The Unstoppable Church · 2020. 6. 12. · 2020-2021 Annual Report The Unstoppable Church ....

2020 - 2021 Annual Report The Unstoppable Church

Transcript of The Unstoppable Church · 2020. 6. 12. · 2020-2021 Annual Report The Unstoppable Church ....

Page 1: The Unstoppable Church · 2020. 6. 12. · 2020-2021 Annual Report The Unstoppable Church . Published June 2020 by Faith ommunity hurch redits ... Women’s Ministries Debbie Levis

2020-2021 Annual Report




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Published June 2020 by

Faith Community Church


Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version (ESV), Text Edition: 2016. ©2001 by Crossway Bibles,

a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. New American Standard Bible (NASB), ©1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

Holy Bible, New International Version (NIV), ©2011 by Biblica, Inc.

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Senior Pastor Steve Jackson

Elders Mike Metro

Worship Ministry & Live Stream Stephanie Smith

Church Administration Jeff Howell

Deacons Team Leader

Communications Team Eric Harnish

COPS Team Team Leader

Spanish Ministry Miguel Bocanegra

Growth Groups Jeff Howell

Life Groups Greg Gifford

Counseling Ministry Greg Gifford

Care & Mercy Ministries Will & Debbie Levis, Brian Jones

Local Outreach Tommy Fandre

Global Outreach Greg Gifford

Children’s Ministries Tommy Fandre

Faith Student Ministries Jared Kingsley

College Ministry Stephanie Smith

Women’s Ministries Debbie Levis

Men’s Ministries Jeff Howell

Treasurer/Budget Danelle Rodriguez

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A Letter from Senior Pastor Steve Jackson

Jesus once said, “I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18 ESV). In the book of Acts, we see the formation of that promised church. It was a crazy time. Tongues of fire descended on people, the lame were healed, there were brushes with the law, people died, there were fights and disagreements, and there were missionary journeys. It was a messy but beautiful time, an uncertain but exciting time, a dangerous time but fruitful time. And as you finish the book, you can’t help but notice this one thing: Nothing is able to stop the Church as she moves forward in fresh faith and biblical truth.

None of us saw the Coronavirus coming. In what seemed like the blink of an eye, life as we knew it was altered. The church, too, faced a scenario where everything needed to change nearly immediately, without any warning, without any instructions, without any ending in sight.

I’ll admit, at first it was quite unsettling. No one had any answers, and everyone was scrambling. But as we began to enter into these unchartered waters, we began to see God work in amazing and surprising ways. Families were drawing closer to each other and gathering together for Bible study, worship, and prayer.

Members of the Body immediately set in motion to ensure that everyone’s needs were met. Groups continued “meeting together” via online video conferencing. People began to invest in their neighbors and neighborhoods. And the Word of God continued to increase and prevail mightily. Watching all this transpire has reminded me afresh of the genius of God’s design of the Church. As a simple organism of called-out people submitting themselves to the Word of God and the ordinances of Jesus, it can survive anything. It can also adapt to every culture and every people group. It moves and fills every place where the Gospel is faithfully proclaimed.

The early church probably didn’t see the great

persecution against the church in Jerusalem coming (Acts 8:1), but God used it to

scatter His people and advance the Gospel (Acts 8:4). The early church probably didn’t anticipate all the struggles she would face as Jews and Gentiles struggled to find unity in

Christ, but the Church prevailed.

As I write this article, we don’t know how much longer we will be sheltered in our homes.

We don’t know how long this pandemic will continue. And we don’t even know for sure what that will mean for us in

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the future. But what I am growing more and more convinced of is this: Jesus’ Church will prevail. In fact, it will even grow during the most challenging of seasons.

The Church is far from perfect, but it is the safest place to invest your life. It will never go bankrupt. It will never downsize or put people on furlough. It will never change its business model to survive in changing times. It will only grow and grow until it has reached every corner of the creation. And then she will feast with her Savior…forever. What a privilege to be a part of something so glorious!

I’m so grateful for you all. You have remained faithful during an uncertain time. You have reached out in love during a fearful time. You have been brothers and sisters; fathers and mothers; the family of God when it has mattered most. I’m honored to be called your pastor, your brother, and your friend. Thank you to all the ministry leaders who have contributed to this annual report and represent countless other faithful servants. We could not do this ministry without you. You have served well this year, and we are all blessed because of your labors.


“I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

Matt. 16:18 (ESV)

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It is such a blessing to be serving God at Faith Community Church and to be working side by side with such committed servants of Christ. Once again, we have much to rejoice about, even during this challenging time. In addition to points mentioned elsewhere in this report:

The Elders have developed multiple

discipleship lessons that we are using to disciple others. The Elders are committed to strengthening our discipleship of those whom God has entrusted to our ministry. Each elder has committed to discipling a group of men, and we hope that those will continue on their individual paths to growth by discipling more, thus compounding our efforts.

On February 20th, FCC held a Summit for local pastors and leaders to address the church’s role in politics. Pastors and local leaders joined in a meaningful, non-partisan dialogue about how to encourage and inform others of the importance of voting our biblical conscience. We hope these connections will continue as we approach another election in November.

Perhaps our biggest challenge of the year was how to continue to shepherd the flock in the midst of COVID-19. This was new for all of us, but your Elder Team banded together to walk through this season well. Great effort was made to ensure that our live stream worship gatherings would be done with quality, to provide ongoing training for your children and teenagers through videos and podcasts, and to regularly communicate with you throughout the weeks. We also created Care Groups – smaller subsets within our congregation to which each of our elders could give special attention. It has been our prayer that Faith Community Church would continue to stay connected even as we were trying to be safer at home. Recently, we began the process of re-gathering the church. It was a colossal task to meet all the official guidelines, but many stepped up to the plate to make it happen. While there is nothing normal about limiting our attendance, wearing masks, or practicing social distancing, it has remained a joy to be with one another again. We will continue to do all we can to meet the health requirements and provide the

best worship experience possible. We hope and pray that our sanctuary will be full again in the not so distant future. Given the uncertain financial impacts of COVID-19, we made the decision to pause the Mezzanine Project. We believed that keeping our reserve funds as high as possible was a wise move until we knew more about the economy post-COVID-19. To this point, your giving has remained faithful and strong. We are so grateful for God’s provision. In the fall, we will re-evaluate our financial situation and determine if we will return to the Project or continue to wait. In closing, please be praying for those most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Pray for continued unity and love for one another during this time of challenge. Pray for our government leaders as they consider ways to re-open our society. And lastly, please pray for your elders as we seek to shepherd you through all of this.


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Worship Ministry & Live Stream

This year has been filled with joy in seeing God’s continued provision, as well as some extraordinary challenges that the ministry continues to face as we move through this season of “Safer at Home.” Last July, we were both saddened and excited as God provided a part-time Worship Pastor position to Norman Molina at a church in Simi Valley. We were blessed to have him serve our congregation for the time that he did and are excited to see how God will continue to use him to bless God’s people. At the very time that Norman was leaving Faith, God brought Eli & Ali Kellogg back from Myanmar for a 6-month furlough, and Eli joyfully stepped right into leading the worship team that Norman had been leading. He even surprised the congregation by returning a week early and leading that very Sunday that they arrived in the States! The transition was so smooth and easy, and not only did it bless our worship ministry, but the entire church was blessed by having Eli back leading our congregation in worship. We watched God provide yet again as Jon Kugler agreed to step into a leadership position by taking over the team for Eli once he & Ali headed back to the field in January. Again, God perfectly aligned the timing such that Jon finished college in December and was able to start leading the team in February. Jon has served in our worship ministry all through high school and college, and it has been such a joy to see him use his gifts to lead a team.

While the “Safer at Home” mandate has significantly affected our Sunday morning Worship Gatherings, we have been able to continue to have a time to worship God through the teaching of the Word and song via our Live Stream Ministry! We are so thankful for all of the men and women who have worked tirelessly to make sure Sunday mornings still happen from the safety of our own homes. Looking forward to this next year, we are excited to see what God will do in a post-coronavirus world. We eagerly await the entire Faith Family meeting together, singing together, sitting together under the teaching of the Word, and sharing meals together once more. We pray that this time of isolation will make us all hunger more deeply for time with the Body of Christ and will make our reunion all the sweeter. We do want to take the time to be thankful for the amazing men and women that God has brought to this ministry, who have served faithfully week after week and also eagerly await being back together to serve the Body through worship once again. It is a privilege to watch God continue to provide people to fill out this ministry. We pray that He will continue to provide through the generous gifts and talents of our congregation, and trust that He will bring the people that we need in His perfect timing. He has been SO faithful, and we hope that you rejoice alongside us at His great provision to the Worship Ministry!

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This year, your Deacon Team facilitated the Faith Family Christmas Dinner. We also assisted with projects like the Mezzanine construction project. We provided for the financial and tangible needs of the Church Body. We conducted multiple event setups for All Church Lunches and our twice annual Believer’s Baptism Services. During this challenging season of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Deacon Team is standing at the ready to offer practical helps to the Faith Family and beyond.

Communications TEAM

This past year, the Communications Team worked to strengthen the community’s awareness of our ministry here at Faith: We consistently advertised on Facebook to build awareness of

the church in Santa Clarita and help attract visitors. We deployed signage along Newhall Avenue on Sunday

mornings to help increase our visibility. We mailed a postcard to Spanish-language households in the

neighborhoods near the church to let residents know we’re here. We redesigned the “This Week at Faith” e-mail newsletter.


This year, the COPS Security Team at Faith undertook a number of projects to increase our campus safety and preparedness against threats to our Faith Family. Major initiatives included: Improvements to our security camera system with

implementation of smart technology. Adding one COPS Security Team member to provide

additional security to the Church. Producing Active Shooter guidelines with training and

implementation in the near future. Equipping classrooms with safety locks to provide additional

security. Joining the Santa Clarita Worship Safety Network, which is a

collaboration of local churches to discuss church safety.

We hope you will always feel welcomed and cared for here at Faith Community Church.

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Spanish Ministry

This past year in Spanish Ministry, we have experienced again the amazing steadfast love of the Lord in various ways. Our Leadership Team continued to be united in love for Christ and one another. Our members and regular attenders continually expressed their gratitude to God for having a worship service and Bible studies in their primary language. How they appreciated the exposition of the Word of God to them in Spanish! The Lord continues to show His mercy in our lives, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic time. His amazing grace is beyond our ability to comprehend. To God be the Glory! In the coming year, our hope is to continue to serve the Lord in any way possible. Our desire is to continue making disciples for the glory of the Lord.



The Biblical Counseling Team has continued to grow this year with the addition of James Parker, Andy Carpenter, Vince Cuomo, and Charlie & Cindy Mudd. We were excited to see two counselors—Diane Jacoby and Elise Wilkinson—finish the arduous process of ACBC certification. Finally, we had the opportunity to meet all the requested counseling needs within our Faith Family. There is no one who has reached out for care within our church who has not received it. This is a success for which we thank the Lord.

This past year on the administrative front, we have worked hard to keep up with the expected as well as the unexpected! As the laws and regulations at federal, state, and local levels continue to change and expand, your Admin Team has made strides to get equipped and implement solutions to achieve the dual goals of compliance and forward-moving ministry. This year’s key projects included: Ensuring all employees have received mandated sexual harassment

training. Pursuing ongoing training and being teachable on best practices so

that we can be the most effective team possible. Maintaining our existing facility & campus and supporting

the Mezzanine Project in various ways. Navigating through the mandates of CA AB5, the so-called “gig worker” law. As a fruit of this, we welcomed

Taylor Adachi and Amanda Bigley onto our church staff in the position of Wedding Coordinator/Reception Hostess.

Working on much-needed revisions to our church’s wedding policy. Gladly partnering for a fourth year with Classical Conversations, the

homeschool co-op that meets on our campus during the school year. Monitoring and implementing the sometimes daily changes brought

about by COVID-19 in the areas of legal requirements, HR, and facility management.

Daily supporting our various and ever-expanding ministry efforts here at Faith, in the community, and around the world. This includes policy development, accounting & bookkeeping, purchasing, theological guidance, shepherding & encouragement, miscellaneous troubleshooting, and more! What we do on the Admin Team is for the glory of God and the good of His people. If there is any way we may be of assistance to you, our Faith Family, give us a call or drop us a line.


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Life Groups

Growth Groups

Begun in the fall of 2008, our Adult Growth Groups ministry has counted it a privilege to provide an eleventh year of engaging biblical instruction. On behalf of all of our instructors, thank you to everyone who has participated and made our shared journey to spiritual maturity so much richer! Although the last leg of our ministry year was cut short by the COVID-19 pandemic, we have much to reflect on and celebrate. First, our Spanish Ministry Growth Group, Conectados: Mi Vida en La Iglesia (en Espanol), has faithfully brought the Word to our Spanish speakers this year on different aspects of faith. Topics have included: defending our beliefs (key doctrines), a biblical perspective on suffering, and understanding the key words of faith (i.e. holiness, salvation, faith, sanctification, and eternal life). Second, our College-Age adults have enjoyed connecting in our

Our weekly in-home fellowship groups, known as Life Groups, have held steady at roughly 10-12 groups that meet every week throughout our Valley.

In regard to this year’s theme, “The Unstoppable Church,” we have seen the resilience of the Life Groups as most have been meeting online during the COVID-19 quarantine.

It is exciting to also see that God has provided a Life Group in each major part of SCV (e.g., Castaic, Saugus, etc.) while allowing us to meet the request of each person who has asked to join a Life Group.

second hour Growth Group and filling their hearts and minds with God’s Word. Through discussion, the Word, worship, and fellowship, participants have been challenged to live with biblical purpose. Last but not least, our 9:00 a.m. English Growth Group classes have promoted meaningful interaction with many varied and relevant topics. In our Biblical Communication class, participants were reminded of the key principles of godly speech and godly listening. In our Cultural Issues class, instructors led robust discussions on societal matters that confront the church. Finally, in our “Better: An Exposition of Hebrews 8-13” class, we continued our expositional journey through one of the NT’s most challenging letters. We look forward to the day when we can gather once again. Please know that your Growth Groups instructors will be ready to dive deep and discover the riches of God’s Word with you once again.

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Care & MERCY Ministries

The Care and Mercy Ministries at Faith Community Church seek to exemplify the words of Paul in Galatians 6:10, “So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all men, especially to those who are of the household of faith.” (NASB) Our team exists to come alongside and bless those who may have tangible needs. These include financial assistance, providing meals, running errands, visitation, providing access to our Food Pantry, helping with a move, or assisting in household chores. Think of it as a safety net which helps to augment what happens in our church organically. Funds for projects and assistance are provided by the Mercy Fund to which many of you give faithfully on the first Sunday of each month. With the COVID-19 crisis being the most unique challenge of 2020, many in our church experienced job loss. Our team began to seek out and solicit help in identifying those who had a need. Many of our offers to bless people were accepted, and it was our joy to distribute over

$2500 in cash assistance and almost $2000 in gift cards for use at local stores. This was just during the month of April! Before this crisis, our Mercy Fund provided over $2000 in gift cards and over $7000 in cash gifts to bless folks with rent, vehicle repairs, groceries, and other tangible needs. We do not know how long businesses will be closed, nor can we foresee the lasting effect this crisis will have on our economy. We want to ensure, as the Lord provides, that our congregation is cared for. As of this writing, the Mercy Fund is well-supplied and stands ready to aid you and your family in difficult times. We have many faithful volunteers who work to seek out those who might benefit from not only the Mercy Fund but also from our Food Pantry, which is stocked with a variety of items. We also stand ready to serve you by providing meals, delivering groceries, and by just being there to listen, to pray, and to serve.


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Global Outreach

This past year the Global Outreach Team transitioned from the faithful leadership of Brian & Debby Jones to Fred & Doreen Schwamb. God has blessed this ministry so much through the efforts of both of these families, and we look forward to continued fruitful ministry. God is working in our Global Outreach Partners as many are in a time of transition from their current field to the next stage of their ministry. We were grateful to host two Global Outreach trips this year, one to Tijuana and the other to Haiti.

Local outreach

Mike & Becky Metcalf once again ran our Christmas season outreach event, Festividad for Christ. The Metcalfs and the dozens of volunteers they led used a variety of gifts for this annual event, and they had a caffeinated blast doing it, from wrapping gifts to getting amazing amounts of donations to mobilizing the church to serve the community. We saw over 800 visitors blessed by the event this year! Festividad would have never happened without the faithful efforts of our wonderful volunteers. Faith also turned up big during this year’s Walk for Life benefitting the SCV Pregnancy Center. Members of Faith raised over $10,000! These funds go to help women facing crisis pregnancies and help to save lives. We are also right now raising funds for the Center’s Baby Bottle Boomerang fundraiser, which is online this year! With the generous support of our Faith Family, the Local Outreach Team collected teddy bears to donate to local hospitals to give to children having surgeries. We hope that this brought comfort and a smile to their faces during a potentially scary time. On the Matthew Party front, we were glad to invite the Faith Family and their friends and neighbors to our Faith Fall Fiesta last November. We enjoyed a relaxing time of tacos, games, and

great conversation. While we look forward to the entire Faith Family gathering again, may we all find ways now (even while socially-distanced) to encourage, bless, and live out the

Gospel towards those whom God has placed in our daily lives.

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Children’s Ministries

What an unusual year this turned out to be! Reflecting on it brings to mind our wonderful volunteers, the only reason that Children’s Ministries can even run.

Sunday School was nearly fully-staffed and filled with volunteers who love to teach, lead, and love on the kids of Faith. It’s appropriate to thank those who love teaching our littlest learners all the way up to those even willing to take a dodgeball to the head with the 5th-6th grade boys. And then there are our dedicated paid hall monitors, making sure everyone is taken care of at all times. All of our classes are unique to the kids in them, and our workers are no different. But one thing they all have in common is an amazing heart for the kids of Faith.

What we learned this year is how dedicated and creative they were, even when all the rules went out the window. “Funday School”—videos complete with story time, age-appropriate lessons, music with motions, and inspirational missionary stories every week—was created. And for the older kids, “Bible Time at Faith” videos enabled the entire family to gather around for small daily devotionals (and, yes, ping-pong ball trick shots).

In the Nursery, Naomi Graham has had excellent standards and procedures, always ensuring cleanliness to prevent the spread of germs and always staffed with the brightest of faces. Parents can be glad to drop off little ones because their babies are taken care of with excellence.

AWANA, our mid-week discipleship ministry, was filled with great kids hiding God’s Word in their hearts and attended to by fantastic leaders, led by Commanders Tim & Maria Stone. Each week, amazing speakers brought God’s Word to our young ones. We pray that it takes root in their hearts and that they rely on it for the rest of their lives.

Student Ministries

This 2019–2020 school year has been marked by God’s goodness to Faith Student Ministries.

Our staff has been working hard to bring everything in this ministry back to God’s Word. From Winter Camp sermons and our new preaching series to our small groups and music teams, we know that God’s Word doesn’t come back void.

Between professions of faith, baptisms, and the addition of new students and staff, FSM has been growing by God’s grace. From time to time, serving alongside such a faithful and like-minded group of people can even bring tears to the eye.

Our community has also endured some deep heartaches together. Foremost among them was the tragic shooting at Saugus High School. To minister to our youth and to our community, we brought in Logan Cole, a school-shooting survivor, to speak on his recovery and his ability to love God more, even in the midst of tragedy.

Although COVID-19 has shifted so much of our ministry around, we’ve still found ways to teach God’s Word, disciple, and connect with each other. We’re able to call and Zoom with the students, and we also started our “Bible Time at Faith” podcast where we walk through 2 Timothy and the Psalms together.

True to Matthew 16:17, FSM has seen that even the gates of Hades cannot prevail over the Church. God has, undoubtedly, been good to us.

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Women’s Ministries


College Ministry

and took a break in January to reconvene in the fall of this year. Side by Side is thriving, so much so, that we had to move downstairs to accommodate the increase in attendees. We have women of all ages mixed around tables of 8 to 10 each. Several women from outside our church attend. In the fall we studied two books: Elyse Fitzpatrick’s Helper By Design and David Mathis’ Habits of Grace. In January, we started a new format with all of us studying the same book with leaders presenting a short summary/ teaching of each chapter to begin.

Again, we saw God's perfect plan in preparing us for this time of

isolation and anxiety by studying the book Calm My Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow as the world was put into shutdown with COVID-19. We have continued to meet via Zoom, and it has been a tremendous blessing to focus on contentment and trust in the Lord.

We look forward to the coming year and pray that we will be able to meet again face-to-face. Many things will change with the postponement and rescheduling of Retreat to October. We continue to focus on the Titus 2:3-5 verses that urge older to younger discipleship. This is our ministry focus, and we praise the Lord that He is bringing this about.

This year brought some extreme challenges for our college students. Beginning in early October, a string of class cancellations occurred due to the Saddleridge Fire, Tick Fire, and a fire in the hills above the Master’s University. The Saugus High School shooting soon followed, bringing sorrow to all in our Valley. Christmas break came and went, and shortly thereafter, rumblings of a deadly virus began to be heard. By mid-March, most schools had decided to move to online classes in accordance with CDC recommendations.

Graduations were cancelled, and all schools finished the year under quarantine orders.

Our students have faced hardships unlike any other group in our College Ministry’s past. However, the backdrop of these challenges have made the memories of times together studying the Word and praying for one another all the sweeter. We have rejoiced as ministry leaders welcomed a new baby, as multiple couples got engaged and planned weddings, as students had

opportunities to share the Gospel, and as virtual senior recitals and graduations have happened. Through it all God has remained faithful.

Please lift up our students and this ministry as we face uncertainties in the next year. We pray that 2020-21 will bring us all back together again, that relationships with the Lord and with one another will be strengthened, and most importantly, that God will be glorified in and through each of us.

The past year in Women's Ministry has been filled with evidences of answered prayer. God has worked in tangible ways as He has prompted unity and diversity in our leadership team. Women are serving where they are gifted and feel led. We have been blessed by being joined by our sisters in Spanish Ministry, some of whom are now a part of our leadership team as well.

Ongoing monthly fellowship gatherings have continued as a way to keep in touch and also to invite friends and neighbors to come along. We held our RealiTea in October where many women invited unsaved family and friends

to hear from one of our women on the grace of God in her life.

From October until the COVID-19 shutdown, our March retreat, “A Woman Who Pleases God” was being planned. We had 100 women signed up to go to Murrieta Hot Springs Christian Conference Center. Our retreat was put on hold and will hopefully be rescheduled for October. We see God's hand in that we had decided not to hold our annual Tea this year, which left an open month to reschedule the retreat!

Faith Women studied Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan (as retold by James H. Thomas) in the fall

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Men’s Ministries

This past year of Men’s Ministries has included elements of change, elements of surprise, and elements of growth. Among the changes have been transitions in our ministry leadership team. We went from a team of 10 down to a team of 6. Happily, brothers phasing out of the Men’s Team did so because of other ministry opportunities that were too good to resist. We rejoice for the heart of service that marks the men whom God uses to labor on behalf of the Men of Faith. Among the surprises we encountered this year was a much smaller turnout for our August Men’s Retreat than we expected. Even so, at the same time, we can’t deny that the men who did gather had a rich, worthy time together. Our facility, the Oaks Christian Conference Center in Lake Hughes, was everything we could have wanted and more. We were moved to action by the preaching of the Word, we worshipped like we meant it, we prayed big prayers, we broke bread, and we built community centered around life in Christ. Among the elements of growth was the realization that we needed to apply our focus to the topic of Self-Control. It is an evidence of belonging to Christ. It should grace our leadership, family life, speech, finances, and really every part of our lives. As a team, we agreed this focus was so important that self-control became our 2020 ministry theme.


Much of our official ministry calendar has been put on hold by COVID-19, but the Men’s Team wants to encourage the Men of Faith to not let the one-on-one ministry cease. Call, text, Zoom, write, pray. Whatever it takes…let us hold one another up and encourage each other in the pursuit of greater Christlikeness.

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As of April 30th, actual income is 101% of year-to-date budgeted income and totals $1,189,000. Offering is also at 101% of year-to-date budget, with the average weekly offering totaling approximately $27,200. Praise God for His faithfulness and provision to us, even during this challenging time! And praise God for our church family's faithful giving!

We have been able to operate under "green light" status for spending purposes this

year, though some ministries have not been able to use their budgeted dollars due to canceling of events. Praise God that we have been able to retain all of our staff and meet our expenses in a responsible and timely manner. As of April 30th, actual expenses are at 97% of year-to-date budget and total $1,154,000.

At the start of the fiscal year, we reserved $365,000 to complete our Mezzanine

Project. As of April 30th, we've spent $110,000 of those reserves and look forward to the project's completion next fiscal year.

Our total cash balance as of May 31st is $1,151,000, of which $934,000 is invested

in money market accounts. A portion of our cash balance continues to be designated for use as an emergency fund—$315,000, which when combined with $307,302 unrestricted cash, gives us 5+ months of the current year's budget expenses. In addition, we have designated an additional $336,051 to maintenance and building funds (including the Mezzanine Project).

As of April 30th, major expense categories as a percentage of overall expenses are as follows:

• Payroll expenses and benefits = 46% • Mortgage payments, capital improvements, property taxes and property insurance = 29% • Global and local outreach (including EFCA denominational support) = 11% • Facility expenses, including utilities and janitorial = 10% • Other ministry and office expenses = 4%

As we look ahead to our 2020-2021 Proposed Budget, major expense categories as a percentage of overall expenses remain consistent with the current year.



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2020-2021 2019-2020 % of Total

Expense Budget Budget % Change Budget

5000 · Payroll Expenses $549,016 $535,417 3% 39%

5010 · Benefits $88,047 $84,754 4% 6%

5020 · Payroll Exp. Other $13,683 $13,488 1% 1%

5100 · Professional Expenses $4,400 $3,900 13% 0%

5270 · Worship $6,805 $6,720 1% 1%

5400 · Community Outreach $17,150 $22,150 -23% 1%

6020 · Care/Mercy Ministry $1,000 $1,000 0% 0%

6025 · Spanish Ministry $700 $700 0% 0%

6030 · Adult Education $900 $900 0% 0%

6035 · Counseling Ministry $500 $0 New 0%

6050 · Youth Ministry $8,000 $8,000 0% 1%

6070 · Children's Ministry $10,100 $10,100 0% 1%

6090 · Pastoral Care $1,895 $1,895 0% 0%

6400 · Global Outreach $143,148 $143,148 0% 10%

7100 · Office $4,823 $4,325 12% 0%

7210 · Accounting $14,110 $11,400 24% 1%

7220 · Printing $3,500 $3,200 9% 0%

7230 · Insurance $26,095 $33,311 -22% 2%

7240 · Planning Activities $1,750 $1,400 25% 0%

7300 · Utilities $70,142 $68,073 3% 5%

7400 · Copier/Postage Machine $4,504 $4,504 0% 0%

7500 · Mortgage $365,111 $364,535 0% 26%

7800 · Deacons' Hospitality $800 $800 0% 0%

7850 · Deacons' Body Life $3,800 $3,800 0% 0%

7875 · Communication's Ministry $4,000 $4,000 0% 0%

8000 · Building Maintenance $72,500 $71,600 1% 5%

8005 · Vehicles $1,275 $1,000 28% 0%

8100 · Computer $2,830 $2,830 0% 0%

9000 · FF&E Items $10,050 $8,050 25% 1%

Total Expense $1,430,634 $1,415,000 0% 100%

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2020-2021 2019-2020

Budget Budget % Change

General Income

4011 - General Offering $1,410,884 $1,392,350 1%

4017 - Wedding Fees $1,000 $0 New

4018 - Interest Income $4,500 $5,300 -15%

4020 - Facility Rental $9,750 $12,150 -20%

4022 - Utility Rebates $4,500 $5,200 -13%

Total General Income $1,430,634 $1,415,000 1%


Payroll Expenses

5001 & 5005 - Pastoral & Administrative Payroll $547,441 $523,042 5%

5006 - G. Henry Retirement $0 $10,800 Removed

5007 - Book Allowances $1,575 $1,575 0%

Total Payroll Expenses $549,016 $535,417 3%


5011 - Dental Insurance $3,600 $3,600 0%

5013 - Medical Insurance $65,000 $62,835 3%

5014 - Life Insurance $1,618 $1,236 31%

5018 - FCCM 403(b) Retirement Match $17,829 $17,083 4%

Total Benefits $88,047 $84,754 4%

Payroll Exp. Other

5021 - FICA/Medicare $13,371 $13,176 1%

5023 - Direct Deposit Fees $312 $312 0%

Total Payroll Exp. Other $13,683 $13,488 1%

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2020-2021 2019-2020

Budget Budget % Change

Professional Expenses

5100 - Professional Expenses $4,400 $3,900 13%

Total Professional Expenses $4,400 $3,900 13%

2020-2021 2019-2020

Budget Budget % Change


5281 - Subscriptions/Dues $2,668 $2,668 0%

5282 - Maintenance $1,600 $1,600 0%

528301 - Instrumental Music $150 $150 0%

528401 - Worship Supplies: Flowers $125 $125 0%

528402 - Worship Supplies: Mother's Day Gift $350 $350 0%

528403 - Worship Supplies: Father's Day Gift $150 $150 0%

528404 - Worship Supplies: Offering Envelopes $100 $100 0%

528405 - Worship Supplies: Communion Supplies $200 $200 0%

528406 - Worship Supplies: New Baby Flowers $72 $72 0%

528407 - Worship Supplies: Infant Dedication Supplies $50 $50 0%

528409 - Soundbooth Printer Ink $85 $0 New

528412 - Worship Supplies: Bottled Water $20 $20 0%

528413 - Worship Supplies $435 $435 0%

5293 - Audio/V ideo Supplies $300 $300 0%

5295 - Piano Tuning $500 $500 0%

Total Worship $6,805 $6,720 1%

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Community Outreach

5401 - SCV Pregnancy Center $2,650 $2,650 0%

5404 - Local Outreach - General $2,500 $7,500 -67%

5312 - EFC Regional $12,000 $12,000 0%

Total Community Outreach $17,150 $22,150 -23%

Care/Mercy Ministry

6021 - Care Ministry $1,000 $1,000 0%

Total Care/Mercy Ministry $1,000 $1,000 0%

Spanish Ministry

602501 - Spanish Ministry Worship Supplies $200 $200 0%

602504 - Spanish Ministry Discipleship Materials $300 $300 0%

602507 - Spanish Ministry Guest Speaker $200 $200 0%

Total Spanish Ministry $700 $700 0%

2020-2021 2019-2020

Budget Budget % Change

Adult Education

603301 - Growth Groups $100 $100 0%

603302 - Life Group Supplies $300 $300 0%

6034 - Leadership Development $500 $500 0%

Total Adult Education $900 $900 0%

Counseling Ministry

603501 - Counseling Ministry $500 $0 New

Total Counseling Ministry $500 $0 New

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2020-2021 2019-2020

Budget Budget % Change

Youth Ministry

6054 - Activities $3,170 $3,170 0%

6056 - Discipleship $1,430 $1,430 0%

6059 - Transportation $3,400 $3,400 0%

Total Youth Ministry $8,000 $8,000 0%

Children's Ministry

6071 - Curriculum $1,000 $1,000 0%

6072 - Resources $1,200 $1,200 0%

6073 - Teacher Enrichment $600 $600 0%

6074 - VBS $2,500 $2,500 0%

6075 - Children Awana $500 $500 0%

6078 - Nursery Supplies $420 $420 0%

6079 - Children's Programs $150 $150 0%

6082 - Children's Workers Screening $1,400 $1,400 0%

6084 - Children's: Other $2,330 $2,330 0%

Total Children's Ministry $10,100 $10,100 0%

Pastoral Care

6090 - Pastoral Care $1,700 $1,700 0%

6093 - Pastor's Coffee $195 $195 0%

Total Pastoral Care $1,895 $1,895 0%

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Global Outreach

6415 - Van Kirk--Pioneers $6,556 $6,556 0%

6421 - Cooper $6,000 $6,000 0%

6423 - Ericksons--Pioneers $8,196 $8,196 0%

6461 - Kathy Keller--EFCM $16,397 $16,397 0%

6463 - Medina--EFCM $15,735 $15,735 0%

6465 - Smith--EFCM $13,435 $13,435 0%

6467 - Williams $8,034 $8,034 0%

6471 - Pickering $6,365 $6,365 0%

6473 - Stromberg $15,574 $15,574 0%

6474 - Schwamb $10,185 $10,185 0%

6475 - Gapper $15,277 $15,277 0%

6476 - Shook $6,850 $6,850 0%

6477 - Kensinger $4,944 $4,944 0%

6479 - Kellogg $9,600 $9,600 0%

Total Global Outreach $143,148 $143,148 0%


7101 - Supplies $400 $400 0%

7102 - Postage $1,300 $808 61%

7106 - Training $628 $628 0%

7107 - Copy Paper $500 $494 1%

7108 - Miscellaneous $595 $595 0%

7109 - Flowers and Gifts $400 $400 0%

8003 - Copier $1,000 $1,000 0%

Total Office $4,823 $4,325 12%

2020-2021 2019-2020

Budget Budget % Change

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7211 - Audit $5,500 $5,500 0%

721301 - Stripe Fees - ACH $407 $200 104%

721302 - Stripe Fees - Credit Card $3,416 $2,000 71%

7213 - Bank Charges - Other $576 $300 92%

721501 - Church Finance Supplies: Count Team $50 $50 0%

721502 - Church Finance Supplies: Bookeeper $245 $245 0%

721503 - Church Finance Supplies: Check Supply Order $650 $460 41%

721504 - Church Finance Supplies: Payroll Subscription $550 $550 0%

721506 - Human Resources $274 $274 0%

721507 - HR Annual Subscription $1,250 $629 99%

7216 - Online Giving Subscription $1,192 $1,192 0%

Total Accounting $14,110 $11,400 24%


7226 - Worship Folder Paper $3,500 $3,200 9%

Total Printing $3,500 $3,200 9%


5022 - Worker's Compensation $5,507 $5,795 -5%

7234 - Auto Insurance $1,088 $1,166 -7%

7235 - Property Liability Insurance $19,500 $26,350 -26%

Total Insurance $26,095 $33,311 -22%

2020-2021 2019-2020

Budget Budget % Change

Planning Activities

7244 - Staff Lunches $700 $700 0%

7246 - EFCA Cluster Meetings $350 $0 New

7250 - Elder Funds $700 $700 0%

Total Planning Activities $1,750 $1,400 25%

2020-2021 2019-2020

Budget Budget % Change

Planning Activities

7244 - Staff Lunches $700 $700 0%

7246 - EFCA Cluster Meetings $350 $0 New

7250 - Elder Funds $700 $700 0%

Total Planning Activities $1,750 $1,400 25%

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7302 - Telephone -- Cell $2,052 $1,600 28%

7303 - Telephone & Internet $7,620 $9,596 -21%

7304 - Water $5,200 $5,200 0%

7305 - Electricity $45,000 $43,000 5%

7306 - Gas $2,000 $1,200 67%

7307 - Trash $4,000 $2,800 43%

7308 - Pest Control $1,462 $1,462 0%

7309 - Fire Alarm and Security Monitoring $2,808 $3,215 -13%

Total Utilities $70,142 $68,073 3%

Copier/Postage Machine

7402 - Copier Lease $4,043 $4,043 0%

7404 - Postage Meter $461 $461 0%

Total Copier/Postage Machine $4,504 $4,504 0%


7507 - Principal and Interest $343,786 $343,785 0%

7700 - Property Taxes $21,325 $20,750 3%

Total Mortgage $365,111 $364,535 0%

Deacons' Hospitality

5304 - Decorations/Welcoming $350 $350 0%

5308 - Welcome Materials $200 $200 0%

5352 - Assimiliation Website Upgrade $250 $250 0%

Total Deacons' Hospitality $800 $800 0%

2020-2021 2019-2020

Budget Budget % Change

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Deacons' Body Life

5341 - Coffee Supplies $1,000 $1,000 0%

5343 - Birthday Celebration $200 $200 0%

5344 - Holiday Decorations $300 $300 0%

5345 - Christmas Dinner $600 $600 0%

5346 - Memorial Day Picnic $200 $200 0%

5347 - All Church Lunches $1,500 $1,500 0%

Total Deacons' Body Life $3,800 $3,800 0%

Communication's Ministry

5353 - Communication $4,000 $4,000 0%

Total Communication's Ministry $4,000 $4,000 0%

2020-2021 2019-2020

Budget Budget % Change

Building Maintenance

7104 - Cleaning/Restroom Supplies $3,000 $2,750 9%

800201 - Carpet Cleaning $3,500 $500 600%

800205 - General Maintenance $17,500 $20,000 -13%

800206 - Backflow Testing $200 $200 0%

800207 - HVAC Annual Maintenance $2,100 $2,100 0%

800211 - Elevator & Wheelchair Lift Maintenance $3,600 $3,450 4%

800212 - Emergency Lighting Annual Maintenance $400 $400 0%

800213 - All Church Workday Lunch $350 $350 0%

8004 - Janitorial Service $26,400 $26,400 0%

8006 - Landscaping $13,000 $13,000 0%

8007 - Landscaping-Oak Tree Maintenance $2,000 $2,000 0%

8009 - Security Team $200 $200 0%

8010 - Fire Extinguishers $250 $250 0%

Total Building Maintenance $72,500 $71,600 1%


8020 - Fuel $150 $150 0%

8021 - Repairs/Maintenance $1,000 $700 43%

8022 - License/Fees $125 $150 -17%

Total Vehicles $1,275 $1,000 28%

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8020 - Fuel $150 $150 0%

8021 - Repairs/Maintenance $1,000 $700 43%

8022 - License/Fees $125 $150 -17%

Total Vehicles $1,275 $1,000 28%


8101 - R/M and Upgrades $500 $500 0%

8102 - Software $400 $400 0%

8105 - Internet Service $930 $930 0%

8106 - Server Backup $1,000 $1,000 0%

Total Computer $2,830 $2,830 0%

FF&E Items

9003 - Capital Improvements Repair / Replace $2,500 $1,500 67%

9004 - Sound Team Lighting & Mic Equip $2,500 $2,500 0%

9005 - Vandalism Abatement - Equip & Repairs $350 $350 0%

9006 - Equipment Purchases $2,200 $1,200 83%

9100 - Contingency $2,500 $2,500 0%

Total FF&E Items $10,050 $8,050 25%

Total Expense $1,430,634 $1,415,000 1%

2020-2021 2019-2020

Budget Budget % Change

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The Elders usually take the spring season to prayerfully develop a new vision roadmap for the upcoming fiscal year. These roadmaps direct our ministry aims and investment of resources in the coming year, though we always remain attentive to the even better opportunities our wise Father sometimes presents (Proverbs 16:9)! This year when the COVID-19 pandemic arrived and everyone was directed to remain "Safer at Home," the Elders made a conscious choice to put all of our focus and efforts into serving the Faith Family well during this uncertain season. Care Groups, weekly improvement of our live stream services, and planning for the safe re-gathering of the church are just a few examples. Please know that the Elders will be developing a fresh Vision Roadmap in coming months, and we will share it with you once we have greater clarity on what God might have for us next.

Vision Roadmap

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A Member of the Evangelical Free Church of America

24620 Meadowridge Drive Santa Clarita, CA 91321

Phone: 661.259.1741 Fax: 661.705.2514