The Ultimate Auth ority - Cornell University Hockey Rulebook.pdf · The Official Rules of Ice...

2003–05 Official Rules of Ice Hockey

Transcript of The Ultimate Auth ority - Cornell University Hockey Rulebook.pdf · The Official Rules of Ice...

Page 1: The Ultimate Auth ority - Cornell University Hockey Rulebook.pdf · The Official Rules of Ice Hockeyis the essential resource for players, coaches, referees, parents and fans. Included

The Official Rules of Ice Hockey is the

essential resource for players, coaches,

referees, parents and fans.

Included are USA Hockey’s official

playing rules and interpretations, referee

signals and detailed rink diagrams. This

book is the singular source for the rules

of the game.

The UltimateAuthority

2003–05 Official Rules of Ice H


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Page 2: The Ultimate Auth ority - Cornell University Hockey Rulebook.pdf · The Official Rules of Ice Hockeyis the essential resource for players, coaches, referees, parents and fans. Included

TheOfficial Rules of

Ice Hockey


Page 3: The Ultimate Auth ority - Cornell University Hockey Rulebook.pdf · The Official Rules of Ice Hockeyis the essential resource for players, coaches, referees, parents and fans. Included

Typographer: Sue KnopfFront cover photo courtesy of USA Hockey, Inc./Tom KimmellInterior photography courtesy of USA Hockey, Inc.

© 2003 by USA Hockey, Inc. All rights reserved. Any dissemina-tion, distribution, publication, or copying of rules without theexpress written consent of USA Hockey is strictly prohibited.

The USA Hockey, Inc. logo is a registered trademark of USAHockey, Inc., and use in any manner is prohibited unless approvalis obtained from the organization.

For more information about ice hockey and ordering more copiesof the Official Rules of Ice Hockey, contact:

USA Hockey, Inc.1775 Bob Johnson DriveColorado Springs, CO 80906-4090Tel (719) 576-8724 Fax (719) 538-1160

Distributed to the trade by:

Triumph Books601 South LaSalle StreetSuite 500Chicago, Illinois 60605Tel (312) 939-3330 Fax (312) 663-3557

Printed in the United States of America

ISBN 1-57243-587-9

USA Hockey is the National Governing Body for the sport of hockey in the United States.


Page 4: The Ultimate Auth ority - Cornell University Hockey Rulebook.pdf · The Official Rules of Ice Hockeyis the essential resource for players, coaches, referees, parents and fans. Included


Philosophy of Youth Hockey/Code of Conduct/ZeroTolerance Policy/Points of Emphasis/Note to Reader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .v

SECTION ONEThe Rink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

SECTION TWO Teams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

SECTION THREE Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25

SECTION FOUR Penalties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39

SECTION FIVEOfficials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59

SECTION SIX Playing Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73

APPENDIX ISummary of Penalties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133

APPENDIX II Summary of Face-off Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141

Official Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145

Official Rink Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .163

Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .167

Rule References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .177

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Page 6: The Ultimate Auth ority - Cornell University Hockey Rulebook.pdf · The Official Rules of Ice Hockeyis the essential resource for players, coaches, referees, parents and fans. Included

Rules Governing the Gameof Ice Hockey


Philosophy of Youth HockeyCode of Conduct

Zero Tolerance PolicyPoints of Emphasis

Note to Reader


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Page 8: The Ultimate Auth ority - Cornell University Hockey Rulebook.pdf · The Official Rules of Ice Hockeyis the essential resource for players, coaches, referees, parents and fans. Included

Philosophy of Youth HockeyEnjoyment and recreational benefits are the major focusof new guidelines for youth hockey issued by the Boardof Directors, USA Hockey. More than 80 percent of over35,000 registered teams play in the age classifications17-or-under, prompting the Youth Council of USAHockey to emphasize the educational and recreationalvalues of ice hockey.

USA Hockey recommended guidelines for youthhockey encourage a noncompetitive environment inwhich children and youth can learn the basic skillswithout the distractions that are often associated withan over-emphasis on winning. Mastery of the funda-mental skills and the fun of playing are essential to thedevelopment of a lifelong interest in hockey. Programsmust be conducted to accommodate the number of newplayers who wish to play hockey and to reduce thenumber who become disenchanted and drop out.

These voluntary guidelines are directed at children’sprograms, but they must be implemented by adults ifthey are to influence youth hockey programs. Coaches,officials, parents, administrators and rink operatorsmust all do their part to ensure that the USA Hockeyphilosophy and the following guidelines are upheld:

Through Midget Age

• Team schedules should include at least two practicesfor every game.

• The recommended maximum number of games perseason is: (A) 15 games for Mites, (B) 20 games forSquirts, (C) 30 games for Pee Wees, (D) 35 games forBantams, and (E) 45 games for Midgets.

Philosophy of Youth Hockey

Official Rules vii

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• Starting times for games should be no later than:Mites and Squirts-7:00 P.M.Pee Wees-8:00 P.M.Bantams-9:00 P.M.Midgets-10:00 P.M.

Any practice time scheduled before 3:00 P.M. shouldbe set so that the earliest times are reserved for theolder age classifications.

• Scoring records should be de-emphasized at the Mite,Squirt and Pee Wee classifications.

• Awards should be inexpensive and based on sig-nificant achievements. The most gratifyingaward any player can receive is the joy thatcomes from skill development that contributes toteam success.

• An opportunity to practice and play under the direc-tion of a good coach is the primary prerequisite toskill development. Players should be given ampleopportunities to develop to the limits of their poten-tial, regardless of their abilities.

• The recruitment of players, on a wide-spread geo-graphic basis, for the establishment of Youth Divi-sion “elite teams,” whose purpose is to win gamesand championships and to satisfy the personal self-interests of adults and organizations, is discouraged.

• It is recommended that adult volunteers place a pri-mary emphasis on the formal education of players,and a de-emphasis on excessive competition and pro-fessionalism in the youth age classifications.


viii USA Hockey

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Code of Conduct

Administrators Code of Conduct

• Follow the rules and regulations of USA Hockey andyour association to ensure that the association’s phi-losophy and objectives are enhanced.

• Support programs that train and educate players,coaches, parents, officials and volunteers.

• Promote and publicize your programs; seek out finan-cial support when possible.

• Communicate with parents by holding parent/playerorientation meetings as well as by being available toanswer questions and address problems throughoutthe season.

• Work to provide programs that encompass fairnessto the participants and promote fair play andsportsmanship.

• Recruit volunteers, including coaches, who demon-strate qualities conducive to being role models to theyouths in our sport.

• Encourage coaches and officials to attend USAHockey clinics and advise your board members of thenecessity of these training sessions.

• Make every possible attempt to provide everyone, atall skill levels, with a place to play.

• Read and be familiar with the contents of the USAHockey Annual Guide and Official Playing Rules.

Code of Conduct

Official Rules ix

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• Develop other administrators to advance to positionsin your association, perhaps even your own.

Coaches Code of Conduct

• Winning is a consideration, but not the only one, northe most important one. You should care more aboutthe child than winning the game. Remember, playersare involved in hockey for fun and enjoyment.

• Be a positive role model to your players; display emo-tional maturity and be alert to the physical safety ofplayers.

• Be generous with your praise when it is deserved; beconsistent and honest; be fair and just; do not criti-cize players publicly; learn to be a more effectivecommunicator and coach; don’t yell at players.

• Adjust to the personal needs and problems of players;be a good listener; never verbally or physically abusea player or official; give all players the opportunity toimprove their skills, gain confidence and developself-esteem; teach them the basics.

• Organize practices that are fun and challenging foryour players. Familiarize yourself with the rules,techniques and strategies of hockey; encourage allyour players to be team players.

• Maintain an open line of communication with yourplayers’ parents. Explain the goals and objectives ofyour association.

• Be concerned with the overall development of yourplayers. Stress good health habits and clean living.


x USA Hockey

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• To play the game is great; to love the game is greater.

On-Ice Officials Code of Conduct

• Act in a professional and businesslike manner at alltimes and take your role seriously.

• Strive to provide a safe and sportsmanlike environ-ment in which players can properly display theirhockey skills.

• Know all playing rules, their interpretations and theirproper application.

• Remember that officials are teachers. Set a goodexample.

• Make your calls with quiet confidence, never witharrogance.

• Control games only to the extent that is necessaryto provide a positive and safe experience for allparticipants.

• Violence should never be tolerated.

• Be fair and impartial at all times.

• Answer all reasonable questions and requests.

• Adopt a “zero tolerance” attitude toward verbal orphysical abuse.

• Never use foul or vulgar language when speakingwith a player, coach or parent.

• Use honesty and integrity when answering questions.

• Admit your mistakes when you make them.

Code of Conduct

Official Rules xi

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• Never openly criticize a coach, player or otherofficial.

• Keep your emotions under control.

• Use only USA Hockey–approved officiating tech-niques and policies.

• Maintain your health through a physical condition-ing program.

• Dedicate yourself to personal improvement andmaintenance of your officiating skills.

• Respect your supervisor and his/her critique of yourperformance.

Parents Code of Conduct

• Do not force your children to participate in sports,but support their desire to play their chosen sport.Children are involved in organized sports for theirenjoyment. Make it fun.

• Encourage your child to play by the rules. Remem-ber, children learn best by example, so applaud thegood plays of both teams.

• Do not embarrass your child by yelling at players,coaches or officials. Showing a positive attitudetoward the game and all of its participants will bene-fit your child.

• Emphasize skill development and practices and howthey benefit your young athlete. De-emphasizegames and competition in the lower age groups.


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• Know and study the rules of the game, and supportthe officials on and off the ice. This approach willhelp develop and support the game. Any criticism ofthe officials only hurts the game.

• Applaud good efforts in both victory and defeat, andenforce the positive points of the game. Never yell orphysically abuse your child after a game or practice—it is destructive. Work toward removing the physicaland verbal abuse in youth sports.

• Recognize the importance of volunteer coaches. Theyare important to the development of your child andthe sport. Communicate with them and supportthem.

• If you enjoy the game, learn all you can abouthockey—and volunteer.

Players Code of Conduct

• Play for fun.

• Work hard to improve your skills.

• Be a team player; get along with your teammates.

• Learn teamwork, sportsmanship and discipline.

• Be on time for practices and games.

• Learn the rules and play by them. Always be a goodsport.

• Respect your coach, your teammates, your parents,your opponents and the officials.

Code of Conduct

Official Rules xiii

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• Never argue with an official’s decision.

Spectators Code of Conduct

• Display good sportsmanship. Always respect players,coaches and officials.

• Act appropriately; do not taunt or disturb other fans;enjoy the game together.

• Cheer good plays made by all participants; avoid boo-ing opponents.

• Cheer in a positive manner and encourage fair play;profanity and objectionable cheers or gestures areoffensive.

• Help provide a safe and fun environment; throwingany items on the ice surface can cause injury to play-ers or officials.

• Do not lean over or pound on the glass; the glasssurrounding the ice surface is part of the playingarea.

• Support the referees and coaches by trusting theirjudgment and integrity.

• Be responsible for your own safety; be alert in orderto prevent accidents caused by flying pucks and otheravoidable situations.

• Respect locker rooms as private areas for players,coaches and officials.

• Be supportive after the game—win or lose. Recognizegood effort, teamwork and sportsmanship.


xiv USA Hockey

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Zero Tolerance PolicyIn an effort to make ice and inline hockey more

desirable and rewarding experiences for all participants,the USA Hockey Youth, Junior and Adult Councils andthe InLine Section have instructed the Officiating Pro-gram to adhere to certain points of emphasis relating tosportsmanship. This campaign is designed to require allplayers, coaches, officials, parents/spectators and teamofficials and administrators to maintain a sportsmanlikeand educational atmosphere before, during and after allUSA Hockey–sanctioned games.

Thus, the following points of emphasis must beimplemented by all Referees and Linesmen:

PlayersA minor penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct (Zero

Tolerance) shall be assessed whenever a player:

1. Openly disputes or argues any decision by an official.

2. Uses obscene or vulgar language at any time, includ-ing any swearing, even if it is not directed at a partic-ular person.

3. Visually demonstrates any sign of dissatisfactionwith an official’s decision.

Any time that a player persists in any of theseactions, they shall be assessed a misconduct penalty. Agame misconduct shall result if the player continuessuch action.

CoachesA minor penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct (Zero

Tolerance) shall be assessed whenever a coach:

Zero Tolerance Policy

Official Rules xv

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1. Openly disputes or argues any decision by an official.

2. Uses obscene or vulgar language in a boisterous man-ner to anyone at any time.

3. Visually displays any sign of dissatisfaction with anofficial’s decision including standing on the boards orstanding in the bench doorway with the intent ofinciting the officials, players or spectators.

Any time that a coach persists in any of theseactions, they shall be assessed a game misconductpenalty.

OfficialsOfficials are required to conduct themselves in a

businesslike, sportsmanlike, impartial and constructivemanner at all times. The actions of an official must beabove reproach. Actions such as “baiting” or incitingplayers or coaches are strictly prohibited.

Officials are ambassadors of the game and mustalways conduct themselves with this responsibility inmind.

Parents/SpectatorsThe game will be stopped by game officials when

parents/spectators displaying inappropriate and disrup-tive behavior interfere with other spectators or thegame. The game officials will identify violators to thecoaches for the purpose of removing parents/spectatorsfrom the spectator’s viewing and game area. Onceremoved, play will resume. Lost time will not bereplaced and violators may be subject to further discipli-nary action by the local governing body. This inappro-priate and disruptive behavior shall include:


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1. Use of obscene or vulgar language in a boisterousmanner to anyone at any time.

2. Taunting of players, coaches, officials or other spec-tators by means of baiting, ridiculing, threat of physi-cal violence or physical violence.

3. Throwing of any object in the spectators viewingarea, players bench, penalty box or on ice surface,directed in any manner as to create a safety hazard.

Points of Emphasis2003 Through 2005 Seasons

Late Avoidable Check and Contact After the WhistleIce hockey is a fast-paced game that requires partici-

pants to master many skills. Skating, stickhandling,passing, shooting and body checking all require certainskills that are unique to the sport. When these skills areproperly executed, the speed and beauty of the game areunmatched. However, there is growing concern amongUSA Hockey’s volunteer leadership that the physicalaspect of the game is being used as a means of intimi-dating an opponent. This comes at the expense of thefinesse skills at all levels of our game. This is especiallytrue when an emphasis is placed on “finishing yourcheck” (late avoidable body check) and any deliberatecontact after the whistle.

In an effort to address these concerns, USA Hockeyis placing special emphasis for the 2003–04 and2004–05 playing seasons on actions used to intimidatean opponent. These include the delivery of a late andavoidable body check to a player who is no longer inpossession and control of the puck and any unneces-sary contact with an opponent after play has been

Points of Emphasis

Official Rules xvii

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stopped. The purpose of a body check is to separateyour opponent from the puck. The practice of “finish-ing the check,” when used as a means of intimidatingor punishing an opponent, should no longer be toler-ated and should be penalized under the late avoidablecheck rule.

In the spirit of “Heads Up Hockey,” coaches aredirected to properly teach the skills necessary to legallybody check an opponent, without intimidation, and topromote the positive skills of angling and body position.In addition, officials are directed to strictly enforce allacts of illegal body checking, including the late avoid-able body check (roughing), boarding, charging, check-ing from behind, cross checking, elbowing and rough-ing. All players must be held responsible for playing in asafe and sportsmanlike manner.

Any avoidable contact with an opponent after thewhistle must also be strictly penalized under theUnnecessary Roughness (Roughing) rule. This includesthe delivery of an avoidable body check when it is clearthat play is to be stopped, or has been stopped, and con-tact after the whistle in the crease or slot area after thepuck has been covered by the goalkeeper, including con-tact with the goalkeeper’s glove in an effort to free thepuck. The practice of “protecting the goalkeeper” in anintimidating manner, where contact is made with anopponent after the whistle, should not be tolerated andinstead penalized in every instance. When penalties areto be assessed for contact after the whistle, the refereeshould attempt to identify the instigator and assess anadditional penalty to the player who initiated the con-tact.

Coaches are requested to place special emphasis onproper body checking techniques during practice. USA


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Hockey’s Coaching Education Program will also step upits coaching curriculum on body checking to assist localyouth coaches in doing so. In addition, coaches and par-ents are encouraged to support the decisions of refereesat all times, but especially when an infraction is calledfor a late avoidable check or contact after the whistle.The Officiating Education Program has also beendirected to increase awareness among the officials inregard to these issues.

StickworkUSA Hockey is also placing a special emphasis on

eliminating all stick infractions from the game for the2003–04 and 2004–05 seasons. All stick infractions,including high sticking, slashing, hooking, cross-checking, spearing and butt-ending should be strictlypenalized by the on-ice officials. When an injury is theresult of any of these infractions, the officials have noother option but to assess a major penalty plus a gamemisconduct or a match penalty. There is no place in thegame of hockey for illegal use of a stick, and theseactions should not be tolerated by players, coaches, par-ents or officials.

Fair Play and RespectFair play and respect are the backbone of any

successful youth sports program. In order for a positiveenvironment to be created, it is imperative that all par-ticipants have respect for their opponent, the officials,themselves and the game of hockey as a whole. Often-times, the atmosphere on the bench and in the standsinfluences the environment on the ice for all partici-pants. Maintaining a positive attitude based on trustand respect, while displaying good sportsmanship, is a

Points of Emphasis

Official Rules xix

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must for every participant in order for our game to con-tinue to grow and to promote the development of skillsand enjoyment in the game.

Being positive, playing fair, showing respect and hav-ing fun is a philosophy that cannot be ignored. USAHockey encourages all members of our family to placesportsmanship at the top of their priorities for theupcoming seasons.

ConclusionAs you have probably noticed, the minimal number

of rule changes that have been incorporated into the2003–05 Official Playing Rules indicates that the gameof hockey is in good shape. The goal of USA Hockey isto promote a safe and positive playing environment forall participants with a focus on skill development. Withthe cooperation of all players, coaches, officials and par-ents, the above “points of emphasis” will support thecontinuation of these goals for the game of ice hockeyat the amateur level.

Note to ReaderPlease note that the shaded text within this edition

of the Official Rules signifies an adjustment within thatparticular text.


xx USA Hockey

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Rules Governing the Gameof Ice Hockey


The Rink

Note: Within this text, the words “he,” “him” and “his”are used to include both male and female participants.


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Page 24: The Ultimate Auth ority - Cornell University Hockey Rulebook.pdf · The Official Rules of Ice Hockeyis the essential resource for players, coaches, referees, parents and fans. Included

Rule 101 Rink(a) The game of “Ice Hockey” shall be played on an

ice surface known as a “RINK.”

Rule 102 Dimensions of Rink(a) As nearly as possible, the dimensions of the rink

shall be 200 feet long and 100 feet wide. In all icerinks used for invitational tournaments andregional Playoffs and national championships theice surface dimensions shall be not less than 185feet by 85 feet.

The rink shall be surrounded by a wooden orfiberglass wall or fence, known as the“BOARDS,” which shall extend not less than 40inches and not more than 48 inches above thelevel of the ice surface. The ideal height of theboards above the ice surface shall be 42 inches. Itis recommended that the kickplate at the bottomof the boards be yellow.

The corners shall be uniformly rounded in thearc of a circle with a radius of 23 feet minimum to28 feet maximum.

(b) The boards shall be constructed in such a mannerthat the surface facing the ice shall be smooth andfree of any obstruction or any object that couldcause injury to players.

All doors giving access to the playing surfacemust swing away from the ice surface.

It is recommended that the entire rink, includ-ing players and penalty benches, be enclosed by

Dimensions of Rink

Official Rules 3

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The Rink

4 USA Hockey

protective safety glass, wire and/or other protec-tive screens of sufficient height designed to sepa-rate players from spectators. All gear used to holdsuch protective equipment in place shall bemounted on the boards on the side away from theplaying surface.

Rule 103 Goal Posts and Nets(a) Thirteen feet from each end of the rink and in

the center of a red line two inches wide drawncompletely across the width of the ice and con-tinuing vertically up the side of the boards, regu-lation goal posts and nets shall be set in such amanner as to remain stationary during theprogress of a game. The goal posts may be kept inposition by metal rods, pipes or similar meansaffixed in the ice or floor. If anchoring of the goalposts is applicable, they shall be anchored insuch a manner as to permit a goal post to be dis-lodged when hit by a degree of force such aswould be provided by a player sliding into orbeing checked into it.

If the distance from the end of the rink to thegoal line is not 13 feet, it must be a minimum of12 feet and a maximum of 15 feet.

(b) The goal posts shall be of approved design andmaterial, extending vertically four feet above thesurface of the ice and set six feet apart measuredfrom the inside of the posts. A cross bar of thesame material as the goal posts shall extend fromthe top of one post to the top of the other. It is rec-

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ommended that the goal frames do not have ametal deflector plate along the base of the back ofthe goal frame.

(c) There shall be attached to each goal frame a net ofapproved design.

(d) The goal posts and cross bars shall be painted inred and all other exterior surfaces shall be paintedin white.

(e) The red line, two inches wide, between the goalposts on the ice and extended completely acrossthe rink, shall be known as the “GOAL LINE.”

(f) The Goal area, enclosed by the goal line and thebase of the goal, shall be painted white.

Rule 104 Goal Crease and Goalkeeper’s Privileged Area

(a) In front of each goal a “GOAL CREASE” area shallbe marked by a red line two inches in width.

(b) The goal crease shall be laid out as follows: Asemi-circle six feet in radius and two inches inwidth shall be drawn using the center of the goalline as the center point. The goal crease area,excluding the red lines, shall be painted light bluein color. It is recommended that there shall be two“L-shaped” red markings in each goal crease. Eachline shall be five inches long and two inches wide.The corners shall touch the goal crease line fourfeet out from the goal line. The lines shall be bothparallel and perpendicular to the goal line.

Goal Crease and Goalkeeper’s Privileged Area

Official Rules 5

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(c) The goal crease area shall include all the spaceoutlined by the semi-circular crease lines (includingcrease lines) and extending vertically to the levelof the top of the goal frame.

(d) The goalkeeper’s “PRIVILEGED AREA” is an areabounded in the rear by the end boards, in front byan imaginary line connecting the end zone face-offspots and on the sides by imaginary lines extend-ing perpendicular from the end boards to the endzone face-off spots. (For the goalkeeper’s privilegeswithin this area, see Rules 606(b) Note, Chargingand 612(b), Falling on Puck.)

(e) The goalkeepers may only take warm-ups in theGoalkeeper’s Privileged Area extended to includethe area formed by a line from each end zone face-off spot to where the goal line meets the sideboards. (See Rink diagram.)

For a violation of this rule, after a warning, theoffending team shall be assessed a bench minorpenalty.

Rule 105 Division of Ice Surface(a) The ice area between the two goals shall be

divided into three parts by lines, 12 inches inwidth and blue in color, drawn 60 feet out fromthe goal lines and extended completely across therink, parallel with the goal lines and continuedvertically up the side of the boards. The 60 feetshall be measured from the edge of the goal lineclosest to the end boards to the furthest edge ofthe blue line.

The Rink

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(b) That portion of the ice surface in which the goal issituated shall be called the “DEFENDING ZONE”of the team defending that goal; the central por-tion shall be known as the “NEUTRAL ZONE”and the portion farthest from the defended goal asthe “ATTACKING ZONE.” The zone line shall beconsidered part of the zone that the puck is in.

(c) There shall also be a line, 12 inches in width andred in color, drawn completely across the rink incenter ice, parallel with the goal lines and contin-ued vertically up the side of the boards, known asthe “CENTER LINE.” This line shall contain atregular intervals markings of a uniform and dis-tinctive design that will easily distinguish it fromthe two blue lines, the outer edges of which mustbe continuous.

Rule 106 Center Ice Spot and Circle(a) A circular blue spot, 12 inches in diameter, shall be

marked exactly in the center of the rink; and withthis spot as a center, a circle of 15 feet radius shallbe marked with a blue line 2 inches in width. Thewidth of this line shall be included in the radius.

Rule 107 Face-off Spots in Neutral Zone(a) Two red spots two feet in diameter shall be

marked on the ice in the Neutral Zone five feetfrom the near edge of the blue line. Within eachface-off spot draw two parallel lines four inchesfrom the top and bottom of the spot. The areawithin the two lines shall be painted red, the

Face-off Spots in Neutral Zone

Official Rules 7

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remainder shall be painted white. The spots shallbe 44 feet apart and each shall be a uniform dis-tance from the adjacent boards.

Rule 108 End Zone Face-off Spots and Circles(a) In both end zones and on both sides of each goal,

red face-off spots and circles shall be marked onthe ice. The face-off spots shall be two feet indiameter. Within each face-off spot draw two par-allel lines four inches from the top and bottom ofthe spot. The area within the two lines shall bepainted red, the remainder shall be painted white.

One foot away from the outer edges of the face-off spot, two lines shall be drawn parallel with theside boards that shall be four feet in length and 18inches apart. Parallel to the end boards, commenc-ing at the end of the line nearest to the face-offspot, a line shall extend 2 feet 10 inches in length.All lines shall be 2 inches in width.

The circles shall be 2 inches wide with a radiusof 15 feet from the center of the face-off spots. Thewidth of this line shall be included in the radius.On both sides of each end zone face-off circle shallbe two lines 2 feet long, 2 inches wide and 4 feetapart.

(b) The location of the face-off spots shall be fixed inthe following manner: Along a line 20 feet fromeach goal line and parallel to it, mark two points22 feet on both sides of the straight line joiningthe centers of the two goals. Each such point shallbe the center of a face-off spot and circle.

The Rink

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Rule 109 Players’ Bench

(a) Each rink shall be provided with seats or benchesfor the use of players of both teams and theaccommodations provided including benches anddoors shall be uniform for both teams. Such seatsor benches shall have accommodations for at least14 persons of each team and shall be placed imme-diately alongside the ice, in the Neutral Zone, asnear to the center of the rink as possible withdoors opening in the Neutral Zone and convenientto the dressing rooms.

Each players’ bench should be 24 feet in length.The players’ benches should be on the same sideof the playing surface opposite the penalty benchand should be separated by a substantial distance.Where physically possible, each players’ benchshall have two doors in the Neutral Zone and alldoors opening to the playing surface shall be con-structed so that they swing inward.

(b) None but players in uniform and Team Officials(up to a maximum of four) shall be permitted tooccupy the bench area so provided.

(c) There shall be no use of tobacco products or alco-holic beverages on the players’ bench, penaltybench, timekeeping area or on the ice by any per-son. A team shall be warned by the Referee for thefirst offense by any player or Team Official duringa game and, thereafter, a bench minor penaltyshall be assessed for each such offense during thegame.

Players’ Bench

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The Rink

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Rule 110 Penalty Bench(a) Each rink must be provided with benches or seats

to be known as the “PENALTY BENCH.” It ispreferable to have separate penalty benches foreach team to be separated from each other andsubstantially separated from either players’ bench.The penalty bench(es) must be situated in theNeutral Zone.

Nonpenalized players and goalkeepers are notpermitted to occupy the penalty bench. For a vio-lation of this rule, play shall not continue untilremoval of the offending person(s).

(b) On the ice immediately in front of the PenaltyTimekeeper’s seat there shall be marked in red onthe ice a semicircle of 10 feet radius and twoinches in width that shall be known as the “REF-EREE’S CREASE.”

Rule 111 Signal and Timing Devices(a) Each rink shall be provided with a siren or other

suitable sound device for the use of Timekeepers.

(b) Each rink shall be provided with some form ofelectrical clock for the purpose of keeping thespectators, players and game officials accuratelyinformed as to all time elements at all stages ofthe game, including the time remaining to beplayed in any period.

Time recording for both game time and penaltytime shall show time remaining to be played orserved.

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(c) Behind each goal electric lights shall be set up forthe use of the Goal Judges. A red light will signalthe scoring of a goal. Where automatic lights areavailable, a green light will signify the end of aperiod or a game.

(Note) A goal cannot be scored when a green lightis showing.

The red light shall be connected to the timingdevice in such a manner so that when the periodends it will not be possible for the Goal Judge toturn it on. However, the fact that the Goal Judgemay not be able to turn on the red light does notnecessarily mean that no goal has been scored.The determining factor is whether or not the puckcompletely crosses the entire goal line before theperiod ends.

Signal and Timing Devices

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Rules Governing the Gameof Ice Hockey




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Captain of Team

Official Rules 15

Rule 201 Composition of Teams(a) A team must start a game with six players on the

ice. Any time that a team has been reduced to lessthan four players, the game shall be declared a for-feit. A maximum of 20 players, including goal-keepers, shall be permitted to play in a game.

The maximum number of players, excluding goal-keepers, shall not exceed 18.

(b) Each team shall appoint and designate on thescoresheet a Head Coach prior to the start of thegame. The Head Coach shall be in control of andresponsible for the actions of all team personnel.

Rule 202 Captain of Team(a) One Captain and not more than two Alternates

shall be appointed by each team. In each instance,only one of these designated players shall have theprivilege of discussing with the Referee any ques-tions relating to interpretation of rules that mayarise during the progress of a game. They shouldwear the letter “C” or “A,” approximately threeinches in height and in contrasting color, in a con-spicuous position on the front of the sweater.

(b) The Referee and Official Scorer shall be advisedprior to the start of each game, the name of theCaptain of the team and the designated Alternate(s).This information will be added to the score sheet.

(c) No goalkeepers shall be entitled to exercise theprivileges of Captain.

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(d) Any Captain or player who comes off the benchand makes any protest or intervention with theOfficials for any purpose shall be assessed a minorpenalty under Rule 601(a), Abuse of Officials.

A complaint about a penalty is NOT a matter“relating to the interpretation of the rules” and aminor penalty shall be imposed against any Cap-tain or other player making such a complaint.

Rule 203 Players in Uniform(a) At the beginning of each game the Manager or

Coach of each team shall list the players and goal-keepers who shall be eligible to play in the game.This list shall be given to the Referee or OfficialScorer and no change shall be permitted in the listor addition thereto shall be permitted after com-mencement of the game, except as permittedunder Rule 203(b).

(b) However, if the Referee deems the omission as aninadvertent clerical error, a rostered player or goal-keeper may be added to the score sheet during astoppage of play after commencement of the game.The offending team shall be assessed a benchminor penalty for each such addition.

No roster deletions are permitted under thisrule, and maximum roster size under Rule 201(a)shall limit the number of allowable additions.

(c) Each team shall be allowed one goalkeeper onthe ice at one time. The goalkeeper may beremoved and another player substituted. Such


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Players in Uniform

Official Rules 17

substitute shall not be permitted the privileges ofthe goalkeeper.

A goalkeeper may be substituted for by anothergoalkeeper during play with full goalkeeper privi-leges. However, once a goalkeeper has beenreplaced by a substitute goalkeeper, he may notreturn to play until the next stoppage of play. For aviolation, a bench minor penalty shall be assessedfor illegal substitution.

(d) Each player and each goalkeeper listed in thelineup of each team shall wear a visible individu-ally identifying number at least 10 inches high onthe back of his sweater.

The number may be eight inches in the Midgetand Bantam classifications and six inches in heightin the Squirt, Pee Wee and Mite classifications.

All players of each team shall be dresseduniformly.

(e) It is recommended that each team have on itsbench a substitute goalkeeper who shall be fullydressed and equipped to play.

When the substitute goalkeeper enters thegame he will take his position without delay andno warm-up shall be permitted, except wheneither team uses its Time-out under Rule 637(e).

(f) Except when the goalkeeper(s) is/are incapacitated,no player on the playing roster in that game shallbe permitted to wear the equipment of the goal-keeper. If a team’s goalkeeper(s) is/are unavailableto continue, a team must immediately appoint a

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temporary goalkeeper (see Glossary) or place anadditional skater on the ice with none of the goal-keeper’s privileges.

Rule 204 Playing Lineup(a) Upon the Referee’s signal prior to the start of a

period and following any stoppage of play, the visit-ing team shall promptly place a lineup on the ice,ready for play and no substitution shall be madefrom that time until play has been resumed. Thehome team may then make any desired substitu-tion that does not result in the delay of the game.

If there is any undue delay by either team inchanging lines, the Referee shall order the offend-ing team or teams to take their positions immedi-ately and not permit line changes.

(Note) When a substitution has been made underthe above rule, no additional substitution may bemade until play commences except when anypenalty is imposed.

Rule 205 Change of Players(a) Players may be changed at any time from the play-

ers’ bench, provided that the player or players leav-ing the ice shall always be at the players’ benchand out of the play before any change is made.

If, in the course of making a substitution,either the player entering or leaving the gamedeliberately plays the puck with the stick,skates or hands, or checks or makes any physi-


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cal contact with an opposing player while theretiring player is actually on the ice, then abench minor penalty for “too many players onthe ice” will be called.

(Note) If, in the course of a substitution, eitherthe player entering the play or the player retir-ing is struck by the puck accidentally, the playwill not be stopped and no penalty will becalled.

(b) A goalkeeper may be changed for another player at any time under the conditions set out in thissection.

(Note) When a goalkeeper leaves his goal area andproceeds to his players’ bench for the purpose ofsubstituting another player, the rear Linesmanshall be responsible to see that the substitutionmade is not illegal by reason of the prematuredeparture of the substitute from the bench (beforethe goalkeeper is at the bench and out of play). Ifthe substitution is made prematurely, the Lines-man shall stop the play immediately by blowinghis whistle unless the nonoffending team haspossession of the puck, in which event the stop-page will be delayed until the puck changeshands. There shall be no time penalty to theteam making the premature substitution but theresulting face-off will take place on the centerface-off spot. Where play has stopped with thepuck in the offending team’s defending half of theice, the face-off shall take place at the point of the

Change of Players

Official Rules 19

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stoppage of play, unless otherwise covered inthese rules.

(c) If there are less than two minutes remaining ineither regulation time or anytime during overtimeand a minor or bench minor penalty is imposed fordeliberate illegal substitution, such as too manyplayers on the ice or leaving the penalty bench toosoon, a penalty shot/optional bench minor shall beawarded against the offending team in lieu of theminor or bench minor penalty.

(Note) The intent of this rule is to award apenalty shot/optional bench minor only when theextra player(s) are “deliberately” put on the ice.When a substitution error is made and there aretoo many players on the ice, the normal benchminor penalty shall be assessed regardless of thetime remaining in the game.

(d) A player serving a penalty on the penalty bench,who is to be changed after the penalty has beenserved, must proceed at once by way of the ice andbe at his own players’ bench before any change canbe made.

(e) During a stoppage of play a goalkeeper may not goto his players’ bench without the permission of theReferee unless he is substituted for by anotherplayer or goalkeeper. When a substitution for thegoalkeeper has been made under this rule, the goal-keeper shall not resume his position until playresumes, except that he shall be permitted imme-diate re-entry into the game when any penalty isimposed.


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(f) For a violation of this rule a bench minor penaltyshall be imposed unless otherwise provided in thePlaying Rules.

Rule 206 Injured Players(a) When a player, other than a goalkeeper, is injured

or compelled to leave the ice during a game, hemay retire from the game and be replaced by asubstitute, but play must continue without theteams leaving the ice.

(b) If a goalkeeper sustains an injury or becomes ill hemust be ready to resume play immediately or bereplaced by a substitute goalkeeper. No additionaltime shall be allowed by the Referee for the pur-pose of enabling the injured or ill goalkeeper toresume his position. (See also Rule 205(e).)

(c) The substitute goalkeeper shall be subject to theregular rules governing goalkeepers and shall beentitled to the same privileges.

(d) If a penalized player has been injured he may pro-ceed to the dressing room without the necessity oftaking a seat on the penalty bench.

If the injured player receives a minor or majorpenalty, the penalized team shall place a substi-tute on the penalty bench immediately and noreplacement for the penalized player shall be per-mitted to enter the game except from the penaltybench, provided that should the penalized playerreturn to the game before his penalty has expired,he may replace the substitute player on thepenalty bench during a stoppage of play.

Injured Players

Official Rules 21

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The penalized player who has been injured andbeen replaced on the penalty bench shall not beeligible to play until his penalty has expired.

For a violation of this rule a bench minorpenalty shall be imposed.

(Note) No substitution on the penalty bench isrequired under this rule for any player(s) whohave been immediately substituted on the iceunder Rule 402(f)-coincident minor penaltiesand/or Rule 403(c)-coincident major penalties.

(e) When a player is injured so that he cannot con-tinue play or go to his bench, the play shall not bestopped until the injured player’s team has securedpossession of the puck; if the player’s team is inpossession of the puck at the time of injury, playshall be stopped immediately, unless his team isin a scoring position.

(Note) In the case where it is obvious that aplayer has sustained a serious injury, the Refereeand/or Linesman may stop the play immediately.

(f) A player other than a goalkeeper, whose injuryappears serious enough to warrant the stoppage ofplay, may not participate further in the game untilthe completion of the ensuing face-off.

(g) A player or goalkeeper who is obviously bleedingshall be ruled off the ice immediately if observedduring a stoppage of play. If observed during play,play shall be stopped immediately and the bleed-ing player or goalkeeper then ruled off the ice. Said


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player or goalkeeper shall not be allowed to returnto play until the bleeding has been stopped and thecut or abrasion covered. It is required that anyaffected equipment/uniform be properly deconta-minated or exchanged.

Likewise, if an on-ice official is bleeding, at thenext stoppage, said official shall seek treatment tostop the bleeding and cover the cut or abrasionbefore continuing. It is required that any affectedequipment/uniform be properly decontaminatedor exchanged.

Injured Players

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Rules Governing the Gameof Ice Hockey




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Official Rules 27

Rule 301 Sticks(a) The sticks shall be made of wood or other material

approved by the Rules Committee, and must nothave any projections. Adhesive tape of any colormay be wrapped around the stick at any place forthe purpose of reinforcement or to improve con-trol of the puck. The end of a hollow stick must befully covered.

(b) No stick shall exceed 63 inches in length from theheel to the end of the shaft. The widened portion ofthe goalkeeper’s stick extending up the shaft fromthe blade shall not extend more than 26 inches fromthe heel and shall not exceed 31⁄2 inches in width.

The blade of a player’s stick shall not exceed121⁄2 inches from the heel to the end of the blade,nor shall the blade be more than 3 inches in widthat any point nor less than 2 inches in width.

The blade of the goalkeeper’s stick shall notexceed 31⁄2 inches in width at any point except atthe heel, where it must not exceed 41⁄2 inches inwidth, nor shall the goalkeeper’s stick exceed 151⁄2inches in length from the heel to the end of theblade.

All edges of the blade shall be beveled.

(c) The curvature of the blade of the stick shall berestricted in such a way that the distance of a per-pendicular line measured from a straight linedrawn from the base of the heel to the base of thetoe to the point of maximum curvature shall notexceed 1⁄2 inch.

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(d) A minor penalty shall be imposed on any player orgoalkeeper who uses a stick not conforming to theprovisions of this rule.

(Note 1) When a formal complaint is made by theCaptain of a team against the dimensions of anystick, the Referee shall make the necessary mea-surement immediately.

If the complaint is not sustained, a benchminor penalty shall be imposed on the teamrequesting the measurement.

(Note 2) A player who participates in the playwhile carrying a stick to his goalkeeper shallincur a minor penalty under this rule.

(Note 3) If a goal is scored with an illegal stick,the proper penalty shall be assessed and the goalshall be allowed.

(e) A minor plus a misconduct penalty shall be imposedon any player who refuses to surrender his stick formeasurement when requested to do so by the Referee.

(f) A minor penalty shall be assessed to a player orgoalkeeper who participates in the play while he isin possession of more than one stick, except thatno penalty shall be assessed to a player who isaccidentally struck by the puck while he is carry-ing a replacement stick to a teammate.

Rule 302 Skates(a) All players and On-Ice Officials must wear hockey

skates of a design approved by the Rules Commit-


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tee. All skates worn by players (but not goalkeep-ers) and by the On-Ice Officials shall be equippedwith approved safety heel tips, if so designed.

When the Referee becomes aware that anyplayer is wearing skates on which the protectiveheel tip is missing or broken, if so designed, heshall order that player off the ice immediately andsuch player shall not be permitted to participatefurther in the game until the heel tip has beenreplaced.

It is recommended that all players (except goal-keepers) and On-Ice Officials wear skates withblades that have been approved by HECC.

(b) The use of speed skates or fancy skates or anyskate so designed that it may cause injury isprohibited.

Rule 303 Goalkeeper’s Equipment(a) With the exception of skates and stick, all the

equipment worn by the goalkeeper must be con-structed solely for the purpose of protecting thehead or body, and he must not wear any garmentor use any contrivance that would give him undueassistance in keeping goal.

(Note) Cages on gloves and abdominal apronsextending down the front of the thighs on theoutside of the pants are prohibited. “Cage”shall mean any lacing or webbing or other mater-ial in the goalkeeper’s glove joining the thumband index finger that is in excess of the minimum

Goalkeeper’s Equipment

Official Rules 29

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necessary to fill the gap when the goalkeeper’sthumb and forefinger in the glove are fullyextended and spread and includes any pocket orpouch effect produced by excess lacing or web-bing or other material between the thumb andforefinger when fully extended or spread.

Protective padding attached to the back orforming part of goalkeeper’s blocker glove shall notexceed 8 inches in width nor more than 16 inchesin length at any point. The cuff of the goalkeeper’scatching glove shall not exceed 81⁄ 2 inches inwidth nor should the circumference of the gloveexceed 48 inches. Any bar or attachment (cheaterbar) between the cuff and the thumb shall onlyextend from the cuff to the thumb in a straightline. Any other pocket, pouch or contrivanceadded to the glove by a manufacturer or other-wise is not acceptable and makes the glove illegal.

(b) The leg guards worn by goalkeepers shall notexceed 12 inches in extreme width when on theleg of the player.

(c) It is compulsory for all goalkeepers to wear hel-mets and full face masks. Throat/neck protectorsare recommended. No form fitted face masks shallbe permitted, with the following exception:

Any goalkeeper in the Adult age classifications(male and female), who has reached the age ofmajority and who has signed the proper waiver,may wear any form fitted face mask. Such maskshall include a back skull plate in lieu of an HECCapproved helmet.

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Protective Equipment

Official Rules 31

(d) A minor penalty shall be imposed on any goal-keeper using illegal equipment in a game. Anyrequired measurement or other examination shallbe conducted immediately.

Rule 304 Protective Equipment(Note) Although some protective equipment is notmandatory in all age classifications, USA Hockeystrongly recommends that all players and goal-keepers in all age classifications properly wearan internal mouthpiece, a HECC approved hel-met and a HECC approved full face mask for allgames and practices.

(a) Each participant is personally responsible to wearprotective equipment for all games, warm-ups andpractices. Such equipment should include gloves,shin pads, shoulder pads, elbow pads, hip pads orpadded hockey pants, protective cup, tendon padsplus all head protective equipment as required by USAHockey rules. It is recommended that all protectiveequipment be designed specifically for ice hockey.

All protective equipment, except gloves, paddedhockey pants, helmet/face mask and goalkeeper’sleg guards, must be worn under the uniform. Forviolation of this rule after a warning by the Ref-eree a minor penalty shall be imposed.

(Note) Players, including goalkeepers, violatingthis rule shall not be permitted to participate inthe game until such equipment has been cor-rected or removed.

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In all classifications, if the goalkeeper’shelmet/face mask comes off during play, the Ref-eree or Linesman shall stop play immediately.

In all classifications excluding Adults, if a play-er’s helmet/face mask comes off during play, theReferee or Linesman shall stop play immediately.The player shall be ruled off the ice and may notparticipate in the game until completion of theensuing face-off.

A minor penalty shall be assessed to a goal-keeper or player who causes a stoppage of play bydeliberately removing his helmet/face mask dur-ing play.

In Adult classifications a player, excluding thegoalkeeper, whose helmet/face mask has come offhis head during play may not resume play untilhis helmet/face mask has been properly replaced.A player not conforming to this rule shall beassessed a minor penalty.

(b) It is compulsory for all players in all classifica-tions to wear a hockey helmet, with helmet strapproperly fastened. (See Rule 304(d) Note.)

It is mandatory that all players wear a HECCapproved helmet (including ear protection) withthe following exception:

Players in the Adult age classification mustwear a hockey helmet (HECC approved or not)with helmet strap properly fastened.

All players on the players’ and the penaltybench must wear the protective helmet/face maskwhile in the bench area. For a violation of this

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Protective Equipment

Official Rules 33

rule, after a warning by the Referee, a misconductpenalty shall be assessed to the offending player.

(c) All players, including goalkeepers, in the Pee Weethrough Midget (including High School) and in theGirls/Women 10-or-under through 19-or-under ageclassifications are required to wear a colored (non-clear) internal mouthpiece that covers all theremaining teeth of one jaw, customarily the upper.

For the first violation of this rule, the team shallbe issued a warning. A misconduct penalty shall beassessed to any player or goalkeeper of that teamfor a subsequent violation during that game.

It is recommended, in all classifications, thatthe mouthpiece be form fitted by a dentist.

(d) All players, including goalkeepers, in all age classi-fications below Adults, are required to wear a facemask certified by HECC, plus any chin protectionthat accompanies the face mask.

(Note) Any helmet or face mask that is alteredexcept as permitted in Rule 304(b) shall bedeemed to be illegal equipment and shall not beallowed to be used in a game. (This shall includehelmets from which a part has been cut orremoved, face masks from which the chin-cup hasbeen removed or any other such alterations fromthe original manufacturing specifications.)

(e) All players must wear the required protectiveequipment in the manner for which it is designed.For violation of this rule a misconduct penaltyshall be imposed.

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Rule 305 Dangerous Equipment(a) The use of pads or protectors made of metal, or of

any other material likely to cause injury to aplayer, is prohibited.

The wearing of casts or splints made of hard orunyielding materials is prohibited, even if padded,unless directed in writing by a licensed medicalphysician. Such casts or splints must be covered onall exterior surfaces with no less than 1⁄2-inch thick,high-density, closed-cell polyurethane or an alter-nate material of the same minimum thickness andsimilar physical properties to protect an injury.

(b) A glove from which all or part of the palm hasbeen removed or cut to permit the use of the barehand shall be considered illegal equipment. Amisconduct penalty shall be imposed on anyplayer wearing such a glove in play.

(c) Except for Adults, no player or goalkeeper shall bepermitted on the ice while wearing jewelry unlessit is completely covered by equipment or taped tothe body.

Rule 306 Puck(a) The puck shall be made of vulcanized rubber or

other approved material, one inch thick and threeinches in diameter and shall weigh between fiveand one-half ounces and six ounces and be blackin color.

(b) For the 10-or-under (Youth) and for the 10-or-under (Girls) and below age classifications, it is

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Electronic Devices

Official Rules 35

required that the puck weigh between four ouncesand four and one-half ounces and be blue in color.

Rule 307 Equipment Measurement(a) A request for measurement of any equipment cov-

ered by this section shall be limited to one requestby each team during the course of any stoppage ofplay.

(b) The Referee may, at his own discretion, measureany equipment, other than a stick, used for thefirst time in the game.

(c) The Referee shall assess a bench minor penaltyagainst a team that requests any measurement(excluding mouthpiece) if the measurement veri-fies that the equipment is legal.

Rule 308 Electronic Devices(a) The use of one or two-way radios, lights or other

electronic devices as a means for Team Officials orspectators to communicate with players or goal-keepers shall be prohibited. For violation, thedevice will be removed and the team assessed abench minor penalty.

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stick curve measurements

stick shaft measurements

stick blade measurements

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Equipment Diagrams

Official Rules 37

goalkeeper leg pad measurements

goalkeeper blocker measurements

goalkeeper catching glove circumference

goalkeeper cuff measurements

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31/2” 41/2”

goalkeeper stick blade measurements

goalkeeper stick shaft measurements

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Rules Governing the Gameof Ice Hockey




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Rule 401 Penalties(a) Penalties shall be actual playing time and shall be

divided into the following classes:

(1) Minor/Bench Minor Penalties

(2) Major Penalties

(3) Misconduct Penalties

(4) Match Penalties

(5) Penalty Shot

Where coincident penalties are imposed onplayers of both teams, the penalized players of thevisiting team shall take their positions on thepenalty bench first in the place designated for vis-iting players or, where there is no special designa-tion, then on the bench farthest from the gate.

(Note) When play is not actually in progress andan offense is committed by any player or TeamOfficial, the same penalty shall apply as thoughplay were actually in progress.

Rule 402 Minor Penalties(a) For a “MINOR PENALTY,” any player, other

than a goalkeeper, shall be ruled off the ice fortwo minutes during which time no substituteshall be permitted.

(b) For a “BENCH MINOR” penalty one player of theteam against which the penalty is imposed shallbe ruled off the ice for a period of two minutes,

Minor Penalties

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during which time no substitute shall be permit-ted. Any nonpenalized player of the team who wason the ice at the time of the infraction, except thegoalkeeper, may be designated to serve the penaltyby the Manager or Coach through the playing Cap-tain, and such player shall take his place on thepenalty bench promptly.

(c) If the opposing team scores a goal while a team isshorthanded (below the numerical strength of itsopponent on the ice at the time of the goal) by oneor more minor penalties, one of such penaltiesshall automatically terminate.

(d) When the minor penalties of two players of thesame team terminate at the same time the Cap-tain of that team shall designate to the Refereewhich of such players will return to the ice firstand the Referee will instruct the Penalty Time-keeper accordingly.

(e) When a player receives a major penalty and aminor penalty at the same time the major penaltyshall be served first by the penalized player exceptunder Rule 403(c) in which case the minor penaltywill be recorded and served first.

(Note) This applies to the case where BOTHpenalties are imposed on the SAME player. Seealso Note to Rule 408 (Delayed Penalties).

(f) When coincident minor penalties are imposedagainst players of both teams, the penalized play-ers shall take their place on the penalty bench andsuch penalized players shall not leave the penalty

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Major Penalties

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bench until the first stoppage of play following theexpiration of their respective penalties. Immediatesubstitutions shall be made for an equal number ofminor penalties or coincident minor penalties ofequal duration to each team so penalized and thepenalties of the players for whom substitutionshave been made shall not be taken into accountfor the purpose of a delayed penalty under Rule408 (Delayed Penalties).

Rule 403 Major Penalties(a) For the first “MAJOR PENALTY” in any one

game, the offender, except the goalkeeper, shall beruled off the ice for five minutes, during whichtime no substitute shall be permitted.

(b) For the second major penalty in the same game tothe same player or goalkeeper, that player shall beassessed a game misconduct penalty in addition tothe major penalty. The player or goalkeeper shallbe suspended for his team’s next two games. Thistwo-game suspension is in addition to any otherrequired suspensions incurred during the sameincident. Unless immediate substitution is per-mitted under the coincident major penalty Rule403(c), the penalized team shall immediately placea nonpenalized player other than a goalkeeper onthe penalty bench and such player may not bechanged.

(c) When coincident major penalties or coincident penal-ties of equal duration including a major penalty are

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imposed against players of both teams, the penalizedplayers shall all take their place on the penaltybench and such penalized players shall not leavethe penalty bench until the first stoppage of playfollowing the expiration of their respective penalties.

Immediate substitutions shall be made for anequal number of major penalties or coincidentpenalties of equal duration including a majorpenalty to each team so penalized and the penal-ties of the players for which substitutions havebeen made shall not be taken into account for thepurpose of a delayed penalty under Rule 408(Delayed Penalties).

(d) Where it is required to determine which of thepenalized players shall be designated to serve thedelayed penalty under Rule 408 (Delayed Penal-ties), the penalized team shall have the right tomake such designation not in conflict with Rule402 (Minor Penalties).

Rule 404 Misconduct Penalties(a) A “MISCONDUCT” penalty involves the removal

of a player, other than a goalkeeper, from the gamefor a period of 10 minutes, but another player ispermitted to immediately replace a player soremoved. A player whose misconduct penalty hasexpired shall remain in the penalty bench untilthe next stoppage of play.

Unless immediate substitution is permittedunder the coincident penalty rules 402(f) and403(c), when a player receives a minor or a major


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Misconduct Penalties

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penalty plus a misconduct or game misconductpenalty at the same time, the penalized team shallimmediately place an additional nonpenalizedplayer other than a goalkeeper on the penaltybench and such player may not be changed.

Any violation of this provision shall be treatedas illegal substitution under Rule 205 (Change ofPlayers) calling for a bench minor penalty.

(b) A “GAME MISCONDUCT” penalty involves thesuspension of a player or Team Official for the bal-ance of the game, but another player is permittedto immediately replace a player removed.

(c) A player or Team Official incurring a game mis-conduct penalty shall be suspended for his team’snext game (the game already appearing on theschedule of that team at the time of the infraction),except that when such penalty is imposed underRule 403(b) (Second Major in Game) there shall bea minimum two-game suspension.

(Note) In all cases where a game misconductpenalty is assessed, the incident shall be reportedto the proper authorities who shall have fullpower to impose further suspensions.

(d) Any player (Midget age classification and below,including High School and Senior Women) whoincurs five penalties in the same game shall beassessed a game misconduct penalty.

Any Adult player who incurs five penalties inthe same game shall be immediately ejected fromthe game with no further suspension.

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Any Head Coach whose team (Midget age clas-sification and below, including High School andSenior Women) receives 15 or more penalties dur-ing one game shall be suspended for the next onegame of that team.

(Note) For all game misconduct penalties regard-less of when imposed, a total of 10 minutes shallbe charged in the records against an offendingplayer.

(e) If any Team Official is assessed a game miscon-duct penalty, he may not sit near the bench of histeam, nor in any way attempt to direct the play ofhis team.

Rule 405 Match Penalties(a) A “MATCH” penalty involves the suspension of a

player or Team Official for the balance of thegame, and the offender shall be removed from thegame immediately. Unless immediate substitu-tion is permitted under the coincident penaltyrules 403(c) and 405(b), the penalized team shallimmediately place a nonpenalized player otherthan a goalkeeper on the penalty bench to servethe time portion (five minutes) of the matchpenalty, as prescribed by the applicable rule, andsuch player may not be changed. The player shallalso serve any additional minor or major penaltyassessed to the offending player or Team Officialunless immediate substitution is permitted underthe coincident penalty rules 402(f) and 403(c).

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(Note) For all “MATCH” penalties, regardless ofwhen imposed, or prescribed additional penal-ties, a total of 10 minutes shall be charged in therecords against the offending player or TeamOfficial.

(b) When coincident match penalties have beenimposed or when any combination of coincidentmajor and match penalties have been imposed ona player or players of both teams, Rule 403(c) cov-ering coincident major penalties will be applicablewith respect to player substitutions.

(c) A player or Team Official incurring a matchpenalty shall be suspended from participating inany USA Hockey games and practices until hiscase has been dealt with by the proper authorities.A mandatory hearing by the proper authoritiesshall be held and a decision made relative to anyfurther disciplinary action within 30 days of theincident. If extenuating circumstances prevent theproper authorities from conducting the mandatoryhearing the player or Team Official shall be auto-matically reinstated after 30 days.

(Note) The Referee is required to report all matchpenalties and the surrounding circumstances tothe proper authorities immediately following thegame in which they occur.

(d) If any Team Official is assessed a match penalty,he may not sit near the players’ bench of his team,nor in any way attempt to direct the play of histeam.

Match Penalties

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(e) Original jurisdiction in any hearing resulting froma match penalty assessed under Rule 601(g.1) or601(j.1) (Physical Assault of Officials) shall residewith the Affiliate Association.

Rule 406 Penalty Shot(a) A “Penalty Shot” shall be taken as follows:

The Referee shall cause to be announced overthe public address system the name of the playerdesignated by him or selected by the team entitledto take the shot (as appropriate) and shall thenplace the puck on the center face-off spot and theplayer taking the shot will, on the instruction ofthe Referee, play the puck from there and shallattempt to score on the goalkeeper. Once theplayer taking the shot has touched the puck, itmust be kept in motion towards the opponent’sgoal line and once it is shot the play shall be con-sidered complete. No goal can be scored on arebound of any kind and any time the puckcrosses the goal line the shot shall be consideredcomplete.

Only a player designated as a goalkeeper, sub-stitute goalkeeper or temporary goalkeeper (seeGlossary) may defend against a penalty shot.

(b) The goalkeeper must remain in his crease until theplayer taking the penalty shot has touched thepuck and in the event of violation of this rule orany foul committed by a goalkeeper the Refereeshall allow the shot to be taken and if the shot failshe shall permit the penalty shot to be taken again.


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The goalkeeper may attempt to stop the shot inany manner except by throwing his stick or anyobject, in which case a minor penalty shall beassessed to the goalkeeper, whether or not a goal isscored on the penalty shot.

(Note) See Rule 636 (Throwing Stick).

(c) In cases where a penalty shot has been awardedunder Rule 609(c)-deliberately displacing goalpostor removing helmet/face mask during a break-away, Rule 621(f)-interference, under Rule 625(g)-for illegal entry into the game, under Rule 636(a)-for throwing a stick and under Rule 639(c)-forfouling from behind, the Referee shall designatethe player who has been fouled as the player whoshall take the penalty shot.

In cases where a penalty shot has been awardedunder Rule 205(c)-deliberate illegal substitutionwith less than two minutes remaining in regula-tion time or anytime during overtime, under Rule609(c)-deliberately displacing goalpost with lessthan two minutes remaining in regulation time oranytime during overtime, Rule 612(c)-falling onthe puck in the crease or Rule 615(d)-picking upthe puck from the crease area, the penalty shotshall be taken by a player selected by the Captainof the nonoffending team from the players on theice at the time the foul was committed. Suchselection shall be reported to the Referee and can-not be changed.

If by reason of injury the player designated bythe Referee to take the penalty shot is unable to do

Penalty Shot

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so within a reasonable time, the shot may be takenby a player selected by the Captain of the nonof-fending team from the players on the ice at thetime the foul was committed. Such selection shallbe reported to the Referee and cannot be changed.

If the offense for which the penalty shot wasawarded was such as would normally incur aminor or bench minor penalty, the nonoffendingteam may, prior to the penalty shot, elect that theminor or bench minor penalty be assessed to theoffending player or team in lieu of the penalty shot.

(d) Should the player in respect to whom a penaltyshot has been awarded himself commit a foul inconnection with the same play or circumstances,either before or after the penalty shot has beenawarded, be designated to take the shot, he shallfirst be permitted to do so before being sent to thepenalty bench to serve the penalty, except whensuch a penalty is for a game misconduct or matchpenalty, in which case the penalty shot shall betaken by a player selected by the Captain of thenonoffending team from the players on the ice atthe time the foul was committed.

If, at the time a penalty shot is awarded, thegoalkeeper of the penalized team has beenremoved from the ice for another player, the goal-keeper shall be permitted to return to the icebefore the penalty shot is taken.

(e) While the penalty shot is being taken, players ofboth sides shall withdraw to the sides of the rinkand beyond the center red line.


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(f) If, while the penalty shot is being taken, anyplayer of the opposing team shall have by someaction interfered with or distracted the playertaking the shot and because of such action theshot should have failed, a second attempt shall bepermitted and the Referee shall impose amisconduct penalty on the player so interferingor distracting.

(g) If a goal is scored from a penalty shot, the puckshall be faced at center ice in the usual way. If agoal is not scored, the puck shall be faced at eitherof the end face-off spots in the zone in which thepenalty shot has been tried.

(h) Whether or not a goal is scored from a penaltyshot, if the offense for which the penalty shot wasawarded was such as to incur:

(1) a major, match or misconduct penalty, suchpenalty shall be imposed in addition to thepenalty shot.

(2) a minor or bench minor penalty, the offendingteam shall not be reduced in on-ice strength asa result.

(i) If the foul upon which the penalty shot is basedoccurs during actual playing time, the penalty shotshall be awarded and taken immediately in theusual manner, notwithstanding any delay occa-sioned by a slow whistle by the Referee to permitthe play to be completed which delay results in theexpiration of the regular playing time in any period.

Penalty Shot

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The time required for the taking of a penaltyshot shall not be included in the regular playingtime or any overtime.

Rule 407 Goalkeeper Penalties(a) A goalkeeper shall not be sent to the penalty bench

for an offense that incurs a minor, major or mis-conduct penalty, but instead any of these penaltiesshall be served by another member of his teamwho was on the ice when the offense was commit-ted, such player to be designated by the Manager orCoach of the offending team through the Captainand such substitute shall not be changed.

(b) Should a goalkeeper incur a game misconductpenalty, his place will be taken by a member of hisown team, or by a substitute or temporary goal-keeper who is available, and such player will beallowed the goalkeeper’s full equipment. He shallalso be suspended under the appropriate game mis-conduct rule (404(c)).

(c) Should a goalkeeper incur a match penalty, his placewill be taken by a member of his own team, or by asubstitute goalkeeper who is available, and suchplayer will be allowed the goalkeeper’s equipment.However, any additional penalties as specificallycalled for by the individual rules covering matchpenalties will apply, and the offending team shall bepenalized accordingly; such additional penalty to beserved by another member of the team on the ice atthe time the offense was committed, said player tobe designated by the Manager or Coach of theoffending team through the Captain.


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(d) A minor penalty shall be imposed on a goalkeeperwho leaves the immediate vicinity of his creaseduring an altercation.

(Note) All penalties imposed on a goalkeeper,regardless of who serves the penalty, or any sub-stitution, shall be charged in the records againstthe goalkeeper.

(e) If a goalkeeper deliberately participates in the playin any manner when he is beyond the center redline, a minor penalty shall be imposed upon him.

Rule 408 Delayed Penalties(a) If a third player of any team shall be penalized

while two players of the same team are servingpenalties, the penalty time of the third playershall not commence until the penalty time of oneof the two players already penalized shall haveelapsed. Nevertheless, the third player penalizedmust at once proceed to the penalty bench andmay be replaced by a substitute until such time asthe penalty time of the penalized player shallcommence.

(b) When any team shall have three players servingpenalties at the same time and because of thedelayed penalty rule a substitute for the thirdoffender is on the ice, none of the three penalizedplayers on the penalty bench may return to the iceuntil play has been stopped. When play has beenstopped, the player whose full penalty has expiredmay return to the play.

Delayed Penalties

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Provided, however, that the Penalty Time-keeper shall permit the return to the ice in theorder of expiration of their penalties, of a player orplayers when by reason of the expiration of theirpenalties the penalized team is entitled to havemore than four players on the ice.

(c) In the case of delayed penalties, the Referee shallinstruct the Penalty Timekeeper that the penal-ized players whose penalties have expired shallonly be allowed to return to the ice when there isa stoppage of play.

When the penalties of two players of the sameteam will expire at the same time the Captain ofthat team will designate to the Referee which ofsuch players will return to the ice first and theReferee will instruct the Penalty Timekeeperaccordingly.

When a major and a minor penalty are imposedat the same time on players of the same team, thePenalty Timekeeper shall record the minor asbeing the first of such penalties.

(Note) This applies to the case where the twopenalties are imposed on DIFFERENT players ofthe same team. See also Rule 402(e) (Note),(Minor Penalties).

Rule 409 Calling of Penalties(a) Should an infraction of the rules be committed by

a player of the team in possession and control ofthe puck, the Referee shall immediately stop playand assess the penalty(s) to the offending player(s).


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The resulting face-off shall be made at the placewhere the play was stopped unless the stoppageoccurs in the Attacking Zone of the player penal-ized in which case the face-off shall be made at thenearest face-off spot in the Neutral Zone.

(b) Should an infraction of the rules be committed bya player of a team NOT in possession and controlof the puck the Referee shall signify the calling ofa penalty by raising his arm and upon completionof the play by the team in possession will immedi-ately stop play and assess the penalty to theoffending player.

(Note 1) There shall be no signal given by the Ref-eree for a misconduct or game misconductpenalty under this section.

(Note 2) “Completion of the play by the team inpossession” in this rule means that the puck musthave come into the possession and control of anopposing player or goalkeeper, or has been“frozen.” This does not mean a rebound off thegoalkeeper, the goal or the boards or any acciden-tal contact with the body or equipment of anopposing player.

The resulting face-off shall be made at the placewhere the play was stopped, unless during theperiod of a delayed whistle due to a foul by aplayer of the team NOT in possession, the teamin possession ices the puck, shoots the puck fromits Defending Zone so that it goes out of boundsor is unplayable then the face-off following the

Calling of Penalties

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stoppage shall take place in the Neutral Zonenear the defending blue line of the team shootingthe puck.

If the penalty or penalties to be imposed areminor penalties and a goal is scored on the play bythe nonoffending team, the first minor penaltyshall not be imposed but all other penalties shallbe imposed in the normal manner regardless ofwhether or not a goal is scored.

(c) If after the Referee has signalled a penalty butbefore the whistle has been blown the puck shallenter the goal of the nonoffending team as thedirect result of the action of a player of that team,the goal shall be allowed and the penalty signalledshall be imposed in the normal manner.

(d) If the Referee signals an additional minorpenalty(s) against a team that is already short-handed shorthanded (below the numericalstrength of its opponent on the ice at the time ofthe goal) because of one or more minor or benchminor penalties, and a goal is scored by the nonof-fending team before the whistle is blown, the goalshall be allowed, the delayed penalty(s) shall beassessed and the first noncoincident minor penaltyalready being served shall terminate automaticallyunder Rule 402(c) (Minor Penalties).

(e) Should the same offending player commit otherfouls on the same play, either before or after theReferee has blown his whistle, the offendingplayer shall serve such penalties consecutively.

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Supplementary Discipline

Official Rules 57

(f) All minor and bench minor penalties occurring aftera goal has been scored or during the stoppage of playwhen a penalty shot is being attempted, shall beserved in the normal manner under this rule.

Rule 410 Supplementary Discipline(a) In addition to the suspensions imposed under these

rules, the proper disciplinary authority may, at theconclusion of the game, at their discretion, investi-gate any incident that occurs in connection withany game and may assess additional suspensionsfor any offense committed before the game, duringthe course of a game or any aftermath thereof by aplayer or Team Official, whether or not suchoffense has been penalized by the Referee.

(b) Suspensions imposed during a USA Hockey State,District or Regional Play-Off, or during a NationalChampionship, must be served during that samePlay-Off or Championship. If the length of suspen-sion carries beyond that Play-Off for an advancingteam, the Discipline Committee of the followingPlay-Off or Championship shall be the sole author-ity in determining the eligibility of the individual(s).

(c) In the case of a Match penalty, the proper discipli-nary authority (as defined in the Glossary) shall berequired to conduct any disciplinary actions inaccordance with the provisions of USA Hockey’s“Resolutions of Disputes, Arbitration and Suspen-sions” section of the current USA Hockey AnnualGuide.

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Rules Governing the Gameof Ice Hockey




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Rule 501 Appointment of Officials(a) For Regional and National Championships, the

District Referee-in-Chief or his duly appointedrepresentative shall appoint the Referees andLinesmen.

Tournament officials shall appoint a GameTimekeeper, a Penalty Timekeeper, an OfficialScorer and two Goal Judges.

(b) Referee System-The official method of refereeingUSA Hockey games is with a Referee and twoLinesmen. However, Districts or Regions areauthorized to use two Referees for games undertheir jurisdiction. When reference is made toLinesmen under Rule 503 (all clauses) the dutiesof the Linesmen will be carried out by both Refer-ees in the two-official system.

Rule 502 Referee(a) The “REFEREE” shall have general supervision of

the game and shall have full control of all gameofficials, team officials and players before, duringand after the game, including stoppages; and incase of any dispute, his decision shall be final.

On-Ice Officials should enter the ice surfaceprior to warm-ups and remain on the ice at theconclusion of each period until all players haveproceeded to their dressing rooms. Penalties mayalso be assessed during the warm-up period.

(b) All On-Ice Officials shall wear black trousers,official sweaters and a black hockey helmet, with


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helmet strap fastened. It is strongly recommendedthat all On-Ice Officials wear a half-shield visorproperly attached to their helmets. All On-IceOfficials shall wear the current USA Hockey offi-ciating crest on the left chest of the sweater dur-ing all games. Any other crest that is worn mustbe located on either arm of the sweater. Theyshall be equipped with whistles and metal tapemeasures with minimum length of six feet. Thewearing of name-plates shall be regulated by eachLeague.

(c) The Referee shall order the teams on the ice atthe appointed time for the beginning of a gameand at the commencement of each period. If forany reason there are more than 15 minutes delayin the commencement of the game or any unduedelay in resuming play after the 15 minute inter-vals between periods, the Referee shall state inhis report to the proper authorities the cause ofthe delay and the team or teams that were atfault.

(d) When he becomes aware of any lack of confor-mity to the regulations on equipment, it shall behis duty to see that the required equipment is inuse.

(e) The Referee shall, before starting a game, see thatthe appointed Game Timekeeper, Penalty Time-keeper, Official Scorer and Goal Judges are in theirrespective places, and satisfy himself that the tim-ing and signaling equipment is in order.

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(f) It shall be his duty to impose such penalties asare prescribed by the rules for infractionsthereof, and he shall give the final decision inmatters of disputed goals. The Referee may con-sult with the Linesmen or Goal Judges beforemaking his decision.

(g) The Referee shall announce to the Official Scoreror Penalty Timekeeper all goals and assists legallyscored as well as penalties, and for what infrac-tions such penalties are imposed.

The Referee shall cause to be announced overthe public address system the reason for not allow-ing a goal every time the goal signal light is turnedon in the course of play. This shall be done at thefirst stoppage of play regardless of any signal givenby the Referee when the goal signal light was puton in error.

The Referee shall report to the Official Scorerthe name or number of the goal scorer and anyplayers entitled to assists.

(Note) The name of the scorer and any playerentitled to an assist will be announced on thepublic address system. In the event that the Ref-eree disallows a goal for any violation of the rules,he shall report the reason for disallowance to theOfficial Scorer who shall announce the Referee’sdecision over the public address system.

The infraction of the rules for which eachpenalty has been imposed will be announced cor-rectly, as reported by the Referee, over the publicaddress system. Where players of both teams are


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penalized on the same play, the penalty to the vis-iting player will be announced first.

(h) The Referee shall see to it that players of opposingteams are separated on the penalty bench to pre-vent feuding.

(i) If, through misadventure or sickness, the Refereeand/or Linesmen appointed are prevented fromappearing, the Managers or Coaches of the twoteams shall agree on a Referee and Linesmen. Ifthey are unable to agree, they shall appoint a playerfrom each team who shall act as Referee and Lines-man; the player of the home team acting as Referee,and the player of the visiting team as Linesman.

(j) If the regularly appointed officials appear duringthe progress of the game, they shall at once replacethe temporary officials.

(k) Should an appointed Linesman be unable to act atthe last minute or through sickness or accident beunable to finish the game, the Referee shall havethe power to appoint another, in his stead, if hedeems it necessary, or if required to do so by theManager or Coach of either of the competing teams.

(l) If for any reason one Official is unable to continueto officiate (three-man system), the game shall beofficiated with one Referee/one Linesman or withtwo Referees as mandated by the local governingbody.

(m) The Referee shall check team rosters and all play-ers in uniform before signing reports of the game.


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Rule 503 Linesman(a) The duties of the “LINESMAN” are to determine

any infractions of the rules concerning off-sideplay at the blue lines, at the center line, or anyviolation of the “Icing the Puck” rule.

He shall stop play when the puck goes outsidethe playing area, when it is interfered with by anyineligible person, when it is struck above theheight of the shoulder, when it is passed to ateammate with the hand and when the goal posthas been displaced from its normal position. Whenhe is in the near vicinity of the goal, he shall stopplay when he observes the puck enter the goal. Heshall stop play for off-sides occurring at the face-off circles. He shall stop play when there has beena premature substitution for a goalkeeper underRule 205(a) (Change of Players), for injured playersunder Rule 206(e), and interference by spectatorsunder Rule 622(a).

(b) He shall conduct the face-off at all times, except atthe start of the game, at the beginning of eachperiod and after a goal has been scored.

The Referee may call upon a Linesman to con-duct a face-off at any time.

(c) He shall, when requested to do so by the Referee,give his version of any incident that may havetaken place during the playing of the game.

(d) He shall not stop play to report any penalty exceptany violation of Rule 205(a) and (c), Change ofPlayers (too many players on the ice) and any vio-


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lation of Rules 601(c.2) and 601(h.3) (articlesthrown on the ice from vicinity of players’ orpenalty bench), and he shall report such violationto the Referee who shall impose a bench minorpenalty against the offending team.

He shall report immediately to the Referee hisversion of the circumstances with respect to Rule609(c) (delaying the game by deliberately displac-ing the goal post from its normal position).

He shall report to the Referee at the next stop-page of play his version of any infraction of therules that he believes constitutes a bench minor,major, match, misconduct, game misconduct orpenalty shot under these rules, or any InjuryPotential Penalty (See Glossary) that occursbehind the play and is not observed by the Referee.The Referee, at his discretion, may assess apenalty for such infractions.

(e) Should an Official accidentally leave the ice orreceive an injury that incapacitates him from dis-charging his duties while play is in progress, thegame shall be immediately stopped by an On-IceOfficial.

Rule 504 Goal Judge(a) There shall be one “GOAL JUDGE” at each goal.

They shall not be members of either team engagedin a game, nor shall they be replaced during itsprogress unless after the commencement of thegame it becomes apparent that either Goal Judge,on account of partisanship or any other cause, is

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guilty of giving unjust decisions, in which case theReferee may appoint a replacement.

(b) Goal Judges shall be stationed behind the goalsduring the progress of play, in properly screenedcages, so that there can be no interference withtheir activities; and they shall not change goalsduring the game.

(c) In the event of a goal being claimed, the GoalJudge of that goal shall decide whether or not thepuck has passed between the goal posts, under thecrossbar and entirely over the goal line. His deci-sion is simply “goal” or “no goal.”

Rule 505 Penalty Timekeeper(a) The “PENALTY TIMEKEEPER” shall keep, on the

official forms provided, a correct record of allpenalties imposed by the On-Ice Officials includ-ing the names of the players penalized, the infrac-tions penalized, the duration of each penalty andthe time at which each penalty was imposed. Heshall report to the Referee any player or TeamOfficial who is in violation of Rule 404(d) (GameMisconduct). He shall report in the Penalty Recordeach penalty shot awarded, the name of the playertaking the shot and the result of the shot.

(b) The Penalty Timekeeper shall check and ensurethat the time served by all penalized players is cor-rect. He shall be responsible for the correct postingof all penalties on the scoreboard at all times andshall promptly call to the attention of the Referee

Penalty Timekeeper

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any discrepancy between the time recorded on theclock and the official correct time and he shall beresponsible for making any adjustments orderedby the Referee.

He shall, upon request, give a penalized playercorrect information as to the unexpired time of hispenalty.

(Note 1) The infraction of the rules for which eachpenalty has been imposed will be announcedtwice over the public address system as reportedby the Referee. Where players of both teams arepenalized on the same play, the penalty to the vis-iting player will be announced first.

(Note 2) Misconduct penalties and coincidentminor or major penalties should not be recordedon the timing device, but such penalized playersshould be alerted and released at the first stoppageof play following the expiration of their penalties.

Rule 506 Official Scorer(a) Before the start of the game, the “OFFICIAL

SCORER” shall obtain from the Manager or Coachof both teams a list of all eligible players of eachteam, which information shall be made known tothe opposing team Manager or Coach before thestart of play, either personally or through theReferee.

The Official Scorer shall secure the names ofthe Captain and Designated Alternate(s) from theManager or Coach and will so indicate by placing


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Official Scorer

Official Rules 69

the letter “C” or “A” opposite their names on thescore sheet. For Youth and Girls/Women games(19-or-younger), prior to the start of the game Scorer shall enter on the score sheet thesignatures of all coaches, one of whom shall bedesignated as Head Coach, along with the CEPcard number, CEP level and the year the CEP levelwas attained for each coach.This information shallbe presented to the Referee for his signature at thecompletion of the game.

(b) The Official Scorer shall keep a record of the goalsscored, the scorers and players to whom assistshave been credited, and shall indicate those play-ers on the lists who have actually taken part in thegame. He shall also record the time of entry intothe game of any substitute or temporary goal-keeper. He shall record on the Official Score Sheeta notation where a goal is scored when the goal-keeper has been removed from the ice.

(c) The awards of points for goals and assists shall beannounced over the public address system and allchanges in such awards shall also be announced inthe same manner.

No requests for changes in any award of pointsshall be considered unless they are made at orbefore the conclusion of actual play in the gameby the team Captain.

(d) The Official Scorer shall also prepare the OfficialScore Sheet for signature by the Referee and for-ward it to the proper authorities.

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Rule 507 Game Timekeeper(a) The “GAME TIMEKEEPER” shall signal the Ref-

eree and the competing teams for the start of thegame and each succeeding period, and the Refereeshall start the play promptly in accordance withRule 637 (Time of Match). To assist in assuringthe prompt return to the ice of the teams and On-Ice Officials, the Game Timekeeper shall give apreliminary warning three minutes prior to theresumption of play in each period.

(b) If the rink is not equipped with an automaticgong, bell or siren, or if such device fails to func-tion, the Game Timekeeper shall signal the end ofeach period by ringing a gong or bell or by blowinga whistle.

(c) He shall cause to be announced on the publicaddress system at the appropriate time in eachperiod that there is one minute remaining to beplayed in the period.

(d) The Game Timekeeper shall not sound the hornor buzzer during play to notify the Referee of amalfunction of the clock or any other equipment.He shall note the time and, when play is stopped,notify the Referee of the problem. In the event ofany dispute regarding time, the matter shall bereferred to the Referee for adjustment and his deci-sion shall be final.


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Rule 508 Proper Authorities(a) The term “proper authorities” or “proper discipli-

nary authority” as applied under these rules isdefined as the governing body of the team orteams involved, as determined by the Affiliate.

Proper Authorities

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Rules Governing the Gameof Ice Hockey


Playing Rules


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Rule 601 Abuse of Officials and OtherMisconduct

(Note) In the enforcement of this rule the Refereehas, in many instances, the option of imposing a“bench minor penalty,” “minor penalty” or a“misconduct penalty.” In principle the Referee isdirected to impose a “bench minor penalty” inrespect to the violations that occur on or in theimmediate vicinity of the players’ bench but offthe playing surface, and in all cases affecting non-playing personnel or players. A “minor penalty”or “misconduct penalty” should be imposed forviolations that occur on the playing surface or inthe penalty bench area and where the penalizedplayer is readily identifiable.

An infraction covered under Rules 601(a)through (c) that occurs after the game shall be ini-tially penalized under Rule 601(d).

(a) Any player who challenges or disputes the rulingsof any Official or endeavors to incite an opponent(including taunting) or create a disturbance duringthe game shall be assessed a minor penalty forunsportsmanlike conduct. If the player persists insuch challenge or dispute, he shall be assessed amisconduct penalty, and any further dispute bythe same player will result in a game misconductpenalty being assessed.

(b) Any player who shoots the puck after the whistlehas been blown shall be assessed a minor penaltyfor unsportsmanlike conduct if, in the opinion of

Abuse of Officials and Other Misconduct

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the Referee, the player had sufficient time afterthe whistle to refrain from taking such shot.

(c) If any player is guilty of any one of the follow-ing, his team shall be assessed a bench minorpenalty:

(1) In the vicinity of the players’ bench, usingobscene, profane or abusive language to anyperson or using the name of any Official cou-pled with any vociferous remarks.

(2) In the vicinity of the players’ bench or penaltybench, throwing anything into the playing areaduring the progress of the game or during astoppage of play.

(d) If any player is guilty of any one of the following,he shall be assessed a misconduct penalty:

(1) Using obscene, profane or abusive language toany person on the ice or anywhere in the rinkbefore, during or after the game.

(2) During a stoppage, intentionally knocking,throwing or shooting the puck out of reach ofan Official who is retrieving it.

(3) Deliberately throwing the stick, or any otherequipment, out of the playing area at any time.

(4) After being penalized, not proceeding directlyand immediately to the penalty bench andtaking his place on the penalty bench, or tothe dressing room, when so ordered by the Ref-eree (gloves, stick, etc., shall be delivered to

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him at the penalty bench or dressing room by ateammate).

(5) Entering or remaining in the Referee’s creasewhile the Referee is reporting to or consult-ing with any Game Official including Lines-men, Timekeeper, Penalty Timekeeper, Offi-cial Scorer or Announcer except for thepurpose of taking his place on the penaltybench.

(6) Interfering in any nonphysical manner withany Game Official including Referee, Lines-man, Timekeepers or Goal Judges in the perfor-mance of their duties.

(e) If any player is guilty of any one of the following,he shall be assessed a misconduct or game miscon-duct penalty:

(1) Touching or holding the Referee, Linesman orany other Game Official with his hand orstick.

(2) Continuing or attempting to continue a fight oraltercation after he has been ordered by theReferee to stop, or resisting the Linesman inthe discharge of his duties.

(3) Intentionally banging the boards, protectiveglass, dasher boards or goal with a stick orany other instrument at any time. (If theoffense is committed in protest of an offi-cial’s decision, a minor penalty for unsports-manlike conduct plus a misconduct or game

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misconduct shall be assessed the offendingplayer.)

(f) If any player is guilty of any one of the follow-ing, he shall be assessed a game misconductpenalty:

(1) Persisting in any course of conduct for whichhe has previously been assessed a misconductpenalty.

(2) Using obscene gestures or racial/ethnic slurs onthe ice or anywhere in the rink before, duringor after the game.

(g) If any player is guilty of any of the following, heshall be assessed a match penalty:

(1) Deliberately inflicting physical harm to aGame Official in any manner or attempting todo so.

(Note) Any game official assessing a matchpenalty under Rule 601(g)1 shall file withtheir USA Hockey District Referee-in-Chief awritten game report within 48 hours of theincident.

(2) Deliberately injuring an opposing Team Offi-cial in any manner or attempting to do so.

(3) Behaving in any manner that is critically detri-mental to the conducting of the game, includ-ing spitting at an opponent, spectator, game orteam official, or verbally threatening a GameOfficial with physical harm.

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Abuse of Officials and Other Misconduct

Official Rules 79

(h) If any Team Official is guilty of any one of the fol-lowing, his team shall be assessed a bench minorpenalty:

(1) Banging the boards with a stick or other instru-ment at any time.

(2) Using obscene, profane or abusive language orabusive gestures (including taunting) to anyperson or using the name of any Official cou-pled with any vociferous remarks.

(3) Throwing anything into the playing area fromthe vicinity of the players’ bench during thegame or during a stoppage of play.

(4) Using threatening or abusive language or ges-tures or similar actions designed to incite anopponent into incurring a penalty.

(5) Interfering in any nonphysical manner withany Game Official including the Referee, Lines-man, Timekeepers or Goal Judges in the perfor-mance of their duties.

(i) If any Team Official is guilty of any of the following,he shall be assessed a game misconduct penalty:

(1) Using obscene gestures or racial/ethnic slurs onthe ice or anywhere in the rink before, duringor after the game.

(2) Persisting in any course of conduct for whichhe has previously been assessed a bench minorpenalty.

(3) Interfering in any physical manner with anyGame Official, including the Referee, Linesman,

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Timekeepers or Goal Judges in the performanceof their duties.

(j) If any Team Official is guilty of any one of the fol-lowing, he shall be assessed a match penalty:

(1) Deliberately inflicting physical harm to a gameofficial in any manner or attempting to do so.

(Note) Any game official assessing a matchpenalty under Rule 601(j)1 shall file with theirUSA Hockey District Referee-in-Chief a writtengame report within 48 hours of the incident.

(2) Deliberately injuring a player or Team Officialin any manner or attempting to do so.

(3) Behaving in any manner that is critically detri-mental to the conducting of the game, includ-ing spitting at an opponent, spectator, game orteam official, or verbally threatening a GameOfficial with physical harm.

Rule 602 Adjustment to Clothing andEquipment

(a) Play shall not be stopped, nor the game delayed byreason of adjustment to clothing, equipment,skates or sticks. For an infringement of this rule, aminor penalty shall be assessed.

(b) The onus of maintaining clothing and equipmentin proper condition shall be upon the player. Ifadjustments are required, the player shall retirefrom the ice and play shall continue uninterrupt-edly with a substitute.

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(c) No delay shall be permitted for the repair oradjustment of goalkeeper’s equipment. If adjust-ments are required the goalkeeper will retire fromthe ice and his place will be taken by the substi-tute or temporary goalkeeper (See Glossary) imme-diately and no warm-up will be permitted unlessthe team uses its time-out. For an infraction ofthis rule by a goalkeeper, a minor penalty shall beimposed.

Rule 603 Attempt to Injure/Deliberate Injury ofOpponents (Head Butting)

(a) A match penalty shall be imposed on any playerwho deliberately injures or attempts to injure anopponent and the circumstances shall be reportedto the proper authorities for further action. A sub-stitute for the penalized player shall be permittedat the end of the fifth minute.

(b) A match penalty shall be imposed on any player orTeam Official who deliberately injures or attemptsto injure a Team Official or Game Official in anymanner and the circumstances shall be reported tothe proper authorities for further action.

(c) Any player wearing tape or any other material onhis hands who cuts or injures an opponent duringan altercation shall receive a match penalty underthis rule.

(d) A major plus a game misconduct penalty shall beimposed on any player who “head-butts” in such amanner as to in any way foul an opponent.

Attempt to Injure/Deliberate Injury of Opponents

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(Note) “Head-butting” may also be treated as anAttempt to Injure or Deliberate Injury of anOpponent under Rule 603.

Rule 604 Board-Checking(a) A minor or a major penalty, at the discretion of

the Referee based upon the degree of violence ofthe impact with the boards, shall be imposed onany player who body-checks, cross-checks, elbows,charges or trips an opponent in such a manner thatcauses the opponent to be thrown violently intothe boards.

(Note) Any unnecessary contact with a playerplaying the puck on an obvious “icing” or “off-side” play that results in that player beingknocked into the boards is “boarding” and mustbe penalized as such. In other instances wherethere is no contact with the boards it should betreated as “charging.”

“Rolling” an opponent (if he is the puck carrier)along the boards where he is endeavoring to gothrough too small an opening is not boarding.However, if the opponent is not the puck carrier,then such action should be penalized as boarding,charging, interference or if the arms or sticks areemployed it should be called holding or hooking.

(b) When a player injures an opponent as the result of“boarding,” the Referee shall have no alternativebut to impose a major plus a game misconductpenalty on the offending player.

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Rule 605 Broken Stick(a) A player without a stick may participate in the

game. A player or goalkeeper whose stick is bro-ken may participate in the game provided he dropsthe stick. A minor penalty shall be imposed for aninfraction of this rule.

(Note) A broken stick is one that, in the opinionof the Referee, is unfit for normal play.

(b) A replacement for a stick that is either brokenor no longer in possession of a player or goal-keeper may only be obtained from the players’bench or a teammate on the ice. For a violationof this rule a bench minor penalty shall beassessed to the team of the player receiving thereplacement stick provided that no penalty isassessed under Rule 601(c.2) or (h.3) for thisinfraction.

The team, a member of which throws areplacement stick into the playing area, mustbe penalized under Rule 601(c.2) or (h.3),Throwing Articles into the Playing Area. Aplayer receiving a stick so thrown shall not bepenalized.

(Note) The intent of this rule is to provide for theassessment of one penalty for any one illegal stickreplacement.

(c) A goalkeeper whose stick is broken may not go tothe players’ bench for a replacement during a stop-page of play, but must receive his stick from ateammate.

Broken Stick

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For an infraction of this rule a minor penaltyshall be imposed on the goalkeeper.

Rule 606 Charging(a) A minor or a major penalty shall be imposed on a

player who runs or jumps into or charges anopponent.

(Note) If more than two steps or strides are taken,it shall be considered “charging.”

When a player injures an opponent as the resultof “Charging” the Referee shall have no alterna-tive but to impose a major plus a game miscon-duct penalty on the offending player.

(b) A minor or a major penalty shall be imposed on aplayer who body checks or charges a goalkeeperwhile the goalkeeper is within his goal crease orprivileged area.

A goalkeeper is NOT “fair game” just becausehe is outside his privileged area. A penalty forinterference or charging should be called in everycase where an opposing player makes unnecessarycontact with a goalkeeper.

Likewise, Referees should be alert to penalizegoalkeepers for tripping, slashing or spearing inthe vicinity of the goal.

Rule 607 Checking from Behind(a) A minor plus a misconduct penalty, or a major

plus a game misconduct penalty, shall be imposedon any player who body checks or pushes an oppo-nent from behind.

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Cross-Checking or Butt-Ending

Official Rules 85

When a player injures an opponent as theresult of “Checking from Behind” the Refereeshall have no alternative but to impose a majorplus a game misconduct penalty on the offendingplayer.

(Note) Checking from behind may also be treatedas Attempt to Injure or Deliberate Injury of anOpponent under Rule 603.

(b) A major plus a game misconduct penalty shall beimposed on any player who body checks or pushesan opponent from behind head first into the sideboards, end boards or goal frame.

Rule 608 Cross-Checking or Butt-Ending(a) A minor or a major penalty shall be imposed on a

player who “cross-checks” an opponent.

(Note) “Cross-check” shall mean a check deliv-ered with both hands on the stick and no part ofthe stick on the ice.

(b) A major plus a game misconduct penalty shall beimposed on any player who injures an opponent by“cross-checking.”

(c) A major plus a game misconduct penalty shall beimposed on any player who “butt-ends” orattempts to “butt-end” an opponent.

(Note 1) Attempt to “butt-end” shall include allcases where a “butt-end” gesture is maderegardless of whether body contact is made ornot.

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(Note 2) “Butt-ending” may also be treated as anAttempt to Injure or Deliberate Injury of anOpponent under Rule 603.

Rule 609 Delaying the Game(a) A minor penalty shall be imposed on any player or

goalkeeper who delays the game by deliberatelyshooting or batting the puck with his stick outsidethe playing area.

(Note) This penalty shall apply also when a playeror goalkeeper deliberately bats or shoots the puckwith his stick outside the playing area after astoppage of play.

(b) A minor penalty shall be imposed on a goalkeeperwho shoots the puck directly (nondeflected) out-side of the playing area, except that no penaltyshall apply if the puck inadvertently leaves theplaying area in a location that is not protected byglass or screen.

(c) A minor penalty shall be imposed on any player(including a goalkeeper) who delays the game bydeliberately displacing a goal post from its nor-mal position. The Referee or Linesmen shallstop play immediately when a goal post has beendisplaced.

If the defending team has deliberately displacedthe goal post, thereby depriving the attackingteam of an immediate and reasonable scoringopportunity, or if, during the course of a break-away, the goalkeeper (all classifications) or player

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(excluding Adults) deliberately removes hishelmet/face mask, a penalty shot/optional minorpenalty shall be awarded to the nonoffendingteam, which shot shall be taken by the player lastin possession of the puck.

If a player of the defending team deliberatelydisplaces the goal and, in the opinion of the Ref-eree, the puck would have entered the goal had itnot been displaced, or if the defending team delib-erately displaces the goal when the goalkeeper isoff the ice, thereby preventing an obvious andimminent goal, a goal shall be awarded in lieu of apenalty shot.

(Note) A player with a “break-away” is defined asa player in control of the puck with no oppositionbetween the player and the opposing goal andwith a reasonable scoring opportunity.

If a minor penalty for deliberately displacing agoal, or for the goalkeeper (all classifications) orplayer (excluding Adults) deliberately removinghis helmet/face mask during play, is assessedwith less than two minutes remaining in regula-tion time, or at any time during overtime, apenalty shot/optional minor shall be assessedagainst the offending team in lieu of the minorpenalty.

(d) A bench minor penalty shall be imposed uponany team that, after warning by the Referee to itsCaptain to place the correct number of players onthe ice and commence play, fails to comply with

Delaying the Game

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the Referee’s direction and thereby causes anydelay by making additional substitutions, bypersisting in having its players off-side, includingfailure to line up properly for a face-off underRule 611(a), or in any other manner.

(e) A minor penalty shall be imposed on a player orgoalkeeper who deliberately holds the puckagainst the boards, goal or ice with his stick,skate, foot or any other part of his body for thepurpose of delaying the game (see Rule 612(b),Falling on the Puck).

(f) A minor penalty shall be imposed on a goalkeeperwho has an opportunity to play the puck with hisstick prior to being pressured by an attackingplayer, but instead intentionally causes a stoppageof play.

(g) A minor penalty for delaying the game shall beassessed to a player who, after a warning by theReferee, fails to maintain a proper position duringthe conducting of a face-off.

Rule 610 Elbowing or Kneeing(a) A minor or a major penalty shall be imposed on

any player who uses his elbow or knee in such amanner as to in any way foul an opponent.

(b) A major plus a game misconduct penalty shall beimposed on any player who injures an opponent asthe result of a foul committed by elbowing orkneeing.

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Official Rules 89

Rule 611 Face-Offs(a) The puck shall be “faced-off” by the Referee or

the Linesman dropping the puck on the icebetween the sticks of the players “facing-off.”Players facing-off will stand squarely facing theiropponents’ end of the rink approximately onestick length apart with the blade of their stickstouching the ice. The attacking team player shallbe the first player to place his stick on the ice.For face-offs along the center red line, the visit-ing team player shall place his stick on the icefirst.

When the face-off takes place at any of the endface-off spots, the players taking part shall be sta-tionary and stand squarely facing their opponents’end of the rink and clear of the ice markings. Thesticks of both players facing-off shall have theblade on the ice in contact with the nearest whitearea of the face-off spot and clear of the red centerarea of the spot.

No other player shall be allowed to enter theface-off circle or come within 15 feet of the play-ers facing-off the puck, and players other thanthte player facing off must stand on-side on allface-offs.

If a player, other than the player facing off, failsto maintain his proper position, the center of histeam shall be ejected from the face-off.

At the conclusion of the line change procedure,the Official conducting the face-off shall blow hiswhistle. This will signal each team that they have

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no more than five seconds to line up for the ensu-ing face-off. Prior to the conclusion of five sec-onds, the Official shall conduct a proper face-off. Ifany player other than the players facing off fails tomaintain a proper position, the center of that teamshall be ejected from the face-off.

(b) A second violation of any of the provisions of sub-section (a) hereof by the same team during thesame face-off shall be penalized with a minorpenalty to the player who commits the second vio-lation of the rule.

(c) If, after a warning by the Referee or Linesman,either of the players fails to take his proper posi-tion for the face-off within five seconds, the Offi-cial shall be entitled to face-off the puck notwith-standing such default.

(d) In the conduct of any face-off anywhere on theplaying surface, no player facing-off shall makeany physical contact with his opponent’s body bymeans of his own body or by his stick except inthe course of playing the puck after the face-offhas been completed.

For violation of this rule the Referee shallimpose a minor penalty or penalties on theplayer(s) whose action(s) caused the physicalcontact.

(Note) “Conduct of any face-off” commences whenthe On-Ice Official designates the place of the face-off and he takes up his position to drop the puck.

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Official Rules 91

(e) If a player facing-off fails to take his proper posi-tion immediately when directed by the Official,the Official may order him replaced for that face-off by any teammate then on the ice.

No substitution of players shall be permitteduntil the face-off has been completed and play hasbeen resumed except when any penalty is imposed.

(f) When an infringement of a rule has been commit-ted or a stoppage of play has been caused by anyplayer of the attacking team in the AttackingZone the ensuing face-off shall be made in theNeutral Zone on the nearest face-off spot.

(Note) This includes a stoppage of play caused bya player of the attacking team shooting the puckonto the back of the defending team’s goal with-out any intervening action by the defending team.

(g) When an infringement of a rule resulting in a stop-page has been committed by players from bothteams in one play, or when the game is stopped forany reason not specifically covered in these offi-cial rules, the puck must be faced off at the near-est point along the imaginary lines on each sideconnecting the end zone face-off spots to wherethe puck was last played.

(h) When a stoppage occurs between the end face-offspots and near end of the rink, the puck shall befaced-off at the end face-off spot on the side wherethe stoppage occurs, unless otherwise expresslyprovided by these rules.

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(i) When a goal is legally scored the ensuing face-offshall be conducted at center ice. When a goal isillegally scored as a result of a puck being deflecteddirectly from an Official anywhere in the Defend-ing Zone, the resulting face-off shall be made at theend face-off spot in the Defending Zone.

(j) Playing time will commence from the instant thepuck is faced-off and will stop when the whistle isblown.

(k) When a stoppage of play in an end zone takesplace and is followed by a gathering of players, noattacking player shall enter the end zone furtherthan the outer edge of the face-off circles nearestthe blue line (this includes players on the ice atthe time of the stoppage of play or playersinvolved in a line change).

For a violation of this rule the ensuing face-offshall take place at the nearest Neutral Zone face-off spot.

Rule 612 Falling on Puck(a) A minor penalty shall be imposed on a player

other than the goalkeeper who deliberately falls onor gathers the puck into his body.

(Note) Any player who drops to his knees toblock a shot should not be penalized if the puckis shot under him or becomes lodged in his cloth-ing or equipment, but any use of the hands tomake the puck unplayable should be penalizedpromptly.

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(b) A minor penalty shall be imposed on a goalkeeperwho deliberately falls on or gathers the puck intohis body, when his body is entirely outside theboundaries of the goal crease and the puck isbehind the goal line or when the puck is outsidethe boundaries of the “goalkeeper’s privilegedarea,” or who holds or places the puck against anypart of the goal or against the boards, or when hav-ing an opportunity to play the puck with his stickprior to being pressured by an attacking player. (Seealso Rules 609(e) and 609(f), Delaying the Game.)

(c) No defending player, except the goalkeeper, shallbe permitted to fall on the puck or hold the puckor gather the puck into the body or hands whenthe puck is within the goal crease.

For an infringement of this rule, play shallimmediately be stopped and a penaltyshot/optional minor shall be awarded to thenonoffending team. However, if the goalkeeperhas been removed from the ice when the infrac-tion occurs, a goal shall be awarded to the nonof-fending team and no penalty shot shall beawarded, if the action of the offending player pre-vents an obvious and imminent goal.

(Note) This rule shall be interpreted so that apenalty shot/optional minor will be awardedonly when the puck is in the crease at theinstant the infraction occurs. However, in caseswhere the puck is outside the crease, Rule 612(a)may still apply and a minor penalty may beimposed, even though no penalty shot isawarded.

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Rule 613 Fisticuffs (Fighting)(a) A major penalty shall be imposed on any player

who engages in fisticuffs. An additional minorpenalty shall be imposed on any player who startsor instigates fisticuffs.

(b) A minor penalty shall be imposed on a player who,having been struck, shall retaliate with a blow orattempted blow. However, at the discretion of theReferee a double minor or a major penalty may beimposed if such player continues the altercation.

(Note 1) The Referee is provided very wide lati-tude in the penalties that he may impose underthis rule. This is done intentionally to enable himto differentiate between the obvious degrees ofresponsibility of the participants either for start-ing the fighting or persisting in continuing thefighting. The discretion provided shall be exer-cised realistically.

(Note 2) Referees are directed to employ everymeans provided by these rules to stop “brawling”and should use Rule 601(e.2) “Abuse of Officialsand Other Misconduct” for this purpose.

(c) A major penalty shall be imposed on any playerinvolved in fisticuffs off the playing surface orwith another player who is off the playing surfacebefore, during or after the game.

(d) A game misconduct penalty shall be imposed onany player or goalkeeper who is the first to inter-vene in an altercation then in progress. This

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penalty is in addition to any other penaltyincurred in the same incident.

(e) Any player receiving a major penalty for fisticuffsshall automatically also be assessed a game mis-conduct penalty.

(f) When an altercation occurs on the ice, at the sig-nal of the Referee, all players (nonparticipant),excluding goalkeepers, must proceed immediatelyand directly to their respective players’ bench.Goalkeepers must remain in the immediate vicin-ity of their goal crease. See Rule 407(d) (Goalkeep-er’s Penalties). A minor penalty shall be assessedto any player, excluding goalkeepers, who fails tomove to the players’ bench when so instructed bythe Referee.

A minor penalty shall be imposed on any player,including a goalkeeper, who removes his glove orgloves and/or drops his stick during an altercationand who is not a participant in the original alterca-tion. A game misconduct penalty may be added tothe minor penalty if, in the judgment of the Ref-eree, the player is the instigator of a subsequentaltercation. This penalty shall be in addition to anyother penalty incurred in the same incident.

Rule 614 Goals and Assists(Note) It is the responsibility of the Referee toaward goals and assists, and his decision in thisrespect is final. Such awards shall be made orwithheld strictly in accordance with the provisions

Goals and Assists

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of this rule. Therefore, it is essential that the Ref-eree shall be thoroughly familiar with everyaspect of this rule, be alert to observe all actionsthat could affect the making of an award and,above all, the awards must be made or withheldwith absolute impartiality.

In cases of an obvious error in awarding a goalor an assist that has been announced, it should becorrected promptly. Changes shall not be made inthe official scoring summary after the Referee hassigned the Game Report.

(a) A goal shall be scored when the puck shall havebeen put between the goal posts by the stick of aplayer of the attacking team, from in front andbelow the cross bar, and entirely across the goal line.

(b) A goal shall be scored if the puck is put into thegoal in any way by a player of the defending team.The player of the attacking team who last playedthe puck shall be credited with the goal but noassist shall be awarded.

(c) If an attacking player kicks the puck and the puckgoes directly into the goal or is deflected into thegoal by any player, including the goalkeeper, a goalshall not be allowed.

(d) If the puck shall have been deflected into the goalfrom the shot of an attacking player by strikingany part of a player of the same team, a goal shallbe allowed. The player who deflected the puckshall be credited with the goal. The goal shall notbe allowed if the puck has been kicked, thrown or

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otherwise deliberately directed into the goal byany means other than a stick.

(e) If a goal is scored as a result of a puck beingdeflected directly into the goal from an Official,the goal shall not be allowed.

(f) Should a player legally propel a puck into the goalcrease of the opposing team and the puck shouldbecome loose and available to another player ofthe attacking team, a goal scored on the play shallbe valid.

(g) Any goal scored, other than as covered by the offi-cial rules, shall not be allowed.

(h) A “goal” shall be credited in the scoring records toa player who shall have propelled the puck intothe opponents’ goal. Each “goal” shall count onepoint in the player’s record.

(i) When a player scores a goal, an “assist” shall becredited to the player or players taking part in theplay immediately preceding the goal, but not morethan two assists can be given on any goal. Each“assist” so credited shall count one point in theplayer’s record.

(j) Only one point can be credited to any one playeron a goal.

Rule 615 Handling Puck with Hands(a) If a player, except a goalkeeper, closes his hand on

the puck, play shall be stopped and a face-off shall

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follow; however, if the puck is dropped to the iceimmediately, play shall not be stopped.

If a goalkeeper holds the puck with his hand formore than three seconds, play shall be stopped anda face-off shall follow; however, after an initialwarning by the Referee, a goalkeeper who holdsthe puck unnecessarily shall be assessed a minorpenalty for delay of game.

(b) A goalkeeper shall not drop the puck into hispads or onto the goal net, nor deliberately pile upsnow or obstacles at or near his goal that, in theopinion of the Referee, would tend to prevent thescoring of a goal. The penalty for infringement ofthis rule by the goalkeeper shall be a minorpenalty.

(Note 1) The object of this rule is to keep the puckin play continuously and any action taken by thegoalkeeper that causes an unnecessary stoppagemust be penalized.

(Note 2) The goalkeeper may not leave his stick orpart thereof in front of his goal. If he does and ifthe puck hits the stick, thereby preventing anobvious and imminent goal while the goalkeeperis on the ice, but in the act of leaving the ice, oroff the ice, the Referee shall stop play and awarda goal to the nonoffending team. See Rule 621(f),Interference.

(c) If a goalkeeper catches the puck and throws it for-ward towards his opponent’s goal and it is firstplayed by a teammate, play shall be stopped and

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the ensuing face-off shall be held at the nearestend face-off spot of the offending team. (See alsoRule 615(e).)

(d) A minor penalty shall be imposed on a playerexcept the goalkeeper who, while play is inprogress, picks up the puck off the ice with hishand.

If a defending player, except the goalkeeper,while play is in progress, picks up the puck withhis hand from the ice in the goal crease or holdsthe puck while the puck is in the goal crease, theplay shall be stopped immediately and a penaltyshot/optional minor shall be awarded to thenonoffending team.

If a defending player picks up the puck from thegoal crease or falls on or covers the puck in thecrease thereby preventing an obvious and immi-nent goal when the goalkeeper has been removedfrom the ice, a goal shall be awarded to the nonof-fending team.

(e) A player or goalkeeper shall be permitted to stopor “bat” the puck in the air with his hand or pushit along the ice with his hand and play shall not bestopped unless he has directed the puck to a team-mate in any zone other than his Defending Zone,in which case play shall be stopped and the puckfaced-off at the spot where the offense occurredunless otherwise provided by these rules.

(Note) No territorial ice advantage can be gainedfrom a team illegally batting the puck with thehand.

Handling Puck with Hands

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A goal shall not be allowed if the puck was pro-pelled by the hand of an attacking player andentered the goal either directly or after deflectingoff any player including the goalkeeper.

Rule 616 Head Contact(a) A minor penalty, major penalty or a major plus

game misconduct penalty, at the discretion of theReferee, shall be assessed to any player who inten-tionally or recklessly contacts a player in the head,including with the stick or by an illegal bodycheck.

(b) A major plus a game misconduct penalty shall beimposed on any player who injures an opponent byhead contact (see Glossary).

(Note) Head contact may also be treated asAttempt to Injure or Deliberate Injury of anOpponent under Rule 603.

Rule 617 High Sticks(a) The carrying of sticks above the normal height of

the shoulder is prohibited. The Referee may assessa minor or a major penalty on any player violatingthis rule.

(Note) The use of the “slap shot” in the 10-or-under (Squirt-Youth and Girls/Women) age classi-fication and below is prohibited. A face-off shalltake place at one of the end face-off spots adja-cent to the goal of the offending player’s teamwho, in the process of making a forehand shot or

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Holding an Opponent

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pass, raises the blade of his stick above his waistin the backswing of such shot or pass.

(b) A major plus a game misconduct penalty shall beimposed on any player who injures an opponent bythe use of a high stick.

(c) A goal scored from a stick so carried shall not beallowed, except by a player of the defending team.

(d) Batting the puck above the normal height of theshoulders with the stick is prohibited and when itoccurs there shall be a whistle and the ensuingface-off shall take place at one of the end face-offspots adjacent to the goal of the team causing thestoppage unless:

(1) the puck is batted to an opponent and the oppo-nent gains possession and control of the puck, inwhich case the play shall continue, or

(2) a player of the defending team shall bat thepuck into his own goal in which case the goalshall be allowed.

(Note) When a player bats the puck to an oppo-nent under subsection 1, the Referee shall give the“washout” signal immediately. Otherwise he willstop the play.

Rule 618 Holding an Opponent(a) A minor penalty shall be imposed on a player who

holds an opponent with hands or stick or in anyother way.

(b) A major plus a game misconduct penalty shall beimposed on a player who grabs or holds the facemask of an opponent with his hand.

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Rule 619 Hooking(a) A minor or major penalty shall be imposed on a

player who impedes or seeks to impede the progressof an opponent by “hooking” with his stick.

(b) A major plus game misconduct penalty shall beimposed on any player who injures an opponent by“hooking.”

Rule 620 Icing the Puck(a) For the purpose of this rule, the center line will

divide the ice into halves. Should any player of ateam, equal or superior in numerical strength tothe opposing team, shoot, bat with the hand orstick, kick or deflect the puck from his own half ofthe ice, beyond the goal line of the opposing team,play shall be stopped and the puck faced off at theend face-off spot of the offending team. If the puckshall have entered the goal of the opposing team,after being legally shot, batted with the stick ordeflected, the goal shall be allowed.

For the purpose of this rule, the point of lastcontact with the puck by the team in possessionshall be used to determine whether icing hasoccurred or not.

(Note 1) If, during the period of a delayed whistledue to a foul by a player of the side NOT in pos-session, the side in possession “ices” the puckthen the face-off following the stoppage of playshall take place in the Neutral Zone near thedefending blue line of the team “icing” the puck.

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Icing the Puck

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(Note 2) When a team is “Shorthanded” as theresult of a penalty and the penalty is about toexpire, the decision as to whether there has beenan “icing” shall be determined at the instant thepenalty expires, and if the puck is shot before thepenalty expires, icing shall not be called. Theaction of the penalized player remaining in thepenalty bench will not alter the ruling.

(Note 3) For the purpose of interpretation of thisrule, “Icing the Puck” is completed the instantthe puck completely crosses the goal line. If thepuck shall have entered the goal, the icing willnot be called and a goal shall be allowed.

(Note 4) When the puck is shot and reboundsfrom the body or stick of an opponent in his ownhalf of the ice so as to cross the goal line of theplayer shooting it, “icing” shall not be called.

(Note 5) Notwithstanding the provisions of thissection concerning “batting” the puck in respectto the “icing the puck” rule, the provisions of thesecond paragraph of Rule 615(e) “Handling PuckWith Hands,” apply and NO goal can be scoredby batting the puck with the hand into the oppo-nent’s goal, whether intended or not.

(Note 6) If, while the Linesman has signaled aslow whistle under Rule 626(f), “Off-Sides,” adefending player shoots or bats the puck beyondthe opponent’s goal line in such a manner as toconstitute “icing the puck,” the Linesman’s “slowwhistle” shall be considered exhausted the

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instant the puck crosses the blue line and icingshall be called in the usual manner.

(b) If the puck was so shot by a player of a team belowthe numerical on-ice strength of the opposingteam, play shall continue and the face-off shall nottake place.

(c) If, however, the puck shall go beyond the goal linein the opposite half of the ice directly from eitherof the players while facing-off, it shall not be con-sidered a violation of this rule.

(d) If, in the opinion of the Linesman, a player of theopposing team excepting the goalkeeper is able toplay the puck before it passes the goal line, but hasnot done so, icing shall not be called and play shallcontinue.

(Note) The purpose of this section is to enforcecontinuous action and the On-Ice Officials shouldinterpret and apply the rule to produce this result.

(e) If the puck shall touch any part of a player of theopposing team or his skates or his stick before itshall have reached the goal line, or shall havetouched the goalkeeper or his skates or his stick atany time before crossing his goal line, it shall notbe considered as “icing the puck” and play shallcontinue.

(f) If the Linesman shall have erred in calling an“icing the puck” infraction (regardless of whethereither team is shorthanded) the puck shall be facedon the center ice face-off spot.

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Rule 621 Interference(a) A minor penalty shall be imposed on a player who

interferes with or impedes the progress of an oppo-nent who is not in possession of the puck, or whodeliberately knocks a stick out of an opponent’shand or who prevents a player who has droppedhis stick or any other piece of equipment fromregaining possession of it or who knocks or shootsany abandoned or broken stick or illegal puck orother debris towards an opposing puck carrier in amanner that could cause him to be distracted. (Seealso Rule 636, Throwing Stick.)

(Note) The last player to touch the puck, otherthan a goalkeeper, shall be considered the playerin possession. In interpreting this rule the Refereeshould make sure which of the players is the onecreating the interference. Often it is the actionand movement of the attacking player that causesthe interference since the defending players areentitled to “stand their ground” or “shadow” theattacking player. Players of the side in possessionshall not be allowed to “run” deliberate interfer-ence for the puck carrier.

(b) A minor penalty shall be imposed on any playeron the players’ bench or on the penalty bench whoby means of his stick or his body interferes withthe movements of the puck or of any opponent onthe ice during the progress of play.

(c) A minor penalty shall be imposed on a playerwho, by means of his stick or his body, interferes


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with or impedes the movements of the goal-keeper by actual physical contact, while he is inhis goal crease unless the puck is already in thecrease.

(d) When the puck is in the Attacking Zone and notin the goal crease, a player of the attacking teammay not stand on the goal crease line or in thegoal crease, hold his stick in the goal crease orskate through the goal crease. If the puck shouldenter the goal while such a condition prevails, agoal shall not be allowed. For violation of thisrule, while the attacking team has possession ofthe puck, play shall be stopped and a face-off heldat the nearest Neutral Zone face-off spot.

(Note) This rule shall not apply when the goal-keeper is out of his goal crease.

(e) If a player of the attacking team has been physi-cally interfered with by the action of any defend-ing player so as to cause him to be in the goalcrease, and the puck should enter the goal whilethe player so interfered with is still within thegoal crease, the “goal” shall be allowed.

(f) When a player in control of the puck beyond thedefending blue line, and having no opponent topass other than the goalkeeper, is interfered withby a stick or part thereof or any other objectthrown or shot by any member of the defendingteam including any Team Official, a penaltyshot/optional minor shall be awarded to thenonoffending team.

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(Note) The attention of Referees is directed partic-ularly to three types of offensive interferencewhich should be penalized:

(1) When the defending team secures possession ofthe puck in its own end and the other playersof that team run interference for the puck car-rier by forming a protective screen againstforecheckers;

(2) When a player facing-off obstructs his oppo-nent after the face-off when the opponent isnot in possession of the puck;

(3) When the puck carrier makes a drop pass andfollows through so as to make bodily contactwith an opposing player.

Defensive interference consists of bodily con-tact with an opposing player who is not in posses-sion of the puck.

Rule 622 Interference by Spectators(a) In the event of a player being held or interfered

with by a spectator, the Referee or Linesman shallblow the whistle and play shall be stopped, unlessthe team of the player interfered with is in posses-sion of the puck at the time, in which case theplay shall be allowed to be completed before blow-ing the whistle, and the puck shall be faced at thespot where last played at the time of stoppage.

(Note) The Referee shall report to the properauthorities for disciplinary action all cases in

Interference by Spectators

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which a player becomes involved in an alterca-tion with a spectator.

(b) Any player who physically interferes with a spec-tator shall be assessed a game misconductpenalty and the Referee shall report all suchinfractions to the proper authorities who shallhave full power to impose such further penalty asdeemed appropriate.

(c) In the event that objects are thrown on the icethat interfere with the progress of the game, theReferee shall blow the whistle and stop the playand the puck shall be faced-off at the spot whereplay is stopped.

Rule 623 Kicking Player(a) At the discretion of the Referee, a major plus a

game misconduct penalty or a Match penalty shallbe imposed on any player who kicks or attemptsto kick another player.

(Note) The Referee is provided latitude in thepenalties he may impose under this rule. This isdone intentionally to enable him to differentiatebetween the varying degree of violence inattempting to injure and attempting to “push off”an opponent with the skate.

Rule 624 Kicking Puck(a) Kicking the puck shall be permitted in all zones;

however, a goal shall not be allowed if the puck

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was kicked by an attacking player and entered thegoal either directly or after deflecting off anyplayer including the goalkeeper.

Rule 625 Leaving the Players’ Bench or Penalty Bench

(a) No player may leave the players’ bench or penaltybench at any time during an altercation or for thepurpose of starting an altercation. Substitutionsmade prior to the altercation shall not be penal-ized under this rule provided the players so substi-tuting do not enter the altercation.

(b) For violation of this rule, a major plus a game mis-conduct penalty shall be imposed on any playerwho leaves the players’ bench or penalty benchduring an altercation.

(c) Except at the end of each period, or on expirationof a penalty, no player may at any time leave thepenalty bench.

(d) A penalized player who leaves the penalty benchbefore his penalty has expired, whether play is inprogress or not, shall incur an additional minorpenalty after serving his unexpired penalty.

(e) If a player leaves the penalty bench before hispenalty is fully served, the Penalty Timekeepershall note the time and verbally alert the Refereewho will stop play when the offending player’steam has or gains possession and control of thepuck.

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(f) In the case of a player returning to the ice beforehis time has expired through an error of thePenalty Timekeeper, he is not to serve an addi-tional penalty, but must serve his unexpiredtime.

(g) If a player of an attacking team in possession ofthe puck shall be in such a position as to have noopposition between him and the opposing goal-keeper, and while in such a position he shall beinterfered with by a player of the opposing teamwho shall have illegally entered the game, the Ref-eree shall impose a penalty shot/optional minoragainst the offending player’s team.

(h) If a Team Official gets on the ice after the start of aperiod and before that period is ended without thepermission of the Referee, the Referee shall imposea bench minor penalty against the team or a gamemisconduct penalty on the individual or both andreport the incident to the proper authorities.

(i) If a penalized player returns to the ice from thepenalty bench before his penalty has expired byhis own error or the error of the Penalty Time-keeper, any goal scored by his own team while heis illegally on the ice shall be disallowed, but allpenalties imposed on either team shall be servedas regular penalties.

(j) If a player shall illegally enter the game from hisown players’ bench or from the penalty bench, anygoal scored by his own team while he is illegallyon the ice shall be disallowed, but all penalties

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imposed against either team shall be served as reg-ular penalties.

(k) (For Youth and all Girls/Women games)On any face-off, if a team starts play with fewer

players than entitled to, any subsequently enteringplayer shall not be eligible to play any puck com-ing from his own Defending Zone until he hasreturned to his own Defending Zone or until pos-session and control of the puck has been gained byanother player in the Neutral Zone or in his ownAttacking Zone.

For a violation of this rule play shall be stoppedand a face-off shall be conducted at the pointwhere the puck was last legally played.

Rule 626 Off-Sides(a) Players of an attacking team may not precede the

puck into the Attacking Zone.

(Note) A player actually propelling and in posses-sion and control of the puck who shall cross theline ahead of the puck shall not be considered“off-side.”

(b) For a violation of this Rule, play shall be stoppedand a face-off conducted.

If the puck was carried over the blue line at thetime of the violation, the face-off shall take placeat the nearest Neutral Zone face-off spot to wherethe puck crossed the line. If the puck was passedor shot over the blue line, the face-off shall takeplace where the pass or shot originated.


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(c) The position of the player’s skates and not thatof his stick shall be the determining factor indeciding an “off-side” violation. A player is off-side when both skates are completely over theouter edge of the blue line into his AttackingZone.

(Note 1) A player is “on-side” when “either” ofhis skates are in contact with the Neutral Zoneice or when the entire player, including bothskates, is completely behind the determining edgeof the blue line, at the instant the puck com-pletely crosses the outer edge of that line, regard-less of the position of his stick.

(Note 2) The position of the player’s skates iswhat determines whether a player is “off-side.”However, the question of “off-side” never arisesuntil the puck has completely crossed the lineinto the Attacking Zone, at which time the deci-sion is to be made.

(d) If a player legally carries or passes the puck backinto his own Defending Zone while a player of theopposing team is in such Defending Zone, the“off-side” shall be waived and play permitted tocontinue. (No “delayed whistle.”)

(e) If, in the opinion of the Linesman, a player hasintentionally caused an off-side play (including apuck shot on goal), the puck shall be faced-off atthe nearest end zone face-off spot in the DefendingZone of the offending team.

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(Note) An intentional off-side is one which ismade for the purpose of deliberately securing animmediate stoppage of play, regardless of the rea-son, or where an off-side play is made under con-ditions where there is no possibility of completinga legal play.

(f) For Adults (male and female) only-If an attackingplayer precedes the puck that is shot, passed ordeflected into the Attacking Zone, the Linesmanshall signal a delayed off-side. The off-side viola-tion will be nullified if all attacking players inthe Attacking Zone clear the Attacking Zone bymaking skate contact with the blue line. TheAttacking Zone must be completely clear ofattacking players before a delayed off-side can benullified with the puck still in the AttackingZone.

During the delayed off-side, the Linesmanshall stop play for the off-side violation if ANYattacking player touches the puck or attempts togain possession of a loose puck while the puck isstill in the Attacking Zone or forces the defend-ing puck carrier further back in the AttackingZone.

(g) If the Linesman shall have erred in stopping playfor an off-side infraction the ensuing face-off shalltake place at the nearest Neutral Zone face-offspot to the blue line where play was stopped inerror.

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Rule 627 Passes

(a) (For Youth, Girls/Women and Adult noncheckinggames)

The puck may be passed by any player to aplayer of the same team within any of the threezones into which the ice is divided and may bepassed forward by a player in his own DefendingZone to a player of the same team anywhere in theNeutral Zone.

(For Adult male checking games)The puck may be passed by any player to a

player of the same side within any one of the threezones into which the ice is divided, but may not bepassed forward from a player in one zone to aplayer of the same side in another zone, except by aplayer on the defending team, who may make andtake forward passes from their own DefendingZone to the center line without incurring an off-side violation. This pass, however, must be com-pleted by a receiving player who is legally onside atthe center line, or by a receiving player who is pre-ceded by the puck across the center line, otherwiseplay shall be stopped and the face-off shall be con-ducted at the spot from which the pass originated.

(Note 1) The position of the puck (not the player’sskates) shall be the determining factor in decidingfrom which zone the pass was made.

(Note 2) Passes may be completed legally at thecenter red line in exactly the same manner aspasses at the attacking blue line.

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(b) Should the puck, having been passed, contact anypart of the body, stick or skates of a player of thesame team who is legally onside, the pass shall beconsidered to have been completed.

(c) The player last touched by the puck shall bedeemed to be in possession.

Rebounds off goalkeeper’s pad or other equip-ment shall not be considered as a change of pos-session or the completion of the play by the teamwhen applying Rule 409(b) (Calling of Penalties).

(d) (For Youth, Girls/Women and Adult noncheckinggames)

If the puck precedes all players of the attackingteam into their Attacking Zone, any player is eli-gible to play the puck except when Rule 620 (Icingthe Puck) applies.

(For Adult male checking games)If a player in the Neutral Zone is preceded into

the Attacking Zone by the puck passed from theNeutral Zone he shall be eligible to take posses-sion of the puck anywhere in the Attacking Zoneexcept when the “Icing the Puck” rule applies.

(e) If a player in the same zone from which a pass ismade is preceded by the puck into succeedingzones, he shall be eligible to take possession of thepuck in that zone except where the “Icing thePuck” rule applies.

(f) (For Adult male checking games)If an attacking player passes the puck backward

toward his own goal from the Attacking Zone, an


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opponent may play the puck anywhere regardlessof whether he (the opponent) was in the same zoneat the time the puck was passed or not (no “slowwhistle”).

(g) (For Adult male checking games)If the Linesman shall have erred in calling an

off-side pass infraction (regardless of whethereither team is shorthanded), the puck shall befaced on the center ice face-off spot.

Rule 628 Puck Out of Bounds or Unplayable(a) When the puck goes outside the playing area or

strikes any obstacles above the playing surfaceother than the boards, glass or wire, or deflects offan Official out of the playing area, it shall be faced-off from where it was shot or deflected by a player,unless otherwise expressly provided in these rules.

If the puck leaves the playing area or becomesunplayable due to a defect in the playing rink, aface-off will take place at the point where thepuck was last played.

(b) When the puck becomes lodged in the netting onthe outside of either goal so as to make itunplayable, or if it is frozen between opposingplayers intentionally or otherwise, the Refereeshall stop the play and face-off the puck at eitherof the adjacent face-off spots unless in the opin-ion of the Referee the stoppage was caused by aplayer of the attacking team, in which case theresulting face-off shall be conducted in the Neu-tral Zone.

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Puck Must Be Kept in Motion

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(Note) This includes a stoppage of play caused bya player of the attacking team shooting the puckonto the back of the defending team’s goal with-out any intervening action by the defendingteam.

The defending team and/or the attackingteam may play the puck off the net at any time.However, should the puck remain on the net forlonger than three seconds, play shall be stoppedand the face-off shall take place on an end zoneface-off spot except when the stoppage is causedby the attacking team, in which case the face-off shall take place on a face-off spot in theNeutral Zone. However, if the puck comes torest on top of the goal frame or in the netting ontop of the goal frame, play shall be stoppedimmediately.

(c) A minor penalty shall be imposed on a goalkeeperwho deliberately drops the puck on the goal net-ting to cause a stoppage of play.

(d) If the puck comes to rest on top of the boards sur-rounding the playing area, it shall be considered tobe in play and may be played legally by the handor stick.

Rule 629 Puck Must Be Kept in Motion(a) The puck must at all times be kept in motion.

Play shall not be stopped because the puck isfrozen along the boards by two more opposingplayers, unless a player falls on or is knockeddown onto the puck. If one player freezes the

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puck along the boards or if a player deliberatelyfalls on the puck a minor penalty for delaying thegame shall be assessed under Rule 609(e) or Rule612(a).

(Note) Notwithstanding the above, the Refereemay stop play along the boards if in his judgmentallowing play to continue will lead to unneces-sary contact surrounding the puck.

(b) A minor penalty shall be imposed on any playerincluding the goalkeeper who holds, freezes orplays the puck with his stick, skates or body alongthe boards in such a manner as to cause a stoppageof play.

(c) A player beyond his Defending Zone shall not passnor carry the puck backward into his DefendingZone for the purpose of delaying the game exceptwhen his team is below the on-ice numericalstrength of the opponents. For an infringement ofthis rule, the face-off shall be at the nearest endface-off spot in the Defending Zone of the offend-ing team.

Rule 630 Puck Out of Sight and Illegal Puck(a) Should a scramble take place, or a player acciden-

tally falls on the puck, and the puck is out of sightof the Referee, he shall immediately blow hiswhistle and stop the play. The puck shall then be“faced-off” at the point where the play wasstopped, unless otherwise provided for in therules.

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(b) If, at any time while play is in progress, a puckother than the one officially in play shall appearon the playing surface, which interferes with theprogress of the game, the play shall be stoppedimmediately.

Rule 631 Puck Striking Official(a) Play shall not be stopped because the puck

touches an Official anywhere on the rink.

Rule 632 Refusing to Start Play(a) If, when both teams are on the ice, one team for

any reason shall refuse to play when ordered to doso by the Referee, he shall warn the Captain andallow the team so refusing 15 seconds withinwhich time to begin the game or resume play. If atthe end of that time the team shall still refuse toplay, the Referee shall impose a bench minorpenalty on the offending team and the case shallbe reported to the proper authorities for furtheraction. Should there be a recurrence of the sameincident, the Referee shall have no alternative butto suspend the game and impose a match penaltyon the offending Team Official(s) responsible forthe incident.

(b) If a team, when ordered to do so by an On-Ice Offi-cial, through a Team Official, fails to go onto theice promptly, it shall receive a bench minorpenalty. If the team fails to go onto the ice andstart play within five minutes, the game shall be

Refusing to Start Play

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suspended and the offending Team Official(s) shallbe assessed a match penalty.

(Note) The local governing body or DisciplinaryCommittee shall determine whether the sus-pended game shall be deemed completed, for-feited, resumed from the point of suspension orcancelled and shall issue instructions pertainingto records, etc.

Rule 633 Slashing(a) A minor or a major penalty shall be imposed on

any player who slashes or attempts to slash anopponent with his stick.

(b) A major plus a game misconduct penalty shall beimposed on any player who injures an opponent byslashing.

(Note) Referees should penalize as “slashing” anyplayer who swings his stick at any opposingplayer (whether in or out of range) without actu-ally striking him or where a player on the pretextof playing the puck makes a wild swing at thepuck with the object of intimidating an opponent.

(c) Any player who swings his stick at another playerin the course of any altercation shall be subject toa game misconduct or a match penalty.

(Note) The Referee shall impose the normalappropriate penalty provided in the other sectionsof this rule and shall, in addition, report to theproper authorities.

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(d) A minor penalty shall be imposed on any playerwho makes stick contact with an opposing goal-keeper while he is in his goal crease, who has cov-ered or caught the puck, regardless of whether ornot the Referee has stopped play.

Rule 634 Spearing(a) A major plus a game misconduct penalty shall be

imposed on a player who spears or attempts tospear an opponent.

(Note 1) “Spearing” shall mean stabbing an oppo-nent with the point of the stick blade while thestick is being carried with one hand or both hands.

(Note 2) “Attempt to spear” shall include allcases where a spearing gesture is made regardlessof whether or not bodily contact is made.

(Note 3) Spearing may also be treated as Attemptto Injure or Deliberate Injury of Opponents underRule 603.

Rule 635 Start of Game and Periods(a) The game shall be commenced at the time sched-

uled by a “face-off” at the center ice face-off spotand shall be renewed promptly at the conclusionof each intermission in the same manner.

No delay shall be permitted by reason of anyceremony, exhibition, demonstration or presenta-tion unless consented to reasonably in advance bythe visiting team.

Start of Game and Periods

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(b) Home teams shall have the choice of goals todefend at the start of the game except where bothplayers’ benches are on the same side of the rink,in which case the home team shall start the gamedefending the goal nearest its own bench. Theteams shall change ends for each succeeding regu-lar period.

If in the opinion of the Referee, conditions aremore favorable to play at one end of the rink thanthe other, the Referee may equalize opportunitiesby having the teams change ends at the middle ofone or all three regular and overtime periods, butnot in only two regular periods. The Referee shalldeclare before the commencement of the game orperiod that this change is to be made, and thechange shall take place at the exact midpoint of aperiod and not at a stoppage of play nearest thatpoint.

(c) During the pregame warm-up (which shall notexceed 20 minutes in duration) and before the com-mencement of play in any period, each team shallconfine its activity to its own half of the rink.

(Note) Players shall not be permitted to come onthe ice during a stoppage in play or at the end ofthe first and second periods for the purpose ofwarming-up. The Referee will report any violationof this rule to the proper authorities for discipli-nary action.

(d) Fifteen minutes before the time scheduled for thestart of the game both teams shall vacate the ice

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Throwing Stick

Official Rules 123

and proceed to their dressing rooms while the iceis being resurfaced. Both teams shall be signalledby the Game Timekeeper to return to the icetogether in time for the scheduled start of thegame or period. It is recommended that, whenboth teams are to leave the ice through a commonexit, the team whose players’ bench is closer tothe exit leave first. The home team should enterthe ice surface first.

(Note) This section is intended as a guidelineonly. In Youth and Girls/Women games, no timeis required between the warm-up and the start ofthe game, if mutually agreed upon by both teams.

(e) When a team fails to appear on the ice promptlywithout a proper justification, an On-Ice Officialshall warn the team through a Team Official thatit must enter the ice immediately. If the team failsto do so promptly, the Referee shall assess a benchminor penalty for Delay of the Game. (See alsoRule 632, Refusing to Start Play.)

Rule 636 Throwing Stick(a) When any player or Team Official of the defending

team deliberately throws or shoots a stick or anypart thereof or any other object at the puck in hisDefending Zone, the Referee shall allow the playto be completed and if a goal is not scored, apenalty shot/optional minor shall be taken by theplayer designated by the Referee as the playerfouled.

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If, however, the goal being unattended and theattacking player having no defending player topass and having a chance to score on an “opengoal,” a stick or part thereof or any other object isthrown or shot by any member of the defendingteam in or into its Defending Zone, thereby pre-venting an obvious and imminent goal, a goalshall be awarded to the attacking team.

(Note 1) If the Officials are unable to determinethe person against whom the offense was made,the nonoffending team, through the Captain, shalldesignate a player on the ice at the time theoffense was committed to take the shot.

(Note 2) For the purpose of this rule, an open goalis defined as one from which a goalkeeper hasbeen removed for an additional attacking player.

(b) A minor penalty shall be imposed on any playeron the ice who throws his stick or any part thereofor any other object in the direction of the puck inany zone, except when such act has been penal-ized by a penalty shot or the awarding of a goal.

(Note) When a player discards the broken portionof a stick by tossing it to the side of the rink (andnot over the boards) in such a way as will notinterfere with play or an opposing player, nopenalty shall be imposed for so doing.

(c) A misconduct penalty shall be imposed on anyplayer or goalkeeper who throws a stick or anypart thereof outside the playing area.

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Time of Match or Time-Outs

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If the offense is committed in protest of an Offi-cial’s decision, a game misconduct penalty shallbe assessed to the offending player.

A game misconduct penalty shall be imposedon any player or goalkeeper who deliberatelythrows a stick or any part thereof outside the play-ing area at or in the direction of any spectators.

Rule 637 Time of Match or Time-Outs(a) The maximum time allowed for a game shall be

three 20-minute periods of actual play with a restintermission between periods.

Play shall be resumed promptly following eachintermission upon the expiration of 15 minutesfrom the completion of play in the precedingperiod. A preliminary warning shall be given bythe Game Timekeeper to the Officials and to bothteams three minutes prior to the resumption ofplay in each period and the final warning shall begiven in sufficient time to enable the teams toresume play promptly.

(Note) For the purpose of keeping the spectatorsinformed as to the time remaining during inter-missions, the Game Timekeeper will use the elec-tric clock to record length of intermissions.

(b) The team scoring the greater number of goals dur-ing the three periods shall be the winner and shallbe credited with two points in the standings.

(c) In the intervals between periods, the ice surfaceshall be resurfaced unless mutually agreed to thecontrary.

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(d) If any unusual delay occurs in the first or secondperiods, the Referee may order the next regularintermission to be taken immediately and the bal-ance of the period will be completed on the resump-tion of play with the teams defending the samegoals, after which the teams will change ends andresume play of the ensuing period without delay.

(e) Each team shall be permitted to take one time-outof a one-minute duration during the game, whichmust be taken during a stoppage of play. If oneteam takes a time-out, the opposing team mayexercise the rights of a time-out, including warm-ing up a goalkeeper. Nonpenalized players andgoalkeepers may proceed to their respective teambench during any time-out.

A time-out must be requested prior to the con-clusion of the line change procedure. A team thatis requesting its time-out during the same stop-page of play as their opponent’s time-out mustmake such request prior to the conclusion of thefirst time-out.

When the time-out is used to warm up goal-keeper(s), no more than four (4) pucks per teamshall be allowed on the ice.

During a game that has a time curfew (see Glos-sary), no time-outs shall be permitted.

(f) If, in the opinion of the Referee, playing condi-tions beyond the control of the Officials and gameparticipants (such as ice conditions, broken glassor weather) become unsatisfactory during thecourse of the game, the game may be suspended.

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Rule 638 Tied Games(a) If at the end of the three periods the score is tied,

the following shall take place:

(1) A 5-minute rest period will be allowed.

(2) The teams shall not change ends.

(3) A 10-minute period shall be played.

(4) The game shall terminate upon a goal beingscored and the team scoring declared the win-ner. If no goal is scored, the same procedureshall be repeated.

(b) Any overtime period shall be considered part ofthe game and all unexpired penalties shall remainin force.

(c) If either team declines to play in the necessaryovertime period or periods, the game shall bedeclared a loss for that team.

(Note) Districts and Regions may make their ownrules regarding overtime for games under theirjurisdiction.

Rule 639 Tripping(a) A minor or major penalty shall be imposed on any

player who shall place his stick, foot, arm, hand orelbow, or extends the leg (Leg Checking) from thefront or from behind, in such a manner that itshall cause his opponent to trip or fall.

(Note 1) If, in the opinion of the Referee, a playeris unquestionably hook-checking or poke checking

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the puck and obtains possession of it, thereby trip-ping the puck carrier, no penalty shall be imposed.

(Note 2) Accidental trips that occur simultane-ously with or after a stoppage of play will not bepenalized.

Any player who deliberately leaves his feet andcontacts an opponent with any part of his bodythereby causing the opponent to trip or fall shallbe assessed a minor penalty (Clipping).

(Note 3) This rule does not apply to a player whohas dropped to his knee(s) to block a shot.

(b) A major penalty plus a game misconduct penaltyshall be assessed to any player who injures anopponent as a result of a foul committed bytripping or leg checking.

(c) When a player in control of the puck beyond thedefending blue line, and having no other opponentto pass than the goalkeeper, is tripped or otherwisefouled from behind, thus preventing a reasonablescoring opportunity, a penalty shot/optional minorshall be awarded to the nonoffending team. Never-theless, the Referee shall not stop the play untilthe attacking team has lost possession and controlof the puck to the defending team.

(Note) The intention of this rule is to restore areasonable scoring opportunity that has been lostby reason of a foul from behind when the foul iscommitted in the Neutral or Attacking Zones.

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Unnecessary Roughness (Roughing)

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“Possession and control of the puck” (See Glos-sary) means the act of propelling the puck with astick. If, while it is being propelled, the puck istouched by another player or his equipment or hitsthe goal or goes free, the player shall no longer beconsidered to be “in possession and control of thepuck.”

(d) If, when the opposing goalkeeper has beenremoved from the ice, a player in control of thepuck beyond the defending blue line is tripped orotherwise fouled with no opposition between himand the opposing goal, thus preventing an obviousand imminent scoring opportunity, the Refereeshall immediately stop the play and award a goalto the attacking team.

Rule 640 Unnecessary Roughness (Roughing)(a) At the discretion of the Referee, a minor or double

minor penalty may be imposed on any playerdeemed guilty of unnecessary roughness. Anyaction worthy of a major penalty under this sub-section must be assessed under Rule 613(Fisticuffs).

For a body checking infraction in a noncheck-ing classification, a minor or major penalty shallbe assessed under this rule.

(Note 1) In the Youth 10-or-under/Squirt andbelow, and in all Girls/Women classifications,body-checking is prohibited and shall be penal-ized under this rule.

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When a team that is registered in a noncheck-ing age classification plays against a team that isregistered in a checking age classification, body-checking shall be prohibited under this rule.

A local governing body or league may prohibitbody checking in any age classification.

(Note 2) In all nonchecking age classifications, apenalty shall be assessed under this rule when-ever a player impedes the movement of a puck-carrying opponent by pushing him with the handsor arms or deliberately contacting him with theshoulder, hip or any other part of the torso.

There are instances when considerable bodycontact between the puck carrier and an opponentmay occur that should not be penalized, providedthat there has been no overt hip, shoulder or armcontact to physically force the opponent off thepuck. Likewise, there shall be no penalty assessedif the puck carrier unsuccessfully attempts toskate through too small an opening between theboards and a stationary opponent and a collisionoccurs, unless there has been an overt action tobody check the puck carrier.

Deliberate body contact on the part of thepuck carrier may also be penalized under thisrule. In order for a body checking penalty to beassessed, enough contact must have occurred toimpede the movements of the puck carrier. Apenalty may never be assessed for an attempt tobody check.

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A major plus a game misconduct penalty shall beassessed to any player who injures an opponent bybody checking in a nonchecking classification.

(b) Except for Adult age classifications, a minor ormajor penalty shall be assessed under this rule forany avoidable body check to an opponent whodoes not have possession and control of the puck.(See Glossary.) If the opponent is injured from thischeck, a major plus a game misconduct penaltyshall be assessed.

(c) A minor or a major penalty, at the discretion ofthe Referee, shall be imposed on a player whomakes physical contact with an opponent after thewhistle has been blown if, in the opinion of theReferee, the player has had sufficient time afterthe whistle to avoid such contact. If the opponentis injured from this check, a major plus game mis-conduct penalty shall be assessed.

Unnecessary Roughness (Roughing)

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Rules Governing the Gameof Ice Hockey


Summary of Penalties


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The following summary of penalties is intended for gen-eral application of the rules. Specific situations mayrequire different applications. All referenced rulesshould be consulted for exact language.

Minor PenaltyPersonal Fouls

601(a) Unsportsmanlike Conduct601(b) Shooting puck after whistle613(a) Instigator of fisticuffs613(f) Players not going to bench after warning

during altercation618(a) Holding621(a) Interference611(d) Face-off interference621(b) Interference by player on bench621(c) Interfering with goalkeeper in crease625(d) Leaving penalty bench prematurely633(d) Stick contact with goalkeeper639(a) Clipping (leaving feet)

Delay of Game, Player or Goalkeeper602(a, c) Adjusting clothing/equipment609(a) Batting/shooting puck out of rink609(b) Shooting puck out of rink609(c) Deliberate goal displacement609(e) Freezing puck along boards or net609(f) Goalkeeper intentionally stops play609(g) Continued improper face-off position611(b) Second face-off violation, same team612(a, b) Falling on puck615(d) Picking up puck from ice629(b) Freezing puck along boards

Summary of Penalties

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Goalkeeper Infractions303(d) Wearing illegal equipment406(b) Thrown stick during penalty shot407(d) Leaving crease area during altercation407(e) Participating in play across center line605(c) Going to bench for stick at stoppage615(a) Holding puck more than three seconds615(b) Piling up obstacles in front of goal628(c) Dropping puck onto goal netting

Stick and Equipment Violations301(d) Playing with an illegal stick301(d) Player playing with goalkeeper stick301(f) Playing with more than one stick304(a) Equipment not worn under uniform304(a) Playing without helmet/facemask605(a) Playing with a broken stick605(b) Receiving an illegal stick613(f) Dropping glove(s)/stick in altercation636(b) Throwing a stick (non-Penalty Shot)

Bench Minor Penalty104(e) Goalkeeper warm-up area109(c) Alcohol, tobacco, smoking on bench203(b) Roster addition during game203(c) Improper goalkeeper substitution205(a) Too many players on the ice205(d, f) Illegal entry from penalty bench205(e, f) Goalkeeper to bench at stoppage206(d) Injured/penalized player returns

prematurely301(d) Stick measurement legal307(c) Equipment measurement (legal)

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Summary of Penalties

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308(a) Use of electronic devices601(c1, h2) Obscene, profane, abusive language on

players’ bench601(c2, h3) Article thrown onto ice from players’ bench601(h1) Team Official bangs boards601(h4) Team Official inciting opponent601(h5) Nonphysical interference with Game

Official from players’ bench 609(d) Continued incorrect players on ice632(a) Refusing to start play632(b) Refusing to go on ice

Minor or Double Minor Penalty640(a) Unnecessary roughness

Minor or Major #604(a) Boarding606 (a, b) Charging608(a) Cross-Checking610(a) Elbowing/Kneeing616(a) Head Contact617(a) High-sticking619(a) Hooking633(a) Slashing639(a) Tripping/Leg checking640(a) Body-checking in no-check game640(b) Avoidable check640(c) Checking opponent after whistle#- Major plus Game Misconduct required if

resulting in injury

Minor plus Misconduct or Major plus Game Misconduct607(a) Checking from behind

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Major plus Game Misconduct608(c) Butt-ending607(b) Checking From Behind (head first)613(a, c) Fisticuffs603(d) Head-butting618(b) Holding/grabbing facemask625(b) Leaving Bench in Altercation634(a) Spearing640(a) Injuring by body check (nonchecking)

Minor, Double Minor or Major plus Game Misconduct613(b, e) Fisticuffs (retaliation)

Minor plus Misconduct Penalty301(e) Not surrendering stick for measurement

Minor plus Game Misconduct Penalty613(f) Drop glove(s)/stick, instigate altercation

Bench Minor or Game Misconduct or both625(h) Team Official on ice without permission

Major plus Game Misconduct or Match623(a) Kicking opponent

Match Penalty601(g1, j1) Injury or attempting to injure Game

Official601(g2, j2) Injury or attempting to injure opponent

(except player to player)601(g3, j3) Detrimental behavior603(a) Attempt to injure opponent603(a) Deliberate injury of opponent603(b) Attempt to injure nonplayer603(b) Deliberate injury to nonplayer

Summary of Penalties

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Summary of Penalties

Official Rules 139

603(c) Taped hand, cutting opponent632(a,b) Suspended game—refusal to start play

Misconduct Penalty304(b) Helmet/facemask not worn on bench304(c) Mouthpiece violation304(e) Protective equipment violation305(b) Playing with cut palm on glove406(f) Distraction during penalty shot601(a) Persisting in unsportsmanlike conduct601(d1) Obscene, profane, abusive language

(player)601(d2) Puck shot away from Official retrieving it601(d3) Throwing equipment out of rink601(d4) Not proceeding to penalty bench or

dressing room601(d5) Player in Referee’s crease601(d6) Nonphysical interference with Official

Game Misconduct Penalty403(b) Second major penalty in same game404(d) Five penalties to same player in game601(a) Persisting in unsportsmanlike conduct601(f2, i1) Obscene gesture (player or Team

Official)601(f2, i1) Racial/ethnic slur601(f1) Persisting player conduct, after Miscon-

duct601(i2) Persisting Team Official conduct, after

Bench Minor601(i3) Physically interfering with Game Official613(d) First to intervene in altercation622(b) Player interference with spectator

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Misconduct or Game Misconduct Penalty601(e1) Touching or holding Game Official601(e2) Continuing altercation after warning601(e3) Banging boards or glass with stick (player)636(c) Stick thrown out of playing area

Game Misconduct or Match Penalty633(c) Swinging stick at opponent in altercation

Penalty Shot (only)205(c) Deliberate illegal substitution609(c) Goalkeeper deliberately displaces goal,

no break-away609(c) Deliberate removal of helmet/facemask,

break-away621(f) Thrown stick, break-away625(g) Illegal entry, break-away

Penalty Shot or Awarded Goal609(c) Deliberate goal displacement in scoring

opportunity612(c) Player falling on puck in crease615(d) Player picking up puck from crease636(a) Stick thrown at puck in Defending Zone639(c, d) Fouled from behind on break-away

Awarded Goal (only)609(c) Deliberate goal displacement preventing

a goal615(b) Goalkeeper stick left in front of goal,

preventing a goal

Summary of Penalties

140 USA Hockey

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Rules Governing the Gameof Ice Hockey


Summary of Face-Off Locations


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Summary of Face-Off Locations

Official Rules 143

Center Ice Spot635(a) Start of game and periods611(i) Goal scored205(b) Premature goalkeeper substitution

(normal)620(g) Icing error by officials627(g) Offside pass error by officials

Neutral Zone Spot409(b) Coincident icing and delayed penalty611(f) Stoppage by attacking player in

Attacking Zone611(f) Attacking player shoots puck onto netting611(f) Gathering of players621(d) Goal crease violation626(b) Puck carried off-side626(g) Off-side error by officials628(b) Attacking team makes puck unplayable

End Zone Face-Off Spot406(g) Unsuccessful penalty shot attempt611(h) Last play face-off between end spots and

end boards611(i) Goal illegally scored off official615(c) Goalkeeper throws puck forward617(a) Slap shot, 10-or-under and younger617(d) High-sticked puck620(a) Icing626(e) Intentional off-side628(b) Defending player shoots puck onto

netting629(c) Bringing puck back into Defending Zone

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Last Play Face-Off611(g) General rule205(b) Premature goalkeeper substitution

(exception)409(a) Penalty on team in possession409(b) Stoppage following delayed penalty signal611(g) Fouls by players on both sides

simultaneously615(e) Hand pass622(a, c) Interference by spectators625(k) Off-side player entering from players’

bench626(b) Puck passed off-side627(a) Center line off-side pass628(a) Puck strikes overhead obstruction/rink

defect629(a) Stalled puck between opposing players630(a) Puck out of sight of Referee

Summary of Face-Off Locations

144 USA Hockey

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Official Signals


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Official Rules 147

Official Signals


Striking the closedfist of the hand onceinto the open palmof the other hand.


The palm of thenonwhistle hand is brought across the body and placedon the oppositeshoulder.

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Official Signals

148 USA Hockey


Rotating clenchedfists around oneanother in front ofchest.


Moving the forearm,fist closed, underthe forearm of theother hand heldpalm down.

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Official Rules 149

Official Signals


A forward motionwith both fistsclenched, extendingfrom the chest.


Arm placed behind theback, elbow bent, forearmparallel to the ice surface.

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(Blue-Line Off-Sides,Adults only) The non-whistle hand isextended straightabove head. If playreturns to NeutralZone without stop-page, or as soon as theoffending team clearsthe zone, the arm isdrawn down.

Official Signals

150 USA Hockey


The nonwhistlehand is extendedstraight above thehead.

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Official Signals


The nonwhistlehand, palm open, isplaced across thechest and then fullyextended directly infront of the body.


Tapping the elbowwith the oppositehand.

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Official Signals

152 USA Hockey


A single point, withthe nonwhistlehand, directly at thegoal in which thepuck legallyentered, whilesimultaneouslyblowing the whistle.


One punchingmotion to the sidewith the armextending from theshoulder.

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Nonwhistle hand placedpalm inward on the backof the helmet.


The nonwhistlehand (open hand)and arm are placedstraight down along-side the body andswung forward andup once in an under-hand motion.

Official Rules 153

Official Signals

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Official Signals

154 USA Hockey


Clasping the wristof the whistle handwell in front of thechest.


Holding both fists,clenched, oneimmediately abovethe other, at theside of the head.

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Official Signals


A tugging motionwith both arms, as ifpulling somethingtoward the stomach.


Closed fist held infront of face, palmin, and pulled downin one straightmotion.

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Official Signals

156 USA Hockey


Crossed armsstationary in frontof chest with fistsclosed.


When the puck is shot ordeflected in such a manner asto produce a possible icing sit-uation, the back linesman willsignal to his partner by raisinghis nonwhistle hand over hishead (same as Slow Whistle).The instant that the condi-tions required to establish“icing the puck” haveoccurred, the front linesmanwill blow his whistle to stopplay and raise his nonwhistlehand (same as in Slow Whistle). The back linesman willgive the icing signal by folding his arms across the chest.

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Official Signals


Pat flat of hand onthe top of the head.


A single tap of theright knee with theright hand, keepingboth skates on theice.

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Official Signals

158 USA Hockey


Arms crossed (fistsclenched) abovehead.


Placing of bothhands on hips onetime.

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Official Signals


A single jabbingmotion with bothhands together,thrust forward fromin front of the chest,then dropping handsto the side.


One chop of thehand across thestraightened fore-arm of the otherhand.

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Official Signals

160 USA Hockey


Strike the side ofthe knee and followthrough once, keep-ing the head up andboth skates on theice.


Using both hands toform a “T.”

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Both arms swung laterally across the bodyat shoulder level withpalms down.

1. When used by the Referee, it means no goal or violation so play shall continue.

2. When used by Linesmen, it meansthere is no icing, off-side, hand pass or high sticking violation.

Official Signals

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Rules Governing the Gameof Ice Hockey

Official Rink Diagrams


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Official Rink Diagrams

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Official Rink Diagrams

166 USA Hockey



15' R



2" R



" TO

























15' R



2" B






































2"12' -











6' R

















2' D


1" RE


" R

















2" in







3' 3'1'1'





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Official Rules 169

Age ClassificationsThe following Youth and Girls/Women age classifi-cations have been established for all teams registeredwith USA Hockey.

Youth Teams: 8-or-under (Mite), 10-or-under(Squirt), 12-or-under (Pee Wee), 14-or-under (Bantam),16-or-under (Midget) and 17-or-under (Midget).

Girls/Women Teams: 10-or-under, 12-or-under,14-or-under, 16-or-under and 19-or-under.

(Note 1) Girls/Women playing on a Youth teammust conform to the Youth age classification.

(Note 2) High School age classification is governedunder the same playing rules as the Youth 17-or-under (Midget) age classification.

(Note 3) Adult classifications shall include Adultnoncheck, Adult U.S., Adult Elite and AdultWomen, and shall be governed by these rules, exceptwhere otherwise noted.

AltercationAny physical interaction between two or moreopposing players resulting in a penalty or penaltiesbeing assessed.

Body CheckingA legal body check is one in which a player checksan opponent who is in possession of the puck, byusing his hip or body from the front, diagonally fromthe front or straight from the side, and does not takemore than two fast steps in executing the check.

Legitimate body checking must be done only withthe trunk of the body (hips and shoulders) and must

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be above the opponent’s knees and below the neck. Ifbody checking is unnecessarily rough, it must bepenalized.

Body ContactContact that occurs between opponents during thenormal process of playing the puck, provided therehas been no overt hip, shoulder or arm contact tophysically force the opponent off of the puck.

Break-awayA condition whereby a player is in control of thepuck with no opposition between the player andthe opposing goal, with a reasonable scoringopportunity.

Butt-EndingThe condition whereby a player uses the shaft of thestick above the upper hand to jab or attempt to jab anopposing player.

CoachA Coach is a person primarily responsible fordirecting and guiding the play of his team. Alongwith the Manager, he is responsible for the conductof his team’s players before, during and after agame.

Coincident PenaltyA penalty of equal type (e.g., minor or major) assessedduring the same stoppage of play, and for which nei-ther team is reduced in on-ice numerical strength. Acoincident penalty never causes either team to be“shorthanded” for purposes of penalty termination ifa goal is scored.


170 USA Hockey

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CreasesGoalkeeper’s-Areas marked on the ice in front ofeach goal designed to protect the goalkeepers frominterference by attacking players.Referee’s-Area marked on the ice in front of thePenalty Timekeeper’s seat for the use of the Referee.

Cross-CheckingWhen a player, holding his stick with both hands,checks an opponent by using the shaft of the stickwith no part of the stick on the ice.

Delayed Off-SideA situation where an attacking player has precededthe puck across the attacking blue line, but thedefending team has gained possession of the puckand is in a position to bring the puck out of theirDefending Zone without any delay or contact withan attacking player.

Deflecting the PuckThe action of the puck contacting any person orobject, causing it to change direction.

Directing the PuckThe act of intentionally moving or positioning thebody, skate or stick so as to change the course of thepuck in a desired direction.

Face-OffThe action of an official dropping the puck betweenthe sticks of two opposing players to start play. Aface-off begins when the Referee indicates its loca-tion and the officials take their appropriate positions,and ends when the puck has been legally dropped.


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172 USA Hockey

FisticuffsThe actual throwing of a punch (closed fist) by aplayer that makes contact with an opponent.

Game Suspension(s)When a player, Coach or Manager receives a gamesuspension(s), he shall not be eligible to participate inthe next game(s) that was already on the schedule ofhis team at the time of the incident.

GoalkeeperA goalkeeper is a person designated as such by a teamwho is permitted special equipment and privileges toprevent the puck from entering the goal.

Head-ButtingThe physical use of one’s head in the course of deliv-ering a body-check (head first) in the chest, head,neck or back area or the physical use of the head tostrike an opponent.

Head ContactThe action of a player intentionally or recklesslycontacting a player in the head, including with thestick or by an illegal body check (as defined in thisGlossary).

HECCThe Hockey Equipment Certification Council is anindependent organization responsible for the develop-ment, evaluation and testing of performance stan-dards for protective ice hockey equipment. To date,there are standards for face masks, helmets and skateblades.

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Heel of the StickThe point where the shaft of the stick and the bot-tom of the blade meet.

HookingThe action of applying the blade of the stick to anypart of an opponent’s body or stick and impeding hisprogress by a pulling or tugging motion with thestick.

Injury Potential PenaltiesInjury Potential Penalties include Butt-Ending,Checking from Behind, Head-Butting, Spearing, BoardChecking, Charging, Cross Checking, Elbowing/Kneeing, High Sticking, Holding the Face Mask,Slashing and Roughing. The Linesman may reportsuch infractions to the Referee, following the nextstoppage of play, that have occurred behind the playand were unobserved by the Referee.

Last Play Face-offThe location at which the puck was last legallyplayed by a player or goalkeeper immediately prior toa stoppage of play.

Off-Ice (Minor) OfficialOfficials appointed to assist in the conduct of thegame including the Official Scorer, Game Time-keeper, Penalty Timekeeper and the two GoalJudges. The Referee has general supervision of thegame and full control of all game officials, and incase of any dispute the Referee’s decision shall befinal.


Official Rules 173

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PenaltyA penalty is the result of an infraction of the rulesby a player or team official. It usually involves theremoval from the game of the offending player orteam official for a specified period of time. Insome cases the penalty may be the awarding of apenalty shot on goal or the actual awarding of agoal.

PlayerMember of a team physically participating in a game.The goalkeeper is considered a player except wherespecial rules specify otherwise.

Possession of the PuckThe last player or goalkeeper to make contact withthe puck. This includes a puck that is deflected off aplayer or any part of his equipment.

Possession and Control of the PuckThe last player or goalkeeper to make contact withthe puck and who also propels the puck in a desireddirection.

Proper Authorities (Proper Disciplinary Authority)The governing body of the team or teams involved, asdetermined by the Affiliate, except:

(1) In USA Hockey Tournaments and Play-Offs, thebody shall be the Discipline Committee of the Tour-nament or Play-Off.

(2) In matters relating to assault of official, the bodyshall be the Affiliate Association of that team.


174 USA Hockey

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Protective EquipmentEquipment worn by players for the sole purpose ofprotection from injury. Recommended equipmentshould be commercially manufactured.

ShorthandedShorthanded means that a team is below the numeri-cal strength of its opponents on the ice. When a goalis scored against a shorthanded team, the minor orbench minor penalty that terminates automaticallyis the first such noncoincident penalty (the minor orbench minor penalty then being served with the leastamout of time remaining). Thus, if an equal numberof players from each team is serving a penalty(s)(minor, bench minor, major or match only), neitherteam is “shorthanded.”

SlashingThe action of striking or attempting to strike anopponent with a stick or of swinging a stick at anopponent with no contact being made. Tappingan opponent’s stick is not considered slashing.

SpearingThe action of poking or attempting to poke an oppo-nent with the tip of the blade of the stick while hold-ing the stick with one or both hands.

Substitute GoalkeeperA designated goalkeeper on the Official Score Sheetwho is not then participating in the game.


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176 USA Hockey

Team OfficialA Team Official is any person on the players’ benchwho is not on the game score sheet as an eligibleplayer or goalkeeper. All such persons must be regis-tered in the current season as a Coach with USAHockey, and must have attained the appropriate cer-tification level as required by the District and/orAffiliate. One such person must be designated as theHead Coach. A player or goalkeeper on the rosterwho is unable to play, other than through suspen-sion, may be on the players’ bench without beingconsidered a Team Official if he is wearing the teamjersey and all required head and face protectiveequipment.

Temporary GoalkeeperA player not designated as a goalkeeper on the offi-cial Score Sheet who assumes that position when nodesignated goalkeeper is able to participate in thegame. He is governed by goalkeeper privileges andlimitations and must return as a “player” when adesignated goalkeeper becomes available to partici-pate in the game.

Time-Out (Curfew definition)A curfew game is one in which the game must endby a certain time of day. Conversely, a noncurfewgame is one that will be played to clock timeconclusion, regardless of how long the game lasts.

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Rule References


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Abuse of Officials . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 601Adjustment to Clothing

and Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 602Appointment of Officials . . . . . Section 5. . . Rule 501Attempt to Injure . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 603Awarded Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 609

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rule 612

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rule 615

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rule 636

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rule 639Bench Minor Penalties . . . . . . . Section 4. . . Rule 402Board-Checking. . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 604Broken Stick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 605Butt-Ending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 608Calling of Penalties. . . . . . . . . . Section 4. . . Rule 409Captain of Team . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 2. . . Rule 202Center Ice Spot and Circle . . . . Section 1. . . Rule 106Change of Players . . . . . . . . . . . Section 2. . . Rule 205Charging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 606Checking from Behind . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 607Clipping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 639Composition of Team. . . . . . . . Section 2. . . Rule 201Cross-Checking. . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 608Dangerous Equipment . . . . . . . Section 3. . . Rule 305Delayed Penalties . . . . . . . . . . . Section 4. . . Rule 408Deliberate Injury to Opponents Section 6. . . Rule 603Delaying the Game. . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 609

Rule References

Official Rules 179

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Dimensions of Rink . . . . . . . . . Section 1. . . Rule 102Division of Ice Surface . . . . . . . Section 1. . . Rule 105Elbowing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 610Electronic Devices . . . . . . . . . . Section 3. . . Rule 308End Zone Face-Off Spots

and Circles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 1. . . Rule 108Equipment Measurement. . . . . Section 3. . . Rule 307Face Masks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 3. . . Rules 303–304Face-Offs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 611Face-Off Spots in Neutral Zone Section 1. . . Rule 107Falling on Puck . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 612Fisticuffs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 613Game Timekeeper . . . . . . . . . . Section 5. . . Rule 507Goals and Assists . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 614Goal Crease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 1. . . Rule 104Goal Judge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 5. . . Rule 504Goalkeeper’s Equipment . . . . . Section 3. . . Rule 303Goalkeeper’s Penalties . . . . . . . Section 4. . . Rule 407Goal Posts and Nets . . . . . . . . . Section 1. . . Rule 103Handling Puck with Hands . . . Section 6. . . Rule 615Head-Butting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 603Head Checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 616High Sticks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 617Holding an Opponent . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 618Hooking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 619Ice Cleaning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rules 635/637Icing the Puck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 620Illegal Puck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 630Injured Players. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 2. . . Rule 206Interference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 621Interference by Spectators . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 622Kicking Player . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 623

Rule References

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Kicking Puck. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 624Kneeing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 610Leaving Players’ Bench

or Penalty Bench . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 625Leg Checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 639Linesman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 5. . . Rule 503Major Penalties . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 4. . . Rule 403Match Penalties . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 4. . . Rule 405Minor Penalties. . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 4. . . Rule 402Misconduct Penalties . . . . . . . . Section 4. . . Rule 404Obscene Language or Gestures Section 6. . . Rule 601Official Scorer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 5. . . Rule 506Off-Sides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 626Passes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 627Penalties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 4. . . Rule 401Penalties-Automatic Expiry . . . Section 4. . . Rule 402Penalty Bench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 1. . . Rule 110Penalty Shot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 4. . . Rule 406Penalty Timekeeper . . . . . . . . . Section 5. . . Rule 505Players’ Bench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 1. . . Rule 109Players in Uniform . . . . . . . . . . Section 2. . . Rule 203Playing Line-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 2. . . Rule 204Preceding Puck into

Attacking Zone . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 626Profane Language . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 601Proper Authorities . . . . . . . . . . Section 5. . . Rule 508Protective Equipment. . . . . . . . Section 3. . . Rule 304Puck. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 3. . . Rule 306Puck Out of Bounds

or Unplayable . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 628Puck Must Be Kept in Motion . Section 6. . . Rule 629Puck Out of Sight . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 630

Rule References

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Puck Striking Official . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 631Referee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 5. . . Rule 502Refusing to Start Play . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 632Rink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 1. . . Rule 101Signal and Timing Device . . . . Section 1. . . Rule 111Skates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 3. . . Rule 302Slashing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 633Spearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 634Start of Game and Periods . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 635Starting Lineup . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 2. . . Rule 204Sticks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 3. . . Rule 301Supplementary Discipline . . . . Section 4. . . Rule 410Throwing Stick . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 636Tied Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 638Time of Match . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 637Time-Outs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 637Tripping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 639Unnecessary Roughness . . . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 640Unsportsmanlike Conduct . . . . Section 6. . . Rule 601

Rule References

182 USA Hockey

Page 204: The Ultimate Auth ority - Cornell University Hockey Rulebook.pdf · The Official Rules of Ice Hockeyis the essential resource for players, coaches, referees, parents and fans. Included


Page 205: The Ultimate Auth ority - Cornell University Hockey Rulebook.pdf · The Official Rules of Ice Hockeyis the essential resource for players, coaches, referees, parents and fans. Included


Page 206: The Ultimate Auth ority - Cornell University Hockey Rulebook.pdf · The Official Rules of Ice Hockeyis the essential resource for players, coaches, referees, parents and fans. Included


Page 207: The Ultimate Auth ority - Cornell University Hockey Rulebook.pdf · The Official Rules of Ice Hockeyis the essential resource for players, coaches, referees, parents and fans. Included


Page 208: The Ultimate Auth ority - Cornell University Hockey Rulebook.pdf · The Official Rules of Ice Hockeyis the essential resource for players, coaches, referees, parents and fans. Included


Page 209: The Ultimate Auth ority - Cornell University Hockey Rulebook.pdf · The Official Rules of Ice Hockeyis the essential resource for players, coaches, referees, parents and fans. Included


Page 210: The Ultimate Auth ority - Cornell University Hockey Rulebook.pdf · The Official Rules of Ice Hockeyis the essential resource for players, coaches, referees, parents and fans. Included

The Official Rules of Ice Hockey is the

essential resource for players, coaches,

referees, parents and fans.

Included are USA Hockey’s official

playing rules and interpretations, referee

signals and detailed rink diagrams. This

book is the singular source for the rules

of the game.

The UltimateAuthority

2003–05 Official Rules of Ice H


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