The Vampire Bride

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  • 7/30/2019 The Vampire Bride






    My ears rang while the explosion coursed around Nanas house bursting wood, brick

    and plasterboard all around me. Riley scrambled to his feet to help me up before

    helping Billie in turn. They started arguing about something, once Billie was on her

    feet, but I couldnt make out a word they were saying as the ringing in my ears


    The Preachers fought family and friend alike and I didnt hesitate a moment longer to

    shift as my pack exploded through the hole in the back of the house. Clawing andgnawing I took down any Preacher in my way and the pack did the same tearing their

    way through our enemies.

    Get everybody out! I heard Billie shout, at last my hearing had returned.

    Then I a heard a scream so I ran in the direction of the girl screaming by the staircase,

    trapped by Christian Hart. What the hell is he doing here? But there was no time to

    think on it, I leapt for the Vampire just as Torsten showed up with his shotgun and

    Laura with her Pagan magic. We all scared Hart away; bolting upstairs he smashed

    through a window to escape.

    The pack retreated taking the Pagans, Torsten and me with them. None of themwould let me go back and check on the rest of my family. They just kept pushing me

    onwards to the outskirts of town. Just past Ivy Row was a small van with little Ember

    Moore at the wheel, who wore a grim look on her face, and she darted out to open the

    back of the van, ushering the humans and wolves inside.

    Get in, Rowanne. No arguments. Ralph had shifted at the same time I did. Get

    dressed and check on your friends.

    But, Ralph

    Dont argue with me, this is your fathers orders.

    I grabbed the bag of clothes Ember offered me and the other wolves, who had shifted

    and dressed at top speed, whilst the other half of the pack waited patiently outside thevan. Others climbed in to dress whilst the rest of us vacated to give them room and

    the Pack-master, my own father, patrolled outside the van.

    Whilst Dad paced away from me I darted past the others into the shadows to make my

    way back to Nanas house. I had to know my family were safe and unharmed. But as

    I bolted down the next street, the Pack caught a whiff of my retreating scent and I was

    chased down by my Dad.

    Ill come back, I promise. I shouted at the werewolf as he sped up behind me. I

    just need to know theyre okay.

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    He growled angrily and snapped at my ankles until he had me cornered in the small

    alley just feet away from Horseshoe Crescent. Angry didnt begin to describe the

    alarming flash in his eyes as he transformed. Dad was apoplectic with rage.

    Damn it, Rowanne! Are you trying to get yourself killed? Can you not smell the

    scum of more Reapers approaching?

    Then they need our help!Listen, theyre leaving.

    He was right. Listening intently I could hear the slamming of car doors as engines

    roared to life and the ground beneath our feet began to tremble when the cars started

    to speed passed the end of the alley I was cornered in. The first car to go by was

    Dulcie but she was too far away for me to see if shed been harmed at all. All the

    other cars followed shortly after and I noticed, with mild detachment, out of the

    corner of my eye I saw the Smiths turning left instead of right with the others.

    See, theyre gone. Now lets go before the other Preachers come.

    Suddenly he shifts once more and canters in front leading the way back to the van as Idoddle behind him. I turn once more to gaze at the Smiths retreating car when Dad

    barks once to get my attention.

    Im coming. I groan.

    Just as we reach the end of the alley I catch a scent. It smelt like hell. Sweat mixed

    with blood and alcohol. It was just about the same scent I got off every other

    Preacher Id ever come across and Dad had caught it too. He bolted out, with me hot

    on his heels, and headed straight for the van to his mistake.

    Another car pulled up at the end of the alley and out came three more Preachers to

    find my father in Wolf form. One of them raised their right hand and aimed a gun at

    me whilst Dad lunged at him, clamping his jaw around the mans wrist, breaking it

    leaving the man on the ground bleeding, writhing and screaming.

    He took out the driver easily enough and leapt the hood to the last Preacher. I

    watched in horror as the man shot two bullets into my fathers chest and Dad fell to

    the ground like a bag of sand, his grey fur had already started to matt together with


    I could feel the rest of the Pack shifting nearby, howling at the sound of the gun blast

    and the urge to change brushed over me and I burst out of my clothes and lunged forthe gunman. He was dead before he hit the ground.

    Dad? Dad, stay with me. Please, dont shift until we get these out.

    The wolf writhed beneath my touch, whimpering as the others approached, a mix of

    wolf and man. Ralph and Aidan lifted Dad making him cry out in pain as they carried

    him back to the van. December, Hunter, Laura, Torsten and Tilly were all still by the

    van and made room for the injured wolf at the back of the van.

    Is there anything you can do for him? I ask.

    Not until we get the bullets out.

    I dont suppose youve got anything on you to make a quick fix?

    Are you a Witch? Ralph asks.Pagan. Tilly answered. We both are.

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    And you? he asks Torsten.

    No, Im a hunter.

    Oh, yes, we remember the German. Aidan said darkly.

    Hes our friend. I snapped. Their all under my protection, got that?

    What can you do for him? Ralph asks, ignoring my outburst.

    I cant do anything till we get the proper ingredients.Is there any spell that you can do, Rowanne?

    That could have dangerous consequences on your Pack-master. Laura said tersely.

    Hed be safer with Pagan remedies. We just need to acquire the correct ingredients

    then Tilly and I will be able to heal him.

    I dont think any remedy could sort this wound out. Added Kyle. I think we need

    a Moonstone.

    We have no healing Moonstones, Kyle. Those are very rare. Argued Aidan.

    Then we go find one. Aidan, this is my Dad, your Pack-master, your friend. We

    have to save him.

    We will, Rowanne. But going after a Moonstone so rare I only know of one in

    this continent.Where? asks Ralph.

    South Carolina.

    The whole Pack seems to hear something in Aidans words that I dont as they all

    gasp in shock. Whatever it is, Im not the only one out of the loop. Laura, Tilly and

    Torsten look just as confused as I feel.

    Whats in South Carolina? I ask, afraid of the answer already.

    A very dangerous enemy. Aidan answered.

    Well try the Pagans remedy first, Rowanne. Ralph said reasonably. Well try

    everything. Going after the Moonstone, thats a last resort attempt. Theres no way

    were leading the pack up to that man.

    Hes not a man. Aidan growls.

    Who has the Moonstone, Ralph?

    Ralph looks at me as if hes struggling to put the words together. Or may be he

    wishes Id never asked. Looking around the other members of the Pack, they all seem

    to nod at him in encouragement before he turns back to answer me.



    Three hours have passed since we fled Penn Gate. Three hours since the name of the

    Werewolves worst enemy was mentioned. Rowanne looked distraught but Laura

    wouldnt let her give up on hope. So now I find myself in a small wooded area just

    outside New York, headed towards Pennsylvania, picking wild flowers and herbs.

    Laura becomes rather jubilant as she adds moss and tree sap to our pile but I cant see

    whats so exciting about it. Clearly I have my work cut out for me as a Pagan


    Come on, my little apprentice. Laura coaxes me. I think weve got all we need for


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    My cell bleeps in a sad monotonous way as it alerts me of my failing battery. If only I

    had my charger with me. Not that it would help me, I have no signal to phone home

    any more. As we reach the road where the van is parked, I glimpse Torsten on his

    own, sitting at the foot of a large tree whittling a piece of wood with his knife into a

    stake. He looks up at me and smiles kindly. Wow! That smile.

    We hear the wolves roaring in the distance as they chase after their dinner and

    footsteps as Rowanne nears with a fresh flask of water from a nearby pond. She looks

    paler than normal and, barely acknowledging our presence, she tends to her fathers

    wounds, cleaning the bloody fur after letting him lap up some of the refreshing water.

    Do you need a hand? I ask.

    No, Till, thanks. She smiles a tight lipped smile.

    Are you sure? I could look after him if you want to run with the others.

    No Im staying here. You guys should go stretch your legs while you have the

    chance. Well be on the move again soon.

    Why dont you and Torsten go find some more wood for whittling? Ill stay here

    with Rowanne. Laura said, nodding in Torstens direction.

    Approaching Torsten, he got to his feet and passed me the stake hed just whittled.

    What do you think? Not bad for a first-timer, huh?

    Thats pretty impressive. I smiled. They want us to go collect some wood to make

    more stakes. Give us a chance to stretch our legs before we hit the road again.

    Lead the way.

    As we strayed further into the woodland, I could feel Torstens gaze upon me even

    before I turned to see him smiling at me. Im not familiar with the effect this boy has

    on me. Ive dated plenty of guys before, but none of them made me this shy and

    quiet. If Eve could see me nowEve!

    Whats wrong? Why have you stopped? he asks, walking into me.

    S-sorry, I hadnt even realised Id stopped.

    Is something upsetting you?

    No. I was just thinking of my friend Eve.

    I dont think I know her.

    No, you wouldnt. Christians sister killed her almost a year ago now.

    Oh, I am so sorry, Matilda. Were you good friends?

    The best. I answer, starting to move once again.

    Do you want to talk about it?

    Not really. I stoop down and pick up a long piece of wood. Would this work?Sure. Do you even know how to stake a vampire?

    Do you?


    In the heart. I said, aiming the sharp end of the wood over his chest.

    No, not there.


    Give me your other hand.

    Taking my free hand in both of his, he presses my palm onto his chest, over his heart,

    and holds me there.

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    Feel that? Thats the sternum. Even a man twice as strong as I am couldnt break

    through this, a Vampires would be even harder to crack. Under here, he points to a

    space just beneath my left breast, this is whereyou stake a Vampire.

    I gasp.

    Apologies. He mutters, putting his hands up. I only meant to show you

    I know. I laughed awkwardly. Its okay.At least now you know where to strike, should you come across a vampire.

    Thanks for the tip.

    Do you know how to whittle?

    No, but Im sure youll be able to show me. I smirk.

    Of course.

    He followed me around for a few minutes more as we walked around a small clearing,

    picking up fallen wood and making very little talk as we worked. None of the others

    came looking for us while we gathered as much wood as we could carry and it wasnt

    until my back hurt that I finally stood up straight to see how dark it had gotten. The

    moon, although not full, shone bright above us with stars twinkling innocently on thevelvety black sky.

    Torsten was stooped a few feet away from me, inspecting a long fallen white oak

    branch and was whispering to himself rapidly. He made a chopping motion with his

    right hand and repeated it a couple more times along the branch as if he was

    measuring it, barely noticing that Id stopped to watch him.

    The wind picked up slightly, lifting the fallen red and amber leaves and scattering

    them all with a loud hush all over the forest floor. There was no other noise except

    for the wind and Torstens frequent whispers and the sound of running wolves had

    grown distant then vanished leaving the two of us alone. A twig snapped nearby and

    Torsten reacted immediately when I thought he was caught up in his own thoughts at

    the time.

    Springing forth, he leapt in front of me, handed me his whittling knife and raised his

    shotgun pointing it in the direction of the dark trees where the snapping noise came


    What is it? Is it one of the wolves?

    May be. He whispered. Or a real wolf.

    A wild one?

    Or maybe we were followed here from Penn Gate.Lets go back then. The others will be wondering where we are. I said, in a

    carrying whisper.

    Torsten quickly followed me, his gun still raised as he stooped to pick the white oak

    branch off the ground. Looking up at the sky he seemed surprised to see how dark it

    had gotten like I did but kept ushering me forward and, at the same time, pushing

    branches and bushes out of my way to save me snagging my clothes or from falling


    We both jumped when thunder bellowed above us with a loud crack followed at once

    by a flash of lightning. Torsten gasped and pushed me forward into a run. Did he see

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    something? He wouldnt let me look back so I just kept moving on until the rain hit


    Dont stop, Matilda. Keep going, Im right behind you.

    He put his hand on my shoulder to reassure me and kept hold all the way till we

    reached the little slop leading up to the road near where the van was parked. Ifsomething should happen, the others would hear us now wouldnt they? I sure hope

    so. Ignoring my racing heart I started to clamber up the now muddy slope while

    Torsten stumbled behind me, disappearing into darkness.

    Torsten! I called.

    Its okay. He shouted, running up to join me. I just caught the hem of my trousers

    on a bush is all.

    Lightning flooded the woodland once more and, at the bottom of the slope,

    illuminated the figure of a man. He stood slightly crouched as if ready to pounce, his

    hands fisted into balls at his side and his head was bowed to hide his face with slightly

    long dark blonde hair.Did you see that? I asked, pointing down to the now darkened slope.

    Run. He said, putting his hand on my shoulder again and pushing me forward.

    Laura looked up from the back of the van while we sloshed loudly through the

    puddles before running into the relative safety of the pack. Even though Laura and

    Rowanne had administered the Pagan remedies to Mr Howell, there was no visible

    improvement in him.

    You two okay? Rowanne asked, looking up into our ashen faces.

    I think we are being followed. Torsten whispered.

    Her face fell before she stood and hammered on the back wall of the van. A small tile

    moved aside, which I hadnt seen before, to reveal Ralph and Daryna sitting in the

    front seats.

    Time to go, weve got trouble.

    Ralph nodded and slid the tile back into place before calling on the rest of the pack to

    join is in the van.




    Two more days on the road passed and still there was no change in my Dads

    condition. We stopped off at a couple stores where Laura could buy some more

    ingredients so she could try out a couple more potions she thought might work.

    Aidan, a former doctor, went in search of anything that might remove the bullets

    without causing further damage to his wounds. Even if we could remove them, we

    had to wait till we could find the right potion or remedy to keep him stable and strong,

    long enough for his body to heal himself as his deterioration already begun.At this rate he could be dead come Friday. Aidan said.

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    Wed booked into a small motel just outside North Carolina and had all gathered into

    one cramped room. Laura was asking the pack questions so she could understand best

    how to help him.

    I thought Werewolves had super healing powers. Laura said.

    We do. Answered Aidan. But these bullets are large and, from the smell comingfrom his wounds, they might have been made with or soaked in Wolfsbane. Itll keep

    him weak.

    The only thing keeping him going on at the moment is the packs collective strength.

    Explained Ralph.

    I dont understand.

    As a group we can offer someone, within the pack, our strength. We are all

    connected we can share our strengths and weaknesses through our bond. It works

    even better if youre family and in this case, Ulrich has both his brother and daughter

    in the pack. He could survive this if we act quickly.

    What are you suggesting, Aidan? Ralph asks.

    I dont think we have many choices left.Not the moonstone.

    Do you want to lose your Pack-master? Your brother?

    Aidan, its suicidal. Ulrich wouldnt want us to jeopardise our lives to save his.

    What if we had help? I ask.

    What kind of help?

    Witches. We have Werewolves, Pagans, a hunter and one Witch. There is a coven

    in South Carolina that I think might help us. Some of my relatives have gone to their

    manor to keep a safe distance from the Preachers.

    Do you really think theyd help us? asks Ralph.

    Of course they would. I cant imagine theyd be too happy having to share their turf

    with the Count now, can you?

    Are they as powerful as you are? asks Aidan.

    I cant speak for the Crosses but Julianne is certainly a force to be reckoned with.

    The Crosse Coven? speaks Laura. Arent they an Elemental coven?

    Even better.

    What about your relatives, what can they do?

    Julianne can make Earthquakes happen wherever she wants and her daughter,

    MaryLou, can control gravity.

    Do you know where they live?

    I do. Tilly put her hand up.

    I saw the address and a map. Billie had to take someone there a few days ago.Thats right! I said, high fiving Tilly. Guys, the bigger the number the more

    powerful we are. Well overthrow the odds, he wont stand a chance.

    Not all of us will make it out though surely. Added Daryna. The younger ones

    They wont go. Do you understand? I asked Ember, Hunter and Taylor.

    They all nodded in genial consent.

    What if they dont want to help us? Sebastian Evans, sitting at the back, asks.

    Yeah, what if we go all that way just to have the door shut in our faces. Asks


    Im sure they wont close the door in our faces. Lets just finish our food and try to

    get some sleep. Well drive to the Crosses in the morning.

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    So you think it was Christian in the woods? I ask while Torsten and I enter our own

    motel room.

    May be, I cant be sure though. I wonder why he didnt attack.Probably because we were too close to the Werewolves. I cant imagine hed want

    an angry pack of those on his ass, would you?

    No, I wouldnt.

    Torsten shuddered and I remembered how, not long ago, he and his brother Dietrich

    had hunted down the very werewolf we were now trying to save. Torsten still

    coulndnt forgive himself for turning on his brother even though he knew it was the

    right thing to do. Hes never looked back till now and I did my best to ignore the look

    of resentment behind those sad eyes.

    Im sorry, Tor. I apologised at once. I didnt mean to make you think of him.

    He smiled. Im just sorry I couldnt help my brother. Now I have no family left.Thats not true. You have Billie and Rowanne. You have me. Were all here for


    And I appreciate it, but blood is blood. Dietrich is my only living family and he

    hates me.

    Well, then hes an idiot. I know you love him but theres just no saving him. Some

    people are lost to us.

    Like Christian? he asked.

    I dont think he was ever really one of us.

    No. I dont suppose it matters anyhow.

    So what do we do?

    We? No, I will kill him. You stay away from him. He sighed, But just to be onthe safe side, youd better take this. He held out an expertly whittled stake. Dont

    look so impressed. One of the wolves carved it.

    Thanks. Do you think its safe to go to sleep in here? I mean, Christian doesnt need

    an invitation to get into a motel room.

    The wolves are taking shifts to watch over us. Rowanne and I are up first but Ill be

    right outside our door.

    Okay. Well, wake me if you need anything.

    He smirks, Get some sleep, Tilly.


    I dont like playing the mother figure. Making sure everyone is up, washed, dressed,

    fed and watered doesnt sit well with me. May be Im just grouchy because theres

    been no change in Dad. The remedies Laura and Tilly have applied to his wounds

    have kept him stable but only just. He doesnt deteriorate but he doesnt get better


    It took almost three days before we reached South Carolina and the land owned by the

    Crosse coven. The three siblings were waiting for us on their front lawn while the

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    rest of their party remained inside yet watchful. Amongst them were relatives of my


    Merry meet, Rowanne Black. Said the eldest as I clambered out from the back of

    the van.

    Merry meet, Erica Crosse. I hope we arent intruding.

    Not at all. There isnt much room left in the main building but you are free to utilisethe outhouses or the grounds.

    We greatly appreciate it.

    Weve also done some homework on Draculas property if youre interested.

    Offered Phoebe. There is a woodland near his home so, when the time comes for

    you to leave here, youll have somewhere to lay low.

    Thank you.

    Is there anything you can do for our Pack-Master? asked Ralph. Hes been

    wounded and the Pagans have been able to keep him stable but we havent been able

    to remove the bullets and I fear they may be silver.

    We can certainly try. Said the brother, Milo. But we cant make any promises.

    He can stay in the stables. Suggested Erica. All our animals are Familiars, theylloffer him their energy to help fight the wound.

    Thank you. I said. I think well take my father over to the stables and prepare to

    turn in for the night.

    Would you care for some dinner? offered Phoebe. We have some food.

    Perhaps you guys could go eat. I said to Torsten and the girls. We can hunt in you

    woodland area. If thats alright with you?

    As long as you stay away from the southern part of the property. Erica said,

    pointing in the general direction behind the main house. The land is treacherous and

    possibly haunted. Weve had nothing but trouble with it since we moved here.

    Well keep clear. I looked round at the more challenging members of the pack. I

    swear it.


    Torsten, Laura and I followed Milo into the house. There I recognised the Doctor

    from the hospital in Boston and the twins father amongst others of the Black coven.

    Julianne, Rionas cousin, stepped towards us with her daughter in tow when she

    recognised us.

    Tilly? said Mary-Lou.

    Yes?Youre Billies friend.

    I am.

    Whats going on? Julianne asked. Why are you all here?

    Were here to steal the Moonstones to save Rowannes father. I explained.

    Ulrich? Is he hurt?

    Hes been shot, with silver bullets we think. Said Torsten.

    Where on Earth are you going to find Moonstones that heal? asked Mary-Lou.

    On Draculas estate.

    They gasped, paling and gaping at us as if we were crazy. Which, of course, we were.

    Have you heard anything? asks Laura. From Penn Gate? Weve been gone almost

    a week now.

    Did they get out? I ask. All of them?

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    Julianne gulped and blinked back tears, shaking her head before joining her husband

    by the fireplace.

    Here, sniffed Mary-Lou, removing her cell from the back pocket of her jeans, call


    Laura and Torsten looked at me expectantly whilst I scrolled through Mary-Lousphone book till I came upon the half-vamps number. It rang out a couple of times

    before he answered.

    Mary-Lou? answered Riley.

    Its Tilly.

    Tilly? Youre okay? How did you get away?

    The wolves came for Rowanne but they took Laura, Torsten and I away with them

    for safety. How is everyone at your end? Did Dulcie get away?

    I saw her drive off but we havent heard from her since. For now were assuming no

    new is good news. She must be in hiding.

    Okay, what about the others? he didnt answer. Riley?

    Is Rowanne there? I really need to talk to her.Shes over by the stables with her father. Ill take you to her.

    Laura frowned at me as I left, wanting answers about Dulcie but Rileys tone was

    serious and I couldnt help but feel like something bad had happened. Most of the

    wolves had run into the nearby woods whilst the young stayed with Rowanne to lend

    their energy to their Packmaster.

    Row, you got a minute?

    Sure. She said, following me out of the stables. Whats up?

    Its Riley. I said, holding the phone out to her.

    Put him on speakerphone. She said, not accepting her cousins cell from me.


    Rowanne, are you okay? Im fine. My fathers been severely wounded.

    Why are you in South Carolina?

    Were in pursuit of some rare healing moonstones. Theyre his last hope of

    surviving. He was shot with silver bullets. We think they might also have been

    steeped in Wolfsbane.

    Im so sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do.

    No, thank you. Just tell me what happened after we got away. Is my Mom okay?

    Youre Moms fine. Shes with Brian just now. They asked to be alone.

    Whats going on?

    Riley choked. Jo was caught by the Preachers. They hung her. Billie tried to saveher but she was too late. She died in Billies arms.

    What? No!

    Theres more. Christian Hart led them here. When Billie saw him she lost it, she

    went after him.

    What are you saying, Riley? Rowanne asked, her voice breaking as tears pooled in

    her eyes.

    She followed him to the school where they fought. She lost.

    No. we both said it this time.

    When we found her she was still conscious and we tried to save her. We gave her

    our blood but it wasnt enough.

    Shes not a vampire?

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    No, we dont know what happened. Shes stuck in limbo, Row. Lees grandmother

    Liv caught up with us after the attack. She can see her in limbo. She met with her

    father and her friend Eve. Liv doesnt know what they said or what happened after

    they left but Billie is stuck. She cant come back and she cant move on either.

    So where is she?

    We buried her three days ago alongside Jo. Im sorry but shes gone.No, no more. Row cried and ran off towards the woods where she changed howling

    amongst the trees.

    Row? Riley cried.

    Give it to me. Said a voice over the phone. Rowanne? it was Leonard.

    Shes gone. I mumbled, wiping away the tears on my cheeks. She turned.


    Yes, its me.

    Billie cast Hart out into the sun. Theres no sign of a body however and we cant

    find him anywhere.

    Hes here. Hes been following us. Almost got Torsten and I outside Philadelphia.

    Youll have to learn how to fight, Tilly. Im sorry but we cant do anything for youfrom this end. Our hands are pretty full at the moment. Get Torsten or Rowanne to

    teach you, whoever can help. Be armed at all times. Hes very dangerous and very


    I know. Torstens already started to teach me. Shes really gone? I asked, my

    voice wavering as more tears threaten.

    She is. Leonard croaked. Im so sorry. Goodbye and good luck, Miss Stanley.


    With the wolves howling behind me in the woods I return to the main house, tears still

    streaming down my face. I think Im in shock. My limbs feel numb and I barely

    notice as my legs carry me towards the house. The others have already filled Laura

    and Torsten in when I re-enter the house. One look at me and Torsten wraps in his

    arms but even he cant chase away the pain.

    For the next week Rowanne buries herself in work. In groups of three the wolves go

    out to Draculas estate, scouting the outlying lands, plotting ways to get in and ways

    to get out. Rowanne herself has even left her fathers side to study the woods that the

    Crosse siblings had mentioned when we came to their home.

    For that same week, Ulrich didnt get any better. The Crosse siblings found a spell to

    remove the bullets without further endangering the wounded wolf. The bullets in factwere silver and soaked in a lot more than wolfsbane. Fatal poisons and potions

    reeked from his wounds. Now that the bullets were removed we could see inside his

    wounds and they were rotting. Even though we were here in South Carolina we knew

    that the moonstones Dracula owned were strictly last resort but nothing else could

    heal him now. If he tried to shift back he would die. If he dared to move, he would

    die. If he did anything other than lie on his left side, he would die. And Rowanne

    wasnt prepared to allow that to happen. She would risk life and limb to save him.

    On the day before we head for the woods near His estate, a van matching the

    description that contained the Preachers that had attacked Rowanne and her father in

    Penn Gate was seen passing the boundaries of the Crosses grounds several times.

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    They planned to evacuate after learning the news of the Preachers managed to find


    Supernaturals Pagans, Witches, Werewolves etc create hotspots. Whether in a

    group or not, these hotspots can be tracked by any kind of supernatural, even a student

    Pagan, as long as they had the know-how. Since we were in a large group of Supeswe were easily found which led the Crosses to believe the Preachers had someone

    one of our kind working for them. Whether under threat or payment, someone had

    crossed the line and the siblings were working all sorts of spells to find out who.

    When we left they had put into motion an evacuation of their visitors. Safe houses

    were found and given extra wards before they could be moved into.

    As for the pack and I, we headed out to the woods that held no such protections and

    where we could easily be found out in the open. Pagans are good at creating

    protective charms but they are nothing in comparison to the wards the Witches could

    create. Since the Werewolves could fight and fend for themselves, Laura and I placed

    these charms all around the area we made camp in and on our own person also.

    Torsten and some of the older more experienced wolves hunted or fished in the small

    ravine that ran around the back of the woods separating us from a few farmers fields

    in the outlying lands.

    Our camp was based in the very heart of the woods, surrounded my tall trees and

    thickets of bushes ripe with raspberries and blackberries. We Pagans were very

    fortunate to have such a large choice of herbs and other such things to keep our small

    larder well stocked.

    For two days we rested or walked around the woods familiarising ourselves with the

    area since we didnt know how long wed be staying or how many attempts it would

    take to break into the estate and steal the precious Moonstones.

    Morning, noon and night, and at supper times, I prayed for Dulcies safety wherever

    she may be. I prayed for the safety of Penn Gate and its inhabitants, especially my

    parents and the Blacks and our friends. I especially prayed for Billies spirit stuck in

    limbo. Praying that she could at least find peace and join her lost loves in the

    Afterlife. And then I would pray for Rowanne. These last few days were especially

    tough on her, she seemed to have shut herself down; remaining focused on the task

    ahead. She refused to lose anyone else.




    At last the day came for us to set our plan in motion. Dev Ryker Acula or so the

    humans knew him as was throwing a party in efforts to raise funds for charities in

    third world countries. Humans would be attending, a fact that didnt sit well with the

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    wolves and myself but we had to run the estate tonight. Not only to save my father

    but to save those unsuspecting humans also.

    Ember, Taylor and Hunter, you stay behind with the humans. Itll be dark soon and

    Hart is still tailing us. I instructed the younger members of the pack. Keep our

    friends safe and out of mischief.

    But we want to come with you! Ember complained. Were doing this for Ulrich.No, youre staying. End of discussion.

    Is there anything you want us to do while youre away? asked Laura.

    Just care for my father. May be get him some fish for dinner? I asked Torsten.

    Absolutely. He nodded.

    Well look after him, dont worry. Tilly smiled.

    Bending over my wolf-father, I kissed him briefly on his snout before following my

    uncle, my aunt and Aidan with the other wolves not far behind.

    Lets creep along in human form till we reach the boundary of his property. He has

    many vamps on his premises, we wouldnt want to let them know were coming by

    letting them pick up our scent too early, now would we?They grunted and nodded in silent agreement. Lets get going.

    I turned back to the three young wolves and our three friends and waved before

    slinking into the darkness of the woods with my pack. Taylor and Hunter were just as

    cross with me as Ember was but I couldnt risk their lives, young as they are although

    not much younger than me.

    Four hours it took for us to walk from our camp in the middle of the woods to its

    boundaries. From there it took little under and hour to reach the walls surrounding the

    vampires property. Every wolf looked to me for the next command. Nodding at

    them, they all started to shift, hidden in the shadows of a line of trees on the edge of

    the property. In human form my senses are more sensitive than that of a normal

    human but, in wolf form, those senses are heightened further and the deadly reek of

    Eve-Walkers lingered in the night air.

    Where first stood a tall scrawny girl with long wild, dark hair, now stood an immense

    black wolf. My fathers position of Packmaster passed down to me brought me more

    strength, height, speed and power.

    Grey wolves, red wolves, black and white wolves, a grand mixture of every breed and

    colour stood around me waiting patiently for their Packmaster to lead the way.

    It was now or never. No turning back now.


    Its not fair!

    Ember, the little blonde wolf, barely more than sixteen-years-old complained,

    stamping her little foot in an outburst of indignation whilst helping Torsten and I

    collect firewood.

    I want to help. I care about Ulrich too.

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    Its too dangerous for a girl as young as you. Said Torsten crossly, tired of the She-

    Wolfs complaints.

    Im a Werewolf, damn it! Im strong. You guys dont understand. Until I met

    Ulrich, I had no one. People shunted me, my family abandoned me after finding out

    my mother had an affair with a stranger. Ulrich took me in; he gave me a home and a

    real family. Just like he did for most of us.We understand why you want to help, Ember. I said. And Im sure Ulrich knows

    how much you appreciate everything hes done for you. But for now, you got to stay

    with us and help us look after him. Isnt that enough for now?

    The girl sighed but didnt answer and kept on lifting fallen branches from the ground.

    Her pack had not left us twenty minutes when she had her little outburst and it was

    clear that the two male wolves were of the same mind as Ember but werent quite as

    vocal. They stayed behind with Laura to protect Ulrich and help her apply some other

    remedy of hers to the wolves wounds.

    Damn it! she shouted suddenly, throwing the wood shed gathered to her feet.

    With an angry growl Ember transformed into a sleek, silvery wolf, bursting out of her

    clothes and bolting in the direction the pack took. Calling out for her did no good.

    Running after her was futile since she was much faster on four legs than we were on


    Taylor! Hunter! Quick!

    The two boys, so alike in features and closer than brothers, came barrelling down the

    path to meet Torsten and I, looking alarmed and around them for trouble.

    Embers gone off to join the pack. You have to stop her.

    On it, Till. Hunter said bolting into the darkness where they shifted into large tan


    Whats going on? asked Laura when we returned to camp. Hunter and Taylor

    heard you shouting.

    Ember. Shes ran off. I said.

    Shes going to get herself killed. Torsten moaned.

    The ill wolf gave a sad growl, stretching his legs but Laura placed a hand on his chest

    in warning.

    You just rest, Mr Howell. The boys will catch her before she can reach the Acula


    We hope. I said, more to myself.


    To say the humans were shocked when we leapt over the high stone walls would be

    an understatement. However there was very few of them milling around outside to

    bear witness to our assault. The Eve-Walkers were easily spotted. Pale skin that

    seemed to shine under the moons light, dark eyes that bore almost no colour and the

    fangs. They were nothing in comparison to my own jaws and claws however as I tore

    the first vamp I met to pieces. One bite from a Werewolf and that Vampire would be


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    All the humans scattered, running for the street beyond the large building, scooting

    along the verandas so as not to get caught up in the battle of Werewolf and Vampire.

    Some were snatched up by our enemies, and tossed into the basement for later

    feeding, others made it out with barely a scratch to show for it.

    Dracula stood by the back door with his three brides behind him. A cool, callousblonde who smiled on wickedly at the fight tearing up her beautiful garden. A tall

    brunette with a particularly vicious look about her who wished to be out amongst us

    and then there was a fair redhead who still had some colour to her eyes and watched

    us fearfully.

    As for Dracula, it was no mystery how these ladies had fallen for him. He was tall

    and slim, with glossy dark hair and equally dark eyes. His pale pallor wasnt quite

    like that of any other Vampire and it certainly didnt glow in the moonlight. At the

    same time he did look just as dead as the rest of them even though he was very

    handsome. Very handsome.

    With a slight nod to his two older wives, the blonde and the brunette, they realised he

    was granting them permission to join the fray. At the same time, out the corner of my

    eye I recognised a silvery wolf leaping across the boundary walls. Growling at the

    sight of her, she shrank away her head bowed low as Taylor and Hunter too joined the

    throng, snapping angrily at Embers heels.

    The brunette, we discovered, was something more than your ordinary vamp however.

    When half the pack descended upon her she rose into the air, great brown leathery

    wings unfurling themselves from beneath her dress and lifted her to a great height.

    From on high she looked almost bird like as her hands and bare feet curled into ugly

    claws and she shrieked a most horrid noise before swooping low and clawing at us,

    tossing us this way and that.

    Come with me, my dear. I heard the Count say to the redhead. You need not fear

    as long as you are with me. They cannot harm you.

    Yes, sire. The girl simpered.

    Moonstones glittered on his belt, his fingers and around his neck. As soon as one of

    our kind got near him they transformed back to their human state. Aidan and Daryna

    run away from him immediately, looking for another way to take him out but little

    Ember, who hadnt noticed their transformations, bolted boldly and stupidly forwards

    and was snatched up by the blonde.

    Taking the head off the vamp I was fighting, I dashed forwards and snapped at the

    monsters back. It was painful enough to make her drop the young pup but not enough

    to give her a fatal bite. I realised my mistake to soon of course, whilst trying to

    scramble back for the killing stroke I felt like a bulldozer hit me across my ribcage.

    The fight became madness. Every wolf came to my defence yet they were too late.

    Fur turned to flesh. Paw turned to hand and howl turned to cry as pale hands took me


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    Theyd been gone for hours. Neither Ember, Hunter or Taylor returned and so we

    assumed that they must have joined the assault. It was really late now and real dark. Ifelt eyes on me everywhere I turned. Torsten and I had set up four blazing fires

    around the campsite to keep as much light and warmth around us as possible so

    we could see if any unwelcome guest were to join us.

    The old wolf grumbled sadly in his sleep before sitting upright. Hed heard

    something we couldnt hear. His ears wagged this way and that while his head turned

    in the direction of the sound too. In the not too distant and dark woods a fog of breath

    shot up in the loom and a wolfs cry sounded so lost and saddened.

    In they cantered; licking their wounds, heads hung low with shame. Ember, Hunter

    and Taylor were amongst them but the numbers were not right. Aidan, Ralph andDaryna were there along with Kyle, Torrance, Liam and a few others whose names

    Id forgotten.

    Where is Rowanne? asked Laura, scanning the crowd for the black wolf.

    Lost. Aidan muttered, turning back to man and pulling on his clothes.

    What do you mean lost? I asked, terrified of the answer.

    It was my fault. Ember said, her head hung low.

    No ones disagreeing with you there. Hunter said angrily.

    If you hadnt disobeyed Rowannes orders the fight mightve ended differently.

    Ralph shouted. Now my niece is a hostage.

    They have her? Torsten asked shocked.

    Daryna nodded whilst Ralph comforted his wounded brother. Well get her back. Ipromise we wont leave her.

    If you go back tomorrow, theyll be expecting you. Laura said reasonably.

    No we cant go back tomorrow. Ralph agreed. Or the day after that.

    When will you go back? I ask.

    In a week.


    The floor I lay upon was hard, cold and dirty. A thin grey blanket was all I had to

    keep me warm. Behind me was a stone wall with a single small window and allaround me were iron bars. From behind them a pair onyx black eyes watched me.


    I scrambled away from him as soon as Id fully awoken. In his hands he held a small

    pile of clothes, a loaf of bread and a bottle of water. Wordlessly, he pushed these

    items between the bars toward me but I stayed pinned to the wall with not a stitch of

    clothing on except for the grey blanket.

    You must be cold and hungry. He said, his voice as smooth as silk. Please, take

    them. The clothes are warm from the dryer and the bread is fresh from the oven.

    Stay away.

    I am being a very hospitable host it is unkind of you to be rude.Youre not a host, youre a monster.

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    Yes, I am. But so are you little wolf.

    For some time he sat and watched me, crouched like a lion ready to spring forth and

    attack. He didnt say another word and I never took my eyes off of him. Eventually

    he sighed and stood, shaking his head in exasperation.

    You are a stubborn little thing arent you?I take it from my mother.

    Oh, so she talks. Good. Then tell me, who are you?

    What does it matter?

    Because I am interested and would like to know why you raided my property.

    I wouldnt exactly call it a raid.

    No but it was your intention, was it not? I never answered but he caught me

    glimpsing at his belt. Oh, of course. You are not the first wolves to come for these.

    Do you like?

    They belong amongst wolves, not vampires. I said crossly.

    True but I do find them useful. These, he pointed the stones sat on raised platforms

    in the corner of the room, are power negating stones. They keep you in your humanform. As for these, he pointed the stones on his jewellery and belt, I am not certain

    what they do but these seem most important to the wolves so I keep them on me at all


    Sire, the redhead appeared in a door at the end of the room, you have a phone call.

    Would you like me to take a message?

    Please. Thank you, my dear.

    The redhead glanced at me on her way out, her eyes were round and fearful. The

    Count waited till she was out of earshot before he turned back to me.

    I take it shes new. I observed.

    What makes you say that? he frowned, his lovely features marring.

    Because shes just as scared of you as she is me.

    Pay no attention to my wives, Miss

    Black. I answered. Rowanne Black.

    Rowanne? he asked surprised. What an unusual yet lovely name. Are you a

    Packmaster, Rowanne?

    Acting Packmaster. My father is Packmaster.

    Oh, so you are a true wolf descended from your fathers blood?

    No. But Im not your average wolf either.

    What are you? he asked, his curiosity piqued. Are you a true wolf or not?

    My fathers blood didnt win out at my birth, I answered truthfully, he bit me byaccident when I was little. It was my mothers blood that won out. I am truly a

    Werewolf but I am first and foremost a Witch.

    A Witch and a Werewolf? he said to himself excitedly. How exciting! That

    would make you a hybrid, surely.

    I shrugged.

    I love it when I come across a new breed of species. Hybrids, I havent met any

    since my sweet Stefania. Such a rare and beautiful monster, just like you, my dear.

    Im not your dear!

    He growled, a low and menacing sound deep in his throat. You do not want to cross

    me, Miss Black. I am not a man famous for patience.

    Youre not a man at all. I argued.

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    He sighed and shook his head again. You believe what you want. Eat your bread or

    starve, what do I care? But you best get used to these bars, Miss Black. Youll stay

    behind them till I decide what to do with you.




    Most of the older wolves left the woods the morning after the failed raid to go in

    search of the Crosse siblings to see if there was anything they could do to help

    Rowanne or communicate with her through magic, leaving the younger members to

    protect the campsite.

    I thought Witches could astral project? asked Taylor at noon. Couldnt she just

    project herself to us to let us know that shes okay?May be she hasnt thought of it? said Torsten.

    I dont think she can astral project this far, boys. Said Laura, ever the voice of

    reason. Witches are mighty powerful but their projections never stray far from their

    corporeal bodies. Ive never seen a witch stray past a mile or two from her body. I

    dont think theyre capable. It may even be dangerous to attempt it.

    Their voices drifted into my tent where I lay staring at the ceiling wondering what the

    hell Id gotten myself into. What would my life be like if Billie had never told me

    what she was and how Eve had really died? Where would I be if Id never left Penn

    Gate with the wolves?

    Torsten came in and lay down beside me, staring at the ceiling wordlessly too. After

    a few minutes he took my hand in his, our fingers entwining and clasping together.

    He raised his other hand to catch a tear running down my cheek.

    What are you thinking? he asks.

    Wishing I was anywhere but here. Wishing my friends were all alive and safe and


    I know. I pray for that every night.

    Curling up at his side he slips his arm around me. Im glad youre here with me,


    He chuckles lightly and kisses my hair. I was thinking of heading to the ravine, do

    you want to come with me? I can teach you how to fish and hunt.And fight?


    Lets go.


    The redhead appeared at my door a few hours later. The clothes, bread and water lay

    untouched at my feet when she tentatively approached my prison. She pushed a

    thicker, fleecy blanket through the bars along with socks and shoes and a flask. Never

    once did the girl meet my eye.

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    You should eat. She whispered, a faint accent playing on her tongue which I

    couldnt recognise. Youll waste away if you dont. she rolled the flask toward me.

    Snatching it up I took the top off and sniffed at it. I couldnt trace any poisons, it was

    just vegetable soup. After taking a long drink from it I set it aside and pulled the

    clothes pile over to me I was getting very cold. The vampire smiled encouraginglyat me. She turned her back while I dressed and wrapped the warmer blanket around

    myself before settling back down. After turning back to face me she rolled a couple

    of oranges between the bars to me.

    Trying to get me plump and juicy, I suppose? I say, peeling away the outer skin of

    the orange.

    We dont eat Werewolves.

    I snorted derisively, That brings me little comfort.

    Please, my fiancee only wishes to know why you raided our home.


    We know youve been here for a while. We sniffed out your scent a few days ago.

    Like wet dogs. She said, more to herself.If you can sniff it out then you can trace it back to its source. To the rest of my


    We havent followed the scent yet. If you tell us why youre here we wont

    approach your pack or attack them.

    Who told you that? I ask doubtful.

    My sire.

    And you believed him? I laugh.

    He has no reason to lie; least of all to me.

    Well, then youre an idiot for taking the word of an Eve-Walker.

    A what?

    An Eve-Walker.

    Hes a Vampire. She said, looking at me stupidly.

    Yes, sweetie, I said, speaking very slowly, an Eve-Walker is a Vampire.

    What are you talking about? she said, getting to her feet and looking frustrated.

    Eve-Walkers what is this nonsense?

    She looked so lost, so confused. She actually didnt know what an Eve-Walker was.

    Dont you understand the basic principals of Vampirehood?

    Of course I do!

    Then youll be well aware of the Eve-Walkers and Sun-Walkers in your species.

    I have never heard of this term before. She rattled the prison bars. What are these-these things? she spat.

    An Eve-Walker is a soulless monster who can only walk amongst the humans and

    the rest of us at night. Drinking and killing wherever they go and without

    consequence. A Sun-Walker is a Vampire who repents and earns their soul in return

    and walks in the daytime like a human. Never harming or drinking from a human.

    They live amongst the living.

    There is no such thing. Dracula taught me all about Vampire lore when he turned

    me. He said my soul was lost forever.

    Well, then he lied. Probably to keep you on a leash and never allowing you to

    wander far from him and his ideals, I imagine.

    I have met no Vampire with a soul; there can be no such thing.

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    I doubt you ever would meet a Vampire like that in Draculas company. But I do

    know a Vampire whos several centuries old and his lived with a soul for almost five

    centuries now.

    It cant be possible.

    Cant? Im sorry but your sire lied to you.

    Youre sorry? she asked doubtfully.No, not particularly. But it makes you wonder, doesnt it? If he loves you and tells

    no lies, why keep one of the most basic elements of Vampirehood secret from you?


    The blonde stood in the doorway; tall, beautiful and pale dressed in a long fitted white

    dress and killer high heels. The redhead, Lenusy, rose to her feet awkwardly not

    nearly as demure as Draculas other wife, dressed in slim jeans, a blue sweater and

    black flat pumps.

    He says youve been gone far too long. Has she finished the soup?

    Almost. Replied Lenusy.

    I drained the rest of the flask and rolled it towards the prison bars to Lenusy. She

    picked it up and carried it away with her as she made to follow the blonde.

    Ill be back in a few hours with dinner. She said over her shoulder.

    Oh goody, I said to myself now all alone, looks like Ive made a friend.


    I cant do it.

    Yes, you can. Torsten chuckled. Come on, spread your legs and straighten your

    back. Now raise the bow and keep steady.No, I mean it, Torsten, I cant. Hes too cute.

    Hes dinner. He licked his lips.

    No, hes just a little Bambi!

    Torsten laughed, his head flung back in a fit of hilarity, Tilly, I love what a big heart

    you have but we do have to eat and so do the pack of ravenous wolves waiting back at

    camp. By now the older wolves may have returned from their visit with the Crosse


    Well, you shoot. Ill fish.

    Dont go too far, please. Stay where I can see you.

    If I stay that close Ill be able to hear you kill that poor creature.

    Dont you like venison?

    I didnt answer him. He shook his head at me but smirked and readied his bow and

    arrow whilst I carried on down to the small slope, which lead to the twisting ravine.

    There wasnt a huge choice of fish in these waters, as for the ones that did swim here I

    wasnt entirely sure what they all were. Id caught two trout and some other smaller

    fish that I wasnt familiar with but Torsten had assured me they were edible all the


    Fixing the bait to the hooks was a nasty job, to say the least, but I still far preferred

    this to shooting Bambis and Thumpers. Torsten, whod lived this lifestyle with his

    brother Dietrich for some time now, seemed to enjoy the hunt as he scampered aroundup the hill behind me. After a while Id thought some of the wolves had gotten

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    impatient and came to the stream to snatch up their dinner when I heard some animal

    panting and grumbling behind me to the left. But the footfalls were too heavy.

    At last the animal appeared from behind a thicket of overgrown shrubs, padding its

    way down to the stream. It was an immense brown bear.

    Leaving the fishing rods at my feet, I picked up the small basket of fish that Id

    successfully caught and rose to my feet while the bear waded into the water not

    having noticed me yet.

    I made the mistake of walking backwards, to keep my eye on the bear at all times,

    when I walked over some twigs which snapped loudly beneath my feet. The bear

    stopped his procession into the water and raised his head in the air, sniffing at

    something I could not smell before his large head swung in my direction.

    Torsten! the scream was out of my mouth when the bear veered in my direction.

    Eventually feeling returned to my legs and I began to sprint away from the bear whowas steadily gaining speed. Overhead I could hear Torsten crashing through the

    undergrowth to get to me. He appeared, pushing me down to the ground with his bow

    and arrow already raised.

    Run! he shouted, lifting me to my feet again when his arrow soared passed the bears

    left ear.

    With one hand under my arm Torsten half drags half carries me in his wake as the

    bear gains on us, crashing through the trees and bushes behind us. The cry of a wolf

    sounds nearby and we fall to our knees, tripping over the roots of a tree when dozens

    of paws thunder passed us.

    Howling and growling the wolves slow the bears procession before bringing it to a

    halt altogether. Taking his opportunity, Torsten stands to raise his bow once more,

    striking the bear in the shoulder this time. With the pain of the arrow and the slashing

    and gnashing of the wolves at its feet the bear turns away and sprints off into the

    distance before the woods swallow him up.

    My ankle is still caught up in the root and its agonisingly painful so much so that I

    start to black out. I think Im in shock from the bear attack. When I open my eyes

    again, Torsten is using a small axe to hack away the roots that have me tangled and he

    looks at me with a worried expression.Tilly? I black out again.

    Shell be alright. I hear Daryna say. Some rest will work wonders and a few


    Im in Torstens arms and the sky through the canopy of trees ahead is getting darker.

    Youre both lucky we found you when we did. Said Ralph.

    Did someone get my fish? I ask, looking round at those whod shifted back.

    I got it here, Till. Said Hunter. Dont worry about the fish.

    I didnt and so I blacked out again.

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    True to her word Lenusy the redhead returned a few long hours later to find me

    pacing around in my prison, searching for something to use to break out of the bars.

    With only the speed a Vampire has she opens the door to my cell and leaves a tray of

    food at my feet before locking me up again.

    When I sit down to investigate what she has brought down, she too sits down on the

    other side of the bars with her legs crossed. More soup, cream of mushroom this

    time, and some pasta with chicken tossed through it, a side salad and a bowl of ice


    Tell me more. She says.

    What do you want to know? I ask, digging into the ice cream before it melts. Its a

    decadent chocolate gelato with extra sauce and sprinkles on it.

    About your friend, the one who can walk in the sun. How did he do it?

    With the help of my ancestor, a Witch. He had to repent. He had to feel the loss ofall the lives hed taken in his time as an Eve-Walker. It wasnt easy. And he lives

    with their deaths every day of his life.

    Could he turn back?

    Yes, if he were to kill again.

    It hardly seems possible she mutters to herself, her chin in her hands.

    Does your master know that youre talking to me about this?


    Wont he be upset?

    What he doesnt know wont hurt him. She says raising a finely arched brow.

    Well, now its my turn.

    What?I told you about my friend now I get to ask the questions.

    Go ahead. She says reluctantly.

    How long have you been married to Dracula?

    We arent married yet.

    Youre not?

    Weve been together a while now but our wedding arrangements have constantly

    been interrupted over the years. Hes set a date for next week now that we have found

    a permanent residence.

    Dracula and his brides. I mutter to myself.

    Were not the originals. She says.

    Sorry?Were not the original brides in tails of old. Every time he makes himself a new

    bride, he lets the oldest one go.


    Because it is their time and he doesnt keep the same bride forever. He only keeps

    three brides at a time. He likes balance and continuity.

    How many have there been?

    He loses count. She shrugs. Im the newest and youngest. Lovisa, who you met

    earlier, who also captured you, is the oldest. When Dracula meets someone new, she

    will be next to go. Something she is not happy about. Shes not ready to leave his

    side yet.

    Has he found someone new? she gives me a look that leaves me feeling chilled tothe bone. You think he wants me?

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    Hes very interested in hybrids. Not to mention how attractive he finds you.

    He can be attracted to me all he likes, Ill never be his.

    Lenusy smiled kindly at me and her eyes glazed over as she reminisced, I resisted at

    first and now look at me. Almost one hundred and forty years since he turned me and

    led me away from Moscow.

    But I am not you. I snapped. I am a Werewolf. The very thought of a vampireturning me is repugnant.

    From the doorway someone cleared their throat loudly. We both turned to see the

    brunette, the one with the hidden wings, standing there with a bunch of chains and

    manacles in one hand and a whip in the other.

    With a voice as cool as ice she mumbled, Ive to take the bitch for a walk.


    Back in my tent I awoke with Torsten at my side and one of the Crosse siblings

    applying something chilling to my ankle. Erica Crosse winked at me but carried on

    applying the potion and leaves to my swollen ankle without a word till shed finished.

    A few hours rest and youll be good as new. Just take it easy.

    Whats going on? When did you get here?

    The wolves sent for us to try and communicate with Rowanne. She explained. My

    brother and sister are outside preparing for the spell. Some of the older wolves have

    gone to the Vampires home to scout it out some more.

    Help me up? I ask Torsten and we follow Erica out to the camp fire where the other

    Witches had set up a small cauldron.

    There was a small pile of objects sitting between each of the siblings, consisting of

    things that belonged to Rowanne and other things theyd found in her tent such as her

    hair and fur that would help to complete the spell.

    The potion in the cauldron bubbled madly as the siblings chanted out a spell in

    whispered voices the Pack and my friends had been told previously to remain silent

    throughout in case Rowannes captors should hear them during communication they

    dropped in the hair, fur and a photo of the black wolf into the cauldron which calmed

    immediately leaving the liquid as clear as water.

    Peering into it over their shoulders I couldve sworn the nights sky was all thereflected back at us. But the Crosse siblings were all peering into the cauldron too

    and their reflections did not appear in the liquids surface.

    Instead of the black rim of the cauldron reflected back, a small trim of grass curled

    round to one side and part of a water lily took up the other. Long pale fingers slipped

    into sight, holding onto the edge of the grass and a pair of startled brown eyes

    appeared over the edge.

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    Stefania, the brunette/hybrid with the weird wings and claws, seemed to enjoy

    chaining me with a wide manacle snapped around my neck as if she were fixing a

    very lethal leash to a common dog. My hands were free at my sides and the vampire

    gave me a little more length as I paced around the garden enjoying the night air.

    I turned my head upwards to consult with the moon and stars; trying to figure out just

    how far away the next full moon was. Five, six days tops I figured. Id already been

    held in that prison for almost twenty-four hours. Towards the back of the property I

    could hear the croak of a frog and saw the small pond surrounded by greenery, a rockgarden and water flowers.

    Stefania slashed a whip at the grass near my feet when she saw me move back there.

    By the look in her eyes I figured she thought I was planning on jumping the wall just

    beyond the pond.

    I just want to splash some water in my face, okay? Its been a couple days since I

    last showered. I explained. She rolled her eyes but didnt stop me this time.

    Sinking to my knees at the waters edge, I dipped my fingertips into the cool surface

    of the pond. A gentle breeze stirred the pond, sending little ripples across the glassy

    looking water. The trees on either side of the ponds reflections start to distort andtwist until they no longer looked like trees anymore.

    Leaping back I think my eyes are playing tricks on me. The water is still again but

    the reflection of the trees dont look like trees anymore. The Crosse siblings are

    staring back at me from beneath the water. Theyre looking at me through something

    dark and circular and behind them I can see Tilly Stanley and Torsten looking out at

    me too.

    Theyre mouths form words, urgent and hurried looking but all that comes out are

    bubbles and I cant hear them. I tap my ear to let them know I cant hear and shake

    my head. Milo chases the others away when the Pack starts to gather around.Whats taking so long? the vampire behind me snaps and cracks her whip again.

    At once I clasp great hand fills of water and splash myself vigorously all the while I

    can hear the sound of something dropping into the water. Plop, plop, plop! I look

    down again in time to see Erica drop something else in and when I look down to the

    bottom of the pond I can see my moonstone necklace with three different kinds of

    moonstone shape shifting, size shifting and speed beside them also are a small

    blade, stake and a small test tube with a golden cross painted on to it. Holy water.

    Ducking my head low I splash myself again and again, picking up their gifts and

    dropping them beneath my shirt or in my pockets. I pick up a handful of pebbles andshift to let them see the house behind me. Theyre expressions look confused but I

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    cant talk in front of Stefania and Im not sure theyd be able to hear me any way. I

    pointedly look behind me again and drop three pebbles into the water. Third floor, I

    mouth and drop another four pebbles in,fourth window.

    Milos mouth drops open and he nods his head while the others look at me with a

    vacant look at a complete loss. Suddenly Im dragged to my feet, Stefania has lost herpatience, her temper and her marbles to boot. Grabbing me by the iron collar around

    my throat she throws me bodily in the direction of the back door but thankfully she

    hasnt seen the Witches watching us in the pond.


    In the morning I wake early, before everyone else on the camp and so I get up when

    the sun rises. Ulrichs wounds are looking a bit better after the siblings have applied

    some more of their potions to it and I notice that my ankle doesnt even twingeanymore. The wolfs eyes open when I crouch down next to him to apply some more

    and put on fresh bandages and leaves. He gives me a soft woofing noise as if to say

    thanks and I smile back politely.

    How about some trout for breakfast? I ask before turning to the dwindling camp

    fire. He licks his lips in response.

    An extra tent had been set up the night before when the Crosse siblings decided to

    stay with us just until wed rescued Rowanne and successfully stolen the healing

    moonstones from Dracula. Then theyd be on their way. They were worried about

    leaving their niece Shay with their friend, Julianne Black, and her family.

    Once Id fried the trout for Ulrich I cleaned the pan out and began to scramble the last

    of the eggs for the rest of us. Laura, Ember and Torrance were the first to rise still

    looking half asleep in the early morning sun. Laura smiled to me while the others

    stretched and yawned. In their arms they carried towels, shampoo and soap.

    Were going down to the stream to wash up while the boys are asleep. Coming?

    she asked.

    Ill just grab my things. I nodded.

    Back inside my tent I shared one with Torsten and Taylor I grabbed one of the

    towels and robes wed all stolen from the motel wed crashed at, on the road from

    New York to South Carolina, before following the others. I gently shook Torstenawake when he opened one bleary eye and peered up at me peculiarly.

    What is it? he rasped. Whats wrong?

    Nothing. Im just going down to the stream with the girls. Theres eggs out there

    for breakfast.

    Wait up and Ill come with you. He says, unzipping his sleeping back and reaching

    for his many weapons.

    No, you cant. Were going to wash.

    He slumped back down into his sleeping bag, his eyes falling shut at once but not

    before pushing a stake in my general direction. Pocketing the stake I grab some clean

    clothes and follow the other girls from the camp with the sound of rumbling issuing

    out of the open tents behind us.

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    This part of the stream is only a few minutes walk from camp and void from any

    bears and wildlife except for a single doe who nibbles at a patch of grass. I watch her

    when she comes down to the stream for a drink then prances back for more grass.

    We dont talk as we wash and we dont tend to stay too close either considering wereall naked under the shallow water. Only the two wolves whom are used to this seem

    to find Laura and I a bit odd for our bashfulness.

    The doe suddenly bursts from behind the bushes where she was chewing her grass and

    canters off towards our camp, running away from the shadowy part of the forest

    which is thick with tall trees that make an almost canopy overhead.

    Scrambling back to the sunny side of the stream I put on my towel and robe and grab

    for the stake. Something overhead makes a whooshing noise and I hear a dull thud

    above me as someone groans in pain. Laura shouts at me hysterically in rapid

    Spanish while the other two girls transform at once.

    They brush by me when Laura starts pulling me into the water, still dressed in my

    towel and robe. The wolves scramble for the tree and something growls down at

    them. When the breeze tosses the leaves aside we see him sitting in the high up

    branches and the sunlight catches his bare skin and starts to burn him, scorching him

    and making him sizzle like fried bacon.

    He leaps over our heads, groaning when exposed to pure sun light and lands

    ungracefully in the shadowy part of the woods. The wolves are already splashing

    through the water before he gets back to his feet but, with one panic stricken look at

    the wolves, he starts to run, disappearing into the shadows.

    Who was that? Laura asks, terror plain in her voice.

    Christian. I say. I saw his face in the tree. Christian Hart.


    He is outside my prison once again when I wake up in the morning, watching me with

    a curious expression and scratching at his chin. Luckily the weapons I pulled from

    the pond are hidden beneath my blanket and out of his reach.

    He stands up gracefully, dressed in biker boots, dark jeans and a leather jacket,

    looking more like a bad boy from the wrong side of town than the most famous,

    ancient vampire. Behind him hangs a garment bag with a box at its feet.

    You smell funny. He says.

    I havent showered in three days. Give me a break.

    I have a visitor coming today. I need you looking your best. When Lenusy comes

    with your breakfast you will eat it here and leave with her when Lovisa comes with

    your shackles. They will make you beautiful again.

    Oh, why cant you just leave me here to rot? I moan.

    I will if you dont behave yourself.

    Youre a sick bastard, Drac.

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    He flinches at the name but not the curse. Think what you want. He sighs and exits

    the room.

    Lenusy comes in a few minutes later with a bowl of steaming of porridge, some fruit

    and a cup of tea. She smiles sympathetically at me as if she is taking care of a

    younger, unwell sister instead of a dangerous, angry imprisoned Witch/Werewolf.Eat up. She says, locking the door behind her once the tray is at my feet.

    She sits in her usual position, right in front of the prison door with her legs crossed. I

    pull the bowl forward and take a sniff, detecting no poisons I devour it along with the

    banana and apple. The tea isnt up to my standards so I leave it alone and Lenusy

    looks upset.

    Honey, no milk and no sugar. I explain.

    She blinks then nods, understanding dawning on her. Would you like anything


    No. I shake my head.

    As soon as she is out the door I pull out the blade and start to work at the hinges of the

    prison door. I was at it most of the night while the house slept. The blade was sharp

    and unforgiving, biting through the rusty metal like butter.

    Luckily Lenusy hadnt noticed part of the hinge broken away already or the extra

    groaning of the door when she brought breakfast. When I hear her walking back

    through the corridor beyond I tuck the blade out of sight once more. She holds the

    mug to me through the bars and we sit in silence whilst I sip the scolding hot tea.

    Who is this visitor? I ask her when Ive finished.


    Excuse me? I croak.

    We call him Sin. His name is Sincere. Sin King.

    Sin King. Another vampire? she nods. How apt. Who is he?

    A former partner of Draculas. she answers. He was married to Sin for just over a

    century with two other women and then he met Lovisa so it was Sins time to go.

    So do his old brides and husband come to visit often?

    Not unless my master calls on them.

    So why has he called on Sin?

    He always values Sins opinion. Hes very perceptive and shrewd; a good judge of

    character. Dracula is very excited for him to meet you. The potential new bride.

    So thats why he wants me pretty?Yes. Came a cold angry voice from the door. Lovisa stood there with my steel

    collar and shackles. The potential new bride. She repeated Lenusys words with a


    Lenusy unlocked the prison door again, the hinges giving a god awful screech this

    time but the vampires ignored it and blondie sauntered over to secure me with the

    chains before leading me out of the depressing prison room. Lenusy picked up one of

    the large moonstones that kept me in human form and followed us from the room with

    it to stop me shifting.

    They took me round a different corridor that was all painted terricota with cream andgold flourishes here and there. Down to the second floor where the corridors were all

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    a pleasant primrose yellow colour; when the vampires lead me into a large bathroom

    on the left side. In one corner sat a beautiful ornate bathtub, in another a Jacuzzi, in

    the middle of the room an oversized showerhead hung above white shower curtains

    forming a perfect circle in the wet room floor. To one side of the room three vanity

    tables were set up each with a mirror framed with light bulbs and their tables over

    flowing with cosmetics, perfumes and hair products. Following us into the roomcomes Stefania with the garment bag and shoe box.

    Lenusy switched the shower on, slipping her hand in through the curtains to test its

    warmth. Reisgned to the fact there are no means of escaping with these chains still on

    and the negating moonstone close by; I allowed the brides to undress me, grudgingly.

    Once inside the cascade of warm water Stefania unbuckles the metal collar around my

    neck so I can move around the shower freely to wash myself.

    Closing my eyes I can almost let myself believe that Im not in danger. When I close

    my eyes I can almost let myself believe Im in my shower at home and that Mom will

    pound on the door any second complaining that I always take too long in the showerand that all that hot water will be used up. But no knocking comes and when I open

    my eyes Im looking up at the oversized showerhead and the brides are actually

    crawling on the ceiling watching me with disinterest. Hurriedly I clean up and put on

    the robe hanging up outside the shower.

    The sight of them on the ceiling, sitting quite casually as if its nothing out of the

    ordinary to them, frightens me I have to admit. The only reason I havent fought

    tooth and nail to get out up until now is because Im so close to getting the moonstone

    my father needs. But would he want me to risk the possibility of becoming one of

    these immortal beings. Beautiful and terrible as they are, they have no trace of

    humanity left in them. Except may be Lenusy, but the fact that she walks into my

    prison with dried blood on her lips and not her own every time is enough to send

    someone running for the hills.

    I dont want to be a vampire. I dont wantto be a vampire. But I cant let my father

    die. Thats all it comes down to. Im hell bent on saving my father because hed do

    the exact same thing for me.

    The brides sit me down at one of the vanity tables and start to make me up. Lenusy

    starts to brush my hair, working out all the tangles and kinks until my long black hair

    hangs to some point in the middle of my back. Lovisa works at moisturising my facewhilst Stefania places a neat line of make-up before me and then they set to work.

    Once my hair is dry Lenusy straightens most of it out but leaves some loose curls near

    the tips of my hair. Lovisa is applying natural earthy shades of eye make-up to me

    whilst Stefania picks out a lipstick.

    Not that! I complain when she lifts up a dark blood red gloss. Its not my colour.

    Drac specifically requested this. She hisses at me, lowering the sponge tipped stick

    towards my mouth.

    I dont give a shit what he wants. The only reason Ive played nicely this long is

    because I want something from him!

    Shut up. She growls, holding my chin and squeezing my face so my mouth puckers.

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    Im powerless within the power of the negating moonstone and lack of a full moon

    but that doesnt stop me from putting up a fight. Swilling the venom around the

    inside of my mouth I pull my face free from her grip and do the most unladylike thing

    Ive ever done. I spit straight in Stefanias left eye.

    She screams but its not fatal. Only when the venom enters the flow of blood does itattack their cells, their organs and their non-beating heart. The second the venom hits

    her eye it makes an angry hissing noise, like flesh barbecuing. Lenusy pulls her over

    to a nearby sink and tips her head under the flowing faucet of water. Stefania stops

    screaming and stills just as Lovisa rounds on me.

    The hit to the jaw is brutal and the wolf in me never far beneath the surface growls

    angrily. Lovisa takes a step back and then another till she joins her fellow sisters by

    the sink where they all watch me as if Im about to wolf out on them. I growl again

    and they shrink back further all of them looking fearful.

    Enough! bellows Lovisa. You will be one of us, Rowanne Black. You will be one

    of the Merry Brides, the Sisters Three.And you will be finished. Lovisas eyes pop at my statement. Surely you cant

    support his decision. Let me go and youll still be his.

    She glares at for me. And for how long? Even if he never catches up to you my fate

    is certain. Eventually he will find someone to replace me. Whether it is today or in a


    Even if she sets you free, spat Stefania, Lovisa will be doomed. Dracula punishes

    traitors. At this point she looked at Lenusy with disgust.

    The redhead looked away uncomfortably. He wont let you go, Rowanne. She said

    quietly. If Sin likes you, Lovisas time with our master will be over and you will

    take her place. If he doesnt like you then

    Then Ill die, I get it! I said. Id rather die.


    An hour after the sighting of Christian Hart, the camp was packed up and the Witches

    worked their magic to make it look like we were never there and covered our tracks as

    we moved closer to the Acula property. We were only an hour away on foot now but

    the vampires working for Dracula were well aware that we wouldnt stay away for

    long. He did have one of our own. Rowanne.

    Together the Werewolves and Witches plotted for the next assault and called in more

    help. A few hours later and we were setting up more tents when more Witches and

    friends of Ulrichs arrived. More people on the run from Preachers banding together

    to protect each other and turn in favours to Ulrich that were long overdue. Rogue

    Werewolves, Sun-Walkers, Skin Walkers and friends of the Black coven.

    One of the Sun-Walkers had brought a solar mobile charger with several adapters and

    soon my phone was full of juice. Now that we werent quite so deep in the forest I

    also had a miniscule signal and within the hour of its charge, while Torsten and I were

    out picking berries and mushrooms, I got my first call in almost three days.DC? I answered.

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    Tilly, where the hell are you? Ive been trying to call for days! bellowed Dulcie.

    Im with the wolves. Where are you?

    Times Square. Where are you?

    South Carolina.

    What? Why?

    Its a long story. Rowannes father got shot and we tried to get some healingmoonstones from Dracula but Rowanne got caught.

    Is she?

    Shes okay, we saw her yesterday. Her friends are planning to get her back right

    now. Torsten and I are getting food for dinner.

    My aunt. Did she get away? I cant get a hold of her.

    Shes with us. Shes fine. We tried to call you from Edisto Island but you must have

    had your cell off.

    My battery died. Tell her Im staying with Max.

    I will. Are you safe?

    Yeah, Ive joined a group of people who are in hiding too. She sighed. I talked to

    Brian yesterday. Have you heard?About Billie? Tilly asked, on the verge of tears again. Yeah, have you?

    Yeah, I did. Brians beside himself. Leonard ended up taking the phone from him

    because he just wasnt making much sense. I shouldve known something had

    happened. I felt something on the road out of Penn Gate. It almost choked me it was

    so strong.





    Rileys? I asked.

    No. Leonards.

    Leonards? But Riley loves her.

    So does he. Think about it, Till. She and Josephine are one, the one love of his life.

    This is the second time hes watched her die. Once is a bitch, twice must be torture.

    I can imagine. I said, Torsten frowned at me peculiarly. Ill tell Laura that youre


    Ill call again soon. Take care of yourself.

    You too.

    Torsten watched me as I tucked the cell phone away and sat down on a nearby rock

    where I started to cry. He looked at me with such sympathy and looked so losthimself. He didnt know what to say. So he said nothing and just held me, sitting

    beside me and waited for the tears to subside.


    The brides primp and preen me till their satisfaction. My legs, brows and underarms

    have all been waved and liberally moisturised with the rest of my body and scrubbed

    down till my skin glows a faint pink. The make-up is applied and removed until they

    have it perfect and I look like a decoy of myself. I look like me but at the same time Idont.

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    My messy ebony waves of hair are straight, tousled at the end and glossy. My brown

    eyes are shaded in neutral tones, my cheeks are a simple peach colour and my lips

    show no sign of the ghastly red gloss but a mere clear gloss instead. They dress me in

    a long cream gossamer skirt and matching blouse with flat peep toe sandals. The

    overall effect makes my skin look more tanned than it actually is. Its the best Ivelooked my entire life, though I dont admit this to the girls.

    Lenusys smile is a little forced now as she slides a clasp into my hair so one side is

    swept away from my eyes and the other is left to hang and frame my heart shaped

    face. It just goes to show that a little spit and growl can go a long way. The girl

    looked at me piteously this morning but now I can see the same fear she had in her

    eyes when I first leapt the wall into the garden with my pack.

    Hes ready for you now. Lovisa says and Drac enters.

    Stefania is fixing the choker to me when he approaches only this time she doesnt

    attach the long leash-like chain but a smaller one with a weighty steel ball at its otherend.

    Dont you think youre taking the ball and chain gag a bit to literal? I ask him.

    He laughed and signalled the others to leave. You look lovely. Just lovely. He

    said, looking me up and down. I think hes going to like you and your smart mouth.

    Yes, my smart mouth that always leads me to trouble.

    Trouble is my middle name. he winks.

    His hand reaches round to the small of my back to guide me and I shudder at his

    touch. Whats wrong? he asks, Are you nervous?

    Why dont we just cut to the chase, huh? Let my smart mouth lead me to more


    What trouble?

    Id rather die than be your next bride, so just kill me. Please. Just get it over with.

    No. he said, stopping in his tracks. That would be a terrible waste, my dear.

    He touches the bear patch of skin at the small of my back again and I jump at the


    Dont touch me you make my skin crawl.

    This time he tugs on my chain till Im almost pressed against him and hes glaring

    down at me angrily and frustrated. His lips are on mine before I can stop him or

    breathe, forcing me to respond with his own cold lips. I can feel the power he uses tobend others to his will. His mind brushes against mine forcing me to bow to him but

    my own manipulative mind control protects me from his intrusion.

    When he breaks away his brow is furrowed with confusion and some of the anger and

    fight has left his eyes. He allows me to stand on my own but keeps his hands on my

    waist so that I am still too close to him for comfort.

    How? he asks. How did you fight me? No one has ever done that before.

    I am more than meets the eye, remember?

    Oh, yes, he muttered, your Witchy powers. It felt like I was banging my head

    against a brick wall. Not at all pleasant.

    You should know better than to meddle with a Witch.Do Witches keep their powers if theyre turned? he asked.

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    I dont know.

    Im sure you will.

    So you are going to turn me? I ask dismayed.

    That all depends on whether my friend approves and if you chose to be mine


    And if I dont?Do not be mistaken, Rowanne. He said, his eyes hardening once again. Whether

    you do so willingly or not, you will be mine. In two days my nuptials to Lenusy will

    be complete. Once we have celebrat