The use of the i pad in and for qualitative research

The use of the iPad in and for qualitative research QCRI – Malta 07th April 2011


The use of the ipad in and for qualitative research by Frank-Thomas NaetherPresented at Merlien Institute's Qualitative Consumer Research & Insights Conference 20116-8 April 2011, MaltaMore info at:

Transcript of The use of the i pad in and for qualitative research

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The use of the iPad in and for qualitative research

� QCRI – Malta 07th April 2011

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� Background

� Implications for research

� The iPad as a tool for qualitative research

� Outlook

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It‘s a digital world

� People live digital and online.

� People use digital devices.

� Since the launch of the iPhone digital communication devices have become a constant companion and are used for all aspects of everyday life.

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The classic PC era ends

� As a mobile phone is not anymore only a mobile phone so is and will be the change on the (personal) use of computers.

� Digital mobile devices are a part of everyday life and replace classic PC.

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More than just a new device

� 40 million iPads to be producted in 2011 (compared to

15 million in 2010).

� And this is only the iPad. Other tablets are/will be

launched on the market soon.

� Tablets are and will be changing the personal use of

the internet.

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Change from stationary to mobile

� Mobility out-of-


� Mobility in-home

� Natural



� And often a more

relevant context

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Role of the PC and the Internet are changing

� The era of classic web- and computer based (qualitative)

research will end.

� Market research via Internet = online will be even more

important and relevant - but used in a different way.

It makes a difference if you have to go

where your computer is or if your

device/computer is where you are.

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Why the iPad?

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Intuitive interface

� Closer to and closer with the respondent.

� Even small children can use it.

� Apps help to get a better access and are tailored for the use with the iPad.

� Using one of the most versatile tools we have : your fingers.

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Embedded into everyday life

� Seamless integration into personal lifestyle.

� Main usage of the iPad is in a private context ...

� At home – 80% of the usage of the iPad is private

� In the evening - taking the time and having the time

� For everyday routines

� Read, search, play, inform, communicate, purchase ...

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Higher involvement of the respondent

� Far beyond from just being another functional technical device.

� The iPad is a personal tool (much more so than a PC/laptop).

� It‘s a piece of fascinating technology.

� Respondents have fun using the iPad.

� This might wear out as an effect but will remain relevant.

� People love their iPad (or tablet).

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� The iPad, as soon as you have it, becomes part of the daily lifestyle and routine.

� „It has become a part of my life“.

� Regardless of the age.

� An easy to use and simple piece of technology that makes technology (more) tangible.

� Allows easy creation of ways to express yourself in a creative way.

� Allows respondents to be creative.

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Interactivity anytime and anywhere

� Online

� Flexibility

� Time and place

� Provision and update of content


� Tracking (legal issues)

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Importance for marketing (and research)

� Tablet use will be ‚established‘ in the future.

� iPad to become more and more important for marketing and


� Relevant and important as a tool and a subject for research.

� Tool and subject are one

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a. Mobile

b. Creative

c. Authentic

Best pre-conditions to allow creative

insights/response and better, richer and

more versatile ways to express opinions,

attitudes and insights.

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� Full access to the www.

� Paperback-sized display.

� 1024 pixel pages can very well be read and create a very realistic environment.

� Images (viewing and re-viewing, editing, shooting, screenshots).

� Audio/Voice.

� Video (play back and record).

� Sound.

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Multimedia interviewing

� In a direct and intuitive way.

� With possibilities that are beyond current technologies.

� Combining allows more creative response and input.

� Different to providing and responding on a PC or Laptop.

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Expanding target groups and samples

� Easy and intuitive use.

� From 3 years up to ? years.

� Positive about the use of the iPad.

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Activities and tasks

� Behaviour

� Journals and diaries

� Reporting and commenting

� Capturing moments

� Understanding the context

� Photos and videos (of myself or to explain the context)

� Expressing

� Collage

� Storytelling

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New possibilities by adapting to tablets

� Adaption into digital could create richer input





Polls &




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Using apps

� High quality and allowing good results

� Collages

� Use of own photos

� Photos from the largest photo library in the world!

� Brainstorming

� Drawing - the most natural and direct way: with your fingers!

� Creativity is a great motivator.

� Saving and mailing

� Can be used as incentive

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Mobile research

� Specific tools and solutions

(e.g. Revelation Mobile,

QualVu and more to come)

� Street surveys

� Face-to-Face interviews (for

practical reasons)

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Smaller scaled quant-/web surveys

� Use of the iPad as a client

� Via Web

� Specific clients (e.g. via Polldaddy app)

� Ideal for

� Smaller scaled web-surveys

� In face-to-face interviews and focus groups

� iPad can be used by moderator as well as by respondents themselves

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Face-to-face video conferencing

� Much more effective compared to paper and pencil and with

regards to data entry.

� Can make the interview a multi-media event – allows to use a

bigger set of stimulus material; e.g. video etc.

� Screen-sharing and screen shots.

� Material can be modified easily if necessary – real-time or from a

remote location.

� Rotation and skip patterns are embedded.

� Allows control for the researcher.

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Online questionnaire interviewing evolves

� Can record voice or video in questionnaires with open-ended

questions (instead of writing the response).

� Allows real time video online interviewing.

� Respondents use and evaluate products where they would


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In classic qualitative research

� Group discussions, workshops

� Pre-tasks

� Questionnaires

� Provision of stimulus material

� Use in groups

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A ‚rich‘ way of conducting groups

� Results (polls, surveys, brainstorms etc.) in real-time - can be

used straight away.

� Facilitates individual work

� More control

� E.g. bei sizing images due to their importance

� Better and more easy analysis

� Word analysis tools

� Easy printing of respondents input

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Practical issues and limitations

� No Flash (iPad; not Android).

� Limited mobility.

� Size.

� Weight.

� Battery life.

� Bandwidth (no online access out of home)

� Lack of physical keyboard might be irritating (but it works better

than expected).

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More (but however) limited mobility

� Due to its size only in certain ways relevant as a mobile research


� Main usage of the iPad is at home

� Used differently than a PC or laptop

� E.g. surfing the web, media consumption (newspapers,

magazines), searching for information, social media, email.

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The iPad as a subject of research

� App testing

� Testing of marketing and communication activities via the iPad

� Advertising

� Website testing

� ...

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� Qualitative research is evolving.

� A reflection of changing consumer attitudes, habits and behaviour.

� The iPad should be seen as interesting and relevant additional tool.

� It enriches the tool set and allows deeper insights.

� It is an invitation for a more active participation and involvement of the respondent in the research process.

� But it gives the researcher a certain degree of control too.

� Analysis is partly easier ... or much more complex.

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For us ...

� Using the iPad and its new possibilities is a real challenge for

qualitative research and qualitative researchers.

� And a fascinating journey ‚insight‘ a better understanding of


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Presented at Merlien Institute’s International conference on

Qualitative Consumer Research & Insights 2011

For more info, please visit: