The Ultimate Off-Page and On-Page SEO Guideline 2016

The Ultimate Off- Page and On-Page SEO Guideline 2016

Transcript of The Ultimate Off-Page and On-Page SEO Guideline 2016

Page 1: The Ultimate Off-Page and On-Page SEO Guideline 2016

The Ultimate Off-Page and On-Page

SEO Guideline 2016

Page 2: The Ultimate Off-Page and On-Page SEO Guideline 2016

The Ultimate Off-Page and On-Page SEO Guideline

2016• What could be the ultimate off-page

and on-page SEO guideline 2016 and why you need this, it may be a tricky question. But it could be useful for those entire site owners who think SEO is scary enough for them, especially when they are not expert on it.

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What is Off-Page SEO?• In simple words, Off-Page SEO is all those

activities that done away from your website to raise the rank of a page in all search engine results. Links are important for Google. Google don’t determine the value of any web page if there are no links pointing to it.

•  So, you should have to select those pages that connect to your category pages and support posts. You just have to link your internal pages using the suitable keyword that defines the page better.

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Do the basic on-page SEO

• On-page SEO is also important to rank your website. So how you can rank up high your website? Well, you don’t need a magic wand to bring the changes. Just follow some simple formula like, ensure a well-structured page, and use specific keyword and signals being sent in a right manner to Google.

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Pick thematic keywords for off-page and on-page SEO

guideline 2016• It is very important to choose right keyword

Pick thematic keywords. Proper keyword work as fundamental building blocks for your campaign content. This keyword should be related to particular subject or relative to the subject. When you start a title with the keyword you will rank better in Google SERP. Optimize your page with proper keywords and use latent semantic indexing (LSI) or synonyms keywords.

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How to Getting Relevant, Authority, and User-Friendly Back-links

• In the basis of SEO majority, content maker, and bloggers, the most important off-page SEO factor is authority backlinks. Because the natural links from authoritative and relevant websites works like “vote of confidence”. That help search engine to trust your website even more. Here we are going to focus on some way to get thins important links that’s must needed to off-page and on-page.

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Broken link building: • You will see many links to authority blogs which are

actually not workable. These sites are messed up during file transfer or migration or any typing mistake happen as the hosting expires. So this links lead to a user 404 error page which will not good to having users.

• The broken link building can be broken down into 4 simple steps.

• Conduct a backlink analysis on a relevant website• Find a broken link• Contact the owner, • Inform about the dead links.

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Create and distribute compelling infographics

• Infographics still works better and will work good further more. Most of the content maker uses it to attract their audience, grow their email list and acquire authority links. In fact your loyal customers will respond more in visual content rather that any plane text.

• When people start to share your infographics you will able to generate organic traffic to your blog. A lot of people use this format as a visual way to reach their audience. It gives the platform to share much complex information with your audience in an image-based simple format.