The Turing Church of Transcendent Engineering

The Turing Church of Transcendent Engineering GiulioPrisco [email protected]


My talk at the MTA 2012 Conference of the Mormon Transhumanist Association, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 6 2012.

Transcript of The Turing Church of Transcendent Engineering

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The Turing Church of Transcendent Engineering

[email protected]

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Fred Chamberlain III1935 – 2012 (cryostasis)


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The Turing-Church conjecture and Mind Uploading

Following the Turing-Church conjecture, a human mind can be transferred from a biological brain to another computational substrate (Mind Uploading).

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Mind Uploading: we have a cure to death right here

The brain imaging resolution needed for mind uploading can be achieved NOW with existing (destructive) technologies --- Ken Hayworth, Brain Preservation Foundation.

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Cryonics, biofiles, mindfiles…

Fred Chamberlain’s full set of strategies for immortality. See Terasem, CyBeRev, Lifenaut, Alcor


+ Biofile, cryonically preserved body and brain, other information, “signature

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AI systems will fill the gaps in mindfilesI grew up here, VR scenes on Google Street View

Future AI system will be able to fill the gaps in our mindfiles by using open data available in the cloud: pictures, videos, virtual reality scenes, sounds…

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AI systems will fill the gaps in mindfilesThere is plenty of data on the language spoken around here

…newspapers, books, films, email archives (see my article “Mind Uploading via Gmail”), social network posts and timelines, languages, news archives… and also other persons’ mindfiles.

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Transhumanism as a religion

Robert Geraci, Apocalyptic AI – Visions of Heaven in Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Virtual Reality. A new religion inspired by Minsky, Moravec, Kurzweil, based on transhumanism.

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Richard Dawkins’ religion

• It’s highly plausible that in the universe there are God-like creatures.

• There are very probably alien civilizations that are superhuman, to the point of being god-like in ways that exceed anything a theologian could possibly imagine.

• Their technical achievements would seem as supernatural to us as ours would seem to a Dark Age peasant transported to the twenty-first century.

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Richard Dawkins’ religion• In what sense, then, would the most advanced SETI aliens not be


• Science-fiction authors . . . have even suggested (and I cannot think how to disprove it) that we live in a computer simulation, set up by some vastly superior civilization. But the simulators themselves would have to come from somewhere. The laws of probability forbid all notions of their spontaneously appearing without simpler antecedents. They probably owe their existence to a (perhaps unfamiliar) version of Darwinian evolution...”

• Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion

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Two principles• Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. - Sir

Arthur C. Clarke’s Third Law• There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in

your philosophy. - William Shakespeare, Hamlet

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The right attitude

• "So will the Universe end in a big crunch, or in an infinite expansion of dead stars, or in some other manner? In my view, the primary issue is not the mass of the Universe, or the possible existence of antigravity, or of Einstein's so-called cosmological constant. Rather, the fate of the Universe is a decision yet to be made, one which we will intelligently consider when the time is right.”

• Ray Kurzweil, The Age of Spiritual Machines

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Anna Ferrari1929 – 2001

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Living forever is not enough

• We want to see our loved ones again.

• A religion needs to offer resurrection besides immortality.

• We want to offer hope in resurrection based on science and technology.

• Universal immortalism: to restore to life all persons who have ever lived, whether they had been preserved or not.

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• If I have no expectation of seeing my father, mother, brothers, sisters and friends again, my heart would burst in a moment, and I should go down to my grave. The expectation of seeing my friends in the morning of the resurrection cheers my soul and makes me bear up against the evils of life. It is like their taking a long journey, and on their return we meet them with increased joy.

• Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith 295-296

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Transcendent Engineering

• We will develop spacetime engineering and scientific "future magic" much beyond our current understanding and imagination.

• Spacetime engineering and future magic will permit achieving, by scientific means, most of the promises of religions -- and many amazing things that no human religion ever dreamed. Eventually we will be able to resurrect the dead by "copying them to the future".

• Ben Goertzel and GiulioPrisco, Ten Cosmist Convictions, in Ben Goertzel’sA Cosmist Manifesto

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• Here, then, is eternal life -- to know the only wise and true God; and you have got to learn how to be Gods yourselves, and to be kings and priests to God, the same as all Gods have done before you, namely, by going from one small degree to another, and from a small capacity to a great one; from grace to grace, from exaltation to exaltation, until you attain to the resurrection of the dead, and are able to dwell in everlasting burnings, and to sit in glory, as do those who sit enthroned in everlasting power.

• Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith 346-347

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Russian CosmismA Christian transhumanist philosophy, 19th and early 20th century

Unity between Man and the cosmos, Humanity’s destiny to leave the Earth and colonize the universe, technological resurrection.

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Turing Church - cornerstones of a transhumanist religion

• Mind uploading - someday it will be possible to transfer entire personalities from their original biological brain to more durable and powerful engineered substrates.

• Time-scanning (aka “Quantum Archaeology”) - someday it will be possible to acquire very detailed information from the past. Once time-scanning is available, we will be able to resurrect people from the past by “copying them to the future” via mind uploading.

• Synthetic realities - someday it will be possible to build artificial realities inhabited by sentient life. Perhaps future humans will live in synthetic realities. Perhaps we will wake up in a synthetic reality after having been copied to the future. Or… perhaps we are already there.

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Moravec’s resurrection• “Is robotics researcher Hans Moravec serious about the possibility of

reconstructing a human being from "clues" left behind on an atomic level? The answer is "yes.”… Assuming the artificial intelligences now have truly overwhelming processing power, they should be able to reconstruct human society in every detail by tracing atomic events backward in time. "It will cost them very little to preserve us this way," he points out.” - Hans Moravec, interviewed by Charles Platt, 1995

• “Perhaps we are most likely to find ourselves reconstituted in the minds of superintelligent successors.” - Hans Moravec, Robot: Mere Machine to Transcendent Mind

• Note: A processor able to run simulated persons is not a computer, but a person. Not a mere machine, but a Transcendent Mind. A supreme and wise Spirit, in whom we live, move, and have our being (George Berkeley).

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A simple universe

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A simple universe

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A simple universe

The oscillator will die,destroyed by the glider

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A simple universe

Let’s go back in time!

The laws of physics of this universe are not reversible.

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A simple universe

But this is my universe and I have kept all snapshots as backup.

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A simple universe

Flip a bit…

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A simple universe

And the oscillatorIs safe!

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‘Supernatural’ and ‘miracles’ in simulations

• We believe reality is fully understandable and explainable by science.

• If our reality is a simulation, everything in our universe can be understood in terms of the physical laws of the higher level reality in which it is simulated.

• But not necessarily in terms of our reality: The reality engineer up there, the Transcendent Mind, may choose to violate the rules of the game.

• The reality engineers cannot violate the laws of their physics, but they can violate the laws of our physics.

• According to our best scientific understanding, it seems that the dead stay dead. But if we live in a simulation, the Mind can copy/ paste us.

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Quantum Archaeology

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Quantum Archaeology• Quantum Archaeology is a set of hypothetical far future

technologies that, presumably through the application of yet undiscovered quantum effects, will permit reconstructing past events up to any desired resolution in space and time.

• In particular, Quantum Archaeology will permit reconstructing the life, thoughts, memories and feelings of any person in the past, up to any desired level of detail, and thus resurrecting the original person via "copying to the future.”

• Is Quantum Archaeology feasible in-principle?

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Resurrection technology: re-uniting dissociated atoms to reconstitute the bodies of the fathers such as they had been before their end.

Nikolai Fedorov, Russian CosmistCommon Task: To resurrect for eternal life every being, mown down by death in


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Is the universe deterministic and reversible?

Non-quantum fundamental physics is deterministic and reversible(don’t forget thermodynamics and chaos though).

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Frank Tipler’s Omega Point

Resurrection at the end of time for all the persons who ever lived.

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Frank Tipler’s Omega Point

• Intelligent beings of a far future epoch may develop the capability to steer the dynamics of the universe in such a way as to make unlimited subjective time, energy, and computational power available to them before reaching a final singularity (Omega Point).

• They may restore to consciousness all sentient beings of the past, perhaps through a “brute force” computational emulation of the past history of the universe.

• Our successors may be able to engineer conditions suitable for the emergence of an Omega Point.

• After death we may wake up in a simulated environment with many of the features assigned to the afterlife world by the major religions.

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Extra-dimensional connections

Perhaps each space-time pixel is connected to every other space-time pixel via extra-dimensional connections (e.g. micro wormholes).

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Quantum weirdnessNobody understands quantum mechanics - Richard Feynman

Richard Feynman’s lecture on quantum physics, now on YouTube.

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Quantum weirdness

What the Bleep Do We Know!?

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A quantum superposition…

Fundamental quantum reality is more complex than our intuitive models. “No-Things” exist in a superposition of possible states.

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… collapsed by an observer

When “we look” quantum “no-things” collapse into classical “things” – Or do they? Who is “we”, and what is “look”?

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Schrödinger's cat

Quantum indetermination amplified to macroscopic reality. The cat is in a superposition of states.

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Copenhagen InterpretationInformation is irreversibly lost by the collapse

Quantum physics (in the Copenhagen interpretation)is non-deterministic and non-reversible!

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Everett’s Many Worlds InterpretationInformation is conserved in the “multiverse”

The multiverse is a fully deterministic and reversible computer. Quantum states never collapse. Cat are always in a superposition of

states… and observers too.

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Reversible computingis optimally energy-efficient

Irreversible NAND computationHidden output registers

Any irreversible computation may be transformed into a reversible one by embedding it into a larger computation where no information is lost.

The irreversible NAND can be embedded in a reversible computation

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High level principles

• The universe is the fastest computer that computes itself – we have free will even if the universe is deterministic. This can also be related to the problem of evil.

• Reality is optimally energy-efficient – the universe must be embedded in a reversible computer: the MWI’s multiverse.

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Perhaps the cat is not really a catbut the shadow of a “multicat”

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Perhaps we are really “multipersons”moving in the multiverse, projecting shadows in our reality

GiulioPrisco and Richard L. Miller, Shadows and the concept of self.

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Quantum entanglement

If two particles have interacted in the past, they remain “entangled” even if there are brought to very distant locations.

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Quantum entanglement in space and time

Entanglement implies an “instant” correlation between measurements, even if they are out of each other’s light cone (this has been experimentally verified since 1982).

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Magic coins

The magic coins always give correlated results! They cannot be used to send signals, because the results are always random. But the correlations are there, and can be verified experimentally.

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Identical random streams in different space-time pixels

Perhaps we can use entanglement to reproduce events remote in space-time… which is exactly what we need for quantum archaeology.

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We are flatlanders

We perceive only a small subset of reality. Modern physics tells us that there are “more things in heaven and earth,” which we cannot perceive yet.

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Out of Flatland

Whose hand is this?

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Giulio, do you believe?

• Well…• I guess I do. However…• I cannot answer with just one word…• Not in a conventional sense, but…• I am a scientist and I subscribe to a materialist

worldview. At the same time…

This is too complex and not very honest

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Giulio, do you believe?

Yes, I do.