The top coffee blogs of 2015

The Top Coffee Blogs of 2015 @HonestCoffees

Transcript of The top coffee blogs of 2015

The Top Coffee Blogs of 2015

We'd prefer you read only our coffee blog. 24 hours a day. Over and over again (lots of

coffee helps). But we're realists; we wander off-site ourselves sometimes, and there's lots of great stuff out there. Below you'll find some of our favourite coffee-related blogs. They are

full of interesting, informative and timely content about our beloved bean. They are also

confirmation that there are other folks in the world who are, in fact, more obsessed with

coffee than we are.

From Coffee with Love

From Coffee with Love tracks Lameen's coffee journey, where he riffs on all things coffee (from a love perspective, of course). He's a strong advocate of coffee's health benefits and speaks a lot about the various coffees he's drinking and the cafes he's visiting around the world. You'll also find the odd bit of coffee art.

Their favourite post Our favourite post

N/A Best Coffee Moments of 2014


Coffee is everywhere, but great coffee is a rare combination of farmer, roaster, and barista each building on each other’s work in a transnational process fraught with potential for failure. When you taste great coffee, it’s the result of a chain of people doing their jobs with great skill and attention to detail. That’s unfortunately rare. Aaron's goal with his blog is to find the people making great coffee all around the world, and tell you how to get there, while sharing the experience.

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N/A Where does coffee come from? A Colombian case study

Pure Coffee Blog

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Like Any Loving Creator, Bill Has nNo Favourite Posts Hebrews Coffee Review

The Pure Coffee Blog exists to help people find tremendous coffee and tea, both in their backyard and in their travels. Sure there are tons of sites that boast to help you find good coffee, but most of these sites are driven by an ever-unpredictable "user rating" and some simply go off the recommendations of others. Bill personally visits every venue on his blog, and he's sampled each coffee/tea/product featured.

The Specialty Coffee Chronicle

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N/A SCAA Barista and Roaster Compensation Report Shows Correlation Between Certification & Higher Salaries

The Specialty Coffee Association of America's flagship publication, the SCAA Chronicle is a bit of a mixed bag in terms of content, but it's all good. The Chronicle covers topics far and wide from sustainability the the coffee business to coffee science and culture. They post job vacancies as well; a dream come true if you're a coffee-swilling journo in Orange County!

Coffee & Conservation

Why does July blog about coffee sustainability and conservation issues?

I was familiar with the shade coffee concept, so I started looking around for guidance on how to buy coffee that didn’t damage the environment or negatively impact biodiversity. I couldn’t seem to find a one-stop assemblage of information on the web, so I thought I’d do it myself. Well, I found out why it’s not all in one place! Sustainable coffee issues are very complex.

Their favourite post Our favourite post

When Birders Drink Folgers Top 5 Indicators of Sustainable Coffee

Daily Demitasse

Jennifer created Daily Demitasse to share her experience and educate coffee enthusiasts, like you, to learn more about your favorite beverage, brew better coffee and learn about the industry, in a simple engaging way. Over time, the blog has evolved from a personal journal into a place where coffee enthusiasts can learn about pour-over brewing, Barista basics, recipes, History, Coffee Culture, and other tools to improve your favorite beverage, in a simple, engaging way.

According to Jennifer:

I started the blog to share my Barista career experience of how great coffee can be. Now, it's a resource site for coffee enthusiasts who was a non pretentious approach to specialty coffee.

Their favourite post Our favourite post

Chemex Iced Coffee Recipe Could you Be a Barista?

Coffee Scholars

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Word Clouds for Different Varietals How Close Are the Margins in Quality Between the Very Best Coffees?

The coffee chain is extraordinarily long, from the cherry to the café, and Daniel specializes in understanding all sides of the business, and helping people broaden their understanding of coffee. From the café owner who is looking to learn roasting, to the barista who wants to become a manager, to the roaster who needs to understand coffee farms better, it’s his constant goal and my joy to help people better understand coffee.

Daniel Says:

I write Coffee Scholars because I like making the connections up and down the chain. My hope is that what I do is helpful for producers *and* roasters/baristas. Plus it's just a lot of fun.

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The Coffee Heretic

Mark Overy is a proud coffee heretic. According to him, "specialty Coffee has evolved its own orthodoxy that increasingly disparages critique. I have been around just long

enough to remember that what we now call Specialty Coffee initially struggled to differentiate itself from cheap, commercial coffee. Many helped create this niche, forging new

paths to quality. Some of these voices have since been marginalized. I am a product of those voices." Mark says:

The reason I began writing the blog in the manner that I do stemmed from my ongoing frustration with developments within the Specialty Coffee community, particularly online.

Most of my posts are really directed to Specialty Coffee insiders, they know who they are, but the information is important to the general public as well since many of us now get

our information online and I could find few sources that were not parroting the same line.

Seasonal Coffee Green Coffee Buying

Nordic Coffee Culture

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N/A Takk: An Outside Perspective on Nordic Cafe Culture

In the Nordic countries, they love their filter coffee and prefer to drink it black. The coffee maker is the first thing they turn on in the morning and the last thing to be turned off when visitors have left. This blog celebrates and promote the Nordic coffee culture and shows the entire world how proud they are of it. In addition to sharing their vocal preference for black filter coffee, the Nordic Coffee Culture blog is a great insight to one of the richest coffee communities in the world.

Coffee Contrarian

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Kevin is a semi-retired veteran of the specialty coffee and tea industry and writes a super honest--and at times scathing--account of what's going on in the coffee industry. A real industry insider, he's not afraid to take on behemoths like Starbucks, Nespresso or Keurig.

Home Brew

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N/A Coffee Break - The Peoples Pennant

Home Brew is a wide-ranging blog about all things coffee - brewing techniques, roasting, bean reviews and much more. They focus mostly on coffee reviews, and -- something we like a lot -- Hank lets you know precisely how he's prepared each coffee so you can reproduce it yourself.

I Need Coffee

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Coffee Brewing Guide Top 7 Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee

The goal of INeedCoffee is to not only celebrate excellent coffee, but to empower the coffee fan to make better coffee at home.

I Love Coffee

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Honeybees Love Coffee Too Men v. Women on Coffee

I Love Coffee is full of infographics, facts, quizzes, and other fun visual stuff about coffee and sometimes sushi written by Ryoko: a caffeinated Japanese lady living in Seattle.

According to Ryoko:

I Love Coffee is a place for me to share my new findings about the most awesome beverage on earth!

Their favourite post Our favourite post

Medellin's Growing Specialty Coffee Scene Five Questions to Ask Yourself Before Opening a Cafe

Barista Magazine Blog

The super active and always informative blog of one of the best coffee magazines around. The posts in the Barista Magazine Blog are wide-ranging and include loads of info about the coffee scene you might not otherwise have insight into.

According to Sarah, from Barista Magazine:

Barista Magazine started publishing a blog way back in 2007 in order to give up-to-the-minute coverage of that year's World Barista Championship in Tokyo. Since then, we've dedicated our blog to covering news happening between our print issues, editorials that may fit better online than in print, and coverage of as many coffee and barista events around the world -- from big competitions to small throwdowns and cuppings -- as we can. Our blog exists solely to inform and serve coffee people in all their interests, capacities, and aspirations.

Coffee Review

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N/A Growing and Harvesting Coffee

AS its name suggests, Coffee Review specialises in...reviewing coffees. They taste a diverse range from super niche roasts to the latest dishwater from the high street chains. What you wouldn't expect, though, and what we really like, is their resource section. It's a super comprehensive guide to everything you might want / need to know about coffee.

Want to learn more? Get in touch!