The Village


Transcript of The Village

Page 1: The Village
Page 2: The Village

Here she is on the left. Which shows that she is in control. The girl is very excited and happy which makes the audience happy.

Here she is on the right. She is now less powerful.

It shows the audience a sudden contrast. This sudden contrast makes the audience feel sorry for her.

Page 3: The Village

This used the editing technique of Match on Action.

The atmosphere is very relaxed, happy, light-hearted and peaceful.

There were an number of things used throughout the movie such as exaggerated off screen sounds of flies. Dramatic music was also used a few times, to build tension.There was also the exaggerated off screen sound of banging. This made the audience nervous.

The opening music used was very eerie.

Page 4: The Village

The colour red is incredibly important in this movie. Red is the colour that attracts “those we don’t speak of”. Red symbolises danger and blood.This makes the audience feel uneasy and nervous.

Page 5: The Village

The editing technique used here was Shot/reverse shot. This was used to show the reaction and emotion of the character.

Low key lighting is also used which gives it an eerie atmosphere.

Page 6: The Village

This scene makes the audience feel on edge as Lucius has just seen something, which the audience assumes is one of “those we don’t speak of”. Also the use of colour here is important because there are red berries and red symbolises blood and danger and Lucius might have just seen one of “those we don’t speak of” so he could be in danger. The use of the colour yellow could symbolise fear. This makes the audience worried for Lucius safety.

Page 7: The Village

This uses the thriller convention of psychotic individuals. Noah just stabbed Lucius multiple times. This makes the audience feel heart broken because Lucius might die right after him and Ivy had just announced that they’re going to get married.

Page 8: The Village

This used the camera technique of a roll. This gives the audience an idea of how isolated she is in the woods and that someone else is there. This makes the audience anxious and because Ivy is blind it makes the audience feel as though they should help but they can’t do anything.

Page 9: The Village

This is a plot twist because her dad told her that the monsters are actually the village elders dressed up to scare the villagers so there shouldn’t be a monster out this far in the woods. Her father did say that there were myths about monsters in the woods. So this makes the audience feel shocked that the monsters are real.

Page 10: The Village

This makes the audience feel excited because she has found the fallen tree that she found when she got out of the hole she fell down.

Page 11: The Village

This can make the audience feel confused if they don’t realize that she just found the same fallen tree. If people have realized what she’s doing this makes them feel excited and tense. Her yellow cloak has got mud all over it which could symbolise that she is covering up her fears. The pose she is in suggest power and strength.

Page 12: The Village

This is a plot twist because it turns out the monster was actually Noah.It makes the audience feel sad that Noah died.The close up of his face shows that he is in pain and makes the audience feel empathy

Page 13: The Village

The wooden rocking chair appeared a few times throughout the movie. This could be a Red herring because it wasn’t really that important.

Page 14: The Village

This could be a Red herring. Ivy’s last name is Walker and on the hat and the vehicle it says Walker.

In this movie it used the thriller convention of making society seem corrupt. The village elders told stories about how if you went to the town money made you corrupt and got people killed.