The Vale of Glamorgan Council Corporate Performance and ......Members will note that due to the...

1 Agenda Item No The Vale of Glamorgan Council Corporate Performance and Resources Scrutiny Committee: 14 June 2016 Report of the Managing Director End of Year Performance Report 2015-16 and Target Setting for 2016-17 Purpose of the Report 1. To present end of year performance results for the period 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2016 for the Resources Directorate. 2. To provide the Scrutiny Committee with an update on the developments of the Council's Performance Management Framework. 3. To present the proposed targets for improvement for 2016-17 for existing performance indicators aligned to "Corporate Health". Recommendations 1. That Committee review the Directorate's performance results and the progress made towards achieving key outcomes as outlined in the Corporate Plan 2013-17, the Outcome Agreement with Welsh Government 2013-16 and the Improvement Plan Part 1 2015-16. 2. That Committee note the progress being made on developing the Council's Performance Management Framework. 3. That Committee review and endorse via recommendation to Cabinet, the proposed targets for 2016-17 aligned to Corporate Health. Reasons for the Recommendations 1. To ensure the Council is effectively assessing its performance in line with the requirement to secure continuous improvement outlined in the Local Government Measure (Wales) 2009. 2. To ensure Committee are aware of the progress being made on developing the Council's Performance Management Framework. 3. To ensure the Council reports a relevant set of performance indicators against which it can demonstrate achievement of its priorities and consistently sets challenging yet

Transcript of The Vale of Glamorgan Council Corporate Performance and ......Members will note that due to the...

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Agenda Item No

The Vale of Glamorgan Council

Corporate Performance and Resources Scrutiny Committee: 14 June 2016

Report of the Managing Director

End of Year Performance Report 2015-16 and Target Setting for 2016-17

Purpose of the Report

1. To present end of year performance results for the period 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2016 for the Resources Directorate.

2. To provide the Scrutiny Committee with an update on the developments of the Council's Performance Management Framework.

3. To present the proposed targets for improvement for 2016-17 for existing performance indicators aligned to "Corporate Health".


1. That Committee review the Directorate's performance results and the progress made towards achieving key outcomes as outlined in the Corporate Plan 2013-17, the Outcome Agreement with Welsh Government 2013-16 and the Improvement Plan Part 1 2015-16.

2. That Committee note the progress being made on developing the Council's Performance Management Framework.

3. That Committee review and endorse via recommendation to Cabinet, the proposed targets for 2016-17 aligned to Corporate Health.

Reasons for the Recommendations

1. To ensure the Council is effectively assessing its performance in line with the requirement to secure continuous improvement outlined in the Local Government Measure (Wales) 2009.

2. To ensure Committee are aware of the progress being made on developing the Council's Performance Management Framework.

3. To ensure the Council reports a relevant set of performance indicators against which it can demonstrate achievement of its priorities and consistently sets challenging yet

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realistic performance improvement targets for those priorities in line with requirements under the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2009.


4. The Council's Performance Management Framework is the mechanism through which our key priorities and targets are monitored and realised.

5. This will be the last year that performance linked Directorate Service Plans will be reported following the Council's review of its Performance Management Framework during 2015. In future years, Committees will receive performance information linked with the Council's Well-being Outcomes, with which Scrutiny Committees are aligned.

6. This report presents performance information relating to the previous year's performance reporting framework and will support the Council in meeting its statutory performance reporting requirements for 2015-16. The 2015-16 performance report for the Directorate is attached at Appendix 1.

7. This report also provides Members with an update on the progress being made to develop the Council's Performance Management Framework, following the review undertaken in 2015 and changes subsequently approved by Cabinet and Full Council.

8. This report also contains information relating to the proposed targets aligned with the new Corporate Plan Well-being Outcomes and Corporate Health. Appendix 2 outlines the proposed targets for the Corporate Performance & Resources Committee and includes all relevant performance indicators that fit within the remit of the newly formed Committee. Targets have been set for those performance indicators that are continuing into 2016-17.

Relevant Issues and Options

Directorate End of Year Performance (2015-16)

9. End of year performance reports for 2015-16 focus on the achievement of key objectives within each directorate which in turn contribute towards the achievement of identified outcomes in the Corporate Plan 2013-17, the Outcome Agreement with Welsh Government 2013-16 and the Improvement Plan Part 1 2015-16.

10. End of year (quarter 4) performance reports are cumulative and comprise performance information covering the period 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2016. The performance report (Appendix 1) is structured as follows:

• An overview provides a snapshot of the progress made by the directorate towards achieving the objectives which contribute towards its service outcomes. The overview highlights progress made towards the delivery of key actions in the Corporate Plan 2013-17, the Outcome Agreement 2013-16 and the Improvement Plan Part 1 2014-15 for which the directorate has lead responsibility. Examples of exceptional performance during the quarter are highlighted as are any key areas of slippage and the planned remedial action.

• A brief evaluation is provided of each service outcome which outlines the overall progress (including actions and performance measures) made towards achieving these outcomes.

• Detailed progress is reported for each service objective considering all actions and is categorised as being completed, on track, slipped and not due. All performance

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indicators are allocated a performance status ( relates to performance that has met or exceeded target, relates to performance within 10% of target and relates to performance that has missed target by more than 10%).

• A direction of travel arrow is also provided against each measure indicating whether current performance has improved, stayed static or declined on the previous year’s performance. An upward arrow indicates that performance has improved from the previous year's performance, a static arrow indicates performance has remained the same and a downward arrow shows performance has declined compared to the previous year.

11. The Council is subject to the national performance improvement framework and as such has a duty to collect, monitor and report on a number of performance indicators that are set by Welsh Government. These indicators measure the shared priorities between Welsh Government and local authorities. These indicators are National Statutory Indicators (NSIs) and Public Accountability Measures (PAMs). The Council also reports against a set of local performance indicators which it has developed to help measure progress against its own local priorities.

12. All measures are reviewed annually to ensure they reflect changes in national policy and remain responsive to local priorities. This ensures residents, elected members and senior officers can scrutinise key areas of Council performance throughout the year.

13. Members will note that due to the changes to Scrutiny Committee remits from 1 May 2016, the end of year report for 2015-16 will contain some performance information relating to activity that was previously scrutinised by the Corporate Resources Committee that is no longer within the remit of the newly formed Corporate Performance & Resources Scrutiny Committee and vice versa. For example, the Environment and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee will receive end of year performance information relating to leisure services which now forms part of the remit of the Healthy Living & Social Care Scrutiny Committee. By presenting the end of year performance to the Environment & Regeneration Committee it will ensure that the Committee with knowledge and experience of the performance of the leisure service during the 2015-16 year concludes this work by scrutinising its end of year performance.

Performance snapshot

14. Overall, the Resources department has achieved its priorities for 2015-16 as outlined in its Service Plan. 65% (28) of Service Plan actions were either on track or completed at end of year. Of the 43 actions contained within the Service Plan, slippage was reported against 15 actions. Action against all slipped actions is being progressed and these have been carried forward into the Directorate's respective Service Plans for 2016-17.

15. In terms of the contribution made to achieving corporate priorities, the Directorate has completed 11 of its 20 actions against the Corporate Plan, with slippage reported for 6 actions. In terms of the contribution made to achieving Improvement Objectives, the Directorate has completed 2 of its 4 actions. The Directorate has no Outcome Agreement actions for which it is responsible.

16. Of the 36 performance indicators reported at end of year, 17 (47%) have met or exceeded target, 1 (3%) was within 10% of target, and 8 (22%) missed the target by more than 10%. For 10 measures a status was not applicable.

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17. There are currently no performance indicators relating to Improvement Objectives or Outcome Agreement measures for this Directorate.

Progress against service outcomes

18. Against Outcome 1(Residents are confident in accessing our services and are engaged with their local community), Digital Inclusion Strategy objectives have been endorsed by the partnership group “Get the Vale Online”. Work is currently being undertaken to increase the number of “digital champions” and ensure that training is delivered. This will allow the Vale of Glamorgan Council to contribute towards increasing the number of customers supported to develop their digital skills to communicate with the Council via the Internet, email, mobile apps and social media. Enabling access to these benefits is an important part of the Council’s goal to tackle poverty and social and digital exclusion in the Vale of Glamorgan (RS/A094).

19. Protocols to increase public engagement and participation in the Council's meetings have been developed and published on the Council website providing the public with increased opportunities for public speaking and involvement at Scrutiny and Planning Committee meetings. This will ensure that citizens have a meaningful say in the subjects that affect them and also provides the Council with a wealth of information that will enable effective decision making (RS/A038).

20. The Local Service Board (LSB) held its last meeting in February 2016 and considered a transition report for the new Public Services Board (PSB) and draft terms of reference. All future PSB meetings have been scheduled for 2016 with the first meeting held on the 19th May. Many of the partners that sat on the LSB will also contribute towards the PSB allowing the Council to continue to work with partners and maintain excellent working relationships whilst listening to the views of citizens, improving services and maximising opportunities for savings (RS/A100).

21. Slippage was reported in relation to four actions under Outcome 1: 22. RS/A095: Work continues in developing the website and further enhancing corporate

channels to promote access to news and information about the Council and improve overall customer experience. Vale Connect continue to play a key role in delivering corporate and service messages. The bulletins showing the greatest growth in subscribers over the period were eNews, Refuse and Waste Updates, Job Vacancies and Adult Learning Courses. The website continues to be rationalised to remove duplicate and un-needed content to enable better navigation by customers. In addition, further functionality has been added to allow customer to report issues and request services online.

23. RS/A096: The review of suitability of existing Welsh translation Framework/model and the development of an action plan in response to the new Welsh language standards is ongoing. The Equalities team are currently in discussions with Cardiff Council to review the Council’s existing Welsh Translation Framework. An action plan has also been developed in response to the new Welsh Language Standards.

24. RS/A092: Work to roll out the podiatry shared telephony service across the Cardiff and Vale locality is ongoing. The final meeting to discuss resource efficiencies with a podiatry service is now scheduled for 2016.

25. RS/A099: Implementation of the joint scrutiny arrangements for the regionalisation of regulatory services is on-going, and currently in discussion. Officers of the constituent Authorities are continuing to explore options therefore this action has been carried forward into 2016.

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26. Underperformance was reported in relation to 5 indicators aligned to Outcome 1: 27. RS/M029: Average speed of answer for incoming calls to Customer Contact Centre is

no more than 45 seconds. Overall performance for the year was 48 seconds against a target of 45. Performance has been impacted by the requirement to provide additional resources to Adult Services and an increase in staff turnover. While Adult Services continues to require an increased level of resources to handle increased demand, successful call handler recruitment has improved performance during March when an average speed of answer of 39 seconds was achieved. This performance should continue to improve during 2016-17.

28. RS/M030: The percentage of incoming calls to the Contact Centre not answered or abandoned and RS/M031, the percentage of incoming calls abandoned after 20 seconds have missed target. Performance for quarter four was below expectations. This was due to staff turnover and an increasing demand for adult care services. In the short term a successful recruitment campaign has seen the staffing resource increase to full establishment and this has resulted in an immediate improvement in Average Speed of Answer and Abandoned Call rates. Demand for adult care services is not expected to diminish and the service will continue to require additional resources. Sustainable improvements in call handling performance will be achieved through the successful promotion of self-service opportunities for customers and the resulting reduction in call demand at C1V.

29. RS/M044: The percentage of customer complaints referred to the Ombudsman. Although 39 complaints were referred to the ombudsman, 13 of these where deemed to be premature – the customer had not made us aware of the complaint or given us the opportunity to investigate. The ombudsman considered that only 3, circa 8% of these cases where worthy of investigation. In 2016-17 managers will have access to a new complaints dashboard providing real time information about the number, type and status of complaints received for their services. This will enable them to better manage Stage 1 and Stage 2 complaints and reduce the number being referred to the ombudsman. In addition analysis of the cause of complaints will allow managers to make changes to service delivery and customer communications to reduce the number of complaints received overall.

30. RS/M045: The percentage of customer complaints investigated by the Ombudsman. (CC/M024) Of the 3 complaints being investigated by the ombudsman one was determined as a Voluntary Settlement while the outcome of the two others has yet to be determined.

31. Against Outcome 2 (The Vale community benefits from the Council’s sound and transparent decision-making through effective management of resources), the Council has successfully completed all programmed works under the school investment programme projects for Oakfield Primary School, Ysgol Dewi Sant, Ysgol Gwaun Nant and phase 2 of the Penarth Learning Community (PLC). This has allowed the Council to deliver fit for purpose and appropriate services and facilities which should contribute towards the improvement of standards of achievement for pupils so they have chance to achieve their full potential (RS/A106).

32. During 2015-16, the Council successfully implemented an innovative Shared Regulatory Service (SRS) formed between Bridgend, Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan Councils. The Vale of Glamorgan Council is the host and therefore employing authority and the transfer of staff was completed on time. This has contributed towards a more cost-effective and sustainable service, improved access to specialist

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skills and financial savings. The services offered by the SRS will also ensure that vulnerable people in the Vale continue to be protected and supported (RS/A102).

33. In light of recent legislation; Welsh Language Standards, Future Generations Bill and Social Services Wellbeing (Wales) Act; the Strategic Equality Plan has been reviewed, updated and approved by Cabinet. The Plan ensures a more joined up approach to achieving better outcomes for people with protected characteristics (RS/A108).

34. A comprehensive communication and engagement exercise has been completed as part of work to support the new Corporate Plan and budget setting process. This project has provided the Council with a wealth of information to help shape the future of Council services and allowed effective and transparent communication with staff to ensure they are empowered and feel involved in the process (RS/A115).

35. The new “Staff Charter” was signed off by the Corporate Management Team on the 16th March 2016 and pre-launched at the Leadership Café on 17th March 2016. This has supported the reshaping services agenda and the development of an agile workforce enabling flexibility for the future (RS/A117).

36. Slippage was reported in relation to 11 actions aligned to Outcome 2: 37. RS/A007: In relation to our commitment to meet corporate energy management with

respect to carbon reduction, background work has shown that a carbon management plan is feasible for the 2016-2020 period using a 3% per annum reduction target. This could be achieved within existing budget plans. The Sustainable Development Working Group now incorporates a standing item for Energy. A report to CMT is currently being progressed and it is intended that it is presented in May.

38. RS/A014: Work to identify and implement projects to reduce energy use and raise awareness amongst staff and the public about the need to reduce our carbon footprint is ongoing. With respect to ensuring all PV panels have been installed, there is some delay with the final finishing off; this has been caused by a problem with the contractor.

39. RS/A056: Welfare Reform continues to develop at a slow pace in line with the July 2015 Budget and autumn 2015 statement to meet the spending targets set by the treasury. Universal Credit was introduced into the Vale on 20th February 2016. Universal Support Delivered Locally (USDL) is a partnership with DWP to deliver Universal Credit support to local residents as the service evolves to deal with the transition.

40. RS/A104: Although the migration of data to new servers has slipped; the remaining servers have mitigating circumstances delaying their migration.

41. RS/A113: The review of office accommodation/ non-office accommodation facilities management and corporate buildings is ongoing. Negotiations with contractors are being finalised in order to achieve proposed floor plans for the Civic Offices and Barry Library/ Open Learning Community to accommodate all staff and services that are currently located in Provincial House. It is envisaged that the Council will be in a position to sign contracts in quarter 1 of 2016-17. Cabinet provided approval in early March 2016 to appoint contactors to undertake the necessary works.

42. RS/A114: The co-ordination of a review of income generation opportunities corporately, has slipped. A Cabinet report was presented in April 2016 to progress opportunities for website advertising. Work on other areas continues, including the

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recoupment of finance charges and coordinating the ongoing work on income generation from across the Council.

43. RS/A035: The review and development of options for the delivery of procurement services across the Council has now transferred to Exchequer Services. Consideration is being given to collaborative working opportunities and meetings with another authority are underway. CMT have approved 1 year temporary funding of a part-time post to coordinate an internally resourced approach. This post is currently being recruited. A progress report will be submitted to Cabinet by the end of June 2016.

44. RS/A083: The development of a plan to manage the staffing transitional implications of the Welfare Reform Programme is on hold. Structure of the Finance Division is currently being reviewed to meet the implementation of the Welfare Reform Programme in line with the introduction of the Universal Support Delivered Locally (USDL) agreement. The processes and functions of the service are being aligned to working with the DWP as Universal Credit becomes more imbedded locally.

45. RS/A80: The implementation of succession planning guidelines to help managers ensure continuity of the service that is delivered is ongoing. A pilot is currently being conducted across all directorates which include guidelines for managers.

46. RS/A118: Work is ongoing to review of the management competency framework to support the needs of the Reshaping Services agenda. The new “Vale Contract”, in the shape of the Staff Charter was pre-launched at the Leadership Café and is currently out for consultation. This is being used to review the Management Competency Framework; once the Charter has been approved, the Management Competency Framework can be agreed and published.

47. Underperformance was reported in relation to 3 indicators aligned to Outcome 2: 48. RS/M013b: The average Site Morse position (ranking of quality websites) in England

and Wales has dropped from 5th in 2014-15 to 28th in 2015-16. Broken links on pages have caused a significant drop in ranking. The website has seen a lot of recent changes and staff should be aware to maintain and remove old content. A project has started to remove these pages.

49. RS/M008: The percentage of employees including teachers and school-based staff who leave the employment of the local authority, whether on a voluntary or involuntary basis. Staff turnover has been increasing over the last 3 years therefore a report reviewing the breakdown of reasons for leaving will be considered at Scrutiny Committee in July 2016.

50. RS/M012: A reduction in carbon dioxide emissions in the non-domestic public building stock of 1.3% against a target of 3% was reported. Whilst the Council is still moving in the right direction, gas consumption has increased in some sites and this will be reviewed and addressed during 2016.

Development of new Performance Reporting Arrangements

51. Members will be aware of the significant developments to the Performance Management Framework which have taken place over the past few months. This includes the development and adoption of the new Corporate Plan, the publication of the Council's first whole annual Self-Assessment and the alignment of Scrutiny Committees with the Council's Well-being Outcomes contained in the Corporate Plan.

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52. The Member Working Group established in December 2015 to consider the Performance Management Framework developments agreed the titles and the remits of the Council's Scrutiny Committees and these were approved by Full Council on 27th April and came into effect in May 2016. This will enable the Council to achieve a more cross-cutting approach to scrutinising the Well-being Outcomes contained in the Corporate Plan 2016-20, whilst reducing the potential for duplication in the work of the Committees.

53. Service Plans have been reported to Scrutiny Committees and the Cabinet during April and May 2016. This year the Plans were developed at Head of Service level and focus on the contribution made to the Council's Well-being Outcomes and Objectives and the way in which the service will manage its resources to do so.

54. Members will note that due to the changes to Scrutiny Committee remits from 1 May 2016, the end of year report for 2015-16 will contain some performance information relating to activity that was previously scrutinised by the Corporate Resources Scrutiny Committee that is no longer within the remit of the newly formed Corporate Performance & Resources Scrutiny Committee and vice versa. For example, the Environment and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee will receive end of year performance information relating to leisure services which now forms part of the remit of this Committee. By presenting the end of year performance to the Environment & Regeneration Committee it will ensure that the Committee with knowledge and experience of the performance of the leisure service during the 2015/6 year concludes this work by scrutinising its end of year performance.

55. As reported previously, from 2016-17, the Corporate Plan will be monitored on a quarterly basis by an overall Corporate Health Report and this will be reported to the Corporate Performance & Resources Committee. This will be supplemented by specific quarterly performance reports for each of the four Well-being Outcomes, structured by Well-being objective. This will enable Members to focus on scrutinising the progress being made towards achieving the Council’s Well-being Outcomes. Services will continue to report performance data quarterly to the Council's Performance Team. The Performance Team will then use this information to compile and present the more focused Well-being Outcome Reports.

56. The four Quarterly Well-being Outcome and Objectives Reports will demonstrate progress against each of the individual Well-being Outcomes and associated objectives. Informed by performance data collected from the 2016-17 Service Plans, these reports will demonstrate the cross-cutting nature of the Well-being Outcomes and draw together evidence from the range of the Council's service areas responsible for delivering the actions associated with the outcome. A brief position statement from the sponsoring Director will be provided for the quarter. A brief summary of achievements by objective will be provided and areas of underperformance/ key challenges highlighted, including a description of any remedial actions required to address them.

57. In the coming months, the Scrutiny Committee Chairman as a member of the Working Group (comprising Scrutiny Committee Chairs, Group Leaders and senior Council officers) will be involved in developing the format of the quarterly performance reports including the basket of key measures that will be used to demonstrate the progress being made towards achieving the Council's Well-being Outcomes and Objectives.

58. Work has already commenced in reviewing the Council's existing performance indicator dataset with workshops held for all four Well-being Outcome areas chaired

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by the respective Sponsoring Director and Lead Officer/ Heads of Service. These workshops discussed and have outlined a proposed basket of measures for consideration by the Working Group for each Well-being Outcome. These measures will be presented to the Working Group in July as the basis for discussion and comprise some existing and some new measures. This will inform the quarter 1 reports that will be presented to Scrutiny Committees in September 2016.

59. The Performance Team is also considering best practice examples of performance reports from other local authorities and this will form the basis for creating a draft Quarterly Well-being Outcome and Objectives report to be discussed with the Member Working Group during July.

Target Setting for 2016-17

60. The Council has a long standing commitment (as outlined in the previous and current Corporate Plan) to continuously improve the services it provides to citizens of the Vale. However, the severe reductions in public sector funding will inevitably impact on the availability of resources, and in addition, external factors such as the wider economic environment, bring into question the realism of continual improvement in service performance. However, having taken account of these factors, the Council still seeks to establish challenging but realistic targets that are commensurate with the available level of resource.

61. The Council's approach to target setting emphasises this by adopting a challenging approach to how targets are set by ensuring that there is an assessment of how we have performed. This involves evaluating how we have performed against targets and making best use of external benchmarking data (where this available). This is balanced against how much of a priority the indicator is to the Council and whether there is capacity to improve performance. All proposed targets must have an accompanying rationale that clearly explains the reasons for setting the targets at that level.

62. The annual target setting process for 2016-17 has been aligned with the new Corporate Plan Well-being Outcomes. Appendix 2 outlines the proposed targets for the Corporate Performance & Resources Committee and includes all relevant performance indicators that fit within the remit of the newly formed Committee. Targets have been set for those performance indicators that are continuing into 2016-17.

63. Members will note that whilst targets have been proposed for the existing performance indicator dataset aligned to this Committee, it is proposed that a smaller basket of key measures will be used in the Quarterly Well-being Outcome and Objectives Reports that will be presented to the Committee. The remaining indicators will become management information. These indicators will be collected by services and, whilst not being reported as part of the key indicator dataset, will provide important contextual information for the position statement on the progress being made to achieve the Objective and Well-being Outcome overall. This management information will also provide important data for service managers to use operationally.

64. 22 Corporate Health indicators are proposed to be carried forward and collected in 2016-17. Of the 22 proposed measures, 8 have set targets to improve on the previous year's performance, 3 have targets that have been set to remain the same when compared with the previous year, and 11 have set targets lower than the previous year's performance.

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65. The consideration of these proposed performance improvement targets by Members is a key feature of the internal challenge process. Following review/endorsement by the Committee, these performance targets will be reported to Cabinet in July for approval.

66. Members will note that final agreement on the format of the Quarterly Well-being Outcome and Objectives Reports will be sought via Cabinet in July prior to the reporting of Quarter 1 performance in September 2016. This will include the final basket of performance indicators proposed to measure performance against each Well-being Objective and their associated targets. In addition to the consideration of this report and appendices by this Committee, the Member Working Group review of performance indicators and reporting formats will be instrumental in determining the final proposals made to Cabinet. Any new performance indicators agreed as part of this process will be set to establish baseline performance during 2016-17.

Resource Implications (Financial and Employment)

67. There are no additional budgetary implications arising from this report although underperformance in some areas may have a negative impact on external assessments of the Council and could put certain funding opportunities at risk.

Sustainability and Climate Change Implications

68. None directly from this report. The Corporate Plan emphasises the Council's commitment to promoting sustainable development and our understanding of our duties under the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act. The many different aspects of sustainability (environment, economy, culture and social) are covered within the Corporate Plan as well as how the Council will maximise its contribution to the Well-being Goals.

Legal Implications (to Include Human Rights Implications)

69. The Local Government Act 1999, the Wales Programme for Improvement and the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2009 require that the Council secure continuous improvement across the full range of local services for which it is responsible.

Crime and Disorder Implications

70. None directly from this report. Activities to improve community safety are included in the Corporate Plan and one of the Well-being Outcomes is 'An Inclusive and Safe Vale' with a supporting objective 'providing decent homes and safe communities'. The Performance Management Framework will support the delivery of actions associated with these objectives.

Equal Opportunities Implications (to include Welsh Language issues)

71. None directly from this report. An Inclusive and Safe Vale' is one of the Well-being Outcomes in the Corporate Plan with a supporting objective 'reducing poverty and social exclusion'. There is also a Well-being Outcome 'An Aspirational and culturally vibrant Vale' with a supporting action 'valuing culture and diversity’. The Performance Management Framework will support the delivery of actions associated with these objectives.

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Corporate/Service Objectives

72. The Performance Management Framework supports the delivery of all of the Council’s Corporate and Service Objectives.

Policy Framework and Budget

73. This is a matter for Executive decision.

Consultation (including Ward Member Consultation)

74. The information contained within the report is based on quarterly returns provided by service directorates to the Performance Team. An overall Council report on performance and target setting for improvement will be considered by Cabinet in July 2016. Quarterly performance reports have been presented to relevant Scrutiny Committees throughout the year.

Relevant Scrutiny Committee

75. Corporate Performance & Resources

Background Papers

Performance Management Framework, Report of the Leader, Cabinet, 25 April 2016


Contact Officer

Julia Archampong, Corporate Performance Manager Officers Consulted

Tom Bowring, Operational Manager Performance and Policy Huw Isaac, Head of Performance and Development Corporate Management Team Responsible Officer:

Rob Thomas, Managing Director

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Resources Performance: Quarter 4 (End of Year) Overview Report

Performance Summary • Overall, the department is on track to achieving its Service Plan priorities, with 65% of actions currently either completed or on track. There

are a total of 43 actions in the plan; 24 have been completed, 4 are on track, 15 have slipped. • Our contribution to the Corporate Plan is also on course, with 85% of actions are either complete or on track for completion. Of 20

Corporate Plan actions, 11 have been completed 3 are on track, and 6 have slipped. • All actions relating to the Improvement Objectives are on track for completion. There are currently no performance indicators relating to the

Improvement Objectives. • There is currently no Outcome Agreement actions or measures. • Of the 36 Performance Indicators that are measured at end of year, 17 (47%) met or exceeded target, 1 (3%) were within 10% of target, 8

(22%) have missed target by more than 10% and for 10 (28%) of indicators a status was not available. • The indicators that have missed target relate to RS/M013b, RS/M030, RS/M031, RS/M044, RS/M045, RS/M029a, RS/M008 and RS/M012.

Please see relevant objectives for reasons for underperformance and proposed remedial action where appropriate. A summary of action plan and performance status is provided below:

Service Plan Actions 2015/16

Total number

Complete On Track

Slipped Not due to have started



Total number Status not


All Actions 43 24 (56%)

4 (9%)

15 (35%)

0 (0%)

All Measures 36 17 (47%)

1 (3%)

8 (22%)

10 (28%) Corporate

Plan Actions 20 11 (15%)

3 (70%)

6 (15%)

0 (%)

Improvement Objective Actions

4 2 (50%)

2 (50%) 0 0

Improvement Objective Measures

0 0 0 0 0

Outcome Agreement Actions

0 0 0 0 0 Outcome Agreement Measures

0 0 0 0 0

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Understanding the Performance Symbols and referencing system An explanation of the referencing used in this report:

E.g. RS/A001 • RS: This refers to the service plan, in this case, Resources • A: this refers to the fact that this is an action. Performance indicators will have an ‘M’ for ‘measure’ here. • 001: this is the unique/individual number reference for the action. Where our actions link to other strategic plans, the following references may be seen in brackets after the action name: • CP/CL1: The CP refers to the Corporate Plan. CL1 is the reference number of the Corporate Plan objective the action links to. • IO/06: The IO refers to the Improvement Objectives. 06, refers to the number of the Improvement Plan objective linked to. • OA/01: The OA refers to the Outcome Agreement with Welsh Government. 01 refers to the number of the Agreement linked to. • WAO: This refers to Wales Audit Office improvement proposals related to the service area.

Key Measures:

Direction of travel:


Performance is on or above target Performance has improved on the same quarter last year

Completed: Completed in full by due date.

Performance is within 10% of target

Performance has remained the same as the same quarter last year

On track: Progressing and due to be completed by due date. On track actions reported at end of year relate to actions with an end date later than 31 Macrch 2015.

Performance missed target by more than 10%

Performance has declined compared to the same quarter last year

Slipped: Limited progress has been made and an explanation must be provided inlcuding any planned remedial action(s) where appropriate. Not due: Action has been rescheduled for a later start date than that orginally planned.

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What have we achieved and is anyone better off? Outcome 1: Residents are confident in accessing our services and are engaged with their local community.

Performance snapshot

• 71% of actions are either complete or on track for completion against this outcome. Of 14 actions, 10 are complete and 4 have slipped. • Of the 15 performance indicators, 4 have met or exceeded target, 5 have missed target by more than 10% and for 6 measures a status was

not applicable. See relevant objective under Annex A for reasons for under performance and proposed remedial action where appropriate. • Digital Inclusion Strategy objectives have been accepted by partnership group “Get the Vale Online”. Work is currently being undertaken to

increase the number of “digital champions” and ensure that training is delivered. This action will allow the Vale of Glamorgan Council to contribute towards increasing the number of customers supported to develop their digital skills to communicate with the Council via the Internet, email, mobile apps and social media. Enabling access to these benefits is an important part of the Council’s goal to tackle poverty and social and digital exclusion in the Vale of Glamorgan (RS/A094).

• Protocols to increase public engagement and participation in the Council's meetings have been developed and published on the Council website providing the public with increased opportunities for public speaking and involvement at Scrutiny and Planning Committee meetings. This will ensure that citizens have a meaningful say in the subjects that affect them and also provides the Council with a wealth of information that will enable effective decision making (RS/A038).

• The LSB held its last meeting in February 2016 and considered a transition report for the new Public Services Board (PSB) and draft terms of reference. All future PSB meetings have been scheduled for 2016 with the first meeting held on the 19th May. Many of the partners that sat on the LSB will also contribute towards the PSB allowing the Council to continue to work with partners and maintain excellent working relationships whilst listening to the views of citizens, improving services and maximising opportunities for savings (RS/A100).

What will we do to bring our slipped actions and measures back on track?


• RS/A095: Moves to develop the website and further enhance corporate channels to promote access to news and information about the Council and improve overall customer experience has missed target. Despite missing target Vale Connect continues to be the key role in delivering corporate and service messages. The bulletins showing the greatest growth in subscribers over the period were eNews, Refuse and Waste Updates, Job Vacancies and Adult Learning Courses. The website continues to be rationalised to remove duplicate and un-needed content to enable better navigation by customers. In addition, further functionality has been added to allow customer to report issues and request services online.

• RS/A096: The review of suitability of existing Welsh translation Framework/model and the development of an action plan in response to the new Welsh language standards has slipped. The Equalities team are currently in discussions with Cardiff Council to review the Council’s existing Welsh Translation Framework. An action plan has been developed in response to the new Welsh language standards.

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• RS/A092: The roll out of podiatry shared telephony service to the Cardiff and Vale locality has slipped. The final meeting to discuss resource efficiencies with Podiatry service are now scheduled for 17th May 2016.

• RS/A099: the implementation of joint scrutiny arrangements for the regionalisation of regulatory services has slipped. Discussion are on-going, however, no firm proposals have yet been agreed. Officers of the constituent Authorities are continuing to explore options. This action will, therefore, need to be carried over into 2016/17.

Performance Measures • RS/M029: Average speed of answer for incoming calls to Customer Contact Centre is no more than 45 seconds. Overall performance for

the year was 48 seconds against a target of 45. Performance has been impacted by the requirement to provide additional resources to Adult Services and an increase in staff turnover. While Adult Services continues to require an increased level of resources to handle increased demand, successful call handler recruitment has improved performance during March when an average speed of answer of 39 seconds was achieved. This performance should continue to improve during 2016/17.

• RS/M030: The percentage of incoming calls to the Contact Centre not answered or abandoned and RS/M031, the percentage of incoming calls abandoned after 20 seconds has missed target, Performance for quarter four was below expectations. This was due to staff turnover and an increasing demand for adult care services. The required increase in resources dedicated to this service and a resultant reduction in available call handling resources being available. In the short term a successful recruitment campaign has seen the staffing resource increase to full establishment and this has resulted in an immediate improvement in Average Speed of Answer and Abandoned Call rates. Demand for adult care services is not expected to diminish and the service will continue to require additional resources. Sustainable improvements in call handling performance will be achieved through the successful promotion of self-service opportunities for customers and the resulting reduction in call demand at C1V.

• RS/M044: The percentage of customer complaints referred to the Ombudsman. Although 39 complaints were referred to the ombudsman, 13 of these where deemed to be premature – the customer had not made us aware of the complaint or given us the opportunity to investigate. The ombudsman considered that only 3, circa 8% of these cases where worthy of investigation. In 2016/17 managers will have access to a new complaints dashboard providing real time information about the number, type and status of complaints received for their services. This will enable them to better manage stage 1 and 2 complaints and reduce the number being referred to the ombudsman. In addition analysis of the cause of complaints will allow managers to make changes to service delivery and customer communications to reduce the number of complaints received overall.

• RS/M045: The percentage of customer complaints investigated by the Ombudsman. (CC/M024) Of the 3 complaints being investigated by the ombudsman one was determined as a Voluntary Settlement while the outcome of the two others has yet to be determined.

Outcome 2: The Vale community benefits from the Council’s sound and transparent decision-making through effective management of resources.

Performance snapshot

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• 48% of actions against this outcome are complete. Of the 29 actions, 14 have been completed, 4 are on track, and 11 have slipped. The 4 actions that have been categorised as “on track” (RS/A125, RS/A126, RS/A109 and RS/A110) are due to conclude by the 31st March 2017 therefore have been carried forward to their respective directorate Service Plans for 2016/17.

• Of 21 performance indicators, 13 have met or exceeded target, 1 measure was within 10% of target, and 3 have missed target by more than 10%. For 5 measures a status was not applicable.

• The Council has successfully completed all programmed works under the school investment programme projects for Oakfield Primary School, Ysgol Dewi Sant, Ysgol Gwaun Nant and phase 2 of the Penarth Learning Community (PLC). This action has allowed the Council to deliver effective relevant services and facilities which should contribute towards the improvement of standards of achievement for pupils so they have chance to achieve their full potential (RS/A106).

• During 2015/16, the Council successfully implemented an innovative Shared Regulatory Service (SRS) formed between Bridgend, Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan Councils. The Vale of Glamorgan Council is the host and therefore employing authority and the transfer of staff was completed on time. This action has contributed towards a more cost-effective and sustainable service, improved access to specialist skills and financial savings. The services offered by the SRS will also ensure that vulnerable people in the Vale continue to be protected and supported (RS/A102).

• In light of recent legislation; Welsh Language Standards, Future Generations Bill and Social Services Wellbeing (Wales) Act; the Strategic Equality Plan has been reviewed, updated and approved by Cabinet. The Plan ensures a more joined up approach to achieving better outcomes for people with protected characteristics (RS/A108).

• A comprehensive communication and engagement exercise has been completed as part of work to support the new Corporate Plan and budget setting process. This project has provided the Council with a wealth of information to help shape the future of council services and allowed effective and transparent communication with staff to ensure they are empowered and feel involved in the process (RS/A115).

• The new “Staff Charter” was signed off by the Corporate Management Team on the 16th March 2016 and pre-launched at the Leadership Café on 17th March 2016. This action has supported the reshaping services agenda and the development of an agile workforce enabling flexibility for the future (RS/A117).

What will we do to bring our slipped actions and measures back on track?


• RS/A007: Work with all Directorates to meet corporate energy management commitments, with respect to carbon reduction has slipped. Background work has shown that a carbon management plan is feasible for the 2016-2020 period using a 3% per annum reduction target. This could be achieved within existing budget plans. The Sustainable Development Working Group now incorporates a standing item for Energy. A report to CMT is currently being progressed and it is intended that it is presented in May.

• RS/A014: The identification and implementation of projects to reduce energy use and raise awareness amongst staff and the public about the need to reduce our carbon footprint has slipped. Although all PV panels have been installed, there is some delay with the final finishing off; this has been caused by a problem with the contractor.

• RS/A056: Welfare Reform continues to develop at a slow pace in line with the July 2015 Budget and autumn 2015 statement to meet the spending targets set by the treasury. Universal Credit has been introduced into the Vale on 20th February 2016. Universal support Delivered

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Locally (USDL) is a partnership with DWP to deliver Universal Credit support to local residents as the service evolves to deal with the transition.

• RS/A104: Although the migration of data to new servers has slipped; the remaining servers have mitigating circumstances delaying their migration.

• RS/A113: The review of office accommodation/ non-office accommodation facilities management and corporate buildings has slipped. We are currently finalising negotiations with the contractors to achieve proposed floor plans for the Civic Offices and Barry Library/ Open Learning Community to accommodate all staff and services that are currently located in Provincial House and we should be in a position to sign contracts in quarter 1 of 2016-17. Cabinet provided approval in early March 2016 to appoint contactors to undertake the necessary works.

• RS/A114: The co-ordination of a review of income generation opportunities corporately has slipped. A Cabinet report was presented in April 2016 to progress opportunities for website advertising. Work on other areas continues, including the recoupment of finance charges and coordinating the ongoing work on income generation from across the Council.

• RS/A035: The review and development of options for the delivery of procurement services across the Council has slipped. The function has transferred to Exchequer Services. Consideration is being given to collaborative working opportunities and meetings with another authority are underway. CMT have approved 1 year temporary funding of a part-time post to coordinate an internally resourced approach. This post is currently being recruited. A progress report will be submitted to Cabinet by the end of June 2016.

• RS/A083: The development of a plan to manage the staffing transitional implications of the Welfare Reform Programme has slipped. The structure of the Finance Division is currently being reviewed to meet the implementation of the Welfare Reform Programme in line with the introduction of the Universal Support Delivered Locally (USDL) agreement. The processes and functions of the service are being aligned to working with the DWP as UC becomes more imbedded locally.

• RS/A80: The implementation of succession planning guidelines to help managers ensure continuity of the service that is delivered has slipped. The succession planning pilot is being conducted across all directorates which include guidelines for managers.

• RS/A118: The review of management competency framework to support the needs of the Reshaping Services agenda has slipped. The new “Vale Contract”, in the shape of the Staff Charter, has been pre-launched at the Leadership Café and is being sent out for consultation in April. This is being used to review the Management Competency Framework; once the charter has been approved the Management Competency Framework can be agreed and published.

Performance Measures • RS/M013b: The average Site Morse position (ranking of quality websites) in England and Wales has missed target. Broken links on pages

cause significant drop in ranks. The website has seen a lot of recent changes and staff should be aware to maintain and remove old content. A project has started to remove these pages.

• RS/M008: The percentage of employees including teachers and school-based staff who leave the employment of the local authority, whether on a voluntary or involuntary basis. Turnover has been increasing over the last 3 years therefore a report reviewing the breakdown of reasons for leaving will be considered at Scrutiny Committee in July 2016.

• RS/M012: The percentage reduction in carbon dioxide emissions in the non-domestic public building stock has missed target. Whilst the Council is still moving in the right direction, gas consumption has increased in some sites and this will be reviewed and addressed during 2016/17.

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Annex A: Detailed Quarter 4 (End of year) Report

Outcome 1: Residents are confident in accessing our services and are engaged with their local community.

Objective 1: To increase the number of customer who use the lowest cost, most appropriate or their preferred method for their enquiry. Actions - Quarter 4 Progress Update

Completed: 50%; On Track: 0%; Slipped: 50%

Action Ref Completion Date

% Complete Status

Progress/ Outcomes

RS/A093 Expand the range of services available via mobile apps for promoting and increasing self-service transactions. (CP/CL2)

31/03/2016 100 Complete Welsh language version of the Contact1Vale app now available and promotional activities are currently taking place.

RS/A097 Implementation of the Unified Agent Desktop within the Customer Contact Centre. 31/03/2016 100 Complete

The financial business case not viable. Currently reviewing alternative solutions to improving call handling efficiency as part of corporate Digital Inclusion Strategy.

RS/A094 Address issues of digital exclusion by promoting access to activities and opportunities to improve digital skills via the 'Get Vale Online' project. (CP/CL2)

31/03/2016 100 Complete Digital Inclusion Strategy objectives accepted by the “Get Vale Online” partnership group. Increasing number of digital champions and training being undertaken.

Action Ref Completion Date

% Complete Status

Progress/ Outcomes

RS/A095 Develop the website and further enhance corporate channels to promote access to news and information about the Council and improve the overall customer experience. (CP/CL3)

31/03/2016 97 Slipped

Over the reporting period subscribers to Vale Connect have grown to 31,176 an increase of 22.75%. The number of topics available for subscription has increased to 71 and total number of subscriptions has increased by 41.86% (2.3 per

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Action Ref Completion Date

% Complete Status

Progress/ Outcomes

subscriber). Vale Connect continues to be the key role in delivering corporate and service messages. The bulletins showing the greatest growth in subscribers over the period were eNews, Refuse and Waste Updates, Job Vacancies and Adult Learning Courses. Social media continues to grow as a key communication channel. The number of subscribers to the corporate Twitter account has grown from around 9000 to 12,600. The number of likes on the council Facebook page Vale of Glamorgan Life increased to 7310 during the year. The web site continues to be rationalised to remove duplicate and un-needed content to enable better navigation by customers. In addition, further functionality has been added to allow customer to report issues and request services online.

RS/A096 Review suitability of existing Welsh Translation Framework/Model and develop an action plan in response to the new Welsh Language Standards.

31/03/2016 75 Slipped

The Equalities Team are currently in discussions with Cardiff Council to review the Council's existing Welsh Translation Framework. An action plan has been developed in response to the new Welsh Language standards.

RS/A092 Extend roll out of Podiatry shared telephony service to the Cardiff and Vale locality. (CP/CL2)

31/03/2016 97 Slipped Final meeting to discuss resource efficiencies with Podiatry service now scheduled for 17 May 2016

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Performance Indicators - Quarter 4 Progress Update

PI Ref Quarter 4 Actual 2015/16

Quarterly Target Status Direction

of travel Quarter

4 2014/15

Actual 2014/15 Comment

How Much? RS/M032 Number of Contact Centre transactions that are self-service transactions. N/A 10.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A

The ability to report on this performance target is still being worked on. Resolution has not been achieved during this reporting year.

How Well?

RS/M029a Average speed of answer for incoming calls to Customer Contact Centre is no more than 45 seconds.

48 45.00 52.00 52.00

Overall performance for the year is 48 seconds against a target of 45 seconds. Performance has been impacted by the requirement to provide additional resources to Adult Services and an increase in staff turnover. While Adult Services continues to require an increased level of resources to handle increased demand, successful call handler recruitment has improved performance during March when an average speed of answer of 39 seconds was achieved. During the quarter 92% of 208 customers surveys stated that wait times were satisfactory.

RS/M029b The average speed of answer for calls on the Welsh language line.

42.00 45.00 44.00 44.00 Annual performance was 42 seconds.

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PI Ref Quarter 4 Actual 2015/16

Quarterly Target Status Direction

of travel Quarter

4 2014/15

Actual 2014/15 Comment

RS/M030 Percentage of incoming calls to the Contact Centre not answered/abandoned.

6.6 6.00 7.26 7.26

Performance for Q4 was below expectation due to staff turnover and increasing demand for adult care services; this required an increase in resources dedicated to this service and a resultant reduction in available call handling resources being available. The annual performance stands at 6.6% against a target of 6%.

RS/M031 Percentage of incoming calls to the Contact Centre abandoned after 20 seconds.

4.33 4.00 3.13 3.13 See above. Performance for quarter reflects overall departmental performance.

RS/M047 Percentage of customers who are satisfied with the service they received from the Contact Centre (C1V).

98.87 95.00 N/A N/A N/A


Better Off?

RS/M033 The percentage of customers who are satisfied with access to services across all channels. (CC/M007)

98.87 95.00 98.70 98.70 N/A

RS/M034 The percentage of customer enquiries to C1V resolved at first contact.

N/A 70.00 N/A N/A 64.09 64.09

It is not currently possible to report accurately on this measure due to a lack of reporting capability from CRM. A resolution is still being sought.

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Objective 2: To deliver seamless services to our customers, by working in partnership and engaging our residents in decision-making and service improvement.

Actions - Quarter 4 Progress Update

Completed: 88%; On Track: 0%; Slipped: 22%

Action Ref Completion Date

% Complete Status

Progress/ Outcomes

RS/A089 Submit to Council for consideration a draft revised Council Constitution. 31/03/2016 100 Complete

New Constitution published / available on Council website.

RS/A038 Develop and introduce protocols to increase public engagement and participation in the Council's meetings. (CP/CL6)

30/06/2015 100 Complete Protocol published / available on website and arrangements for public speaking in place.

RS/A098 Implement the Scrutiny Action Plan arising from the WAO Scrutiny Improvement Study.

31/03/2016 100 Complete

The Action Plan has been reported to / monitored by the Democratic Services Committee. Whilst some components of the Action Plan, by their very nature, are ongoing, the Committee agreed in February 2016 that the Action Plan itself is completed and rather than an update to every meeting, the next update report is in six months’ time; that report will summarise achievements following implementation of the Plan.

RS/A100 Work with partners through the Vale LSB and the Cardiff and Vale LSB to deliver agreed priorities. (CP/CL4)

30/06/2015 100 Complete

The LSB held its last meeting in February 2016 and considered a transition report for the new Public Services Board (PSB) and draft terms of reference. PSB meetings have been scheduled for 2016 with the first meeting on the 19th May. Comments on the draft TOR, confirmation of membership of the PSB and consideration of resources have all been requested from partner organisations to inform discussions at the first PSB meeting. Many of the partners on the LSB will also attend the PSB and agreed that it should be recommended to the PSB that it adopts the current plan and sub-groups of the LSB until work on the well-being assessment and subsequent plan are sufficiently advanced to inform any changes. Work

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Action Ref Completion Date

% Complete Status

Progress/ Outcomes

will now commence on the Annual Report for 2015/16.

RS/A122 Promote sustainable development ensuring that sustainability factors are taken into account in decision making and that the Council complies with forthcoming legislation on sustainable development. (CP/CL8)

30/06/2015 100 Complete

The new Corporate Plan was agreed by Council on 2nd March and has been published. The Plan includes 4 well-being outcomes and 8 objectives and demonstrates how the Council will maximise its contribution to the national well-being goals. Service Plans and Team Plans have changed to reflect the new Corporate Plan and a programme of further staff engagement around the Plan and new legislation is planned. Articles appear regularly in core brief. Work has continued to start planning the transition to a PSB and also the new well-being assessment. The Council has also been successful in obtaining grant funding with Cardiff to support the work of the Well-being assessment. This work will also align to the population needs assessment being undertaken as part of the requirements of the Social Services and Well-being Act.

RS/A123 Extend the use of social media throughout the Council particularly Facebook, including the use of Welsh. (CP/CL1)

30/06/2015 100 Complete A new social media policy and Code of Conduct have been authored by the Senior Media Officer and endorsed by CMT.

RS/A124 Implement the Council's Public Engagement Framework. (CP/CL1) 30/06/2015 100 Complete

The action plan that set out the key activities required to implement the framework has now been completed.

Action Ref Completion Date

% Complete Status

Progress/ Outcomes

RS/A099 Implement joint Scrutiny arrangements for the regionalisation of Regulatory Services. (CP/CL4) 30/06/2015 75 Slipped

Whilst discussions are ongoing, no firm proposals have yet been agreed. However, officers of the constituent Authorities are continuing to explore options. This action will, therefore, need to be carried over into 2016/17.

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Performance Indicators - Quarter 4 Progress Update

PI Ref Quarter 4 Actual 2015/16

Quarterly Target Status Direction

of travel

Quarter 4


Actual 2014/15 Comment

How Much? RS/M037a The total number of subscribers to Vale Connect. 31115 30000 25734.00 25734.00

Subscribers continue to grow steadily. There are now a total of 71 topics.

How Well?

RS/M044 The percentage of customer complaints referred to the Ombudsman. (CC/M023)

8.99 7.50 7.41 7.41

Although 39 complaints were referred to the ombudsman, 13 of these where deemed to be premature – the customer had not made us aware of the complaint or given us the opportunity to investigate. The ombudsman considered that only 3, circa 8% of these cases where worthy of investigation. In 2016/17 managers will have access to a new complaints dashboard providing real time information about the number, type and status of complaints received for their services. This will enable them to better manage stage 1 and 2 complaints and reduce the number being referred to the ombudsman. In addition analysis of the cause of complaints will allow managers to make changes to service delivery and customer communications to reduce the number of complaints received overall.

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RS/M045 The percentage of customer complaints investigated by the Ombudsman. (CC/M024) 0.69 0.50 0.00 0.00

Of the 3 complaints being investigated by the ombudsman, one was determined as a Voluntary Settlement while the outcome of the two others has yet to be determined.

RS/M035 Percentage of citizens satisfied overall with the service provided by the Council. (CC/M012) (POS)

84.00 N/A N/A N/A 84.00 84.00 Biennial Survey.

RS/M039 Percentage of the public who are satisfied with communication from the Council. (CC/M016)

88.00 N/A N/A N/A 88.00 88.00 Biennial Survey.

RS/M046 Percentage of black and ethnic minority members of the Vale Viewpoint. (CC/M025)

3.50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Biennial Survey.

Better Off?

RS/M043 Percentage of residents who feel they are able to influence decisions affecting their local area. (CC/M022) (POS)

25.00 N/A N/A N/A 25.00 25.00 Biennial Survey.

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Outcome 2: The Vale community benefits from the Council’s sound and transparent decision-making through effective management of resources. Objective 3: To optimise our resources, exercise robust financial management and provide effective relevant services and facilities.

Actions - Quarter 4 Progress Update

Completed: 48%; On Track: 19%; Slipped: 33%

Action Ref Completion Date

% Complete Status

Progress/ Outcomes

RS/A106 Delivery of school investment programme projects for Oakfield Primary School, Ysgol Dewi Sant, Ysgol Gwaun Nant and phase 2 of the Penarth Learning Community (PLC). (CP/LS1)

31/03/2016 100 Complete

All programmed works complete. Some snagging items remain.

RS/A102 To support the delivery of the regionalisation of Regulatory Services across the 3 local authorities. (CP/CL4)

31/03/2016 100 Complete

Corporate services continue to support this project for which the Council is the host (employing) authority. Transfer of staff was completed on time and processes completed regarding consultation towards the new structure. Final recruitment to the new structure and further changes to the operating model were completed as planned in Q4.

RS/A103 Implement and integrate a new IT system (with the Vale acting as host authority) to support the role of regional adoption service across 5 local authorities. (CP/CL4)

31/03/2016 100 Complete

The application is now in use in a live environment and has been signed off by the Regional Adoptive Service from the 1st week in January 2016.

RS/A105 Undertake a training needs analysis to inform the production of a Member Development Programme. 31/03/2016 100 Complete

A total of 30 Members undertook individual Personal Development Interviews with the Head of Democratic Services. The resultant Training Needs Analysis will be used to inform the Member Development Programme through to the Council Elections in May 2017.

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Action Ref Completion Date

% Complete Status

Progress/ Outcomes

RS/A107 Progress the first phase of the Llantwit Learning Community through obtaining planning consent and initiate work on site. (CP/LS1)

30/06/2015 100 Complete

Work on site has progressed. Primary School Roofing, SFS, Boarding complete. Underfloor Heating and Screed complete Windows Installed Glazing and Doors ongoing Brickwork ongoing Internal Partitions ongoing Tarmac base course to car park complete. Secondary School. Main school and link steel frame complete Upper and ground floor complete. Roofing and steel framing system ongoing Drainage to access road complete Refurbishment works surveys have been undertaken.

RS/A108 Review and update the Strategic Equality Plan in light of forthcoming legislation (Welsh Language Standards/Future Generations Bill and Social Services Wellbeing (Wales) Act. (CP/CL9)

31/03/2016 100 Complete

The Strategic Equality Plan has been reviewed, updated and approved by Cabinet.

RS/A111 Undertake organisational development activities to support the programme and its projects. (IO1)

31/03/2016 100 Complete

Following completion of the staff engagement events and follow-up mini-conferences and presentations to CMT, a draft Staff Charter has been approved by Cabinet as the basis for consultation with staff in the first quarter of the new year. This has been the major undertaking as part of the organisational development work supporting Reshaping Services by engaging and involving the council’s workforce in the challenges the Council is facing. In addition to this Council-wide work, individual support activities continue with training and support being offered to individual projects as required. For example, CIPFA training on Local Authority Trading Companies was undertaken in the last quarter of the year to support the development of a business case for the catering service.

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Action Ref Completion Date

% Complete Status

Progress/ Outcomes

RS/A112 Undertake a review of management and leadership competencies including an increased requirement for commissioning, contracting, collaboration and project management skills. (IO1)

31/03/2016 100 Complete

All employee engagement workshops were completed in November 2015 and resultant work brought together in March 2016 in the format of a new Vale Staff Charter. This together with the outcomes from PDRS and Workforce Planning has informed the management and leadership competencies going forward.

RS/A115 Develop and implement a combined Communication and Engagement Plan to support the Reshaping Services agenda. 31/03/2016 100 Complete

A comprehensive communication and engagement exercise has been completed as part of work to support the new Corporate Plan and budget setting process. This project has provided the Council with a wealth of information to help shape the future of council services.

RS/A121 Implement key improvement areas/recommendations as identified by relevant regulatory reports.

31/03/2018 100 Complete

All regulatory recommendations are reflected within relevant Service Plans which are monitored quarterly. An overview of progress against all regulatory recommendations and improvement proposals was reported to Audit Committee on 21 September 2015. The draft Annual Improvement Report (AIR) 2015 from the Wales Audit Office is being used to inform service self-assessments for the 2015-16 business planning cycle.

Action Ref Completion Date

% Complete Status

Progress/ Outcomes

RS/A125 (CC/A067) Revise the Council's Performance Management Framework to account for changes in national arrangements.

31/09/2016 80 On Track

The Council published the new Corporate Plan in April 2016 following extensive internal and external consultation. Council also approved proposals to realign Scrutiny Committees with the Well-being Outcomes contained in the Corporate Plan. A Member Working Group has been established to inform the development of the new reporting arrangements. A series of workshops are underway to develop the measures and reporting format for the new performance framework and these will report to Scrutiny Committees on quarter one performance in September 2016.

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Action Ref Completion Date

% Complete Status

Progress/ Outcomes

RS/A126 (CC/A002) Implement the new Welsh language standards. (CL9) 31/03/2017 60 On Track

Meetings continue and an Action Plan has been commenced to implement the new standards.

RS/A109 Commence the review of service areas contained in tranche one of the programme by documenting business cases to consider the full range of opportunities presented by each area. (IO1)

31/03/2017 80 On Track

Work continues on tranche one service reviews, with actions in place to ensure that the projects achieve their savings targets as set out in the Council's revenue budget for 2016/17. Business cases and proposals will be reported to Members as appropriate.

RS/A110 Begin work on the corporate projects work stream to consider a corporate response to demand management, effectiveness of spend, working with Town and Community Councils and income generation. (IO1)

31/03/2017 75 On Track

Work has continued on the corporate projects workstream of Reshaping Services. Work with C1V has continued on "avoidable contact" as part of the demand management project. Expressions of interest from town and community councils are being actively pursued and the Council's Community Asset Transfer guidance is being updated in line with the Welsh Government's guidance. Effectiveness of spend projects have continued in reviewing the way in which grant funding is provided and in economic regeneration, with targeted savings being achieved. A new corporate project to consider the way in which digital can contribute to transformation has been established and its first action will be to produce a digital strategy.

Action Ref Completion Date

% Complete Status

Progress/ Outcomes

RS/A007 Work with all Directorates to meet our corporate energy management commitments with respect to carbon reduction. (CP/E3)

31/03/2016 80 Slipped

Background work has shown that a carbon management plan is feasible for the 2016 - 20 period using a 3% per annum reduction target. This could be achieved within existing budget plans. SDWG working group now incorporates a standing item for Energy. A report to CMT is currently being progressed and it is intended that this is presented during May 2015.

RS/A014 Identify and implement projects to reduce energy use and raise awareness amongst staff and the public about the need to reduce our carbon footprint. (CP/E3)

31/03/2016 85 Slipped

Although all PV panels have been installed, there is some delay with the final finishing off which has been caused by a problem with the contractor.

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Action Ref Completion Date

% Complete Status

Progress/ Outcomes

RS/A056 Implement Welfare Reform and transfer housing benefit to Universal Credit in line with DWP timetable. (NA30)

31/03/2016 40 Slipped

Welfare Reform continues to develop at a slow pace in line with the July 2015 Budget and the 2015 Autumn statement to meet the spending targets set by the Treasury. Universal Credit has been introduced into the Vale on the 20th February 2016. Universal Support Delivered Locally (USDL) is a partnership with DWP to deliver UC support to local residents as the service evolves to deal with the transition. Caseload is being monitored.

RS/A104 Undertake migration of data to new servers. 31/03/2016 97 Slipped

Remaining servers have mitigating circumstances delaying their migration.

RS/A113 Undertake a review of office accommodation/non-office accommodation, facilities management and corporate buildings.

31/03/2016 35 Slipped

We are currently finalising negotiations with the contractors to achieve proposed floor plans for the Civic Offices and Barry Library/OLC to accommodate all staff and services that are currently located in Provincial House and we should be in a position to sign contracts later in quarter 1 in 2016. Cabinet provided approval in early March 2016 to appoint contractors to undertake the necessary works. Following formal appointment of the contractor, a period of mobilisation will commence, with a view to works starting in the Civic Offices and Barry Library to accommodate the OLC in the summer of 2016. A project manager has been appointed to manage the project, including liaison with the contractors going forward. Communications will continue with members and service areas to ensure they are kept informed and formal roll out of the communications plan will commence in May 2016.

RS/A114 Co-ordinate a review of income generation opportunities corporately.

31/03/2016 75 Slipped

A Cabinet report is to be presented in April 2016 to progress opportunities for website advertising. Work on other areas continues, including the recoupment of finance charges and coordinating the ongoing work on income generation from across the council.

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Action Ref Completion Date

% Complete Status

Progress/ Outcomes

RS/A035 Review and develop options for the delivery of procurement services across the Council.

31/03/2016 40 Slipped

The function has transferred to Exchequer Services. Consideration being given to collaborative working opportunities and meetings with another authority are underway. The service has responded to the new Council Constitution and is considering the process used in delivering procurement in line with the reshaping service agenda. Engagement is also underway with the Welsh Government (PROCSERVE/BASWARE) to introduce the ICT e-proc solution to digitise the procurement and invoice process.

Performance Indicators - Quarter 4 Progress Update

PI Ref Quarter 4 Actual 2015/16

Quarterly Target Status Direction of

travel Quarter

4 2014/15

Actual 2014/15 Comment

How Much?

RS/M017 Time taken to process Housing Benefit (HB) and Council Tax Benefit (CTB) new claims and change events.

7.87 10.00 5.95 5.95 N/A

How Well?

RS/M001 Percentage of ICT priority (all) 1 to 4 service desk calls resolved within agreed timescales.

96.84 84.00 90.20 90.20 N/A

RS/M002 Percentage of service availability of the top 20 ICT systems during core working hours.

99.95 99.75 99.95 99.95 Subscribers continue to grow steadily. There are now a total of 71 topics.

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PI Ref Quarter 4 Actual 2015/16

Quarterly Target Status Direction of

travel Quarter

4 2014/15

Actual 2014/15 Comment

RS/M003 The percentage of legal files that following a legal review are assessed as being of satisfactory standard or above.

100.00 100.00 98.57 98.57

A total of 91 files were reviewed during quarter 4, all were of satisfactory standard or above giving a performance of 100%.

RS/M005 Percentage of staff that have met their chargeable hours target at the end of the financial year.

100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 All relevant 22 staff members have met their targets during quarter 4.

RS/M011 The percentage of undisputed invoices which were paid within 30 days.

93.20 91.00 91.42 91.42 Target has been exceeded during Quarters 1 to 4

RS/M014 Percentage of audits completed within planned time.

89.77 89.60 91.73 91.73 More complex audits undertaken which went over the number of days allocated.

RS/M019 The percentage of council tax due for the financial year which was received by the authority.

97.85 97.00 97.87 97.87 Target has been exceeded

RS/M020 The percentage of non-domestic rates due for the financial year which were received by the Council.

99.10 97.60 N/A 98.41 98.41 Target has been exceeded

RS/M021 Percentage of customer satisfaction with registration services.

100.00 100.00 N/A 100.00 100.00 Of the service users who responded, 95.74% indicated "Very satisfied" and 4.25% “Satisfied”

CAM/037 Percentage change in the average Display Energy Certificate (DEC) score within local authority public buildings over 1,000 square meters.

5.25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Not reported.

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PI Ref Quarter 4 Actual 2015/16

Quarterly Target Status Direction of

travel Quarter

4 2014/15

Actual 2014/15 Comment

Better Off?

RS/M013a Average Site Morse position (ranking of quality websites) in Wales.

2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 Sitemorse tests and results have remained averagely consistent but other Welsh authorities have dropped.

RS/M013b Average Site Morse position (ranking of quality websites) in England and Wales. 28.00 5.00 5.00 5.00

Broken links on pages cause significant drop in ranks. The website has seen a lot of recent changes staff should be aware to maintain and remove old content. A project has started to remove these pages.

RS/M012 Percentage reduction in carbon dioxide emissions in the non-domestic public building stock.

1.3 3.00 7.07 7.07

We are still moving in the right direction however gas consumption increased in some sites which we need to address.

RS/M023 Number of local individuals gaining training and employment through targeted recruitment and training in council construction programmes. (OA1)

100.00 24.00 46.00 46.00

RS/M024 Average number of apprenticeships employed as a result of WHQS investment. (OA4)

N/A N/A N/A N/A 22.00 22.00

WHQS work is now being solely coordinated within Housing and Building Services and the service has existing measures in place. This PI is to be deleted.

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PI Ref Quarter 4 Actual 2015/16

Quarterly Target Status Direction of

travel Quarter

4 2014/15

Actual 2014/15 Comment

RS/M025 Percentage of local labour employed within 25 miles of Barry as a result of the WHQS investment. (OA4)

N/A 50.00 N/A N/A 42.00 42.00

WHQS work is now being solely coordinated within Housing and Building Services and the service has existing measures in place. This PI is to de deleted.

RS/M026 Percentage of homes under LA ownership brought up to WHQS. (OA4) N/A 50.00 N/A N/A 0.00 0.00

WHQS work is now being solely coordinated within Housing and Building Services and the service has existing measures in place.

Objective 4: To ensure that Council services are supported by the appropriate deployment of skilled, flexible and engaged employees.

Actions - Quarter 4 Progress Update

Completed: 50%; On Track: 0%; Slipped: 50%

Action Ref Completion

Date %

Complete Status Progress/ Outcomes

RS/A077 Develop a 'Job Families' approach to job design.

31/03/2016 100 Complete

Draft Job Family structure has been developed for key administrative service support family. The current draft job family proposals will be shared with directorate focus groups and trade unions.

RS/A070 Develop and implement a Staff Engagement Strategy in relation to reshaping services. 31/03/2016 100 Complete

Engagement process and final product signed off by CMT on the 16th March 2016. Staff Charter pre-launched at Leadership Café on 17th March and will be sent out for consultation in April 2016.

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Action Ref Completion Date

% Complete Status

Progress/ Outcomes

RS/A117 Develop a new 'Vale Contract' to support reshaping services and the development of an agile workforce enabling flexibility for the future.

31/03/2016 100 Complete The new Staff Charter was signed off by CMT on the 16th March 2016 and pre-launched at Leadership Café on 17th March 2016.

RS/A119 Develop an Employee Relations Framework to underpin the needs of the reshaping services agenda.

31/03/2016 100 Complete

The Employee Relations Framework has been developed from the staff engagement sessions. A “Creating Successful Partnerships” event will take place in Barry on 15th June 2016 with full CMT, Heads of Service and trade union attendance. This will build upon existing employee relations and support the reshaping services agenda.

Action Ref Completion Date

% Complete Status

Progress/ Outcomes

RS/A116 Implement the strategy to improve the employment of school, college, university leavers including trainees and apprentices. (CP/CL15) 31/03/2018 50 Slipped

CMT approved 1 year temporary funding of a part time post to coordinate an internally resourced approach. This post is currently being recruited for. Progress report will be submitted to Cabinet by end of June 2016.

RS/A083 Develop plan to manage the staffing transitional implications of the Welfare Reform Programme. (WP3)

31/03/2016 40 Slipped

The structure of the Finance Division is currently being reviewed to meet the implementation of the Welfare Reform Programme in line with the introduction of the Universal Support Delivered Locally (USDL) agreement. The processes and functions of the service are being aligned to working with the DWP as UC becomes more imbedded locally

RS/A080 Implement succession planning guidelines to help managers ensure continuity of the service that is delivered.

31/03/2016 80 Slipped Succession planning pilot is being conducted across all directorates which includes guidelines for managers.

RS/A118 Review of Management Competency Framework to support the needs of the Reshaping Services agenda.

31/03/2016 60 Slipped

The new “Vale Contract”, in the shape of the Staff Charter, has been pre-launched at the Leadership Café and is being sent out for consultation in April. This is being used to review the Management Competency Framework, so once the Charter has been approved the Management Competency Framework can be agreed and published.

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Performance Indicators - Quarter 4 Progress Update

PI Ref Quarter 4 Actual 2015/16

Quarterly Target Status Direction

of travel Quarter

4 2014/15

Actual 2014/15 Comment

How Much?

CHR/002 (RS/M009) The number of working days/shifts per full-time equivalent (FTE) local authority employees lost due to sickness absence.

9.56 8.90 9.44 9.44

It is acknowledged that sickness absence has increased from 2014/15 to 2015/16 and has exceeded the target, but remains below the Wales average of 9.9 days/shifts lost per FTE (in 14/15). A great deal of work has gone into addressing sickness absence throughout 2015/16. Corporate and Directorate action plans have been implemented and there has been a significant increase in monthly monitoring and performance management at CMT and within Directorates. This focus will continue into 2016/17 including the implementation of a new Management of Attendance Policy, the launch of the “Care First” Employee Assistance Programme and the continued development of the Council’s Staff Engagement Strategy

How Well?

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RS/M008 The percentage of employees including teachers and school-based staff who leave the employment of the local authority, whether on a voluntary or involuntary basis.

10.76 10.00 9.08 9.08

Turnover has been increasing over the last 3 years. A report reviewing the breakdown of reasons for leaving will be considered at Scrutiny Committee in July 2016

RS/M010 Percentage of employees in the Council that have received a PDR/TDR during the year.

97.76 95.00 87.72 87.72 This is the percentage of completed PDR's in scope, following management confirmation. This is an improvement of over 10% from last year.

What difference have we made? There are no measures applicable

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Appendix 2

Other considerations

PI descriptionLocal/ National PI owner 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16

Wales top quartile 2014/15

Wales average 2014/15

National minimum standards/ statutory targets Target 2016/17

Direction of travel (Proposed target compared to previous year's performance) Rationale for target

HS/M033N Percentage of clients satisfied with the finished capital project - Major.

Local Neil Stokes N/A 100.00% 100.00% N/A N/A N/A 95%

The nature of the work for this team was not properly reflected in the previous targets and did not provide results which properly reflect the work the team undertake. This PI has now been has now been split into major and minor projects which greater reflect the work of the team.

HS/M034 Percentage of public buildings/schools clients satisfied with the finsihed capital project - Minor.

Local Neil Stokes N/A 100.00% 100.00% N/A N/A N/A 95%

The nature of the work for this team was not properly reflected in the previous targets and did not provide results which properly reflect the work the team undertake. This PI has now been split into major and minor projects which greater reflect the work of the team.

RS/M001 Percentage of ICT priority (all) 1 to 4 service desk calls resolved within agreed timescales.

Local David Vining 79.37% 90.20% 96.84% N/A N/A N/A 92.00%

Performance has continuously improved over previous years and has exceeded targets set in the last few years.The proposed target reflects the current position of resource constraints due to the loss of full time staff (vacant positions) and the further roll out of the SPACE project are likely to impact on the abiltiy to the service to sustain a high level of performance equivalent to 2015/16.

RS/M002 Percentage of service availability of the top 20 ICT systems during core working hours.

Local David Vining 99.87% 99.95% 99.95% N/A N/A N/A 99.75%

This target has already been set to a very high standard, and it will be difficult to exceed this target in the current climate.

RS/M003 The percentage of legal files that following a legal review are assessed as being of a satisfactory standard or above.

Local Debbie Marles

100.00% 98.57% 100.00% N/A N/A N/A

100% To meet Lexcel Practice Management Standard Accreditation and ensure quality performance.

RS/M005 Percentage of staff that have met their chargeable hours target at the end of the financial year.

Local Debbie Marles

100.00% 100.00% 100.00% N/A N/A N/A

100% To meet Lexcel Practice Management Standard Accreditation and ensure quality performance.

RS/M008 The percentage of employees including teachers and school based staff who leave the employment of the local authority, whether on a voluntary or involuntary basis.

Local Adrian Unsworth

8.64% 9.08% 10.76% N/A N/A N/A 10.00%

It is proposed for the target to remain the same as set in 2015/16. This is below the Wales average of 12.9% (in 14/15). This has taken into consideration the potential workforce changes with the Reshaping Services Programme.

The percentage of employees (including teachers and school based staff) who leave the employment of the local authority on a voluntary basis (voluntary meaning resignation, all retirements and career breaks)

Local Adrian Unsworth

6.46% 6.55% 7.00% N/A N/A 6.50%

The proposed target is based on previous performance over the last 3 years.

CHR/002 (RS/M009) The number of working days/shifts per full-time equivalent (FTE) local authority employees lost due to sickness absence.

PAM/ Local Adrian Unsworth

8.75 9.44 9.56 N/A N/A N/A 8.9

It is proposed for the target to remain the same as set in 2015/16. This is below the Wales average of 9.9 days/shifts lost per FTE (in 14/15), but sickness absence in the Vale of Glamorgan exceeded our target in 14/15. A great deal of work has gone into addressing sickness absence in 2015/16 and the target is proposed to remain the same to be able to compare the impact of any changes.

National benchmarking

Corporate Health

Performance TrendTarget setting

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RS/M010 Percentage of employees in the Council that have received a PDR/TDR during the year.

Local Adrian Unsworth

93.79% 87.72% 97.76% N/A N/A N/A 95.00%

It is proposed for the target to remain the same as set in 2015/16. The PDR/TDR process is being reviewed to a more flexible approach, in line with the Performance Management timeframes of the Service Plans and the Corporate Plan. The target is based on the defined eligible audience.

RS/M011 The percentage of undisputed invoices which were paid within 30 days.

Local Carys Lord 90.17% 91.42% 93.20% N/A N/A N/A 94%

The performance for this team has improved over recent years and the target for 2016/2017 represents a realistic level of service wihin the resources available to the service

RS/M013a Average Site Morse position (ranking of quality websites) in Wales.

Local David Vining 2.00 1.00 2.00 N/A N/A N/A 3

The small team responsible for this target has been understrength for much of the last year and the vacant post has only recently been filled and will require time to get up to speed.

RS/M013b Average Site Morse position (ranking of quality websites) in England and Wales.

Local David Vining 8 5 28 N/A N/A N/A 25

The small team responsible for this target has been understrength for much of the last year and the vacant post has only recently been filled and will require time to get up to speed.

RS/M014 Percentage of audits completed within planned time.

Local Carys Lord 91.67% 91.73% 89.77% N/A N/A N/A 89.70%

To ensure that Internal Audit provides sufficient coverage to ensure that the requirements of the Council’s Section 151 Officer and External Audit are met and that Internal Audit can give sufficient assurance to the Audit Committee regarding the Council’s system of internal control, risk management and governance arrangements.

RS/M016 The number of planned reviews completed during the year.

Local Jeff Wyatt 2.00 5.00 100.00 N/A N/A N/A 4

A target of 4 has been set for 2016/17, which reflects the intention to achieve a further increase in review work undertaken.

RS/M017 Average time taken to process Housing Benefit (HB) and Council Tax Benefit (CTB) new claims and change events.

Local Carys Lord 6.78 5.95 7.87 N/A N/A N/A 7.90

The performance for this team has improved over recent years and the target for 2016/2017 represents a realistic level of service wihin the resources available to the service

RS/M019 The percentage of council tax due for the financial year which was received by the Council.

Local Carys Lord 97.47% 97.87% 97.85% N/A N/A N/A 97.40%

The level of Council Tax received in year has increased in recent years.. This figure reflects a realistic target for 2016/2017

RS/M020 The percentage of non-domestic rates due for the financial year which were received by the Council.

Local Carys Lord 98.59% 98.41% 99.10% N/A N/A N/A 98.80%

The level of NNDR received in year has increased in recent years.. This figure reflects a realistic target for 2016/2017

RS/M044 The percentage of customer complaints referred to the Ombudsman. (CC/M023)

Local Tony Curliss 6.49% 7.41% 8.99% N/A N/A N/A 7.50%

Target was missed in 2015/16 and the proposed target of 7.5% will be stretching but achievable for 2016/17 especially at a time of significant change in the way in which council services are delivered and with reducing resources.

RS/M045 The percentage of customer complaints investigated by the Ombudsman. (CC/M024)

Local Tony Curliss 0.27% 0.00% 0.69% N/A N/A N/A 0.50%

Target was missed in 2015/16 and the proposed target of 0.5% will be stretching but achievable for 2016/17 especially at a time of significant change in the way in which council services are delivered and with reducing resources.

RS/M046 Percentage of black and ethnic minority members of the Vale Viewpoint. (CC/M025)

Local Huw Isaac 1.03% Data not available

3.50 N/A N/A N/A 3.5

Further work will be progressed during 2016/17 to enable us to more accurately report on this indicator. Previously this indicator has been difficult to measure due to limited monitoring information being available. It is recommended that this target remain at 3.50% by way of a baseline.