer habits aren’t just the consequence of climate change, of course. They are as much to do with the globalization of trade and developments in agricultural science, and we and our tastes and our bodies have largely adapted to them; but they do illustrate how easily you can lose the sense of a season. Perpetual spring would actually mean no spring at all. Not that this is likely. What is more probable that one set of cycles will be replaced with another, with perhaps some violent interludes and some strange effects. We may yet see avocados growing in Thurlow – in between the floods and droughts, that is. Jeremy Mynott Lavender Cottage 13 March 2016

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Ryan’s Recipe Recipe for this month is a carrot and coriander soup. This particular soup packs loads of flavour and is perfect to finish off a cold day or great to carry in a flask if you're out braving the cold! Ingredients: 1 tbsp vegetable oil 500 g carrots -sliced 1x white onion -sliced 2x cloves of garlic -sliced 1x large potato 2x celery stalks -chopped 10 g coriander seeds or 2 tsp ground coriander 1 L vegetable stock - either make your own or use ready made available in all supermarkets Handful fresh coriander 100 ml double cream (optional) Firstly, if you are using coriander seeds, the best way to cook these is to dry fry them in a frying pan. Do not add oil! Add the seeds to a medium heat and stir with a wooden spoon, the seeds are ready when you can smell the aroma released but be careful not to overcook them as they turn and burn quickly. So once you can smell them take the pan off the heat and add the seeds to a pestle and mortar and crush into a powder (a rolling pin and mixing bowl would work the same beating them using the handle). Next heat a large pan adding the oil, then the onions and garlic and fry for five minutes until softened, add the coriander powder, celery and potato and cook for one minute. Add the carrots and vegetable stock and bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and cook for a further 20 minutes at a slow simmer for the carrots to cook out. Pour into a food processor and blitz with half of the fresh coriander and the stalks from the coriander as that has just as much flavour! And blitz until smooth (might have to blitz in two/three batches) then return to the pan and taste and season if needed. If the soup appears a little thick then add a little water until the right consistency. When you are about to serve add the cream for a richer taste with the remanding chopped coriander for garnish. Some fresh crusty bread rolls would be great to serve alongside the carrot and coriander soup!

Charity Dinner and Sky dive

Lewis is organising a three-course charity dinner at the Wickhambrook Greyhound on April 11.The meal will cost £25 per person and all of the money raised will go to the Cleft Lip & Palate Association (CLAPA), which has supported him over the years. There will be a raffle with some great prizes! To book a table, call 01440 821017. Anyone with questions about the night, or about living with a cleft lip and/or palate, can email [email protected] Lewis will also be doing a sky dive for CLAPA on June 4. To donate, go to Read more:

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Thurlow Fayre

This year the Fayre will take place on Sunday September 4th in Thurlow Recreation Ground.

The next committee meeting is on Tuesday 26th April at 7 pm in Thurlow Village Hall if you would like to help with the organisation of the event, or if you

have any ideas for new attractions or stalls. If you are new to the village it is a great way to meet people and feel involved!

We are particularly looking for volunteers to help with manning on the day, even if

just for one hour or two, to sell raffle tickets in advance and on the day.

Categories for the Produce Show will be announced in next month’s issue….

Contact Alison on 07773631222 or email [email protected] for further


S OA P BOX ! ! Our soap box so far….. Our ai m i s t o mak e a soap box w i t h a w ack y r aces t heme. The car that we have chosen is Peter Perfects’ car. My cousins and my s i st er s hav e al so chosen w ack y r aces as w el l . M y cous i ns hav e chosen Di cdast edl y and M ut l ey . M y s i st er s chose P enel ope P i t S t op. We hav e chosen t o r ecy cl e bi t s and pi eces f r om t he gar age so t hat i t s t ops mor e r ubbi sh bei ng t ak en aw ay . A l l t hr ee soapbox es w i l l be made out of ol d oi l dr ums.

The pi ct ur e i s t he begi nni ng of our soapbox . Our Dad has cut i t and w el ded i t t oget her . M or e pi ct ur es nex t mont h w hen w e f i nd w heel s and mak e t he s t eer i ng!

F r om F i nl ay (9 ) and Dy l an (7 ) S har r od

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TALES FROM THE GARDEN Hello fellow gardeners! This is the time of the year when we blow the cobwebs off the lawnmower and check the volume within the fuel can & only then do we remember that old faithful is well over due its service! This is also the time to go on a frenzy of seed buying. Why, oh why, do we always have so many seeds but never the ones you really want? I should have swapped more seeds at the last Thurlow Garden Club. My seeds are in the potting shed at the bottom of the garden, which is a bit of a boat-ride away due to the very wet start to the year with 64 mm of rain falling in the first 11 days of January. I live on a hill, miles from the sea but now know what it feels like to be Captain Pugwash squelching in his galoshes! Next year I will keep my seeds nearer the house, on dry land! So the hankering to get outside grows more urgent by the day regardless of our balmy climate. March can still be cold at the best of times, but we are blessed by signs of life; pretty crocuses, little mini narcissus, and the heads of tulips popping up through the soil. The dawn chorus seems to be a pleasant auditory assault whilst our olfactory sense takes in the sweet smell of the season. It’s a great time of the year and we still have baby lambs and giggling children on Easter egg hunts to look forward to. Back in doors, I now have 3 different types of tomato seedlings emerging with thanks to a heated propagator: Sweet Million, Roma, and Sankura which are varieties I grew last year with a good harvest. I also have beetroot Boltardy which are lovely to pick when they are quite small and the leaves make a great accompaniment to a salad. Additionally I have some pretty cosmos which never lets me down and can cover a large area depending on the variety of seed you chose. The stargazer lilies are already potted-up and some beautiful agapanthus are in the greenhouse being kept safe from the frost (and rain, oh, did I mention the rain?). In the raised beds are Musselburgh leeks which are looking plentiful, but we have just finished all of last year’s garlic which was platted with the help of ‘YouTube’. I will need to grow more vegetables and as such will beg and ‘forcibly encourage’ poor hubby to make more beds for me – bless him! Happy Easter everyone. Sue Bambridge

Tales from the Garden Ta






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Thurlow WI

THURLOW WI REPORT President Dawn Abbey welcomed members and two visitors to the March meeting. Notice was given of the Literary Lunch at Lavenham which three members are attending, the Resolution Meeting, which three members will attend and the Living Crafts at Hatfield House which two members hope to attend. The speaker was Margaret Blanchard who came to tell of her work as an extra in the Film World. She spoke of working with Sean Connery and John Thaw and said that most of the stars were very friendly. She had worked on Calendar Girls and described the fun she had had. On the down side was all the waiting around and being trussed up in corsets for the period dramas. Then Bucks Fizz and cakes were served to celebrate two birthdays within the group . Winners in the draw were Denise Russell, Olive Jeffrey, Caroline Greatbatch, Helen, and Sarah Holt. Next month its “A tale of Henry the Eighth as told by his Wives and Mistresses”, Tuesday April 12th, in the Village Hall at 7:30 pm. Iris Eley

Thurlow Gardening Club





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Gardening club was a strange one without our reverend leader for the first time. Sue Loveday threw down the gauntlet with a challenge for everyone in gardening club to grow an unusual variety or colour of tomato, (or an old favourite) and in September we will bring some to taste to decide which is the majority's favourite. Steve and I have certainly accepted the challenge - not telling you which one we will grow! Venues for the next few months were arranged: April 8th - Allan and Sue Loveday will host to see their beautiful spring garden and set the categories for the Thurlow Fayre Produce Show May 13th - Sue Gunn (AKA Honeysuckle Sue!) will host June 10th - Tom and Jean will host Please do come along, new members always welcome!

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Thurlow Estate News Sh


Shoot The control of magpies, crows and grey squirrels continues ahead of the songbird nesting season. In addition, rabbit control has stepped up a gear now the ground is firmer and before the crops grow too high. This is also the time of year that the gamekeeper starts thinking about his pens for next year, do they stay in the same place or should they be moved? He will also assess their condition to see if there are any repairs needed. We will undoubtedly have to move at least one pen – which can be a major undertaking.


Farm We have recently had a bit of a break in the weather and the ground has now dried up enough for us to start getting back onto the fields again, which is a great relief. This year’s pea crop is being drilled at Balsham as I write and we are soon to be drilling the bean crop around The Thurlows. We are also applying the first fertilizer of the year for those crops that were drilled last year. It is still too cold for any sort of crop protection sprays to be applied and the cold is also slowing down any germination in the recently drilled crops so we are hoping for a bit of warmer weather after the Easter break. We are finding that this cold weather is also encouraging the pigeons to flock up and so lots of time is being spent on pigeon patrol, especially on land that has been planted with oil seed rape which seems to be a perennial pigeon favorite. Other operations at this time of year include track maintenance in preparation for the harvest.



Woods We have recently finished fencing a number of previously coppiced areas within the larger woods on the Estate which we have, under the guidance of Natural England, subsequently selectively replanted. With the introduction of Chalara (Ash dieback) over the last few years and the threat of further diseases spreading in from the continent we are trying to “future proof” our woods. We hope that, by adding an element of species diversity into these areas, the woods will become more disease and climate change resistant. Please be aware that we now finished our firewood deliveries for this season but if you would like to pre book a load for July when we start again please call the Estate Office on 01440 783661 or email [email protected] to order your load of seasoned hardwood.

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Hunt The hunting season has now finished for this year and it is now time to give everyone involved (and the horses) a good break! Work doesn’t stop for the Huntsman and the First Whip as they will have to start repairing and repainting the kennels for various events throughout the summer including the Puppy Show and the School’s Visit. Since last writing the Thurlow Hunt Point to Point was run at Horseheath and, despite being quite cold, a good days racing was had. Conditions we perfect for racing and there were over twenty trade stands.



Property This is always the quietest time of year for the building department – they are spending most of their time on routine maintenance and preparing the projects for next financial year to include the private drainage schemes and other larger renovation projects.


Andy Quick is running the London Marathon on the 24th April 2016 to fundraise for the Teenage Cancer Trust and Free the Children. To find out more about what Andy is doing and why, please visit http:/ / where you can also help to support Andy and make a difference with your donation. Good Luck Andy!

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Thurlow Village Hall Farmers’ Market One Year Anniversary

It is now almost a year since Thurlow Village Hall began to host Farmers’ Markets. Those who have visited them will know that they offer a variety of produce and craft objects including freshly caught fish and seafood, sausages, meat, jams, bread, handmade cards, gifts and more. All stall holders are local, coming from Suffolk or just over the border in Essex and Cambridgeshire. As well as shopping the market provides an opportunity to buy a cup of tea or coffee, homemade cake or bacon roll and chat to friends and neighbours. The markets are popular with both villagers and those living further afield. From Saturday 26th March, 2016, the Village Hall Committee will be managing the market themselves. This is a big change for them as previously the Village Hall was hired by an organiser who did most of the work for them. The committee hope to continue to make the markets a place to buy quality local products and provide a hub for community life and so are keen to attract as many new stall holders and visitors as possible. They would be pleased to receive enquiries from anyone who has local produce or items to sell and would like to hire a stall. They can be contacted at:

[email protected] The first month will be free to hire a stall and £12 thereafter. Markets take place on the last Saturday of every month. The next one is on Saturday 30th April from 10am to 1-00pm. Thurlow Village Hall Committee.

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Thurlow Village Hall Registered Charity no: 304893

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 18th April, 2016 at 7-30pm


1. Apologies for Absence 2. Minutes of Annual General Meeting held 20/04/2015 3. Matters Arising 4. Treasurer’s Report and Adoption of Accounts 5. Chairman’s update 6. Booking Secretary’s update 7. Election of Five Charity Trustees 8. Welcome to Representative Committee Members 9. Ideas for the Village Hall and Farmers’ Market 10. Date of next Annual General Meeting (Monday 24th April 2017) 11. Date of next Committee Meeting




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Thurlow School Th


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Calling All Young Writers and Reporters!! We are still looking for young writers to send us articles for the Village Link. They

don’t have to be very long and can be about anything you like - something you enjoy, a great day out on the holidays, something you feel strongly about or a story or


Send any contributions via the Village Link email:


Class 1 Class 1 have been doing activities about world book day. They listened to

bed time stories while in their pyjamas and drinking hot chocolate.

Class 2 Class 2 have been thinking about world book day. They have also been

pretending to be Goldilocks and wrote a letter to the three bears saying ‘’sorry.’’ Also they wrote some instructions on how to make pizza.

Class 3 Class 3 have been learning about time. They also have had a SHARE

afternoon on their topic ‘chocolate’ and they showed their parents the chocolate and their wrappers. They are going to start a new topic called

the Railway Carriage Poem.

Class 4 Class 4 have been learning about a letter in talk for writing form and they

have started to read about the Lady of Shalott. They will also have a SHARE afternoon about the poem and they might be reading out bits of it

to parents.

Poppy and Holly

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April - May 2016 Church Services

Date Day Time/Event Time/Event Time/Event Time/Event

3rd April Sun 09:30 HC

Kedington 11:00 HC

Great Thurlow

10th April Sun 09:30 HC

Barnardiston 09:30 SOTW Kedington

11:00 HC Great Bradley

17th April Sun

10:00 HC Benefice

Great Wratting

24th April Sun 08:00 HC

Kedington 09:30 HC

Little Thurlow 11:00 HC

Little Bradley 18:00 ES


1st May Sun 09:30 HC

Little Bradley 09:30 SOTW Kedington

11:00 HC Great Thurlow

8th May Sun 09:30 HC

Barnardiston 09:30 SOTW Kedington

11:00 HC Great Bradley

The Benefice service rota is also provided online at

Please send details of your local events for us to add

to the What’s On calendar!

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What’s On! D




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Month Date Day Time Event Location Information

March 30th Wed 11:45

to 12:10

Mobile library 109 Bury Road Great Thurlow 01473 263838

March 30th Wed 12.45

to 13:05

Mobile library Thurlow

Sports Club Little Thurlow

01473 263838

March 30th Wed 14:00

to 14:20

Mobile library Coronation Cottages GW 01473 263838

April 3rd Sun 14:00

to 17:00

Great Thurlow Hall Spring

Garden Open Day

Great Thurlow Hall

Alison Coffey 01440 783478

April 8th Fri Gardening Club

April 9th to


Sat to

Sun Joint Thurlows

Litter Pick

April 12th Tue 19:30 WI Thurlow Village Hall

April 18th Mon 19:30 AGM Village Hall

Thurlow Village Hall

April 27th Wed 11:45

to 12:10

Mobile library 109 Bury Road Great Thurlow 01473 263838

April 27th Wed 12.45

to 13:05

Mobile library Thurlow

Sports Club Little Thurlow

01473 263838

April 27th Wed 14:00

to 14:20

Mobile library Coronation Cottages GW 01473 263838

April 26th Tue 19:00 Thurlow Fayre

Committee Meeting

Thurlow Village Hall 01440 783478

April 30th Sat 10:00

to 13:00

Farmers’ Market

Thurlow Village Hall

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Our Rector Writes

OUR RECTOR WRITES As a child I was taken by my parents to see Nelson's flagship HMS Victory at Portsmouth. Launched in 1765 she carried 104 guns and saw her most famous service at Trafalgar. Since 1922 she has been preserved as a museum ship in a dry dock, although she is technically still in commission. As such she is the oldest ship in the world still in commission. I think it was while we were at Portsmouth that my parents bought a huge box containing a plastic model kit of the ship. Made by Revell and still available today at a scale of 1:225, this was an exciting project. The kit itself was not particularly expensive (although to me as a child it would have seemed like a lot of money), but we had to buy tubes of glue (known as polystyrene cement) to construct the model, and lots of different coloured paints and the brushes to finish it authentically. I don't know how many hours of work went into the construction of the model, but it must have been hundreds if not thousands! My father and I spent many evenings with the model on the dining room table working out what needed to be done next. I think many of the smaller parts had to be painstakingly painted before they were assembled in place on the model. My father, a draughtsman and design engineer, did everything meticulously and with attention to the smallest detail. Eventually the model was complete and I was allowed to have it on a shelf in my bed room. There it sat until one sad day when in a rage I threw something, which caught it and knocked it off the shelf onto the floor. I was devastated. My father was angry with me. Would it mend, I wondered, but my father would have none of that. It went straight into the dustbin. I wept and wept for hours after that. hours of careful work my dad and I had put into that model the thing ended up in the bin, destroyed in a moment. I've never forgotten that model, and I've always regretted losing my temper on that day, and breaking it accidentally in my anger.

Thurlow Life - Past and Present Facebook page follow the link…

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I learned a lesson there though about the need to control my reactions.

I think that lesson has stayed with me through the years. I never mentioned the model to my dad again: I was ashamed of myself for ruining it after all the hard work we had both put into its construction.

How easily and quickly that which has taken so long to be created can be destroyed! How easy it is in a moment of madness to do irreparable damage!

Our relationships are like that too. Friendships and relationships built over years can be destroyed all too easily, but real friendship will survive.

I don't know how long it took my dad to get over his anger with me about the model, but I know that he continued to love me. So too the Bible tells us God continued to love the people He had created, despite everything they did. Time and again God's people rebelled against Him but God loved human beings so much that He sent His only Son to earth to die for us.

The death of Jesus on the Cross enables the relationship of man with God to be restored. Through Jesus we are forgiven. In him we are given a new start.

Derek Hollis

Prayer needs and home Communions If you are in need of prayer, or are aware of someone who needs to be included in prayer, please contact the Rector. There is no need to go into detail and no-one will be mentioned by name in intercessions unless they give their permission but you can be assured that you or the person you bring forward will be prayed for. The same applies if you, or someone you know, hasn’t been able to come to Communion because of illness and would like to receive. In these cases you can still be included by the Rector or a member of the ministry team bringing Communion to you in your home. For all pastoral matters please contact Rev. Derek Hollis on 01440 763066.

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soil conditioner multipurpose potting compost

topsoil mixes barks

lawn dressings lawn seeds

freshly cut turf

available in bulk bags or loose

Come and see us at Sturmer Nurseries

Memorial for Private Fred Coote

July 1st 2016 is the centenary of the battle of the Somme in which Great Britain suffered 54,000 casualties on the first day, of which 20,000 were killed. One of the fatalities was Private FRED COOTE of Little Thurlow Green. He was a member of the 11th Suffolk Regiment. At 11 am on the 1st July we will have a short commemoration in St Peters’ church by the war memorial during which a tribute to Fred will be read, followed by the Exhortation and the Last Post, which will be sounded by Rod Gibson. This will be followed by a memorial bell ring being undertaken by bell ringers from Haverhill and Stoke by Clare. It would be most fitting if the village could partake in this memorable occasion for someone who gave his life for our country. Thank you Bryan A Mills Chairman Haverhill and Thurlow Royal British Legion

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ARTISTEEL LTD Art isan Blacksmith offering a bespoke service

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Making women feel better about themselves

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DIY Home Maintenance

Are you looking for help with any DIY/ Home Maintenance?

Contact Andy an experienced tradesman who has

recently moved into Thurlow.

Andy has years of experience and prides himself on doing an excellent job everytime. His portfolio includes painting and decorating, DIY, general

repairs and differing types of restoration projects.

References available on request.

Please call Andrew Clay on 01440 783192

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INFORMATION FOR RESIDENTS. This is a brief guide, intended especially for newcomers to the villages, with information about the facilities and services available locally and some useful telephone numbers and addresses.

Services and Societies in Thurlow Telephone Thurlow Garage – Ray Sharrod 01440 783248 The Cock Inn 01440 783224 Parish Clerk – Little Thurlow – Molly Hawkins 01440 783259 Parish Clerk – Great Thurlow – Diana Allin 01440 783560

Thurlow CEVC School – Head Teacher 01440 783281 Tiddly Tots – Zoe Hunt Wednesdays 10 am - 12 noon during term time

078911 46931

Thurlow Fayre – Alison Coffey 01440 783478 Thurlow Gardening Club – Dawn Abbey 01440 783646 Thurlow Sports Club Secretary – Allan Loveday 01440 707416 Thurlow Village Hall Committee – Ros Bunting 01440 783528 Thurlow Village Hall Bookings – Diana Allin Email: [email protected]

01440 783560

Thurlow Womens Institute – President Dawn Abbey 01440 783646 Thurlow Tennis Club—Andy Quick 01440 783070

Services and Societies in Great Wratting Telephone Neighbourhood Watch — Clare Egloff 07780724798 Red Lion, Great Wratting – George and Linda Sykes 01440 783237 The Great Wratting Book Group – Jean Newlands 01440 783111 Great Wratting Email Tree — Dawn Fisk— [email protected] 01440 783993 The mobile library service stops at Coronation Cottages from 2.00 to 2.20 pm every 4 weeks, on Wednesday afternoons

01440 702638

Emergency Telephone Police Response – any officer, non emergency 101 Police Response – Emergency 999 Suffolk Fire Service 01284 558888 UK Network (Electricity) 24 hour Emergency helpline 0800 7838838 Anglian Water 24 hour Emergency Helpline (water/sewage) 08457 145145 British Telecom 24 hour fault reporting 0800 800151 Floodline 24 hour with recorded update 0845 9881188 In case of disaster or village is cut off, go to Thurlow Village Hall. Key Holder is Diana Allin – 89a Hill House, Great Thurlow

01440 783560

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Community Contacts Telephone Churches – Stourhead Benefice – Rev. Derek Hollis 01440 763066 Haverhill Social Services 01440 764949 Haverhill Citizens Advice Bureau 01440 704012 St Edmundsbury Borough Council Planning 01284 763233 St Edmundsbury Borough Council 01284 763233 St Edmundsbury Borough Council (Haverhill office) 01440 702271 County Councillor – Mary Evans 01284 789478 Suffolk County Council General Enquiries 08456 066067 District Councillor - Jane Midwood 01440 820360 Age UK - Mary Hilton 01440 783649 Thurlow Estate – Tim Barling, Agent Thurlow Estate – Tom Duffin, Assistant to Agent

01440 783661

Libraries – Haverhill Libraries – Bury St Edmunds A mobile library visits the villages every 4 weeks on a Wednesday stopping at Sowley Green, 150 Bury Road from 11:30-11:40 am; Great Thurlow, 109 Bury Road from 11:45-12:10 pm; Little Thurlow, Thurlow Sports Club from 12:45-13:05 pm and Great Wratting, Coronation cottages from 14:00 –14:20 pm.

01440 702638 01284 352545 01473 263838

Suffolk Radio – BBC FM 103.9 or 104.6 01473 250000 Refuse Collection Bin collection is every Friday morning alternating black bins one week and brown and blue bins the next.

01284 757320

Environmental Health and Pest Control 01284 757084

Health and Wellbeing Telephone Doctors – The Christmas Maltings and Clements Practice Doctors – Selby Practice Doctors – Haverhill Family Practice

01440 269366 01440 702010 01440 702010 01440 703667

Chemist – Boots, Haverhill Chemist – Sainsburys Pharmacy Chemist – The Co—operative Pharmacy

01440 702058 01440 708043 01440 702079

Hospital – West Suffolk (Bury St Edmunds) Hospital – West Suffolk Accident and Emergency Hospital – Addenbrookes (Cambridge)

01284 713000 01284 713333 01223 245151

Vets – Swayne and Partners (Haverhill) Vets – Lida Vets (Newmarket) Vets – Hawkedon Veterinary Surgery

01440 702007 01638 560000 01284 789428

Church Wardens Telephone St Mary’s Church, Great Wratting—Simon Corbett 01440 783698 St Mary’s Church, Great Wratting—Ben Stanton 01440 783103 St Peter’s Church, Little Thurlow—Robin Vestey T.B.A. St Peter’s Church, Little Thurlow—Iris Eley 01440 783534 All Saints Church, Great Thurlow—George Vestey 01440 783240

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Great Wratting Parish Council Contacts Telephone Chair – Gavin Acheson 01440 783515 Councillor – Anthony Lundrigan 01440 783817 Councillor – Dawn Fisk 01440 783993 Councillor – Steven Robinson 01440 783131 Councillor—Diana Curtis 01440 783898 Councillor - Keith Turner 01440 783460 Vacancy Parish Clerk – Emma White—[email protected] 07792455030 If you would like information about joining Great Wratting Parish Council, please contact the Parish Clerk.

Little Thurlow Parish Council Contacts Telephone Keith Bunting – Chairman 01440 783528 Chris Field –Vice Chairman 01440 783697 Will Griffiths 01440 783496 Chris Lowe 01440 783891 Andrew Dickson 01440 783385 Jessica Hale 01440 783190 Geoff Patient 01440 783693 Molly Hawkins—Parish Clerk 01440 783259

Great Thurlow Parish Council Contacts Telephone Peter Thomas—Chairman 01440 783700 Conrad Hawkins —Vice Chairman 01440 783259 George Vestey 01440 783240 Stan Cook01440 783532 01440 783532 Rod Pass 01440 783610 Naomi Watts To follow Jane Sheppard 01440 783209 Diana Allin—Parish Clerk 01440 783560

Parish Council Notice Board

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Missing the Pub? Fancy a night out with the locals?

Come and join the

Friday Social April 22nd from 7.30pm

Thurlow Village Hall Friday Social Club

Bring your own drink and snacks (booze allowed) Dartboard will be up for anyone who fancies a game, or

maybe a game of cards

Children also welcome – board games, dominoes and no

WiFi. Or just come and catch up with the local gossip and

meet your neighbours. Ideas welcome on the night for future Friday Socials

Come and be part of it.