The Value of Knowledge - · practical examples of well known organizations. Furthermore, the...

20 The Value of Knowledge PwC Mini MBA Programme Programme Description

Transcript of The Value of Knowledge - · practical examples of well known organizations. Furthermore, the...

Page 1: The Value of Knowledge - · practical examples of well known organizations. Furthermore, the module explains and analyses concepts such as ... • SWOT • TOWS • Directional

The Value of Knowledge PwC Mini MBA Programme

Programme Description

Page 2: The Value of Knowledge - · practical examples of well known organizations. Furthermore, the module explains and analyses concepts such as ... • SWOT • TOWS • Directional

2 PwC Mini MBA Programme


3 The Value of Knowledge

4 Duration


5 Session 1 - Business Breakdown & Map

6 Session 2 - Corporate & Business Strategy

8 Session 3 - People Management

9 Session 4 - Management Skills

10 Session 5 - Marketing

11 Session 6 - Leadership & Negotiation

12 Session 7 - Accounting Basics, Financial Management & Macroeconomics

13 Session 8 - Project Management & Business Processes

14 Session 9 - Linking it all together

15 Our trainers

19 The Academy at PwC

Page 3: The Value of Knowledge - · practical examples of well known organizations. Furthermore, the module explains and analyses concepts such as ... • SWOT • TOWS • Directional

What is PwC Mini MBA Programme? PwC Mini MBA training programme is focused on developing the most important business skills. The training course provides participants with a clear picture of organisations, their structure and management methodology. Participants will have the opportunity to acquire the knowledge that has value and can be used in everyday business activities.

Who is it for? The training course is intended for managers at all levels in all lines of service, owners of small and medium-sized enterprises and those who intend to start their own businesses. Managing an organisation or its segment requires specific and very often diverse business skills and knowledge. Therefore, it is very important that managers have the relevant knowledge on company’s operations and understanding of company’s strategy, human capital, marketing and other operational challenges. Methodology of training PwC Mini MBA Programme comprises nine related sessions designed to offer insight into successful business strategies in the modern world. In the course of these sessions, we will try to provide a systematic framework and clear structure of organisation management, which will help participants

to apply the acquired knowledge in their own organisations.

LanguageLectures and materials are in English language.

Duration PwC Mini MBA Programme takes 16 days in total (100 training hours and 2,5 hours for final exam).Lectures are held on Friday (18-22h) and Saturday (9-17h) in The Academy at PwC premises.

CertificateUpon completion of the programme, all participants will receive a PwC certificate*. * Requires 76 hours of attendance and passing the final exam.

How to make reservation? For more information about the Programme and how to register please contact:

Sevi Luchian [email protected]: +40 21 225 3832Fax: +40 21 225 3600

PwC Mini MBA Programme 3

PwC Mini MBA training programme is focused on developing the most important business skills. The training course provides participants with a clear picture of organisations, their structure and management methodology.

The Value of KnowledgeMini MBA Programme

The Academy at PwC

Price: EUR 2,900 + VAT Corporate discounts are available

Page 4: The Value of Knowledge - · practical examples of well known organizations. Furthermore, the module explains and analyses concepts such as ... • SWOT • TOWS • Directional

DurationPwC Mini MBA Programme takes 16 days in total (100 training hours). Lectures are held on Friday (18-22h) and Saturday (9-17h).

Session 2: Corporate & Business Strategy

Session 1: Business Breakdown and Map

Session 3: People Management

12 hours of training

Session 4: Management Skills

Session 5: :Marketing

Session 6: Leadership & Negotiation

Session 7: Accounting Basics, Financial Management & Macroeconomics

Session 8: Project Management & Business Processes

Session 9: Linking it all together

12 hours of training

12 hours of training

8 hours of training

12 hours of training

12 hours of training

12 hours of training

12 hours of training

8 hours of training

Understanding strategy development based on critical success factors, portfolios & internal analysis. Selecting options for growth & being innovative.

The basics (Vision, Mission, Stakeholders & Governance) & Environmental Analysis - Competition. Understanding the profitability of an industry as well as its markets.

Human Resources & the Cultural Dimension.

The basics of personal effectives – Time Management, Stress Management, Communication.

From traditional promotion techniques to internet based marketing.

Understanding your client & how to lead & gain new business.

Accounting Basics & Financial Management & overall performance management.

Understanding principles and tools of effectively managed projects.

Business Analysis Map. Introducing case study.

4 PwC Mini MBA Programme

Page 5: The Value of Knowledge - · practical examples of well known organizations. Furthermore, the module explains and analyses concepts such as ... • SWOT • TOWS • Directional

This module is about understanding how a business can be mapped by outlining the main areas all organizations need to go through. These are outlined in three main brackets, Analysis (position), Choice (options for growth) and Implementation. The module starts with an introduction of business in the 21st century and how different it is compared to 5 years ago, mainly due to technological advances, the internet, speed, interactivity, virtual structures and other.

It deals with the understanding of the three levels of strategy as well (Corporate, Business & Functional) as well as the objectives of each level through various practical examples of well known organizations. Furthermore, the module explains and analyses concepts such as Vision, Mission, Corporate culture, Stakeholder analysis and governance issues. These points are the first part of the map and therefore need to be addressed prior to any other modules. Therefore:

Topics (more detailed):

12 hours of trainingLecturer: Dr Constantine Kiritsis

1. Business breakdown & Map The basics (Vision, Mission, Stakeholders & Governance) & Environmental Analysis - Competition. Understanding the profitability of an industry as well as its markets.

Topics:• The changing nature of business – 20th century vs 21st century• Vision & Mission – business “purpose” & strategy (as a concept)• Stakeholder Analysis & Mapping• Corporate governance basics• Business mapping – part 1

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This module deals with the concept of industry and how it can be analysed through practical examples of industries. It goes into analyzing business environments at national & international level through the PESTEL (Politics, Economics, Social, Technology, Environment and Legal) framework before going into the concept of competition and “profitability of an industry” mainly through

the 5 forces framework.

This module attempts to explore areas such as barriers of entry, customer switching costs, supplier and buyer power, substitute products & services, the role of international organizations and governments on industries and competition, regulations as well as national competitive advantage possibilities. Therefore:

This module also deals with strategy development. Logically, after the main idea (purpose – vision and mission), and the analysis of the competitive environment for any idea (even start-ups) it is essential for the organization to decide on what strategy to adopt. If the company is already operating for some time, at this point it is essential for the organization to match its competencies, skills and knowledge to the environment findings from module 2 to evaluate its strategy and make any necessary alterations.

This module asks the main question of how do companies compete? First of all, the concept of cost & differentiation is addressed and analysed. Then the idea of competing in a specific segment (niche); Then the concept of strategic groups is addressed mainly based on two parameters: Price & quality. Furthermore, the idea of the strategic clock

is examined which offers the “hybrid” strategy option. After the analysis of the above topics, the analysis of products and services is undertaken through classic models such as the BCG matrix, the GE matrix, the Product Life Cycle (with a special focus on the short life cycles of many products in the 21st century).

One of the most important areas in this module is the analysis of the critical success factors of an organization prior to setting the Key performance indicators (KPI’s) since these areas need to be part of the strategy (if characterized as critical). Finally, the concept of the value chain is addressed as well as a short analysis of resources is undertaken in this module but not extensive as there are other modules that cover these areas (HR & Finance).

12 hours of trainingLecturer: Dr Constantine Kiritsis

2. Corporate & Business Strategy Understanding strategy development based on critical success factors, portfolios & internal analysis. Selecting options for growth & being innovative.

Topics:• Industry, Industry types • Industry evolution & mobility• Analysis of environments at national & international level (PESTEL)• Competitive environment analysis (5 forces theory)• National competitive advantage (Diamond theory)• Forecasting

Topics:• How do companies compete?• Cost vs Differentiation• Niche strategies• Strategy clock• Strategic group positioning• BCG Matrix• Product Life Cycle• CSF’s & KPI’s• Value chain analysis• Resources & Competencies

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2.1 Selecting options for growth & being Innovative based on your SWOT

Topics:• SWOT• TOWS• Directional matrix• Means & methods for growth

• Vertical & horizontal growth• Corporate parenting• Strategy evaluation & decision making• Innovation & knowledge management

– Licensing– Franchising– Acquisitions– Mergers– Exporting– Joint Ventures– Organic Growth

CHOICE Section

This is one of the most important areas of the programme. It actually uses the previous modules as a foundation to start the “choice” section. After every company analyses its environment, its competition, its customers, its marketing strategy as well as its overall strategy and products (among other) it is essential for it to move forward and grow. Based on the company’s SWOT analysis, we turn it into a TOWS matrix and then identify the directions a company can take for growth based on

markets and products (& services).

The concept of diversification is analysed here as well as the various methods for growth such as Franchising, Mergers, acquisitions, JV’s etc. One of the most important points is the strategy evaluation of these methods as well as issues relating to corporate parenting and Strategic Business Units.

Lecturer: Dr Constantine Kiritsis

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This module introduces HRM. It examines key policies and systems used to manage people and discusses contemporary issues. It addresses major topics, such as the link between business strategy and HRM, the impact of HRM on business performance, recruitment, appraisal, balanced scorecard, compensation, benefits and organizational culture. Using theories, research evidence, and practical tools (case studies & videos), participants will understand and evaluate Human Resources Management in practice. Further, the module aims to provide participants with:

a) A ‘managerial’ view of the contribution of HRM to organizational performance including practical knowledge and skills on how to manage and develop people,b) A ‘critical’ view of the management of people in modern organizations The module will describe the relationship between business strategy and HRM, evaluate the influence of HRM on organizational performance and describe the role of (and critically evaluate) key HRM policies and practices

12 hours of trainingLecturer: Eugene O Curry

3.People Management Human Resources & the Cultural Dimension.

Topics:• Business strategy and the link with HRM (HR as a strategic partner)• HRM and the link with performance• Competencies and Skills• Recruitment and Selection• Performance Appraisal• Target Setting• Managing reward• Culture management• Flexible organizations and changing trends in the labour market• Employee Participation and Involvement

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The aim of this module is to provide the basics of effective management. Motivation and Communication are crucial in this section. What motivates and individual or a group to accomplish something is highly important. The motivation might be money, security, status, prestige of position, or might be something else. In addition, the essence of management is communication, whether it entails planning, directing, or leading,

good communication skills are necessary for the manager to be successful. Long term planning, as well as weekly and daily planning will be covered. All of these topics will be covered with practical examples to be able to place the participants in the right direction for time management.

8 hours of trainingLecturer: Edin Veljovic

4. Management Skills The basics – Time Management, Stress Management, Communication.

Topics:• Motivation• Communication types & problems (assertiveness)• Communication in the internet era• Delegation, control & responsibility• Empowerment• Time management basics

• Managing meetings / ROI on meetings• Stress management

– Time, setting objectives and priorities– Pareto’s law– ABC priorities– Setting milestones– Handling calls

– Stress for better performance– Stress reduction

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Marketing involves identifying customer’s needs and wants and satisfying these through the appropriate “marketing mix”. Together with an analysis of the external environment (through a marketing perspective), customers and competitors, these will be the focus of this module.

In addition, it should be noted that areas such as branding, internet marketing, marketing through social media and other concepts and ideas will be explored. The participants should be able to use various marketing tools and theories to real life examples.

12 hours of trainingLecturers: Dr Constantine Kiritsis and Aleksandar Djukic

5. Marketing From traditional promotion techniques to internet based marketing

Topics:• The process of Marketing• Marketing research• Market positioning• Customer Segmentation• Marketing Mix (7 P’s) – special emphasis on price & distribution• Branding / (brand prism)• Internet marketing• Viral marketing• 6 I’s theory• CRM’s and their benefits• Adding value & loyalty and CSR• Marketing & Social media

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In this module, the emphasis will be on the understanding that the business of business is building relationships with clients and the business of all professionals in the front line

(sales) is making friends and building these relationships. A special emphasis on who to create a network will be delivered as well.12 hours of training

Dr John Paul KawalekandEdin Veljovic, MBA

6. Leadership & Negotiation Understanding your client & how to lead & gain new business

Topics:• Impact• Types of leaders• Leadership vs. management• The role of leader in problem solving• Negotiations with internal and external clients

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7. Accounting Basics, Financial Management & MacroeconomicsAccounting Basics & Financial Management & overall performance management.

This module attempts to provide the basic principles of Accounting & Finance as it includes the areas that people involved in business should be aware of, mainly at an understanding level (not necessarily

synthesis). It covers areas such as budgets, analysis of financial statements, the concepts of asset, capital, profit, revenues, margin, dividends, cash flows and other (see below).

12 hours of trainingLecturer: Adrian Bunea

• Privredna grana, vrste privrednih grana• Evolucija privredne grane i pokretljivost• Analiza okruženja na nacionalnom i međunarodnom nivou (PESTEL)• Analiza konkurencije (teorija o 5 sila)• Prednost domaće konkurencije (Dijamant teorija)• Predviđanje (Prognoza)

Topics:• Financial statements based on IFRS • International Accounting Standards basics (revenue recognition, assets, leasing, deferred tax…)• Nature and Purpose of Finance Management• The relationship between corporate strategy and corporate & financial objectives• Developing financial objectives• Financial analysis / Ratios for decision making• Liquidity, cash flows and profit (understanding the concepts)• Working Capital Management• Sources of Capital• Gearing, factoring, leasing, sale and lease back• Investment Appraisals• Risk Management• Understanding a P&L statement• Budgets, controlling budgets & variances (do’s and don’t’s of budgets & types)

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8. Project Management & Business Processes Understanding principles and tools of effectively managed projects.

From an operational perspective, it is essential to understand how an organization operates, its value chain, the costs involved, how to create value and the business processes adopted.

Furthermore, it is common knowledge that almost every employee handles or is

involved in projects. It is imperative to include this module as individuals need to be aware on how to deal with resources, deadlines, people and learn how to plan effectively, control and check quality, monitor and ensure that the deliverables are those expected.

12 hours of trainingLecturer: Miro Smolovic

Topics:• Business Operations• Planning and Executing small scale projects• Understanding the project environment• Understanding the Project life cycle• Monitoring and Reporting on going projects• Project Management methodologies• Process groups of project management• The BPR concept• Quality issues

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Through this module, the programme puts the pieces to the puzzle together. It is common knowledge that many programmes do not link modules effectively and many participants fail to understand when, how and where each module affects and is affected. With the use of a business analysis map all participants will be able to understand the

logic behind the programme and the logic behind the organization. The balanced scorecard will also be examined in attempting to evaluate the performance of organizations and finally a special section on how to be entrepreneurial will be delivered.Cases will be introduced as base for final exam.

8 hours of trainingSession facilitator:Dr Constantine Kiritsis

9. Linking it all together Business Analysis Map. Case study examination.

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Our trainers

John s professional background is in IT and Management Consulting. He started his career in the manufacturing sector as a Programmer/ Analyst, Systems Analyst, and then as a Senior Systems Analyst. He then worked as an Business Consultant, working with an array of client organisations, e.g. large private sector organisations such as IBM, Lotus, Rover Group, Jaeger Group, British Oxygen; also in the public sector working for DFID, & with French government departments, in the US, in large multi-million dollar companies, as well as with smaller and medium sized organisations. John has held Director level positions in a number of organisations in the UK and in the US. John has also worked with and in academic institutions for much of his career, taking practical experience and uniquely integrating it with the precision of academic practice. He currently lectures in Systems Theory, Change Management and Management Consultancy at the University of Sheffield, UK, and is Director of the University’s flagship MBA programme. John has authored over 50 academic papers (several in the e-learning arena), and has written two books. The first of these is entitled ‘The Art of Organisational Problem Solving: how to think about what we are doing in Management’, and this has provided the basis of a new set of change management principles and products. For example, John leads the change management of the City

Region Leadership initiative, which involves reform in the police services, fire and rescue services, health and local government in the South Yorkshire and North Derbyshire region. John is an experienced project manager and has project managed a range of projects in complex organisational contexts. He has project managed EU funded projects, e.g. the ‘MEDFORIST’ project which was (in part) a collaboration between the University of Sheffield and Grenoble Ecole de Commerce. John is known to the EU, because he has twice acted as an evaluator for FP7 project bids.

John’s current research is all underpinned by Systems Thinking, and its application in the specific areas of (i) e-learning, (ii) Service Performance Improvement Methods in the public sector, and (iii) Business Growth in SME’s. All John’s research is undertaken as ‘Action Research’, which enables the strong integration between theory and practice.

John holds three degrees in different disciplinary areas. His undergraduate degree is in History & Economics, his master s degree is in Computer Science and his PhD is in Innovation Systems in Management. He is a member of the British Computer Society, and is Chartered as an Information Technology Professional.

John Paul Kawalek, BA Hons, MSc, PhD, MBCS, CITP

John is Director of University of Sheffield MBA Programme where he lectures in Change Management, Management Consultancy and Systems Theory

Dr. Constantine Kiritsis is Curriculum Development Expert for PwC’s Academy in Serbia, consultant & Professional Trainer for PwC in the CEE (for ACCA, CIMA, CIA) as well as Part Time Lecturer for the American College of Greece (MBA). He has extensive experience in education and professional training, as former Head of PwC Academy in Greece and by setting up Globaltraining in the late 1990’s in Greece and serving as a Partner & Executive Director for close to a decade. He is also the founder and Managing Director of®, a company offering Professional training and information on education, educational systems on a global scale, certifications, and founder and president of the non-organization named Teachers Without Borders Greece.

He is the author of the only educational guide offered in Greece since 2004. He is considered as one of the leading experts in education and training in Europe having launched, set up, written and participated

in numerous activities relating to vocational, professional and academic education. He has been an active speaker on educational and business development issues in over 100 events in the past decade and has written extensively on the topic of education through his own writings. His knowledge areas spans from general education to developing programmes, vocational education and training (VET), Professional qualifications (PQs) and teaching topics such as Corporate Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Business Planning and HR (for the University of Surrey (UK), University of Strathclyde MBA (UK), Henley Management School MBA (currently University of Reading UK), University of Nicosia (CY) and PwC Academies in Europe

Dr Constantine Kiritsis

Dr Kiritsis is a lecturer at several MBA programmes at the several universities throughout Europe as well as at several PwC Academies. He is teaching topics such as Corporate Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Business Planning, HR and Marketing

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Adrian Bunea is a highly experienced Director in Accounting Consulting Services within PwC Bucharest office.

Adrian graduated the Academy of Economic Studies, Faculty of Business Administration and Accounting in Bucharest and he is a member of the Association of Chartered CertifiedAccountants (ACCA), UK.

Adrian has an extensive experience in accounting, experience gained in over 14 years of working on a multitude of projects for companies from different sectors - in Romania, Russia as well as in other East European countries.

Among other tasks within the projects he has been involved in, Adrian was intensively focused on training and consultancy:

• delivered IFRS training (also under The Academy) to both Romanian companies and to PwC Staff;

• provided consultancy services to Romanian companies on IFRS and statutory reporting;

• provided consultancy services on complex IFRS reporting issues and assistance to audit teams in Romania, Eastern Europe and Russia;

• reviewed financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS for Romanian companies, Eastern Europe and Russia, ensuring that they meet the IFRS requirements;

• provided assistance to Romanian companies in developing financial statements in accordance with IFRS, including identifying differences between statutory and IFRS reporting.

Adrian Bunea

Adrian Bunea is a Director of Accounting Consulting Services within PwC Bucharest office

Eugene O’Curry is a hugely experienced management skills trainer and capacity building professional with over 30 years applied experience in both the private and public sectors.

A banker by original training Mr O’ Curry worked for 25 years with Allied Irish Banks in Ireland, the U.K. and on International consulting assignments in the FSU. Mr O’Curry served as Group Human Resources and TrainingManager for Allied Irish Banks U.K. in this role was responsible for establishing and overseeing the implementation of the Human Resource & Training strategy, policies, standards and procedures for the Retail / Corporate /Treasury and Group Support functions of the Bank in the UK.

Mr O’Curry has over 25 years experience in Management Training and is an acknowledged specialist in personal effectiveness skills training for managers. He has written and delivered training

programmes in personal effectiveness skills for hundreds of managers in the 25 countries in which he has worked as a training consultant over the past 15 years He has lectured on management skills best practices in many European countries and he has lectured on HumanResource Management to MBA students and teachers in both western and eastern universities and business schools.

Mr O’Curry is an Associate Management Skills Trainer /Facilitator for the Irish Management Institute (IMIi) and an accredited short- listed Management Skills Trainer for the European Training Foundation (ETF) and since 2009 is a senior trainer in PwC’s Academy in Belgrade.

Eugene O Curry

Eugene has over 25 years experience in Management Training and is an acknowledged specialist in personal effectiveness skills training for managers

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Miro presently holds a position of a Manager responsible for providing services within PwC’s Academy in Serbia.

He is a professional Manager with over 14 years of experience in providing services within private and non-governmental sectors.

With a BSBA in Management accredited by the prestigious City University, College of Management, Bellevue, (USA) and a Certified Project Management Professional (PMP) from the Project Management Institute (USA).

He is an experienced Project Manager with acknowledged expertise in the modalities of Project Cycle Management techniques and EC Guidelines for the implementation of technical assistance projects.

Miro has spent the past 16 years working in the emerging markets of Central and Eastern Europe where he has gained a reputation for the quality of his management, organization and leadership

of international, inter-disciplinary project teams on both private sector and donor-funded development projects.

• Certified Project Management Professional • Project management trainer licensed by RMC (Rita Mulcahy Consulting)• Experienced in training planning and management• Experienced Team Leader and Project Manager

Being a recognised expert in the field of Project Management, he will be responsible for delivering the Project Management training to the Bank’s relevant staff.

Miro Smolovic, PMP

Miro is an experienced Project Manager and internationally licensed trainer in Project Management

Edin is a Senior Management Consultant and a Trainer at PwC’s Academy with extensive experience gained in both the profit and non-profit sectors providing services to multinational companies, small and medium sized enterprises, government departments and agencies and engaging himself in EU funded projects. The extensive experience Edin has gained includes designing and delivering training programs in areas of business strategy, strategic human resource management, marketing and CSR strategies, entrepreneurship, innovation and personal effectiveness (leadership, team work, communication, critical thinking, and preventing the burnout syndrome).

Edin holds diplomas from respectable business schools in the UK such as the University of Sheffield Management School (Executive MBA programme), the Chartered Management Institute and the Consultancy Academy which helped him boost his career prospects and update his professional experience. Edin experience background includes seeking creating and implementing various initiatives within both the profit and non-profit organisations and industry sectors such as

the telecommunications, public relations, IT, steel industry, rubber industry, textile industry, education, pharmaceuticals, publishing and healthcare sectors.

Edin is a visiting lecturer at the University of Sheffield (UK) where he teaches on the Management Consultancy module of the MBA programme.

Edin is visiting lecturer at Graduate School of Business.

Edin Veljovic, MBA, MCMI

Edin is Senior Consultant and Management Trainer within PwC's Academy. He is a guest lecturer on international MBA studies.

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Aleksandar Djukic has more than 10 years of experience in marketing & communications and consulting.

He is currently engaged as consultant and trainer in marketing and communications in PwC’s Academy in Serbia. He lectures different marketing and communications topics such as integrated marketing communications, presentations skills and written communications skills.He is also a consultant with several international development projects funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Aleksandar is a partner at company GBD, one of the leading providers of technical security solutions in our market.

For more than seven years he was working as marketing and communications manager of PwC in Serbia. He was in charge of all marketing and communications activities of the firm in Serbia and in Montenegro, and also supporting activities in Macedonia and Bosnia & Herzegovina.Prior to working with PwC he was consultant and deputy Association Development Team leader with USAID funded Serbia Local Government Reform Program.

His working experience includes working with OSCE as external communications

advisor on a project of developing strategy for increasing access of public and media to the National Assembly of Serbia. While working on this project he introduced the first Open Day in Serbian Parliament.During the period 2001 – 2003 he was partner and CEO of marketing and PR agency Lobi in Belgrade. He managed clients’ accounts and developed a number of campaigns for clients including some of the largest telecommunications, energy and FMCG companies.

During the course of his career Aleksandar delivered number of training courses to representatives of municipalities in Serbia (Lobbying and Advocacy and How to Communicate with Investors courses) and political parties’ members (Political Communications and PR).

He is also a project manager of artistic project Nature & Art

Aleksandar Djukic

Aleksandar Djukic has more than 10 years of experience in marketing, communications and consulting

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The Academy is the educational segment of the PwC network. The Academy at PwC comprises experienced professionals who during workshops convey to the learners their knowledge and experience gained from and embedded in daily practice.

We offer a variety of training courses covering work-related skills and abilities required in a modern business environment. The courses are based on the experiences of both our experts and PwC network. What's more, they are suited to the needs of modern business and tailored to our clients’ requirements. The Academy at PwC in Romania is part of PwC’s growing network of Academies present in over 30 European countries. Through the network of PwC’s Academies we continually exchange and test in practice our knowledge, experiences, competencies and methodologies.

The courses are divided into four areas of professional concentration:• Technical skills and abilities (finance and accounting, tax and project management)• Personal effectiveness skills (management skills and soft skills)• International professional qualifications (ACCA, DipIFR, CIPD, PMP, CIA)• Special educational programmes (Mini MBA, training programmes tailored to suit clients’ requirements)The courses are organised as:• Open training courses accessible to

everyone• Internal training courses designed to meet individual client needs

The list of our training courses is not final. We are always open to new training courses designed closely with our clients to ensure that their needs and expectations are fully met.

The training courses at the Academy at PwC are taught by our best managers holding the highest degree of theoretical knowledge verified and amplified through practice, in addition to a number of internationally recognised experts.

The Academy at PwC's premises are especially designed and equipped to address the diverse learning needs of the students.

Experience knowledge

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The Academy at PwC

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We are here for youTo join this programme or if you would like any additional information about our courses, professional qualifications or tailored solutions, please contact us directly:

Sevi Luchian

[email protected]

Tel: +40 21 225 3832

Fax: +40 21 225 3600

301-311 Barbu Vacarescu Street

Lakeview Building 8th floor

RO-020276 Bucharest

© 2013 PwC Romania. All rights reserved. “PwC” refers to the network of member firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each of which is a separate and independent legal entity.