THE UNIQUE ACADEMY UPSC GS PRELIM TEST ... 2018...UPSC GS 2018 Question: 3. Which of the following...

THE UNIQUE ACADEMY UPSC GS PRELIM TEST SERIES QUESTIONS IN UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Examination (CSE) 2018 - Deepak Chitruk 3rd Floor, Vastu Chamber, Opp Fergusson College Main Gate, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411004, Ph. : 020-25530950

Transcript of THE UNIQUE ACADEMY UPSC GS PRELIM TEST ... 2018...UPSC GS 2018 Question: 3. Which of the following...



Civil Services Preliminary Examination (CSE) 2018

- Deepak Chitruk

3rd Floor, Vastu Chamber, Opp Fergusson College Main Gate, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411004, Ph. : 020-25530950


Environment and Geography

UPSC GS 2018 Question:1. Consider the following statements :

(1) The definition of "Critical WildlifeHabitat" is incorporated in theForestRightsAct,2006.

(2) ForthefirsttimeinIndia,Baigashavebeen given Habitat Rights.

(3) Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change officiallydecides and declares Habitat Rightsfor Primitive and Vulnerable Tribal GroupsinanypartofIndia.

Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect?(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only(e) 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3Unique Academy Question :(2018- Test 16) :

33. Whichofthefollowingstatementsis/aretruewithrespecttoCriticalWildlifeHabitats?(1) TheyaredeclaredbyStateGovernment.(2) Theyarefreefromallhumanpresence.(3) They are defined in the Wildlife

ProtectionAct,1972.(4) ThenotificationofCWLHcanbedone

onlywith theconsentofGramSabhaandaffectedstakeholders.

Select the correct answer using the codesgiven below:(a) 4 only(b) 2 and 4(c) 1,2and3(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Exp. : The Critical Wildlife Habitats have beenenvisaged in Scheduled Tribes and OtherTraditionalForestDwellers(RecognitionofForestRights)Act,2006. Thisactdefinesthe Critical Wildlife Habitats (CWH) asthe“areasofnationalparksandsanctuarieswhere it has been specifically and clearlyestablished, case by case, on the basis of

scientific and objective criteria, that suchareasarerequiredtobekeptasinviolateforthepurposesofwildlifeconservation…”

TheabovedefinitionmakesitveryclearthattheCriticalWildlifeHabitatsareabsolutelyfree of human presence. But the same actdulyrecognizesthetraditionalrightsoftheForest dwellers.

The power to notify the rules to designate aCWHrestswithMinistryofEnvironmentand Forests. The State Government are neededtoinitiatetheprocessfornotificationofa criticalwildlifehabitatbysubmittinganapplicationonacase bycasebasis, tothe Ministry of Environment and Forests, which is the nodal agency under the saidAct. Critical Wildlife Habitats are thus,declaredbyCentralGovernmentONLY.UPSC GS 2018 Question:

2. HowistheNationalGreenTribunal(NGT)different from the Central Pollution Control Board(CPCB)?(1) The NGT has been established by

an Act whereas the CPCB has beencreated by an executive order of theGovernment.

(2) The NGT provides environmentaljusticeandhelpsreducetheburdenoflitigationinthehighercourtswhereasthe CPGB promotes cleanliness ofstreams and wells, and aims to improve thequalityofairinthecountry.

Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect?(a) 1 only (b) 2 only(c) Bothland2(d) Neither1nor2Unique Academy Question :

(2017- Test 7, Test 10, 2018 - Test 16) :

84. The Central Pollution Control Board(CPCB), is innewsrecently.Whichof thefollowingisNOTtrue?(a) ItisStatutorybodyconstitutedunder


Environment(Protection)Act,1986.(b) Itservesasafieldformationandalso

provides technical services to theMinistry of Environment and Forests.

(c) Itworkstocontrolandpreventtheairandwaterpollutioninthecountry.

(d) Noneoftheabove62. WithregardtotheNationalGreenTribunal

that is frequently in news, consider thefollowing statements:(1) TheNGTcan enforce all legal rights

regarding the environment. (2) TheTribunalhasamixofjudicialand

expertmembers.(3) The Chairperson of the NGT is

appointedbythePresidentofIndia. Whichoftheabovestatementsis/aretrue?

(a) 1 only(b) 1 and 2(c) 2and3(d) 3 only

41. National Green Tribunal was setup to providejudicialandadministrativeremediesfor the victims of the pollutants and otherenvironmental damage. In this context,whichofthegivenstatementsisincorrect?(a) India is the third country following

Australia and New Zealand to havesuchasystem.

(b) The NGT has been vested withpowers to hear any matter relating to the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972,theIndianForestAct,1927.

(c) While passing Orders the NGT willapply the principles of sustainabledevelopment, the precautionaryprinciple and the polluter paysprinciples.

(d) A judge of the Supreme Court of IndiaorChiefJusticeofHighCourtiseligible to be Chairperson or judicialmember of the Tribunal.

UPSC GS 2018 Question:3. Which of the following is/are the

possible consequence/s of heavy sandmininginriverbeds?(1) Decreasedsalinityintheriver(2) Pollution of groundwater(3) Loweringofthewater-table

Selectthecorrectanswerusingthecodegiven below :(a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only(c) 1and3only (d) 1,2and3Unique Academy Question :(2018- Test 5) :

33. The ecological impact of High YieldingVarieties of food grains is:(1) Decreaseinwatertable(2) Soil erosion(3) Decreaseinsoilsalinity(4) Contamination of groundwater

Select the correct answer using the codesgiven below:(a) 1, 3 and 4(b) 1, 2 and 4 (c) 2,3and4(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4


UPSC GS 2018 Question:4. In which one of the following States is

PakhuiWildlifeSanctuarylocated?(a) ArunachalPradesh (b) Manipur(c) Meghalaya (d) NagalandUnique Academy Question :(2018- Test 21) :

35. Which of the following tiger reserve/reservesisNOTlocatedinChhattisgarh?(1) Udanti-Sitanadi Tiger reserve(2) Palamau Tiger reserve(3) IndrāvatiTigerreserve(4) PakhuiTigerreserve

Select the correct answer using the codesgiven below:(a) 1 ,2 and 4(b) 2 and 3(c) 1and3(d) 2 and 4

Exp. : Tiger reserves of Chhattisgarh: (1)IndravatiTigerReserve (2)AchanakmarTigerReserve (3) Udanti and Sitanadi Tiger Reserve Palamau Tiger reserve is located in

Jharkhand PakhuiTigerreserveislocatedinArunachal

PradeshUPSC GS 2018 Question:

5. Which of the following leafmodificationsoccur(s)inthedesertareastoinhibitwaterloss?(1) Hardandwaxyleaves(2) Tinyleaves•(3) Thorns instead of leaves

Select the correct answer using the codegiven below :(a) 2 ad 3 only (b) 2 only(c) 3only (d) 1,2and3

Unique Academy Question : (2017- Test 9) :8. Which of the following are characteristics

oftheDesertEcosystem?(1) Insomeplantseventhestemcontains

chlorophyllforphotosynthesis.(2) Root system well developed spread

over large area.(3) Animals and birds usually have long

legsandarenocturnal. Select the correct answer using the codes

given below:(a) 1 and 2(b) 2 and 3(c) 1and3(d) 1, 2 and 3

Exp. : Adaptations: Desert plants are hot and dry conditions.


They are mostly shrubs. Leavesabsentorreducedinsize. Leaves and stem are succulent and water

storing. In some plants even the stem contains

chlorophyllforphotosynthesis. Root system well developed spread over

large area. (ii) The animals are physiologically and

behaviorallyadaptedtodesertconditions. They are fast runners. They are nocturnal in habit to avoid the

sun’s heat during day time. They conserve water by excreting

concentratedurine. Animals and birds usually have long legs to

keepthebodyawayfromthehotground. Lizards are mostly insectivorous and can

livewithoutdrinkingwaterforseveraldays. Herbivorous animals get sufficient water

fromtheseedswhichtheyeat. Camelisknownastheshipofthedesertas

itcantravellongdistanceswithoutdrinkingwater for several days.


UPSC GS 2018 Question:6. WhyisaplantcalledProsopisjulifloraoften

mentionedinnews?(a) Its extract is widely used in

cosmetics.(b) Ittendstoreducethebiodiversityin

theareainwhichitgrows.(c) Itsextractisusedinthesynthesisof

pesticides.(d) NoneoftheaboveUnique Academy Question :(2018- Test 18) :

56. Considerthefollowingstatements:(1) AnAlienspeciesisaspeciesintroduced

by humans either intentionally or accidentlyoutsideofitsnaturalpastorpresent distribution.

(2) Invasive alien species is a speciesthreatensthebiologicaldiversity.

Whichoftheabovestatementis/aretrue?(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both1and2(d) Neither1nor2

Exp. : An invasive species is a plant, fungus, oranimalspeciesthatisnotnativetoaspecificlocation,andthathasatendencytospreadtoadegreebelievedtocausedamagetotheenvironment, human economy or humanhealth.SuchasAlternantheraphiloxeroides,Cassia uniflora, Chromolaena odorata,Eichhornia crassipes, Lantana camara,Parthenium hysterophorus, Prosopis julifloraetc.

AnAlienspeciesisaspeciesintroducedbyhumans either intentionally or accidentlyoutside of its natural past or present distribution.All invasive species are alienbutallalienspeciesarenotinvasive.UPSC GS 2018 Question:

7. Considerthefollowingstatements:(1) Mostoftheworld'scoralreefsare

intropicalwaters.(2) More than one-third of the world's

coral reefs are located in theterritories of Australia, Indonesiaand Philippines.

(3) Coral reefs host far more number of animal phyla than those hosted by tropicalrainforests.

Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect?(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 3 only(c) 1and3only (d) 1,2and3Unique Academy Question :(2017- Test 3, Test 9) :

4. Consider the statements with respect tocorals:(1) Upwelling zones of cold current are


(2) Coral reefs are found at shallow depth, assunlightreducesbeyondsuchdepth.

(3) Lakshadweep, Palk bay and Gulf ofKuchhareregionsofcoralreefsinIndia.

Whichoftheabovestatementsis/areNOTtrue?(a) 1 only(b) 1 and 2(c) 2and3(d) 1, 2 and 3

42. Consider the following statements:(1) Corals only occur in shallow tropical

areas where the sea water is clean,clearandwarm.

(2) Coralsareoneofthemostproductiveecosystems with high biologicaldiversity.

Whichoftheabovestatementsis/aretrue?(a) 1 only(b) 2only(c) Both1and2(d) Neither1nor2


UPSC GS 2018 Question:8. Consider the following statements :

(1) TheEarth'smagneticfieldhasreversedevery few hundred thousand years.

(2) WhentheEarthwascreatedmorethan4000 million years ago, there was 54% oxygenandnocarbondioxide.

(3) When living organisms originated,theymodifiedtheearlyatmosphereofthe Earth.


(a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only(c) 1and3only (d) 1,2and3Unique Academy Question :(2018- Test 20) :

21. Withregardtogeomagnetism,considerthefollowing statements: (1) TheEarth'sfieldareknowntoreverse

where theNorth andSouthMagneticPolesrelativelyabruptlyswitchplaces.

(2) The above phenomenon provides useful information in the study of plate tectonics.

Whichoftheabovestatementsis/aretrue?(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both1and2(d) Neither1nor2

UPSC GS 2018 Question:9. Consider the following statements :

(1) The Barren Island volcano is anactivevolcanolocatedintheIndianterritory.

(2) Barren Island lies about 140 kmeastofGreatNicobar.

(3) The last time the Barren Islandvolcanoeruptedwasin1991andithasremainedinactivesincethen.

Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect?(a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3(c) 3only (d) land3Unique Academy Question :(2018- Test 20) :

49. WithrespecttoBarrenIsland,whichofthefollowingstatementsis/aretrue?(1) IthastheonlyactivevolcanoinSouth

Asian region.(2) It is habited by aboriginalOnje tribe

engaged in hunting and gathering activity.

(3) ItisapartofIndo-BurmaBiodiversityhotspot.

Select the correct answer using the codesgiven below:(a) 2 and 3 (b) 1, 2 and 3(c) 1and3(d) 1 and 2


UPSC GS 2018 Question:10. Consider the following statements :

(1) In India, State Governments do nothave the power to auction non-coalmines.

(2) AndhraPradeshandJharkhanddonothave gold mines.

(3) Rajasthan has iron ore mines. Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/are

correct?(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 only(c) 1and3 (d) 3onlyUnique Academy Question :(2017- Test 4, 2018- Test 20) :

20. Atthestartofthe20thcentury,Indiawastheworld'ssixth-biggestgoldproducer.WhichofthefollowingstatesaccountforthegoldproductioninIndia?(1) Chhattisgarh(2) Karnataka(3) Andhra Pradesh

Select the correct answer using the codesgiven below:(a) 2 only(b) 1 and 2(c) 2and3(d) 1, 2 and 3

37. Exp. : Eastern Ghats are rich in Ferrousminerals especially iron ore. Jharkhand,Odisha, Chattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana.

Rajasthan, with the rock systems of thepeninsula, has reserves of many non-ferrous minerals. Outside this area, the states including Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab,HimachalPradesh,Haryana,UttarPradeshandGangeticWestBengalareverypoorinmineralresources.

Science and Technology

11. With reference to the Indian RegionalNavigation Satellite System (IRNSS),considerthefollowingstatements:(1) IRNSS has three satellites in

geostationary and four satellites in geosynchronousorbits.

(2) IRNSS covers entire India and about5500sq.kmbeyonditsborders.%

(3) India will have its own satellitenavigation system with full global coveragebythemiddleof2019.

Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect?(a) 1 only (b) l and 2 only(c) 2and3only (d) None

Unique Academy Question: (2017- Test 11 , 2018 - Test 13) :57. In the context of IRNSS/NAVIC

(NAVigation with Indian Constellation),which of the following statements is/arecorrect?(1) Itisaconstellationoftotal7satellites

with 3 of its satellite Located inGeostationaryorbitand4areinclinedtogeosynchronousorbit.

(2) India became one of the 6 countrieshaving their own navigation system after USA, Russia, European Union, China and UK.

(3) It gives real time information forstandardpositioningservices.

Select the correct answer using the codesgiven below:(a) 1 and 2(b) 2 and 3(c) 1and3(d) 1, 2 and 3


UPSC GS 2018 Question:12. Consider the following pairs

Termssometimes ContextITopic seen in news(1) BelleIIexperiment Artificial

Intelligence(2) Blockchain Digital/

technology Cryptocurrency(3) CRISPR-Cas9 ParticlePhysics

Which of the pairs given above is/arecorrectlymatched?(a) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 only(c) 2and3only (d) 1,2and3Unique Academy Question :

(2017- Test 12, Test 3 , 2018 - Test 7) :

98. ThejointcollaborationprojectBelleIIisa:(a) Fusionreactor.(b) Gravitationalwavedetector.(c) Neutrinoobservatory.(d) Particledetector.

95. TheCRISPR-Cas9is:(a) Gene editing tool(b) NASA’sexplorertoCassini.(c) A recently discovered earth-sun like

planetary system.(d) A drought and pest resistant variety of

rice.83. The surge of bitcoins has brought the

blockchain technology in limelight.Consider the following statements:(1) Once a transaction is recorded in

blockchain,itcanneverbeerased.(2) Eventhoughthenumberofbitcoinsin

supplyislimited,theywillcontinuetobe mined till after year 2100.

Which of the following statements is/aretrue?(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both1and2

(d) Neither1nor2UPSC GS 2018 Question:

13. When the alarmof your smartphone ringsin themorning,youwakeupand tap it tostop the alarm which causes your geysertobeswitchedonautomatically.Thesmartmirror in your bathroom shows the day's weatherandalsoindicatesthelevelofwaterinyouroverheadtank.Afteryoutakesomegroceriesfromyourrefrigeratorformakingbreakfast,itrecognisestheshortageofstockin it andplaces anorder for the supplyoffreshgrocery items.Whenyoustepoutofyour house and lock the door, all lights,fans,geysersandACmachinesgetswitchedoff automatically. On your way to office,yourcarwarnsyouabouttrafficcongestionahead and suggests an alternative route, and if you are late for a meeting, it sends a messagetoyourofficeaccordingly.

In thecontextofemergingcommunicationtechnologies, which one of the followingterm,0-bestappliestotheabovescenario?(a) BorderGatewayProtocol(b) InternetofThings(c) InternetProtocol(d) VirtualPrivateNetworkUnique Academy Question :

(2018- Test 10) :87. The phrase Internet of Things(IoT) deals

with:(1) Remoteaccess(2) ArtificialIntelligence(3) Convergenceoftechnologies(4) Cloud-basedinterface

Select the correct answer using the codesgiven below:(a) 1 and 4(b) 1, 3 and 4(c) 2and3(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4


UPSC GS 2018 Question:14. "3Dprinting"hasapplications inwhichof

thefollowing?(1) Preparationofconfectioneryitems(2) Manufactureofbionicears(3) Automotive industry(4) Reconstructivesurgeries(5) Dataprocessingtechnologies

Select the correct answer using the codegiven below :(a) 1, 3 and 4 only (b) 2, 3 and 5 only(c) 1and4only(d) 1,2, 3, 4 and 5Unique Academy Question :(2017- Test 11) :

22. With regard to 3D printing, which of thefollowingstatementsistrue?(a) It refers to a method of additive

manufacturingtechnique.(b) It refers to a method of subtractive

manufacturingtechnique.(c) Itisacombinationoflaserprintingand

thermalprintingtechniques.(d) All the above statements are true.UPSC GS 2018 Question:

15. Consider the following phenomena :(1) Lightisaffectedbygravity.(2) TheUniverseisconstantlyexpanding.(3) Matter warps its surrounding space-

time. Which of the above is/are the prediction/

predictions ofAlbert Einstein's GeneralTheory of Relativity, often discussed inmedia?(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 3 only(c) 1and3only (d) 1,2and3Unique Academy Question :(2018- Test 10) :

68. With regard to gravitationalwaves,whichofthefollowingstatementsistrue?

(1) Gravitationalwavesarecausedduetoviolentandenergeticprocesses in theuniverse.

(2) Einstein predicted the origin ofgravitational waves in his theory of relativity.

(3) Gravitational waves travel at the speed of light.

Select the correct answer using the codesgiven below:(a) 1 and 2(b) 2 and 3(c) 3only(d) 1, 2 and 3Exp. : Gravitational waves are 'ripples' in

the fabric of space-time caused bysomeofthemostviolentandenergeticprocesses in the Universe. AlbertEinstein predicted the existence ofgravitational waves in 1916 in hisgeneral theory of relativity. Einstein's mathematics showed that massiveaccelerating objects (such as neutronstars or black holes orbiting eachother) would disrupt space-time insuch a way that 'waves' of distortedspace would radiate from the source(like the movement of waves awayfrom a stone thrown into a pond). Furthermore, these ripples would travel at the speed of light through the Universe, carrying with theminformation about their cataclysmicorigins, as well as invaluable cluesto the nature of gravity itself. The strongest gravitational waves are produced by catastrophic events suchascollidingblackholes,thecollapseofstellar cores (supernovae), coalescingneutron stars or white dwarf stars, the slightly wobbly rotation of neutron stars thatarenotperfect spheres, andthe remnants of gravitational radiation created by the birth of the Universeitself.


UPSC GS 2018 Question:16. With reference to India's satellite launch

vehicles,considerthefollowingstatements:(1) PSLVslaunchthesatellitesusefulfor

Earth resources monitoring whereasGSLVsaredesignedmainlytolaunchcommunicationsatellites.

(2) SatelliteslaunchedbyPSLVappeartoremainpermanentlyfixedinthesameposition in the sky, asviewed fromaparticularlocationonEarth.

(3) GSLVMk III is a four-staged launchvehiclewith thefirst and third stagesusing solid rocket motors; and thesecondand fourth stagesusing liquidrocketengines.

Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect?(a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3(c) 1and2(d) 3 onlyUnique Academy Question :(2018- Test 10) :

57. Which of the following statement aboutcryogenicengineisNOTtrue?(a) GSLV Mk III which uses cryogenic

engine can carry payload of up totwenty tons.

(b) IthaspavedthewayforIndiatosendhumanbeingsintothespace.

(c) Cryogenicenginesaretechnicallymorecomplex to operate than traditionalengines.

(d) Liquidhydrogenusedinenginehastobe maintained below -250C.

65. The satellite Cartosat-2 was launchedrecently by the ISRO.The applications oflaunchingtheCartosat-2wouldbetowards:(1) Creation of land use maps(2) Waterdistribution(3) Relayingcommunications(4) Coastal regulation(5) Climate monitoring

Select the correct answer using the codesgiven below:(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 5(c) 1,2and4(d) 1, 3, 4, and 5



UPSC GS 2018 Question:17. Whichofthefollowingareregardedasthe

mainfeaturesofthe"RuleofLaw"?(1) Limitationofpowers(2) Equality before law(3) People's responsibility to the

Government(4) Libertyandcivilrights

Select the correct answer using the codegiven below :(a) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 and 4 only(c) 1,2and4only (d) 1,2,3and4Unique Academy Question :(2018- Test 12) :

59. Which among the following is a part ofthe “rule of law” in the context of IndianConstitution?(1) Absenceofarbitrarypower(2) Equality before the law(3) The primacy of the rights of the

individual, that is, the constitution isthe result of the rights of the individual.

Select the correct answer using the codesgiven below:(a) 1 and 2(b) 1 and 3(c) 2and3(d) 1, 2 and 3UPSC GS 2018 Question:

18. RighttoPrivacyisprotectedasanintrinsicpartofRight toLifeandPersonalLiberty.WhichofthefollowingintheConstitutionof India correctly and appropriately implytheabovestatement?(a) Article14andtheprovisionsunderthe

42nd Amendment to the Constitution(b) Article17andtheDirectivePrinciples


(c) Article21andthefreedomsguaranteedinPartIII

(d) Article24andtheprovisionsunderthe44th Amendment to the Constitution

Unique Academy Question :(2017- Test 7, 2018- Test 15) :

17. With regard to the Maneka case (1978),whichofthefollowingstatementsaretrue:(1) Right to life and personal liberty can

be curtailed by procedure establishedby law, given the law is just and fair.

(2) It expanded the scope of Article 21over the years to include right toprivacyandrighttoinformation.

Select the correct answer using the codesgiven below:(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both1and2(d) Neither1nor2

4. Consider the following statements:(1) Right to privacy in India is a

fundamental right(2) If a person’s right to property is


Whichoftheabovestatementsis/aretrue?(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both1and2(d) Neither1nor2


UPSC GS 2018 Question:19. Consider the following statements :

(1) The Speaker of the LegislativeAssembly shall vacate his/her officeifhe/sheceasestobeamemberoftheAssembly.

(2) WhenevertheLegislativeAssemblyisdissolved,theSpeakershallvacatehis/herofficeimmediately.

Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect?(a) 1 only (b) 2 only(c) Both1and2(d) Neither1nor2Unique Academy Question :(2017- Test 7) :

49. WhichofthefollowingstatementsabouttheSpeakerofLokSabhaisNOTtrue?(a) He writes his resignation to the Deputy

Speaker.(b) He can take part in the voting in the

House even if a resolution for his removalisunderconsideration.

(c) Whenever Lok Sabha dissolves, theSpeakerhastovacatehisoffice.

(d) TheDeputySpeakeriselectedbytheLokSabhafromamongitsmembers.

UPSC GS 2018 Question:20. Consider the following statements :

(1) The Parliament of India can place aparticularlawintheNinthScheduleoftheConstitutionofIndia.

(2) The validity of a law placed in theNinth Schedule cannot be examinedbyanycourtandnojudgementcanbemade on

Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect?(a) 1 only (b) 2 only(c) Both1and2(d) Neither1nor2

Unique Academy Question : (2018- Test 7) :38. Consider the following statements regarding

the Fundamental Rights and DirectivePrinciplesofStatePolicy:(1) The Fundamental rights are

transcendentalandimmutable.(2) The 9th schedule gives immunity to

measures implementing the DirectivePrinciplesofStatePolicy,frombeingchallengedinacourtoflaw.

Whichoftheabovestatementsis/aretrue?(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both1and2(d) Neither1nor2UPSC GS 2018 Question:

21. Consider the following statements :(1) In the first Lok Sabha, the single

largest party in the opposition was the Swatantra Party.

(2) In the Lok Sabha, a "Leader of theOpposition" was recognised for thefirsttimein1969.

(3) In theLokSabha, if apartydoesnothave a minimum of 75 members, itsleader cannot be recognised as theLeaderoftheOpposition.

Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect?(a) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 only(c) 2and3only (d) 1,2and3Unique Academy Question :

(2018- Test 13) :67. Considerthefollowingstatementsregarding

theLeaderofOpposition:(1) TheofficeofLeaderofOpposition is

not mentioned in the Constitution of India.

(2) He enjoys the status of a Cabinet Minister.

(3) The office of LoP has statutory


recognition Whichoftheabovestatementsis/aretrue?

(a) 1 only(b) 1 and 2 (c) 3and4(d) 1, 2 and 3

Exp. : In each House of Parliament, there is the‘Leader of the Opposition’. The leader ofthe largest

Opposition party having not less than one-tenth seats of the total strength of the House isrecognisedastheleaderoftheOppositioninthatHouse.Inaparliamentarysystemofgovernment, the leader of the opposition has asignificantroletoplay.Hismainfunctionsaretoprovideaconstructivecriticismofthepolicies of the government and to providean alternative government. Therefore, the leaderofOppositionintheLokSabhaandthe Rajya Sabha were accorded statutoryrecognition in1977.Theyarealsoentitledtothesalary,allowancesandotherfacilitiesequivalenttothatofacabinetminister.UPSC GS 2018 Question:

22. If the President of India exercises hispowerasprovidedunderArticle356oftheConstitutioninrespectofaparticularState,then(a) the Assembly of the State is

automaticallydissolved.(b) the powers of the Legislature of that

Stateshallbeexercisablebyorunderthe authority of the Parliament.

(c) Article19issuspendedinthatState.(d) thePresidentcanmakelawsrelatingto

that State.Unique Academy Question :(2018- Test 16) :

47. The Parliament can legislate on subjectsenumeratedintheStatelistunderwhichofthefollowingcircumstances?(1) WhenRajyaSabhapassesaresolution(2) During President’s rule(3) To implement international agreement

Select the correct answer using the codesgiven below:(a) 3 only(b) 1 and 2(c) 2and3(d) 1, 2 and 3UPSC GS 2018 Question:

23. With reference to the Parliament of India,which of the following ParliamentaryCommittees scrutinizes and reports tothe House whether the powers to makeregulations, rules, sub-rules, by-laws, etc.conferredby theConstitutionordelegatedby the Parliament are being properly exercisedbytheExecutivewithinthescopeofsuchdelegation?(a) CommitteeonGovernmentAssurances(b) CommitteeonSubordinateLegislation(c) RulesCommittee(d) BusinessAdvisoryCommitteeUnique Academy Question :(2017- Test 7) :

66. Whatismeantby‘DelegatedLegislation’intheParliamentarysetupofthegovernment?(a) When a state request the Centre to

makelawsforit.(b) President issues the Ordinance and

asks the Parliament tomake detailedlaw on it.

(c) Parliament just makes the broadframework and authorizes theExecutive tomake detailed rules andregulations.

(d) ParliamentforwardstheBillintroducedin house to the parliamentary committees

Exp. : The Parliament makes laws in a skeletonformandauthorisestheExecutivetomakedetailed rules and regulations within the frameworkoftheparentlaw.Thisisknownas delegated legislation or executivelegislationor subordinate legislation.Suchrulesandregulationsareplacedbefore theParliamentforitsexamination.


UPSC GS 2018 Question:24. Whichoneofthefollowingreflectsthemost

appropriate relationship between law and liberty?(a) If there are more laws, there is less

liberty.(b) Iftherearenolaws,thereisnoliberty.(c) Ifthereisliberty,lawshavetobemade

by the people.(d) Iflawsarechangedtoooften,libertyis

in danger.Unique Academy Question :(2018- Test 18, Test 19) :

30. Consider the following statements:(1) Privacyhasnormativefunctionswhich

subsumeseternalvalues,uponwhich,the guarantees of life,liberty and freedom are founded.

(2) Privacyhasdescriptivefunctionwhichpostulates a bundle of entitlements and interestswhichlieatthefoundationofliberty.

Which of the above statements is /arecorrect?(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both1and2(d) Neither1nor2

42. Consider the following statements regarding ‘Liberty’intheconstitution:(1) Libertyconceivedbythepreambleor

fundamental rights is absolute.(2) Itincludeswithinitsambit,providing

opportunities for the development of individual personalities.

Which among the above statements is/aretrue?(a) 1 only (b) 2 only(c) Both1and2(d) Neither1nor2


UPSC GS 2018 Question:25. Consider the following statements :

(1) TheFiscalResponsibilityandBudgetManagement (FRBM) ReviewCommittee Report has recommendeda debt to GDP ratio of 60% for thegeneral (combined) government by2023,comprising40%fortheCentralGovernment and 20% for the State Governments.

(2) TheCentralGovernmenthasdomesticliabilitiesof21%ofGDPascomparedto that of 49% of GDP of the State Governments.

(3) As per the Constitution of India, itis mandatory for a State to take theCentral Government's consent forraising any loan if the former owes any outstanding liabilities to the latter.

Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect?,(a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only(c) 1and3only (d) 1,2and3Unique Academy Question :(2017- Test 13, 2018 - Test 16) :

96. Which of the following is NOT arecommendationoftheexpertpanelledbyNKSinghondebtmanagement?(a) Combinedcentralandstategovernment

debtof60percentofGDPbyFY23.(b) Fiscaldeficitandrevenuedeficitof2.5

per cent and 0.8 per cent ofGDPbyFY23.

(c) Repeal of the existing FRBM Act2003.

(d) In caseof sharpgrowth,fiscaldeficitcanfluctuateby0.5%.




94. WithreferencetoIndia’sdebttoGDPratio,considerthefollowingstatements:(1) India’sdebttoGDPratiohasgradually

decreasedovertheyears.(2) The FRBM Act of 2003 stipulates


Whichoftheabovestatementsis/aretrue?(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both1and2(d) Neither1nor2

Exp. : Budget2018: Inordertoimpartunquestionablecredibility

to the Government’s commitment for therevisedfiscalglidepath,Iamproposingtoaccept key recommendations of the FiscalReformandBudgetManagementCommitteerelating to adoption of the Debt Rule and to bring down Central Government’s Debt to GDP ratio to 40%. Government has also accepted the recommendation to useFiscalDeficit targetas thekeyoperationalparameter.NecessaryamendmentproposalsareincludedintheFinanceBill.

Statement1–India’sdebttoGDPratiooverthe past few years has remained stagnant around69.5-69.6%.

Statement2-Subsequenttotheenactmentof the FRBMA, the following targets and


•Revenuedeficit Date of elimination – 31 March 2009

(postponedfrom31March2008) Minimumannualreduction–0.5%ofGDP •FiscalDeficit Ceiling – 3% of the GDP by 31 March

2008 Minimumannualreduction–0.3%ofGDP • Total Debt – 9% of the GDP (a target

increasedfromtheoriginal6%requirementin 2004–05)

Annualreduction–1%ofGDPUPSC GS 2018 Question:

27. IncreaseinabsoluteandpercapitarealGNPdonotconnoteahigher levelofeconomicdevelopment, if(a) Industrial output fails to keep pace

withagriculturaloutput.(b) Agriculturaloutput fails tokeeppace

withindustrialoutput.J(c) Povertyandunemploymentincrease.(d) Importsgrowfasterthanexports.Unique Academy Question :(2018- Test 14) :

53. WithreferencetotheGDPofacountryanditsper-capitaincome,considerthefollowingstatements:(1) AnincreaseintheGDPwithaconstant

populationwilldefinitelyincreasetheper-capita income, irrespective of theinflationrate.

(2) Increasing per-capita income denotesqualitativegrowthoftheeconomy.

Whichoftheabovestatementsis/areNOTtrue?(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both1and2(d) Neither1nor2


UPSC GS 2018 Question:28. Despitebeingahighsavingeconomy,capital

formation may not result in significantincreaseinoutputdueto(a) Weakadministrativemachinery(b) Illiteracy(c) Highpopulationdensity(d) Highcapital-outputratioUnique Academy Question :(2018- Test 3, Test 19) :

5. Gross Capital Formation will definitelyincreaseif:(1) GDPincreases(2) Grossdomesticsavingsincreases(3) Grossdomesticconsumptionincreases

Select the correct answer using the codesgiven below:(a) 1 and 2 only(b) 1 and 3 only(c) 1only(d) Noneoftheabove

36. HouseholdsavingsasapercentageofGDPhasbeendecreasingovertheyears.Whichof the following factors could cause apossible decrease in household savings inaneconomy?(1) Investmentingoldandrealestate(2) Increasinginflationovertheyears(3) Lowerincomegrowth

Select the correct answer using the codesgiven below:(a) 3 only(b) 1 and 2(c) 2and3(d) 1, 2 and 3UPSC GS 2018 Question:

26. Considerthefollowingstatements:(1) The Reserve Bank of India manages

and services Government ofIndia Securities but not any StateGovernmentSecurities.

(2) Treasury bills are issued by the Government of India and there areno treasury bills issued by the State Governments.

(3) Treasury bills offer are issued at a discountfromtheparvalue.

Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/are,correct?(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 3 only(c) 2and3only (d) 1,2and3Unique Academy Question :(2018- Test 22) :

4. WhichofthefollowingstatementsaretruewithreferencetoG-SecsinIndia?(1) Theycarryzerorisk.(2) They can be issued by Central

Government as well as State Government.

(3) Treasury bills have maturities of less than one year only.

Select the correct answer using the codesgiven below:(a) 1 and 2(b) 2 and 3(c) 1,2and3(d) Noneoftheabove

Exp. : WhatisaGovernmentSecurity(G-Sec)? A Government Security (G-Sec) is a

tradeable instrument issued by the Central Government or the State Governments. It acknowledges the Government’s debtobligation. Such securities are short term(usuallycalled treasurybills,withoriginalmaturities of less than one year) or long term (usuallycalledGovernmentbondsordatedsecuritieswithoriginalmaturityofoneyearormore).InIndia,theCentralGovernmentissues both, treasury bills and bonds or dated securities while the State Governmentsissueonlybondsordatedsecurities,whichare called the State Development Loans(SDLs).G-Secscarrypracticallynoriskofdefaultand,hence,arecalledrisk-freegilt-edged instruments.


TreasuryBills(T-bills) TreasurybillsorT-bills,whicharemoney

market instruments, are short term debtinstruments issued by the Government of India and are presently issued in threetenors,namely,91day,182dayand364day.Treasury bills are zero coupon securitiesand pay no interest.UPSC GS 2018 Question:

29. Consider the following statements :(1) CapitalAdequacyRatio (CAR) is the

amountthatbankshavetomaintaininthe form of their own funds to offset anylossthatbanksincuriftheaccount-holders fail to repay dues.

(2) CAR is decided by each individualbank.

Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect?(a) 1 only (b) 2 only(c) Both1and2(d) Neither1nor2Unique Academy Question :(2018- Test 12) :

68. With reference to the Capital AdequacyRatio,considerthefollowingstatements:(1) The CAR gives an idea about the

financialhealthofthefirm.(2) Itisameasureofabank’scapital(3) India’s CAMEL ratings accounts for

capitaladequacy. Whichoftheabovestatementsis/aretrue?

(a) 1 only(b) 1 and 2(c) 2and3(d) 1, 2 and 3

History and Culture

UPSC GS 2018 Question:30. Withreferencetoeducationalinstitutions

during colonial rule in India, considerthe following pairs : Institution Founder(1) SanskritCollege atBenaras - William

Jones(2) CalcuttaMadarsa - Warren

Hastings(3) FortWilliam College - Arthur Wellesley

Which of the pairs given above is/arecorrect?(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 only(c) 1and3 (d) 3onlyUnique Academy Question :(2018- Test 20) :

87. Considerthefollowingpairs: Educational Institutes : Founders(1) Sanskritcollege : Jonathan

Duncan(2) FortWilliamCollege : Wellesley(3) CalcuttaMadrasah : Warren

Hastings Whichamongtheabovepairsis/arecorrectly

matched?(a) 1 only(b) 1 and 2(c) 2and3(d) 1, 2 and 3


UPSC GS 2018 Question:31. RegardingWood's Dispatch, which of the

followingstatementsaretrue?(1) Grants-in-Aidsystemwasintroduced.(2) Establishment of universities

wasrecommended.(3) Englishasamediumofinstructionatall

levelsofeducationwasrecommended. Select the correct answer using the code

given below :(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only(c) 1and3only (d) 1,2and3Unique Academy Question :(2017- Test 2) :

23. Consider the following statements with regardtoWood’sDispatch:(1) It asked Government of India to

assumeresponsibilityforeducationofthe masses

(2) ItrecommendedEnglishasthemediumforinstructionatalllevels.

(3) Laidstressonfemaleeducation. Whichoftheabovestatementsis/aretrue?

(a) 1 only(b) 1 and 3(c) 2and3(d) 1, 2 and 3UPSC GS 2018 Question:

32. Which one of the following statementsdoes not apply to the system of Subsidiary AllianceintroducedbyLordWellesley?(a) To maintain a large standing army at

other'sexpense(b) TokeepIndiasafefromNapoleonic

danger(c) Tosecureafixedincomeforthe

Company(d) ToestablishBritishparamountcyover


Unique Academy Question : (2017- Test 2) :14. With regard to the subsidiary alliance

system,considerthefollowingstatements:(1) Thedoctrineofsubsidiaryalliancewas

introducedbyLordCornwallis.(2) Princely rulers were not allowed to


(3) The Company had the right to interfere with the internal affairs of the state.

(4) The rulers of Awadh and Hyderabad had entered into subsidiary alliancewith the Company.

Whichoftheabovestatementsis/areNOTtrue?(a) 1 and 2(b) 1 and 3(c) 2,3and4(d) 1, 2 and 3UPSC GS 2018 Question:

33. The well-known painting "Bani Thani"belongs to the(a) Bundischool(b) Jaipurschool(c) Kangraschool(d) KishangarhschoolUnique Academy Question :(2018- Test 15) :

83. Consider the following statements relating to the famous Indian Painting of ‘BANITHANI’:(1) Itisaminiaturepainting.(2) ItbelongstotheMarwarSchool.(3) ItderivesinspirationfromRadha.

Whichoftheabovestatementsis/aretrue?(a) 1 and 2(b) 1 and 3(c) 2and3(d) All the above


UPSC GS 2018 Question:34. Which of the following led to the

introductionofEnglishEducationinIndia?(1) CharterActof1813(2) General Committee of Public

Instruction,1823(3) OrientalistandAnglicistControversy

Select the correct answer using the codegiven below:(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 only(c) 1and3only (d) 1,2and3Unique Academy Question :(2017- Test 2) :

12. Consider the following statements (1) Lord Macaulay's Minute settled the

rowinorientalist-anglicistcontroversyby giving equal emphasis on both Englishandlocallanguages.

(2) The British Government has set upthree Sanskrit colleges at Calcutta,DelhiandAgrabycharteractof1813.

(3) Wood’s despatch recommended thattheeducationimpartedingovernmentinstitutionsshouldbesecular.

Whichoftheabovestatementsis/aretrue?(a) 1 and 3(b) Only 2(c) 1and2(d) 2 and 3UPSC GS 2018 Question:

35. Consider the following pairs : Tradition State(1) ChapcharKutfestival- Mizoram(2) Khongjom Parba ballad - Manipur(3) Thang-Tadance - Sikkim

Whichofthepairsgivenaboveis/arecorrect?(a) 1 only (b) l and 2(c) 3only (d) 2and3

Unique Academy Question :(2017- Test 1) :

27. WhichofthefollowingisNOTanexampleofaMartialDance?(a) ChholiaofUttranchal(b) Kalari Paittu of Kerela(c) Thang-taaofManipur

(d) BihudanceofAssamUPSC GS 2018 Question:

36. HewrotebiographiesofMazzirii,Garibaldi,Shivaji and Shririshna; stayed inAmericafor some time;andwasalsoelected to theCentral Assembly. He was(a) Aurobindo Ghosh (b) BipinChandraPal(c) LalaLajpatRai(d) MotilalNehruUnique Academy Question :(2017- Test 12) :

17. ConsiderthefollowingstatementsregardingLalaLajpatRai:(1) HewasafamousBrahmoSamajist.(2) He was founder of Servants of the

PeopleSociety.(3) During1920swaselectedasPresident

ofCongressaswellasofAITUC.(4) Endorsed technical education and

industrialselfsufficiency. Which among the given statements is/are

NOTtrue?(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) 2and4(d) 1 and 3


Current Affairs

UPSC GS 2018 Question:37. The terms 'WannaCry, Petya and

EternalBlue' sometimes mentioned in thenewsrecentlyarerelatedto(a) Exoplanets(b) Cryptocurrency(c) Cyberattacks(d) Mini satellitesUnique Academy Question :(2017- Test 17) :

80. “WannaCry” has been in news withreferenceto:(a) Anti-bullyingcampaign(b) Cyberattacks(c) Phishing(d) Campaign against hunger and

malnourishmentUPSC GS 2018 Question:

38. The term "sixth mass extinction/sixthextinction" isoftenmentioned in thenewsinthecontextofthediscussionof(a) Widespread monoculture practices in

agricultureandlarge-scalecommercialfarming with indiscriminate use ofchemicals inmanypartsof theworldthat may result in the loss of good nativeecosystems.

(b) Fears of a possible collision of ameteorite with the Earth in the near future in the manner it happened 65millionyearsagothatcausedthemassextinction of many species includingthose of dinosaurs.

(c) Large scale cultivation of geneticallymodified crops in many parts of theworldandpromoting theircultivationin other parts of the world whichmaycause thedisappearanceofgoodnativecropplantsandthelossoffoodbiodiversity.

(d) Mankind's over-exploitation/misuseof natural resources, fragmentation/

loss of natural habitats, destructionof ecosystems, pollution and globalclimatechange.

Unique Academy Question :(2018- Test 9) :

8. Recently a phrase “Anthropocenedefaunation” was making news. Whichamongthefollowingiscorrectmeaningofthisphrase?(a) A mass extinction that is primarily

inducedbyhumanactivity.(b) Loss and decline of biodiversity in

particularbiomeduetohumanactivity.(c) Deforestation and degradation of

environment.(d) Rapiddeclineinspeciesofaparticular

ecosystem.UPSC GS 2018 Question:

39. Theterm"two-statesolution"issometimesmentionedinthenewsinthecontextoftheaffairs of(a) China (b) Israel(c) Iraq (d) YemenUnique Academy Question :(2018- Test 9) :

89. With reference to the two-state solution tothePalestinian-Israeliconflict,considerthefollowing statements:(1) Thepartieshaveagreedtoscaleback

to1967borders.(2) TheStateofIsraelwouldbelocatedto

theWestoftheJordanriver. Whichoftheabovestatementsis/aretrue?

(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both1and2(d) Neither1nor2


UPSC GS 2018 Question:40. International Labour Organization's

Conventions 138 and 182 are related to(a) Child labour(b) Adaptationofagriculturalpracticesto

globalclimatechange(c) Regulation of food prices and food

security(d) GenderparityattheworkplaceUnique Academy Question :(2017- Test 11, 2018- Test 17) :

96. India has recently ratified two importantILOConventions.Theseare:(1) Childrenbelow14cannotbeemployed

for hazardous and worst form ofvocations.

(2) Prohibition of bonded labour, sale and traffickingof childrenandemployingchildrenfordrugpeddling.

Whichoftheabovestatementsis/aretrue?(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both1and2(d) Neither1nor2

Exp. : Indian government took a significantstep forward by ratifying two important International Labour OrganisationConvention138—childrenbelow14yearsofageshouldnotbeemployedforanyworkand another Convention 182 — prohibiting adolescentsintheagegroupof14to18yearsinhazardousandworstformofvocations.

The Union Cabinet ratified the abovetwo ILOconventionsonMarch31.Whileconvention 138 related to banning childlabour,theotherconvention182prohibitedbonded labour, sale and trafficking ofchildren, employing children as slaves,sexualexploitation,employingchildrenfordrug peddling, pornography and illegal and anti-socialactivities.

The ratificationwouldmake it possible to

awardsternandstrictpunishment to thosewho violated theAct and paveway to ridIndiaofchildlabourandenforcecompulsoryeducationofchildrenmoreeffectively.

87. India has recently ratified two coreconventionsoftheILO.Theyare:(1) Toendtheworstformofchildlabour(2) Toprovidebasicsocialsecuritynetto

adultworkingpopulation(3) Toensurebasiceducationtochildren(4) To end gender discrimination in

employment Select the correct answer using the codes

given below:(a) 1 and 2(b) 1 and 3(c) 2and4(d) 1 and 4


UPSC GS 2018 Question:41. Consider the following pairs :

Towns sometimes mentioned in news Country(1) Aleppo — Syria(2) Kirkuk — Yemen(3) Mosul — Palestine(4) Mazar-i-sharif — Afghanistan

Whichofthepairsgivenabovearecorrectlymatched?(a) l and 2 (b) 1 and 4(c) 2and3(d) 3 and 4Unique Academy Question :(2017- Test 9, 2018- Test 13) :

85. Consider the following pairs: Placeinnews : Country(1) Mosul : Syria(2) Kirkuk : Iraq(3) Kunduz : Afghanistan

Whichoftheabovepairsis/areincorrectlymatched?(a) 1 only(b) 1 and 2(c) 2and3(d) 1 and 3

39. Considerthefollowingplacesinnews: Places : Country(1) Mosul : Syria(2) Dokala : Myanmar(3) Motihari : India

Whichof theaboveplaces is/are correctlymatched?(a) 1 only(b) 1 and 3(c) 3only(d) 2 and 3UPSC GS 2018 Question:

42. IndiaenactedTheGeographicalIndicationsofGoods(RegistrationandProtection)Act,

1999inordertocomplywiththeobligationsto(a) ILO (b) IMF(c) UNCTAD (d) WTOUnique Academy Question :(2017- Test 10) :

21. GeographicalIndicationtagprovideswhichofthefollowingbenefits?(1) Itauthenticatesthegeographicalorigin

ofaproduct.(2) ItenablestheGItagholdertoprevent

someonefrommakingaproductusingthesametechniquesasthosesetoutinthe standards.

Select the correct answer using the codesgiven below:(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both1and2(d) Neither1nor2

Exp. : Ageographicalindication(GI)isasignusedonproductsthathaveaspecificgeographicalorigin and possess qualities or a reputation thatareduetothatorigin.Inordertofunctionas aGI, a signmust identify a product asoriginatinginagivenplace.Inaddition,thequalities, characteristics or reputation oftheproductshouldbeessentiallyduetotheplaceoforigin.

Statement 2- A geographical indication right enables

thosewhohavetherighttousetheindicationto prevent its use by a third party whose productdoesnotconformtotheapplicablestandards.

However, a protected geographicalindication does not enable the holder toprevent someone from making a productusing thesame techniquesas thosesetoutinthestandardsforthatindication


UPSC GS 2018 Question:43. The identity platform 'Aadhaar' provides

open"ApplicationProgrammingInterfaces(APIs)".Whatdoesitimply?(1) Itcanbeintegratedintoanyelectronic

device.(2) Onlineauthenticationusingirisis

possible. Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/are

correct?(a) 1 only (b) 2 only(c) Both1and2(d) Neither1nor2Unique Academy Question :(2018- Test 10) :

99. Which of the following are biometricauthentications associated (or have beenannouncedtobeassociated)withAadhaar?(1) Facerecognition(2) Fingerprint(3) Iris(4) VirtualID

Select the correct answer using the codesgiven below:(a) 2 only(b) 1 and 2(c) 1,2and3(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4UPSC GS 2018 Question:

44. What is/are theconsequence/consequencesof a country becoming themember of the'NuclearSuppliersGroup'?(1) It will have access to the latest and

mostefficientnucleartechnologies.(2) Itautomaticallybecomesamemberof

"TheTreaty on theNon-ProliferationofNuclearWeapons(NPT)".

Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect?(a) 1 only (b) 2 only

(c) Bothland2(d) Neither1nor2Unique Academy Question :

(2018- Test 15, 2017 - Test 17) :22. With reference to the Nuclear Suppliers

Group,considerthefollowingstatements:(1) The NSG was formed as a result of

Indiannucleartestin1974.(2) It comprises of all the nuclear

technology-exporting countries of theworld.

Whichoftheabovestatementsis/aretrue?(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both1and2(d) Neither1nor2

89. With reference to the Treaty on the Non-ProliferationofNuclearWeapons,considerthe following statements:(1) The nuclear weapon states agree to

share thebenefitsof peaceful nuclearenergy.

(2) The non-nuclear weapon states agreetonevertestnuclearweapons.

(3) Thetreatylimitsthenumberofnuclearweaponstatestofive.

Whichoftheabovestatementsis/aretrue?(a) 1 only(b) 1 and 3(c) 2and3(d) 1, 2 and 3


UPSC GS 2018 Question:45. WithreferencetoorganicfarminginIndia,

considerthefollowingstatements:(1) "TheNationalProgrammeforOrganic

Production'(NPOP)isoperatedunderthe guidelines and directions of theUnion Ministry of Rural Development.

(2) 'The Agricultural and ProcessedFood Products Export DevelopmentAuthority' (APEDA) functions as theSecretariat for the implementation ofNPOP.

(3) Sikkim has become India's first fullyorganicState.

Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect?(a) l and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only(c) 3only (d) 1,2and3Unique Academy Question :(2018- Test 24) :

9. AllorganicexportsfromIndiaarecertifiedby Agricultural and Processed FoodProducts Export Development Authority(APEDA).APEDA functions underwhichministry?(a) MinistryofCommerce(b) MinistryofAgriculture(c) MinistryofRuraldevelopment.(d) MinistryofSkillDevelopmentUPSC GS 2018 Question:

46. Withreferencetodigitalpayments,considerthe following statements :(1) BHIMappallowstheuser to transfer

money toanyonewithaUPI-enabledbankaccount.

(2) While a chip-pin debit card has fourfactors of authentication, BHIM apphasonlytwofactorsofauthentication.

Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect?(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only(c) Bothland2(d) Neither1nor2Unique Academy Question :(2017- Test 13, 2018- Test 14) :

92. With reference to the Bhim-Aadhaarplatform,considerthefollowingstatements:(1) Any citizen provided he has access

to smartphone or Internet, will beable to transacton theBhim-Aadhaarplatform.

(2) No transaction fee will be levied oneitherthemerchantsorcustomers.

Whichoftheabovestatementsis/areNOTtrue?(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both1and2(d) Neither1nor2

13. With reference to the BHIM (BharatInterface For Money) App, consider thefollowing statements:(1) ItisnamedafterDr.BRAmbedkar.(2) Itisanonlinewalletservice.(3) Transactions can also be carried out

without internet, using either name or mobile number.

Whichoftheabovestatementsis/aretrue?(a) 1 only(b) 1 and 3(c)2and3(d) 1, 2 and 3


UPSC GS 2018 Question:47. Considerthefollowingstatements:

(1) As per theRight toEducation (RTE)Act, tobeeligibleforappointmentasa teacher in a State, a person wouldbe required to possess the minimum qualification laid down by theconcerned State Council of TeacherEducation.

(2) As per the RTE Act, for teachingprimary classes, a candidate isrequired to pass aTeacher EligibilityTestconductedinaccordancewiththeNationalCouncilofTeacherEducationguidelines.

(3) In India, more than 90% of teachereducation institutions are directlyunder the State Governments.


(a) l and 2 (b) 2 only(c) 1and3 (d) 3onlyUnique Academy Question :(2017- Test 11) :

89. WithreferencetotheRTEAct,considerthefollowing statements:(1) The Act clarifies that ‘compulsory

education’ means obligation of theappropriate Government to provide free elementary education and ensurecompulsoryattendanceofthestudent.

(2) Itprovidesnormsforpupil toteacherratiostobemaintainedinschools.

Whichoftheabovestatementsis/aretrue?(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both1and2(d) Neither1nor2

UPSC GS 2018 Question:48. Consider the following statements :

(1) Aadhaarcardcanbeusedasaproofofcitizenshipordomicile.

(2) Once issued,Aadhaar number cannotbe deactivated or omitted by theIssuingAuthority.

Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect?(a) only (b) 2 only(c) Bothland2(d) Neither1nor2Unique Academy Question :(2017- Test 8) :

53. Which of the following statementsregarding The Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery ofFinancial andOtherSubsidies,BenefitsandServices)Act,2016,iscorrect?(a) Every resident shall be entitled to

obtain an Aadhaar number.(b) To obtain an Aadhaar number, an

individual has to submit only his biometric information (photograph,fingerprint,irisscan).

(c) TheinformationcollectedbytheUIDwill never be shared with anyone under anycircumstances.

(d) There is no provision for imprisonment for unauthorized access to thecentralizeddata-base.


UPSC GS 2018 Question:49. With reference to India's decision to

levy an equalization tax of 6% on onlineadvertisement services offered by non-resident entities, which of the followingstatementsis/arecorrect?(1) ItisintroducedasapartoftheIncome

TaxAct.(2) Non-resident entities that offer

advertisement services in India canclaimataxcreditintheirhomecountryunderthe"DoubleTaxationAvoidanceAgreements".

Select the correct answer using the codegiven below :(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both1and2(d) NeitherInor2Unique Academy Question :(2018- Test 6) :

Please note: Google Tax is the same as equalization tax.

60. The term Google Tax has been doing therounds andwas also announced in India’sBudget.GoogleTaxisbeinglevieddueto:(a) Baseerosionandprofitshifting(b) Transferpricingissues(c) Usageofnon-proprietaryresourcesby

Google to gain revenue(d) Noneoftheaboveoptionsaretrue



• 6+QuestionsaskedonASEAN

• 8+distinctquestionsoncoralreefs

• QuestionsonMoneyBill

• SeveralconceptualquestionsregardingGDP,GNPandcapitalformation

• 13+Questionsaskedin2018aloneonGITags

• 10+distinctquestionsaskedonplacesinnews

• ManyothertopicscoveredintheUPSCpapersuchasGST,NationalFoodSecurityMission,MinimumSupportPrice(5+Questions)

• 7+QuestionsaskedonGSLV,PSLVlaunchesandNAVICmission.