The Top 100 Horror Movies

The Top 100 Horror Movies As with the other sub-genres I selected, I extracted ten of the top 100 Horror movies so I can easily notice what the trends and patterns there are between these films. This list is also based on the adjusted score to avoid any injustice and ensure all films are treated fairly. Therefore, the first thing to note is that most of these films are all before the sexual revolution so (similarly to mystery&suspense list) they are more likely to present women as subordinate and vulnerable as well as distinguishing between the women that are accepted into society and the ones that are rejected whereby these women tend to die first because society doesn’t accept their ways. Whereas, this is juxtaposed with the representations shown of the films of ‘The Babadook’ and ‘It Follows’ where women are shown as strong and independent women. Another point to note is that some of these films are correlated with the list given by the top 100 ‘Mystery and Suspense films’. So if I do chose to pick this sub-genre, I could select films such as ‘Psycho’ to have mystery, horror as well as thriller elements in my opening sequence. Rank Rating Film Title Reviews 1 100% Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari. (The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari( (1920 ) 48 2 97% Nosferatu, a Symphony of Horror (Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens) (Nosferatu the Vampire) (1922) 62 3 100% Repulsion(1965) 60 4 98% King Kong(1933) 54 5 96% Psycho(1960) 84 6 100% The Bride of Frankenstein(19 35) 41 7 100% Frankenstein(19 31) 45 8 99% Rosemary’s 69

Transcript of The Top 100 Horror Movies

Page 1: The Top 100 Horror Movies

The Top 100 Horror Movies

As with the other sub-genres I selected, I extracted ten of the top 100 Horror movies so I can easily notice what the trends and patterns there are between these films. This list is also based on the adjusted score to avoid any injustice and ensure all films are treated fairly. Therefore, the first thing to note is that most of these films are all before the sexual revolution so (similarly to mystery&suspense list) they are more likely to present women as subordinate and vulnerable as well as distinguishing between the women that are accepted into society and the ones that are rejected whereby these women tend to die first because society doesn’t accept their ways. Whereas, this is juxtaposed with the representations shown of the films of ‘The Babadook’ and ‘It Follows’ where women are shown as strong and independent women. Another point to note is that some of these films are correlated with the list given by the top 100 ‘Mystery and Suspense films’. So if I do chose to pick this sub-genre, I could select films such as ‘Psycho’ to have mystery, horror as well as thriller elements in my opening sequence.

Rank Rating Film Title Reviews1 100% Das Cabinet des Dr.

Caligari. (The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari( (1920)


2 97% Nosferatu, a Symphony of Horror (Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens) (Nosferatu the Vampire) (1922)


3 100% Repulsion(1965) 604 98% King Kong(1933) 545 96% Psycho(1960) 846 100% The Bride of


7 100% Frankenstein(1931) 458 99% Rosemary’s


9 98% The Babadook(2014) 20610 97% It Follows(2015) 216