i THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL (PWIM) IN TEACHING VOCABULARY An Experimental Research at The Seventh Grade of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Sunan Kalijaga Bawang Batang in The Academic Year of 2010/2011 THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Gaining the Degree of Bachelor in English Language Education By: ERNI YULIANA Student‟s Number : 073411051 EDUCATION FACULTY WALISONGO STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES SEMARANG 2011


Page 1: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.




An Experimental Research at The Seventh Grade of Madrasah Tsanawiyah

Sunan Kalijaga Bawang Batang in The Academic Year of 2010/2011


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Gaining

the Degree of Bachelor in English Language Education



Student‟s Number : 073411051





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I am, the student with the following identify:

Name : Erni Yuliana

Student‟s Number : 073411O51

Department : English Language Education

Certify that this thesis is definitely my own work. I am completely responsible for

the content of this thesis. Other writer‟s opinions or findings included in the thesis

are quoted or cited in accordance with ethical standards.

Semarang, April 7th


The Writer,



Page 3: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.





Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka Kampus II Ngaliyan Telp.7601295 Semarang


Thesis with the following identification:

Title : The Use of Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM ) in

Teaching Vocabulary

Name of student : Erni Yuliana

Student‟s Number : 073411051

Department : Tadris

Filed of study : English language education

had been ratified by the board the examiners of Education Faculty Walisongo

State Institute for Islamic Studies and can be received as one of any requirement

for gaining the Degree of Bachelor in English Language Education.

Semarang, June 20th



Chairman, Secretary,

Dr. Muslih, M.A Siti Tarwiyah, M. Hum.

NIP: 15027692 600000 1 000 NIP: 19721108 199903 2 001

Examiner I, Examiner II,

Dra. Hj. Siti Mariam, M. Pd Dr. Musthofa, M.Ag.

NIP : 19650727 199203 2 002 NIP.19710403 199603 1 002

Advisor I Advisor II

Siti Tarwiyah, M. Hum Dr. Muslih, M.A

19721108 199903 2 001 15027692 600000 1 000

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Semarang, April 7th



The Dean of Education Faculty

Walisongo State Institute for Islamic Studies

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

I inform that I have given guidance, briefing and correction to whatever extent

necessary of the following thesis identification:

Title : The Use of Picture Word Inductive Model ( PWIM )

in Teaching Vocabulary

Name of student : Erni Yuliana

Student‟s Number : 073411051

Department : Tadris

Field of study : English Language Education

I state that the thesis is ready to be submitted to Education Faculty Walisongo

State Institute for Islamic Studies to be examined at Munaqosah session.

Wassalamu’alaikum. wr.wb.

Advisor I Advisor II

Siti Tarwiyah, M. Hum Dr. Muslih, M.A

NIP:19721108 199903 2 001 NIP :15027692 600000 1 000

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''If a foreign Language has been mastered by somebody

hence that Language is very beneficial to him

and can becomes benefactor instrument

when happened trouble''

(Syaikh Shafy Ad-Din Al-Hilliy)1

Errors are necessary stepping-stones

to acquire rightness

Continual Efforts and Frequent Errors are Genius Stepping Stone

(Elbert Hubbard)2

“To learn anything fast and effectively

You have to see it, hear it, and feel it”

(Tony Stockwell)3

1 Abdul Fattah Abu Ghuddah, 40 Metode Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Rasulullah,

(Bandung: Irsyad Baitus Salam,2009) p.236. 2 Todd Siler, Berpikir Ala Einstein: 31 Kiat Menjadikan Diri Anda Jenius (Think Like A

Genius), (Bandung: Kaifa, 2002), p.94. 3 Adi W. Gunawan, Genius Learning Strategy, (Jakarta: Gramedia, 2003), p. 145

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The scientific writing is dedicated to:

My beloved parents ( Samsudin and Siti Amanah )

My beloved brother ( M. Imron S.H.I)

I am not even on the half way there yet ...

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Title : The Use of Picture Word Inductive Model in

Teaching Vocabulary (An Experimental Research

at The Seventh Grade of MTs Sunan Kalijaga

Bawanag Batang In The Academic Year of 2010 /


Writer : Erni Yuliana

Student‟s Number : 073411O51

Key words: Teaching Vocabulary, Picture Word Inductive Model as a media in

teaching vocabulary, student’s vocabulary achievement through Picture Word

Inductive Model

The main objective of this study is to find out whether there is or not a

significant difference of student‟s vocabulary achievement between students who

taught by using Picture Word Inductive Model and those who are taught by using

explanation only. The hypothesis of this study is there is a significant difference

between the student‟s vocabulary achievement between students who taught by

using Picture Word Inductive Model and those who are taught by using

explanation only.

The researcher used Picture Word Inductive Model in teaching vocabulary

at the seventh grade of MTs Sunan Kalijaga Bawang Batang in the academic year

of 2010/2011. In this research, the population is the seventh grade of MTs Sunan

Kalijaga Bawang Batang in academic year of 2010/ 20011.The number of the

population was 182 students. In taking the sample, the writer used cluster random

sampling technique. Class VII B was chosen as a try out class, VII E as

experimental class who Picture Word Inductive Model and class VII C as control

class who were taught by explanation only . The research design used

experimental quantitative research.

The instrument used to collect the data is writing test or essay test. The

technique to analyze the data was t-test formula. It used to determine whether or

not there was a significant difference between the average score of the

experimental and the control class. The average of post- test of experiment class is

77.6 which were higher than the average of post test of the control class 72.6. The

t-test result (2.5) was higher than the t- table (1.98). Since the t-test was higher

than t- table, the hypothesis is accepted. It means that there is a significant

difference in student‟s vocabulary achievement between students who taught by

using Picture Word Inductive Model and those who are taught by using

explanation only.

Based on the result of this research, the writer suggest that Picture Word

Inductive Model may be used as alternative media in teaching vocabulary, in

order that the students can more understand and interested in learning activity

especially in learning of English.

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In the name of Allah the most merciful and compassionate,

Praise be to Allah, the merciful, the compassionate that the writer can

finish this thesis completely. Shalawat and Salam for the Prophet Muhammad

who brings us from the darkness to the brightness.

The writer realizes that there are many people who are already helped her

in arranging and writing this final project directly or indirectly. In this chance, the

writer would like to express deeper appreciation to:

1. Dr. Sudja‟i, M.A. as the Dean of Education Faculty.

2. Siti Tarwiyah, M.Hum. as the Head of English Department and as the first

advisor who already guided and advised patiently during the arrangement

of this final project.

3. Dr. Muslih, M.A as the second advisor who gave guidance and advices

over the study conducted.

4. The entire lectures in Education Faculty who always give input and advice

to the writer during conducting this study.

5. Library official who always give good service related with the references

in this final project so that the writer could done this final project well.

6. Ahmad Kholil S.Ag as the headmaster of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Sunan

Kalijaga Bawang Batang who has given permission for the writer to

conduct the study there, and the entire teachers, especially the English

teachers and the vice principal especially Mr. Ahmad Fadholi S.Pd for all

the time, the information about the teaching-learning process of English

and her guidance there and also the school administration staff, thanks for

the cooperation.

7. My beloved father ( Samsudin) and mother ( Siti Amanah) who always

give pray, inspiration and motivation to continue this study. Thanks a lot

because you always in my heart” you like a start in my heart, not see but

always there” thanks for everything. I love u.

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8. My beloved brother ( M. Imron S.H.I) and my beloved sisters (Mbak

Anix, dek Efi and dek Aris) who always give motivation, support,

attention and patience to the writer to finish this thesis. Without your

support, I do nothing.

9. All the members of the big family of “ IPNU IPPNU ” from PR (Pimpinan

Ranting) to PW (Pimpinan Wilayah ), Mas Imron, mb Ilux, mz Lukman,

mb Rina, mb Mar‟at , mb Een , Mb Eny, Mb Ufah and the other who

cannot be mentioned one by one thanks for everybody who always give

inspiration, support and advice.

10. All members of “Al Izza Kos” ( bapak Rasean, ibu Darmi, Biebieb, Dek

Umi, Zia, Zaa, Lia, Sofy and Ika, I will always remember you. Thanks for

your support.

11. My friends of English department „07‟ especially my classmate in class

TBI B (Miss Devi, Sokhi, Murwati, Atiex, Ainu, Hanani, Zazak, Pipit, Ina,

Sikha, etc. Thanks for your support and motivation. I will always miss


12. The big family of Ponpes Tahfidzul Qur‟an ( PPTQ ) Klawen Bawang

Batang , bapak kyai Abdul Wahid, bu Nyai Hamidah and all of santri in

PPTQ thanks for your support and advice.

13. The big family of KMBS ( Keluarga Mahasiswa Batang di Semarang ) mz

Tabi‟in, Arifuddin, Makruf , Busro, Dian, Zaenah, etc. thanks for your


14. My PPL team ( Nurul, WNina, Luluk,Nadhiroh, Sair, Aries, Fadly,

Wahdah, from Unnisula : Pak De, mas Hasan, Wardah , from IKIP PGRI

Semarang : Anis, Rifa, Monfa‟ati, Hendy , and all of my students in MAN

2 Semarang ( dek Mimin, Beny, Dita ) thanks for your support.

15. My KKN Team 46 at Pagerwojo Limbangan Kendal, ( Miss Nurma, Emy,

Ryka, Fahrudin, Romdayanah, Atiek, Ridlo, Romadlon, Mutohar,

Mumun), pak Lurah and his family, Pemuda Karang Taruna of

Page 11: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


Pagerwojo, and all of my students at Pagerwojo, thanks for your pray and

motivation, I will always remember and miss u.

16. All of the students at the seventh grade of MTs Sunan Kalijaga Bawang

Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your

participation and support in the research, so the writer can finish this


17. All of my friends who always gives motivation, support and helping to

finish this thesis.

The writer also thanks to the other who cannot be mentioned one by one,

who have helped and supported the writer to finish this thesis. The writer realized

that this thesis would not be created without their participation.

Finally, the writer hopes this thesis can give some values to the students of

MTs Sunan Kalijaga Bawang Batang, English teachers and the readers especially

in developing teaching-learning of English vocabulary. The writer admits that this

thesis is not perfect, so that the writer will accept suggestions from the readers in

order to make it better. The writer hopes that this thesis would be beneficial to

everyone. Amin.

Semarang, April 7th


The Writer,


No. Student: 073411O51

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PAGE OF TITLE ............................................................................................ i

THESIS STATEMENT ..................................................................................... ii

RATIFICATION NOTE .................................................................................... iii

ADVISOR NOTE ............................................................................................ iv

MOTTO ............................................................................................ v

DEDICATION ............................................................................................ vi

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................ vii

TRANSLITERATION ....................................................................................... viii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT …. ........................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENT…. ................................................................................ xii


A. Background of The Research .............................................. 1

B. Research Question ............................................................... 3

C. Objective of the Research ................................................... 3

D. Significance of the Research ................................................ 4


A. Previous Research ............................................................... 6

B. Theoretical Framework ....................................................... 7

C. Hypothesis…………………………………………………. 27


A. Type of Research ................................................................. 28

B. Research Design ................................................................. . 28

C. Research Setting…………………...................................... 29

D. Subject of the Research ........................................................ 29

E. Variable of the Research........................................................ 30

F. Technique of data Collection.......................................... ..... 31

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G. Instrument ............................................................................. 32

H. Techniques of Data Analysis ………………………………. 34

I. Research Procedure………………………………………… 36


A. Description of Research Findings ………………………… 39

B. Hypothesis Test …………………… .................................. 45

C. Discussion of Research Findings ........................................ 55

D. The advantages of the Picture Word Inductive Model…… 58

E. Limitation of The Research………………………………. 58


A. Conclusion .......................................................................... 60

B. Recommendations…………………………………………. 61

C. Suggestions ………………………………………………. . 63









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A. Background of Research

Language is a primary instrument of the communication among human

beings in community. In others words, Language is a tool of communication.

By using a language people are able to introduce themselves, convey their

messages and express their ideas and written. Therefore language is very

important in our life. Language as a means of communication with other

people as a tool to express ideas and wishes.1 All common people in a

community understand and speak their language well enough to carry out

every activity. Some people in that community cannot read and write,

however, by using the language orally, they are still able to cooperate with


Every social group has different language, for example, a group of people

who were born and live in England, speak English as their native language,

and the group of people who were born and live in Indonesia, speak

Indonesian. As Allah says in A Holy Qur’an surah Ar-room: 22

“And of His signs are the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the

diversity of your tongues and colors: surely there are signs in this for all


In Indonesia, English is the first foreign language that is considered

important to be introduced to students in elementary school, junior high

school, and senior high school. Considering the importance of English as one

of the international language, the Indonesian Goverment has decided to

1 Ramelan, English Phonetics, (Semarang: UPT Unnes Press, 1997), p. 1.

2 Mahmud Y. Zayid, The Qura’n,: An English Translation of the Meaning of the Quran,

(Beirut Libanon: Dar Al-Choura , 1980), p. 297.

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include English subject in school curriculum as compulsory subject to be

taught in every school.

Based on National Education Curriculum in 2006 called KTSP

(Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan), the Indonesian goverment gives the

autonomy to every school to arrange and control it in teaching learning

activity. There are four skills that should be mastered by the students, they are

listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Students who want to be able to communicate in English well must have

wide range of vocabulary. Vocabulary is one of the important aspects in

learning English, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.3 Only with

sufficient vocabulary the students can express their ideas effectively, can

understand the language task and foreign language conversation. With the

limited vocabulary the students will have the difficulties in learning and

understanding the foreign language. When the students do not know the ways

to increase their vocabulary they will lose their interest in learning foreign

language, because they cannot understand the foreign language words. So,

vocabulary is very important in learning foreign language.

Teaching vocabulary is not easy for teachers, but the students usually get

bored of learning this subject. The teacher should device a good exercise or a

way of teaching vocabulary, so that children will enjoy and understand the

learning process well.

Learning vocabulary at Junior High School can be done through many

ways, such as: dictionary, picture, guessing, reading, etc. In this case the

writer will take picture in teaching vocabulary, because through picture

students can see person, place and thing directly. The use of picture are more

efficient and practice than word, they easier to recall and remember than

words, further more they expose real life situation although it happen a long

time ago.

In this research the researcher uses Picture Word Inductive Model in

teaching vocabulary at the seventh grade of MTs Sunan Kalijaga Bawang

3 Scott Thornbury, How to Teach Vocabulary, (London: Longman,2002), p. 13.

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Batang in the academic year of 2010/2011. Why the researcher chooses the

seventh grade of MTs Sunan Kalijaga Bawang Batang because the teacher

still uses conventional method when he teach the students. It can make the

students very bored in learning of English because they just hear what the

teacher said. Picture word inductive model can help the students to memorize

the vocabulary. In addition, picture word inductive model can improve their

English vocabulary. The Researcher hopes that with PWIM the students can

learn English more enjoyable during the English learning process especially in


B. Research Questions

The research questions of the study, they are as follows:

1. How is the vocabulary score of students through using Picture Word

Inductive Model at the seventh grade of MTs Sunan Kalijaga Bawang

Batang in the academic year of 2010/2011?

2. How is the vocabulary score of students through explanation only at the

seventh grade of MTs Sunan Kalijaga Bawang Batang in the academic

year of 2010/2011?

3. How is the effectiveness of using Picture Word Inductive Model in

teaching vocabulary at the seventh grade of MTs Sunan Kalijaga Bawang

Batang in the academic year of 2010/2011 ?

C. Objective of the Research

The objectives in this research are:

1. To find out vocabulary score of the students through using Picture Word

Inductive Model at the seventh grade of MTs Sunan Kalijaga Bawang

Batang in the academic year of 2010/2011

2. To find out vocabulary score of the students through explanation only at

the seventh grade of MTs Sunan Kalijaga Bawang Batang in the academic

year of 2010/2011

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3. To find out the effectiveness of using Picture Word Inductive Model in

teaching vocabulary at the seventh grade of MTs Sunan Kalijaga Bawang

Batang in the academic year of 2010/2011

D. Significance of the Research

The study about the use of Picture Word Inductive Model in teaching

vocabulary hopefully will give contribution to English teaching and learning,

they are:

1. Theoretically

This research will enrich the technique of teaching and learning

English and also to contribute the development of knowledge in teaching

and learning English.

2. Practically

The significances of the research are hopefully used for:

a. The Writer

The result of the study will answer the questions which are the

basic of conducting this study.

b. The Students

It is hoped that the students can improve their vocabulary through

picture word inductive model and develop their study in order to be


c. The Teacher

The teacher can use the result of the study as a feedback on

teaching activities and he will increase his performance in teaching

program well. This study also gives contribution to the English teacher

in the use of Picture Word Inductive Model as a vocabulary teaching

technique to improve students’ vocabulary achievement, and also to

improve the result of teaching vocabulary.

d. The Reader

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The reader can get information about the students’ achievement in

learning vocabulary through Picture Word Inductive Model and also

improve their knowledge.

e. For the school

It gives contribution to the Junior High School especially MTs

Sunan Kalijaga Bawang Batang that they can use Picture Word

Inductive Model technique as a new technique in teaching vocabulary

to the students.

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A. Previous Research

Influence research has been done by several researches in our

community to know the influences in one subject using particularly methods

to other or influence in the one technique to the others.

The first research was conducted by Heru Safi‟i ( 220140256) with the

research entitle The Effectiveness of Using Picture as on aid to improve

English vocabulary at the Fifth Graders of SD Negeri Kedungsari I Magelang

in the academic year of 2005/2006”. The result of the study shows that there is

significant contribution of the use of picture in the vocabulary teaching, so

pictures as an aid is effective for the success of the vocabulary teaching.1 The

differences between his research and this research are in his research, he used

picture only, whereas the researcher used picture word inductive model. Not

only he used picture only but also he taught at the fifth grade and the

researcher taught at the seventh grade. The similarities between his research

and this research are in his research he used quantitative research to know is

using pictures as an aid effective to improve students‟ English vocabulary and

the researcher also used quantitative research and both also focus on


The second research was conducted by Tri Winarko (221402036) with

his research entitled “The Use of Still Pictures as Media in Teaching English

Vocabulary (A Case Study at the Fifth Graders of SDN 1 Batu Demak)”. In

his study, he wanted to find out the significant difference of vocabulary

achievement between students who have been taught using still pictures and

those who have been taught using Conventional method among the fifth

graders of Elementary school students and to find out the effectiveness of


Heru Safi‟i, The Effectiveness of Using Pictures As On Aid To Improve English

Vocabulary At The Fifth Graders of SD Negeri Kedungsari I Magelang In The Academic Year Of

2005/2006, (Semarang: Language and Art Faculty of State University Semarang, 2006).

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using still pictures in teaching vocabulary to the fifth graders of Elementary

school students. The differences between his research and this research are in

his research, he used still picture, whereas the researcher used picture word

inductive model. Not only he used picture only but also he taught at the fifth

grade and the researcher taught at the seventh grade. The similarities between

his research and this research are in his research he quantitative research to

know is using still pictures is effective to improve students‟ English

vocabulary and the researcher also used quantitative research and both also

focus on vocabulary. His study used case study. The result of the study shows

that the students‟ achievement in learning English vocabulary taught using

still picture is better than from those taught using conventional method.2

From explanation above, the writer tried to use Picture Word Inductive

Model in conducting the research, to add the reference in teaching vocabulary


B. Theoritical Framework

1. Teaching Vocabulary

a. Definition of Vocabulary

Studying a language cannot be separated from studying vocabulary

because it is an essential part of language. We know that words support the

speaker in communication to express their ideas.

To know what vocabulary is, the writer will present the definition of

vocabulary. First, Richards defines “vocabulary as one of the most obvious

components of language and one of the first applied linguists turned their

attention to”.3 Second, Penny Ur explains that “vocabulary is the words

which we teach in foreign language”.4 Third, Haycraft explains that

2 Tri Winarko, The Use of Still Pictures as Media in Teaching English Vocabulary (A

Case Study at the Fifth Graders of SDN 1Batu Demak). (Semarang: Language and Art Faculty of

State University Semarang, 2007). 3 Jack C. Richards, Curriculum Development in Language Teaching, (Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press ), p. 4. 4 Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching, (United Kingdom: Cambridge University

Press, 1998), p. 60.

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“vocabulary is divided into receptive and productive vocabulary”.5

Receptive vocabulary is the words that students recognize and understand

when they occur in context, whereas productive vocabulary is the words

which the students understand, they can produce constructively and use

constructively in speaking and writing.

Based on the definitions, it can be concluded that vocabulary is a list of

words with their meanings especially one that accompanies a textbook in a

foreign language. Vocabulary plays a significant role in supporting the

mastery of language skills namely listening, reading, writing and speaking.

In order to communicate well in a language, students should acquire an

adequate number of words and should know how to use them accurately.

The more vocabulary the learners have, the easier for them to develop their

four skills. In listening skill, by having many vocabulary they can hear and

understand all the words in oral communication easily. In speaking skill,

they can cover all the words that they use in oral communication. In

reading skill, they can understand all the words in written material. And in

writing skill, they can express their ideas, opinions, and feeling cohesively.

The writing and speaking are language production that belongs to

productive skills while listening and reading involve receiving the

message and they are belong to the receptive skills.6

b. Kinds of Vocabulary

There are some opinions about kinds of vocabulary. One of them is

proposed by Scott Thornbury, there are two kinds of vocabulary, namely

receptive vocabulary and expressive vocabulary.7

1) Receptive vocabulary refers to the words which learners know when

they listen and read or the words they know when learners receive

from another. Receptive vocabulary can be called as passive

5 Evelyne Hatch and Chery L. Brown, Vocabulary, Semantics and Language Education,

(Melbourne: Chambridge University Press, 1995), p. 370. 6 Arnold, An Introduction to Applied Linguistics, (New York: Oxford University Press,

2002), p. 40-41. 7 Scott Thornbury, How to Teach Vocabulary, p. 15.

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vocabulary. Some ways to increase the receptive vocabulary ability,

the first way is making some notes of the words and finding out the

synonyms and antonyms, another way is looking in the dictionary.

2) Expressive vocabulary refers to the words which learners use when

they speak or write, and it is called as active vocabulary. To increase

this expressive vocabulary ability, the learners should try much their

speaking and writing.

Another opinion by Marianne Celce and Murcia Elite Olshtain,

“there are two kinds of vocabulary: they are function words and content


1) The function words are those vocabulary items that belong to closed

word classes (i.e. word classes that do not readily admit new items or

lose old ones: pronouns, auxiliary verbs, prepositions, determiners

and adverbs).

2) The content words are those vocabulary items that belong to open

word classes (words classes that readily accept new words and

discard old ones).

The content words can be divided into three general classes:

a) Words that refers to a person, a place or a thing that we might call

them nouns,

b) Words that express an action, an event or a state are called verbs,

c) Words are used to describe the qualities of thing or action are called

adjectives and adverbs.

c. Choosing Vocabulary

In the learning process, vocabulary as one of component of

languages must be learned to the students by the teachers. In choosing

vocabulary, the teachers are needed to be carefully planned because

different vocabulary gives greatly different returns for learning.

Because of that, in teaching vocabulary the teachers must focus on the

8 Marianne Celce and Murcia Elite Olshtain, Discourse and Context in Language

Teaching: A Guide for Language Teachers, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000), P. 76.

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appropriate level of vocabulary for the learners and the teacher must

use appropriate technique in the English classes.

Based on the reasons above, the choice of vocabulary is important

to be given to the students. Arnold states that the choice of vocabulary

should be determined by the major consideration, they are: students

need, students‟ language, and commonest words.9

Related to the students need, the teachers must teach vocabulary to

the students based on their needs. If there is a student wants to know a

special word, the teachers don't teach it to the whole class unless they

will find that they don't need. It's better to change particular words

connected with their profession. Related to students language, if the

teachers teach a class from one language group, knowledge will tell the

teachers which words are similar in their language and English, and

therefore easily learned. The teachers must be careful with words that

sound the same in the students' language. Related to commonest

words, the teachers must choose the words that commonly used or the

words that students need, the teachers can make a list of vocabulary

which is used by students in daily life.

d. Aspects of Vocabulary

According to Ur, the vocabulary should be taught to the students

are: grammar, aspect of meaning 1 (denotation, connotation) and

aspect of meaning II (synonyms, antonyms and hyponyms)10

Grammar as the rules in a language for changing the form of

words and combining them into sentences is needed to be taught to the

students in learning vocabulary. The grammar of a new item will need

to be taught if this is not obviously covered by general grammatical


Aspects of meaning such as denotation and connotation are also

needed to be taught to the students in learning vocabulary. The

9Arnold, An Introduction to Applied Linguistics, p. 37.

10Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching, p. 60-62.

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meaning of word is primarily what it refers to in the real word, it is

denotation; this is often the sort of definition that is given in a

dictionary. For example, Jane buy a red rose to his girlfriend, red rose

denotes a kind of flower. A less obvious component of the meaning of

an item is connotation; the associations, or positive or negative feeling

it, which mat or not be indicated in a dictionary definition. Example, I

will only give my red rose for you, the word red rose is a symbol of


In teaching vocabulary, we must also consider how the meaning of

one item relates to meaning of order. There are some another

important aspects of meaning, they are synonym, antonym and

hyponym. Synonym is a word or phrase with the same or nearly the

same meanings as another in the same language.11

The example of

synonym is bright, clever, smart may serve as synonym of

intelligence. A word that is opposite in meaning to another word is

called antonym.12

For the example, you are rich people but I am poor

people, rich is antonym of poor. Hyponym as the items that serve as

specific examples of a general concept. Example, my brother bought

dog, lion, and mouse in the market yesterday, dog, lion, and mouse are

hyponyms of animal.

Based on the explanation above, in teaching vocabulary to the

students the teacher must teach the students about grammar, aspects of

meaning (connotation, denotation, synonym, antonym, and hyponym)

that are expected the students are not only master many vocabularies

but also the students can use them into the sentences correctly.

e. Principles of Teaching and Learning Vocabulary

In teaching, a principle is beliefs and theories that teachers hold

concerning effective approaches to teaching and learning and which serve


AS Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, (New York: Oxford University

Press, 1995), p. 1212. 12

A S Hornby, Oxford Advanced Leaner’s Dictionary, p. 44.

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as the basis for some of their decision-making.13

Teacher‟s principles are

an important aspect of their belief systems, and may be a result of teaching

experience, training, or their own experiences as learners.

There are principles of teaching and learning vocabulary, they are

aim, quantity, need, frequent exposure and repetition, meaning

presentation and Situation presentation14


1) Aim

The teacher has to be clear about his or her aims: how many

of the things listed does the teacher expect the learner to be able to

do? And which word?.

2) Quantity

The teacher may have to decide on the number of

vocabulary items to be learnt. Many words in a lesson can students

learn, but if there are too many words, the students may become

confused, discouraged, and frustrated.

3) Need

The teacher may have to choose the vocabulary that will be

taught on the students. The students are put in a situation where they

have to communicate and get the words they need it.

4) Frequent exposure and repetition

It is seldom, however, that we remember a new word simply

by hearing at the first time. Michail J. Wallace says, “There has to be

a certain amount of repetition until there is evidence that the student

has learned the target word”.

5) Meaning presentation

Wallace states that the teacher must have a clear and specific

understanding of what it denotes or refers to, i.e. its meaning-

although „meaning‟ involves many other things as well. This requires


Jack C. Richard,, Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied

Linguistics (Malaysia: Pearson Education, 2002), 3rd

Ed, p. 418.

14 Michael J. Wallace, Teaching Vocabulary (London: Heineman Education Books. Ltd,

1982) p. 27-30.

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that the word is presented in such a way that its denotation or

reference is perfectly clear and unambiguous.

6) Situation presentation

Michail J. Wallace says that the choice of words can vary

according to the situation in which we are speaking and how well we

know the person, to whom we are speaking. So, students should learn

words in the situation, in which they are appropriate.

f. Some Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary

Techniques are way of doing something, especially one that needs

special skills.15

Brown has defined technique is any of a wide variety of

exercises, activities, or tasks used in the language classroom for realizing

lesson objectives.16

There is relationship among teaching approach, method, and

technique. An approach is a set of assumptions dealing with the nature of

language, learning, and teaching. Method is describing an overall plan for

systematic presentation of language based upon a selected approach.

Technique is the specific activities manifested in the classroom that were

consistent with a method and therefore were in harmony with an approach

as well.

From explanation above, the writer concludes that a method is

smaller than an approach and it is bigger than a technique.

Ruth Gairns and Stuart Redman say, “There are many techniques

of vocabulary teaching. There are: mime and gesture, visual aids, verbal

explanation, and contextual guesswork”.17

1) Mime and Gesture.

In this technique, a teacher can use real object and command.

In real object, the teacher can use something available in the


Oxford Learners’ Pocket Dictionary, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004), p.

443. 16

H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principle: An Interactive Approach to Language

Pedagogy, (San Fransisco: Longman, 2001), 2nd

Ed. p.16. 17

Ruth Gairns and Stuart Redman, Working with Words: A Guide to Teaching and

Learning Vocabulary, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003), p. 73.

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classroom such as door, blackboard, chalk, clock and so on. In using

command, a teacher can give command such as open the window,

open your book, etc. Another example is teaching part of body, a

teacher can give command such as raise your hand, put your left

hand on your head, etc.

2) Visual Aids.

In this technique, a teacher can use pictures, photographs,

flashcards, and blackboard. One of the visual aids is blackboard. It is

a writing the words and their meaning on the blackboard but there

are undersized results.

Pictures for vocabulary teaching come from many sources. It

can be from the magazine, newspaper or the students‟ handmade.

Pictures can be used to explain the meaning of vocabulary items.

3) Verbal Explanation.

In this technique, a teacher should select and provide words

will be taught based on the students‟ level, the aim and the time

allocated. A teacher can explain the synonym, antonym and

definition of the words. The use of this technique is often a quick

and efficient way of explaining unknown words, but usually the

students become bored in teaching learning process.

4) Contextual Guesswork

In this technique, the students learn vocabulary from a text.

The students can understand the meaning of difficult words from a

text through deducing meaning from context, deducing meaning

from form, word association and word formation.

Deducing meaning from context is looking the meaning of

words through context in the sentences. For example, the word

sailor in this sentence jack was a young sailor. He lived in

England, but he was often away with his ship. The students will

know the meaning of sailor from the context: He was often away

with his ship.

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Deducing meaning from form is looking the meaning of

word based on the meaning of morpheme. For example, the word

Freetown in the following sentence:

Jack‘s first port was Freetown in Africa, and he sent Gloria

a parrot from there.

The word free is translated as not controlled by somebody

else, rules a government, etc, and the word town as a place with

many building and houses, larger than a village. So Freetown is a

place that was not controlled by the government.

Word association is the ability to find the words that related

to topic. For example, sailor, ship, voyage and port. Word

formation is the ability to construct the word through affixation. It

can be a prefix or suffix. For example, the word reached. It is

reach added by the suffix –Ed.

2. Factors Influencing Students Achievement

a. Definition of Achievement

Achievement comes from the word “achieve” that means to gain

or reach something by effort.18 In another word achieve is defined as to

be successful and to perform well. In the oxford advanced learner‟s

dictionary achievement is defined as “a thing done successfully

especially with effort and skill.19

Based on the explanation above, we can conclude that achievement

is an action or process of achieving the goal. The students can achieve

their objections from the learning process. In the learning process the

teachers give test. Test is defined as “a method of measuring a person‟s

ability or knowledge in a given domain”.20 So, the teachers can identify

18 Oxford Learner’s pocket Dictionary, p. 4.


AS Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, p. 10.


H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principle: An Interactive Approach to Language

Pedagogy, p. 384.

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the students‟ changes from unable become able to do something in

certain time.

In this research, the writer uses achievement test to evaluate the

effectiveness of change. Achievement test is defined as “a test that

measures the extent to which a person has achieved something acquired

certain information or mastered certain skills, usually as a result of specific


According to Chabib Thoha, achievement test is divided into four

kinds. They are: formative test, summative test, standardized test, and

unstandardized test.22

First, formative test is “a test which is designed to promote the

students attainment”.23

In the school, formative test is used to inform the

next steps of learning. Formative test occurs when the teacher feed

information back to the students in ways that enable the students to learn

better. It is also help the teachers to monitor the students‟ progress and to

modify the instruction accordingly. The example of formative test is daily


Second, summative test is defined as “a test at the conclusion of a

unit instruction or an activity to determine or judge students skills and

knowledge or effectiveness or an activity.24

The example of summative test

is EBTA (last evaluation in the learning step).

Third, standardized test is “a test is designed by a professional

team”.25 Standardized test is administered and scored in a consistent

manner. So, the standardized test has high validity and reliability.

Fourth, unstandardized test is the opposite of standardized test. It is

“a test is designed by unprofessional person or team”.26 In another word,

21 M. Chabib Thoha, Teknik Evaluasi Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada,

1996 ), p. 44-46. 22

M. Chabib Thoha, Teknik Evaluasi Pendidikan,, p. 45. 23

M. Chabib Thoha, Teknik Evaluasi Pendidikan, p. 47. 24

M. Chabib Thoha, Teknik Evaluasi Pendidikan, p. 48. 25

M. Chabib Thoha, Teknik Evaluasi Pendidikan,, p. 51.

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unstandarized test is a test which is designed by a teacher. So, it has low

validity and reliability.

Related to the kinds of achievement test. Sudijono adds pretest-

posttest as the kinds of achievement test. Pretest is “a test given or

measurement taken before activities begin”.27 Posttest is “a test or

measurement taken after activities have ended.28

In this research, the writer chooses pretest-posttest of achievement

test. The writer uses pretest before an experimental treatment begins. In

the pretest, the writer gives easy questions to the students related to the

theme because they are not learned the theme before. After that, the writer

give posttest as a test is given after the experimental treatment has ended.

The content of posttest is same with the pretest. It is compared with the

results of pretest to show evidence of the effects or changes resulting from

the activities being evaluated.

After giving test to the students, learning is a process of reaching the

goal if there is a change in the students‟ themselves. According to

Muhibbin Syah, there are three characteristics of students‟ changes, they

are: intentional change; positive and active changes; effective and

functional changes. First, intentional change is a change that is caused by

the students‟ experience or practice which are done intentionally, such as

additional of knowledge, habits, and skills.29

Second, positive and active

changes, positive change is a change which giving advantages to the

students, likes new skills. Active change is a change that happen based on

the students‟ effort. Third, effective and functional changes mean that the

changes which giving advantages to the students effectively and can be

used in any situations functionally.30


M. Chabib Thoha, Teknik Evaluasi Pendidikan,, p. 52. 27

Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Evaluasi Pendidikan,(Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada,

2008), p. 69. 28

Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Evaluasi Pendidikan, p. 70. 29

Muhibbin Syah, Psikologi Belajar, ( Jakarta : Logos Wacana Ilmu, 2001 ) p.106.


Muhibbin Syah, Psikologi Belajar .p. 107.

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b. Factors Affecting Achievement

Nowadays, achievement is the king in education. In education,

every parent wants to see their children having good achievement. It

means that they want to see their children success in the result of learning

in the school. In learning activity, achievement means the mastering of

knowledge or skills that is developed by the lesson and showed by a score

or mark. According to Muhibbin Syah, there are three factors affecting

students‟ achievement, they are: internal factor, external factor and

approach to learning factor.31

In this case, the researcher will explain them one by one. First,

internal factor means factor which come from students‟ themselves, such

as physical and non-physical students‟ condition. Internal factor is divided

into two aspects: physiological and psychological aspects.

Physiological aspect means aspect which is connected with body

healthy and senses. For example, the students must keep their body

healthy with exercise, eating three times a day and must keep their senses

especially eyes and ears senses because both of them influences the

students to catch information and knowledge from the teachers in learning


Psychological aspect is aspect which influences quantity and

quality of students‟ learning.32 Some of psychological aspects are

intelligence, attitude, aptitude, interest and motivation. Garder defines

intelligence as “ability to solve problems and result product in different

settings and situations in the real life.33 Intelligence is also represent aspect

determining the success in study, if the students have normal or high

intelligence, may they will get good score in their class than the students

who have low intelligence. Attitude is physiological aspect where students


Muhibbin Syah, Psikologi Belajar, p.132. 32

Muhibbin Syah, Psikologi Belajar, p. 132-136. 33

Paul Suparno, Inteligensi Ganda dan Aplikasinya di Sekolah, (Yogyakarta: Kanisius,

2004), p. 17.

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give tendency response on the object or things positively or negatively,

and the positive and negative students‟ attitude in subject of learning will

influence the process of learning. Aptitude is a potential or an ability that

can be developed easily to get good achievement activity through learning.

For the example, the aptitude in language, it means the students who have

good aptitude will get good score more easily than the students who have

no aptitude. Interest is usually connected with students‟ needs and

motivation. And the last aspect is motivation, is internal condition which

pushing students to do something, so motivation also means energizer to

do something systematically.

The second factor which affecting students‟ achievement is

external factor. External factor is factor that comes from students‟

environment. External factor is divided into two aspects: social

environment and non-social environment aspects.34

Social environment consist of family, teachers, society and

classmate. Students‟ family gives stimulus to their study, for example, by

giving motivation and guidance to the students when they are learning at

home. It may help the students obtain better achievement in their study.

Teachers who showing good behavior will give positive influence to the

students in learning process. Non-social factors environment consist of

house, school environment, equipment and nature. The last factor is

approach to learn factor means that strategy that is used students in

learning process.35

The technique of learning is also affecting achievement because

the technique which is used by the teachers will influence the students in

the learning process. If the teachers choose technique which is appropriate

with the students, the result of the learning will be optimal. In here, the

teachers are not only giving the material but also asking the students to


Muhibbin Syah, , Psikologi Belajar, p.137-138 35

Muhibbin Syah, , Psikologi Belajar, p.139.

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practice it. Besides, individual factor is also affecting students‟

achievement. Individual factor consist of ages, mental, and motivation.

Figure 2.1: Representing factors affecting achievement

Based on the explanation above, the researcher concludes that there

are many factors which affecting students‟ achievement in their school.

According to Muhibin Syah, there are three factors which are influenced

students‟ achievement, they are: internal factor, external factor, and

approach to learning factor.

3. Picture Word Inductive Model as media in teaching Vocabulary

a. Definition and Function of Media

Media is a tool which used as a channel to send a message or

delivers the information from resources to receiver.36

There is a tendency

to consider media as the mass. Media of television, radio and print in


Soeparno, Media Pengajaran Bahasa, (Jakarta:Intan Pariwara,1988),1th Ed.p.1

Factors Affecting




Approach to learning factor: the strategy that is

used students in the

learning process



Body healthy







Social environment

Non social environment





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learning situation, the human voice, gesticulation, hand writing,

duplicating hand out, chalk boards, display, specimens, models, overhead

projector film strip projector and 16 mm projector are the common


Media will help to establish the conditions for the learners to

identify or describe someone or something.

From the definition above it can be conclude that media is a tool or

instrument that help in teaching learning process and the function is to

deliver information so that the students obtained knowledge, skill or


Haris mentions some possible the function of media as follows38


1) Engaging the students motivation.

2) Revision of work already covered.

3) Providing new learning stimulus.

4) Activating students response.

5) Manipulation of size, distance, and amount of information


6) A comment of students response (e.q. reply of students owns

performance such as language laboratory, or a video recording of a

role playing situation).

Media is an aid that is needed to support some activities in the

world. Media is a graphs, photographic or electronic aids to absorb process

and rearrange visual and verbal information. So, The main function of

using the media is to convey a message or information.

b. Classification of Media

There are several kinds of media, which usually used in the

teaching learning process. There are three general categories of media,

they are visual aids, Audio aids and audio visual aids.39


Harris, N.D.C., Preparing Educational Material, (Worcester : Billing and Sons Ltd.

1997), p.81 38

Harris, N.D.C., Preparing Educational Material, p.81.

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1) Visual aids

Visual aids is term used to include teaching aids which depend

on the use of visual communication channel (ex. over head projector,

slide film strip, mute film, poster, picture, diagram, maps)

2) Audio aids

Audio aids are term used to include teaching aids which depend

on use of audio communication channel (ex. radio and records).

3) Audio visual aids

Audio visual aids is a term used to include teaching aids which

depend on the use of audio visual and or visual communication

channel (ex. television, film, language, laboratory).

According to Gerlach and Ely,there are 8 categories of media as



1) Real thing that is human (teacher), thing that is real (not picture or

model) and real ivents.

2) Verbal representations, that is written /printed media such as text

books, references and other reading.

3) Graphic representation such as chair, diagram, picture, and painting

4) Still picture (in color or white and black) such as photo, slide, film

strip and overhead projector transparancy.

5) Audio (recording) such as cassette, records, real tape, film soundtrack

and tape recorder.

6) Program that is collection of information such text books and picture.

7) Simulation, which usually know as game (e.g. scrabble and cross word


8) Simulation, which usually know as game (e.g.scrable and crossword



Finocchiaro,,The Foreign Language Learner: A Guide for Teachers., (New York

: Rigents Publising Company Inc,1973), p.155. 40

Gerlach, V.G and Ely D.P.,Teaching and Media, (A Systematic Approach Englewood

Cliffs : Prentice – Hall, Inc. 1971), p.282-289

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c. Picture Word Inductive Model

1) The definition of Picture Word Inductive Model

The Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) developed by

Calhoun, which uses pictures containing familiar objects, actions and

scenes to draw out words from children‟s listening and speaking

vocabularies. This model helps students add words to their sight

reading vocabulary, as well as their writing vocabulary, and also

discover phonetic and structural principles present in those words.41

2) The purpose of Picture Word Inductive Model

The Picture Word Inductive Model can be used to teach

phonics and spelling both inductively and explicitly. However, the

model is designed to capitalize on children's ability to think

inductively. The PWIM enables them to build generalizations that form

the basis of structural and phonetic analysis. And it respects their

ability to think. Thus, a major principle of the model is that students

have the capability to make generalizations that can help them to

master the conventions of language.42

For most beginning readers and writers, the PWIM is a

satisfying and pleasurable activity: They enjoy finding objects and

actions in the picture, seeing the words and sentences they generate

expressed in print and become part of the curriculum, classifying

words and sentences, and discovering useful language concepts and

generalizations. The PWIM motivates students because most become

successful learners. Learners succeed using the model because the

PWIM is based on inquiry into how children learn and how to enhance

their learning, including their development of language, the process of

learning to read and write, and the reading and writing connection.


Emily.F.Calhoun, Teaching Beginning Reading And Writing With Picture Word

Inductive Model, (Alexandria, VA: association for supervision and curriculum development,1999),

p.21. 42

Bruce al.,Models of Teaching (terjemahan), (Jogjakarta: Pustaka Pelajar,

2009),8th Ed. p. 154.

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So, the major principle of this model that the students have the

capability to make generalization that can help them to master the

convention of language.

3) Picture Word Inductive Model to teach vocabulary

Actually Picture Word Inductive Model used to teach reading

and writing. But, in this case the writer will use Picture Word Inductive

Model to teach vocabulary. Because in PWIM there are pictures

containing familiar objects, actions and scenes, the students can hear

and see the words spelled correctly directly and they will analyze

word by word, in example phonetic, synonym, antonym, how to spell

it etc. They also read the vocabulary, so it can make them more

understandable and make easier to memorize the vocabulary.

It‟s very important to teach vocabulary trough PWIM because

PWIM can help students learn about the structure of words as they

build an understanding of inflection, the change of form that words

undergo to indicate number, gender, person, tenses, etc. In this case

teaching vocabulary trough PWIM can help the students to think

inductively, analyze and identify the pictures, automatically; the

students have to find out the words which related to the pictures. It can

make the students to add and develop their new words. So, PWIM can

help the students to develop and understand their vocabularies.

The steps in teaching vocabulary trough Picture Word Inductive


a) Select a picture, before the teacher teach vocabulary to the students

through Picture Word Inductive Model, the teacher have to prepare a

picture first, the size of the picture is approximately 24 x 30 inches.

For example the picture of the situation in kitchen room.

b) Ask students to identify what they see in the picture. There are many

activities in kitchen room. Ask to the students to identify the activities


Bruce al.,Models of Teaching (terjemahan),p.165-166.

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or thing based on what they see in the picture for example there are

vegetables, bananas, cooking, roasting etc.

c) Label the picture parts identified. After identifying the activities or

thing what they see in the picture, the students Draw a line from the

identified object or area, then say the word, write the word; ask

students to spell the word aloud and then to pronounce it.

d) Ask students to read the words based on the lines on the chart. In this

case the students have to read the word based on the line word chart,

identify and classify the word. Example: how to spell bananas, apples,

why there is consonant s in the end of bananas and apples word etc.

e) After identifying all about grammar, pronunciation, meaning etc. ask

students to generate a sentence/paragraph about the picture word chart.

Ask students to classify sentences, in this case each students have to

make some sentences/ paragraph based on the picture word chart.

Example: my mother is roasting the chicken meat.

and next we read, check and review the sentences and paragraphs


The picture word chart is the basic material for the PWIM lessons and

units. The picture word chart comprises the picture and the words that are

identified or “shaken out” of the picture by the students. The chart is used

throughout the sequence of lessons and is a source of curriculum content.

As the teacher writes words on the paper surrounding the picture, the chart

becomes an illustrated dictionary. The dictionary supports language use by

the class as a group and as individuals and needs to be posted where

students can use it to support their reading, their writing, and their

independence as learners. Using the chart to help them pronounce the

words encourages the students to notice and comment on spelling and

phonetic structure. Until the words are part of the student's sight

vocabulary, they are anchored by their representations on the picture word


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That is some steps in teaching vocabulary trough PWIM that can help

students especially in junior high school to memorize and understand their

vocabulary and it will make the students enjoy and fun during learning

process. Finally the students will interest in learning English.

The strategy can be used with a whole class, small groups, pairs, or

individually to lead students to inquiry about words and adding them to

their vocabularies, discovering phonetic and structural principles, and

engaging in other reading and writing activities. Skills are taught explicitly

using PWIM. The strategy is designed to capitalize on a student‟s ability

to think inductively.

4) The Strengths of the PWIM

The basic steps of the PWIM stress these components of phonics,

grammar, mechanics, and usage:

a) Students hear the words pronounced correctly many times and the

picture word chart is an immediate reference as they add these words

to their sight vocabulary. The teacher can choose to emphasize almost

any sound and symbol relationship (introduced or taken to mastery).

b) Students hear and see letters identified and written correctly many


c) Students hear the words spelled correctly many times and participate in

spelling them correctly.

d) In writing the sentences, the teacher uses Standard English

(transforming student sentences if necessary) and uses correct

punctuation and mechanics (e.g., commas, capital letters). As different

mechanical and grammatical devices are used, the teacher describes

why the device is used. After several lessons and experience with the

teacher modeling the devices, the students learn how to use them, too.

Page 40: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


C. Hypothesis

The hypothesis is the assumption that possibly true or possibly also

wrong. The hypothesis is the provisional answer to the problems of the

research that theoretically considered possibly or highest the level of his truth.

It is provisional truth determined by researcher that should be tested and


Because the hypothesis was the provisional answer, it was carried

out by investigation in the analysis part of the data to receive proof whether

the hypothesis could be accepted or not received.

In this research, the hypothesis can be stated as follow:

H : Vocabulary achievement of experimental group after treatment is

better than experimental group before treatment.

H : Vocabulary achievement of experimental group after treatment is

better than control group after treatment

H : Pictures Word Inductive Model is effective to improve students‟

vocabulary achievement.


Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, (Jakarta: PT

Rineka Cipta, 2006), 13th Ed., p. 116.




Page 41: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.




This chapter discusses methodology that is used by the researcher in the

research. It deals with the type of research, research design, place and time of the

Research, population, variables, instruments, technique of collecting data, and

technique of data analysis.

A. Type of Research

Research is defined as “the systematic and objective analysis and

recording of controlled observations that may lead to the development of

generalization, principles, or theories, resulting in prediction and possibly

ultimate control of events”.1 In this research, the researcher uses experimental

quantitative research. According to Best experimental quantitative research is

“a systematic and logical method to find out cause and effect relationship”.2

B. Research Design

Before doing the research, the researcher arranged a research design.

Research design refers to the outline, plan, or strategy specifying the

procedure to be used in collecting data in a research.3 In this research, the

researcher used experimental design.

In control group pretest-posttest design, the students as the sample

were divided into two groups: the experimental and control group and then

they were given pretest on both groups. After giving treatment to the

experimental group, two groups were given posttest. The differences between

the pretest and posttest scores for two groups were tested statistically to asses

the effect of independent variable.

1John W. Best, Research in Education, (Prentice-Hall, Inc: London, 1981), p. 18.

2John W. Best, Research in Education, p. 55.

3Bambang Setiyadi, Metode Penelitian Pengajaran Bahasa Asing, (Yogyakarta : Graha

Ilmu, 2006), 1st Ed, p. 125.

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Pre-test Post-test

measure Treatment


Experimental 1O X 3O


Control 2O - 4O


Figure3.1: pretest-posttest design of control and experiment group.4

There are two groups in this model of experiment research. First is

experiment group and the second is control group. The writer decided to

choose class VII B as the try out class, VII E as experiment class and class

VIII C as the control class. The experiment class received a new treatment. It

was taught by Picture Word Inductive Model. While, the control class taught

by using conventional learning or lecturing. It was not receive a new


C. Research Setting

The researcher would like to choose the seventh grade of MTs Sunan

Kalijaga Bawang Batang which is located in Jl. Sunan Kalijaga Blok II

Bawang Batang,. The researcher has done the research on February 7th

March 7th


D. Subject of the Research

a. Population

Population is all the subject of the research.5 In this study, the

population or the subjects of research are the seventh grade students at

MTs Sunan Kalijaga Bawang Batang in the academic year of 2010/2011.

4 Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan, Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif , R & D, (

Bandung : CV. Alphabeta, 2008 ), 6th Ed. p. 112.

5 Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan, Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif , R & D, p.


Page 43: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


The number of the population is 182 students. They are divided into VII

A, B, C, D, and E.

The choice of the subjects of the study was based on the

following considerations:

1. The students needed an interesting and enjoyable technique in

learning English in general and specifically in vocabulary.

2. Picture word inductive model was never introduced to the students

when learning English.

b. Sample

Sample is part of population.6 In this study, there are two class as

sample. Where class VII B as the try out class that consist of 30 students,

VII E as the experiment class that consist of 38 students and class VII C

as the control class that consist of 38 students.

c. Sampling

Sampling is a technique to take a sample7. In this study, the writer

used cluster random sampling technique. Finally, chosen class VII B as

the try out class that consist of 30 students, VII E as the experiment class

that consist of 38 students and class VII C as the control class that consist

of 38 students.

E. Variable

Variable is the object of research or something that become the

concern of research.8 In this study there are two variable.

1. Independent Variable

It is a variable that influences or causes of change or emergence of

the dependent variable.9 Independent variable in this research is the use of

6 Sudjana, Metoda Statistika , ( Bandung : Tarsito , 1996 ), p. 6.

7 Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan, Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif , R & D, p.

118. 8 Sugiyono, Statistika Untuk Penelitian, ( Bandung : CV. Alfabeta , 2005 ), p. 3

9 Sugiyono, Statistika Untuk Penelitian, p.4

Page 44: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


picture word inductive model in teaching vocabulary or the method used

in teaching and learning process.

2. Dependent Variable

It is variable that is affected resulting, because of the existence of

the independent variable. Dependent variable in this research is the

achievement of the students of the seventh grade of MTs Sunan Kalijaga

Bawang Batang in vocabulary.

F. Technique of Data Colection

In gaining the data, the researcher attempts to employ these following


1. Test

Test is a set of questions and exercises used to measure the

achievement or capacity of the individual or group. The participant of the

test was the students at the seventh grade of MTs Sunan Kalijaga Bawang

Batang that are consist of 182 students. The purposes of the test were to

know students’ vocabulary achievement in grammar, aspect of meaning

(denotation, connotation) and meaning relationship (synonyms, antonyms

and hyponyms) both the students who have been taught using Picture word

inductive model those who have been taught using traditional technique (

explanation only). There are two kinds of test, pre test and post test that

were given to the students as participants, either the experimental or the

control group. Before carrying out the teaching, the pre test was given to

both groups to make sure that two groups had similar and equal level

proficiencies. The post test was given to the experimental group after

being taught using the Picture word inductive model and was given to the

control group being taught using the traditional technique.

In this research, the researcher used multiple choice items.

Multiple choice items have two parts: the stem, which identifies the

question or problem, and the response alternatives. Students are asked to

Page 45: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


select the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the


2. Documentation

The documentation method is used to look for the data concerning

matters or the variable that took the form of the note, transcript, book,

newspaper, magazine, inscription, ledger, agenda, etc. It refers to the

archival data that helps the writer to collect the data needed. In this

research, this method will use to get the data of students’ name list that

become respondents, syllabus, lesson plan, etc. The data will gain by the

help of the English teacher.

G. Instrument

Test measurement is said well if it has good validity, reliability, degree of

test difficult and degree of question distinction.

a. Validity of the Test

It is measurement that shows the validity of instrument. It is

counted using product moment formula.10








r xy : question correlation coefficient

N : number of students

X : number of each item score

Y : number of total score

Calculation result of rXy is compared with r table of product moment by

5% degree of significance. If rxy is higher than r table, the item of

question is valid.

b. Reliability of the Test

It means can be believed. Besides having high validity, a good test


Suharsimi Arikunto, Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan, (Jakarta : PT. Bumi Aksara,

2002), p. 72.

Page 46: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


should have high reliability too. Sperman Brown formula is used to know

reliability of test.11







r1 : correlation index

r 1/2

½ : rXy that has been said as correlation index between instrument

c. Degree of Test Difficulty

A good question is a question that is not really difficult and not

really easy. Formula for degree of test difficulty is.




P : The difficulty’s index

B : The Number of students who has right answer

JS : The number of students12

The criteria are:

P = 0,00 30,0 p Difficult question

P= 0,30 70,0 p Sufficient

P= 0,70 00,1 p Easy.

d. Discriminating Power

It is used to know how accurate the question differ higher subject

and lower subject. The formula is.13

DB : PT - PR


D : degree of question

PT : degree of difficulty from higher group

PR : degree of difficulty from lower group


Suharsimi Arikunto, Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan, p. 90. 12

Suharsimi Arikunto, Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan,, p. 207-208. 13

Purwanto, Evaluasi Hasil Belajar,( Jogjakarta : pustaka pelajar, 2009 ). P.102

Page 47: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


The criteria are:

0,00 20,0 p Less

0,20 40,0 p Enough

0,40 70,0 p Good

0,70 00,1 p Excellent

H. Techniques of Data Analysis

The following steps had been taken by the researcher to analyze the

data taken from the observation and test.

1. Pre requisite test

Before the writer determines the sample, the writer should

conduct a homogeneity test by choosing 2 classes with cluster random

sampling. This test conducted to determine whether the data are

homogenous or not. After conducted the test, data analysis was carried

out to find out the homogeneity of the sample. Here, homogeneity test are


- Homogeneity Test

It is used to know whether experimental group and control

group, that are decided, come from population that has relatively

same variant or not. It was meant to get the assumption that sample of

research came from a same condition or homogenous. The writer used

the formula as follows:14

F = VarianceSmallest


The hypothesis in homogeneity test are:

Ho: homogeny variance = 2




Ha: non homogeny variance = 2





Tulus Winarsunu,Statistik Dalam Penelitian Psikologi Dan Pendidikan,( Malang:

UMM Press 2002) cet.1 p.106

Page 48: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


If the calculation result of countF is lower that tableF ( countF < tableF ) by

5% degree of significant so Ho is accepted, it means the data is

homogeneous or both of groups have the same variance.

2. Hypothesis Test

To respond to the objectives of the study, the researcher examined

the data in the following steps that was to prove the researcher hypothesis

about the difference of students' vocabulary achievement between

students who had been taught using picture word inductive model and

those who had been taught using the traditional technique (explanation


a. Score the post test. After giving the post test to the students, the

researcher scored its result.

b. Compare the result of the test of the two groups. This step was done

to prove the research hypothesis. Here, the t-test formula is used. In

this case, because the group size is the same, the formula for

computing the t-test value is like this.15









S St

In which

t : t - value

1X : Average score of experimental group

2X : Average score of control group

N 1 : Number of students of experimental group

N 2 : Number of students of control group


1S : Standard deviation for experimental group


James Dean Brown and Theodore S. Rodger, Doing Second Language Research,

(British: Oxford Press, 2002), p. 208.

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2S : Standard deviation for control groups

The test criterion is : Ha is accepted if calculatedt > tablet by

degrees of freedom of )2( 21 nndf and by the chance of 0.05 level

of significance.

I. Research Procedure

In collecting data, there are some steps was taken by the writer,

they are as follows:

1. Preliminary visit (meet the administration officer)

The writer visited the school to get information about teacher and

students as participants. To gain the information, the writer asked the

administration officer.

2. Contact the headmaster

The writer asked permission to the headmaster of MTs Sunan

Kalijaga Bawang Batang by giving the permission letter.

3. Contact the English teacher

After getting permission from the headmaster, the writer met the

English teacher for asking his help and guidance for the writer conducted

research. And the writer explains about test and material to students.

4. Give pre requisite test

Before the writer determines the sample, the writer should conduct

a homogeneity test by choosing 2 classes with cluster random sampling.

This test conducted to determine whether the data are homogenous or not.

After conducted the test, data analysis was carried out to find out the

homogeneity of the sample. It was meant to check if the research result

met the requirement of good research or not. The pre requisite test was

conducted on February 9th


5. Give Try Out test

To get good instruments are used for collecting the data, the test

was chosen as the instrument tried out beforehand. The result of the try-

Page 50: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


out test was analyzed statistically to know the validity, reliability, degree

of test difficulty, and degree of question distinction. It was conducted on

February 11th


6. Give pre test

The writer gave the pre test to experiment and control class. They

asked to answer the pictures and key words as guide given. The pre test

was conducted on February 14th

, 2011 for experiment class and for control


7. Give the treatment

The activities of the experiment and control class were started on

February 21st, 26

th, 28

th 2011. The experiment class was given the

treatment by using picture word inductive model as a media in teaching

vocabulary. The control class only gave a verbal explanation without

picture word inductive model as a media in teaching vocabulary.

8. Give post test

The post test was conducted after treatment for three times, it was

given to test their understanding on vocabulary. It was held on March 7th



The procedures of collecting the data could be seen in the following table.

Table 3.1.The sequences of administration of the data collection

No. Task What to






Preliminary visit (meet the

administration officer)

Contact the headmaster

Contact the English teacher to

ask data of data of students’ as








February 4th



February 7th



February 8th


Page 51: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.







Give pre requisite test

Give Try out test

Give pre-test

Give treatment

Give Post-test

pre requisite



Try out test




Lesson plan,








February 9th



February 11th



February 14th


February 21st,


, 28th



March 7th


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A. Description of Research Finding

1. The Implementation of Learning

This Research used experimental design of the use of picture word

inductive model as a vocabulary teaching technique on students’ vocabulary

achievement in MTs Sunan Kalijaga Bawang Batang on on 7th

February – 7th

March 2011.

The implementation of this Research was divided into three classes,

namely the try out class (VII B), the experimental class (VII E) and the control

class (VII C). Before the activities were conducted, the materials and lesson

plan were determined to the process of learning. Learning in the experiment

class was conducted by using Picture word inductive model as the technique in

teaching vocabulary, while the control class using the traditional technique

(without using Picture word inductive model technique).

In this research, there were two tests namely pretest and posttest. The

pretest was given before the students follow the learning process that was

provided by the researcher. Most of the questions consist of pictures as media

to help the students to answer the appropriate word with the picture.

After the learning process, posttest was given to experiment and control

classes to obtain the data that will be analyzed.

2. Analysis of Pre requisite test

Before the writer determines the sample, the writer should conduct a

homogeneity test by choosing 2 classes with cluster random sampling.They are

between class VII C ( control class ) and VII E ( experiment class) as the

sample, This test conducted to determine whether the the sample are

homogenous or not. In this case, the writer gave the test to the students that

consist of 20 items of test.After conducted the test, data analysis was carried

out to find out the homogeneity of the sample.

Page 53: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


a) The result of pre requisite of Class VII E

Based on the result of pre requisite of Class VII E the highest score

achieved is 85 and lowest is 50. It means that the range (R)= 35, the

number of class is 6, and the interval of the class is 6.

The result of the calculation above is, then inputted into the frequency

distribution as follow:

Table 4.1. Frequency Distribution score of pre requisite test of

the Experiment Class (Class VII E )

To make easier to understand, the writer applied frequency

distribution of score into charts as follows:

Chart 4.1. Histogram Frequency score of pre requisite test

of the Experiment Class (Class VII E)




l class

(fi) Xi fixi (xi-X) (xi-X)² fi(xi-X)²

1 50– 55 10 52,5 525 -13,57 184,1449 1841,449

2 56 – 61 7 58,5 409,5 -7,57 57,3049 401,1343

3 62– 67 4 64,5 258 -1,57 2,4649 9,8596

4 68 –73 5 70,5 352,5 4,43 19,6249 98,1245

5 74 – 79 4 76,5 306 10,43 108,7849 435,1396

6 80 – 85 8 82,5 660 16,43 269,9449 2159,559

Sum 38 405 2511 8,58 642,2694 4945,266

Page 54: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


a. Calculating of the average Xi ( x ) :





= 2511 = 66.07


b. Calculate variance

S² = ∑ fi.(xi-X)²


= 4945.266


= 130.1

c. Calculate standard deviation

= √130.1

= 11.41

b) The result of pre requisite of class VII C

Based on the result of pre requisite of Class VII E the highest score

achieved is 85 and lowest is 50. It means that the range (R)= 35, the

number of class is 6, and the interval of the class is 6.

The result of the calculation above is, then inputted into the frequency

distribution as follow:

Table 4.2. Frequency Distribution of score pre requisite test

of the Contol Class ( Class VII C )

N0 Interval


(fi) Xi Fixi (xi-X) (xi-X)² fi.(xi-X)²

1 50– 55 9 52,5 472,5 -13,57 184,1449 1657,304

2 56 – 61 6 58,5 351 -7,57 57,3049 343,8294

3 62– 67 6 64,5 387 -1,57 2,4649 14,7894

4 68 –73 5 70,5 352,5 4,43 19,6249 98,1245

5 74 – 79 5 76,5 382,5 10,43 108,7849 543,9245

6 80 – 85 7 82,5 577,5 16,43 269,9449 1889,614

Sum 38 405 2523 8,58 642,2694 4547,586

Page 55: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


To make easier to understand, the writer applied frequency distribution

of score into charts as follows:

Chart 4.2. Histogram Frequency score of pre requisite test

of the Control Class (Class VII C)

a) Calculating of the average Xi ( x ) :





= 2523 = 66,39


b) Calculate variance

S² = ∑ fi.(xi-X)²


= 4547,586


= 122,9

c) Calculate standard deviation

= √122,9

= 11,08

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- Homogeneity test

This test conducted to determine whether the samples are

homogenous or not. The hypothesis in homogeneity test are:

Ho: homogeny variance = 2




Ha: non homogeny variance = 2




Fmax = VarianceSmallest


= 130,1


= I.05

Db= n-1

= 38 -1 = 37

The result variance of pre requisite 20 test items is:1.05. because

result of countF (1.05) is lower that tableF (1.71), ( countF < tableF ) by

5% degree of significant so Ho is accepted, it means the data is

homogeneous or both of groups have the same variance.

3. Analysis of Try-out Scores

As it was stated in chapter three that to get good instruments are used

for collecting the data, the test was chosen as the instrument tried out

beforehand. The result of the try-out test was analyzed statistically to know

the validity, reliability, degree of test difficulty, and degree of question


a. Validity of Instrument

To know the validity of instrument, the Person Product Moment

Correlation formula was used when analyzing each of test items. It was

obtained that from 25 test items; there were 20 test items which were

valid. The 20 valid test items were used as the instrument for collecting the

Page 57: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


data. The number of invalid test items was 5. There were on numbers 2,

12, 18, 23, and 25. They were to be said invalid with the reason the

computation result of their xyr score was lower than the tabler score.

Table 4.3. Validity of Each Item

Criterion ttable Number of question Total



1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,

10, 11, 13, 14, 15,

16, 17, 19, 20, 21,

22, 24


Invalid 2, 12, 18, 23, 25 5

b. Reliability of the Instrument

The result of the reliability 25 test items is: 0,958 with α = 5%

from the product moment table. Because of the rcount (0,958) is bigger

than rtable (0,374) so the instrument is reliable.

c. Degree of Test Difficulty

The value of the difficulty was computed by using the formula: JS

BP .

Tabel 4.4. Degree of Difficulty of Each Item

Criteria Number of

questions Total




2, 12, 18, 23, 25

1, 5,6, 9, 10, 13, 14,

15, 16, 17, 19, 20,

21, 22

3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 24




d. Degree of Question Distinction

Page 58: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


The analysis of degree of question distinction shows the students’

competence instrument answering each test items. To do this analysis, the

number of tryout subjects was divided into two groups, upper and lower

class. Value of the difficulty was computed by using the formula:

DB = PT – PB

Tabel 4.5. Degree of Question Distinction

Criteria Number of questions Total





3, 5, 10, 11, 12, 14, 18, 25

1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 24

9, 16, 20, 21, 22




B. Hypothesis Test

Hypothetical analysis is intended to process the data collected from

pretest and posttest. The goal of this analysis is to prove the hypothesis

whether it is received or rejected.

Based on the test given to both groups after being treated by different

means of teaching technique, the post test score was gained from the students.

The average score reached by the experimental group was 77.6 while the

control group reached 72.6 as their average score. It could be seen that the

final score of each group was relatively so different. However, it should be

measured using statistical procedures. Thus, the researcher analyzed the post

test data to test the hypothesis that have been stated.

a. The data of score pre-test of the experiment class

Based on the result of research of experiment class before being

taught by using picture word inductive model as the media in teaching

vocabulary the highest score achieved is 80 and lowest is 60. It means that

the range (R) = 20, the number of class is 7 and the interval of the class is


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The result of the calculation above is, then inputted into the

frequency distribution as follow:

Table 4.6. Frequency Distribution of score pre test of

the Experiment Class (Class VII E)

No Interval class (fi)

1 60– 62 11

2 63 – 65 9

3 66– 68 0

4 69 –71 9

5 72 – 74 0

6 75 – 77 4

7 78- 80 5

Sum 38

To make easier to understand, the writer applied frequency

distribution of score into charts as follows:

Chart 4.3. Histogram Frequency score of pre-test

of the Experiment Class

b. The data of score pre-test of the control class

Page 60: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


Based on the result of research of Class experiment class before

being taught by explanation only (without picture word inductive model )

in teaching vocabulary the highest score achieved is 80 and lowest is 60.

It means that the range (R)= 20, the number of class is 7 and the interval

of the class is 3.

Table 4.7. Frequency Distribution of score pre test

of the Control Class

No Interval class (fi)

1 60– 62 15

2 63 – 65 6

3 66– 68 0

4 69 –71 9

5 72 – 74 0

6 75 – 77 3

7 78- 80 5

Sum 38

To make easier to understand, the writer applied frequency

distribution of score into charts as follows:

Chart 4.4. Histogram Frequency score of pre-test

of the Control Class

Page 61: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


c. The data of score post-test of the experiment class

Based on the result of research of Class experiment class after

being taught by using picture word inductive model as the media in in

teaching vocabulary the highest score achieved is 90 and lowest is 70. It

means that the range (R)= 20, the number of class is 7 and the interval of

the class is 3.

Table 4.8. Frequency Distribution of score post test

of the Experiment Class

No Interval class (fi)

1 70 – 72 8 2 73 – 75 14 3 76 – 78 0 4 79 – 81 5 5 82 – 84 0 6 85 – 87 10 7 88 – 90 1

Sum 38

To make easier to understand, the writer applied frequency

distribution of score into charts as follows:

Chart 4.5. Histogram Frequency score of post-test

of the Experiment Class

Page 62: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


d. The data of score post-test of the control class

Based on the result of research of control class after being taught

by using explanation only ( without picture word inductive model ) in in

teaching vocabulary the highest score achieved is 85 and lowest is 65. It

means that the range (R)= 20, the number of class is 7 and the interval of

the class is 3.

Table 4.9. Frequency Distribution of score post test

of the Control Class

No Interval class (fi)

1 65 – 67 4 2 68 – 70 15 3 71 – 73 0 4 74 –76 15 5 77 – 79 0 6 80 – 82 3 7 83 – 85 1

Sum 38

To make easier to understand, the writer applied frequency

distribution of score into charts as follows:

Chart 4.6. Histogram Frequency score of post-test

of the Control Class

Page 63: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


e. Analysis t test

Table 4.10. Student’s Vocabulary Achievement

of Experiment Class



X₁ X₁² X₂ X²

E-1 70 4900 80 6400

E-2 65 4225 75 5625

E-3 60 3600 70 4900

E-4 60 3600 75 5625

E-5 70 4900 85 7225

E-6 80 6400 85 7225

E-7 60 3600 75 5625

E-8 65 4225 70 4900

E-9 70 4900 80 6400

E-10 65 4225 70 4900

E-11 80 6400 85 7225

E-12 70 4900 80 6400

E-13 65 4225 75 5625

E-14 80 6400 90 8100

E-15 65 4225 70 4900

E-16 60 3600 70 4900

E-17 60 3600 75 5625

E-18 65 4225 75 5625

E-19 75 5625 85 7225

E-20 60 3600 75 5625

E-21 70 4900 85 7225

E-22 70 4900 75 5625

E-23 65 4225 70 4900

E-24 65 4225 75 5625

E-25 70 4900 85 7225

E-26 75 5625 85 7225

E-27 80 6400 85 7225

E-28 75 5625 85 7225

E-29 80 6400 85 7225

E-30 75 5625 80 6400

E-31 60 3600 75 5625

E-32 60 3600 70 4900

E-33 60 3600 75 5625

E-34 70 4900 75 5625

E-35 60 3600 75 5625

E-36 65 4225 75 5625

E-37 60 3600 70 4900

E-38 70 4900 80 6400

Sum 2575 176225 2950 230300

Page 64: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


Table 4.11. Student’s Vocabulary Achievement

of Control Class



X₁ X₁² X₂ X²

C-1 65 4225 70 4900

C-2 70 4900 75 5625

C-3 60 3600 70 4900

C-4 75 5625 80 6400

C-5 60 3600 65 4225

C-6 70 4900 75 5625

C-7 60 3600 65 4225

C-8 60 3600 65 4225

C-9 65 4225 70 4900

C-10 65 4225 70 4900

C-11 70 4900 75 5625

C-12 75 5625 80 6400

C-13 60 3600 70 4900

C-14 70 4900 75 5625

C-15 70 4900 75 5625

C-16 65 4225 70 4900

C-17 70 4900 75 5625

C-18 60 3600 70 4900

C-19 60 3600 70 4900

C-20 70 4900 75 5625

C-21 80 6400 85 7225

C-22 75 5625 80 6400

C-23 65 4225 70 4900

C-24 60 3600 70 4900

C-25 60 3600 70 4900

C-26 70 4900 75 5625

C-27 65 4225 65 4225

C-28 65 4225 75 5625

C-29 60 3600 70 4900

C-30 70 4900 75 5625

C-31 60 3600 70 4900

C-32 70 4900 75 5625

C-33 65 4225 75 5625

C-34 60 3600 70 4900

C-35 60 3600 75 5625

C-36 60 3600 70 4900

C-37 60 3600 75 5625

C-38 60 3600 75 5625

∑ 2485 163675 2760 201200

Page 65: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


Based on the table arranged above, the mean and standard

deviation of both group are then computed as can be seen in the following


Table 4.12. The computation of students’ mean

and standard deviation of Experiment Class

Experiment Class

Pre Test Post Test

M1 N



= 2575


= 67.8







= 176225 – (2575)²


= 176225- 174490.1

= 1734.9

S1 1





= √176225


= 69.0

M1 N



= 2950


= 77.6







= 230300 – (2950)²


= 230300 - 229013.2

= 1286.7

S1 1





= √230300


= 78.9

Page 66: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


Table 4.13. The computation of students’ mean

and standard deviation of Control Class

Control Class

Pre Test Post Test

M₂ N



= 2485


= 65.4







= 163675 – (2485)²


= 163675 – 162505.9

= 1169.1

S1 1





= √163675


= 66.5

M₂ N



= 2760


= 72.6







= 201200– (2760 )²


= 201200 – 200463.1

= 736.9

S1 1





= √201200


= 73.7

Page 67: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


Having calculated the mean and the standard deviation of both groups,

the computation result could be continued to the following t-test computation

step by step.

























db =N₁ + N₂ -2

db = 76 - 2 = 74

Thus, the t-value in this case is about 2.5 By 74 degrees of

freedom (df), the t-value could be looked in the t-test table. Because the

exact degrees of freedom (df) of 74 is not shown in the table, the

researcher took the closest value above it which is 120. In that row, the

critical value for t at the 0.05 level of significance is 1.98. The t-value

calculated for the difference between students’s vocabulary achievement

taught by picture word inductive model and those taught by explanation

only was 2.5 and that value is greater than the critical value found in the

table at 0.05 level of significance. The test criterion is : Ha is accepted if

calculatedt > tablet by degrees of freedom of )2( 21 nndf and by the

chance of 0.05 level of significance.

Page 68: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


Becauce calculatedt > tablet ( 2.5 > 1.98 ) it means that Ho is rejected

and Ha is accepted. It means that picture word inductive model is more

effective than explanation only in

Teaching vocabulary.

C. Discussion of the Research Findings

Before doing the research, tryout was done to measure that the instrument

had validity, reliability, degree of test difficulty, and degree of test distinction.

After the data was analyzed, it showed that 20 items were valid.

After doing the tryout, pretest and posttest were given to the experiment

and control classes. After the data was collected, it was analyzed statistically

by using t test formula.

Having known the result of t value, and consulted it to the appropriate t

table, it has been found that there is a significant difference between two

groups. This indicates that the difference of two groups’ mean probably did

not happen accidentally. It could be said in another way; this result mean that

the mean of students taught by using Picture Word Inductive Model is higher

than the mean of the students taught by explanation only ( without picture

word inductive model ).

Based on the post test score of the students related to their achievement

on English passive voice, it can also be seen that the mean between the two

groups was different in which the experimental group’s score (class VII E)

was higher than the control one (class VII C). Meanwhile, it has been seen that

at the first time before they were given the treatment, they were in equal

capabilities and had equivalent level of competence.

That difference result was caused by some factors that could be

analyzed through the teaching and learning they have experienced during the

experiment. The higher mean score gained by the experimental group was

caused by the students’ activeness they have practiced in class through picture

word inductive model technique. As stated earlier that the activities offered in

picture word inductive model technique allowed the experimental group (class

Page 69: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


VII E) to receive the teacher presentation or explanation and share their

knowledge related to the English vocabulary. It might support the students to

do their best in working out with the given subject matter. In contrary, it could

be seen that the control group (class VII C) were merely taught by explanation

only which is usually refers to the lecturing. The students received the

explanation only from one side that was from their teacher. The role of

teacher, here, was said dominantly. Whereas the students’ potentials in giving

explanation could be taken benefit from. This situation could not explore the

students’ cognitive potentials and their activeness maximally.

Based on the result of pretest and posttest, it could be concluded :

Picture Word Inductive Model can improve the students’ vocabulary

achievement the seventh grade VII of MTs Sunan Kalijaga Bawang

Batang in academic year of 2010/2011. It can be seen from the result of

analysis by using t tes formula :

1) The vocabulary achievement of experimental group before

treatment is bigger than control group before treatment. It can be

seen from the mean of pretest of experiment class (67.8) is bigger

than the mean of control group (65.4) before the treatment.

2) The vocabulary achievement of experimental group after treatment

better than experimental group before treatment. It can be seen

from the mean of posttest the experiment class (77.6) is higher than

experiment class (67.8) before the treatment.

3) The vocabulary achievement of control group before treatment is

lower than control group after treatment. It can be seen from the

mean of pretest of control class (65.4) is lower than the mean of

posttest of control class (72.6) after the treatment.

4) The vocabulary achievement of experimental group after treatment

better than control group after treatment. It can be seen from the

mean of posttest of the experiment class (77.6) is bigger than the

mean of posttest of control class (72.6) after the treatment.

Page 70: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


5) The case in both groups is the same that there is an improvement in

each group’s cognitive achievement. However, the improvement

on control group is not as much as on the experimental group. It is

convinced by the statistical result of the hypothesis test. The test by

means of t-test formula shown that tcalculated = 2.5 > ttable = 1.98 at

0.05 level of significance by 74 degrees of freedom. It means that

the using of picture word inductive model technique is more

effective to improve the students’ understanding on English

vocabulary than by using of non picture word inductive model

technique ( explanation only).

So, it could be concluded that picture word inductive model could

improve the students’ vocabulary achievement of experiment class but it less

effective technique to teach vocabulary at junior high school students with

many reasons. First, the English teacher at MTs Sunan Kalijaga Bawang

Batang follows the group of teachers’ training every year by the Educational

Institution which is purposed to improve the teachers’ ability in teaching the

students at junior high School. So, the English teachers at MTs Sunan Kalijaga

Bawang Batang especially have more experiences about the techniques,

materials than the researcher has. Second, Based on the regulation of Tarbiyah

Faculty, the research must be done 30 days so the treatment only was given

three times.

The technique of teaching is one of the factors that influence the result of

the study. In the process of teaching, the teachers must choose appropriate

technique, so the students will enjoy the lesson. Based on the result of tests,

the process of learning English using picture word inductive model as a

vocabulary teaching technique in MTs Sunan Kalijaga Bawang Batang could

help the students to memorize vocabulary, so they could improve their

vocabulary achievement. Besides, the students who had been taught using

picture word inductive model felt more fun and they were not bored in the

classroom during the process of teaching learning. In the process of learning,

the students in the experiment class were enjoyed and fun.

Page 71: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


D. The advantages of the Picture Word Inductive Model

The following list of advantages of the Picture Word Inductive Model

is drawn from Calhoun:

1) The strategy emphasizes phonics, grammar, mechanics, and usage of

Standard English.

2) Pictures provide concrete visuals for the learning of new words,

phrases, and sentences.

3) Because students are using pictures related to content material under

study, they feel a part of the classroom community and can participate

in class activities.

4) The picture word chart serves as an immediate reference, or picture

dictionary, that enables students to eventually add the words to their

own sight vocabulary. The teacher can choose to emphasize almost

any sound and symbol relationship (introduced or taken to mastery).

5) Students are assisted in seeing the patterns and relationships of the

English language, enabling them to apply this learning to newly

encountered words.

6) Students hear and see words spelled correctly and participate in correct

spelling and writing.

7) Learners benefit from the teacher modeling of the key words and

concepts. With extensive practice, students begin to learn how to

create sentences and paragraphs related to the subject under study.

E. Limitation of the Research

The researcher realizes that this research had not been done optimally.

There were obstacles faced during the research process.

Some limitations of this research are:

1. The researcher’s ability

The researcher realizes that the implementation of the research

process was less smooth; this was more due to lack of the researcher’s

experience and knowledge.

Page 72: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


2. Limitation of time

Based on the regulation of Tarbiyah Faculty, the research must be

done 30 days. So, the relative short time made this research could not be

done maximally.

3. Limitation of application

In this research, the researcher only gave three times treatment to

the experiment class, so the result of the research was not maximal.

4. Limitation of the design

In this research, the researcher used short design. So the research

cannot be done maximally.

Considering all those limitations, there is a need to do more

research about teaching vocabulary by using picture word inductive model

so that the more optimal result will be gained.

Page 73: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.




A. Conclusions

In this research there are two problems, they are: how are the students’

vocabulary achievement in experimental and control groups before and the

treatment and how effective is picture word inductive model to improve

students’ vocabulary achievement.

After the researcher finished the research, she will draw some

conclusion as the result of the research at the seventh grade VII of MTs Sunan

Kalijaga Bawang Batang in academic year of 2010/2011 on the use of picture

word inductive model in teaching vocabulary.

The conclusions that can be drawn in this research are:

1. Based on the first problem, the researcher wants to find out the students’

vocabulary achievement through Picture Word Inductive Model at the

seventh grade of MTs Sunan Kalijaga Bawang Batang in the academic

year of 2010/2011. The students’ vocabulary achievement of experimental

group after treatment is 77.6, it can be concluded that Picture Word

Inductive Model can improve the students’s vocabulary achievement at the

seventh grade of MTs Sunan Kalijaga Bawang Batang in the academic

year of 2010/2011.

2. On the second problem, the researcher wants to find out the students’

vocabulary achievement through explanation only at the seventh grade of

MTs Sunan Kalijaga Bawang Batang in the academic year of 2010/2011.

The students’ vocabulary achievement of experimental group after

treatment is 72.6, it can be concluded that the students’s vocabulary

achievement at the seventh grade of MTs Sunan Kalijaga Bawang Batang

in the academic year of 2010/2011 through explanation only is lower than

students’ vocabulary achievement through Picture Word Inductive Model.

Page 74: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


3. Pictures word inductive model is effective in teaching vocabulary

The vocabulary achievement of experimental group after treatment

better than control group after treatment. It can be seen from the mean of

posttest of the experiment class (77.6) is bigger than the mean of posttest

of control class (72.6) after the treatment.

The case in both groups is the same that there is an improvement in

each group’s cognitive achievement. However, the improvement on

control group is not as much as on the experimental group. It is convinced

by the statistical result of the hypothesis test. The test by means of t-test

formula shown that tcalculated = 2.5 > ttable = 1.98 at 0.05 level of

significance by 74 degrees of freedom. It means that the using of picture

word inductive model technique is more effective to improve the students’

understanding on English vocabulary than by using of non picture word

inductive model technique ( explanation only).

The main finding of the reserach is students’s vocabulary

achievement at the seventh grade of MTs Sunan Kalijaga Bawang Batang

in the academic year of 2010/2011 through explanation only is lower than

students’ vocabulary achievement through Picture Word Inductive Model.

It means that Picture Word Inductive Model is more effective in teaching


B. Suggestion

Based on the result of this research with positively indicates that there is

positive effect on the use of picture word inductive model in teaching

vocabulary. Some recommendations for the teaching and learning English are

proposed as follows:

1. For the Teachers

There are some recommendations in teaching learning English.

First, the English teachers must be creative when he/she transfers the

knowledge of English to the students, so the students can easily receive

and understand the materials. Second, it is necessity for the English

Page 75: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


teachers give motivation to the students. Third, it will be better if English

teacher finds out the appropriate and interesting technique related to the

material. Besides, to give contribution to English teacher that teaching

vocabulary using picture word inductive model technique is more

interesting and brings in relaxation.

2. For the Students

The use of picture word inductive model will help the students

memorize vocabulary easily. So, the students can improve their

achievement in mastering English vocabulary.

3. For the Readers

The researcher hopes that this thesis can be useful for the readers,

so they know that picture word inductive model can improve the students’

vocabulary achievement especially at junior high School.

4. For the Researcher

After finishing this research, the researcher got many experiences.

The researcher can know how to teach students at junior high School. The

researcher also knows the appropriate technique in teaching English.

5. For the Educational Institution

Teaching vocabulary using picture word inductive model MTs

Sunan Kalijaga Bawang Batang as a new technique in vocabulary class to

get the optimal result of teaching learning

6. For the Future Research

The longitudinal research design must be done to get optimal result

on the use of picture word inductive model technique in teaching

vocabulary to the junior high School students by giving ten times of

treatment. Besides, the future researchers can give questionnaire to the

students. So, the researchers are not only give test about the knowledge but

also give the test that is purposed to know the students’ behavior about the

use of picture word inductive model as a vocabulary teaching technique.

Page 76: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


Moreover, the researcher may suggest the next researcher to conduct

further study that can enhance this research because this research actually can

be broaden and extended to other subject and also in different setting.

Finally, the writer realizes that this paper is far from being perfect, because

of that, constructive critics and advice are really expected for the perfection

of the thesis. Hopefully, this thesis will be useful and helpful for us and give

positive contribution to English language learning context . Amin.

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Inductive Model. Alexandria,VA : association for supervision and

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Finocchiaro, The Foreign Language Learner : A Guide for Teacher. New

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Harris, N.D.C. Preparing Educational Material. Worcester: Billing and Sons


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Page 80: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


School : MTs Sunan Kalijaga Bawang

Subject : English

Meeting : I

Class/Team : VII/2nd


Time Allotment : 2 x 40 minutes

Aspect : Vocabulary

Standart of competence : Expressing in writing the meaning of simple

functional text and essay in the forms of descriptive

and procedure to interact within the environment.

Basic competence : expressing in written accurately, fluently, and

appropriately the meaning of simple functional text

and essay in the form of descriptive by using

picture of kitchen to interact within the environment

Indicators : - Identifying the vocabularies related to the

picture of kitchen

- Finding some informations in picture of


I. Learning Aim

- By the end the lesson , teh students will have been able to identify the

vocabularies in the picture of kitchen

II. Materi : descriptive by using the picture of kitchen

III. Technique : - CTL (communicative teaching learning)

- Three Phase Technique

IV. Learning Activities

1. Pre Activities

a. Apperception; teacher greets the students and check the attendance

b. Teacher stimulates the student’s interest by asking some question

related to the topic.

Page 81: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.

2. Main Activities

a. Teacher tells students the topic today

b. Teacher shows the big picture of kitchen with some vocabularies

related to the picture and stick it on the blackboard

c. Teacher divides students the small picture of kitchen

d. Teacher asks students to identify the vocabularies related to the picture

e. Teacher asks students to come foward and to make a line the available

vocabularies of picture

f. Teacher reads the vocabularies of the picture

g. Teacher asks students to repeat it

h. Teacher gives some students some question related to the picture

i. Teacher ask students to answer the question on the answer sheet

j. Teacher asks students to collect their answer sheet

3. Post activities

- Teacher and students conclude the materials have been discussed, in

which the teacher throws some questioning to the students.

V. Teaching Material

- picture of kitchen

- Some vocabularies related to the picture : broiler, toaster oven , electric

mixer, oven ,blender, plate, knife, etc.

VI. Media and Sources

● Media

- picture of kitchen

- boardmarker - glue

● Source

- Bruce joyce, Marsha Weil and Emily Calhoun, The Models of

Teaching , (Yogyakarta : pustaka pelajar, 2009,8th Ed.)

- Michail J. Wallace, Teaching Vocabulary, ( London : Heineman

Education Book Ltd, 1982).

- Norma shapiro and Jayme Adelson, The Oxford Picture Dictionary,

(oxford university press, 1998)

Page 82: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.

VII. Assessment

a. Form : written test

b. Technique : students are assigned to answer the question according to

the picture

c. Aspect : Comprehension (Written)

Scoring Guidance

The percentage of mastery Grade Level of achievement

90- 100 % Excellent Outstanding achievement

75- 85 % Good Above average

65- 74 % Fair Average achievement

50- 64 % Poor Below average

20- 49 % Very poor Insufficient achievement


Answer true or false according to the picture

1. My father is slicing the bread

2. The boy is beating the egg

3. The toaster oven is on the counter near the stove

4. The microwave is above the stove

5. The mixer is on the table

Semarang, 21 February 2011


Erni Yuliana


Page 83: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


School : MTs Sunan Kalijaga Bawang

Subject : English

Meeting : I

Class/Team : VII/2nd


Time Allotment : 2 x 40 minutes

Aspect : Vocabulary

Standart of competence : Expressing in writing the meaning of simple

functional text and essay in the forms of descriptive

and procedure to interact within the environment.

Basic competence : expressing in written accurately, fluently, and

appropriately the meaning of simple functional text

and essay in the form of descriptive text to interact

within the environment

Indicators : - Identifying the vocabularies related to

the kitchen

I. Learning Aim

- By the end the lesson , teh students will have been able to identify the

vocabularies related to the kitchen

II. Materi : description about the kitchen

III. Technique : verbal explanation

IV. Learning Activities

1. Pre Activities

a. Apperception : teacher greets the students and check the attendance

b. Teacher stimulate the student’s interest by asking some question

related to the topic

2. Main Activities

a. Teacher tells students the topic today

Page 84: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.

b. Teacher explains some vocabularies related to the kitchen and

write it on blackboard

c. Teacher reads the vocabularies on the blackboard and asks

students to repeat it

d. Teacher gives students some questions

e. Teacher asks students to answer the question on the answer sheet

3. Post activities

- Teacher and students conclude the materials have been discussed, in

which the teacher throws some questioning to the students.

V. Teaching Material

- some vocabularies related to the kitchen: stove , oven, toaster , blender,

pan , plate , kinfe , mixer,whipping , cooking, etc.

VI. Media and Sources

● Media

- blackboard

- boardmarker

● Source

- Michail J. Wallace, Teaching Vocabulary, ( London : Heineman

Education Book Ltd, 1982).

VII. Assessment

a. Form : written test

b. Technique : students are assigned to answer the question related to the


c. Aspect : Comprehension (Written)

Page 85: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.

Scoring Guidance

The percentage of mastery Grade Level of achievement

90- 100 % Excellent Outstanding achievement

75- 85 % Good Above average

65- 74 % Fair Average achievement

50- 64 % Poor Below average

20- 49 % Very poor Insufficient achievement


Please complete the sentences with the most suitable word from the list

- knife - blender - plate and spoon

- cooking - whipping - a glass of tea

1. my mother is................the rice

2. you use .............. to peel the apple

3. I use ..................... to make a orange jus

4. my father always drink............. every morning

5. they are always.........................the ice cream

6. if you want to eat you have to prepare.......................first

Semarang, 21 February 2011


Erni Yuliana


Page 86: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


School : MTs Sunan Kalijaga Bawang

Subject : English

Meeting : II

Class/Team : VII/2nd


Time Allotment : 2 x 40 minutes

Aspect : Vocabulary

Standart of competence : Expressing in writing the meaning of simple

functional text and essay in the forms of descriptive

and procedure to interact within the environment.

Basic competence : expressing in written accurately, fluently, and

appropriately the meaning of simple functional text

and essay in the form of descriptive by using

picture of kitchen utensils to interact within the


Indicators : - Identifying the vocabularies related to the

picture of kitchen utensils

- Finding some informations in picture of

kitchen utensils

I. Learning Aim

- By the end the lesson , teh students will have been able to identify the

vocabularies in the picture of kitchen utensils

II. Materi : descriptive by using the picture of kitchen


III. Technique : - CTL

- Three Phase Technique

IV. Learning Activities

1. Pre Activities

i. Apperception; teacher greets the students and check the attendance

Page 87: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.

ii. Teacher stimulate the student’s interest by asking some question

related to the topic

2. Main Activities

i. Teacher tells students the topic today

ii. Teacher shows the big picture of kitchen with some vocabularies

related to the picture and stick it on the blackboard

iii. Teacher divides students the small picture of kitchen

iv. Teacher asks students to identify the vocabularies related to the


v. Teacher asks students to come foward and to make a line the

available vocabularies of picture

vi. Teacher reads the vocabularies of picture

vii. Teacher asks students to repeat it

viii. Teacher gives some students some question related to the picture

ix. Teacher asks students to answer the question on the answer sheet

x. Teacher asks students to collect their answer sheet

3. Post Activities

- Teacher and students conclude the materials have been discussed, in

which the teacher throws some questioning to the students.

V. Teaching Material

- picture of kitchen utensils

- some vocabularies related to the picture: cake pan, wooden spoon , grater

, roasting pan, frying pan , whisk, etc.

VI. Media and Sources

● Media

- picture of kitchen utensils - boardmarker - glue.

● Source

- Bruce joyce, Marsha Weil and Emily Calhoun, The Models of

Teaching , (Yogyakarta : pustaka pelajar, 2009,8th Ed.)

Page 88: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.

- Michail J. Wallace, Teaching Vocabulary, ( London : Heineman

Education Book Ltd, 1982).

- Norma shapiro and Jayme Adelson, The Oxford Picture Dictionary,

(oxford university press, 1998)

VII. Assessment

1. Form : written test

2. Technique : students are assigned to answer the question according to

the picture

3. Aspect : Comprehension (Written)

Scoring Guidance

The percentage of mastery Grade Level of achievement

90- 100 % Excellent Outstanding achievement

75- 85 % Good Above average

65- 74 % Fair Average achievement

50- 64 % Poor Below average

20- 49 % Very poor Insufficient achievement


Please complete the following sentences

a. You use the peel potatoes

b. I need cook soup

c. Please !!! pour the egg in to the .........................

d. The whisk is between eggbeater and.....................

e. You need ................................If you want to rooling the bread

Semarang, 26 February 2011


Erni Yuliana


Page 89: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


School : MTs Sunan Kalijaga Bawang

Subject : English

Meeting : II

Class/Team : VII/2nd


Time Allotment : 2 x 40 minutes

Aspect : Vocabulary

Standart of competence : Expressing in writing the meaning of simple

functional text and essay in the forms of descriptive

and procedure to interact within the environment.

Basic competence : expressing in written accurately, fluently, and

appropriately the meaning of simple functional text

and essay in the form of descriptive text to interact

within the environment

Indicators : Identifying the vocabularies related to the

kitchen utensils

I. Learning Aim

- By the end the lesson , teh students will have been able to identify the

vocabularies related to the kitchen utensils

II. Materi : description about the kitchen utensils

III. Technique : verbal explanation

IV. Learning Activities

1. Pre Activities

a. Apperception on; teacher greets the students and check the


b. Teacher stimulate the student’s interest by asking some question

related to the topic

2. Main Activities

a. Teacher tells students the topic today

Page 90: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.

b. Teacher explains some vocabularies related to the kitchen utensils

and write it on blackboard

c. Teacher reads the vocabularies on the blackboard and asks students

to repeat it

d. Teacher gives students some questions

e. Teacher asks students to answer the question on the answer sheet

3. Post activities

- Teacher and students conclude the materials have been discussed, in

which the teacher throws some questioning to the students.

V. Teaching Material

- some vocabularies related to the kitchen utensils :

cake pan, wooden spoon , grater , roasting pan, frying pan , whisk,rolling,


VI. Media and Sources

● Media

- blackboard

- boardmarker

● Source

- Michail J. Wallace, Teaching Vocabulary, ( London : Heineman

Education Book Ltd, 1982).

VII. Assessment

1. Form : written test

2.Technique : students are assigned to answer the question

related to the kitchen utensils

3.Aspect : Comprehension (Written)

Page 91: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.

Scoring Guidance

The percentage of mastery Grade Level of achievement

90- 100 % Excellent Outstanding achievement

75- 85 % Good Above average

65- 74 % Fair Average achievement

50- 64 % Poor Below average

20- 49 % Very poor Insufficient achievement


Please complete the following sentences

a. You use the peel potatoes

b. I need cook soup

c. Please !!! pour the egg in to the .........................

d. The whisk is between eggbeater and.....................

e. You need ................................If you want to rooling the bread

Semarang, 26 february 2011


Erni Yuliana


Page 92: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


School : MTs Sunan Kalijaga Bawang

Subject : English

Meeting : III

Class/Team : VII/2nd


Time Allotment : 2 x 40 minutes

Aspect : Vocabulary

Standart of competence : Expressing in writing the meaning of simple

functional text and essay in the forms of descriptive

and procedure to interact within the environment.

Basic competence : expressing in written accurately, fluently, and

appropriately the meaning of simple functional text

and essay in the form of descriptive by using

picture of dining room to interact within the


Indicators : - Identifying the vocabularies related to the

picture of dining room

- Finding some informations in picture of dining


I. Learning Aim

- By the end the lesson , teh students will have been able to identify the

vocabularies in the picture of dining room

II. Materi : descriptive by using the picture of dining room

III. Technique : - CTL (communicative teaching learning )

- Three Phase Technique

IV. Learning Activities

1. Pre Activities

a. Apperception; teacher greets the students and check the attendance

b. Teacher stimulate the student’s interest by asking some question

Page 93: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.

related to the topic

2. Main Activities

a. Teacher tells students the topic today

b. Teacher shows the big picture of dining room with some

vocabularies related to the picture and stick it on the blackboard

c. Teacher divides students the small picture of dining room

d. Teacher asks students to identify the vocabularies related to the


e. Teacher asks students to come foward and to make a line the

available vocabularies of picture dining room

f. Teacher reads the vocabularies of picture

g. Teacher asks students to repeat it

h. Teacher gives some students some question related to the picture

i. Teacher ask students to answer the question on the answer sheet

j. Teacher asks students to collect their answer sheet

3. Post activities

- Teacher and students conclude the materials have been discussed,

in which the teacher throws some questioning to the students.

V. Teaching Material

- picture of dining room

- some vocabularies related to the picture : platter, napkin, creamer, dining

room chair , teapot, china cabinet, fork, etc.

VI. Media and Sources

● Media

- picture of dining room

- boardmarker

- glue.

● Source

Page 94: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.

- Bruce joyce, Marsha Weil and Emily Calhoun, The Models of

Teaching , (Yogyakarta : pustaka pelajar, 2009,8th Ed.)

- Michail J. Wallace, Teaching Vocabulary, ( London : Heineman

Education Book Ltd, 1982).

VII. Assessment

a. Form : written test

b.Technique : students are assigned to answer the question

according to the picture of dining room

c. Aspect : Comprehension (Written)

Scoring Guidance

The percentage of mastery Grade Level of achievement

90- 100 % Excellent Outstanding achievement

75- 85 % Good Above average

65- 74 % Fair Average achievement

50- 64 % Poor Below average

20- 49 % Very poor Insufficient achievement


Share your answer

1. what are the women in the picture saying?

2. in your home , where do you eat ?

Semarang, 28 february 2011


Erni Yuliana


Page 95: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


School : MTs Sunan Kalijaga Bawang

Subject : English

Meeting : III

Class/Team : VII/2nd


Time Allotment : 2 x 40 minutes

Aspect : Vocabulary

Standart of competence : Expressing in writing the meaning of simple

functional text and essay in the forms of descriptive

and procedure to interact within the environment.

Basic competence : expressing in written accurately, fluently, and

appropriately the meaning of simple functional text

and essay in the form of descriptive text to interact

within the environment

Indicators : - Identifying the vocabularies related to the

dining room

I. Learning Aim

- By the end the lesson , teh students will have been able to identify the

vocabularies related to the dining room

II. Materi : description about the dining room

III. Technique : verbal explanation

IV. Learning Activities

1. Pre Activities

a. Apperception on; teacher greets the students and check the


b. Teacher stimulate the student’s interest by asking some question

related to the topic

2. Main Activities

a. Teacher tells students the topic today

b. Teacher explains some vocabularies related to the kitchen and write

Page 96: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.

it on blackboard

c. Teacher reads the vocabularies on the blackboard and asks students

to repeat it

d. Teacher gives students some questions

c. Teacher asks students to answer the question on the answer sheet

3. Post activities

- Teacher and students conclude the materials have been discussed, in

which the teacher throws some questioning to the students.

V. Teaching Material

- some vocabularies related to the dining room : platter, napkin, creamer,

dining room chair , teapot, china cabinet, fork, etc.

VI. Media and Sources

● Media

- blackboard

- boardmarker

● Source

- Michail J. Wallace, Teaching Vocabulary, ( London : Heineman

Education Book Ltd, 1982).

VII. Assessment

a. Form : written test

b.Technique : students are assigned to answer the question

related to the dining room

c. Aspect : Comprehension (Written)

Page 97: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.

Scoring Guidance

The percentage of mastery Grade Level of achievement

90- 100 % Excellent Outstanding achievement

75- 85 % Good Above average

65- 74 % Fair Average achievement

50- 64 % Poor Below average

20- 49 % Very poor Insufficient achievement


Please find 20 vocabularies related to the situstion in dining room

Semarang, 28 February 2011


Erni Yuliana


Page 98: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


Table 3.1 The sequences of administration of the data cllection.................. 38

Table 4.1 Frequency Distribution score of pre requisite test of the

Experiment class (Class VII E ) .................................................. 40

Table 4.2 Frequency Distribution score of pre requisite test of the Control

Class (Class VII C ) ..................................................................... 41

Table 4.3 The validity of each item of try out test....................................... 44

Table 4.4 Degree of difficulty of each item of try out test............................ 44

Table 4.5 Degree of Question Distinction of try out test.............................. 45

Table 4.6 Frequency Distribution of score pre test of

the Experiment Class................................................................... 46

Table 4.7 Frequency Distribution of score pre test of the Control Class...... 47

Table 4.8 Frequency Distribution of score post test of

the Experiment Class.................................................................... 48

Table 4.9 Frequency Distribution of score post test of the Control Class.... 49

Table 4.10 Student’s Vocabulary Achievement of Experiment Class............ 50

Table 4.11 Student’s Vocabulary Achievement of Control Class.................. 51

Table 4.12 The computation of students’ mean and standard deviation of

Experiment Class.......................................................................... 52

Table 4.13 The computation of students’ mean and standard deviation of

Control Class................................................................................. 53

Page 99: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


Figure 2.1 Representing factors affecting of achievement............................ 20

Figure 3.1 pretest-posttest design of control and experiment group.............. 29

Page 100: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.


Chart 4.1. Histogram Frequency score of pre requisite test of the Experiment

Class (Class VII E)....................................................................... 40

Chart 4.2. Histogram Frequency score of pre requisite test of the Control

Class (Class VII C)....................................................................... 42

Chart 4.3. Histogram Frequency score of pre test of the Experiment

Class (Class VII E)....................................................................... 46

Chart 4.4. Histogram Frequency score of pre test of the Control Class ....... 47

Chart 4.5. Histogram Frequency score of post test of the Experiment.......... 48

Chart 4.6. Histogram Frequency score of post test of the Control................. 49

Page 101: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.
Page 102: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.

Appendix 1




























24 MUNIP T-24



27 NUR HADI T-27




Page 103: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.

Appendix 2


























22 M. SIDQON M. E-22

















Page 104: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.

Appendix 3











































Page 105: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.

Appendix 4

The Answer Key of Pre Requisite Test


Answer key

1. Strawberries

2. Fish and chip

3. Chicken

4. Beans

5. Hamburger

6. a glass of milk

7. Spaghetti

8. a sandwich

9. a fried egg

10. a pizza

11. a lemon

12. a hot dog

13. Sick (d)

14. Money (e)

15. On (h)

16. Reading (b)

17. Beach (f)

18. Handsome (h)

19. At (c)

20. By (a)

Page 106: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.

Appendix 5


Class VII C X₁ X₁² Class VII E X₂ X₂² 1 50 2500 1 60 3600

2 60 3600 2 70 4900

3 70 4900 3 50 2500

4 75 5625 4 55 3025

5 85 7225 5 80 6400

6 60 3600 6 75 5625

7 65 4225 7 60 3600

8 70 4900 8 65 4225

9 85 7225 9 85 7225

10 65 4225 10 80 6400

11 55 3025 11 80 6400

12 50 2500 12 70 4900

13 65 4225 13 55 3025

14 75 5625 14 50 2500

15 85 7225 15 50 2500

16 80 6400 16 70 4900

17 50 2500 17 60 3600

18 65 4225 18 70 4900

19 75 5625 19 80 6400

20 60 3600 20 70 4900

21 75 5625 21 85 7225

22 60 3600 22 65 4225

23 70 4900 23 55 3025

24 50 2500 24 60 3600

25 50 2500 25 75 5625

26 55 3025 26 80 6400

27 55 3025 27 75 5625

28 65 4225 28 65 4225

29 60 3600 29 65 4225

30 70 4900 30 60 3600

31 75 5625 31 50 2500

32 70 4900 32 55 3025

33 85 7225 33 55 3025

34 80 6400 34 60 3600

35 80 6400 35 60 3600

36 65 4225 36 75 5625

37 55 3025 37 80 6400

38 60 3600 38 50 2500

∑ 2525 172275 ∑ 2505 169575

Page 107: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.

Appendix 6



Answer key

1. Heat

2. Peel

3. Slice

4. Roast

5. Diligent (f )

6. Chopping ( b)

7. A cup of tea ( e )

8. Peeler ( c )

9. Went ( d )

10. Sick ( a )

11. Side parting

12. Bun

13. Wrinkles

14. Earring

15. Pleasure ( a )

16. Pretty ( c )

17. Smart ( a )

18. Delayed ( a )

19. Blade ( c )

20. Die ( a )

21. Cheap ( b )

22. Fat (d )

23. Refused ( b )

24. Dirty (a )

25. Reward ( d )

Page 108: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.

Appendix 7


NO. X X²

T-1 56 3136

T-2 56 3136

T-3 44 1936

T-4 40 1600

T-5 56 3136

T-6 60 3600

T-7 48 2304

T-8 60 3600

T-9 52 2704

T-10 60 3600

T-11 52 2704

T-12 60 3600

T-13 52 2704

T-14 56 3136

T-15 60 3600

T-16 52 2704

T-17 68 4624

T-18 40 1600

T-19 60 3600

T-20 44 1936

T-21 64 4096

T-22 52 2704

T-23 48 2304

T-24 60 3600

T-25 68 4624

T-26 56 3136

T-27 68 4624

T-28 36 1296

T-29 52 2704

T-30 52 2704

∑ 1632 2663424

Page 109: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.

Appendix 8

The example of validity test Analysis of items 1

NO X Y x y x² y² Xy

T-1 1 14 -2 11 1 196 14

T-2 0 14 -3 11 0 196 0

T-3 0 11 -3 8 0 121 0

T-4 1 10 -2 7 1 100 10

T-5 0 14 -3 11 0 196 0

T-6 1 15 -2 12 1 225 15

T-7 0 12 -3 9 0 144 0

T-8 1 15 -2 12 1 225 15

T-9 1 13 -2 10 1 169 13

T-10 0 15 -3 12 0 225 0

T-11 1 13 -2 10 1 169 13

T-12 1 15 -2 12 1 225 15

T-13 1 13 -2 10 1 169 13

T-14 1 14 -2 11 1 196 14

T-15 1 15 -2 12 1 225 15

T-16 1 13 -2 10 1 169 13

T-17 1 17 -2 14 1 289 17

T-18 0 10 -3 7 0 100 0

T-19 1 15 -2 12 1 225 15

T-20 0 11 -3 8 0 121 0

T-21 1 16 -2 13 1 256 16

T-22 1 13 -2 10 1 169 13

T-23 1 12 -2 9 1 144 12

T-24 0 15 -3 12 0 225 0

T-25 1 17 -2 14 1 289 17

T-26 0 14 -3 11 0 196 0

T-27 1 17 -2 14 1 289 17

T-28 0 9 -3 6 0 81 0

T-29 1 13 -2 10 1 169 13

T-30 1 13 -2 10 1 169 13

∑ 20 408 -70 318 20 5672 283

Page 110: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.

Appendix 9

Reliability Analysis

NO X Y x y x² y² Xy

T-1 6 8 3 5 36 64 48

T-2 7 7 4 4 49 49 49

T-3 8 3 5 0 64 9 24

T-4 5 5 2 2 25 25 25

T-5 9 5 6 2 81 25 45

T-6 9 6 6 3 81 36 54

T-7 7 5 4 2 49 25 35

T-8 8 7 5 4 64 49 56

T-9 6 7 3 4 36 49 42

T-10 9 6 6 3 81 36 54

T-11 7 6 4 3 49 36 42

T-12 7 8 4 5 49 64 56

T-13 8 5 5 2 64 25 40

T-14 8 6 5 3 64 36 48

T-15 9 6 6 3 81 36 54

T-16 8 5 5 2 64 25 40

T-17 8 9 5 6 64 81 72

T-18 6 4 3 1 36 16 24

T-19 8 7 5 4 64 49 56

T-20 7 4 4 1 49 16 28

T-21 8 8 5 5 64 64 64

T-22 9 4 6 1 81 16 36

T-23 7 5 4 2 49 25 35

T-24 8 7 5 4 64 49 56

T-25 10 7 7 4 100 49 70

T-26 8 6 5 3 64 36 48

T-27 10 7 7 4 100 49 70

T-28 7 2 4 -1 49 4 14

T-29 8 5 5 2 64 25 40

T-30 6 7 3 4 36 49 42

∑ 231 177 141 87 1821 1117 1367

Page 111: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.

Appendix 10

Analysis of upper group of try out test



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1

































1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0



1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0



1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0



1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0



1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0

∑ 5 1 4 5 3 3 4 5 3 3 4 0 4 3 4 3 4 1 4 5 5 4 0 4 0

Analysis of the lower group of try out test



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1

































0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0


1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0



1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0



1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0



1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0

∑ 4 0 4 4 3 2 3 4 1 4 4 0 3 3 3 1 3 1 4 3 3 2 0 3 0

Page 112: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.

Appendix 11



Answer key

1. Heat

2. Roast

3. Slice

4. Diligent ( f )

5. Chopping ( b )

6. A cup of tea ( e )

7. Peeler ( c )

8. Went ( d )

9. Sick ( a )

10. Wrinkles

11. Side parting

12. Earring

13. Pleasure ( a )

14. Pretty ( d )

15. Smart ( a )

16. Blade ( c )

17. Die ( a )

18. Cheap ( b )

19. Fat ( d )

20. Dirty ( a )

Page 113: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.

Appendix 12



Experimental Class


Control Class

X₁ X₁² X₁ X₁² E-1 70 4900 C-1 65 4225

E-2 65 4225 C-2 70 4900

E-3 60 3600 C-3 60 3600

E-4 60 3600 C-4 75 5625

E-5 70 4900 C-5 60 3600

E-6 80 6400 C-6 70 4900

E-7 60 3600 C-7 60 3600

E-8 65 4225 C-8 60 3600

E-9 70 4900 C-9 65 4225

E-10 65 4225 C-10 65 4225

E-11 80 6400 C-11 70 4900

E-12 70 4900 C-12 75 5625

E-13 65 4225 C-13 60 3600

E-14 80 6400 C-14 70 4900

E-15 65 4225 C-15 70 4900

E-16 60 3600 C-16 65 4225

E-17 60 3600 C-17 70 4900

E-18 65 4225 C-18 60 3600

E-19 75 5625 C-19 60 3600

E-20 60 3600 C-20 70 4900

E-21 70 4900 C-21 80 6400

E-22 70 4900 C-22 75 5625

E-23 65 4225 C-23 65 4225

E-24 65 4225 C-24 60 3600

E-25 70 4900 C-25 60 3600

E-26 75 5625 C-26 70 4900

E-27 80 6400 C-27 65 4225

E-28 75 5625 C-28 65 4225

E-29 80 6400 C-29 60 3600

E-30 75 5625 C-30 70 4900

E-31 60 3600 C-31 60 3600

E-32 60 3600 C-32 70 4900

E-33 60 3600 C-33 65 4225

E-34 70 4900 C-34 60 3600

E-35 60 3600 C-35 60 3600

E-36 65 4225 C-36 60 3600

E-37 60 3600 C-37 60 3600

E-38 70 4900 C-38 60 3600

∑ 2575 176225 ∑ 2485 163675

Page 114: THE USE OF PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL … · Batang especially in class VII B, VII C ,VII E, thanks for your ... D.

Appendix 13



Answer key

1. Heat

2. Roast

3. Slice

4. Diligent ( f )

5. Chopping ( b )

6. A cup of tea ( e )

7. Peeler ( c )

8. Went ( d )

9. Sick ( a )

10. Wrinkles

11. Side parting

12. Earring

13. Pleasure ( a )

14. Pretty ( d )

15. Smart ( a )

16. Blade ( c )

17. Die ( a )

18. Cheap ( b )

19. Fat ( d )

20. Dirty ( a )

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Appendix 14



Experimental Class


Control Class

X₂ X² X₂ X²

E-1 80 6400 C-1 70 4900

E-2 75 5625 C-2 75 5625

E-3 70 4900 C-3 70 4900

E-4 75 5625 C-4 80 6400

E-5 85 7225 C-5 65 4225

E-6 85 7225 C-6 75 5625

E-7 75 5625 C-7 65 4225

E-8 70 4900 C-8 65 4225

E-9 80 6400 C-9 70 4900

E-10 70 4900 C-10 70 4900

E-11 85 7225 C-11 75 5625

E-12 80 6400 C-12 80 6400

E-13 75 5625 C-13 70 4900

E-14 90 8100 C-14 75 5625

E-15 70 4900 C-15 75 5625

E-16 70 4900 C-16 70 4900

E-17 75 5625 C-17 75 5625

E-18 75 5625 C-18 70 4900

E-19 85 7225 C-19 70 4900

E-20 75 5625 C-20 75 5625

E-21 85 7225 C-21 85 7225

E-22 75 5625 C-22 80 6400

E-23 70 4900 C-23 70 4900

E-24 75 5625 C-24 70 4900

E-25 85 7225 C-25 70 4900

E-26 85 7225 C-26 75 5625

E-27 85 7225 C-27 65 4225

E-28 85 7225 C-28 75 5625

E-29 85 7225 C-29 70 4900

E-30 80 6400 C-30 75 5625

E-31 75 5625 C-31 70 4900

E-32 70 4900 C-32 75 5625

E-33 75 5625 C-33 75 5625

E-34 75 5625 C-34 70 4900

E-35 75 5625 C-35 75 5625

E-36 75 5625 C-36 70 4900

E-37 70 4900 C-37 75 5625

E-38 80 6400 C-38 75 5625

∑ 2950 230300 ∑ 2760 201200

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Appendix 15

Critical Value for The T-Test Statistics

Tulus Winarsunu, Statistik Dalam Penelitian Psikologi Dan Pendidikan,(Malang :

UMM, 2002), p. 329

One-tailed 0.05 0.025 0.01 0.005

Two-tailed 0.10 0.05 0.02 0.01


1 6.314 12.706 31.821 63.657

2 2.920 4.303 6.965 9.925

3 2.353 3.182 4.541 5.841

4 2.132 2.776 3.747 4.604

5 2.015 2.571 3.365 4.032

6 1.943 2.447 3.143 3.707

7 1.895 2.365 2.998 3.499

8 1.860 2.306 2.896 3.355

9 1.833 2.262 2.821 3.250

10 1.812 2.228 2.764 3.169

11 1.796 2.201 2.718 3.106

12 1.782 2.179 2.681 3.055

13 1.771 2.160 2.650 3.012

14 1.761 2.145 2.624 2.977

15 1.753 2.131 2.602 2.947

16 1.746 2.120 2.583 2.921

17 1.740 2.110 2.567 2.898

18 1.734 2.101 2.552 2.878

19 1.729 2.093 2.539 2.861

20 1.725 2.086 2.528 2.845

21 1.721 2.080 2.518 2.831

22 1.717 2.074 2.508 2.819

23 1.714 2.069 2.500 2.807

24 1.711 2.064 2.492 2.797

25 1.708 2.060 2.485 2.787

26 1.706 2.056 2.479 2.779

27 1.703 2.052 2.473 2.771

28 1.701 2.048 2.467 2.763

29 1.699 2.045 2.462 2.756

30 1.697 2.042 2.457 2.750

40 1.684 2.021 2.423 2.704

60 1.671 2.000 2.390 2.660

120 1.658 1.980 2.358 2.617 1.645 1.960 2.326 2.576

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Appendix 16

Critical Value for the T-Test

Db t0,995 t0,99 t0,975 t0,95 t0,925 t0,90 t0,75

11 3,11 2,72 2,20 1,80 1,55 1,36 0,70

12 3,05 2,68 2,18 1,78 1,54 1,36 0,70

13 3,01 2,65 2,16 1,77 1,53 1,35 0,69

14 2,98 2,62 2,14 1,76 1,52 1,35 0,69

15 2,95 2,60 2,13 1,75 1,52 1,34 0,69

16 2,92 2,58 2,12 1,75 1,51 1,34 0,69

17 2,90 2,57 2,11 1,74 1,51 1,33 0,69

18 2,88 2,55 2,10 1,73 1,50 1,33 0,69

19 2,86 2,54 2,09 1,73 1,50 1,33 0,69

20 2,85 2,53 2,09 1,72 1,50 1,33 0,69

21 2,83 2,52 2,08 1,72 1,49 1,32 0,69

22 2,82 2,51 2,07 1,72 1,49 1,32 0,69

23 2,81 2,50 2,07 1,71 1,49 1,32 0,69

24 2,80 2,49 2,06 1,71 1,49 1,32 0,68

25 2,79 2,49 2,06 1,71 1,49 1,32 0,68

26 2,78 2,48 2,06 1,71 1,48 1,31 0,68

27 2,77 2,47 2,05 1,70 1,48 1,31 0,68

28 2,76 2,47 2,05 1,70 1,48 1,31 0,68

29 2,76 2,46 2,05 1,70 1,48 1,31 0,68

30 2,75 2,46 2,04 1,70 1,48 1,31 0,68

31 2,74 2,45 2,04 1,70 1,48 1,31 0,68

32 2,74 2,45 2,04 1,69 1,47 1,31 0,68

33 2,73 2,44 2,03 1,69 1,47 1,31 0,68

34 2,73 2,44 2,03 1,69 1,47 1,31 0,68

35 2,72 2,44 2,03 1,69 1,47 1,31 0,68

36 2,72 2,43 2,03 1,69 1,47 1,31 0,68

37 2,72 2,43 2,03 1,69 1,47 1,30 0,68

38 2,71 2,43 2,02 1,69 1,47 1,30 0,68

39 2,71 2,43 2,02 1,68 1,47 1,30 0,68

40 2,70 2,42 2,02 1,68 1,47 1,30 0,68

41 2,70 2,42 2,02 1,68 1,47 1,30 0,68

42 2,70 2,42 2,02 1,68 1,47 1,30 0,68

43 2,70 2,42 2,02 1,68 1,47 1,30 0,68

44 2,69 2,41 2,02 1,68 1,47 1,30 0,68

45 2,69 2,41 2,01 1,68 1,46 1,30 0,68

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Appendix 17


N taraf Signif

N taraf Signif

N taraf Signif

5% 1% 5% 1% 5% 1%

3 0,997 0,999 27 0,381 0,487 55 0,266 0,345

4 0,950 0,990 28 0,374 0,478 60 0,254 0,330

5 0,878 0,959 29 0,367 0,470 65 0,244 0,317

6 0,811 0,917 30 0,361 0,463 70 0,235 0,306

7 0,754 0,874 31 0,355 0,456 75 0,227 0,296

8 0,707 0,834 32 0,349 0,449 80 0,220 0,286

9 0,666 0,798 33 0,344 0,442 85 0,213 0,278

10 0,632 0,765 34 0,339 0,436 90 0,207 0,270

11 0,602 0,735 35 0,334 0,430 95 0,202 0,263

12 0,576 0,708 36 0,329 0,424 100 0,195 0,256

13 0,553 0,684 37 0,325 0,418 125 0,176 0,230

14 0,532 0,661 38 0,320 0,413 150 0,159 0,210

15 0,514 0,641 39 0,316 0,408 175 0,148 0,194

16 0,497 0,623 40 0,312 0,403 200 0,138 0,181

17 0,482 0,606 41 0,308 0,398 300 0,113 0,148

18 0,468 0,590 42 0,304 0,393 400 0,098 0,128

19 0,456 0,575 43 0,301 0,389 500 0,088 0,115

20 0,444 0,561 44 0,297 0,384 600 0,080 0,105

21 0,433 0,549 45 0,294 0,380 700 0,074 0,097

22 0,423 0,537 46 0,291 0,376 800 0,070 0,091

23 0,413 0,526 47 0,288 0,372 900 0,065 0,086

24 0,404 0,515 48 0,284 0,368 1000 0,062 0,081

25 0,396 0,505 49 0,281 0,364

26 0,388 0,496 50 0,279 0,361

Sugiyono, Statistika Untuk Penelitian, ( Bandung : CV. Alfabeta, 2008 ).

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Name : Erni Yuliana

Place and date of birth : Batang, 4 August 1989

Address : Klawen Bawang RT. 09 RW. IV Batang

Phone : 081225198585

E-mail : [email protected]


MI Salafiyah Candigugur Bawang Batang graduated in 2001

MTs. Sunan Kalijaga Bawang Batang graduated in 2004

MANU Limpung Batang graduated in 2007

IAIN Walisongo Semarang VIII semester

Pondok Pesantren Tahfidzul Qur’an ( PPTQ ) Asasul Huda IV

Klawen Bawang Batang in 2004 until now

Semarang, May 7th 2011

The Writer,

Erni Yuliana