The Very Busy TA3’s Welcome back to another busy term...

10 May 2018 Edition #6 Kookaburra Chronicles The Very Busy TA3’s Jahziah and Joe are counting amounts of money. The children read a wide range of books related to Anzac Day. Isabella and Sophie L are counting amounts of coins and notes Zoey and Elly are working on understanding place value in 2 digit numbers. Joe and Noah are playing a game to help them learn to tell the time. Billy, Aleah and Noah are playing a spelling dominoes game. Each child in the class made a flower to assemble a wreath for ANZAC Day. The children, with the help of a dedicated group of parents and grandparents sewed felt rabbits at Easter time. Welcome back to another busy term. Here are a few of the many activities that the children in TA3 participated in last term.

Transcript of The Very Busy TA3’s Welcome back to another busy term...

Page 1: The Very Busy TA3’s Welcome back to another busy term · 2018-05-10  · 10 May 2018 Edition #6 Kookaburra

10 May 2018 Edition #6

Kookaburra Chronicles

The Very Busy TA3’s

Jahziah and Joe are counting

amounts of money.

The children read a wide range of books related to Anzac Day.

Isabella and Sophie L are counting

amounts of coins and notes

Zoey and Elly are working

on understanding place

value in 2 digit numbers.

Joe and Noah are playing a game to

help them learn to tell the time.

Billy, Aleah and Noah are playing a spelling dominoes game.

Each child in the class made a flower to

assemble a wreath for ANZAC Day.

The children, with the help of a dedicated

group of parents and grandparents

sewed felt rabbits at Easter time.

Welcome back to another busy term. Here are a few of the many activities that the

children in TA3 participated in last term.

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Kookaburra Chronicles

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Dear Parents and Caregivers

Term 2

Welcome back to school for the beginning of Term 2 2018. The

first few weeks have been an absolute pleasure and I for one am

pleased to be back at school. During the holiday break, it was so

pleasing for me to be continually bumping into students and to

experience first-hand the friendliness, enthusiasm and manners of our students outside of the school

environment. For me to receive such positive, open and courteous acknowledgements so consistently

demonstrates that we, as a school/home/community team, are doing a lot of things very right. Please

continue to teach and model respect and manners to your children and we’ll continue to reap the


Term 1 Review

Term 1 was a really special and enjoyable term for me and for the school, a productive 11 weeks. The

school’s swimming program was a resounding success, and I thank Mrs Wiener, Mrs Hill, all staff involved

and our students for what was a really intense and successful program of lessons for the Years 5 & 6

classes and carnival. Planning for the 2019 swimming program is now well under way.

We saw numerous changes in our teaching line-up in Term 1; Miss Rafty to PP2 to work in collaboration

with Mrs White; Miss Booker to Year 6; Mrs Tye to Year 5; Miss Mizen to Year 1; Miss Bird and Mrs

Gilchrist to Health and Protective Behaviours; Mrs Perrie to ECE DOTT relief; Mrs Williams to Year 4; Mrs

Wiener to Physical Education and Mrs Pollard to Music.

All of the changes have proven to be successful moves and I couldn’t have asked any more from the

entire staff as a whole. We’re in an outstanding position to continue value adding to the educational

experience for all of our students.


Next week sees us undertaking the annual NAPLAN testing in Years 3 and 5. I’m all for any activity that

gives us information about student achievement and performance, and NAPLAN does this. However, we

need to be mindful that;

NAPLAN only tests a slither of what is a very broad curriculum; It is a one off test on one day; It can be

used to compare school against school which is often unfair and can paint an illusion of achievement that

is not necessarily accurate; It is used by some for purposes other than what it should be – a diagnostic

tool; Its use as a diagnostic tool is largely negated by the lateness in which we receive the results;

Developmental and cultural differences in children are not taken into account; It can cause stress where

there is no need to have stress.

I do actively play down the importance of this testing regime as it is not an accurate long term indicator of

success or failure in academic achievement.

David Knox



The next assembly will be held on Friday 18 May and will be conducted by our

TA9 students. The assembly will commence at 8:45 am in the undercover area.

Parents of the children are invited to morning tea with Mrs Knox and the Principal

in the Staff Room immediately after the assembly.

Closely followed by our TA10/YR6 Friday 25 May

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Kookaburra Chronicles

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Dare to be a Hero

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. On Friday 25 May we’re daring you to dress up like your Hero and bring in a gold coin donation to support the ‘Dare To Be A Hero’ Perth Children’s Hospital Foundation.

Remember, you don’t have to wear a cape to be a hero.


School Councillor

Hi my name is Chelsea Thomas and I am one of your Student Councillors for 2018. I

have been at South Padbury for 6 years and I am hoping to make my last year here the

best. My favourite hobbies are netball, dancing, singing and art. I also enjoy playing

with my friends and listening to music. I like going to school because I have learnt a lot

from all the teachers that I have had for the past 6 years. I have enjoyed being here and

want you to have lots of memorable moments throughout your journey at South

Padbury Primary School.

After a successful start for Chess Club in Term 1, this term we have introduced a Beginners Club on

Friday lunch times comprising Yr 4 and 5 learners being trained by volunteer Chess Club coaches in the

great game of chess!

Jakob and Kiefer - Chess Club Captains

Year 4-6 Chess Club

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If you are yet to install our school APP, please consider downloading it to your phone or other device to

keep abreast of what’s happening in our school. Make sure you add all relevant boxes to your child. If

you need any assistance with this please contact the front office.

To keep you informed throughout the term, please also regularly check our Term Calendar, which is

subject to change. It can be located on both our APP and Website.

Kookaburra Chronicles

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We have been trialling the use of our Chat notification tool on flexibuzz to advise parents of minor injuries to their children. Parents have been able to receive the information and respond without disrupting their workplace or needing to return missed calls. Thank you to the parents who have participated in this. It would appear that it is an effective way to deliver this information.

Please be assured if your child was to have a more serious accident we would contact you by phone.

We have noticed that many parents have forgotten to update their children’s profile. Please go into your account and check that the boxes you have ticked reflect the class/TA your child is in.

Flexibuzz—Parent Notification of minor injuries

Get your Entertainment Membership NOW to help South Padbury Primary

School raise much needed funds!

Help us raise funds for our School by buying an Entertainment Membership from us. You'll receive

hundreds of valuable offers for everything you love to do, and help our fundraising at the same time.

Take a look at some of the great offers in this years book.

Use just a few of these offers and you'll more than

cover the cost of your Membership!


Payment page link

South Padbury Primary School

Eloise May


[email protected]


Entertainment Books P&C Fundraiser

Downloading the App

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Kookaburra Chronicles

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This is the current version of our Term 2 Planner. As always it is subject to change. We endeavour to post

an updated version on our Website as things change.

Please Note the Pupil Free Day coming up mid term which falls before the WA Day Public Holiday

Term 2 Planner

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* Minor Injury App note

* Helen O’Grady - Get in the Act

* Pyjama Drama

* Entertainment Book Fundraiser

* TA3/4 Buckingham House Exc

* Photo Day Information

* Scholastic Book Club

Contact Information: 56 Warburton Avenue PADBURY WA 6025 Phone: 08 9307 5833 Email: [email protected] Police Communications: 131 444 Education Security: 9264 4771 or 9264 4632

Dates to put in your diary….

15/16/17 May NAPLAN Year 3&5

Wednesday 16 May P&C Meeting 7pm Staffroom

Friday 18 May TA9 Assembly

Wednesday 23 May National Simulateneous Storytime

Thursday 24 May Newsletter

Friday 25 May TA 10 Assembly

Friday 25 May Dare to be a Hero - Free Dress Gold Coin Donation

P&C News

Kookaburra Chronicles

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We have been very busy preparing for this week's Mothers Day Stall. Thank you to our wonderful helpers who "wrapped and ribboned" almost 500 gifts last week!! We appreciate all the help we received, the gifts look so pretty.

Please remember that the Kiss 'n Ride zone is for drop off and pick up only. If you need to walk your child to or from class, please park somewhere else. The IGA car park is always an option, and only a short walk from school.

On Wednesdays, the "Walk to School" group meets outside Jesters. They all walk to school together at approximately 8:20am. Jesters is kind enough to provide free coffee to the parents and a quick morning snack for the children.

Our next P&C meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 16th May at 7pm in the Staff room. Meetings only run for a maximum of 1 hour. Everyone welcome.

[email protected]

For your forward planning, In term swimming lessons for our PP-Yr 4 classes will be conducted in week 8 and 9 of this term from Monday 18 through to Friday 29 June. Lessons will be conducted at Craigie Leisure Centre and children will be transported by bus. The approximate cost will be $45.00 which is non refundable. Further details will be sent out soon with payment options and details.

Term 2 Swimming Lessons PP-YR4

QKR - Please check your account profile

as you need to update your child’s class/TA

for 2018 if you have not already done so.